AP Bio Midterm Review

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What is the expected percent change in the DNA content of a typical eukaryotic cell as it progresses through the cell cycle from the start of the G1 phase to the end of the G2 phase?


The approximate molarity of the solution in which the mass of the plant pieces would not change is

0.3 M

To test the hypothesis that a particular plant synthesizes storage lipids by using glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) from photosynthesis, a researcher plans to use radiolabeled precursors to track the molecules through the biosynthetic pathway. Which of the following radiolabeled precursors is most appropriate for the researcher to use?

14C-labeled CO2, because atmospheric carbon is fixed to carbohydrates by photosynthesis

If 2n = 48 for a particular cell, then the chromosome number in each cell after meiosis would be


The energy required to run the Calvin cycle reactions of photosynthesis comes from which two substances produced during the light-dependent reactions?


A researcher claims that the synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) is essential to cellular function. Which of the following statements best helps justify the researcher's claim?

ATP hydrolysis is an energy-releasing reaction that is often coupled with reactions that require an input of energy.

An investigator wants to understand whether a newly found membrane protein is involved in membrane transport of a certain particle. Which investigation will help determine whether the new membrane protein is a channel protein involved in membrane transport?

Add more of the proteins to the plasma membrane and measure the rate of the particle movement.

A student is using dialysis bags to model the effects of changing solute concentrations on cells. The student places one dialysis bag that contains 25 mL of distilled water into each of two beakers that are filled with 200 mL of distilled water. (Figure 1). The membrane of each dialysis bag membrane contains pores that allow small solutes such as monoatomic ions to pass through but are too small for anything larger to pass. After 30 minutes, 5 mL of a concentrated solution of albumin (a medium-sized, water-soluble protein) is added to one of the two beakers. Nothing is added to the other beaker. After two more hours at room temperature, the mass of each bag is determined. There is no change in the mass of the dialysis bag in the beaker to which no albumin was added. Which of the graphs below best represents the predicted change in mass over time of the dialysis bag in the beaker to which albumin was added?


Students in a class measured the mass of various living organisms. They then kept the organisms in the dark for 24 hours before remeasuring them. None of the organisms were provided with nutrients during the 24-hour period. The data are as follows. Which of the following is the best explanation for the pattern of change in mass of the organisms over time?

Cellular respiration

Which of the following best describes the role of mitosis in the cell cycle?

Distributing replicated chromosomes to daughter nuclei

The diagram below shows energy changes in a specific chemical reaction with and without the addition of an enzyme to the reaction. Which of the following questions can best be answered by the diagram?

Does the addition of an enzyme reduce the activation energy required for a reaction?

The process depicted in the image above is best summarized by which of the following descriptions?

During meiosis, crossing over leads to recombination of alleles between homologous chromosomes.

A scientist claims that Elysia chlorotica, a species of sea slug, is capable of photosynthesis. Which of the following observations provides the best evidence to support the claim?

Elysia chlorotica grows when exposed to light in the absence of other food sources.

Which metabolic process is common to both aerobic cellular respiration and alcoholic fermentation?


The O2 released during photosynthesis comes from


Which of the following is responsible for the cohesive property of water?

Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule

Which of the following patterns is shown by the data?

In mutant 3 cells, more time is spent in prophase/prometaphase than in the later stages of mitosis.

According to the results of this experiment, germination of tobacco seeds during the first week is

Increased by exposure to light

Cortisol is a hormone produced in response to stress, including starvation, in humans. Which of the following is most likely an immediate effect of a starvation-induced increase in cortisol secretion?

Increased mobilization of fatty acids from fat cells

Water is constantly diffusing into the cytosol of freshwater single-celled organisms. In order to maintain the proper solute concentrations in the cytosol, contractile vacuoles pump out the excess water. An experimenter placed single-celled organisms into various saline concentrations and recorded the ATP used by the contractile vacuole. The data are shown in the graph. Of the following, which additional investigation can be used to determine when the cells are in an isotonic solution?

Increasing the salinity of the environment a little at a time until the ATP usage reaches a minimum

Which of the following statements best helps explain how the lead ion causes inhibition of ALAD?

It changes the three-dimensional structure of the active site so that ALAD is no longer compatible with its substrate.

Which of the following observations best supports the claim that mitochondria evolved from once-free-living prokaryotic cells by the process of endocytosis?

Mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane.

Which of the following statements best explains the processes of passive and active transport?

Passive transport is the net movement of substances down a concentration gradient that does not require metabolic energy. Active transport is the movement of substances up a concentration gradient that requires energy.

Which of the following best describes how amino acids affect the tertiary structure of a protein?

The interactions of the different RR-groups with other RR-groups and with their environment determine the tertiary structure of the protein.

Which of the following is an important difference between light-dependent and light-independent reactions of photosynthesis?

The light-dependent reactions produce ATP and NADPH; the light-independent reactions use energy stored in ATP and NADPH.

A certain type of specialized cell contains an unusually large amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Which of the following functions is this cell type most likely specialized to perform?

The production and secretion of proteins

A scientist is studying the various prokaryotic and eukaryotic species found floating in a sample of water taken from a marine ecosystem. Which cellular component will be found in the widest range of organisms in the sample?

The ribosome, since all organisms need to synthesize proteins.

Which of the following statements best helps explain the reaction specificity of an enzyme?

The shape and charge of the substrates are compatible with the active site of the enzyme.

A researcher claims that the incorporation of carbon dioxide into organic molecules during photosynthesis does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. Which of the following statements best helps justify the researcher's claim?

The total system that includes photosynthetic organisms and the Sun becomes less ordered over time.

Which of the following transport mechanisms will be affected most directly by a temporary shortage of ATP molecules inside the cell?

The transport of glucose molecules against a concentration gradient

Based on the data, scientists claim that the reproductive behavior of European flycatchers is influenced by the availability of energy sources. Which of the following statements best justifies this claim?

Young European flycatchers hatch from eggs when caterpillar biomass is available for the young birds to consume and convert into energy for growth.

Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion are related in that both

depend on a concentration gradient

DNA replication occurs

during the S phase of the cell cycle

ATP serves as a common energy source for organisms because

its energy can be easily transferred to do cellular work

Which of the following occurs in both meiosis and mitosis?

Separation of sister chromatids

Most cells that have become transformed into cancer cells have which of the following characteristics when compared to normal, healthy cells?

Shorter cell cycle

Figure 1. Testosterone movement across the cellular membrane. Testosterone is a small steroid hormone that is important in cell signaling. Which of the following indicates where testosterone enters a cell and why it is able to cross at that point?

1, because testosterone is nonpolar and can diffuse through the membrane.

The cell cycle of yeast cells grown in the nutrient-poor environment is approximately what percent of the cell cycle of yeast cells grown in the nutrient-rich environment?


To model a plant cell, a permeable, nonflexible case is placed around each piece of dialysis tubing. The greatest pressure potential will develop within dialysis tube number


A scientist determined the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction by measuring the amount of product formed over time. The following curve was generated from the data collected. During which time interval is the reaction rate lowest?

4-5 minutes

Dialysis tubing is permeable to water molecules but not to sucrose. Four dialysis tubes are half filled with 5 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent, and 40 percent sucrose solutions, respectively, and two dialysis tubes are half filled with distilled water. The dialysis tubes are all sealed at both ends, and the initial masses are determined. Five dialysis tubes are placed into beakers containing distilled water, and the sixth dialysis tube, containing distilled water, is placed into a 40 percent sucrose solution. The masses of the dialysis tubes are recorded at 30-minute intervals for 90 minutes, as shown in the table below. The contents of which dialysis tube are initially isotonic to the distilled water in the beaker?


A net movement of water into the beaker occurs in which of the following dialysis tubes?


Dialysis tubing is permeable to water molecules but not to sucrose. Four dialysis tubes are half filled with 5 percent, 10 percent, 20 percent, and 40 percent sucrose solutions, respectively, and two dialysis tubes are half filled with distilled water. The dialysis tubes are all sealed at both ends, and the initial masses are determined. Five dialysis tubes are placed into beakers containing distilled water, and the sixth dialysis tube, containing distilled water, is placed into a 40 percent sucrose solution. The masses of the dialysis tubes are recorded at 30-minute intervals for 90 minutes, as shown in the table below.


Figure 1. The average amount of time spent by a particular type of eukaryotic cell in each phase of the cell cycle Based on Figure 1, what percent of the time required to complete a full cycle do the cells typically spend in interphase?


Which of the following correctly illustrates a dipeptide and an amino acid in the optimal position to form a tripeptide?


The student prepared identical samples of beet root tissue and incubated each sample for 15 minutes in the specific solution for that group. At the end of the incubation period, the student measured the absorbance of 460 nm light for each sample. A greater concentration of betacyanin in the solution surrounding the beet root cells results in a greater absorbance of 460 nm light. The results of the experiment are shown in the table above. Which of the following graphs is the most appropriate representation of the experimental data?

A - bar graph

Which of the following describes a metabolic consequence of a shortage of oxygen in muscle cells?

A buildup of lactic acid in the muscle tissue due to fermentation

Cancer can result from a variety of different mutational events. Which of the following is LEAST likely to result in the initiation of a cancerous tumor?

A defect in a cell-cycle checkpoint prevents a cell from entering the S phase.

In most vertebrates, the sperm cell normally contributes which of the following to the new organism?

A haploid complement of chromosomes

The mechanism of action of many common medications involves interfering with the normal pathways that cells use to respond to hormone signals. Which of the following best describes a drug interaction that directly interferes with a signal transduction pathway?

A medication enters the target cell and inhibits an enzyme that normally synthesizes a second messenger.

A researcher proposes a model to explain how enzyme-substrate interactions determine enzyme specificity. The model is based on the idea that substrate molecules form favorable interactions with the amino acid side chains in an enzyme's active site. Based on the model, which of the following statements best explains an enzyme's specificity for a particular substrate molecule?

A molecule with negative charges interacts with positively charged side chains in the enzyme's active site.

The diagram above represents a model of signal transduction pathways (I and II) in a cell that is targeted by two different hormones (H1 and H2). The components of the signal transduction pathways are identified in the figure legend. Each cellular molecule in both pathways can exist in an inactive or active form. When the components in pathway I are sequentially activated, the TAP molecules promote cell division. When the components in pathway II are sequentially activated, downstream signaling by the G protein is inhibited. Based on the model, which of the following mutations is most likely to result in a cell that will generate a cancerous tumor?

A mutation in the gene encoding G-PIP that results in a nonfunctional protein

During aerobic cellular respiration, oxygen gas is consumed at the same rate as carbon dioxide gas is produced. In order to provide accurate volumetric measurements of oxygen gas consumption, the experimental setup should include which of the following?

A substance that removes carbon dioxide gas

Which of the following correctly uses the data to justify the claim that the phosphagen system is an immediate, short-term source of ATP for muscle cells?

ATP production by the phosphagen system increases and decreases rapidly following the start of the exercise period.

In an experiment, a scientist isolates mitochondria from living cells and suspends them in two different buffered solutions. One solution is maintained at pH 4, while the other solution is maintained at pH 9. The scientist finds that mitochondria in the solution at pH 4 continue to produce ATP but those in the pH 9 solution do not. The results of the experiment can be used as evidence in support of which of the following scientific claims about mitochondrial activity?

ATP production in mitochondria requires a hydrogen ion gradient that favors movement of protons into the mitochondrial matrix.

A researcher claims that a certain herbicide suppresses plant growth by inhibiting chloroplast function. To test the claim, the researcher treats isolated chloroplasts with increasing concentrations of the herbicide. The data from the experiment are presented in Table 1.

ATP synthase activity depends on a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.

A study was conducted to understand the factors controlling the rate at which molecules or ions travel across cell membranes. An artificial membrane was created that was composed of a phospholipid bilayer only. The speed at which various substances crossed this membrane was measured. Some substances can pass through an actual cell membrane much faster than they passed through the artificial membrane in this study. Which of the following statements best explains this finding?

Actual cell membranes have a variety of proteins embedded in the membrane that are absent in the artificial membrane.

The vertebrate forelimb initially develops in the embryo as a solid mass of tissue. As development progresses, the solid mass near the end of the forelimb is remodeled into individual digits. Which of the following best explains the role of apoptosis in remodeling of the forelimb?

Apoptosis involves the regulated activation of proteins in specific cells of the developing forelimb that leads to the death of those cells.

Which of the following best describes the numbered areas?

Areas 1 and 3 are polar, since the membrane molecules are aligned with water molecules.

Which of the following best describes the numbered areas? (Phospholipid Bilayer Regions)

Areas 1 and 3 are polar, since the membrane molecules are aligned with water molecules.

A researcher claims that only a portion of the light energy captured by green plants is available for growth and repair. Which of the following observations best helps justify the researcher's claim?

As light energy is converted to chemical energy by metabolic processes, some of the energy is lost as heat.

A researcher claims that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels cause increased growth rates in plants. Which of the following statements best supports the researcher's claim?

Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the raw material for photosynthesis, which plants rely on for producing sugars and other organic compounds.

A common laboratory investigation involves putting a solution of starch and glucose into a dialysis bag and suspending the bag in a beaker of water, as shown in the figure below. The investigation is aimed at understanding how molecular size affects movement through a membrane. Which of the following best represents the amount of starch, water, and glucose in the dialysis bag over the course of the investigation?


A culture of Spirogyra (an autotrophic alga) is maintained in a water solution containing dissolved carbon dioxide and a source of phosphates but lacking nitrogen compounds. A researcher determines the rates of synthesis of several organic compounds found in the Spirogyra before and after several weeks in the water solution. Which of the following graphs best illustrates a likely result of the experiment?


A researcher claims that spinach leaves capture the most energy from light waves in the range of 500 nm to 600 nm. To test the claim, the researcher will place spinach leaves in separate chambers and expose the leaves to different wavelengths of light. For each chamber, the researcher will measure the amount of oxygen gas (O2) that is produced in one hour. Which of the following graphs best represents data from the experiment that will support the researcher's claim?


After exposing the samples to light or dark for one hour, the students recorded the pH of the water in each beaker. Carbon dioxide dissolved in water will lower the pH of an aqueous solution. In the experiment, the students used changes in pH to monitor changes in the amount of carbon dioxide in the water. For each treatment group, the students calculated the mean pH and standard error, as documented in the table below. Which of the following graphs is the most appropriate representation of the experimental results documented in the table?

B: the bar graph

A magnesium sulfate solution taken orally can cause a net movement of water into the large intestine, which results from water molecules diffusing through aquaporins embedded in the cells of the intestinal lining. By which of the following mechanisms do the water molecules most likely move into the large intestine?

By passive transport from an area of low osmolarity to an area of high osmolarity

Aldosterone (a steroid hormone) is a small, nonpolar, hydrophobic molecule that enters a target cell by moving across the plasma membrane, down a concentration gradient. Based on the information presented, how does aldosterone most likely enter target cells?

By simple diffusion

(A) Glysolysis(B) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)(C) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis)(D) Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis(E) Chemiosmosis Process in which carbon from CO2 is incorporated into organic molecules


Which of the following statements best helps justify the inclusion of test tube 5 in the experiment?

It will act as a control for test tube 6 by showing the effect of the presence or absence of the enzyme.

Students conducted a controlled experiment to investigate whether sawdust provides enough nutrients to support plant growth. The students separated ten nearly identical sunflower seedlings into two groups. They grew the seedlings in the first group in potting soil and the seedlings in the second group in sawdust composed mostly of cellulose. After twenty days, the students recorded observations about the seedlings in each group. The students' observations are presented in the table. The observed differences between the groups most likely resulted from differences in the ability of the seedlings to produce which of the following monomers?


An increase in the rate of oxygen production by algae would be accompanied by a comparable increase in the rate of production of which of the following substances?


The cell membrane is selectively permeable due to its structure. Thus, the internal environment of the cell is distinct from the external environment of the cell. One biologist hypothesizes that small nonpolar molecules readily pass through the membrane. Another biologist alternatively hypothesizes that these types of molecules require channel and transport proteins that are embedded in the membrane in order to move across the membrane. Which of the following data would best refute this alternative hypothesis?

CO2 and N2 movement in and out of cells is unaffected when membrane protein activity is blocked.

Some cells, such as intestinal cells, exchange a lot of material with their surroundings. The surface-to-volume ratio of these cells affects the efficiency of material exchange. The table provides measurements of four different eukaryotic cells. Based on the data, which cell is likely to be most effective in the exchange of materials?

Cell 2

Researchers have proposed a model of chloroplast evolution. According to the model, chloroplasts evolved from a small prokaryotic organism that was engulfed by an ancestral eukaryote. The engulfed prokaryote then formed an endosymbiotic relationship with the eukaryotic host. Which of the following observations best supports the model?

Chloroplasts and some prokaryotes share similar photosynthetic reactions.

Which of the following presents a correct interpretation of the changes in chromosome number depicted in Figure 1 ?

Chromosomes enter metaphase containing two chromatids attached by a centromere. During anaphase, the chromatids are separated, each becoming a chromosome. Cytokinesis distributes the chromosomes into two separate cells.

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) is an enzyme that aids in the decomposition of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH) into nontoxic substances. Methyl alcohol acts as a competitive inhibitor of ethyl alcohol by competing for the same active site on ADH. When attached to ADH, methyl alcohol is converted to formaldehyde, which is toxic in the body. Which of the following statements best predicts the effect of increasing the concentration of substrate (ethyl alcohol), while keeping the concentration of the inhibitor (methyl alcohol) constant?

Competitive inhibition will decrease because the proportion of the active sites occupied by substrate will increase.

(A) Glysolysis(B) Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)(C) Calvin cycle (light-independent reactions of photosynthesis)(D) Light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis(E) Chemiosmosis. Process in which O2 is released as a by-product of oxidation-reduction reactions


Cholesterol is a naturally occurring substance that helps regulate the fluidity of a cell's plasma membrane. A cholesterol molecule can be represented as having a polar head and a nonpolar region, as shown in the figure. Which of the following models shows how cholesterol molecules most likely interact with the phospholipid bilayer of a cell's plasma membrane?


Two competing hypotheses exist regarding the cell membrane structure. One hypothesis states that membrane structure is static and membrane components throughout the bilayer are rigidly bound. Alternatively, the other hypothesis states that cell membranes are a fluid mosaic in which membrane components may drift within the bilayer around the surface of the cell. An experiment is set up in which membrane proteins of two different cells are fluorescently labeled with two different colors and then fused as shown in Figure 1. Which of the following results, one hour after membrane fusion, best supports the alternative hypothesis that the cell membrane is a fluid mosaic?


Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria. In an experiment, bacteriophages were labeled with either radioactive phosphorus or radioactive sulfur. The labeled bacteriophages were incubated with bacteria for a brief amount of time and then removed. The infected bacteria cells were found to contain significant amounts of radioactive phosphorus but not radioactive sulfur. Based on the results of the experiment, which of the following types of molecules did the bacteriophages most likely inject into the bacteria cells?


6CO2 + 12H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O If the input water is labeled with a radioactive isotope of oxygen, 18O, then the oxygen gas released as the reaction proceeds is also labeled with 18O. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?

During the light reactions of photosynthesis, water is split, removing electrons and protons, and oxygen gas is released.

The chemical reaction for photosynthesis is 6 CO2 + 12 H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6 H2O If the input water is labeled with a radioactive isotope of oxygen, 18O, then the oxygen gas released as the reaction proceeds is also labeled with 18O. Which of the following is the most likely explanation?

During the light reactions of photosynthesis, water is split, removing electrons and protons, and oxygen gas is released.

All eukaryotic cells contain at least one Golgi complex, typically located in the cytoplasm and near the endoplasmic reticulum. Which of the following best describes a process that occurs within the Golgi complex?

Enzymatic modification of newly synthesized integral membrane proteins.

A researcher claims that the initial rise of oxygen in Earth's early atmosphere, which occurred approximately 2.3 billion years ago, resulted from the metabolic activity of prokaryotic organisms. The claim is based on an interpretation of the geochemical and fossil evidence represented in Figure 1. Which of the following types of evidence will best support the researcher's claim?

Evidence that the cyanobacteria produced oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis

Researchers investigated the effect of urea on the three-dimensional structure of a certain enzyme. The researchers dissolved the enzyme in an aqueous buffer solution and added urea to the solution. The enzyme did not appear to have a secondary or tertiary structure. The researchers carefully removed the urea from the solution and determined that the enzyme had the original secondary and tertiary structure again. Based on the results of the experiment, which of the following statements best predicts the effect of urea on the enzyme's function?

Function will be disrupted by adding the urea and regained by removing the urea.

The illustration shows the active transport of hydrogen ions through a membrane protein. Which of the following best predicts the effect of not having ATP available to supply energy to this process?

H+ ions will stop moving through the protein.

Which of the following statements about mitochondrial chemiosmosis is NOT true?

Heat energy is required to establish the electron transport chain.

Which of the following questions about genetic diversity could most appropriately be answered by analysis of the model in Figure 1 ?

How does the independent assortment of the two sets of homologous chromosomes increase genetic diversity?

Which of the following questions is most relevant to understanding the Calvin cycle?

How is ATP used in the formation of 3-carbon carbohydrates?

Figure 1 is a diagram of water molecules at the air-water interface at the surface of a pond. Based on Figure 1, which of the following best describes how the properties of water at an air-water interface enable an insect to walk on the water's surface?

Hydrogen bonds between molecules at the surface of the water provide surface tension, which allows the water surface to deform but not break under the insect.

Some viral infections can lead to the rupture of the lysosome membrane. Which prediction of the effect of this disruption of cellular compartmentalization is most likely correct?

Hydrolytic enzymes will be released, which will cause cell death.

Graphs representing enzymes sensitive to changes in pH include which of the following?

I, II, and III only

For the following questions: Graphs I-IV depict the effect of pH on the activity of four different hydrolytic enzymes. Enzymes with their highest activity at an alkaline (basic) pH are represented by which of the following graphs?

II only

The events listed below generally take place during meiosis. I. Synapsis occurs. II. Crossing-over is completed. III. Condensation of chromosomes begins. IV. Separation of homologous chromosomes begins. Which of the following is the correct sequence of these events?


In an experiment, researchers provided a radiolabeled amino acid to living plant cells. After one hour, the researchers determined the amount of the radiolabeled amino acid that was in each of several subcellular compartments. The results of the experiment are represented in the table. Which of the following conclusions about the radiolabeled amino acid is best supported by the results of the experiment?

It was mostly incorporated into proteins that regulate and manage metabolic reactions.

Researchers investigate the transport of a certain protein into cells by endocytosis. In an experiment, the researchers incubate the cells in the presence of the protein and measure the amount of the protein that is absorbed into the cells over a five-minute period. Based on their observations, what should the researchers do to further clarify how the availability of the protein outside the cells affects the rate of endocytosis of the protein?

Incubate the cells in the presence of several different concentrations of the protein.

A model of the plasma membrane showing several biological molecules, including a transmembrane protein, is shown in Figure 1. Which statement best explains why correct protein folding is critical in the transmembrane protein shown above?

Interactions of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids help to anchor the protein in the membrane.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the movement of substances across cell membranes?

Ions are unable to move through the phospholipid bilayer because the nonpolar tail regions of the phospholipids are hydrophobic.

Scientists have found that DNA methylation suppresses crossing-over in the fungus Ascobolus immersus. Which of the following questions is most appropriately raised by this specific observation?

Is the level of genetic variation in the gametes related to the amount of DNA methylation observed?

Which of the following questions will best direct an investigation of the mechanism of ATP synthase?

Is the phosphorylation of ADP by ATP synthase dependent on the formation of a proton gradient?

In a certain signal transduction pathway, the binding of an extracellular molecule to a cell-surface protein results in a rapid increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP inside the cell. The cyclic AMP binds to and activates cytosolic enzymes that then activate other enzymes in the cell. Which of the following statements best describes the role of cyclic AMP in the signal transduction pathway?

It acts as a second messenger that helps relay and amplify the signal within the cell.

Which of the following is most directly responsible for water's unique properties?

It forms hydrogen bonds.

In an experiment, researchers compared the growth of two different plants, plant X and plant Y. The researchers maintained the plants under nearly identical conditions and observed that plant X grew faster than plant Y. The researchers also observed that the inner mitochondrial membranes of plant X had more folds than did those of plant Y. Which of the following conclusions about increasing the number of folds in the inner mitochondrial membrane is best supported by the results of the experiment?

It increases the surface area available for ATP production, which results in faster cell growth.

Which of the following is true of mitosis?

It maintains the same chromosome number in the daughter cells as in the parent cell.

Euglenids are single-cell eukaryotes that live in aquatic environments. The chloroplasts found inside euglenids are enveloped by three membranes, as represented in Figure 1. The inner membrane of euglenid chloroplasts resembles the thylakoid membrane. Which of the following claims about the origin of the euglenid chloroplast is best supported by the three-membrane structure of the envelope?

It originated from the incorporation of a photosynthetic prokaryote into a eukaryotic cell by two endosymbiotic events.

All of the following are true statements about meiosis in mammals EXCEPT:

It produces four genetically identical gametes.

The active transport pump used to move sodium ions across the membranes of gill cells in a freshwater fish has each of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

It uses osmosis to carry sodium ions into the cells.

The CFTR protein is made up of 1,480 amino acids linked together in a chain. Some humans produce a version of the CFTR protein in which phenylalanine (an amino acid) has been deleted from position 508 of the amino acid chain. Which of the following best predicts how the amino acid deletion will affect the structure of the CFTR protein?

It will affect the primary, secondary, and tertiary structures of the CFTR protein.

Amylase is a protein that catalyzes the conversion of starch to simple sugars. Amylase activity in an aqueous solution can be measured by using iodine as a starch indicator. A solution containing iodine and starch will have a dark-blue color, whereas a solution containing iodine but no starch will have a light-brown color. The color change of an iodine solution from dark blue to light brown can be used to measure the rate at which starch is converted to simple sugars. A student designs an experiment to investigate the effect of environmental pH on amylase function. The design of the experiment is presented in Table 1. Which of the following statements best justifies the inclusion of test tube V as a control in the experiment?

It will show the color change that occurs in the absence of enzyme activity.

Which of the following statements best justifies the inclusion of test tube V as a control in the experiment?

It will show the color change that occurs in the absence of enzyme activity.

Which of the following statements best helps justify the inclusion of group 2 as one of the controls in the experiment?

It will show whether the changes observed in group 1 depend on the metabolic activity of soil bacteria.

The rate of oxygen production equaled the rate of oxygen consumption during which of the following time periods?

J to K

Contains hydrolytic enzymes associated with the intracellular digestion of macromolecules.


Both mitosis and meiosis begin with a parent cell that is diploid. Which of the following best describes how mitosis and meiosis result in daughter cells with different numbers of chromosomes?

Mitosis produces two identical diploid daughter cells after one round of division. Meiosis produces four haploid daughter cells after two rounds of division.

This group of questions refers to molecules of the following substances.(A) Cytochrome (B) FADH2 (C) NAD+ (D) NADP+ (E) Oxygen (O2) An intermediate electron acceptor for oxidations that occur in both glycolysis and in Krebs cycle reactions


The manner in which several different ions and molecules move through a cell membrane is shown in the diagram above. For each ion or molecule, the relative concentration on each side of the membrane is indicated. Which of the following accurately describes one of the movements taking place?

Na+ transport out of the cell requires ATP hydrolysis.

In chloroplasts, ATP is synthesized from ADP plus inorganic phosphate (Pi) in a reaction catalyzed by ATP synthase molecules that are embedded in the thylakoid membrane. Which of the following statements provides evidence to support the claim that no ATP will be synthesized in the absence of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane?

No ATP is synthesized when channel proteins that allow the free passage of protons are inserted into the thylakoid membrane.

This group of questions consists of five lettered headings followed by a list of phrases or sentences. For each phrase or sentence, select the one heading to which it is most closely related. Each heading may be used once, more than once, or not at all. This group of questions refers to the following groups of biological compounds. (A) Proteins(B) Carbohydrates(C) Nucleic acids(D) Lipids(E) Steroids Used to carry the genetic code

Nucleic Acids

A researcher examining a root tip observes a plant cell with condensed sister chromatids, kinetochores with attached microtubules, and individual chromosomes that are aligned at the equatorial plate of the cell. Which of the following best describes what the next process will be in the cell?

Paired chromatids will separate, and the new daughter chromosomes will move toward opposite poles of the cell.

The molecular structures of linoleic acid and palmitic acid, two naturally occurring substances, are shown in the figure. Based on the molecular structures shown in the figure, which molecule is likely to be solid at room temperature?

Palmitic acid, because the absence of carbon-carbon double bonds allows the molecules to pack closely together.

Based on Figure 1, which of the following statements best predicts the effect that a change from a moderately acidic environment (pH near 6) to a basic environment will have on peroxidase activity?

Peroxidase activity will decrease.

Based on the data shown, changes in the light intensity resulted in changes in the rate of which of the following processes?


What most likely causes the trends in oxygen concentration shown in the graph above?

Photosynthesis produces more oxygen than is consumed by respiration during the day.

Which of the following experimental designs should the students use as a control for the experiment?

Place a catalase-soaked disk in a beaker of water.

Steroid hormones, such as testosterone, pass through the plasma membrane and bind to an intracellular protein, as shown in the diagram below. The hormone-receptor complex then enters the nucleus, where it interacts with DNA to promote transcription of a specific gene. Based on the information presented, which of the following will also occur in response to steroid signaling?

Production of a specific mRNA will increase as a result of the binding of the hormone-receptor complex to the DNA

Which of the following components of the cell membrane is responsible for active transport?


The figure shows a representation of a protein embedded in a cell membrane. The numbers indicate different structural regions of the protein. Based on the figure, which of the following statements best describes the relationship between regions 1 and 2 of the protein?

Region 1 is hydrophilic because it interacts with an aqueous environment, whereas region 2 is hydrophobic because it interacts with the interior of the membrane.

Intravenous (IV) therapy is used for fluid replacement in instances of dehydration in humans and other animals. One type of IV fluid is essentially a saltwater solution. To determine the best concentration for therapy in people, a team of students is researching the effects of solutions of different salt concentrations on red blood cells. The following observations were made from three different red blood cell samples viewed under a microscope. The team wants to extend the research project. What should the team of students do next to obtain data that are more conclusive?

Repeat the process with other salt concentrations.

Which of the following actions will provide a negative control for the investigation?

Repeating the experiment using heat-denatured peroxidase

During mitosis, which of the following normally occurs?

Replicated chromosomes line up on the equatorial plate.

Cells contain smaller components called organelles that are necessary for a cell's survival. Organelle functions have often been compared to components of larger systems. Which of the following functional differences between the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is explained by the structural differences between them?

Rough ER can synthesize and package proteins for export, and smooth ER cannot.

Cell communication is critical for the function of both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes. Which of the following is likely true of cell signaling?

Similar cell signaling pathways in diverse eukaryotes are evidence of conserved evolutionary processes.

A researcher claims that genetic variation provides organisms with the ability to survive and reproduce in different environments. To support the claim, the researcher makes the following observation: bacteria that contain plasmids (small DNA molecules) are resistant to a wider range of antibiotics than are bacteria that contain no plasmids. Which of the following statements best establishes a connection between the observation and the researcher's claim?

Some plasmids contain antibiotic resistance genes.

A student designs an experiment to investigate the influence of temperature on enzyme function. The student's plan is presented in Table 1. Which test tubes are controls in the experiment?

Test tubes 1, 3, 5, and 7

Some membrane proteins help maintain the concentrations of ions inside a cell by transporting the ions across the cell's plasma membrane. Other membrane proteins form pores in the plasma membrane through which the ions can diffuse. A model showing the influence of membrane proteins on the movement of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions across a plasma membrane is presented in Figure 1. Based on the model presented in Figure 1, which of the following changes will most likely result from a depletion of available ATPstores inside the cell?

The Na+concentration inside the cell will increase.

Which of the following statements correctly explains the observed effect of the acetylcholine concentration on the rate of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction?

The active site of AChE is specific for acetylcholine, and only one substrate molecule can occupy the active site at a time.

Phycobiliproteins are a complex of accessory pigments and proteins found in cyanobacteria but not in green algae. A researcher claims that the phycobiliprotein pigments in cyanobacteria allow the cyanobacteria to survive in certain aquatic niches better than green algae can. Which of the following statements best justifies the researcher's claim?

The additional pigments absorb light at wavelengths that green algae cannot absorb; this may allow cyanobacteria to capture more light energy for photosynthesis than green algae can in certain areas.

The relative amount of DNA in a cell at various stages of the cell cycle is shown in Figure 1 . Which of the following best describes how the amount of DNA in the cell changes during M phase?

The amount of DNA is halved as the cell divides into two daughter cells.

Which of the following best describes how the amount of DNA in the cell changes during M phase?

The amount of DNA is halved as the cell divides into two daughter cells.

Which of the following best predicts the immediate result of adding more substrate to the reaction mixture at the point indicated by the arrow in Figure 1?

The amount of product will increase until the reaction reaches its equilibrium point or until the substrate is used up by the reaction.

Cholesterol is an important component of animal cell membranes. Cholesterol molecules are often delivered to body cells by the blood, which transports the molecules in the form of cholesterol-protein complexes. The complexes must be moved into the body cells before the cholesterol molecules can be incorporated into the phospholipid bilayers of cell membranes. Based on the information presented, which of the following is the most likely explanation for a buildup of cholesterol molecules in the blood of an animal?

The animal's body cells are defective in endocytosis.

The carbohydrates glucose, galactose, and fructose have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6)(C6H12O6) but different structural formulas, as represented in the figure. Which of the following statements about glucose, galactose, and fructose is most likely true?

The carbohydrates have different properties because they have different arrangements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

A group of mutations, known as MT-ND1, have been identified in mitochondrial DNA. These mutations are associated with a number of debilitating diseases stemming from the production of nonfunctional proteins in the mitochondria. Which of the following cellular deficiencies would most likely be related to these MT-ND1 mutations?

The cell is unable to complete reactions related to electron transport and ATP production.

Based on the model of eukaryotic cell cycle regulation shown in the figure, which of the following best describes the effect of a drug that blocks the production of the mitotic cyclin?

The cell would be prevented from entering mitosis, and the cell would stop dividing.

Intravenous (IV) solutions administered to patients are normally isotonic. Which of the following is most likely if an IV of distilled water is administered to a patient?

The cells that are exposed to hypotonic solutions will expand as water moves osmotically into the cells from the blood.

Researchers compared similar proteins from related organisms in different habitats. They found that the proteins from organisms living in harsh environments had a greater number of cysteine amino acids than did proteins from organisms not living in harsh environments. The structure of cysteine is shown. Bonds can form between the sulfur atom of different cysteine amino acids (S-S bonds). Which of the following best describes the effect of a greater number of cysteine amino acids on the stability of the proteins?

The change leads to increased protein stability because of an increased number of S-S bonds in the tertiary structure of the proteins.

Which of the following occurs during mitosis but not during meiosis I ?

The chromatids of each chromosome are separated.

Paramecia are unicellular protists that have contractile vacuoles to remove excess intracellular water. In an experimental investigation, paramecia were placed in salt solutions of increasing osmolarity. The rate at which the contractile vacuole contracted to pump out excess water was determined and plotted against osmolarity of the solutions, as shown in the graph. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the data?

The contraction rate increases as the osmolarity decreases because the amount of water entering the paramecia by osmosis increases.

Figure 1 represents a nucleic acid fragment that is made up of four nucleotides linked together in a chain. Which of the following characteristics of Figure 1 best shows that the fragment is RNA and not DNA?

The identity of each nitrogenous base

plasma membrane and requires the help of membrane proteins to enter cells. Alternatively, another biologist on the team hypothesizes that the drug can diffuse passively across the plasma membrane like O2 and CO2 can. Which of the following, if true about the drug, best supports the alternative hypothesis that the new drug will exhibit simple diffusion across plasma membranes?

The drug is a small nonpolar molecule.

Cancer cells behave differently than normal body cells. For example, they ignore signals that tell them to stop dividing. Which of the following conditions will most likely cause a normal body cell to become a cancer cell?

The environment contains mutagens that induce mutations that affect cell-cycle regulator proteins.

A researcher proposes a model of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction in which a reactant is converted to a product. The model is based on the idea that the reactant passes through a transition state within the enzyme-substrate complex before the reactant is converted to the product. Which of the following statements best helps explain how the enzyme speeds up the reaction?

The enzyme's active site binds to and stabilizes the transition state, which decreases the activation energy of the reaction.

One of the researchers proposes using oxygen gas production to measure reaction rates. Which of the following statements best justifies the use of the proposed modification as a way of creating an appropriate control for the investigation?

The experiment can be repeated without guaiacol, which will reveal the effect of guaiacol on the reaction rates.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a diploid yeast species that can reproduce either sexually or asexually. An experiment was performed to induce mitotically dividing S. cerevisiae cells in G2 to undergo meiosis. Which of the following best describes the steps these cells will follow to form gametes?

The first division will reduce the number of chromosomes by half for each daughter cell, and the second division will move single chromatids to each daughter cell.

Figure 1 represents a common process that occurs in organisms. Which of the following is an accurate description of the process shown in Figure 1 ?

The formation of a covalent peptide bond in a dehydration synthesis reaction

Which of the following best describes why the disks rose to the surface faster in the more concentrated hydrogen peroxide solutions?

The higher substrate concentrations in the more concentrated solutions speeded the reaction.

The model below shows the structure of a portion of a plasma membrane in an animal cell. Which statement best explains the orientation of the phospholipid molecules in this model?

The hydrophilic phosphate groups of the phospholipid molecules are attracted to the aqueous internal and external environments.

A researcher designs an experiment to investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the function of an enzyme. For each trial included in the experiment, the researcher will add the enzyme and its substrate to an aqueous buffer solution and then measure the amount of product formed over 20 minutes. Which of the following must remain the same for all trials of this experiment?

The initial concentration of the substrate

The figure above shows an organelle typically found in eukaryotic cells. Which of the following best describes the function of the double membrane system of this organelle?

The inner membrane has specialized proteins that create a hydrogen ion concentration gradient between the intermembrane space and the matrix.

Lysosomes digest food particles brought into a cell by endocytosis. After a vesicle containing food particles fuses with a lysosome, H+ ions are transported into the lysosome from the cytosol. This significantly lowers the pH of the lysosome relative to the cytosol and activates the enzymes that digest the particles. Which of the following best predicts what will happen to the lysosomal enzymes if the proteins that transport H+ ions from the cytosol into the lysosome are damaged?

The lysosomal enzymes will not become active, since there will be no active transport of H+ ions.

Gaucher disease is an inherited disorder in which cells of the body are unable to break down a particular type of lipid, resulting in a buildup of the lipid in some tissues and organs. Based on the information provided, Gaucher disease results most directly from a defect in the function of which of the following organelles?

The lysosome

The rate of transpiration, the flow of water through the stem, and leaf water potential are measured in a tree during a 24-hour period under normal environmental conditions. The results from these measurements are shown in the graphs below. What can be deduced from graph I?

The maximal flow of water through the stem lags behind the maximal rate of transpiration.

A cell's membrane potential is maintained by the movement of ions into and out of the cell. A model showing the influence of membrane proteins on the movement of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions across the plasma membrane is presented in Figure 1. Based on the model presented in Figure 1, which of the following outcomes will most likely result from a loss of protein X function?

The membrane potential will be disrupted by an increase in K+ concentration inside the cell.

Water and ammonia interact to form hydrogen bonds, as represented in the figure. Which statement best helps explain the formation of the hydrogen bond represented in the figure?

The nitrogen has a partial negative charge, and the hydrogen attached to the oxygen has a partial positive charge.

A human kidney filters about 200 liters of blood each day. Approximately two liters of liquid and nutrient waste are excreted as urine. The remaining fluid and dissolved substances are reabsorbed and continue to circulate throughout the body. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted in response to reduced plasma volume. ADH targets the collecting ducts in the kidney, stimulating the insertion of aquaporins into their plasma membranes and an increased reabsorption of water. If ADH secretion is inhibited, which of the following would initially result?

The person would produce greater amounts of dilute urine.

A human kidney filters about 200 liters of blood each day. Approximately two liters of liquid and nutrient waste are excreted as urine. The remaining fluid and dissolved substances are reabsorbed and continue to circulate throughout the body. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted in response to reduced plasma volume. ADH targets the collecting ducts in the kidney, stimulating the insertion of aquaporins into their plasma membranes and an increased reabsorption of water. If ADH secretion is inhibited, which of the following would initially result?

The person would produce greater amounts of dilute urine.

The following questions refer to an experiment in which a dialysis-tubing bag is filled with a mixture of 3% starch and 3% glucose and placed in a beaker of distilled water, as shown below. After 3 hours, glucose can be detected in the water outside the dialysis-tubing bag, but starch cannot. From the initial conditions and results described, which of the following is a logical conclusion?

The pores of the bag are larger than the glucose molecules but smaller than the starch molecules

Stomata are pores on the surfaces of the leaves and stems of plants that regulate gas exchange between the plants and the atmosphere. Researchers found that the stomata density on the leaves of a species of plant change as the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere changes. When grown at 350 ppm CO2 the plant has an average density of 300 stomata per mm2, but when grown at 400 ppm CO2 the plant has an average density of 250 stomata per mm2. Which of the following best describes how the ratio of the density of stomata (stomata per mm2) per CO2 concentration (ppm CO2) changes as the CO2 concentration increases?

The ratio decreases from 0.86 to 0.63, because fewer stomata are needed at higher CO2 concentrations.

Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a disorder of red blood cells that causes the cells to be smaller and spherical instead of having the usual flattened, biconcave shape. The average diameter of normal red blood cells is 7.2μm, and the average diameter of red blood cells in a person with HS was found to be 6.7μm. The normal red blood cell has an average surface area of 136μm2 and an average volume of 91μm3. Which of the following provides an accurate calculation of the surface area to volume ratio of an HS red blood cell, as well as a prediction of its effect on the efficient transferring of oxygen compared to a normal red blood cell?

The ratio is 0.89, and the cells are less efficient at transferring oxygen.

Brown fat is a type of fat tissue found in hibernating mammals. Inside the mitochondria of these fat tissue cells, these mammals have an uncoupling protein embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This uncoupling protein allows hydrogen ions to leak from the intermembrane space back into the mitochondrial matrix. Figure 1 shows details of the processes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Which of the following statements provides reasoning that supports the claim that brown fatty tissue keeps an animal warm?

The uncoupling protein in this tissue reduces the proton gradient across the membrane and thus produces heat to warm the animal without ATP production.

Researchers conducted an experiment to investigate the effects of a valinomycin treatment on skeletal muscle cells. Valinomycin is a naturally occurring substance that can be used as a drug. The results of the experiment are presented in the table. Which of the following claims about the effects of the valinomycin treatment is best supported by the data presented in the table?

The valinomycin treatment caused a decrease in the activity of the mitochondria.

Researchers studying cell cycle regulation in budding yeast have observed that a mutation in the CDC15 gene causes cell cycle arrest in telophase when the yeast cells are incubated at an elevated temperature. Which of the following statements best predicts the effect of the cell cycle arrest on proliferating yeast cells?

The yeast cells will replicate their chromosomes but will fail to complete cytokinesis.

Which of the following best describes the function of the coenzymes NAD+ and FAD in eukaryotic cellular respiration?

They accept electrons during oxidation-reduction reactions.

A researcher claims that some bacteria contain factors that influence the function of a particular enzyme but other bacteria do not. To test the claim experimentally, the researcher will grow two different bacterial strains in separate liquid cultures and isolate the contents of the cells in each culture. The researcher will add different combinations of cellular contents, substrate, and enzyme to test tubes containing a buffer solution adjusted to the optimal pH of the enzyme and then measure the rate of product formation. The design of the researcher's experiment is presented in Table 1. Which of the following statements best justifies the inclusion of test tubes 3 and 7 in the experiment?

They will show whether the isolated cellular contents have enzymatic activity.

Which of the following best describes why ice was used during this experiment?

To retard the breakdown of the catalase

Certain bacteria can use both ethyl alcohol and acetate as sources of nutrients. In an experiment where both nutrients are available to a bacterial population, the following results were obtained and graphed. What additional procedure would best help determine whether these movements are due to active transport or to passive transport?

Use two additional treatments, one containing only ethyl alcohol and one containing only acetate. Include a substance known to block ATP use by the plasma membrane. Compare the graphs of these two treatments to the original graph.

A sample of human blood was placed in a test tube containing a physiological saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride). This type of solution is often used intravenously to quickly rehydrate patients. A drop of the blood from the test tube was placed on a slide and red blood cells (RBCs) were observed under a microscope. Three possible outcomes are diagrammed below. Which of the following best predicts which diagrammed microscope view the laboratory worker would see and best explains why?

View 2 because the rate of water movement into the RBCs equals the rate of water movement out of the cells

The synthesis of protein or carbohydrate polymers always produces which of the following as a byproduct?


Which statement best describes the effect on water transport across the cell membrane if the aquaporin in the figure ceases to function?

Water molecules will still be able to move across the cell membrane but at a slower rate.

Beetroot cells contain a family of dark red pigments called betalains. The selectively permeable nature of the beetroot cells keeps the internal environment of the cell separate from the external environment of the cell. Researchers are interested in determining whether the selective permeability of beetroot cells is due to the cell membrane or if it is due to the cell wall. Exposure to cellulase is known to damage the structure of the cell wall. An experiment is set up in which beetroot cells are placed in an aqueous solution with cellulase and in one without cellulase. Which of the following results best refutes the alternative hypothesis that selective permeability is a consequence of the cell wall?

When beetroot cells are placed in a solution with cellulase, the solution remains clear.

A researcher claims that budding yeast are able to survive in different environments because they produce enzymes that allow them to use different molecules as sources of matter and energy. Which of the following statements best helps justify the researcher's claim by providing a relevant example?

Yeast cells produce invertase, which is an enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of the disaccharide sucrose into glucose and fructose.

The carbon 'that makes up organic molecules in plants is derived directly from

carbon fixed in photosynthesis

If chemical signals in the cytoplasm control the progression of a cell to the M phase of the cell cycle, then fusion of a cell in G1 with a cell in early M phase would most likely result in the

condensation of chromatin in preparation of nuclear division in both cells

When a substance moves across the plasma membrane along a concentration gradient at a rate faster than would be expected by simple diffusion alone but without the expenditure of metabolic energy, the process is best described as

facilitated diffusion

If the potato solution was boiled for 10 minutes and cooled for 10 minutes before being tested, the average time for the disks to float to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide solution would be

more than 30 seconds

The following question refer to the graph below, which illustrates the percent change in the mass of pieces of plant tissue placed in solutions of different sucrose molarities. Water enters and leaves the plant cells primarily by


Catalase is an enzyme found in yeast cells that facilitates the chemical breakdown of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen gas. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of pH on catalase function. Five buffer solutions of varying pH (2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) were prepared and added to separate test tubes. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was added to each test tube. Yeast was added, and the reactions were timed. After 1 minute the amount of oxygen gas released was determined by measuring the foam layer produced in each test tube. Figure 1 illustrates the experimental setup.

pH 4 buffer solution and hydrogen peroxide only

The most likely explanation for the results shown in Graph I is that

pH affects the shape of the active site of the enzyme

A human cell in prophase of mitosis can be distinguished from a human cell in prophase I of meiosis by the presence of

paired homologous chromosomes in the meiotic cell

Carbohydrate-synthesizing reactions of photosynthesis directly require

products of the light reactions

During respiration, most ATP is formed as a direct result of the net movement of

protons down a concentration gradient

Additional observations were made on day 21, and no yellow-leaved seedlings were found alive in either dish. This is most likely because

yellow-leaved seedlings were unable to convert light energy to chemical energy

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