Anthro exam 1

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transcription occurs in__________ a- the 3' to 5' direction b- 5' to 3' c- in the direction of the mitochondria d- no specific direction


transcription: a- results in the production of mRNA b- occurs in the ribosome c- results in the product of proteins d- is the key difference between meiosis and mitosis


which is a better explanation for what happens to the beaks of the finches of Daphne Major in times of drought? a- beaks of the individual finches get bigger b- the birds with smaller beaks do not survive


which of the following are complementary bases in DNA: a- adenine and thymine b- adenine and cytosine c- guanine and thymine d- guanine and uracil


Human males lack rough puns on their penisis in part because o the deletion of a tissue specific enhancer near the testosterone recpetor gene called the androgen receptor (AR) on the X-chromosome a) true B) false


Humand have 22 pairs of the numbered chromosomes ( 1 TO 22) and two sex chromosomes. The process of normal gamete production provides __________ chromosomes to an offspring from each parent a- 12 b- 23 c- 24 d- 46 e- more information its required


Somatic cells include all of the following except; a- bone cells b- gametes c- skin cells d- neurons


The central dogma in molecular biology: a- states that evolution is true and not to be questioned b- states that biological information flows from DNA to RNA to protein c- explains the unification of microevolution and macroevolution d- was carried aboard the HMS Beagle by Charles Darwin


________ leads to the production of body cells, whereas _______ leads to the production of gametes a- meiosis/ mitosis b- mitosis/ meiosis c- somatic/ germ cells


a hypothesis: a- is equivalent to a scientific law, such as the law of gravity b- is a testable statement that potentially explains properties of the natural world c- is unable to be refuted by future investigations d- all the above


an individual who displays the disease cystic fibrosis inherited a deleterious allele from each phenotypically normal parent. This individual therefore: a- homozygous for the dominant allele b-homozygous for the recessive allele c- heterozygous


for the seven traits Mendel studied, the presence of a single recessive allele: a- can always be determined from the phenotype b- is commonly masked in the phenotype c- is expressed in the phenotype alongside a dominant allele d- means the person is homozygous


each amino acid is coded for by _______ nucleotide bases forming a codon a- 10 b- 20 c- 3 d-4


you want to study the question weather there are height differences between boys and girls at the onset of adolescence. The best null hypothesis is: a- boys will be taller than girls b- girls will be taller than boys c- girls will be shorter than boys c- there will be no differences between boys and girls


The mRNA codon that begins translation is __________ and it is translated into the amino acid____________ a- UAU tyrosine B- CCG proline c- AUG methionine d- CUU leucine


What are Darwins three observations of natural selection? a) Species change and adapt based on environmental pressure, individuals change within their lifetime, and offspring inherit the changes b) genetic drift, gene flow, and mutations provide the change necessary in populations that affect survival c) traits are inherited individuals within a population vary organisms produce more offspring than can survive given environmental resources d) the number of adults tends to remain the same over time, similar geologic processes operated in the past as well as today, and natural selection works on only the best of those adults in each generation


Hox genes: a- are crucial for establishing the body plan in animals and flies b- provide the mutation that contents material resistance c- control which amino acids get plugged into polypeptide chains d- control the development of language in humans


In the nucleus, DNA at metaphase is found in very long strands known as: a) chromosomes b) proteins c) ribosomes d) polymerase


Medel's law of particulate inheritance was derived from the results of his pea point hybridization experiments and demonstated that: a- traits inherited from each parent always blended together in the offspring b- DNA was the molecule carrying the genetic code c- peas were a poor choice for understanding basic hereditary principles d- alleles inherited from each parent remained distinct in the offspring


The presence of wings in birds, bats, and butterflies and fins and whales are examples of which kind of traits a- homologous traits b- analogous traits c- vestigial traits d- x-linked traits


homologous chromosomes a- are genetically identical b- exchange genetic information before gametes are made c- are inherited only from the mother d- never have heterozygous genotypes


the great diversity of phenotypes observed between animals, despite great similarity in their gene sequences, implies? a- that the expression of many genes is controlled by numerous regulatory switches b- animals must contain 100,000 or more genes c- that each species was the result of a separate creation d- all the above


in his work on pea plants, Mendel found that plant height was inherited independently of the type of color of the see coat , This finding: a- demonstrates the genes share the same chromosome b- applies to the law of independent assortment c- explains gene linkage d- applies to the law of particulate inheritance


physical anthropologists seek to a- study human cultural perspective b- study humans from a biological perspective only c- study humans from a bicultural perspective d- study humans behavior only


the Melanocortin 1 receptor or MC1R gene contributes significantly to hair pigmentation phenotypes across animals and humans. What type of mutations have been suggested to be the source of the variability in this gene? a- insertions b- point mutations c- duplications d- translocations


the expression of complex traits showing polygenic modes of inheritance: a- is never determined by the influence of environmental factors b- is determined by genes at several loci in conjunction with environmental factors c- is determined by one gene affecting many traits d- is determined solely by the influence of environmental factors


the scientific method: a- relies on our feelings about the natural world b- involves empirical data collection and hypothesis testing c- is used to support preconceived notions or theories d- seeks to establish the absolute truth


traits that are shared between two species because they occur in a common ancestor are: a- co-dominant b- adaptive c- homologous d- evidence of independent creation


which of the following is true about natural selection? a- it drives organisms to attain optimal phenotypes for all environments b- variation in reproductive success must be associated with heritable traits c- it is the only source of new phenotypes in the population d- it promotes the dispersal of acquired characteristics


Nucleotide bases in nuclear DNA include all except: a- thymine b-adenine c- uracil d- cytosine


______ is the only source of new genetic variation or alleles a- genetic drift b- darwanian evolution c- mutation d- natural selection


during the translation process, mRNA codons 5'- AUG- 3' are matched with complementary t RNA anti-codons a- 3'-UUG-5' b- 3'-AUG-5' c- 3'-UAG-5' d- 3'-TAC-5'


the four branches of al anthropology are?

biological archaeological, cultural linguistic

Given the pedigree above, what is the likely mode of inheritance of this disease? a- X-linked receive b- autosomal dominant c- autosomal recessive d- x-linked dominant


how is a theory different from a hypothesis? a- a hypothesis explains observations and be refuted by new evidence b- a scientific theroy is an educated speculation yet to be tested c- a theory is an explanation based on careful examination and has been repeatedly tested d- a theory has been less throughly tested than a hypothesis


in his experiments with garden peas, Mendel found that one genetic unit is inherited from the father and one from the mother, this provided evidence for, a- the mechanism of blending inheritance b- the law of independent assortment c- the law of segregation d- Darwin's theory of panganesis


long-term studies of finch populations have shown that average beak size changes over generations in response to environmental changes. "this is an excellent example of" a- extinction b- lemarckian evolution c- natural selection d- migration


the forces of evolution include: a- gene flow, mutation, chromosomes and genes b- mutation, genes, DNA and genetic drift c- natural selection gene flow genetic drift and mutation d- natural selection, genes, alleles and chromosomes


the hypothesis of evolution by acquired characteristics states that: a- organisms change to fit their environment during their lifetime and pass these changes on to their offspring b- individual organisms have total control over their ability to survive and reproduce c- evolutionary changes developed in one species could be passed on to another species d- phenotypic alterations that have a genetic basis are transmitted through the chromosomes


the regulation of gene expression(mRNA transcription) is often accomplished when proteins called ______ bind to DNA sequences called ________ that are located near the genes being regulated a) RNA Polymerases, promoter sequences b) enhancer sequences, DNA polymerases c) transcription factors, enhancer sequences d) ribosomes, mRNA transcripts


the relevance of the theory of uniformitarianism is that: a- it supports the theory of catastrophism b- it explains the extinction and patterns of species replacement c- it proposes that the earth has a long history and the natural forces that shaped the earth in the past are still active today d- it enables a calculation of the age of the earth based on the continuity of biblical lineages


two (of many) sources of evidence used by Darwin to support his theory of Evolution by natural selection are______ a- acquisition of acquired characteristics and the presence of homunculus in male gametes b- retention of vestigial traits and the genetic basis for inheritance c- adaptive radiation in island archipelagos and geographic continuity of species replacement d- similarity of embryonic development and the extensive human fossil record


what was economist Thomas Malthus's key insight that laid the foundation for the theory of evolution by natural selection? a- open markets allow the development of efficient economies b- the earth is very old and the forces that shaped geology in the past still act today c- reproduction when unchecked will always outstrip resources d- people in the developed nations nations should share more of their wealth with the 3rd world


which of the following is true about mitochondrial DNA? a- found in the nucleus of the cell b- Has uracil in the place of thymine c- inherited solely from the maternal lineage d- commonly considered junk DNA


The process of recombination during meiosis? a- occurs between homologous chromosomes b- the exchange of genetic information occurs in the chiasma c- aids in reshuffling alleles in the next generation d- all the above


given a mating between a BB mother and a Bb father: on average what percentage of offspring will carry the b allele? a- 0 b- 10 c- 25 d- 50


the importance of a specimen like tikthaik is that a- it provides an example of a transitional fossil predicted by Darwinian evolution b- it illustrates the process by which fins evolved into legs c- it aids in tracing the homology between mammalian and fish limb bones d- all the above


transfer RNA a- binds to complementary codons on strands of mRNA b- contains anticodons that correspond to amino acid encoding codons c-links amino acids together to form polypeptide chains d- all the above


which is not an important function of meiosis in males? a- recombine and parcel out a random assortment of alleles to the next generation b- separate the x and Y chromosomes for balanced sex assignment in offspring c- decrease chromosome number in the gametes from diploid to haploid d- provide an identical copy of the parent cell


which of the following is not an example of structural protein? a- collagen b- actin c- keratin d- hemoglobin


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