Anthro final

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What is the most likely reason for humans being able to outcompete Neandertals? a. Neandertals were not as smart as humans b. Neandertals couldn't make tools c. Neandertals required about twice as many calories as humans d. Humans killed all the Neandertals

C. Neandertals required about twice as many calories as humans

Currently, the oldest anatomically modern human sites date to a. 195,000 years ago b. 150,000 years ago c. 25,000 years ago d. 250,000 years ago

a. 195,000 years ago

According to scientists, what is a possible explanation for why chin formed in modern humans? a. A different parts of the face grew, the shifting caused the chin to form b. To weaken the lower jaw c. As a side effect of having larger faces d. The chin was always part of all hominin species

a. As different parts of the face grew, the shifting caused the chin to form

What do we know about the Neanderthals? a. Buried the dead b. Lived in large, packed groups c. Had no skeleton trauma d. Had no language

a. Buried the dead

Where and in what year were "Archaic H. sapiens." first found? a. Discovered in 1907, Heidelberg, Germany b. Discovered in 2000, Portugal c. Discovered in 2003, Liang bua, Flores d. Discovered in 2001, Altai Mountains, Siberia

a. Discovered in 1907, Heidelberg, Germany

Where was Homo heidelbergensis first found? a. Europe b. Africa c. Asia d. South Africa

a. Europe

Where did the neandertals survive the longest? a. The Iberian peninsula b. Scandinavia c. East Asia d. Sub-Saharan Africa

a. The Iberian peninsula

Which group was a distinct lineage from modern humans and Neandertals (but more closely related to Neandertals)? a. denisovans b. anatomically modern humans c. modern humans d. none of the above

a. denisovans

Which features did venus figurines generally lack? a. faces/facial features b. enlarged secondary sexual features c. hats/hoods d. all of the above

a. faces/facial features

Which physical feature was NOT used in order to falsely classify and rank human groups along an evolutionary path from more "primitive" to more "advanced" races? a. heart size b. skull shape c. body height d. skin color

a. heart size

Which environmental factor selects for dark skin closer to the equator? a. high uv radiation b. high altitude c. low uv radiation d. dry climate

a. high uv radiation

What traits differentiate H. erectus from H. ergaster? a. Controlled use of fire b. Meat easting/scavenging c. characteristics of their toolkits d. Double arching brow ridges

c. Characteristics of their toolkits

What was the other group of humans living at the same time as anatomically modern humans and neanderthals called? a. H. erectus b. H. habilis c. Densiovans d. P. boisei

c. Denisovans

All of the following are circumstantial evidence that H. erectus ate meat, EXCEPT a. termperate winters would mean less fruit and, therefore, a reliance on meat would be needed to survive b. expanded brain size at the time would require more protein consumption c. H. erectus used stone tools to hunt d. H. erectus teeth were well suited for tearing and biting

c. H. erectus used stone tools to hunt

Which species was given the nickname the "hobbits"? a. H. erectus b. H. ergaster c. H. floresiensis d. H. habilis/rudolfensis

c. H. ergaster

Which species of humans were the first to bury their dead? a. Homo sapiens b. Homo erectus c. Neandertals d. Denisovans

c. Neandertals

An occipital bun is present in which species? a. Homo erectus b. Homo heidelbergensis c. Neanderthals d. Modern humans

c. Neanderthals

Which distinctive feature can be found on a Neanderthal skull? a. Sagittal keel b. Double-arching brow ridges c. Occipital bun d. Vaulted/rounded cranium

c. Occipital bun

What is sexual selection? a. the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring b. a type of reproduction that involves a complex life cycle in which a gamete with a single set of chromosomes combines with another to produce a zygote that develops into an organism composed of cells with two sets of chromosomes c. a form of natural selection that results from intrasexual competition for mates- in mammals, it usually occurs in males d. a type of reproduction that does not involve the fusion of gametes or change in the number of chromosomes

c. a form of natural selection that results from intrasexual competition for mates- in mammals, it usually occurs in males

Which of the following is NOT a part of the Chatelperronian toolkit? a. blades b. bone tools c. choppers d. jewelry

c. choppers

Race is not "real" from a biological standpoint. Rather, it is most accurate to say that it is a concept. a. political b. genetic c. cultural d. economic

c. cultural

Which toolkit contained simple Oldowan flakes and crude bifaces and was used between 1.8 million years ago and 300 thousand years ago? a. mousterian b. acheulean c. developed oldowan d. chatelperronian

c. developed oldowan

In comparison to moder humans, anatomically modern humans a. had identical anatomical features, with no anatomical evolution occurring from around 180,000 ya to the modern day b. had a more advanced culture and language system and similar anatomy c. lacked more advanced culture and language system and similar anatomy c. lacked more advanced symbolic culture (that we have evidence of) but had similar anatomy d. none of the above

c. lacked more advanced symbolic culture (that we have evidence of) but had similar anatomy

How did Neandertals hunt for their prey? a. they shot their prey with bows and arrows b. they set their prey on fire c. they got really close to their prey and speared them d. they used throwing sticks to spear prey

c. they got really close to their prey and speared them

What causes variation between modern humans? a. Genetic changes b. Population bottlenecks c. Environmental factors d. All of the above

d. All of the above

Which of the following is NOT a trait of Neandertals? a. Occipital bun b. Brain size similar to modern humans c. Wide chests d. Chin

d. Chin

All of the following explains why anatomically modern humans were "not quite us" EXCEPT a. Big brow ridges b. Lacked culture/symbolic behavior c. Lacked sophisticated toolkits d. Had stream-lined bodies and large brains

d. Had stream-lined bodies and large brains

Which was NOT a derived feature found in anatomically modern humans? a. Small face b. Protruding chin c. Rounded skull d. Occipital bun

d. Occipital bun

Which behaviors are associated with the culture of archaic humans? a. tool use/hunting b. variety of foods consumed c. communal groups d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which characteristics are found in Homo habilis/rudofensis and all later species? a. smaller teeth b. enlarged brain c. tool use d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following is a cultural innovation found at the time of fully modern humans, 35,000-25,000 ya? a. a shift from making flake tools to blade tools b. ritual burials c. art, like cave paintings or sculpted figurines d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following is true of neandertal fossils in israel? a. sites were occupied around 130,000 years ago b. neandertals and anatomically modern human may have co-existed there c. both neandertals and AMH used mousterian tools d. all of the above

d. all of the above

What is the derived feature of Neanderthals? (different form H. erectus) a. arching brow ridges b. wide nose c. taller and more rounded cranial vault d. all of these are correct

d. all of these are correct

Skeletal analyses of Neanderthals suggests that they a. had smaller faces b. had shorter a life span c. endured harsh environments d. both b and c

d. both b and c

Why did Neanderthals die out while early modern humans survived? a. early modern humans killed neanderthals b. moderns replaced neanderthals by out competing them c. modern human genes swamped out neanderthal genes d. both b and c

d. both b and c

What prior toolkit did the acheulean toolkit evolve from? a. mousterian b. upper paleolithic c. oldowan d. developed oldowan

d. developed oldowan

Neandertals have all the following EXCEPT a. occipital bun b. large brain (1245-1740 cc) c. more rounded cranium d. sagittal keel

d. sagittal keel

When contemporary scientists, including anthropologists, assert that races are not scientifically valid, they are rejecting at least three fundamental premises of this old racial ideology. Which is NOT included in this ideology: a. the link between racial traits and social b. complete genetic determinism c. the divisibility of contemporary humans into scientifically valid biological groupings d. the link between the environment and physical features

d. the link between the environment and physical features

Which of the following physical or cultural traits is NOT unique to Homo neanderthalensis? a. occipital bun b. taurodont teeth c. first hominid to bury their dead d. use of the Mousterian toolkit

d. use of the mousterian toolkit

Which of the following describes neanderthals? a. they interbred with modern humans b. they lived harsh lives due to hunting large animals at close range c. they buried all of their dead d. they likely disappeared due to being outcompeted e. all of the above

e. all of the above

What was most likely a reason that Homo erectus left Africa? a. there was food competition b. population pressure caused some groups to push north c. inter-group violence some groups out d. homo erectus wanted to discover e. both a and b

e. both a and b

Modern humans experienced a shift in subsistence, transitioning from h/g to agriculture, approximately a. 25,000-20,000 ya b. 16,000-10,000 ya c. 8,000-6,000 ya d. 44,000-36,000 ya

b. 16,000-10,000 ya

The presence of variation of which gene gives us evidence that neandertals exhibited langauge use? a. HLA P5 b. FOX P2 c. OTC 4 d. BAK 1

b. FOX P2

What is the difference between H. ergaster and H. erectus? a. H. ergaster descended from H. erectus b. H. ergaster is the name for H. erectus that remained in Africa c. H. erectus used tools and H. ergaster did not d. H. erectus had a smaller brain than H. ergaster

b. H. ergaster is the name for H. erectus that remained in Africa

Which species were the first hominids to migrate out of Africa? a. Homo neandertalensis b. Homo erectus c. Homo heidelbergensis d. Homo floresiensis

b. Homo erectus

What us one possible explanation for why ancestral for why ancestral Homo sapiens survived while Neandertals died out? a. neandertals did not die out, they are still alive and evolving today as a fully separate species b. Homo sapiens required fewer calories to sustain themselves than Neandertals, which made it easier for them to outcompete Neandertals c. There were fewer neandertals than homo sapiens, so they were easily killed off when Homo sapiens migrated up into europe d. Neandertals did not have advanced enough tools to make clothing for themelves, and died as a result of the freezing temperatures of the ice age

b. Homo sapiens required fewer calories to sustain themselves than Neandertals, which made it easier for them to outcompete Neandertals

Why do Northern Europeans have light skin? a. Humans have always had light skin, while other skin colors evolved later b. Light skin allows more UV rays to be absorbed when there isn't a lot of sunlight c. Light skin blocks out UV rays d. None of the above

b. Light skin allows more UV rays to be absorbed when there isn't a lot of sunlight

Where was evidence discovered of mating between Neanderthals and modern humans? a. southern africa b. eastern europe c. eastern asia d. australia

b. eastern europe

Where did Neandertals first evolve? a. east africa b. europe c. west africa d. asia

b. europe

Which of the following is included in the Acheulean toolkit? a. choppers b. hand axes c. crude bifaces d. crude flakes

b. hand axes

Which group of humans were the first to leave Africa? a. Homo heidelbergensis b. homo erectus c. homo ergaster d. homo floresiensis

b. homo erectus

Which species had the smallest brain size? a. neandertals b. homo erectus c. modern humans d. archaice homo sapiens

b. homo erectus

Which is a possible reason for the evolution of the chin in modern humans? a. it is for cosmetic purposes b. it strengthens the jaw against the force of chewing c. it is a trait that is used to aid in mating d. it provides balance and keeps humans from toppling forward

b. it strengthens the jaw against the force of chewing

The regional continuity model states that a. anatomically modern humans arose out of africa to spread out and eradicate the archaic populations living in europe and asia b. local archaic populations living in Europs, asia, and africa evolved into anatomically modern humans, and gene flow between these groups. allowed them to remain a single species c. absolutely no interbreeding occurred within populations d. different racial groups of modern humans are actually seperate species

b. local archaic populations living in Europs, asia, and africa evolved into anatomically modern humans, and gene flow between these groups. allowed them to remain a single species

Which of the following was a primitive feature of Homo erectus? a. chin b. robust brow ridges c. narrow face d. smooth cranium

b. robust brow ridges

Why were the Venus Figurines given this name? a. for the roman goddess, venus, who was a goddess of the love and beauty b. the figurines were believed to be fertility figures because they emphasize female c. for the planet, venus, because this is when other planets were discovered d. none of the above

b. the figurines were believed to be fertility figures because they emphasize female

What distinguishes the upper paleolithic people from earlier hominids? a. their hand axe tools b. their art, like cave paintings c. their ability to walk upright d. their use of scavenging for food

b. their art, like cave paintings and Venus figurines

Which is true about relationship between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans? a. they never existed together at the same time at the point throughout history c. they existed together throughout some point in history but never interacted or interbred d. None of the above

b. they coexisted with one another and sometimes interbred

Approximately how tall was Homo floresiensis? a. two feet tall b. three feet tall c. four feet tall d. five feet tall

b. three feet tall

Where were the first fossil discoveries of Neandertals made? a. southern france b. western germany c. middle east d. northeast africa

b. western germany

How is the regional continuity model best explained? a. local populations in Europe, Asia, and Africa evolved into anatomically modern humans while gene flow allied these populations to maintain being a species b. anatomically modern humans arose in Africa and then spread to replace and absorb local archaic populations living in europe, asia, and africa c. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth d. archaic populations were replaced but with small amount of interbreeding with modern humans

a. local populations in Europe, Asia, and Africa evolved into anatomically modern humans while gene flow allied these populations to maintain being a species

Which of these is NOT a derived feature of H. heidelbergensis? a. narrow nose b. large brain c. double arched browridges d. tall and rounded cranium

a. narrow nose

Which of the following is NOT a model used to describe the spread of modern humans around the world? a. rediscovery model b. regional continuity model c. out of africa model d. replacement model

a. rediscovery model

Pestera Cu Oase, the oldest modern human site in europe, is found in: a. romania b. france c. germany d. siberia

a. romania

The replacement model states that humans originally arose from Africa and migrated into Europe and Asia a. true b. false

a. true

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