AP Bio 1st Semester Study Guide

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the chief energy currency of all cells is a molecule called __?__


the discovery of ribozyms meant that some __?__ have enzymatic activity.

RNA molecules

enzymes catalyze cemical rxns by lowering __?__ energy


what does the inhibitor bind to during feedback inhibition?

allosteric site

what are two functions of the active site of an enzyme?

break bonds b/w substrates & lower substrate activation energy

how does sucrose change the configuration of sucrase?

by binding to the active site

what is the most comprehensive definition of "energy"?

capacity or ablility to do work

the organic non-protein components that aid in enzyme functioning are called __?__


molecules that bind within the active site of an anzyme are __1?__, whereas molecu;es that bind at a site distant from the active site are __2?__.

competitive inhibitor & non-competitive inhibitor

consider the biochemical pathway used to synthesize the amino acid proline. a high increase in the level of proline will most likely lead to a __?__ in proline production.


oxidation and reduction rxns are chemical processes which result in the gain or lose of __?__


what is activation energy?

energy required to destabilize existing bonds and initiate chemical rxn

protein catalyst that speed up the various metabloc biological rxns in an organism are called __?__


rxns that occur spontaneously and release free energy are called __?__ rxns


blood sugar refers to what molecule circulating the blood?


in simple terms, sucrase breaks sucrose into __?__ and __?__

glucose and fructose

a calorie is the commonly used unit of chemical energy. it is also the unit of __?__


as energy is being reconverted through the many forms, it is continuously lost as __?__


how does the energy of sunlight enter into biological systems?

heat is taken into plants through photosynthesis and stored in chemical bonds

a spontaneous rxn is one in which the reactants have a __?__ free energy than the products.


how does a cataylst assist a chemical rxn?

lowers activatin energy which leads to quicker rxns

the chemistry of living systems representing all chemical rxns is called __?__


where is sucrose found in the human body?

microvilli of the small intestine

where is the energy stored in a molecule of atp?

phosphate bonds

a covalent bond b/w two atoms represents what kind of energy?


most enzymes are what type of organic molecule?


during redox rxns the molecule that gains an electron has been __?__ and now has a higher energy level.


when an atom or molecule gains on e or more electrons, it is said to be __?__


properties of a catalyst?

remains unchanged in mass and chemical composition throughout rxn; active sites that are specific; enzyme is recycled

what is the proper term for the molecule that binds to the active site of an enzyme?


a chemical rxn in which the products contain less energy than the __?__ will tend to proceed spontaneously

substrates or reactants

what is the common factor that influences enzyme function at extreme temperature?

the 3-d shape of the enzyme(enzyme-substrate complex)

in feedback inhibition, the inhibitor of the biochemical pathway is typically found where in the biochemical pathway?

the end product

lifes ultimate source of energy is derived from where?

the sun

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