AOII Quiz #3
Big Brother/Little Sister
"AOII does not authorize the affiliation of, "big brother," organizations with its collegiate chapters nor chapters encourage, nominate, or assist members in applying for membership in, "little sister," organizations or any otherwise named fraternity auxiliary group."
"AOII expects each member to obey all applicable laws regarding controlled substances."
Cultural Diversity Statement
"AOII recognizes that diversity is integral to a well-rounded membership experience and that each potential new member and member possesses special characteristics that they can contribute to the organization."
Financial Responsibility
"All members and new members must accept a financial agreement that guarantees acceptance of financial responsibility for all fees for the member and new member."
Fraternal Information and Programming Group (FIPG)
"Alpha Omicron Pi's policies are consistent with those of FIPG. AOII members must adhere to the Risk Management policies."
"For an AOII-sponsored or co-sponsored event, the following methods maybe utilized: walk, mass transit (chartered transportation or public transportation), and the use of personal cars (including designated drivers)."
Moral and Ethical Behavior
"Having voluntarily associated yourself with Alpha Omicron Pi, you have accepted the high standards of decency and integrity that the Fraternity demands of each of its members. Through our rituals, the fundamentals have been articulated for our membership and it is expected that our membership should follow those."
"Hazing is not in conformity with the Rituals of Alpha Omicron Pi nor does it project an image of sisterhood and fraternal love. No chapter, colony, or member of AOII should encourage, authorize, or engage in conduct that may be classified as hazing."
"It is a privilege for AOII chapters to have a housing facility. Collegiate members are required to live in chapter housing when space is available and when it is not contrary to college or university rules."
Academic Development
"The academic policies of AOII set expectations for both the collegiate chapter and the individual member. Each chapter must have a program in place to support the academic performance of its members. The chapter must also have policies in place that set the minimum requirements for its members and officers."
"The purpose of the AOII Alcoholic Policy is to ensure that all members are provided with the knowledge and support necessary to make responsible and mature decisions regarding alcohol consumption when they are legally entitled to do so."
"The purpose of the Technology Policy is to remind our members that all electronic communication and online public relations materials should reflect the values and ideals of AOII and reflect credit on the Fraternity."
Helen St. Clair Mullan
Name the founder who graduated first in her class from New York University Law School and was the framer of AOII's Constitution and Bylaws.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
Name the founder who was AOII National President during the Depression years, and was the first International President as she pioneered expansion into Canada.
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Name the founder who was a crusader for peace and human conditions, started the War Resisters League, and is the only Founder to have earned a Ph.D. and have her own Wikipedia page.
Stella George Stern Perry
Name the founder who was an author of seventeen books, owned an advertising agency and served as the first National President and AOII Historian for life.