Anthropology Test #2

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Darwin's On the Origin of Species was published in..


Researchers from the United States and Germany have argued that the common ancestor of Neandertal and modern humans existed about...years ago.


The researcher who studied growth and development in Neandertals and compared it with modern human growth was...

Nancy Minugh-Purvis

Paleontologists believe primates evolved from insectivores because...

New kinds of plant life opened up sources for food and protection for new animal forms New plant life provided an abundant food supply for insects Insects proliferated, increasing the number of insectivores

Davidson Black found a Homo erectus he termed

Peking Man

Culture probably evolved over time because...

early Homo had home bases and families which might have encouraged learned and shared behaviors.

One of the major differences between hominids and almost all other primates is....

A division of labor by gender

Which of the following is NOT a hominoid characteristic ..

A tail

Homo ergaster is a name given by some archaeologists to what others consider to be Homo erectus found in...


Robust australopithecines include all of the following except...


Bipedalism does have it's downside, including

All of the above

In what way do modern humans, or Homo sapiens, look different than Neandertals?

All of the above

The genus Australopithecus was definitely hominid based on the fact...

All of the above

Why is continental drift an important event for explaining the different climates of the past?

As the continents changed position, they affected the climate

Primate paleontologists think that primates probably evolved from the ...order of mammals


The Primate fossil record

Is full of diversity the main evidence used by the multiregional theorists to support their theory.


Some paleoanthropologists think that...from the Paleocene epoch are archaic primates


The best known genus of proto-ape from the early Miocene is...


Regarding the primate brain, primatologists are not just interested in the size of the brain but are more interested in..

The relative brain size, or ratio of brain size, to body size

Why is there no consensus on how to characterize the Olduvai sites which contain concentrations of stone tools and animal bones.

all of the above

Many of the excavated home sites from the Middle Paleolithic from Europe and the Near East are located in...


Hominids are distinguished from other primates by

consistent erect walking on two feet

Archaeologists have experimented with the Oldowan tools. They did this because..

they wanted to know what the tools were used for.

About 1.8 million years ago a remarkable hominid species existed. What made them remarkable?

they were the first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World.

Homo erectus had a brain capacity of about...percent of modern humans.


About ...percent of all animal and plant life that lived in the last part of the Cenozoic, the late Cretaceous, vanished by the early Paleocene


Sexual dimorphism in Homo erectus is...

About the same as in Homo Sapiens

The tool tradition identified with Homo erectus is the...


Gracile australopithecines include all of the following except


The first early hominid found outside East Africa is...


Which of the following is not a prosmian


Anthropologists study primates primarily to understand the behavior and evolution of the?

Human Primate

Toward the end of the Acheulian period, a technique developed that enabled the toolmaker to produce flake tools of a predetermined size, the....method.


....Highlighted some weaknesses in the arboreal theory.

Matt Cartmill

There are many branches to the lineage between early primates and living primates, but this concept relies on one factor.

No one common ancestor, but a large number of them.

The Leakeys worked for almost 30 years at...before finding a hominid fossil, A Boisei.

Olduvai Gorge

Primates with monkey and apelike features appeared in the...epoch,about 34 million years ago.


Which of the following is NOT a distinct hominid trait?

Prehensile feet

Fossil evidence, together with anatomical and behavioral evidence, may help us understand what early.....were like?


Primatologists are most interested in...brain size


The word 'Garhi' the Ethiopian language.


Bipedal locomotion, walking on two legs, was not the only change that occurred during evolution. Included were...?

The expansion of the brain

Females of most primate species have...nipples on their chest


What characterizes early Homo so that we begin to see the start of new trends in hominid evolution?

all of the above

One early tool of the Acheulian tradition is known as the hand- axe. We think the hand-axe was mostly used for...

butchering large animals

Among the cultural adaptations Homo erectus may have made is...

none of the above

We know bipedal hominids emerged in Africa because...

the available fossil record shows this

According to Theodosius Dobzhansky, socialization and learning processes on which the transmission of culture wholly depends are tied to...

the length of the dependency period of human infants.

Differing adaptations of living primates may suggest why certain....occured


At...a stack of seven bear skulls was found with evidence of Neandertal habitation.

Drachenloch cave

Which is closely associated with the evolution of hominids?

Drier climate

Anthropologists speculate that early stone tools found in East Africa were made by...

Early Homo

Which is NOT a characteristic of New World Monkeys?

Three premolars

What makes Ardipithecus ramidus unique is that it...

combined apelike detention with bipedalism

One of the biggest differences between culture and other forms of animal behavior is that in culture, it is learned and shared. Why is this so?

cultural behavior is not innate and it has to be learned.

The earliest definite primates appeared in the...


Early Olduvai hominids

exploited a wide range of animals

The fundamental difference between culture and most other forms of animal behavior is that culture is...

leared and shared

Only modern humans have spoken, symbolic language because...

of the size of our brains and the presence of vocal cords

A most interesting debate continues regarding the Neandertals. Why?

some anthropologists argue that Neandertals are part of the same species as Homo sapiens and others think they are a distinct species that died out

The order Primates is usually subdivided into two suborders: the prosimians and the..


Archeulian sites were usually located close to...

all of the above

Sahelanthropus Tchadensis was found about... million years ago


Which of the following is NOT an early Eocene primate group?


The first definite hominid was...


One important reason for climate change in the late Cretaceous period was...

Continental Drift

Which of the following hominid characteristics came first?


The hominoid group contains all of the following families except...


A much greater proportion of hominid behavior is learned and culturally patterned because...

Hominids have a greater capacity to learn.

The first hominid species to be widely distributed in the Old World was...

Homo erectus

Harry Harlow's experiments demonstrated that play is

Important in the development of young monkeys

Hominid females can have sex..

Only when they are likely to conceive

Sivapithecus is probably the ancestor of modern...


Which of the following has evidence showing that it may have been a bipedal early hominid?

Orrorin Tugensis

A theory as to why hominids are completely terrestrial compared to other primates is..

Our ancestors lost their perches when the forests receded Culutural advances such as weapons or fire may have eliminated the need for nightly shelter in the trees

...and her colleagues presented evidence that the modern ancestor of people in the United States, New Guinea, Africa and East Asia lived about 200,000 years ago.

Rebecca Cann

...thinks that the Kleisis River people in Africa hunted large and small

Richard Klein

with the dying trend of 16 to 11 million years ago, the area called the...expanded in Africa.


Why are applied anthropologists developing an interest in biodoversity

The maintenance of genetic variation in plant and animal species provides for innovations in agriculture Ir provides sources of new resources or technologies in things like building materials and medicine It is a measure of environmental health and stability

The fossil record documenting the emergence of anthropoids is spotty because...

We have just not been able to fill in all the gaps between fossil finds

There are numerous theories trying to explain the primates origins, all of which have strong and weak points. Why is it difficult to have a set unified theory?

We have very little fossil evidence of the earliest primates

When Homo erectus hunted they may have used fire. How would this be an advantage ?

animals were driven out of their hiding places into hunters positioned downwind.

Why does the presence of tools mean culture exsisted?

making tools is a pattern of behavior shared by a group of individuals.

Bipedalism freed the hands, which allowed tools to be carried. This was an advantage because ...

the tools could be used as weapons against against predators, if necessary.

What is the main problem with anthropologists trying to reconstruct the body using fossils.

not enough fossils exist to even begin the process

The average size of the brain of Homo sapiens


Which of the following is NOT a behavioral ability of hominids

Being arboreal

The Arboreal Theory of Primate Evolution was put forward in 1912 by...

Elliot Smith

Most primate males have..

a pendulous penis

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of culture?

It is not important to modern humans

A.anamensis has been found in several locations in...


Y chromosome evidence traces descent only from...


Primatology is the study of?


The Supercontinent Pangea split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland about...


Raymond Dart found Australopithecus africanus in...


Recent finds in South Africa date Homo Sapiens to about...years ago.


The Eocene epoch began about ...million years ago.

55 million years ago

Homo erectus fossils were first discovered by

Eugene Dubois

Oreopithecus is well known ape from...


The...scenario has the clearest archaeological evidence to support it.


Without fossil remains, the reconstruction of primate evolution cannot happen. Why?

Fossils provide direct evidence of past connections

There is some belief in a multiregional theory which can best be explained as..

Homo erectus population in various parts of the Old World gradually evolved into anatomically modern looking humans.

Intermediate Theories have some relevance in the discussion of human origins because...

They try to explain the replacement of one population by another and some interbreeding between early modern looking humans.

The fossil that Raymond Dart discovered was that of...

a young child

The creation of home bases or home ranges among early Homo groups may have increased the likelihood of...

food sharing

Why do we think it possible that Neandertals had funeral rituals?

fossil evidence shows what looks like planned burial sites.

Generally, the greater the sexual dimorphism, the....the social dominance of males over females.


To explain why human evolution would proceed gradually and in the same direction in various parts of the Old World, multiregional theorists point to cultural improvements in...

hunting tools and cooking technology

Why have some anthropologists concluded that Neandertals may have homesites outside of caves.

while there is evidence of cave-dwelling, there is also evidence of open-air sites as well

What is the major principle of Single-Origin Theory?

The Neandertals did not evolve into modern humans but instead became extinct

Despite having a fossil record, paleoanthropologists disagree about a great deal. Why?

The fossils that remain are often incomplete and subject to interpretation

Paleontologists disagree about our ancestors, but they do agree...

There were at least two separate hominid lines between 3 million and 1 million years ago.

The widening of the female pelvis is related to

larger brained babies

The reconstruction of primate evolution

requires the finding of fossil remains

Full bipedalism may have made possible

the development of more efficient tool making and consequently more efficient scavenging and foraging.

What is the main argument against bipedal development as an adaptation for life on the savanna?

there is evidence there were few savannas, but more woodland and open country

Richard Potts suggests that caches of stone tools and stone for tool making were left at various sites in East Africa.

to facilitate recurrent food collecting and proceessing

We cannot accurately determine the lifestyle of early hominids from early tool sites because...

very little else was found with the tools that were dug up.

The largest of the surviving apes are...


What is an important factor that might account for different sizes of primate groups

If they are nocturnal The amount and density of food Competition over resources.

Harry Harlows experiments strongly suggest mothering is...


The skeleton of humans differs from that of the great apes in all of the following except

It has powerful muscles at the back of the neck

Compared with other primates, the human dependency period is much...


Anthropoids include all of the following except...


...claimed that Neandertals would not have been capable of complete bipedalism.

Marcellin Boule

The leader of the expedition that found 3.6 million year old footprints at Laetoli was...

Mary Leakey

The originator of the visual predation theory is...

Matt Cartwill

The Neandertal period in Africa is called the ...

Middle Paleolithic

The prosimians resemble other mammals ...the anthropoid primates do.

More than

Hominids have a division of labor day ...


Which of the following statements is NOT true of gibbons and siamangs?

There is great sexual dimorphism

The spread of...aided to the rise of primates


Which of the following traits do most primates NOT share

Monoscopic vision

Large trees with large fruits and seeds become common during the...epochs

Late paleocene and early eocene

The famous footprints of Australopithecus were found at


Homo Erectus dates from...million years ago


Cro-Magnon first appeared in Europe about...years ago


New evidence suggests that people were hunting big game as long as...years ago


It took about...years from first discovery for scholars to accept the possibility that Neandertals were not that different from modern humans


In...fossils were found in the Neander Valley, near Dusseldorf, Germany.


Robert Broom discovered the first known fossil of A. Robustus in...


In...researchers from the United States and Germany published findings from mtDNA taken from the original Neandertals and compared it with modern humans, forcing a reconsideration of the realtionship of modern humans and Neandertals.


The first clear evidence of stone tools appears more than...million years after the appearance of bipedalism.


The earliest identifiable stone tools from East Africa date from about...million years ago.


We know that by the early...epoch, primates resembling prosimians had already emerged.


All of the following are "costs" of bipedalism except

The hands were freed for other taska

The earliest Australopithecus species, anamensis, is dated to about...million years ago.

3.9-4.2 years ago

As with humans, other primates need play time to help develop normally. This is because play...

Is Important for learning Provides social skills Teaches them status positions

The "molecular clock" is an interesting way of measuring species divergence because...

It assumes that the more similar the blood proteins of related species, the more recently they diverged

Sahelanthropus tchadensis was an unusual find because...

It was found outside Eastern and Southern Africa.

One of the most famous A. afarensis fossils is named Lucy. Why is it so famous?

It was one of the most complete skeletons found

The Y-5 pattern of hominids refers to..

Lower cuspids have five cusps with Y shaped grooves

Anthropologists Donald Johanson found 40 percent of the skeleton of a female hominid at Hadar, which he named....after the Beatles song.


Primates have a fairly long dependency period which allows them...

More time to observe and learn complex behaviors essential to survival

Which of the following is NOT a theory about what happened to Neandertals?


The main two theories about the origin of Modern humans are the single-origin theory and the ...theory.


During the Oligocene epoch, 34 to 24 million years ago, the Fayum area of Egypt was

Tropical rain forest

Neandertals and modern humans seemed to have coexisted in Europe and the Near East for at least 20,000 years. What is the best explanation to describe what happened to Neandertals?

They became extinct when they were driven away from food sources by modern humans.

There are three main factors which influence body size of primates. They are...

Time of day species is active, where it is active, and the kinds of foods eaten.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of modern primates

Verbal speech

The exploitation of resources in a....habitat was probably the key adaptation in the emergence of the primates..


The Leakey family made a significant find in 1959 with the discovery of Australopithecus boisei. Why was that discovery so important?

It demonstrated that early hominids were present in East Africa, not just South Africa

Early Neandertals and early modern humans got their food in a variety of ways. Why?

It varied with their enviorment whether semiarid desert or cold tundra

Has the fossil evidence told us where and when hominids first emerged

Yes, from Africa about 6-7 million years ago

The knowledge gained from anatomical studies of living species...

can allow important inferences o be made about behavioral and physical traits likely to be associated with primate fossil features.

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