Anthropology Exam 3

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but they generally afford greater access of these to men than to women

egalitarian societies have no social groups with unequal access to power, prestige, or resources: -and they ensure equality by sorting social groups by gender -and they often afford the same balance across genders -but they generally afford greater access to these men than to women -but they usually afford greater access of these to women than to men

do not own the land, but own the foods obtained from it

for most horticulturists, people: -own the land but not the foods obtained from it -own neither the land nor the foods obtained from it -do not own the land, but own the foods obtained from it -own both the land and the foods obtained from it

the milk and blood of the animals they raise

from where do most traditional pastoralists get their animal protein: -trading wool for cheese and yogurt in cities -buying meat with cash earned through wage labor -the milk and blood of the animals they raise -the meat of the animals they raise

they can trace descent from a common ancestor through known links

how are members of a lineage connected? -they are related through frequent marriage between their two communities -they believe themselves to be descended from a common ancestor -they can trace descent from a common ancestor through known links -they are all members of multigenerational, extended household

by comparing the class of individuals with the class of their parents

how do social scientists generally measure the degree of class mobility? -by comparing the class of individuals with the class of their parents -by ranking the various classes living within a single neighborhood -by determining the class of friends of the average middle class child -by measuring the number of classes that most people believe exist in their society

male unemployment

in many western countries there has been a dramatic increase recently in the percentage of one-parent families. what factor is correlated with an increase in single-parent households? -female age at first birth -male health -male unemployment -female education

some very close biological relatives are excluded from one's kin group

in societies with unilinear descent: -no biological relatives are excluded from the kin group -the kin group rarely acts as a unit -some very close biological relatives are excluded from one's kin group -all individuals who reside together are considered kin

move back and forth between their homelands and their adopted countries

the term "transitional" refers to migrants who: -move from one country to another, living in three or more nations throughout their lives -permanently move from their homelands to a new country -move temporarily to another country for work, sending money back home -move back and forth between their homelands and their adopted countries


which is by far the most common marital residence pattern (found in 67% of all societies) documented by anthropologists? -neolocal -bilocal -matrilocal -patrilocal


which nation had a hereditary caste system known as burakumin? -japan -brazil -egypt -india

small group size consisting of related families

which of the following is a characteristic of most foraging societies? -semi permanent settled villages -small group size consisting of related families -high levels of social differentiation -social hierarchies reflected in ownership of land and wealthy possessions

gathering plants

which of the following is an example of a primary subsistence activity? -grinding corn -gathering plants -preserving meat -cooking a meal

bride price

which of the following is the most common economic marriage transaction cross-culturally? -bride service -indirect dowry -bride price -gift exchange

irrigation and plowing are not used to grow crops

which of the following is true of horticulture: -plows are important -irrigation and plowing are not used to grow crops -herd animals are important food resources -only one crop is grown in their fields

it has existed in various forms in many times and places

which of the following statements best describes slavery? -it is extremely rare in the anthropological record -it has been found most often in horticultural societies -it is most common in pastoral societies -it has existed in various forms in many times and places

tending animals

which of these is a common task for young children? -tending animals -cooking food -clearing fields -making tools

intensive agriculture

which of these subsistence strategies finds the individual ownership of land most important? -horticulture -intensive agriculture -pastoralism -food collecting

all societies have parent child groups

why do anthropologists hold that families are universal? -all societies have parent child groups -the nuclear family is the ideal in all cultures -all known societies have laws protecting families -children are revered in all cultures

decision making about war is the most important kind of politics, and men have the most experience with warfare

why do men dominate the political sphere of life across all societies? -achieving a political position in most societies requires intelligence and manipulation traits that are more pronounced in men than in women -decision making about was is the most important kind of politics, and men have the most experience with warfare -because of the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy and lactation, women are too emotional to make level headed political decisions -political life is closely associated with spirituality, and most cultures believe women to be too unclean for such high callings


A ___ is ranked group in which membership is determined at birth and marriage is restricted to members of one's own group. -class -caste -social group -open class

have disgraced their families by seeking a divorce or refusing to marry a man selected by their family

"honor killings" are aimed at women who: -have failed in business -have killed a man -are known to be untrustworthy -have disgraced their families by seeking a divorce or refusing to marry a man selected by their family


A social class of individuals who do not own their own labor are associated with: -slavery -an open class system -highly stratified systems -egalitarianism

the village

Among the Mundurucu of Brazil, who controls the rights to use the land? -the village -the family -the kin group -the individual

optimal foraging theory

Based on the assumption that individuals seek to maximize their return (in calories and nutrients) of their labor, ___ is a model used by anthropologists to explain how food collectors decide which animals and plants to hunt or collect and which to ignore. -food collection theory -optimal foraging theory -generalized reciprocity -cultural preference theory


Before Europeans came to Australia, all the aboriginal people there depended on___. -pastoralism -horticulture -intensive agriculture -foraging

there are more consumers in the household

Chayanov's rule states that when resources are converted primarily due to household consumption, people will work harder if___. -everyone in the household contributes to their ability -there are more consumers in the household -everyone in the household contributes the same amount of labor -there are fewer consumers in the household

different physical features such as skin color

Ethnicity refers to all of the following except: -common origins and language -a shared history -different physical features such as skin color -selected cultural differences such as religion

cultural expectations of males and females

Gender refers to -cultural expectations of males and females -innate biological differences between the sexes -physiologically conditioned differences between men and women -all of the above


In a ___ society, all social groups have equal access to wealth, prestige, and power


In all cultures at an early age and into adulthood males tend to be more ___ than females. -responsible -helpful around the house -passive -aggressive


In all societies ___ is a nearly exclusive male activity. -agricultural work -warfare -cooking -carrying loads

it is difficult to move into a higher status class

In closed class or caste societies -social mobility us much easier for women -social mobility is common -it is difficult to move into a higher status class -inequality in wealth is minimal

open class system

In industrialized countries social inequality exists, but opportunities for obtaining education and professional training mean that people can attain a higher socioeconomic class than their parents. This form of inequality with possibilities for social mobility is referred to as: -ranked society -open class system -egalitarian society -caste system

spend more hours per day working than men

In most societies women -are the primary food producers -cook less than men -spend more hours per day working than men -do more energetically costly economic activities

commercial exchange

In____, prices depend on supply and demand. This system not only involves the exchange (buying and selling) of goods but also transactions of labor, land, rentals, and credit. -commercial exchange -balanced reciprocity -reciprocity -redistribution

women; plant food

Most of the Ngatatjara's food supply is gathered by ___ and is ___. -men; meat -men; plant food -women; meat -women; plant food

that does not use money

Reciprocity is a mode of exchange -based on bartering -that does not use money -based on supply and demand -similar to taxation

physical differences between men and women

Sexual dimorphism refers to -social differences between men and women -bisexuality -values placed on virginity before marriage -physical differences between men and women

economic resources, power, and prestige

Social inequality exists in a society when social groups ,such as families, classes, and ethnic groups have unequal access to ___ -leisure time, jobs, and freedom -economic resources, power, and prestige -the arts and religious rights -general purpose money, food, and water

economic inequality

The Gini Index is means to measure -class mobility -differences in trade surpluses between trading partners -economic inequality -differences in educational attainment


The Yanomamo of the Brazilian-Venezuelan Amazon practice ___, the practice of growing crops of all kinds with relatively simple tools and methods. -intensive agrilculture -foraging -horticulture -pastoralism

past and present hunter-gatherer societies are often proportionally more violent than state-level societies and may have significant negative effects on their environments

The online reading "Garden of Eden?" concludes that: -Hunter-gatherers spend a tremendous amount of time seeking food -interaction with state level societies has resulted in current hunter-gatherer societies being much more violent then their predecessors in the past -past and present hunter-gatherer societies are often proportionally more violent than state-level societies and may have significant negative effects on their environments


The revolutionary change from foraging to food production (cultivating and raising plants and animals) that occurred in several diverse geographic locations began about ___ years ago. -2000 -10000 -6000 -4000

the fact that women are constrained by child care duties

The sexual division of labor between men and women is best explained by: -prestige differences -the presence of warfare -the fact that women are constrained by child care duties -none of the above

fluid, egalitarian, and centered on small groups of families due to resource constraints imposed by the environment

The social organization of the San Bushmen in the video "Bitter Melons" is best explained as being: -fluid, egalitarian, and centered on small groups of families due to the recent encroachment of state level societies -fluid, egalitarian, and centered on small groups of families due to resource constraints imposed by the environment -stratified due to the need for a strong leader in warfare -stratified as a result of recent increased conflict with neighboring groups


When the federal government collects a portion of our wages as taxes and then returns that money in the form of national security, roads, education, and other goods and services to its citizens, they are demonstrating which type of economic exchange? -redistribution -voluntary labor -generalized reciprocity -market exchange

they often send remittances back to family and friends left behind in their home countries

Which of the following statements about immigrant workers is true? -they typically take high paying jobs -they always go to host countries with the intention of staying permanently -they often send remittances back to family and friends left behind in their home countries -they always enter host countries illegally

food collection

Which subsistence strategy characterized most of human history? -food collection -pastoralism -horticulture -irrigation agriculture


___ is the process of development in children, through their interactions with others, of behavioral patterns that are considered acceptable within the context of their culture -socialization -collectivism -compliance -agency


among pastoral nomads, wealth is usually measured in: -the amount of land people own -the number of children people have -animals -the number of wives a man has

emerged relatively recently in human history

anthropologists are reasonably sure that high levels of social stratification: -are found almost exclusively in Europe -emerged relatively recently in human history -have always existed across human societies -are always linked to ethnic or racial groupings

between two people of the same gender

because the navajo recognize four distinct genders, they consider homosexual sex to be: -between two people of the same sex -very weird -between two people of the same gender -unheard of

wild plants and animals

by "food collection", anthropologists mean the obtaining of food from: -wild plants and animals -wild plants only -domesticated plants and animals -plants, wild and domesticated

nuclear family

children in all societies are required to marry outside of their: -nuclear family -village -religious community -caste

customs specifying how people gain access to resources

in an anthropological sense, an economic system refers to: -exchange rates of different monetary systems on a global market -rules relating to kinship and inheritance -attitudes toward leadership and influence -customs specifying how people gain access to resources

cannot be passed on to one's children

in an egalitarian system, any prestige gained by ability: -cannot be displayed publicly -is associated with greater material wealth -is used as a method of finding the best spouse -cannot be passed on to one's children

it is very rare, being seen in only about 5% of known societies

in traditional societies, how common is the neolocal residence pattern practiced by most north americans? -it is practiced by over half of all known societies -it is very rare, being seen in only about 5% of known societies -it is fairly uncommon, being found in about one quarter of known societies -it is nearly universal, being found in 99% of known societies


monocropping is a characteristic of: -horticulture -pastoralism -agriculture -hunting and gathering


of the following forms of marriage, the rarest is: -monogamy -the levirate -polygyny -polyandry

gender and age

on what factors is the division of labor based in most foraging societies? -gender and age -spirituality and gender -beauty and status -warfare and aggression


some polygynous societies try to reduce competition by practicing sororal polygyny which is when the co-wives are: -sisters -good friends -of similar temperament -of very different ages


the probability that an individual will change class levels in an open class system is: -high -very low -low -impossible

people who do not feel their assigned gender fits them well

to whom does the term transgender apply? -anyone who is attracted to members of the same sex -men who dress in feminine clothing -women who take on aggressive, high power jobs -people who do not feel their assigned gender fits them well

the women no longer engaged in long distance foraging and lost much of their former influence in decision making

what did patricia draper find among the women of settled Kung groups: -the women no longer engaged in long distance foraging and lost much of their former influence in decision making -the women began actively limiting their fertility and lost much of their former influence in decision making -the women no longer engaged in long distance foraging, which allowed time for a greater involvement in decision making -the women began actively limiting their fertility, which allowed time for a greater involvement in decision making


what do anthropologists call the transformation of resources into food, tools, and other goods? -industry -production -manufacturing -economics


what is a common element in ceremonies marking the onset of marriage? -fortune telling -feasting -competitive games -isolation

the belief that some "races" are inferior to others

what is racism? -the recognition of biological differences across human groups -taking pride in one's heritage or ancestry -the belief that some "races" are inferior to others -the idea that your own culture is more moral or logical than other cultures

extended family

what is the prevailing family type in over half of all societies known to anthropologists? -extended family -independent family -nuclear family -solitary family


what strategy do egalitarian societies use to keep one individual from dominating others? -deceitful praise -obedience -ridicule -cooperation

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