ap comp gov and politics

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How are candidates decided in a PR system?

, based on the percentage of votes each party obtains the seats are distributed among the parties. After the seats are distributed the parties then choose their candidates to fill the seats.

Name two differences between presidential and parliamentary systems.

1)Fusion of powers exists in the Parliamentary system, whereas the powers are separated in Presidential system. 2)In parliament systems, the chief executive is not chosen by the people but by the legislature. In presidential systems, the chief executive is chosen independently from the legislature

Name two reasons a referendum might be used

Allows people to vote on policy issues A party can get support if they use a referendum (People like the idea of the people having a say).

Explain how many seats each of the following parties would receive in a Proportional Representation System that uses multimember districts which send 10 members to the legislature.

If 10 members were sent to the legislature, the percentage of people voting gains the seats of these members. For example, 40% of votes determine four seats. Party A: 40% - 4 seats Party B: 30%- 3 seats Party C: 20% - 2 seats Party A: 10%- 1 seat

How does plurality differ from majority?

In plurality, a candidate doesn't need to get a majority to win. They only need to get more votes than the other candidates.

Why did this referendum go up for a vote?

It tends to generate two large parties, as small parties without a geographical base find it hard to win seats. Although it allowed small parties to form a government on their own they barely had support.

How much of the vote do you need if you are required to have a majority of the vote?

More than half

What factors might enhance or decrease political efficacy?

Participation in social and political life and having fair, free elections enhance political efficacy. The more rights the people have, the greater their political efficacy is. Not having this decreases political efficacy.

What type of system is more likely to advance female candidates?

Proportional representation is more likely to advance female candidates because ballots are cast for a party rather than an individual.

What is a referendum?

Referendum is the national ballot called by the govt on a policy issue.

Name one strength and one criticism of the SMDP system.

Strength- Encourages large and broad based political parties. Criticism- Parties with a low number of votes almost never win.

What is political efficacy?

The belief that one's political participation really matters - that one's vote can actually make a difference

What type of system often results in two parties dominating elections?

The two-party system is a system where two major political parties dominate elections.

If a party under Proportional Representation only earned 2% of the vote, what might prevent them from actually being seated in the legislature?

There might be a threshold a party might have to receive to secure one seat at the legislature.

Why does this occur?

Two parties are a result of the winner-take-all voting system.

What type of electoral system did Britain vote on through a referendum?

alternative vote

This referendum failed, leaving Britain with what type of electoral system?

first past the post system

While a referendum is called by someone in the government (usually the prime minister or president), this type of vote is put on the ballot by people petitioning the government.


What is another name for a majority votes system?


In systems where a majority of the vote is needed, what happens if no one receives a majority of the votes?

runoff elections

Who are voters voting for in a PR (proportional representation)system?

their preferred political party, not a candidate.

What are two alternative names for the Single Member District system?

winner takes all and first past the post.

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