ANTH 1050 Final (Exams 1 through 4)

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There are differences in finger length proportions between males and females.

According to information presented in class, Jean Michel Chazine examined painted handprints at Upper Paleolithic sites and determined that this art was equally likely to be made by males as females. How did he determine this?

ethnographic analogy

An archaeologist is unable to determine the purpose of an artifact from a past society. Therefore, the archaeologist visits the living descendants of the society to see if they know what it is and possibly still use it. What is this method called?


"The belief that one's own way of life is superior to others" describes what concept?

All of the above are ways that cultures may change (Someone invents a new way of doing something; contact with another culture; a volcano erupts and buries the capital city)

Culture is dynamic and always changing. Which of the following is a way that a culture might change?

Wild Plants and Wild animals

Food collectors or foragers obtain food from:

The dog and the turkey.

For the pre-contact Western Hemisphere (New World) what were two of the most important domesticated animals?

the operational theory

How a research project describes the procedure that will be followed to measure a variable is:

nose shape

Platyrrhines and catarrhines are ways of classifying primates using which of the following?

applied anthropology

Practicing anthropology is another name for:

Neolithic; 10,000

The shift from food collection to food production is called the _________ revolution and it began approximately __________ years ago.

A or D

Which number on the kinship diagram is Ego's cross cousin?


Which number on the kinship diagram is Ego's parallel cousin?

intensive agricultural

Which type of society generally is the most stratified?

All of the above may be archaeological evidence supporting the emergence of stratification (The presence of grave goods of varying amounts and qualities, variation in the size of dwellings, written documents indicating that people have different rights and privileges based on their social status)

Which types of archaeological evidence would support the idea that stratification has emerged in a society?

Land itself has no intrinsic value to collectors; it is the resources on the land that are valued

Why do members of food collecting societies not own land individually?

Because it replenishes the supply of variability in a species.

Why is mutation important in evolution?

All of the above

Why is sedentarism linked to accelerated population growth?

All of the above (Resistance to the change by the target population, cultural barriers to change, target population may be unaware of the need for a change, social barriers to change if the change agent is perceived as too different from the target population)

Working on a "planned change" project is an area of employment for applied anthropologists. What are some of the problems an anthropologist could assist with on planned change projects?

Social class

A ________ is a category of persons who all have about the same opportunity to obtain economic resources, power and prestige.


A ________is a ranked group in which membership is determined at birth and marriage is restricted to members of one's own group.

all of the items listed (the rock is chert, commonly used for stone tool manufacture, the presence of bilateral flaking, evidence of retouching)

A friend discovers that you are taking an anthropology class and excitedly shows you a rock she found that she believes is a stone tool. After a careful inspection, you agree with her. When she asks how you know you show her:


A morph is the smallest unit of sound that makes a difference in meaning in a language.

many, supreme

A polytheistic religion recognizes ______gods, none of which is ________.


A society is practicing which form of stratification when the members of the society have equal access to economic resources but not to prestige?


A theoretical orientation is a general attitude about how _______ is/are to be explained.

It is associated with Robert Braidwood. The theory says that food production developed when people had accumulated enough information about their environment.

According to information from lecture and your textbook what is the "Culture Readiness Theory"?

Physical/biological Anthropology

According to information presented in class and your textbook, a forensic anthropologist is MOST likely to have training in:


According to information presented in class and your textbook, an anthropologist working in Cultural Resource Management (CRM) is MOST likely to have training in:


According to information presented in class, the bones of animals that have been butchered are:


According to information presented in class, the first known writing system was developed by the _________.

Religion or religious reasons theory

According to information presented in lecture, which theory of the origin of the state is MOST relevant to the location of the ancient city and state of Teotihuacan?


According to lecture and the film Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and in Wealth, racism has no effect health status.

Irrigation or hydraulic theory

According to lecture, which theory on the origin of the state is associated with Wittfogel?

Africa, 200,000 years ago

According to mDNA evidence, all living humans are decended from a single female (or group of related females). Where and when did this common ancestor live?

Societies that don't want to increase their population size.

According to material presented in class, homosexual behavior is likely to be more tolerated in:

destruction of Folic Acid (B6)

According to material presented in lecture, the amount of melanin in human skin varies to protect the body from UVR. Which of the following effects of exposure to UVR has potentially the greatest impact on human evolution?


According to the Star Wars films, "The Force" is a metaphysical, spiritual, binding and ubiquitous power that moves through living things and holds the universe together. How would this belief system be characterized by anthropologists from Earth?

economy of effort theory

According to the _______theory, men may produce musical instruments from wood because men are the ones who collect the wood in the first place and probably understand its properties better.


According to the film Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and in Wealth, the wealth-health gradient refers specifically to the detrimental effect that poverty has on life expectancy.

Answers a and b are correct (She brachiates and hangs on the tree branches, She knucklewalks on the ground)

According to the film, Walking with Cavemen, which statement best describes the pattern of locomotion of Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis female?

Paranthropus boisei

According to the model presented in class, which of the following is NOT considered to be directly ancestral to modern humans?


According to the theory of natural selection, traits that enhance survival _________ over time.


According to your textbook, if a language has a basic color term for yellow it is most likely to have a color term for:

all of the above affect adult height ( genetics, nutrition, disease, stress)

Adult height is affected by all of the following EXCEPT:


All human cultures have a binary concept of gender. That is, it is a cultural universal that there are only two genders: men and women.

age, gender

All societies divide labor by ______ and _______.


Among pastoral nomads, wealth is usually measured in _____________.

The written accounts of ancient Romans who traveled through an ancient Celtic villiage.

An ethnohistorian conducting research to reconstruct the daily life of the ancient Celts would most likely use as their primary source of data:

All of the Above (Building, Living Floor, Midden, Hearth)

An example of a feature is a :


Anthropologists are obligated to follow a code of ethics established by the federal government after the Second World War.


Anthropologists are reasonably certain that class stratification is as old as Homo sapiens, as the earliest archaeological evidence for social classes is approximately 180,000 years old and found in Africa.

Cross-cultural research

Anthropologists can generate interpretations on the basis of worldwide comparisons by looking for differences between those societies having, and those lacking a particular characteristic. This type of research is called ________.


Anthropology takes a(n) _____________ approach that includes a wide geographic and historical range.

making anthropological knowledge useful

As a profession, applied or practicing anthropology is explicitly concerned with:

Both to leave it for future research techniques and because it is very expensive.

As a routine practice, archaeologists don't excavate the entire site. Why would this be?


Domesticated plants have a tough rachis; wild plants have a brittle or fragile rachis.

All of the above are evidence supporting the theory of evolution (Dark grey moths replacing white or light great ones where air pollution levels have increased, houseflies developing resistance to DDT, Antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria)

Evidence of evolution (change in gene frequencies over time) has been observed in nature by scientists. Which of the following is observed evidence supporting the theory of evolution?


For most of human history, the only available artifacts are


Genetic recombination is the ONLY source of genetic variability in humans.


Ghosts and gods may both be part of religious beliefs.

low probability

How probable is it that an individual will change their social class in an open class system?

sexual dimorphism

Humans display some _______________. That is, the females and males of the species differ in size and appearance.

Improving health

Of the following, what was NOT an early consequence of food production?

is found at Shanidar by Neanderthal.

One of the first examples of a funeral ritual by hominins:

Paranthropines had bigger muscles in their jaws for chewing hard foods.

Paranthropines differed from australopithecines. Which of the following statements accurately reflects how they differed?

Sagittal crest

Paranthropines, (for example, Paranthropus robustus) have a ridge of bone located on the top of their skulls that anchored muscles called a:

All of the above are ways of interacting with the supernatural. (Sleep deprivation; entering a trance state; ingesting drugs; human sacrifice)

Religious practices often involves interacting with supernatural forces. However, the specific practices vary cross-culturally. Of the following practices, which one is NOT documented in human cultures as a way to interact with the supernatural?


Stratigraphy as a dating method, can tell you precisely how old a stone artifact is in years.

Personalistic cause

Suppose you attributed the cause of a recent illness to an argument with your roommate over doing the dishes. According to information presented in class, who might the cause of your illness be generally categorized by a medical anthropologist.


Taxation may be seen economically as a form of forced labor.

Language is a force in its own right, that it affects how individuals in a society perceive and conceive reality.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that:


The _____________ is the marriage custom that obliges a man to marry his brother's widow

Encourages us to view a society's customs and ideas within the context of that society's problems and opportunities.

The attitude of cultural relativism:


The belief that humans have a visible body and an invisible soul could be a description of:

Both a & c (found in most societies anthropologists have studied; almost always accompanied by rules specifying the rights of different wives.)

The custom of allowing a man to marry more than one woman is:


The development of a new species is called:


The earliest known stone tool tradition is called:

The "childhood familiarity" Theory

The fact that people who are raised together as young children are uninterested in each other as marriage partners, even if the marriages are favored by their parents, supports which theory of the incest taboo?


The fallacy of the Noble Savage perspective focuses on nutrition and encourages people everywhere to eat a diet closer to that of our Paleolithic ancestors.


The field of anthropology that studies human behavior from material culture is:

Multiregional hypothesis

The presence of discrete skeletal traits that are consistent within geographic regions from Homo erectus to the present (i.e. shovel shaped incisors in Asia). This is evidence used to best support which hypothesis?

food foraging/food collection

The subsistence strategy that characterized most of human history was:

percussion flaking

The technique of striking a stone with another stone to alter it and make it a tool is called:

Tools and cooking technology

To explain why human evolution would proceed gradually and in the same direction in various parts of the Old World, multiregional theorists point to cultural improvements in _____________ that could cause the changes we see in the face, teeth, and jaws as Homo Sapiens emerged.

Eskimo (Inuit) and Sudanese

Two of the following systems of kinship terminology do not identify parallel cousins by the same term as brothers and sisters. Which two is it?

unwritten languages.

Unlike other linguists, anthropological linguists are primarily interested in:

make cave paintings

We can be fairly certain that Homo erectus did all of the following EXCEPT:

It means that practices or traits are consistent with one another.

What does it mean to say, "Culture is mostly patterned"?

Your first responsibility is to those who are being studied; everything should be done to ensure that their welfare and dignity are protected.

What does the ethics code of the Society for Applied Anthropology say about an applied anthropologist's responsibility?

Collecting a wide variety of types of food (animal and plant)

What is Broad Spectrum Collecting?

Physiological adjustments in response to changes in an individual's environment.

What is acclimatization?

A spear thrower

What is an atlatl?

Fossils, ecofacts, features, and artifacts.

What kinds of evidence do archaeologists and paleoanthropologists rely on to learn about the past?


What percentage of societies DO NOT allow women to participate in warfare (combat)?

Magic is being performed

When an individual attempts to compel the supernatural to act on their behalf, which of the following is always true:

Upper paleolithic

When does blade technology become important according to the archaeological record?

Generalized reciprocity

When goods or services are given to another without calculating the value of the gift nor specifying the time of repayment, it is called:


When people grow foods using hand tools in the absence of permanently cultivated fields we call this ______________.

Bipedal locomotion

Which occurred first (earliest) in hominin evolution?

the practice of immersing oneself in the language and customs of a society.

Which of the following best describes participant observation?

Differential reproductive success, Variation, heritability

Which of the following correctly lists the principles of natural selection as discussed in class?

Australopithecus afarensis

Which of the following early hominins has the earliest dated specimens?

Kin groups and marital residence is organized around women

Which of the following factors is related to higher status for women across cultures?

All of the above have been proposed. ( It is easier to spot predators, it frees the hands to carry tools, it is more efficient for long distance travel, it frees the hands to carry food)

Which of the following has NOT been proposed as a reason for the development of bipedalism in human ancestors?

dinosaur bones

Which of the following is LEAST likely to interest an archaeologist professionally?


Which of the following is MOST important in primate communication?

It legitimizes female homosexual relationships.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the woman / woman marriage custom found among the Nandi?

All of the above are characteristic of agricultural societies. (Densely populated areas; Sedentary way of life; Complex social stratification; Permanently cultivated fields)

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of agricultural societies?

A decrease of social stratification

Which of the following is NOT a consequence of state formation experienced by the people who live in state societies?


Which of the following is NOT a member of ego's patrilineage?

American Sign Language (ASL) is not a true language according to anthropologists because it is not a spoken language

Which of the following is NOT a true statement?

Creole language

Which of the following is NOT associated with the concept of paralanguage?

All of the above may be medical practitioners. (Priest/priestess, Witch, Sorcerer, Shaman)

Which of the following is NOT considered a type of medical practitioner in medical anthropology?

human paleontology

Which of the following is NOT considered to be associated with a cultural approach in anthropology?

Culture is encoded in the brain

Which of the following is NOT one of the features and assumptions of culture presented in class?


Which of the following is NOT usually considered a subdiscipline or subfield of anthropology?

Dependency on trade with agriculturalists

Which of the following is a characteristic of pastoralist societies?

All of the above are ways that have been suggested. (They followed big game, walking across Bering land bridge, they came form Asia in boats by following the edge of the ice, they came from Europe in boats by following the edge of the ice)

Which of the following is a suggested way that people first came to the Western Hemisphere (North, Central, and South America)?

Domesticated animals tend to have smaller brains than their wild animal relatives do.

Which of the following is a true statement about the domestication of animals?

All of the above (Dairy farming/pastoralism, medicine, domestication of plants and animals, heating and AC units)

Which of the following is an example of a way culture can affect natural selection?

Indirect percussion

Which of the following is an important tool making technique during the Upper Paleolithic?

Made cave paintings.

Which of the following is characteristic of Upper Paleolithic peoples, in contrast to Neanderthals:

grinding corn

Which of the following is not a primary subsistence activity?


Which of the following is not a species of australopithecus?

All of the above are primate traits (Prehensile hands, dependence on learned behavior over instinct, opposable thumbs, stereoscopic vision)

Which of the following is not part of the complex of primate traits?

a sagittal keel

Which of the following physical characteristics is associated with Homo erectus?

Apes and monkeys are related, but different kinds of primates.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Chimpanzees make tools.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?


Which of the following terms may be defined as one man married to multiple women?

Genetic drift

Which of the following terms may be defined as: Random processes that affect gene frequencies in small, relatively isolated populations?

Size of brain

Which of the following was most different between Homo habilis and the australopithecines?

All of the above (A laptop computer; The instruction manual for the laptop computer; An Oldowan chopper)

Which of the following would an anthropologist categorize as technology?

all of the above are possible functions of a unilineal descent group (Own property; Determine religious affiliation; Organize a raid on a neighboring group)

Which of the following would not be a function of a unilineal descent group?


Which residence pattern is most closely linked to resource availability?


Which term refers to the health-related beliefs, knowledge, and practices of a cultural group?

None of the Above

Who is considered to have the correct theory about the origins of religion?

They may use different vocabularies, but all share grammatical structures in common.

Why are Creole languages interesting to scholars of the origin of language?

Because it is evidence of learned, shared knowledge.

Why are tool making traditions evidence of culture?

Because the primate is hanging on using its prehensile tail, it must be a New World Monkey.

You and a friend are visiting the playground at a park. You see a primate on the "monkey" bars. You immediately turn to your friend and make an accurate observation. Which of the following could be your accurate observation?

A man spreading fertilizer on a field

You are an anthropology professor teaching a class. A student brings you some pictures of their recent missionary trip in the Amazon basin. By looking at the first photograph you can tell immediately that the people in it are agriculturalists. What do you see in the picture that indicates this.

Sexually segregated

You read about an agricultural society where women are expected to be responsible for all the work within the household, and men are responsible for all the work in the fields and caring for the domesticated animals (except for the guinea pigs, which live in the house). In the story you read the village elders are disciplining a family for letting women plow in the fields behind oxen. What pattern of division of labor is described here?


Your culture primarily harvests food from tree crops. How would anthropologists categorize your pattern of subsistence?

Gene flow

_________ is the process whereby genes pass from one population to another population through mating and reproduction.


___________ are persons who do not own their own labor, and as such, they represent at minimum a class.


____________ are generally full-time religious specialists who have long periods of formal training, and are often distinguished by special clothing or hairstyles.


____________ has been proposed as a reason for the development of the state because it requires a large, organized work force.


Industrial societies are noted for having unequal access to economic resources (wealth), power and prestige. What type of stratification exists in these societies?

Natural selection

Charles Darwin (and Alfred Wallace) developed a new theory of evolution. The truly innovative part of the theory was the mechanism by which evolution occurs. What is the mechanism in their theory?

larger brains on average

Compared to Neanderthals, anatomically modern humans have all of the following except:

are the ultimate source of variability on which natural selection works.



Cross-cultural research discussed in class supports the idea that females are genetically pre-disposed to be passive as a personality trait. Thus the relative lack of females in positions of political power has a biological basis.


Bacha posh is a term used to identify a man who marries another man in traditional Afghan culture.

Environmental degradation

Based on the archaeological record, what might be a reason for the decline and collapse of a state society?

A parent and a child

Cross-culturally families may vary in form. However, for anthropologists a family must at least include:


Bride________is a gift of goods or money from the groom or his kin to the bride's kin.

The evolution of cultural characteristics in human societies.

Early evolutionists like Tylor and Morgan were interested in:

All of the above were observed or described. (a branch "hammer" was used to crack nuts; a branch was used to fish for ants; leaves or a chewed fruit "wad" was used as a sponge to get drinking water)

In the film The New Chimpanzees, what forms of tool use did we observe (or hear described) for chimpanzees?

She believes it can inform our understanding of the adverse effects of process of industrialization and modernization in other places.

In the film, Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh, the anthropologist in the film emphasizes that studying the changes in Ladakh has value beyond what it teaches us about Ladakh. What value does she believe this study has beyond the study of Ladakh?

You should resign your position unless the client agrees to disclose the health risk to the public.

In the scenario above, what should the anthropologist's response to the client (the multinational corporation) based on the ethics required by the profession?

4 , 5

If Ego lives in a society that practices the Hawaiian form of kinship terminology, for which two people would he/she use the same kinship term?

2 and 6

If Ego lives in a society that uses the Inuit (Eskimo) form of kinship terminology, whom would Ego call "uncle"?

The level of technology

In class we discussed the four categories of methods and techniques used by healers all over the world according to the cross-cultural research f E. Fuller Torrey. Which of the following is NOT one of the four categories we discussed.

sexual selection

In class we discussed why hair grows thicker and longer on human heads compared to the rest of the body. It is an example of:

Only A & C are correct ( The Japanese perspective is similar to how the !Kung children may resolve conflicts as described in Nisa, The differences in attitude towards child rearing are part of larger patterns within each culture. In particular, differences in attitudes and values towards groups and individuals. Culture is mostly patterned)

In class we watched a clip from the film Raising Cain. In the clip we watched children in the U.S. and Japan experience and resolve conflicts in a school environment. We discussed how aggressive behavior was handled either through adult authoritative intervention or through interaction between the children themselves. What class material did this example illustrate?


In class, we discussed how many skeletal features of the primates (such as having a clavicle or collarbone) reflect a tree dwelling or ________ adaptation.

equilibrium (for example, not too hot or too cold)

In class, we discussed that many cultures have a view that the body should be kept in:


Lactose intolerance is common in the world's human adult population.

Inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Lamarck proposed a theory of evolution that suggested that animals and plants changed over time by parents passing on to offspring traits that had been modified during their lifetime, but helped them adapt better to their environment In class we talked about giraffes as an example. Which term is best used to describe what is occurring in Lamarck's theory of evolution?

postpartum requirements

Marriage is considered a cultural universal. Although a number of explanations have been proposed to explain this universality, which one has the most supporting evidence?


Marriage is considered a________trait by anthropologists because it is practiced by all societies.

Eskimo (Inuit)

Most people in the city of Omaha practice which system of kinship terminology?

Body size

Sexual dimorphism is a term used to refer to specific types of differences between biological males and females. Which of the following potential areas of difference would be included in sexual dimorphism?

malaria infection

Sickle-cell anemia is a disease where red blood cells take on a sickled appearance which can protect the body against:


Social and economic status in the United States affects how healthy you are.

biological/physical anthropology

Some primatologists approach their work from an anthropological perspective. Which subdiscipline or subfield are they most likely to affiliate with?


The tool assemblage that is associated with Neanderthals is called:


The tool tradition of H. erectus is called:

Bergmann's rule

The variation of body size in humans (and other mammals) is explained by:

Gloger's Rule

The variation of skin color in humans (and other mammals) is explained by:

language acquisition device

There is substantial scientific evidence to suggest that there is a structure in the brain that allows humans to be ready to learn language at birth. What is this structure called?

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