Anthropology final exam

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pantribal sodality

a non-kin based group that is found in a tribe and spans several villages

patrilineal-patrilocal complex

ag states; arranged marriage; virilocality; patrilineality; agriculture; private property; no remarriage for women; virginity highly valued for women-control/seclusion; women valued primarily for reproduction-provide sons for husband's family to inherit wealth; women's work not valued and gendercide


Wealth given from husband's kin to the wife's family; some horticulturalists/pastoralists


a linguistic capacity that allows humans to talk about things and events that are not present

call systems

Systems of communication among nonhuman primates, composed of a limited number of sounds that vary in intensity and duration; Tied to environmental stimuli.


descent and inheritance through the father's line only


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they determine status through prestige

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they determine status through prestige, power, and authority

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they exclusively hunt, gather, fish, and/or scavenge-no domestication

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they exclusively practice generalized reciprocity

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have a military

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have both ascribed and achieved status

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have economic stratification

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have epidemics and pandemics


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have fictive kinship

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have formal leaders

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have no private property

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have no warfare

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have soldiers

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have taxation


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they intercrop

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they organized into bands


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they practice slash and burn cultivation


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they rely primarily on domesticated animals for subsistence

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they represent the universal past human way of life from approximately 200,000 BP until the neolithic


native american, balinese, or maya? hinduism; believe that life and death are an allusion; believe that there are 3 worlds= upper world of gods, middle world of people, and lower world of demons that work together to make balance in their daily world; rituals or art and performance keep them connected to the 3 worlds; masks of gods/demons; time for them is a system of cycles--> when cycles coincide, FEAST OF 11 POWERS; religion and daily life are inseparable


language ancestral to several daughter languages

language subgroups

languages within a taxonomy of related languages that are most closely related

longitudinal research

long-term study of a community, society, culture, or other unit, usually based on repeated visits

love marriage

love or arranged marriage? involves individuals selecting their partners on the basis of feelings and preferences

arranged marriage

love or arranged marriage? is when marriage partners are selected by the social/kin groups to promote social alliances

contagious magic

magic based on the assumption that things once associated are able to affect one another when separated so that anything done to an object (as a garment or a hair) will affect its former owner.


members of the taxonomic order which includes humans, apes, monkeys, and prosimians


members of the zoological family that includes human, chimps, and gorillas


native american children are taught by their elders to care for nature out of respect for the Great Spirit

native american

native american, balinese, or maya? believe that everything is a part of everything else; use masks to drive away evil


native american, balinese, or maya? spirit in all things; pray to the sun, moon, rain, wind, and st. peter; believe that their lives are a permanent struggle between the forces of good and evil; practice DIVINATION

people of the seal

netsilik means


no clear rules on where the couples lives after they are married; couple lives with both or either of the spouses families


small-scale agriculturalists living in a state, with rent fund obligations

female infanticide

the killing of baby girls


the latest style craze in the US is african tribal jewelry with millions of people purchasing and wearing items with designs from kenya and cameroon


the manipulation of supernatural to achieve a goal; imitative and divination magic


true/false? Dr. warner's belief that disease is caused by pathogens while she was conducting fieldwork with the q'eqchi' peoples, is an example of an etic point of view


true/false? NAGPRA established the rights of immigrants to practice their religion and speak their languages in the united states


true/false? Tylor defined Anthropology as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society"


true/false? a belief in linear time is a cultural universal


true/false? a generalized cultural trait is found in all cultures, whereas particular traits are unique to a single culture


true/false? acculturation involves acting in a way that causes deliberate harm against members of another social group


true/false? agricultural over-intensification at Calakmul resulted in permanent, irreversible ecocide


true/false? agriculturalists have much higher life expectancies than foragers


true/false? all anthropologists trained in the american tradition, study humans, share perspectives, have four-field training, and do fieldwork


true/false? all cultural anthropologists are both ethnographers and ethnologists


true/false? all cultures have prohibited marriage in the direct line of descent (parents, children, grandchildren)


true/false? all cultures recognize that first cousin marriage is incest


true/false? all humans, at most, are 50th cousins


true/false? all marriage exists to create a family


true/false? americans work an average more hours per year than japanese, french, and british workers


true/false? anthropologists collect life histories in order to make generalizations about a culture


true/false? anthropologists refer to the people they study as their subjects of scientific research


true/false? assimilation is the voluntary borrowing of cultural traits between cultures


true/false? assimilation refers to the processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses


true/false? capitalism is a form of balanced reciprocity


true/false? charitable giving is an example of generalized reciprocity


true/false? contract archaeology (CRM) is the application of archaeology to excavate and preserve sites threatened by development. within a framework of federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and guidelines


true/false? cultural anthropologists do both formal and informal to collect ethnographic data, but not surveying as that is a method used exclusively by sociologists


true/false? cultural anthropology is the largest subdiscipline in general anthropology


true/false? cultural anthropology is the study of human culture through fieldwork with living populations in order to describe, analyze, interpret, and explain cultural diversity


true/false? cultural resource management is an applied specialization in cultural anthropology


true/false? culture is universal to all primates


true/false? culture was first defined in anthropology by Edward B. Tylor


true/false? domestication is an example of independent invention


true/false? domestication was the universal adaptive strategy until the end of the last ice age


true/false? educational anthropology, business anthropology, and urban anthropology are all specializations in the subdiscipline of cultural anthropology


true/false? egalitarianism means that individuals own private property


true/false? ethnic cleansing can be accomplished through genocide, forced displacement, and ethnocide


true/false? ethnography is both the act of collecting cultural data through fieldwork and the written account of the fieldwork experience


true/false? ethnography is the first-hand, personal study of a cultural group through fieldwork


true/false? ethnology compares and contrasts ethnographies in order to identify and explain cultural differences and similarities and formulate and test hypotheses


true/false? exogamy refers to rules requiring marriage outside of a social group


true/false? feminism is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes, and was selected as the word of the year for 2017 by merriam webster


true/false? fictive kin are those that are biologically related to one another


true/false? for the sake of scientific accuracy, ethnographers maintain impersonal relationships with their informants at all times


true/false? foragers are highly democratic and make all decisions through voting and majority rule


true/false? foragers no longer exist in our modern world


true/false? foragers such as the !Kung have a diet that is healthier than the average middle class american


true/false? forensic anthropology and contract archaeology are examples of applied biological anthropology


true/false? forensic anthropology has the main goal of reconstructing past human behavior through the material remains of a culture


true/false? gerontocracies are societies that are intermediate between tribes and states


true/false? historic archaeology is the study of cultures that existed before the advent of writing/state society


true/false? historical linguistics reconstructs ancient languages and studies how languages change over time


true/false? homo is the genus of humans, whereas sapiens is the species designation--Homo sapiens


true/false? humans are primates


true/false? humans did not develop art, music, language, and religion until the neolithic, approximately 10-12,000 BP


true/false? humans have been practicing domestication for over 100,000 years as an adaptation to the ice age climate


true/false? humans have engaged in warfare since we became a species approximately 200,000 BP, supporting the hypothesis that we have a violence gene


true/false? humans share more than 98% of their genes with chimpanzees


true/false? humans, like all other animals, have a biological means of adapting to their environment, but they are unique in that they also have a cultural means of adaptation


true/false? ideal culture refers to what people believe is the right thing to do, as opposed to what they actually do in their daily lives


true/false? ideal culture refers to what people believe is the right thing to do, as opposed to what they actually do their daily lives


true/false? if a subsistence system causes environmental degradation, it is not sustainable


true/false? if two farming families agree to exchange one cow for 30 chickens and they both agree that the cow has equal value to the chickens, then this is a clear example of generalized reciprocity


true/false? if you observe that people in england are different from people in the US because they drive on the left side of the street, you are clearly being ethnocentric in your views


true/false? in foraging cultures, no individual has power and authority over any other individual, and decision-making is through consensus


true/false? in state societies, the family has authority and power over the government, whereas in bands, the family has no power over the state because kinship is no longer the central organizing principle of society


true/false? in the US, all archaeologists are anthropologists


true/false? in the video, "in the white man's image," the boarding school system of the united states government had the explicit goal of committing ethnocide against native american peoples


true/false? indigenous is a term that refers to the most recent, or newest inhabitants of a region


true/false? it is illegal to marry first cousins throughout the US


true/false? key cultural consultants are also called informants


true/false? kinship is the primary means of organization in foraging societies


true/false? manifest destiny was a phrase which invoked the idea of divine sanction for the territorial expansion of the united states


true/false? manifest destiny was argued by christian advocacy groups to help native americans reclaim lands taken by the US government


true/false? marriage and family are cultural universals


true/false? most culture are entirely homogeneous


true/false? napoleon chagnon (how cultures are studied) maintained distanced relationships with all of his informants in order to avoid conflict


true/false? one social advantage of agriculture is that it greatly reduced malnutrition and poverty in comparison to other subsistence systems


true/false? paleoanthropology refers to places, objects, structures, buildings, and evidence of past material culture and life that are important to understanding, appreciating, or preserving the past


true/false? participant observation is a required method in ethnography, but rapport and life histories are optional


true/false? people in the US have much more leisure time than foragers and work much less than people do in other industrialized nations of the world today


true/false? poverty is only found in state societies with economic stratification and private property


true/false? primatology, CRM, and paleoanthropology are specializations in archaeological anthropology


true/false? rapport is an optional field method for cultural anthropologists when conducting fieldwork


true/false? sapien means wise, whereas Homo means human


true/false? sociolinguistics is the study of linguistic variation within a group of speakers


true/false? symbols represent a referent and the connection is unique to each culture


true/false? systems of redistribution, such as taxation, are universal to all state societies and necessary to the functioning of the state


true/false? the "scorched earth campaign" was an act of ethnic cleansing by the guatemalan government against indigenous peoples of northern guatemala


true/false? the US was one of the first nations in the world to have paid parental leave after the birth or adoption of a child


true/false? the corn replaces the nitrogen that the beans extract from the soil in maya horticultural intercropping


true/false? the development of rounder, heavier bodies as a result of natural selection in cold climates is an example of cultural adaptation


true/false? the diachronic perspective focuses on human diversity through time


true/false? the earliest neolithic period occurred in europe around 40,000 BP


true/false? the earliest neolithic period occurred in the middle east in what was once mesopotamia


true/false? the end of the last ice age meant more land and food were made available to humans because sea levels fell


true/false? the human species (Homo sapiens) first evolved around 200,000 BP


true/false? the indian removal act of 1830 called for genocide against all native americans west of the mississippi river


true/false? the native american graves protection and repatriation act of 1990 ensures rights of native american groups to human remains and cultural items taken from them without their consent


true/false? the netsilik are a culture within the inuit


true/false? the san are a distinct culture within the !Kung


true/false? the social disadvantages of foraging include poverty, less leisure time, malnutrition, more warfare, and inequality


true/false? the terms "informant" and "consultant" imply that the anthropologist is the person with all of the power and authority in the fieldwork encounter


true/false? the yanomamo practice cannibalism in order to meet nutritional needs because they do not have a reliable source of protein in their environment


true/false? theft is an example of negative reciprocity


true/false? today, less than 1/4 of the global population has an urban way of life


true/false?"kill the indian to save the man" is a clear statement of ethnocide


turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? agriculturalists

turkana only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? are patrilineal pastoralists

kung only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? are uxorilocal during brideservice

kung only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? band exogamy

turkana, kung, and pahari

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? bilateral descent


turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? matrilineal

turkana only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? patrilineal

kung only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? practice brideservice

pahari only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? practice dowry

pahari only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? practice fraternal polyandry

turkana only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? unilineal descent

turkana only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? women do all subsistence work

turkana only

turkana only; pahari only; kung, pahari, turkana; kung only; both turkana and pahari; or none? practice bridewealth

gender stratification

unequal distribution of resources, power, prestige and authority between the genders reflecting different status positions in society

incest taboo

universal idea that there should be no sex in the family; all cultures have prohibited marriage in the direct line of descent= parents to children/grandparents to grandchildren


universal to all pastoralists; made up of 2 or more lineages; can be unilineal or bilateral; no private property=animals are lineage owned; land access is egalitarian; no formal leaders; kinship is the central organizing principle of society


universal; a group of people who are considered to be related in some way, including common ancestry, descent, biology, marriage, and ceremony

style shifts

variations in speech in different contexts


vocabulary; a dictionary containing all the morphemes in a language and their meaning

gods, devils, santa, tooth fairy, and easter bunny

what are 5 examples of animism?

regulates sexual behavior, creates political and economic alliances, and establishes a social unit for enculturation

what are the 3 functions of marriage?

relieve anxiety over the uncontrollable, explains the unknowable, and provides morals and laws (social control)

what are the 3 functions of religion?


what cannot be known through the senses

water buffalo

what did the warriors call sharks in the film "in the white man's image"?

intellectual property rights

what does IPR stand for?


what is malinowski's first name

maintain social identity, cohesion, and maintain wealth and power within a group

what is the function of endogamy? to..

economic and political alliances

what is the function of exogamy? it creates..

village head

what type of leadership position exists in yanomamo culture?


when a culture deliberately kills members of a gender


when a woman has more than one husband


when a woman has two or more husbands at one time


when factory workers produce for their employer's profits and feel little pride or sense of identification with the products they create, often performing one step and not the entire production from beginning to end

gender complementarity

when men and women perform different, but equally valued productive roles resulting in relative equality in terms of access to power, prestige, wealth, and authority


when the wife's kin group provides substantial wealth to the husband's family; correlates with low status for women

slash and burn cultivation

which is another term for horticulture? -pastoralism -slash and burn cultivation -intensive cultivation -foraging -hunting and gathering -industrialization


Australian aborigines are forced by colonial administrators to use steel axes even though they prefer to use their traditional stone axes

black english vernacular

BEV; a rule-governed dialect of american english (sometimes called ebonics) with roots in southern english; african american youth and many adults speak bev in their casual, intimate speech

daughter languages

Languages developing out of the same parent language; for example, French and Spanish are daughter languages of Latin.

reflexive ethnography

The ethnographer puts their personal feelings and reactions to fieldwork in their writing and publications


The existence of "high" (formal) and "low" (familial) dialects of a single language, such as German.

descriptive linguistics

The scientific study of a spoken language, including its phonology, morphology, lexicon, and syntax.


Unilineal descent rule in which people join the father's group automatically at birth and stay members throughout life.


Unilineal descent rule in which people join the mother's group automatically at birth and stay members throughout life.

cultural transmission

a basic feature of language; transmission through learning


a cultural universal; beliefs and practices associated with the supernatural; what cannot be known through the senses


a form of pastoralism in which part of the population moves seasonally with the herds while the other part remains in home villages


a language's meaning system


a set of processes, including diffusion, migration, and acculturation, that promote change in today's interlinked world

focal vocabulary

a set of words and distinctions that are particularly important to certain groups such as types of snow to eskimos or skiers


a straight, urban male who is keenly interested in fashion, home design, gourmet cooking, and personal care


a systematic field of study or body of knowledge that aims through experiment, observation, and deduction to produce reliable explanations of phenomena, with reference to the material and physical world


a women from Romania is pressured to remove her headscarf if she wishes to keep her job


all americans are required to celebrate St. Patrick's Day by wearing green in the US by an Act of Congress. Anyone not wearing green is arrested


an american is told that they will be hired by a chinese company only if they convert to Taoism

cultural consultant

an expert on a particular aspect of local life who helps the ethnographer understand that aspect


animism or animatism? a belief in supernatural beings; belief in souls or doubles


animism or animatism? a belief in supernatural forces ex) the force from star wars/ crystals that make you well or happy/power of pyramid/luck/barn covered with horseshoes

barack obama

ann dunham is a famous applied anthropologist who also is the mother or a person who is very much in the public eye. who is her world-recognized child?


arrangement and order of words in phrases and sentences


competitive feasting among native americans on the north pacific coast of north america


characteristic of development projects that require major changes in people's daily lives, especially ones that interfere with customary subsistence pursuits


considered the "father of anthropology"


considered the "father of ethnography"

parallel cousins

cousins that are children of two brothers or two sisters

band exogamy

creates regional identity across bands

international culture

cultural traditions that extend beyond national boundaries

marriage residence

cultural universal; where the marriage partners live after marriage


customary residence with the husband's relatives after marriage, so that children grow up in their father's community


customary residence with the wife's relatives after marriage, so that children grow up in their mother's community

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they cultivate plants

gender egalitarinism

equal access between the genders to resources, power, authority, freedom, decision-making, and prestige;equal access to the resources necessary for survival


exogamy or endogamy? practice of seeking a spouse within one's own group in order to maintain social identity, cohesion, and maintain wealth and power within a group


exogamy or endogamy? the practice of seeking a spouse outside one's own group; forces people to create and maintain a wide social network; creates economic and political alliances

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? afghanistan, bali, and taiwan

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? kinship is the central organizing principle of society


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? status is determined exclusively through differences in wealth

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? the netsilik and the !kung

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? their subsistence system is sustainable

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are egalitarian

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are neolithic cultures

foragers only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are nomadic


foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are organized as tribes

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are organized into state societies

agriculturalists only

foragers only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are sedentary

fraternal polyandry

form of polyandry where women marry all the brothers at the same time

gender complementarity

gender complementarity, stratification, or egalitarianism? correlation= the more women are valued for productive roles, the more relative status they have

gender egalitarianism

gender complementarity, stratification, or egalitarianism? equal pay for equal work and equal access to political power and leadership; northern europe

gender stratification

gender complementarity, stratification, or egalitarianism? women produce and control wealth, but do not have rights of ownership


groom must work for the bride's family; universal to foragers; signifies high value for women; seen as compensation for the loss of a woman's productive and reproductive roles


having both male and female characteristics


having more than one wife at a time; multiple wives often correlates with shortage of men due to warfare=men share wives


is a catch-all category for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine‍—‌identities which are outside the gender binary and cisnormativity.

high status

high or low status? in brideservice, where the groom must work for the bride's family, women have...

low status

high or low status? when discussing dowry, where the wife's kin group provides substantial wealth to the husband's family, women have relatively ...

agriculturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? afghanistan and bali

horticulturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? mayas and melanesians

agriculturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? their subsistence system is non-sustainable


horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are nomadic

horticulturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they are the earliest form of cultivation


horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they cultivate plants


horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they have a neolithic subsistence system

horticulturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they intercrop

agriculturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they irrigate

horticulturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they let their fields lie fallow and shift cultivation


horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they practice a paleolithic adaptive strategy


horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they practice domestication


horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they rely primarily on domesticated animals for subsistence

agriculturalists only

horticulturalists only, agriculturalists only, both, or neither? they use the plow


if women living in a patriarchal culture where men hold all political power, comply with their rulers' values that male domination is natural and inevitable, this would be an example of:

imitative magic

imitative or divination magic? magic that produces a desired effect by imitating it ex) voodoo doll rain dance

divination magic

imitative or divination magic? manipulating a sacred (associated with the supernatural) object to get an answer to a question ex) magic 8 ball/Ouija boards/magic conch/flipping a coin/plucking petals off a daisy/reading tarot cards, crystal ball, tea leaves

"two spirits"

in native american culture, people with third or fourth genders are known to have "________ __________"

the linguistic anthropologist experienced circular time once she learned the alien language

in the film, the arrival, what was the surprise ending?

serial monogamy

individuals marry several people, but one at a time

family of orientation

nuclear family in which one is born and grows up

descent group

nuclear family or descent group? includes multiple generations; permanent

nuclear family

nuclear family or descent group? only parents and children; impermanent;

gender identity

one's sense of being male or female


ordinary, casual speech


political system ruled by men in which women have inferior social and political status

plural marriage

polygamy is also known as _____________ ______________


postmarital residence pattern in which a couple establishes a new place of residence rather than living with or near either set of parents


scientifically identified health threat caused genetically or by a bacterium, virus, fungus, parasite, or other pathogen


sex or gender? nature/biology; genetics, hormones, genitalia, primary and secondary sexual characteristics


sex or gender? nurture/enculturation; behaviors, identities, and roles that are learned


significant sound contrast in a language that serves to distinguish meaning, as in minimal pairs


study of relationships between social and linguistic variation; study of language in its social context

historical linguistics

subdivision of linguistics that studies languages over time


the ability to use the rules of one's language to create new expressions comprehensible to other speakers; a basic feature of language


the deliberate destruction of another culture

biological adaptation

the development of taller, thinner bodies as a result of natural selection in hpt climates is an example of...

participant observation

the ethnographic technique which involves taking part in the events one is observing, describing, and analyzing

cultural relativism

the position that the values and standards of cultures differ and deserve respect


the research strategy that focuses on native explanations, the "natives" point of view


the social process by which culture is learned and transmitted across the generations


the state of a person's sex chromosomes, genitalia, and/or secondary sex characteristics are determined to be neither exclusively male nor female


the study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures, and facial expressions


the study of form


the study of how different cultures understand and treat disease--illness


the study of significant sound contrasts (phonemes) of a particular language


the study of sounds used in speech


the study of speech sounds in general; what people actually say in various languages

sapir-whorf hypothesis

theory that different languages produce different ways of thinking


to change or shift gender identity--to be above, outside, or beyond assigned gender


to have more than one spouse; polyandry and polygyny


to have one spouse


to negatively judge another culture relative to your own


tomatoes are incorporated into italian cuisine because italians like the taste and they grow well in the Mediterranean environment

bilateral descent

trace ancestry through both mother and father's line


true/false? "anthro-" means human and "ethno-" means culture


true/false? Dr. warner conducted fieldwork with the yanomamo people of guatemala

they find spider webs that were spun in the unused areas of the library

which of the following are NOT artifacts? It is 2 million years from now and an alien team of archaeologists lands on earth at the site of what once was bloomsburg university, finding that no intelligent life whatsoever is left on the planet. They begin to excavate the library at the university to learn more about the life form that once inhabited earth. through the process of archaeological excavation, they discover the following materials: -they find leaves and seeds from the bushes and flowers planted around the library -they find books -they discover the foundation stones of a colonial farmhouse beneath the library -they discover coffee grounds from starbucks -they find spider webs that were spun in the unused areas of the library -they discover rocks that were cut to make the foundation of the building

forensic anthropology

which of the following is NOT a subdiscipline in general anthropology? -forensic anthropology -biological anthropology -archaeological anthropology -cultural anthropology -linguistic anthropology

a hispanic family enrolls their children in Irish step dance because they enjoy the music and costumes that are used

which of the following is NOT an example of assimilation? -an immigrant from Italy is denied access to the US college of their choice unless they change their name to more like an english name -a hispanic family enrolls their children in Irish step dance because they enjoy the music and costumes that are used -a government forces a native population to sign a pledge to abandon their religion in favor of the official governmental policy that all citizens must be atheists or face ethnic cleansing -refusing to allow an indian-american woman to compete in the "miss america" beauty pageant if she does a traditional dance from india as her talent -out of fear of violence against them, an iraqi-american family converts to Christianity and does not teach their children their native language -the US indian boarding schools


which of the following is a prosimian?

human populations developing greater lung capacity in high altitude environments is an example of cultural adaptation

which of the following is false? -the use of fossil fuels to generate heat in cold environments by humans is an example of cultural adaptation -the use of an oxygen mask at high altitudes is an example of human cultural adaptation -human populations developing greater lung capacity in high altitude environments is an example of cultural adaptation -the human use of fire for warmth and cooking is an example of cultural adaptation -natural selection is biological adaptation -the indigenous peoples of the andes mountains in south american and the peoples of the Himalayas in india develop the idea of knitting warm camps and mittens to adapt to the cold without ever having any contact between the cultures is an example of independent invention

biological anthropology is the study of the taxonomic order primates, focusing on biology, evolution, behavior, and social life

which of the following is false? -urban anthropology is the anthropological study of life in and around world cities -educational anthropology is the cross-cultural study of schools and the learning process, with an emphasis on policy and administration -medical anthropology is the specialization that unites biological and cultural anthropologists in the study of disease, illness, health problems, health care systems, and theories about illness in different cultures -biological anthropology is the study of the taxonomic order primates, focusing on biology, evolution, behavior, and social life -taxonomy is the scientific study of the classification of life


which of the following means to give human like qualities to things which are in fact, not human?

culture is genetic

which of the following statements is false? -culture is learned -culture is shared -culture is genetic -culture is material -cultures is symbolic -culture is dynamic

all of the above

which of the following techniques were used to assimilate Native american children in the boarding schools? -children were forced to change their indigenous dress for military dress -children were forced to change their names -children were forced to cut their hair -children were forced to practice christianity -all of the above -none of the above

judging people from other cultures who have more than one spouse, as primitive and immoral because it is illegal in the US

which of the following would be a clear example of ethnocentrism -noticing that people in england tend to cook their vegetables more than people do in the US -believing that the values one's own culture should not be used to evaluate the behavior of someone from another culture -observing that another religion has many gods -judging people from other cultures who have more than one spouse, as primitive and immoral because it is illegal in the US -an american observes that people drive on the other side of the road in england -comparing the different bilingual education programs in the US


who is the "father of ethnography"?


who said, "The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once"?


words and their meaningful parts

minimal pairs

words that resemble each other in all but one sound

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