AOM: TG Ch. 5: Head, Neck, and Face Muscles and Bones Review

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Posterior Scalene Insertion

2nd rib

Masseter Insertion

Angle and ramus of mandible

digastric nerve

Anterior belly: trigeminal (V) Posterior belly: facial (VII)

Temporalis Insertion

Coronois process and anterior edge of ramus of mandible

Corrugator Supercilli

Deep; muscle on forehead; Originates on the lower part of the frontal bone and draws the eyebrows medially and inferiorly.

Infrahyoids Action

Depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage

platysma action

Depression of mandible and lower lip Tension of skin of neck

Temproalis Action

Elevate mandible (TMJ). Retract mandible (TMJ). Used whe ripping off and chewing a piece jerky and grinding teeth

Masseter Action

Elevate mandible. May assist to protract the mandible Used when talking, chewing gum, and gnashing teeth

medial pterygoid action

Elevates and protracts and moves mandible from side to side


Fascia over the nasal bone, superior to nasalis- pulls the skin of the nose upward.

Middle Scalene Insertion

First Rib

Anterior Scalene Insertion

First rib

Sternocleidomastoid Insertion

Mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of superior nuchal line of occiput


Originates on the galea aponeurotica and anchors it to the occiput and draws scalp posteriorly


Originates on the galea aponeurotica and raises eyebrows

Digastric muscle

Originates on the mastoid process, loops through a tendinous sling on the hyoid and inserts on the interior body of the mandible. depresses mandible, elevates hyoid

Levator Labii Superioris (L.L.S.)

Originates on the maxilla and elevates and protrudes the upper lip.

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi (L.L.S.A.N.)

Originates on the maxilla and flares the nostril as well as elevate and protrude the upper lip.

Sternocleidomastoid Innervation

Spinal Accessory (XI) Nerve C2,3

Sternocleidomastoid Orgin

Sternal Head: Top of manubrium Clavicular Head: Medial 1/3 of clavicle

Sternocleidomastoid origin

Sternal head: manubrium of sternum Clavicular head: medial 1/3 of clavicle

Posterior Triangle

Sternocleidomastoid, Trapezius, Clavicle. The scalenes are found in this triangle.

Temporalis Orgin

Temporal fossa and fascia

Anterior Triangle

Trachea, Base of Mandible, Sternocleidomastoid. The carotid artery sits in triangle

Middle Scalene Orgin

Transverse processes of 2-7 cervical vertebrae

Anterior Scalene Orgin

Transverse processes of 3-6 cervical vertebrae

Posterior Scalene Orgin

Transverse processes of 6-7 cervical vertebrae

masseter nerve

Trigeminal (CN V)

Masseter Innervation

Trigeminal (V) Nerve (mandibular division)

Temporalis Innervation

Trigeminal (V) Nerve (mandibular division)

Longus Capitis action

Unilateral rotate head & neck to same side,laterally flex head & neck to same sideBilateral flex head & neck

Longus Colli action

Unilateral rotate head & neck to same side,laterally flex head & neck to same sideBilateral flex head & neck

Sternocleidomastoid Action

Unilaterally- Laterally flex head and neck to same side. Rotate head and neck to opposite side Bilaterally- Flex neck. Assist to elevate rib cage during inhalation. Used to shake head yes and no.

Scalenes Action

Unilaterally- With ribs fixed, laterally flex head and neck to same side. Rotate head and neck to opposite side Bilaterally- Elevate ribs during inhalation. Flex head and neck Taking a deep breath into upper chest and stabilizing head when reading Whiplash

sternocleidomastoid action

Unilaterally: Contralateral rotation of head and neck Lateral flexion of head and neck Bilaterally: Flexion of head and neck Contributes to extension of upper cervical region and head

Masseter Orgin

Zygomatic Arch

sternocleidomastoid nerve

accessory nerve (XI)

scalenes actions

all parts Unilaterally: laterally flex head and neck to same side Rotate head and neck to opposite sides Bilaterally: elevate rib during inhalation anterior: Bilaterally flex head and neck

masseter insertion

angle and ramus of mandible

scalenes insertion

anterior: 1st rib middle: 1st rib posterior: 2nd rib

scalenes origin

anterior: transverse processes of C3-C6 middle: transverse processes of C2-C7 posterior: transverse processes of C6-C7

lateral pterygoid action

bilateral: protrudes mandible unilateral: side-to-side movement of mandible

temporalis insertion

coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of mandible


deep; diagonal under the masseter; Originates on the maxilla and compresses the cheeks.


deep; large sheet on cheek inferior to the (3 diagonal muscles - Zygomaticus & Lavator labii superioris)

digastric action

depress mandible elevate hyoid bone retract mandible

mylohyoid action

elevate hyoid and tongue depress mandible

stylohyoid action

elevate hyoid and tongue depress mandible

temporalis action

elevates and retracts mandible

geniohyoid action

elevates hyoid and tongue Depress mandible

masseter action

elevates mandible may assist to protract mandible

The muscles in the back...


The muscles in the front...


geniohyoid insertion

hyoid bone

mylohoid insertion

hyoid bone

stylohyoid insertion

hyoid bone

digastric insertion

inferior border of mandible

Looking to your right would ___ the right SCM.


Opening your jaw as far as you can would ___ the masseter's fibers.


digastric origin

mastoid process

Sternocleidomastoid insertion

mastoid process of temporal bone

Orbicularis Oris

muscle around the mouth that closes the mouth and shapes and protrudes the lips.

infrahyoid muscles

omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid

Occipitofrontalis action

raise eyebrows, wrinkle forehead

Inhaling deeply would ___ the Scalenes.


Looking to your left would ___ the right SCM.


Suprahyoid muscles

stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid Digastric sometimes counted as one of these Originate on the underside of the mandible and styloid process and inserts on the hyoid bone

stylohyoid origin

styloid process of temporal bone

Orbicularis Oculi

superficial; circular muscle around the eye; depresses the upper eyelid and elevates the lower eyelid.

Zygomaticus Major

superficial; most lateral diagonal muscle on cheek Originates on the zygomatic bone and elevates the corner of the mouth and draws it laterally.

Depressor Anguli Oris

superficial; most lateral muscle of chin; Originates on the mandible and depresses the corner of the mouth.


superficial; sheet-like muscle in neck that pulls mouth (jaw) downward

temporalis origin

temporal fossa and fascia

temporalis nerve

trigeminal nerve

geniohyoid origin

underside of mandible

mylohyiod origin

underside of mandible

masseter origin

zygomatic arch

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