AP Computer Science Review

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Single unit of information on a computer represent as a 0 or 1


Something that is defined in terms of "smaller versions" of itself.


repetition of part of an algorithm

what is an example of a sum function?



A wireless networking technology that utilizes radio waves to transmit information/data


The rules for exactly how programming statements must be written; the grammatical structure of a programming language

Approximately how much bigger (how many more bytes) is a megabyte than a kilobyte?

A: 1,000 times bigger

Simulation model

Another term for a computational model.

To uncompress data back into its original binary state, you simply reverse the process. This technique is an example of what type of compression? A. Lossy compression B. Lossless compression C. Fast Fourier Transform compression D. Tailored compression

B. Lossless compression

User Interface

The visual elements of an program through which a user controls or communications the application. Often abbreviated UI.

Statistical distribution

This is a mathematical function that describes the probability of a random quantity taking on certain values.


Transmission Control Protocol

If you just had tow shapes (say, a circle and a square), how many 3-place patterns could you make?

C: 8

A_________ contains sequence of instructions to preform a particular task.



defined as the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. expressed in bits


finding weaknesses in system

If super is used in the implementation of a subclass constructor, it must be used in the _______ of the constructor body

first line

Interfacces provide a _______ for behavior of any class



limits, characteristics of a population


no identification

An abstract class creates no _______


Inheritance defines a relationship between _______ that share characteristics



pulling out information


related to business

A packet travelling between two computers on the internet may be ________________ many times along the way.


Heuristic solution

solutions close to to the real solution (approximate)

File extensions

the endings of file names that indicate to the computer the format for how the underlying bits are organized.


unnecessary repetition


whole numbers and their opposites

what is the parameter in the given method call? System.out.println("Welcome")



(Portable Network Graphics) a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression.


(Waveform Audio File Format) an audio coding format standard for storing an audio bitstream of uncompressed audio data.

**what is the symbol used to create a single-line comment?


What is an RFC

A Request for Comments

Which statement called a constructor with no construction parameters?

Circle c = new Circle();

Real Numbers (Floating-Point)

Formula representation of an approximation of real numbers

Cloud computing

Foster new ways to communicate and collaberate.

In a console window, what is the name of the command used to compile java source code?



Joint effort by more than one person to achieve a goal

Program Justification

Justification ca include a written explanation about how a program meets its specifications

Self Identifying variables

Locating and correcting errors in a program is called debugging the program


Spreading Widely

Internet Protocol

Standard protocol used on many LANs and on the Internet. See TCP.

Number Bases

The number of different digits or combination of digits and letters that a system of counting uses to represent numbers.


The octal number system is base 8, using only digits 0 through 7.


The process of translating the detailed designs into computer code.

Infinite loop

The repetitive execution of a block of operations that will never end. This is a fatal error when it occurs in an algorithm.


The repetitive execution of a block of operations.

Executable module

The resulting object code after a linker inserts requested code from code libraries.

What is a true statement about methods

The return value of a method can be used as a parameter.


The sequence control structure is simple a sequence of one or more statements in a computer program


The task of putting a list of values into numeric or alphabetical order.

Garbage in, garbage out

The term for the fact that the output coming out of a computer model is only as accurate as the assumption used to build the model.

A set of values and the operations that can be carried out with those values are called_______.


How can you use computer to accomplish different tasks?

Use several different computer programs, each one of which provides support for one of the tasks.

Public Key Encryption

Used prevalently on the web, it allows for secure messages to be sent between parties without having to agree on, or share, a secret key. It uses an asymmetric encryption scheme in which the encryption key is made public, but the decryption key is kept private.

Program verification

Used to prove that if the input data to a program satisfies certain conditions, then, after the program has been run on these data, the output data satisfies certain other conditions.

Binary Sequences

Used to represent digital data.


Weight; The number associated with an edge that indicates distance, time, or estimated cost

Can a class can implement any number of interfaces?


Transport Layer Protocol

]is the only protocol that provides complete end-to-end error detection and correction for the entire packet, including data passed down from the application layer.


a computer designed to receive and redirect packets of information based upon the addressing information


a computer format that is structured as a sequence of lines of electronic text.

strings; string operation

a contiguous sequence of symbols or values, such as a sequence of characters or a sequence of binary values


a new method, idea, product, etc.


a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting outward communication.


a piece of code that is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data.


a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work.


a problem solving approach (algorithm) to find a satisfactory solution where finding an optimal or exact solution is impractical or impossible.


an easy to remember address for calling a web page


an easy-to-remember address for calling a web page

Logic gate

an electronic circuit that performs a Boolean function. AND, OR, NOT


any symbol that requires one byte of storage

data center

are physical or virtual infrastructures used by enterprises to house computer, server and networking systems and components for the company's IT (information technology) needs

Open Standards

are standards made available to the general public and are developed (or approved) and maintained via a collaborative and consensus driven process. "Open Standards" facilitate interoperability and data exchange among different products or services and are intended for widespread adoption.


are the distinct units of data that are exchanged between nodes on a network

a table_array contains table what?


privacy concerns

arise when personal data

a measure of data transfer measured in bits per second

bit rate

Packet Switching

breaks up digital information into individually addressed chunks

DNS check what for a known address?


Anonymity in online interactions

can be enable through the use of online anonymity software and proxi servers

what are examples of browsers?

chrome, internet explorer, firefox

for a computer to communicate over the internet, it must use what?

combined TCP/IP protocol

Cloud Computing

comparable to grid computing, cloud computing relies on sharing resources rather than having local servers handle applications.

Any class that implements Comparable must also provide a _______ method


What translates high-level descriptions into machine code?


a network of connecting routers to routers to connect many computers

complex router

When comparing human capabilities with computer capabilities, what is not true? Computers are faster, computers are more accurate, computers have better memory, or computers are more intelligent?

computers are most intelligent


concepts with clearly defined rules for membership

security concerns

concern for protection of info


concerned with or engaged in commerce.


copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the Internet


data is distinct information that is formatted in a special way. Data exists in a variety of forms, like text on paper or bytes stored in electronic memory

data file formats

data stored in multiple formats based on data characteristics

the process of finding and correcting errors in a worksheet is called what?



defined by Manuel Castells as a set of interconnected nodes without a center


develops and promotes voluntary Internet standards and protocols, in particular the standards that comprise the Internet protocol suite


distributed denial-of-service

empirical analysis

empirical analysis of an algorithm is done by implementing the algorithm and running it on different inputs

Repetition control

enables a program to perform one or more actions as long as a certain condition is met

Which statement about objects is true?

every object belongs to a class

solvable problem

exactly what is says

unsolvable problem

exactly what is says

The keyword _______ is still used to declare the subclass


a computer represents information is an analog form, true or false?


the AVERAGE function displays the lowest value in a range, true or false?


which method call represents the invocation of a method that does not have explicit parameters?


An abstract class is declared with the keyword abstract in the _______


intellectual property

ideas/inventions protected by patent

Interfaces are implemented using the _______ keyword


An interface is declared with the _______ keyword


proxy server

intermediary server

byte code is understood and executed by a Java what?


Anonymous Access

login is a process that allows a user to login to a website anonymously


procedure; code of behavior

a set of rules governing the exchange of information


A method in a superclass is overriden in a subclass by defining a method with same _______

return type and signature (name and parameter types)

a device that connects computer that are close together; aka the middle man between devices


conditional formatting allows you to create what that changes the formatting of a cell or range of cells based on the value of a cell?



short for binary digit


short for microprocessor or CPU


short for microprocessor or CPU


small chunks of information that have been carefully formed from larger chunks of information

Computational artifact

something created by a human using a computer.

The field or fields selected for sorting records are called what keys?



the art of protecting information by transforming it into an unreadable format, called cipher text

Or gate

a logic circuit whose output is 1 when at least one input is 1.

Nested loop

a loop that has been put within another loop


the generic term for a technique (or algorithm) that performs encryption


transmission capacity measure by bit rate

A digital signal represents one of two values at any point in time, true or false?



A set of edges that connects nodes together in a way that does not form a cycle.

What is 20 MOD 15?

C: 5


Descriptions of the way work is to be done


Internet Protocol


one million pixels, used in reference to the resolution of a graphics device

bit rate

the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time. e.g. 8 bits/sec

what is an example of a valid literal?



A class of maps that use sophisticated software to create dynamic computer maps, some of which are three dimensional or interactive.

Code library

A collection of thoroughly tested object code for various useful tasks.


A global network connecting millions of computers, making it possible to exchange information.

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

A group of volunteers, private citizens, government officials, etc. who promote internet standards


A program that allows the user to find and view pages on the world wide web.

Internet speed


What is the m inimitable number of bits you need to encode the 26 letters of the alphabet plus a space?

D. 5 bits

Algorithm discovery

The process of finding an algorithmic solution to a given problem.

Algorithm discovery

The process of finding an algorithmic solution to a given problem. Computation: An algorithmic operation that carries out a single numeric computation and stores the result.

Fill in the blank of the following statement: "_________ encryption is a method of encryption involving one key for both encryption and decryption?"

A: symmetric

Third-generation language

Another name for high-level programming language as opposed to machine language (first generation) or assembly language (second generation).

External documentation

Any materials assembled to clarify the program's design and implementation.


Artifact, usability, functionality and sustainability of true artifact

Why are parameters useful when programming?

B: parameters allow for more flexible, generalized behaviors in functions.

Empirical testing

Designing a special set of test cases and running the program using these test data.

Data vs Information

Data are raw facts; information is data converted into a meaningful & useful context for decision making

Real numbers (floating-point)

Real numbers are approximated by floating-point representation that do not necessarily have infinite precision


Vertex; Represented by a labeled circle


A group organized by rank


The illegal copying and distribution of software.


any symbol that requires one byte of storage

Hypertext transfer protocol

HTTP stands for...


Information for which only two answers are possible


technical term for 8 bits of data

which symbol is the escape sequence for a back space?



128 bit IP addresses.

Integrated development environment (IDE)

A collection of programs that support software development, such as debuggers, editors, toolkits, and libraries, that lets programmers perform several tasks within the shell of a single application.


A computer that awaits and responds to requests for data.


A line connecting two nodes


Connections between two or more computer systems

Which of the following is the sum of the base 10 numbers five and nine?

D: 1110

How many users would a fixed length IP address system using 6 bits support?

D: 64 users

HTTP is considered to be a high level protocol because:

D: HTTp requests make up of abstractions provided by lower level protocols

What ASCII character is represented by the binary (base 2) number 1010011?

D: S

Levels of Abstraction

Different programming languages offer different levels of human to computer communication

Technical documentation

Documentation that enables programmers who later have to modify the program to understand the code.

Social Media

Face book, Twitter, Blogs, Blogs, Have enhanced dissemination.

Sensor Networks

Facilitate new ways of interacting with the environment and with physical systems.

End to end architecture

Facilitates connecting new devices and networks on the internet

Knowledge base

Facts and rules about a certain domain of interest.


Fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools


How information and content is presented


How standards and protocols are defined and published for all to see on the IETF website.


HyperText Markup Language


HyperText Transfer Protocol


Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Regression testing

If anything is changed on an already-tested module, regression testing is done to be sure that this change has not introduced a new error into code that was previously correct.


Images, diagrams, tables, etc created from information extracted from a given data set, with the express intention of highlighting a data story.

Novel innovation

Improvement that is new, creative and has not been done before "outside the box thinking."


In a selection structure, a question is asked, and depending on the answer, the program takes one of two courses of action, after which the program moves on to the next event


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, an international nonprofit organization that sets standards FOR COMPUTING...


Iteration is another term for repetition

Programming Languages

Language of computers, examples: Java, Python, C, C++


Malicious software created specifically for the purpose of infiltrating or damaging a computer system without the user's knowledge or consent includes a variety of technologies, including viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, and adware

What is the name of the file created after a successful compilation of: MyClass.java?


What term is used to refer a sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks?


When the compiler selects the correct overloaded method at compile time by comparing the methods' signatures


If part of the original method implementation from the superclass is retained, the rewrite is referred to as _______

Partial overriding

High-Level Languages

Programming language similar to human language


Representations of real situations; give organizations the opportunity to speculate as to what would happen if certain courses of action were pursued.

data abstraction

Representing or storing information with methods that separate layers of concerns so that the programmer can work with information while ignoring lower-level details about how the information is represented.

Binary Numbers

Represents values using 0 and 1


The Internet Engineering Task Force develops and promotes Internet standards.


The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red(0-255), green(0-255), and blue(0-255).

Shortest Path

The lowest weight path between two nodes

Raw data

The original data as it was collected.


The process of determining the best path from Point A on one network to Point B on another is known as ____


The service that translates URL's to IP addresses

Big Data

Using all of the data available to provide new insights to a problem

Cracking encryption

When you attempt to decode a secret message without knowing all the specifics of the cipher.

Control Structures

a block of programming that determines which part of the program is executed next. There are three types of structures: sequence, selection, and repetition.


a device or system that represents changing values as continuously variable physical quantities ex. sound waves

Video Chat

a face-to-face conversation held over the Internet by means of webcams and dedicated software.

Callback function

a function specified as part of an event listener; it is written by the programmer but called by the system as the result of an event trigger.


a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a computer network as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback to proceed while subsequent data is being received.

Computing Innovation(s)

a new method, idea, product in the computing world.


a process that can be applied repeatedly


a process that reverses encryption, taking a secret message and reproducing the original plain text

Abstract methods must be declared in an _______

abstract class

what is a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples?


Method calls are always determined by the type of the _______, not the type of the object reference

actual object

target advertising

advertising to select group

storage media

affects methods and costs of manipulating data

Antivirus Software

computer software used to prevent, detect and remove malicious software.

program development

consists of a series of steps programmers use to build computer programs

Aggregation of Information

consolidation of information, such as geolocation, cookies, browsing history, raise ethical and legal concerns.

natural language

describe algorithms so humans can understand them

undecidable problem

impossible to construct a single correct algorithm that always outputs yes or no


in internet terminology, a generic term for a list of email addresses or IP addresses that are origination with known spammers


in internet terminology, a generic term for a list of email addresses or IP addresses that are origination with known spammers

this is the amount of time a message takes to traverse system


TCP ensures...

messages can be reliably transmitted across the internet.

Email; SMS; chat

new methods of communication.

Creative Commons

one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. A CC license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created.


provides reliable, ordered and error checked delivery of a stream of packets in the internet


repetition of information or the inclusion of additional information to reduce errors in transmission.


the art and science of hiding information by embedding messages within other, seemingly harmless messages

TCP must account for...

the fact that packets may not arrive at a destination computer in the intended order.


the service that translates URLs to IP addresses


time it takes for a bit to travel from its sender to its receiver


A measure of the number of steps per input size needed to complete an algorithm

Boolean algebra

A method for expressing mathematically a logic circuit

which of the following statements about methods is correct?

A method is a sequence of instructions that accesses the data of an object.

Continuous model

A model of a system using mathematical equations that describe system performance as a continuous function of time t.


A notation used to design algorithms. It uses English constructs, mathematical notation and an informal algorithmic structure designed to look like a high-level programming language.


A novel or improved idea, device, product, etc. or the development thereof

IP Address

A number assigned to any item that is connected to the Internet.

Bit.ly link

A popular URL shortening site that condenses long URLs into short ones under the bit.ly domain (which happens to use the Libyan country code "ly." Users can also create a custom name as long as it has not been taken; for example, the Bitly link to a video of this product on YouTube is bit.ly/CDEhistory. Read more at http://www.yourdictionary.com/bitly#6hlQ1dH4O0c9RM1k.99


A preliminary sketch of an idea or model for something new. It's the original drawing from which something real might be built or created.

Procedural language

A program written in a procedural language consists of sequences of statements that manipulate data items.

Low Level Programming Language

A programming language that provides little or no abstraction from a computer's instruction set architecture—commands or functions in the language map closely to processor instructions. Generally this refers to either machine code or assembly language.

Shortest Path Tree

A spanning tree connecting a source node to all others using the smallest values possible.

Summary table

A table of aggregate information about a dataset (e.g., the average, sum, count of some values).


(Java) A complete standalone program that resides and runs on a self-contained computer.

Data Type

(ex: Number, Boolean, or String) a value's property that dictates how the computer will interpret it. For example 7+5 is interpreted differently from "7"+"5"

binary numbers are composed entirely of what?

0 and 1

how many bytes are in a megabyte?

1 million

how many bytes are in a terabyte?

1 trillion

while loop

A control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly.

control structure

A control structure is one or more programming language statements that control the flow of a computer program

Routing Table

A data table stored in a router that lists the routes to particular network destinations


A device that routes packets of data between two or more networks.


A device used to remove contamination from a fluid.


A document providing background information about a dataset.

Pick the expressions involving the Modulo operation that compute the exact same value (choose 2)

A: 9 MOD 8 B: 1 MOD 16

Which of the following is FALSE about event-driven programs?

A: Event-driven programs do not implement algorithms

A city government is attempting to reduce the digital divide between groups with differing access to computing and the Internet. Which two of the following activities is most likely to be effective in this purpose?

A: Holding basic computer classes at community centers B: providing free wireless internet connections for all neighborhoods

Which of the following are true statements about digital certificates in Web Browsers? I: Digital certificates are used to verify the ownership of encrypted keys us end in secured communications. II: Digital certificates are sued to verify that the connection to a Web Site is fault tolerant

A: I only

What is the "key" to a Caesar Cipher that someone needs to know (or discover) to decrypt the message?

A: The number of characters to shift each letter in the alphabet

Identify the two true statements about HTTP.

A: an HTTP request is sent from a client to request access to data stroked on a server C: displaying a web page will often require multiple HTTP requests in order to acquire all the necessary data.


Ability to either handle increasing workloads or to be easily expanded to manage workload increases. In a software context, systems that aren't scalable often require significant rewrites or the purchase or development of entirely new systems.

Sequential operation

An algorithmic operation that carries out a single task and then moves on to the next operation in sequence.


An algorithmic operation that carries out a single task and then moves on to the next operation in sequence. Also a type of search where you search for an item in a list by starting with the first item and looking at each subsequent item in order.

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing out the letters of a word "HELLO" A. Loop B. Function(s)

B. Function(s)

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing a circle of any size at any point on the screen A. Loop B. Function(s)

B. Function(s) NOTE: Since the drawing of the circle is inconsistent in size and in the placement of it, it is best to use a function and pass in different parameters for a particular circle (smaller/larger circle, placement of the circle) rather than using a loop.

Which of the following is NOT true about TCP/IP packets? A. Packets are numbered so if they arrive out of order the message can be reassembled. B. TCP guarantees that no packets are ever dropped. C. Packets can be routed on different paths from sender to receiver. D. Messages are broken into packets to improve reliability of the internet.

B. TCP guarantees that no packets are ever dropped.

Self driving cars are currently being tested by a number of companies. These cars are mostly electric and have been programmed to drive without the aid of a human. Which of the following is not a concern of this innovation?

B: Age of the passenger

Connecting new devices to the Internet is enabled by the assigning of what?

B: Domain Name System (DNS)

Historically, it has been observed that computer processing speeds. Tend to double every two years. This is known as:

B: Moore's Law

Pick the two statements about packets and routing on the Internet that are true:

B: TCP ensures messages can be reliably transmitted across the Internet D: TCP must account for the fact that packet may not arrive at at destination computer in the intended order

What is a function parameter?

B: a way to give input to a function that controls how the function runs

A compression shame for a long string of bits called run-length encoding is described as follows: Rather than record each 0 and 1 individually, instead record "runs" of bits by storing the number of consecutive 1s and 0s that appear. Since it's binary, any run of 0s must be followed by a run of 1s (even if the run is only 1-bit long) and vice versa. Thus you can store a list of small numbers that repress the alternating round of 0s and 1s. ---- To uncompressed the data back into its original binary state, yo simpler reverse the process. This technique is an example of whate type of compression?

B: lossless compression

A programmer is writing a system that is intended to be able to stroke large amount of personal data. As the programmer develops the data system, which of the following is least likely to impact the programmer's choices in designing the structure of the system.

B: the frequency of a particular item occurring in a data set.

Which of the following scenarios is most characteristic of a phishing attack.

B: you get an email from the IT support desk that asks you to send a reply email with your username and password to verify your account

The Caesar Cipher has 25 different shifts to try. How many possibilities are there to try in a random substitution cipher?

C: 26x25x24x23x22...x3x2x1

Choose the answer that is not a feature of Public Key Cryptography:

C: A public Key database ensures 3rd party accountability of security

Which of the following is not true about functions in programming?

C: Functions cannot make calls to other functions within the same program

what number system does the computer use to process information?

Base-2 Binary

A video-streaming Web site uses 32-bit integers to count the number of times each video has been played. In anticipation of some videos being played more times than can be represented with 32 bits, the Web site is planning to change to 64-bit integers for the counter. Which of the following best describes the result of using 64-bit integers instead of 32-bit integers? A. 2 times as many values can be represented . B. 32 times as many values can be represented. C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented. D. 32^2 times as many values can be represented.

C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented.

A video-streaming Web site uses 32-bit integers to count the number of times each video has been played. In anticipation of some videos being played more times than can be represented with 32 bits, the Web site is planning to change to 64-bit integers for the counter. Which of the following best describes the result of using 64-bit integers instead of 32-bit integers? A. 2 times as many values can be represented . B. 32 times as many values can be represented. C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented. D. 32^2 times as many values can be represented.

C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented. NOTE: Every time you add a single bit to a binary number, you multiply by 2 the number of numbers you can represent. So for example, a 2-bit number can represent 4 numbers (0 - 3), and a 3-bit number can represent 8 numbers (0 - 7). So if you're going from a 32-bit to a 64-bit number, you are multiplying the number of numbers you can represent by 2, 32 times, so 2^32 is the correct answer.

The internet engineering task force (IETF) defines the protocols and standards for how the Internet works. The members of the IETF are:

C. A loosely organized collection of citizens and engineers who communicate mostly by email.

The Internet Engineering Task Force defines protocols and standards for how the Internet works. The members of IETF are: A. An international coalition of government agencies who oversee the Internet in their countries. B. A collection of leaders of the Tier 1 Internet service providers. C. A loosely organized collection of citizens and engineers. D. Political leaders and heads of state.

C. A loosely organized collection of citizens and engineers.

Biologists often attach tracking collars to wild animals. For each animal, the following geolocation data is collected at frequent intervals. The time The date The location of the animal Which of the following questions about a particular animal could NOT be answered using only the data collected from the tracking collars? A. Approximately how many miles did the animal travel in one week? B. Does the animal travel in groups with other tracked animals? C. Do the movement patterns of the animal vary according to the weather? D. In what geographic locations does the animal typically travel?

C. Do the movement patterns of the animal vary according to the weather?

Which of the following is NOT true about functions in programming? A. Functions are reusable programming abstractions. B. Functions help reduce the complexity of writing and maintaining programs. C. Functions cannot make calls to other functions within the same program. D. Functions help break a problem into logical chunks. E. Once defined, a function can be called many times from different parts of a program.

C. Functions cannot make calls to other functions within the same program.

Assume that the variable count has been declared as a type int. Which statement would add 10 to the count?

Count = count + 10

Which of the following is a true statement about data compression? A. Data compression is only useful for files being transmitted over the internet. B. Regardless of the compression technique used, once a data file is compressed, it cannot be restored to its original state. C. Sending a compressed version of a file ensures that the contents of the file cannot be intercepted by an unauthorized user. D. There are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing a transmitting data.

D. There are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing a transmitting data.

The next questions refers to the hexidecimal (base 16) number system: Number bases, including binary, decimal, and hexadecimal, are used to view and represent digital data. Which of the following is NOT true about representing digital data? A. At one of the lowest levels of abstraction, all digital data can be represented in binary using only combinations of the digits zero and one. B. Hexadecimal is used to represent digital data because hexadecimal representation uses only 1 digit to represent groups of 4 binary digits. C. Binary can be used to represent more complex, higher level abstractions, including but not limited to numbers, characters, and colors. D. There is a limit to the number of things that can be represented in binary data at which point switching to hexadecimal representation is necessary.

D. There is a limit to the number of things that can be represented in binary data at which point switching to hexadecimal representation is necessary.

A school starts tracking which websites each computer in the school is visiting by monitoring the packets leaving the school. A sample of the information they have collected appears below: IP Address Time URL 11:05:23 example.com 11:05:29 news.com 11:06:13 sports. com Which of the following is MOST likely to be answerable using all the data collected by this monitoring? A. Which students are visiting social media sites from school B. Which classes are assigning the most homework using the computers C. Which programs students are running on the lab computers D. Which websites are most frequently visited before and after school hours from a school computer.

D. Which websites are most frequently visited before and after school hours from a school computer.

What is displayed by the console.log statement after the following code segment executes? 1 var a = 3; 2 var b = 6; 3 var c = 10; 4 a = b / a; 5 b = c - a; 6 c = b / a; 7 console.log("value is: "+c); A. value is: 2 B. value is: 2.3333333 C. value is: 3 D. value is: 4 E. value is: c

D. value is: 4

When sending a response to a question with four possible answers, the most efficient method will require no more than what number of bits?

D: 2 bits


Data that describes other data. For example, a digital image my include metadata that describe the size of the image, number of colors, or resolution.

an open community of engineers, designers, and vendors that address issues concerning the evolution and protocols of the internet

Internet Engineering Task Force


Internet Engineering Task Force Internet Engineering Task Force. A large international group concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and its smooth operation. DEVELOPS STANDARDS


Internet Protocol. IP address lookup, location, proxy detection, email tracing, IP hiding tips, blacklist check, speed test, and forums

When methods of superclasses are overwritten by subclasses

Method overriding

Request for Comments (RFC)

Documents that define and publish the standards and protocols for all to see on the Internet Engineering Task Force website

Casting a superclass to a subclass type is called _______


When the actual method that will be called is not determined by the compiler, instead the compiler only determines if a method can be called, while the run-time environment determines how it will be called

Dynamic binding

Making a run-time decision about which instance method to call is known as _______

Dynamic binding (late binding)

Describe the benefits of routing over broadcasting.

In routing, a message is sent to a specific address, so only a few amount of people will see it, making it more secure. In broadcasting, it is open to a large amount of people to see and is not sent to a specific place.

Control structures

Instructions that specify the sequence in which a program is to be executed: sequence, selection, and repetition controls


One billion bytes.


Online shopping, amazon, buying online and on site transactions conducted electronically.

Licensing of software

Open source and Licensing of software and content raise ethical and legal concerns.

Stochastic components

Parts of a model that display random behavior.

Data-driven problems

Problems with Data gathered during testing

sequential execution

The computer execution of program instructions performed in the sequence established by a programmer

Internet Censorship

The control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. It may be carried out by governments or by private organizations at the behest of government, regulators, or on their own initiative.

What are protocols? What do they do for the Internet?

Protocols are languages the computer systems use to communicate. Network clients are the interface that allows the computer system to speak to the protocol.

to prevent round-off errors, what do you use?

ROUND function

intellectual property

Refers to intangibles such as ideas, music, art, photos, logos, movies, and programs that are the result of creativity and intellectual effort.

Anonymous access

Requires no username or password

Open source software

Software that results from the voluntary collaboration of developers who create programs that they distribute free to others

Pivot Table

The name of the tool used by most spreadsheet programs to create a summary table.

Bit Rate

The number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time

Moore's Law

The number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits has doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented

Net Neutrality

The principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

Program maintenance

The process of adapting an existing software product due to errors, new system requirements, or changing user needs.

Parallel processing

The processing of several aspects of a problem simultaneously; the brain's natural mode of information processing for many functions, including vision. Contrasts with the step-by-step (serial) processing of most computers and of conscious problem solving.

describe the portability characteristic of Java?

The same java class files will run on different operating systems without change.

Domain Name Service (DNS)

The service that translates URL's to IP addresses

Why don't we need to know the IP addresses for our favorite sites?

We don't need to know the IP addresses for our favorite sites because the DNS stores them all for us in a directory like database. It would be too difficult for us to remember each IP address for each individual website.

Trojan horse

What is the program that appears to be a legitimate application, utility, game, or screensaver and that performs malicious activities surreptitiously? masquerades as beneficial program while quietly destroying/damaging your system


a form of computer networking or other communication that uses radio signals and microwaves to transmit data

Symmetric Encryption

a form of computerized cryptography using a singular encryption key to guise an electronic message. Its data conversion uses a mathematical algorithm along with a secret key, which results in the inability to make sense out of a message.


a group of computers and servers that are connected to each other


a novel or improved idea, device, product, etc, or the development thereof


a process of encoding messages to keep them secret, so only "authorized" parties can read it.

event-driven programming

a programming approach whereby the program's behavior is controlled by writing code that responds to various events that occur, such as Button clicks

Binary question

a question where there are only two possible answers

Disk Drive

a randomly addressable and rewritable storage device

disk drive

a randomly addressable and rewritable storage device


a series of interconnected things or events


a series of names or other items written or printed together in a meaningful grouping or sequence so as to constitute a record sequence so as to constitute a record


a series of steps by which resources are changed into a desired product

Sequence structure

a set of statements that execute in the order that they appear

social networking

a social structure made of nodes that are generally individuals or organizations. A social network represents relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, animals, computers, or other information/knowledge processing entities

aggregation of information

a sum/total of a lot of info

If a subclass of an abstract class does not provide implementation code for all the abstract methods of its superclass, it too becomes an _______

abstract class


an audio coding format for digital audio which uses a form of lossy data compression which works by reducing (or approximating) certain components of the audio that are considered to be beyond audible human hearing.

Computational Artifact

an object created by a human being that involves the use of computation in some way, for example a mobile app or a web page.

computational artifact

an object created by a human being that involves the use of computation in some way, for example a mobile app or a web page.

Open source software

can be used by anyone


data is distinct information that is formatted in a special way. Data exists in a variety of forms, like text on paper or bytes stored in electronic memory

as a database in Excel, each row of a worksheet can store a record, and each column can store a what?


what is software that is freely distributed at no cost to the user? The author of the software maintains the copy write.


A packet contains addressing information that allows to decide...

how best to forward along that packet to its destination.


information-search services, such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome, that offer detailed organizational maps to the Internet.

block programming

When a programmer strings together a group of similar programs.


When someone pretends to be someone else with the intent of obtaining unauthorized data.

Online Databases/ Virtual Libraries

is a collection of resources available on one or more computer systems, where a single interface or entry point to the collections is provided.

decidable problem

possible to make single algorithm that is always correct

The extends clause must _______ the implements class



precise sequence of instructions

what is the name of the method in the given method call? System.out.println("Welcome")



process of representing a real-world object of phenomenon as a set of mathematical equations.

Low-Level Languages

programming language similar to machine code

Computing tools

programming, integrated IDES, spreadsheets, etc


programs and other info used by a computer

Trust Model

provides a framework for delivering security mechanisms. must include implicit or explicit validation of an entity's identity or the characteristics necessary for a particular event or transaction to occur.

Intellectual Property

refers to any property that is created using original thought. Traditional intellectual property include patents, copyrights, and trademarks.


refers to finding a collection of symptoms that tend to go together, and not just seeing a single symptom


relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors.

A subclass constructor can be implemented with a call to the _______

super method (super();)

If no constructor is provided in the subclass, it calls the default constructor of the _______


Data Analysis

the art of exploring the facts from the data with specific to answer specific questions, i.e. there is a test hypothesis framework


the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.


the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.


the intentional paralyzing of a computer network by flooding it with data sent simultaneously from many individual computers.


the language in which the content and formatting of a web page are written


the large and small physical components that make up a computers such as the computer's keyboard or its processor

net neutrality

the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally by Internet Service Providers


the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the Internet


the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the internet

Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)

the protocol used for transmitting web pages over the internet


the rectangular area of a display screen actually being used to display images


to copy data (usually an entire file) from a main source to a peripheral device


to link together or join. Typically used when joining together text Strings in programming (e.g. "Hello, "+name)


to transmit data from a computer to a bulletin board service, mainframe, or network.

Asymmetric encryption

used in public key encryption, it is scheme in which the key to encrypt data is different from the key to decrypt.

Computing Tools

used software development utility used to maintain computers.


used to describe data storage, 1,048,576 bytes (abbreviated MB)

An artist makes an RGB raster image in which each pixel color is encoded with 12-bits---4 bits each red, green, and blue. Wich of the following correctly shows the hexadecimal value for Red as a 12-bit representation?

A: F00

Which of the following programs is most likely to benefit from the use of a heuristic approach?

A: a program that determines if a person in a photograph has blonde hair.


Abbreviation of central processing unit. The CPU is the brains of the computer. Sometimes referred to simply as the processor or central processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. (Central Processing Unit) The key component of a computer system, which contains the circuitry necessary to interpret and execute program instructions

Digital Signal Processing

(DSP) refers to manipulating analog information

** what symbol is used to end a multi-line comment?


Computational model

A model constructed using algorithmic procedures implemented as computer programs.


A piece of code that you can easily call over and over again.

Which statement best describes a computer program?

A program is a sequence of instructions and decisions that the computer carries out.


A proposed explanation for some phenomenon used as the basis for further investigation.


A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.

Which of the following is FALSE about event-driven programs? A. Event-driven programs do not implement algorithms. B. Some portions of an event-driven program may never execute while the program is running. C. An event-driven program is written to respond to specified events by executing a block of code or function associated with the event. D. The order in which an event-driven program will run cannot always be known ahead of time. E. Event-driven programs can be run multiple times with different outcomes, based on user interactions.

A. Event-driven programs do not implement algorithms.

An artist makes an RGB raster image in which each pixel color is encoded with 12-bits --- 4 bits each for red, green and blue. Which of the following correctly shows the hexadecimal value for Red as a 12-bit representation. A. F00 B. 00F C. FF00 D. FF0000

A. F00

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing 100 tiny dots in a line A. Loop B. Function(s)

A. Loop


An exclusive right granted by the federal government allowing the owner to reproduce and sell an artistic or published work.

Boolean expression

An expression that can evaluate only to true or false.


An extra piece of information that you pass to the function to customize it for a specific need


Any valid unit of code that resolves to a value.


Arguing about a problem by comparing it to a related problem, which you claim is very similar in terms of its ethical implications and consequences.

DNS System

Associates domain names with their corresponding IP addresses. Computer uses this to connect to the correct domain. Have a hierarchy.

You have a coordinate grid that is 96 X 96. Assuming that you encode the X and y coordinate separate numbers, what is the minimum number of bits that you will need to encode a coordinate in that space?

B: 14

What is an API?

C: Application Program Interface

To improve communication in playing battleship on the Internet simulator, you group invented a(n):

C: protocol

Consider the code segment below: Var a = 0 Var b=3 Var c=4 A = a+c b = a+c C = a+c

D: a-4, b-8, c-8

Which of the following is not a true statement about functions?

E: functions cannot make calls to other functions written by the same programmer


Humiliating, taunting, threatening or invading someone's privacy using the Internet, Web, or other type of electronic technology.

Iterative innovation

Incremental or small improvement to an item

A collection of related methods whose headers are provided without implementation



Internet Protocol version 6

What does a class file contain?

The JVM instructions for all classes in the java application.


The time it takes for a signal to arrive

what does URL stand for?

Uniform Resource Locator


a group of two or more computer systems linked together

Packets can NOT...

always be contained in one packet.

the speed of data transfer


The subclass _______ characteristics of its superclass


what is a description of the binary system used by a computer?

it uses 1s and 0s, representing electrical current that is on or off

Lossy data compression

losses ability to reconstruct compressed data


mnemonic to help remember relative size for data

in computers, the main circuit board with all the primary computer components is called the what?


A method name is _____ if a class has more than one method with that name (but different parameter types).


What entity belongs to a class and is manipulated in a program?



provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of a stream of packets on the internet


the color model that uses varying intensities of (R)ed, (G)reen, and (B)lue light added together in order to reproduce a broad array of colors.


time program takes to run

what are the characteristics of early computers?

very large, programmed by people switching wires, and used vacuum tubes

Under which of the following conditions is it most beneficial to use a heuristic approach to solve a problem?

when the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time and an approximate solution is acceptable


8 bits


A URL is one type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI); the generic term for all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the World Wide Web. The term "Web address" is a synonym for a URL that uses the HTTP / HTTPS protocol.

High-level programming language

A programming language that uses both natural language constructs and mathematical notation.


A set of edges that begin at one node and can be followed through other nodes back where you started


A type of data used for graphics or pictures.

How does a computer resolve a domain name into an IP address? A. It asks a DNS server for the corresponding IP address. B. It scans addresses until it finds the one it's looking for. C. It uses a Border Gateway Protocol to get the address from a nearby computer. D. It creates an IP address for the domain, and shares it with the closest DNS.

A. It asks a DNS server for the corresponding IP address.

Fill in the blank of the following statement: "______ encryption is a method of encryption involving one key for both encryption and decryption." A. Symmetric B. Asymmetric C. Public key D. SSL

A. Symmetric

For this scenario rated to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing 100 tiny dots in a line?

A: loop

For this scenario rated to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing a Hexagon:

A: loop

Choose the two best answers to complete the sentence. If I understand how the Internet works then I will be able to:

A: make informed choices to support or oppose decisions my government makes about access to the Internet C: Make informed choices about my privacy on the Internet

Choose the two best answers to complete the sentence: If I understand how the Internet works, then I will be able to :

A: make informed choices to support or oppose decisions my government makes about access to the Internet C: make informed choices about my pricey on the Internet

Why is the Vigenere cipher hard to crack? (Choose 2)

A: one cannot sole using frequency analysis directly B: the key length is variable and potentially very long

A student is preparing their Explore Performance Task for the AP Computer Science Principles exam. While gathering research, teh student finds an article from a current scientific journal. The student also finds a relevant Wikipedia entry. Which of the following BEST describes an advantage of the scientific journal article over the Wikipedia entry?

A: the ability to be a credible source

Integration testing

After unit testing, integration testing is done to see that the modules communicate the necessary data between and among themselves and that all modules work together smoothly.

Domain Name System (DNS)

An abbreviation for Domain Name System, the Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses.

Authenticated access

An extranet is made available to ____ connections that have been granted an ____ _____ to the resources in the extranet.


An improvement of an existing technological product, system, or method of doing something.

Primitive operation

An operation that can be directly understood by the computing agent executing the algorithm and which does not have to be further clarified or explained.


An operation that causes computed values to be sent to the outside world for viewing or saving.


An operation that causes data values from the outside world to be brought into the algorithm.

What is the 4-bit number for the decimal number ten (10)? A. 0010 B. 1010 C. 0110 D. 0101

B. 1010

A bakery collects data on sales. Each sales record includes the date of the sale and some metadata about the items that were part of the sale. The data includes: the names of the items sold, the types of items sold, the number of each item sold, and the price of each item sold. Which of the following CANNOT be determined from the bakery's data set? A. The total income from the sales of the bakery received in the past month. B. Which customer most frequently purchases bread. C. The item bought in the highest quantity in the past week. D. Days when certain items sell the most.

B. Which customer most frequently purchases bread.

Which of the following scenarios is most characteristic of a phishing attack. A. You accidentally run a piece of code that automatically spreads from one computer to another, exploiting a common vulnerability B. You get an email from the IT support desk that asks you to send a reply email with your username and password to verify your account C. You get an unwanted email trying to sell you a low quality product or service that seems "fishy." D. You accidentally install a piece of software that monitors your activity to steal personal information like your passwords, date of birth, social security number, etc.

B. You get an email from the IT support desk that asks you to send a reply email with your username and password to verify your account

Which of the following is not true about packets?

B: A message sent across the Internet can always be contained in a single packet.

A user enters a web address in a browser, and a request for a file is sent to a web server. Which of the following best describes how the file is sent to the user.

B: A music file is split into multiple packets for transmission, and then sent to the user's computer, and then the packets are reassembles upon receipt with TCP.

What are the electrical lines called that interconnect the CPU, RAM, and the electronics controlling the hard disk and other divides?



Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the set of rules for transferring files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files) on the World Wide Web. As soon as a Web user opens their Web browser, the user is indirectly making use of HTTP. HTTP is an application protocol that runs on top of the TCP/IP suite of protocols (the foundation protocols for the Internet).


Hypertext Transfer Protocol. A conventional set of communication rules for controlling how Web browsers and servers pass information back and forth over the Internet.


Internet Service Provider

Vint Cerf

Internet pioneer who believed the Internet should be free and available to everyone

NAND gate

Logic circuit whose output is 0 when all inputs are 1

Object code

Machine language instructions.

Data Classification

System of organizing data according to its sensitivity. Common classifications include public, highly confidential, and top secret.

What is the object in the given call? System.out.println("Welcome")


this provides reliable, ordered and error-checked delivery of a stream of packets on the internet



The degree to which a system performs its intended function

Computing agent

The entity (machine, robot, person, or thing) that executes the steps of an algorithm.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

What does ASCII stand for? (cap first letter)

Does polymorphism work with abstract classes?



an archive file format that supports lossless data compression; may contain one or more files or directories.

credibility of sources

how true they are


the large and small physical components that make up a computers such as the computer's keyboard or its processor.

Moore's Law

the observation that computing power roughly doubles every two years.

when a formula is copied, Excel adjusts the cell references so the new formulas contain references corresponding to the new location and performs calculations using the appropriate values, true or false?


Can subclasses directly invoke the public accessor and mutator methods of the superclass?



____ is a method of encrypting TCP/IP transmissions above the network layer.

Resource sharing

____ is the ability to share physical resources, such as a printer or storage device, as well as logical resources, such as software and information.

Web Servers

________ are programs that run on a server-tier computer and that manage HTTP traffic by sending and receiving Web pages to and from clients

Lower higher

_________ level protocols guarantee __________ level protocols will function without stating specifically how this will be accomplished.

Higher lower

__________ level protocols use _______ levels without needing to understand precisely how they work. (space between each term)


a contraction of "Binary Digit", the single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1


a description of the behavior of a command, function, library, API, etc.


a device or system that represents changing values as continuously variable physical quantities


An automated method of recognizing a person based on physical characteristics. Among the features measured are face, fingerprints, hand geometry, iris and voice

Does an abstract class need constructors?


Can you know in advance the path a message will take between you and another computer on the Internet? Justify your answer.

No, because depending on how much traffic there is between other routers the message will take the fastest route possible to the other computer which could change day to day or hour to hour based on the traffic.

Control operations

Operations that alter the normal sequential flow of control within an algorithm. Ex: if statements


Short for "picture element" it is the fundamental unit of a digital image, typically a tiny square or dot which contains a single point of color of a larger image.

what declares a variable that will store a welcome message?

String welcome;


The meaning of correctly written programming statements.

Open source interconnection

What does the acronym "OSI" stand for?

Logic error

An error in the algorithm that causes unintended results; results are different than what the programmer had wanted

Logic error

An error in the algorithm used to solve a problem.

Syntax error

An error that occurs because a program statement fails to follow the correct rules of syntax.

Runtime error

An error that occurs when the program is run using certain sets of data that result in some illegal operation, such as dividing by zero.

Application Program Interfaces Libraries

An interface that allows applications to make use of the operating system

For loop

An iteration structure that repeats one or more statements a specified number of times

Analog data

Analog data is represented using an infinite scale of values. The representation and measurement of the performance or behavior of a system by continuously variable physical entities such as currents, voltages and so on.

What is the best explanation for digital data is represented in computers in binary? A. The binary number system is the only number system flexible enough to allow for representing data other than numbers. B. As a consequence of history: early pioneers of computing were making secret codes in binary, and this simply evolved into modern computing. C. It's impossible to build a computer machine that uses anything but binary to represent numbers. D. It's easier, cheaper, and more reliable to build machines and devices that only have to distinguish between binary states.

D. It's easier, cheaper, and more reliable to build machines and devices that only have to distinguish between binary states.

A user clicks on a website, and it begins to load immediately, but it takes a long time to load completely and pictures appear slowly, one by one. Which of the following is demonstrated through this situation? A. High bandwidth, high latency B. Low bandwidth, high latency C. High bandwidth, low latency D. Low bandwidth, low latency

D. Low bandwidth, low latency

A programmer is writing a system that is intended to be able to store large amounts of personal data. As a programmer develops the data system, which of the following is the LEAST likely to impact the programmer's choice in designing the structure of the system? A. Maintaining privacy of the information stored in the data set. B. Scalability of the system. C. Structuring the metadata of the information for analysis. D. The frequency of a particular item occurring in a data set.

D. The frequency of a particular item occurring in a data set.

A programmer is writing a system that is intended to be able to store large amounts of personal data. As the programmer develops the data system, which of the following is LEAST likely to impact the programmer's choices in designing the structure of the system? A. Maintaining the privacy of the information stored in the data set. B. Scalability of the system. C. Structuring the metadata of the information for analysis. D. The frequency of a particular item occurring in a data set.

D. The frequency of a particular item occurring in a data set.


Internet Engineering Task Force


Internet Engineering Task Force. A large international group concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and its smooth operation. DEVELOPS STANDARDS

IP Address

Internet Protocol address. A unique identifier for each computer or other device on a network, including the Internet. Conceptually similar to a phone number, IP addresses are a string of numbers that allow computers, routers, printers, and other devices to recognize [identify] one another and communicate.


Internet Protocol version 6 created roughly 1 quadrillion internet addresses for every cell in every human alive today on the internet.


Internet and web have impacted productivity positively and negatively in many areas.

Pair programming

Involves two programmers at a single workstation. At any given point in time, one is writing code and the other is actively observing, watching for possible errors but also thinking about the overall approach.

If the post office would deliver mail exactly like routers deliver messages on the internet....

Letters would be written on the outside of envelopes for all to read instead of putting letters inside of envelopes and the mailman would sometimes take a different path to deliver each letter to your home.


List of steps, such as assessments and interventions, to be taken in different situations.

What term is used to refer to the computer interactions that are executed by a CPU, which are specific to each CPU?

Machine code


Make up internet are connected and communicating using addresses and protocols

Copper Wire

Method of transmitting data that utilizes electricity


Method of transmitting data that utilizes light

Abstraction Hierarchy

Most general concepts on top of the hierarchy and specific concepts on the bottom

Routing packets

Router. In packet switching networks, routing is the higher-level decision making that directs network packets from their source toward their destination through intermediate network nodes by specific packet forwarding mechanisms.


Running a program on many data sets to be sure its performance falls within required limits; timing the same algorithm on two different machines.

Which memory type provides a storage that persists without electricity?

Secondary storage


Sentence structure

What are some examples of protocols and how do they work?

Servers, mainframes, laptop, desktop, tablets, and server clusters


Similar to a virus, but it has the capability to travel without any human action so it can infect many computers. It is able to replicate itself and can use the email address book to send itself to everyone listed. It consumes system memory to do this and slows down the computer or the network.


Small chunks of information that have been carefully formed from larger chunks of information.


Small chunks of information that have been carefully formed from larger chunks of information. Never take the same route twice.


Small text files that are sent to your computer from certain websites. They track your behaviour and transactions. A small text file placed on your computer when you visit a Web page. Used to remember you or your preferences when you revisit that page or to track your browsing activities, cookies facilitate virtual shopping carts, page customization, and targeted advertising. They are not programs and cannot read your hard drive or cause damage to your computer.

Open source

Software whose source code is freely available and may be used, distributed, or modified by anyone.

program instructions

Special communications instructions that direct the travel of packets over the Internet are called

Binary search algorithm

Start in the middle and eliminate half the stack and keep looking in the middle. The data is pre-sorted. The process of examining a middle value of a sorted array to see which half contains the value in question and halving until the value is located.

What term is used to refer to an instruction in a method?


Application Layer Protocols

TCP (transmission control protocol), breaks down large files ito smaller packets and opens connection to the server. Places the HTTP packet inside the TCP, fills in the information needed, and passes to the network layer.


The Cloud is just a popular term for the Internet and its applications used largely in marketing and advertising. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Dropbox are often referred to as cloud applications. They could also be called Internet applications. App Inventor is another example of a cloud application.


The Internet (capital "I") is the underlying global network that supports the WWW and many other applications. It consists of many different local networks that are connected together by various hardware devices.

What is the IETF?

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) defines the protocols and standards for how the internet works and is a loosely organized collection of citizens and engineers who communicate mostly by email.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data and information.

World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW) is an application that runs on the Internet. The WWW is a system of interlinked resources -- documents, images, sounds, videos, data files -- that are stored on the Internet and can be accessed through a browser.

Fault tolerant network

The ability to route around broken servers on the internet.


The action of doing something over and over again.

If Statement

The common programming structure that implements "conditional statements".

Computer graphics

The field of computer science that examines the technical problems of displaying visual images on a computer screen.

Bit rate

The number of bits transmitted per second.


The process of determining the best path from Point A on one network to Point B on another is known as ____ The process of determining the best path from Point A on one network to Point B on another is known as ____

Authenticated Access

The process of identifying an individual, usually based on a username and password.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

The protocol used by the World Wide Web. It describes how messages are formatted and interchanged, and how web servers respond to commands.

Peer-to-peer file sharing

The sharing of files between two equal participants on a network. This is distinct from the client-server model in which the two sides serve very different roles--one side only sending information (the server) and the other side only receiving information (the client).

Computer science

The study of algorithms, including their mathematical properties, hardware and linguistic realizations, and their applications.


The study of how to decide if something is morally right or wrong.

Arithmetic operators

The symbols +, -, *, /, %, and ^ used to denote addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentage, and exponentiation in an Excel formula

Continuation condition

The true/false condition that will determine when the iteration has been completed.


The universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand

Scientific visualization

The use of images and visualization techniques to make scientific data easier to interpret and understand.

Why do computers need to periodically check the DNS for websites you have already visited?

They need to periodically check the DNS for websites you have already visited because sometimes IP addresses change for a certain website and people could be going to the wrong website. They check it to ensure that the IP address is the same and has not changed.

The internet

This invention make it possible for people to work from home, to send information to different places, and made the economy mor dependent


Traditional number system using digits 0-9.


Transmission Control Protocol is one of the main protocols of the Internet protocol suite. It originated in the initial network implementation in which it complemented the Internet Protocol (IP). Therefore, the entire suite is commonly referred to as TCP/IP. TCP provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of a stream of octets between applications running on hosts communicating by an IP network. Major Internet applications such as the World Wide Web, email, remote administration, and file transfer rely on TCP. Applications that do not require reliable data stream service may use the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which provides a connectionless datagram service that emphasizes reduced latency over reliability.


Transmission Control Protocol - provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of a stream of packets on the internet. TCP is tightly linked with IP and usually seen as TCP/IP in writing. Basically counts all the packets.


Transmission capacity, measured by bit rate


Uniform Resource Locator

counter-controlled repetition

Uses a variable called a counter to control the number of times a set of statements will execute. Often called definite repetition because number of repetitions is known before the loop begins executing. Used on Nested logic

Functional programming languages

Views every task in terms of functions. In this context, function means something like a mathematical function—a recipe for taking an argument (or possibly several arguments) and doing something with them to compute a single value.

Data encryption

What process secures a wireless network by protecting data packets being transmitted? scrambling the data in a message in a systematic way in order to prevent competitors from electronically monitoring confidential data transmission

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

a 1998 US law intended to update copyright law for electronic commerce and electronic content providers. It criminalizes the circumvention of electronic and digital copyright protection systems.

Big Data

a broad term for datasets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate.


a code for representing English characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127


a collection of commands made available to a programmer


a generic name for a list of email address or IP addresses that are considered to be spam free


a generic name for a list of email address or IP addresses that are considered to be spam free


a group of two or more computer systems linked together


a metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems


a metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems

IP address

a number assigned to any item that is connected to the Internet

binary number

a number written in the binary system, a system that uses only two digits, 0s and 1s

Binary Number

a number written in the binary system, a system that uses only two digits, 0s and 1s.

iterative process

a process based on repetition of steps and procedures.

lossy compression

a process of reducing a file's size by altering and/or eliminating some pixels


a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. This includes: designing, writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs.

Event Driven Programming

a programming approach whereby the program's behavior is controlled by writing code that responds to various events that occur, such as Button clicks.


a set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices.

Social Networking

a social structure made of nodes that are generally individuals or organizations. A social network represents relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, animals, computers, or other information/knowledge processing entities

Data Network

a telecommunications network which allows computers to exchange data

data network

a telecommunications network which allows computers to exchange data


a way of representing information using only two options


a whole number; a number that is not a fraction.

If a class fails to provide implementations for all the methods declared in an interface, it must be declared _______


It is possible for an abstract class to have no _______ methods


Selection structure

allows programmers to specify the conditions under which a statement is executed. one of the three control structures; tells the computer to make a decision before selecting the next instruction to process; also called the decision structure


an algorithm that is written in a programming language that runs on a computer


any symbol that requires one byte (8 bits) of storage


any system based on discontinuous data or events. Computers are digital machines because at the basic level they can distinguish between just two values, 0 and 1.


application of each step of an algorithm

executable programs

are files that can be executed by an operating system to run in memory as a process and perform a useful function.

Internet packets

are made up of binary sequences that are sent through the lowest layer of OSI

Data Center

are physical or virtual infrastructures used by enterprises to house computer, server and networking systems and components for the company's IT (information technology) needs

boolean condition

determines which part of algorithm used

Biologists often attach tracking collars to wild animals. For each animal the following geolocation data is collected at frequent intervals. -time -data -location of the animal which of the following questions about a particular animal could not be answered using only data collected from the tracking collars? approximately how many miles did the animal travel in one week? does the animal travel in groups with other tracked animals? do the movement patterns of the animal vary according to the weather? in what geographic locations does the animal typically travel?

do the movement patterns of the animal vary according to the weather?


document series containing technical and organizational notes about the Internet

how many bits make a byte?


connections to computers, usually shorter than one kilometer


To specify the inheritance relationship between a subclass and a superclass, in the declaration of the subclass, use the keyword _______


ex: public class Subclass _______ Superclass {}


curation of info

gaining info


illegally copying information

Subclasses of a superclass with Comparable and compareTo will automatically _______ Comparable and inherit the compareTo method.


Abstract methods have no _______, because every subclass will need to override the method (so no point)


the object on which the method call is invoked provides input to the method, and is called a(n)

implicit parameter

Which of the following declares a variable that will store a count with an integer value?

int count;

The compareTo method compares the implicit object (this) with the parameter object, and returns a(n) _______ depending on whether the implicit object is less than/equal/greater than the parameter


Redundancy of routing

is a computer networking protocol that provides for automatic assignment of available Internet Protocol (IP) routers to participating hosts. This increases the availability and reliability of routing paths via automatic default gateway selections on an IP sub-network.


is a file extension associated with images, used in applications such as Pixlr. The most common graphic file type, has full color graphic format, and has a relatively small file size.

Primary Source

is an artifact, a document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, a recording, or any other source of information that was created at the time under study

Certificate authorities

is an entity that issues digital certificates. A digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificate.

Domain name syntax

is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name.

Domain name syntax

is hierarchical

Procedural abstraction

is the concept of being able to look at programming code, identify a block of repetitive programming statements, and place them within one procedure that can be referenced by many objects, thus making the code easier to understand and reuse.


is the protocol used by the World Wide Web. It describes how messages are formatted and interchanged, and how web servers respond to commands.

Creative Commons License

is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that he has created.

How is the internet set up?

it is a data communications network that grew over time in a somewhat haphazard configuration as networks connected to other networks and to the internet backbone

what is a description of ASCII

it is a standardized character set used in the U.S.

To uncompress the data back into its original binary state, you simply reverse the process. This technique is an example of what type of compression?

lossless compression

A user clicks on a website, and it begins to load immediately, but it takes a long time to load completely and pictures appear slowly, one by one. What is demonstrated through this situation?

low bandwidth, low latency

what organization was the internet intended to be used by?


Distributed solutions

must scale to solve problems

licensing of software

need to purchase/get permission to use

Which of the following constructs a circle of radius 3, assuming the construction parameter is the radius value?

new Circle(3)

what do you click on in the conditional formatting gallery to display the new formatting rule dialog box?

new rule

psuedo code

notation of simplified programming language

reasonable time

number of algorithm steps less than or equal to size of the input

Moore's Law

number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention


one of the seven big ideas of the CS Principles curriculum. An abstraction is a simplified and general representation of some complex object or process. One example --we'll encounter many in this course, including abstractions used in computer programming -- would be a Google map


one of the seven big ideas of the CS Principles curriculum. An abstraction is a simplified and general representation of some complex object or process. One example --we'll encounter many in this course, including abstractions used in computer programming -- would be a Google map.


optical character recognition, the branch of computer science that involves reading text from paper and translating the images into a form that the computer can manipulate

A method that has been overridden in at least one subclass is said to be _______


All of the methods in an interface are both _______ (no need to explicitly include these keywords, however)

public and abstract

what is software that is not copyrighted and can be used freely? This software is considered public property and no one maintains a copyright.

public domain

What is the term used to specify the remote control for a class, indicating what you can do with the objects that belong to the class.

public interface

Which of the following represents a method declaration with a void return type?

public void setValue(int value) { ... };

Lossless data compression

reduces number of bits but still retains perfect detail

intellectual property

refers to any property that is created using original thought. Traditional intellectual property include patents, copyrights, and trademarks


refers to the process of adding realism to a computer graphics by adding 3-D qualities, such as shadows and variations in color and shade.

information on a disk or tape is stored magnetically by arranging iron oxide which most people call what?


The AP CS Principles frame work contains the following statement: 7.1.1G Search trends are predictors. Which of the following is the most accurate statement about using search trends as predictors of future events? - search trends are imperfect predictors of future events that fully represent society at large -search trends are accurate and reliable predictors of future events that fully represent society at large -search trends are imperfect predictors of future events that may not fully represent society at large -search trends are accurate and reliable predictors of future events that may not fully represent society at large

search trends are imperfect predictors of future events that may not fully represent society at large

proxy servers

server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

programs start out as what when written by a programmer in a somewhat human language, like Java?

source code

secondary source

source gotten one step removed


spam is electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings


statements that run under only certain conditions

Inheritance is when a new class (_______) is created from an existing class (_______)

subclass, superclass

Public Key Encryption

technique that uses a paired public and private key (or asymmetric key) algorithm for secure data communication.

exploitation of information

technology enables an act that exploits or victimizes someone (treats them unfairly)


the art of writing or solving codes.


the computer programs that make up a computer system such as the mobile apps we will be creating in this course


the computer programs that make up a computer system such as the mobile apps we will be creating in this course.

Data Mining

the computing process of discovering patterns in large data sets; focuses on the discovery of (previously) unknown properties in the data


the delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer.

"Digital Divide"

the gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not.

Digital Divide

the gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCIII)

the most common format for text files in computers and on the Internet. In this kind of character encoding scheme, each alphabetic, numeric, or special character is represented with a 7-bit binary number (a string of seven 0s or 1s).

Net Neutrality

the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites


the state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this.

Censorship (of digital info)

the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.


the universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand.

Cyber Warfare

the use of computer technology to disrupt the activities of a state or organization, especially the deliberate attacking of information systems for strategic or military purposes.

What is an example of a true statement about data compression?

there are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing and transmitting data

collaborative development

this can decrease the size and complexity of tasks required.

MOD operator

this operator finds the remainder when you divide; In computer programming, this operator can be useful for determining when a number is even or odd (divisible by 2 means you have 0 remainder)

linear search

this search method starts at the beginning of the list and compares each element in turn with the required value until a match is found or the end of the list is reached.

code (v)

to write instructions for a computer


tool/technique using dynamic parameters for reducing a data set to viewing only similar items in a row or column.

128 things can be represented by 7 bits, true or false?


a query can include filters, the use of which results in the table displaying only those records that meet certain criteria, AND means each and every one of the comparison criteria must be true, true or false?


another way to sort the data in ascending sequence is to first select the field in the table, and then, on the Data tab on the Ribbon, click Sort A to Z button, true or false?


options on the sort & filter menu change depending on the data in the column, true or false?


the type of variable to use when prompting with text is String, true or false?


unicode contains all of the characters in the ASCII code along with other characters, true or false?


use the OR operator when there is 2 custom criteria that could meet either criteria, but does not have to meet both, true or false?


when using conditional formatting, if the condition is true, then Excel applies the formatting, true or false?


with conditional formatting, if the value of the cell changes and no longer meets the specified condition, Excel suppresses the conditional formatting, true or false?



unnecessary repetition of data


uses Boolean condition to select algorithm used

Machine Learning

uses Data Mining techniques and other learning algorithms to build models of what is happening behind some data so that it can predict future outcomes; the focus is on prediction, based on known properties learned from current data


using radio, microwaves, etc. (as opposed to wires or cables) to transmit signals.

program execution

when you give the computer a program and some data and tell the computer to follow the instructions in the program, you are running, or executing, the program on the data

low-level programming

written to correspond closely to a computer processor's circuitry, a programming language that a computer can interpret quickly but that bears little resemblance to human language. One that corresponds closely to a computer processor's circuity. (e.g., Machine Language). are closer to the hardware than are high-level programming languages, which are closer to human languages

Which of the following statements are true about routers and routing on the Internet. Choose two answers. A. Protocols ensure that a single path between two computers is established before sending packets over it. B. Routers are hierarchical and the "root" router is responsible for communicating to sub-routers the best paths for them to route internet traffic. C. A packet traveling between two computers on the Internet may be rerouted many times along the way or even lost or "dropped". D. Routers act independently and route packets as they see fit.

C. A packet traveling between two computers on the Internet may be rerouted many times along the way or even lost or "dropped". D. Routers act independently and route packets as they see fit.

What is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack? A. A coordinated effort by a group to simultaneously attempt to gain entry to foreign government's servers or systems B. An effort by network engineers to focus all systems on catching a user or computer that has illegally gained access. C. An attempt to compromise a single target by flooding it with requests from multiple systems. D. An attempt to harass or extort all customers of one or more Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

C. An attempt to compromise a single target by flooding it with requests from multiple systems.

Jasmine is writing a shopping app. She has created a variable to keep track of the number of items in the shopping cart. Every time someone clicks the "addItemButton", she would like the variable to increase by 1. var carTotal = 0; onEvent("addItemButton", "click", function() { //missing code console.log(carTotal); What code should Jasmine insert where it says <missing code> in order for her app to work? A. cart total = 1; B. cartTotal + 1; C. cartTotal = cartTotal +1; D. var cartTotal = cartTotal + 1; E. var cartTotal + 1;

C. cartTotal = cartTotal +1;

Jasmine is writing a shopping app. She has created a variable to keep track of the number of items in the shopping cart. Every time someone clicks the "addItemButton", she would like the variable to increase by 1. var carTotal = 0; onEvent("addItemButton", "click", function() { //missing code console.log(carTotal); What code should Jasmine insert where it says <missing code> in order for her app to work? A. cart total = 1; B. cartTotal + 1; C. cartTotal = cartTotal +1; D. var cartTotal = cartTotal + 1; E. var cartTotal + 1;

C. cartTotal = cartTotal +1; NOTE: Unit 5 Lessons 4,5 Since Jasmine wants to increase the cartTotal by one every time the "addItemButton" is clicked, the new cartTotal should be the current cartTotal plus one. In other words, cartTotal = cartTotal + 1; Since the variable cartTotal is already initialized in line 1, the word "var" is not necessary because that would create a new local variable instead of adding on to the existing cartTotal.

What is the best term for "data about the data" A. megadata B. superdata C. metadata D. predata

C. metadata

An online store uses 5-bit binary sequencing to identify each unique item for sale. The store plans to increase the number of items it sells and is considering using 6-bit binary sequencing. Which of the following best describes the result of using 6-bit sequences instead of 5-bit sequences?

C: 2 times as many items can be uniquely identified

A video streaming Web site uses 32-bit integers to count the number of times each video has been played. In anticipation of some videos being played more times than can be represented with 32 bits, the Web site is planning to change to 4 bit integers for the counter. Which of the following best describes the result of using 64 bit integers instead of 32-bit integers?

C: 2^32 times as many values can be represented

Which of the following most accurately describes Moore's Law?

C: Moore's Law is the observation that computing power tends to double every two years.

Under which of the following conditions is it most beneficial to use a heuristic approach to solve a problem?

C: When the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time and an approximate solution is acceptable

A coffee shop is considering accepting orders and payments through their phone app and have decided to use public key encryption to encrypt their customers' credit card information. IS this a secure form of payment?

C: Yes, public key encryption is built upon computationally hare problems that even powerful computers cannot easily solve

What is one important naming convention of functions?

C: a function name should be as descriptive as possible to indicate what the function does

Which of the following is the Least True about personal data that technology companies potentially collect about their users?

C: companies are required by law to give users options to personalize what data they collect about them.

When encoding a black and white image. The first two byte are used to encode the width and the height of the image. What is the best term for this type of "data"

C: metadata

When programmers work together, what is an example of how abstraction in programming can promote collaboration?

C: programmers can use functions created by their partners, relying on the functionality without needing to know the specific details of how the function is implemented.

In the Internet simulator, your router knows to sent your message to a different router because:

C: the first 4 bits of the address specify the router number that your friend is on

Which of the following statements about writing functions and Top-Down Design is not true?

C: two programmers solving the same problem using the Top-Down Design should arrive at identical programs

what language was created for the business community and the armed forces?



Changed how humans traveled navigate and find information related to geolocation.

Which statement declares a variable that references a Circle of radius 3?

Circle c = new Circle(3);

What term is used to refer to information passed in to a method in a call?


A run-time exception thrown to signal an attempt to cast an object to a class of which it is not an instance


If two compared objects in a compareTo method are not type compatible, a _______ is thrown by the method


What term is used to refer to text in a program that helps human readers understand the program?


Censorship of digital information (DI)

Commercial & governmental censorship of DI raise ethical and legal concerns.

target advertising

Companies target specific groups like teen or elders, etc.

The standard java-lang package contains the _______ interface, which provides a useful method for comparing objects


Search Trends

Comparison of the popularity of topical queries in an online search engine as they relate to time.

What translates java source code into files that contain instructions for the JVM?



Computers that link individual personal computer users to the Internet are called:

Why do computers use binary to represent digital information?

Computers weren't initially designed to use binary... rather, binary was determined to be the most practical system to use with the computers we did designWe only use binary because we currently do not have the technology to create "switches" that can reliably hold more than two possible states.

A superclass must have a default, zero-parameter _______


_______ are never inherited


Repeat loop

Control structured

Domain name system

Converts IP addresses into domains


Correcting errors in software.

Jose is writing a reply function for a text messaging app. He'd like to swap the sender and receiver so that the value currently in variable From ends up as the value in To and To ends up in From Which of the following code segments will correctly swap the values as described? A. to = from; from = to; B. from = var temp; to = temp; from = to; C. var temp = from; from = to; to = from; D var temp = from; from = to; to = temp; E var temp = to; from = to; to = temp;

D var temp = from; from = to; to = temp;


A compression scheme in which "useless" or less-than-totally-necessary information is thrown out in order to reduce the size of the data. The eliminated data is unrecoverable.


A compression scheme in which every bit of the original data can be recovered from the compressed file.

lossless compression

A compression technique that is able to reconstitute all of the data in the original file; hence "lossless" means that this compression technique does not lose data


A computation in which rows from a data set are grouped together and used to compute a single value of more significant meaning or measurement. Common aggregations include: Average, Count, Sum, Max, Median, etc.

Discrete event simulation

A computational modeling technique that simulates the behavior of a system only at discrete points in time.


A computer that requests data stored on a server.


A computer which receives messages travelling across a network and redirects them towards their intended destinations based on the addressing information included with the message.


A generic term for a type of programming statement (usually an if-statement) that uses a Boolean condition to determine, or select, whether or not to run a certain block of statements.

Infinite loop

A logical error in which a repetition statement never terminates. A loop in which the terminating condition is never satisfied.

Peer-to-peer Networks

A network of computers configured to allow certain files and folders to be shared with everyone or with selected users.

IP Address

A number assigned to any item that is connected to the Internet. Unique to each device. Numbers are organized in a hierarchy.

Hexadecimal Number System

A number system consisting of 16 distinct symbols — 0-9 and A-F — which can occur in each place value.

Floating-point numbers

A number that can have a fractional part

IP address

A number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet.

For Loop

A particular kind of looping construct provided in many languages. Typically, a for loop defines a counting variable that is checked and incremented on each iteration in order to loop a specific number of times.


A pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept


A person's position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, place of residence, and other factors


A placeholder for a piece of information that can change.


A precise sequence of instructions for processes that can be executed by a computer

Computationally Hard Problem

A problem that can not be solved in a reasonable amount of time. Heuristics are often used to create an approximate or good enough solution.

Computational steering

A procedure for using a computational model to improve the design of an actual system by continually resetting model parameters to improve system performance.

program documentation

A process in which a complex programs functions are portrayed and described in order for someone else to make sense of what is going on later, or just to describe what the program is doing and where it is doing it. ALSO describes the inputs, outputs, and processing logic for all program modules


A program design strategy in which tasks are broken down into subtasks, which are broken down into sub-subtasks, and so on, until each piece is small enough to code comfortably. These pieces work together to accomplish the total job.

Top-down decomposition

A program design strategy in which tasks are broken down into subtasks, which are broken down into sub-subtasks, and so on, until each piece is small enough to code comfortably. These pieces work together to accomplish the total job.

incremental development

A program development plan intended to avoid debugging by adding and testing only a small amount of code at a time. it also helps create large correct programs.

High Level Programming Language

A programming language that enables a programmer to write programs that are more or less independent of a particular type of computer. Such languages are considered high-level because they are closer to human languages and further from machine languages. Examples: JavaScript, Java, FORTRAN

High-level programming language

A programming language that uses both natural language constructs and mathematical notation. This kind of language is the easiest for humans to read and understand.

Compression ratio

A ratio such as 5:1 that indicates the ratio of compression that has been applied to a file. High compression ratios such as 35:1 indicate more compression so data can be contained in smaller files. Summarizes the reduction in size of a file. Can be expressed two different ways, as follows. If more than 1, the compression ratio tells how many times bigger the original file is. If less than 1, the compression ratio tells the percentage by which the original file size has been reduced. A compressed data divided by original data


A repetition structure, or loop, is used when a program needs to repeatedly process one or more instructions until some condition is met, at which time the loop ends


A school of thought in ethics that focuses on the consequences of an act to determine if the act is good or bad.


A set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices. A set of rules for sending, receiving, and interpreting binary messages

Stand-alone circuit

A stand-alone power system (SAPS or SPS), also known as remote area power supply (RAPS), is an off-the-grid electricity system for locations that are not fitted with an electricity distribution system. Typical SAPS include one or more methods of electricity generation, energy storage, and regulation.

Feasibility study

A step in the software development life cycle that evaluates a proposed project and compares the costs and benefits of various solutions.

Problem specification

A step in the software development life cycle that involves developing a clear, concise, and unambiguous statement of the exact problem the software is to solve.

Program design phase

A step in the software development life cycle that plans the structure of the software to be written.


A substring of a string is another string that occurs "in". For example, "the best of" is a substring of "It was the best of times". This is not to be confused with subsequence, which is a generalization of substring. For example, "Itwastimes" is a subsequence of "It was the best of times", but not a substring.


A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.

digital divide

A term used to describe the discrepancy between people who have access to and the resources to use new information and communication tools, such as the internet, and people who do not have the resources and access to the technology.

Touch screen

A type of display device that includes a touch-sensitive face to accept input from the user. (3) A touch sensitive surface that allows the user to select, control or move objects by touching icons and symbols using fingers A ____ is an input device that uses a monitor or LCD panel as the backdrop for input options.

Asynchronous processing

A type of group policy processing that allows a user to log on and see the desktop while policies are still being processed. Method of processing multiple scripts at the same time without waiting for the outcome of a previously launched script to occur.

Global Variable

A variable whose scope is "global" to the program, it can be used and updated by any part of the code. Its global scope is typically derived from the variable being declared (created) outside of any function, object, or method.

Local Variable

A variable with local scope is one that can only be seen, used and updated by code within the same scope. Typically this means the variable was declared (created) inside a function; includes function parameter variables.

Network backbone

A very high speed transmission path that carries the majority of network data. Connects small networks into larger a structure or server nodes to a network where the majority of client computer are attached.

External library

A well-written, efficient, and thoroughly tested code module that is separately compiled and then drawn on by any program that wishes to use its capabilities.

Approximately how much bigger (how many more bytes) is a megabyte than a kilobyte? A. 1,000 times B. 100,000 times C. 1,000,000 times D. 1,000,000,000 times

A. 1,000 times

Pick the two expressions involving the Modulo operation that compute to the exact same value (choose 2) A. 9 MOD 8 B. 1 MOD 16 C. 52 MOD 32 D. 9 MOD 64

A. 9 MOD 8 B. 1 MOD 16


American Standard Code for Information Interchange


An abbreviation for Domain Name System, the Internet's system for converting alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses.


An action that causes something to happen.

repetition or Iteration (repeat)

An algorithm can repeat a sequence of statements

selection (if/else)

An algorithm can select between two alternative paths based on some condition


An algorithm is a precise sequence of instructions for processes that can be implemented in a programming language and executed by a computer


An algorithm is a sequence of precise statements (blocks)


An algorithmic operation that carries out a single numeric computation and stores the result.

Agile software development

An approach to software development that emphasizes a flexible and ready response to meet a shifting target.


32 bit IP addresses organized in a hierarchy.

How many unique IP addresses could be made in a fixed length IP address using 6 bits?

64 users

how many bits are in a byte?


what is the correct if function that finds the tax if the state is = to IL, there is a 6.25% tax, if the state is = to OH there is a 5.5% other there is a 6% tax rate and then multiply the rate and the subtotal in column G2?

=if(d2="IL", 6.25%, if(d2="OH", 5.5%, 6%)) *g2


A basic unit of information in computing and digital communications. Can have only one of two values. A 0 or 1

A superclass that represents an abstract concept, and therefore should not be instantiated

Abstract class

Creative Expression (Digital)

Refers to participation in a range of activities that allow for creative and imaginative expression


Represents values using numbers 0-9 and letters A-F


Request for Comments

QR codes

"QR codes or Quick Response codes are matrix barcodes, which store data such as URLs, geotags and links, that provide a way to link to online services using a camera and QR reader. QR codes can be read quickly by a mobile phone and provide information such as discounts and details of an event, a business or location. Data can be stored horizontally and vertically, making it capable of holding more data than a traditional bar code which only stores data in one direction


(acronym for Graphics Interchange Format) a bitmap image format which uses the LZW lossless data compression technique to reduce the file size without degrading the visual quality. Supports 8 bits per pixel for each image and animations.

.jpg or .jpeg

(acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group), a commonly used lossy compression format for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography. The format supports adjustable degrees of compression.


(bitmap image file or bitmap) is a raster graphics image file format used to store digital images.


(slang) to write instructions for a computer

what symbol is the escape sequence for a new line?


which symbol is the escape sequence for a tab?


how many bytes are in a petabyte?

1 quadrillion

Terabyte (TB)

1,000 gigabytes

Megabyte (MB)

1,000 kilobytes

Petabyte (PB)

1,000 terabytes

Kilobyte (KB)

1000 bytes

What is the 4-bit binary number for the decimal number 10?


digital millennium copyright Act

1998 act that criminalized the circumvention of any anti-piracy encryption technology on commercial software, eBooks, videos, and music. It bans the sale and manufacture of devices used to illegally copy digital content.

Digital data

Discrete data which can be counted. This is discrete data that has exact values, such as exam grades (A, or B, or C... There is no level in-between)

Pick the two expressions involving the Modulo operation that compute to the exact same value (choose 2) A. 9 MOD 8 B. 1 MOD 16 C. 52 MOD 32 D. 9 MOD 64

A. 9 MOD 8 B. 1 MOD 16 NOTE: Modulo: A modulo is an operation that helps find the remainder of a number. Specifically, given two numbers, x and y, the result of the modulo operation is the remainder after doing x divided by y. General example: x%y is read as "x MOD y" the remainder after x/y y goes into x a certain number of times, and the remaining number is left For the question choices: 9 MOD 8 : 8 goes into 9 one time, with a remainder of 1 1 MOD 16: 16 goes into 16 zero times, with a remainder of 1 52 MOD 32: 32 goes into 52 once, with a remainder of 20 9 MOD 64: 64 goes into 9 zero times, with a remainder of 9 Since 9 MOD 8 and 1 MOD 16 both have a remainder of 1, they compute to the same value

8 bits is enough to represent 256 different numbers. How many total bits do you need to represent 512 (twice as many) numbers? A. 9 bits B. 10 bits C. 16 bits D. 17 bits

A. 9 bits

8 bits is enough to to represent 256 different numbers. How many bits do you need to represent 512 (twice as many) numbers?

A. 9 bits

A middle school is expanding to open a high school next year, doubling the total number of students. The school keeps a database in which each student's unique ID number is stored as an 8 bit number called studentID. Before the arrival of the new students almost every 8 bit number has already been assigned to a student. Which is the most accurate description of how the school could modify the way studentID is represented in the database to ensure each incoming student receives a unique ID? A. Add a bit to studentID to double the number of IDs that the database can represent. B. Double the number of bits in studentID to double the number of IDs that the databases can represent. C. Keep using an 8-bit number for studentID but reserve the first bit to indicate middle school or high school. D. Remove a bit from studentID to make room for incoming students.

A. Add a bit to studentID to double the number of IDs that the database can represent.

A middle school is expanding to open a high school next year, doubling the total number of students. The school keeps a database in which each student's unique ID number is stored as an 8 bit number called studentID. Before the arrival of the new students almost every 8 bit number has already been assigned to a student. Which is the most accurate description of how the school could modify the way studentID is represented in the database to ensure each incoming student receives a unique ID? A. Add a bit to studentID to double the number of IDs that the database can represent. B. Double the number of bits in studentID to double the number of IDs that the databases can represent. C. Keep using an 8-bit number for studentID but reserve the first bit to indicate middle school or high school. D. Remove a bit from studentID to make room for incoming students.

A. Add a bit to studentID to double the number of IDs that the database can represent. NOTE: Doubling the number of bits would obviously make room for more student IDs, but it's inaccurate to say that that doubles the number of possible IDs. If the number of bits went from 8 to 16, it's 256 TIMES AS MANY possible ids. 8 bits = 256 values and 16 bits = 65,536 IDs.

Programming languages have some similarities and differences to the "natural" language you use in everyday speech. Select the two true statements about programming languages: A. Ambiguities in natural language necessitate the creation of programming languages for controlling a computer B. Compared to the number of words in a natural language, the number of defined words in a programming language is very small. C. The number of defined words in a programming language is about the same as the number of words in a natural language. D. There are typically many possible ways to interpret an instruction written in a programming language.

A. Ambiguities in natural language necessitate the creation of programming languages for controlling a computer B. Compared to the number of words in a natural language, the number of defined words in a programming language is very small.

The colors of the pixels in a digital image are often represented by red, green and blue values, between 0 and 255 (and RGB triplet). A photographer is manipulating a digital image to lighten it because all of the RGB clause in the image are less than 100, making it very dark. He does this by adding 20 to the R, G, and B values of each pixel the overwriting the original image. What type of transformation is the photographer using on the digital image?

A: Lossless transformation

Which of the following Java script statements will result in the following output being displayed on the console? Hello! How are you?

A: console.log("Hello!/nHow are you?);

Programming languages have some similarities and differences to the "natural" language you use in everyday speech. Select the two true statements about programming languages: A. Ambiguities in natural language necessitate the creation of programming languages for controlling a computer B. Compared to the number of words in a natural language, the number of defined words in a programming language is very small. C. The number of defined words in a programming language is about the same as the number of words in a natural language. D. There are typically many possible ways to interpret an instruction written in a programming language.

A. Ambiguities in natural language necessitate the creation of programming languages for controlling a computer B. Compared to the number of words in a natural language, the number of defined words in a programming language is very small. NOTE: "Natural" languages can be interpreted in many ways; however, computers need a specific set of instructions in order to work. To successfully communicate with a computer, programming languages are created with limited defined words and little ambiguity so computers can read and process code a certain way. Unlike natural languages, there is only one way to interpret written code for a computer for a given programming language.

Which of the following is FALSE about element IDs? A. An element with a unique ID must always have an event handler associated with it. B. Any element that needs to be triggered by onEvent must have a unique ID. C. Two or more onEvent calls may reference the same ID. D. While not a requirement, IDs should be meaningful and descriptive. E. IDs allow a programmer to reference interface elements within their code.

A. An element with a unique ID must always have an event handler associated with it.

Which of the following is FALSE about element IDs? A. An element with a unique ID must always have an event handler associated with it. B. Any element that needs to be triggered by onEvent must have a unique ID. C. Two or more onEvent calls may reference the same ID. D. While not a requirement, IDs should be meaningful and descriptive. E. IDs allow a programmer to reference interface elements within their code.

A. An element with a unique ID must always have an event handler associated with it. NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 1 An element must be given a unique ID so a program can reference it; however, it does not need an event handler (lines of code that is executed due to an event such as mouse clicks, keyboard presses, and so forth). For example, a screen has a button and an image on it. Both the button and the image have unique element IDs (such as "button1" and "image1"). The button has an event handler because the user would need to click it for code to run; however, the image does not have an event handler because it displays an image without needing an action from the user and thus, does not necessarily have an event handler associated with it.

Which of the following are true state tunes about a two-bit binary number? Choose 2.

A: it can be used to represent 4 different decimal values D: it's highest decimal equivalent value is 3

Choose the two statements that are true about functions:

A: meaningful function names help expel better understand programs D: functions in programming are named groupings of programming instructions

what is the code that is universally recognized raw text format that any computer can understand. Used mostly in the USA


Which of the following is FALSE about event-driven programs? A. Event-driven programs do not implement algorithms. B. Some portions of an event-driven program may never execute while the program is running. C. An event-driven program is written to respond to specified events by executing a block of code or function associated with the event. D. The order in which an event-driven program will run cannot always be known ahead of time. E. Event-driven programs can be run multiple times with different outcomes, based on user interactions.

A. Event-driven programs do not implement algorithms. NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 1 An "Event-driven program" is a program that runs in relation to an event, such as user actions (mouse clicks, button presses, etc.) Depending on what the event is, multiple functions can be run in a certain order (as an algorithm) to execute a task. Or, a program can run with a specific flow depending on the event. This flow can be determined with a written algorithm. For example, a program is written to fix the size of an image by making it bigger with a click of a button. When the button is clicked, there can be code inside the event block that implements an algorithm that adds 10 pixels onto the current image.

An artist makes an RGB raster image in which each pixel color is encoded with 12-bits --- 4 bits each for red, green and blue. Which of the following correctly shows the hexadecimal value for Red as a 12-bit representation. A. F00 B. 00F C. FF00 D. FF0000

A. F00 NOTE: The correct answer is F00. A single hex digit is used to represent a 4-bit sequence - since there are 16 possible 4-bit sequences and 16 different hex digits 0-F. So 3 hex digits represents 12 bits, and the first digit represents the intensity of Red in an RGB image.

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing a hexagon (six-sided shape) A. Loop B. Function(s)

A. Loop

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing 100 tiny dots in a line A. Loop B. Function(s)

A. Loop NOTE: The main action is in this problem is drawing a dot and moving one way to draw multiple dots in a line. A loop can be used to repeat "drawDot()" 100 times in a row.

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing a hexagon (six-sided shape) A. Loop B. Function(s)

A. Loop NOTE: To draw a hexagon, a six straight lines are drawn with 120 degrees between each line. In other words, a loop can be used to draw one line and turn 120 degrees, repeated six times.

The colors of pixels in a digital image are often represented by red, green, and blue values between 0 and 255 (an RGB triplet). A photographer is manipulating a digital image to lighten it because of the RGB values in the image are less than 100, making it very dark. He does this by adding 20 to the R, G, and B values of each pixel, then overwriting the original image. What type of transformation is the photographer using on the digital image? A. Lossless transformation B. Lossy transformation C. Multiband transformation D. Chrome Sampling transformation

A. Lossless transformation


ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most common format for text files in computers and on the Internet. In an ASCII file, each alphabetic, numeric, or special character is represented with a 7-bit binary number (a string of seven 0s or 1s). 128 possible characters are defined.


Abbreviation of "comma-separated values," this is a widely-used format for storing data.

The colors of pixels in a digital image are often represented by red, green, and blue values between 0 and 255 (an RGB triplet). A photographer is manipulating a digital image to lighten it because of the RGB values in the image are less than 100, making it very dark. He does this by adding 20 to the R, G, and B values of each pixel, then overwriting the original image. What type of transformation is the photographer using on the digital image? A. Lossless transformation B. Lossy transformation C. Multiband transformation D. Chrome Sampling transformation

A. Lossless transformation NOTE: The answer is "lossless" transformation because there is a computational process you can perform on the transformed data to recover the original (namely, subtract 20). The question is carefully formulated to ensure that this is true. This question is tricky for a few reasons: it is carefully formulated with starting assumptions and values that ensure the transformation is lossless. If you applied this transformation willy-nilly it might be lossless (see below). it applies the terms lossy and lossless outside the context they are usually presented (compression) because of the fact that the data is being transformed and overwritten, you might be tricked into thinking that the data is "lost". But the transformation itself is lossless because you can apply a computational process to the transformed data to recover every bit of the original information. It would be "lossy" if the transformation did something that would not let you recover every bit. For example: If the question stated that you add 200 to each RGB channel, it might be lossy, because if, say, one of the RGB values was (75, 57, 99), adding 200 to each would max out the values at 255 - since an RGB value cannot be greater than 255 - the resulting transformation would be the RGB value (255, 255, 255). Reversing the process, subtracting 200 from each of the transformed values does not restore the original. Since there is no process or computation you can perform on the transformed data to recover the original, it is "lossy".

A raw digital sound file samples a sound wave at some interval and measures the height of the wave at each point, thus, raw sound is recorded as a list of numbers. In very broad terms, the MP3 audio compression algorithm identifiers frequencies and volume levels - low and high - that are outside the range of human hearing and removes the data representing these frequencies form the original. This technique results in a smaller audio file that sounds exactly the same to the human ear. This technique is an example of what type of compression?

A. Lossy compression

A raw digital sound file samples a sound wave at some interval and measures the height of the wave at each point. Thus, raw sound is recorded as a list of numbers. In very broad terms the MP3 audio compression algorithm identifies frequencies and volume levels - low and high - that are outside the range of human hearing and removes the data representing these frequencies from the original. This technique results in a smaller audio file that sounds exactly the same to the human ear. This technique is an example of what type of compression? A. Lossy compression B. Lossless compression C. Fast Fourier Transform compression D. Tailored compression

A. Lossy compression

Which of the following statements best describes the properties of public key encryption? A. Public key encryption is an encryption method which relies on separate keys for encrypting and decrypting information. B. Public key encryption is a highly secure encryption scheme that in which a single shared key is used by both the sender and receiver of the message. C. Public key encryption makes use of certain types of problems which are easier for humans to solve than computers. D. Public key encryption makes use of mathematical problems which no algorithm can be used to solve.

A. Public key encryption is an encryption method which relies on separate keys for encrypting and decrypting information.

Fill in the blank of the following statement: "______ encryption is a method of encryption involving one key for both encryption and decryption." A. Symmetric B. Asymmetric C. Public key D. SSL

A. Symmetric NOTE: Symmetric Encryption: A scheme in which the key to encrypt data is the same as the key to decrypt. Asymmetric Encryption: Used in public key encryption, it is a scheme in which the key to encrypt data is different from the key to decrypt. Public Key: This is used prevalently on the web, it allows for secure messages to be sent between parties without having to agree on, or share, a secret key. It uses an asymmetric encryption scheme in which the encryption key is made public, but the decryption key is kept private. SSL: (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

According to the domain name system (DNS), which of the following is a subdomain of the domain example.com? A. about.example.com B. example.co.uk C. example.com.org D. example.org

A. about.example.com

Consider the following numbers given in Binary (BIN), Decimal (DEC), and Hexadecimal (HEX) representations: BIN: 1110 DEC: 13 HEX: F Which of the following lists the numbers in order from least to greatest? A. BIN: 1110, DEC: 13, HEX: F B. DEC: 13, BIN: 1110, HEX: F C. DEC: 13, HEX: F, BIN: 1110 D. HEX: F, DEC: 13, BIN: 1110

B. DEC: 13, BIN: 1110, HEX: F

Consider the following numbers given in Binary (BIN), Decimal (DEC), and Hexadecimal (HEX) representations: BIN: 1110 DEC: 13 HEX: F Which of the following lists the numbers in order from least to greatest? A. BIN: 1110, DEC: 13, HEX: F B. DEC: 13, BIN: 1110, HEX: F C. DEC: 13, HEX: F, BIN: 1110 D. HEX: F, DEC: 13, BIN: 1110

B. DEC: 13, BIN: 1110, HEX: F

Which of the following are actions a programmer could take when debugging a segment of code that would most likely lead to finding a problem and fixing it? (choose two) A. Change the names of variables within the program and run the program again. B. Display the value of variables at various points during the program. C. Ask a friend or collaborator to look over the code segment to see if they are able to find any errors. D. Delete the code and re-type it to make sure there were no spelling errors and that it was written correctly.

B. Display the value of variables at various points during the program. C. Ask a friend or collaborator to look over the code segment to see if they are able to find any errors.

Which of the following are actions a programmer could take when debugging a segment of code that would most likely lead to finding a problem and fixing it? (choose two) A. Change the names of variables within the program and run the program again. B. Display the value of variables at various points during the program. C. Ask a friend or collaborator to look over the code segment to see if they are able to find any errors. D. Delete the code and re-type it to make sure there were no spelling errors and that it was written correctly.

B. Display the value of variables at various points during the program. C. Ask a friend or collaborator to look over the code segment to see if they are able to find any errors. NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 4 Debugging a program by printing out the current values with console.log and seeing what the program is internally doing at a certain moment will be helpful. Asking for help from another person is also a good way of debugging, especially if you've been working on your code for a long time and need a fresh pair of eyes. On the other hand, changing variable names will not help because you are only renaming the problem rather than finding and fixing the problem. Computers read code line by line, so rewriting chunks of code is the same as rewriting the same problem.

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing a circle of any size at any point on the screen A. Loop B. Function(s)

B. Function(s)

For this scenario related to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing out the letters of a word "HELLO" A. Loop B. Function(s)

B. Function(s) NOTE: Loops are good to use when specific actions are repeated; however, in this case, since there are four different letters in "HELLO" it is best to write each function to draw each letter.

The various protocols in use on the internet are said to operate in layers in which the protocol(s) at each layer solve one problem related to networked communication, and higher layers are built on top of, and rely on, the lower layers to do their jobs. From the list provided choose the two (2) answers that correctly describe which internet protocol relies on the other. For example: if protocol A relies on protocol B, it means that A is a higher level protocol than B, and thus protocol B must exist and work properly in order for protocol A to do its job. Select two answers. A. TCP/IP relies on HTTP B. HTTP relies on TCP/IP C. DNS relies on TCP/IP D. TCP/IP relies on DNS

B. HTTP relies on TCP/IP C. DNS relies on TCP/IP

Which of the following BEST describes how protocols on the Internet (e.g. IP, TCP, HTTP) make use of abstraction to accomplish their respective purposes? A. High level protocols take into account specific implementation details of lower level protocols to ensure they are compatible. B. Low level protocols can provide functionality to high level protocols without revealing the details of how this is accomplished. C. Low level protocols are written in binary while high level protocols are written in hexadecimal. D. High level protocols can take on the role of a low level protocol in the event of failure in the system.

B. Low level protocols can provide functionality to high level protocols without revealing the details of how this is accomplished.

Why are parameters useful when programming? A. Parameters determine the number of times the function will run. B. Parameters allow for more flexible, generalized behaviors in functions. C. Parameters are useful for teams of programmers because they help define the boundaries of the problem they are trying to solve. D. Parameters change the order of operations within a function.

B. Parameters allow for more flexible, generalized behaviors in functions.

Why are parameters useful when programming? A. Parameters determine the number of times the function will run. B. Parameters allow for more flexible, generalized behaviors in functions. C. Parameters are useful for teams of programmers because they help define the boundaries of the problem they are trying to solve. D. Parameters change the order of operations within a function.

B. Parameters allow for more flexible, generalized behaviors in functions. NOTE: Incorrect answers: Parameters can change the behavior inside a function, but the function only runs the number of times it is called and is not always based on the parameters given. Parameters can help define boundaries within the function, but is not restricted to teams of programmers. An individual programmer can used parameters as well. Once code is written, it is read line by line in order. The input of a parameter will not change the order the lines run in. Correct answer: Ultimately, parameters are great for noting specific inputs for a particular function, allowing flexible outcomes within a function. For example: say you want a function to draw some squares but with different side lengths. The function drawSquare(s) where s is the side length. The programmer can then easily call drawSquare(3); drawSquare(8); drawSquare(76); For squares of side length 3, 8, and 76 without having repetitive chunks of code in their program.

What is an RFC?

B. Request for comments

Consider the code segment below: What are the values of a, b, and c after this code segment has been run? var a = 0; var b = 3; var c = 4; a = a+c; b = a+c; c = a+c; A. a:4, b:4, c:4 B. a:4, b:8, c:8 C. a:4, b:8, c:12 D. a:4, b:8, c:16 E. a:0, b:3, c:4

B. a:4, b:8, c:8

Consider the code segment below: What are the values of a, b, and c after this code segment has been run? A. a:4, b:4, c:4 B. a:4, b:8, c:8 C. a:4, b:8, c:12 D. a:4, b:8, c:16 E. a:0, b:3, c:4

B. a:4, b:8, c:8 NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 4 Solve this problem by going through the lines of code while keeping track of the value of each variable. It is important to note that if a variable is assigned a new value, the lines of code that reference that variable afterwards also references the new value. At the very beginning, a = 0, b = 3, c = 4 a = a + c which equals 0 + 4 = 4. Thus, variable "a" is changed to the value 4 Now, the value of "a" is set to 4 b = a + c which equals 4 + 4 = 8. Variable "b" now equals 8 c = a + c which equals 4 + 4 = 8 By the end of the program, a = 4, b = 8, and c = 8

What is the 4-bit binary number for the decimal number 10

B: 1010

A binary message consisting of four bits was sent to you by a friend. The message was supposed to be ABAB, unfortunately, your friend set the bit on the wire once every two seconds, but you read the wire once every second. Assuming that the first bit was sent and read at the same time, what message did you receive instead?


A programmer wrote an essay for his history class, and realized he has confused the names of Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Graham Bell. Instead of going through the whole paper and changing the names, he used the following incorrect algorithm in an attempt to replace every occurrence of "Benjamin Franklin" with "Alexander Graham Bell" and vice versa. -first change the occurrences of Benjamin Franklin to Apple -then change all occurrence so topple to Alexander graham bell -then change all occurrences of Alexander Graham bell to Benjamin Franklin here is an example of one of the sentences form the paper: Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. Which of the following is the result of running the described incorrect algorithm on the sentence above?

B: Benjamin Franklin was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors.

What is a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack?

B: an attempt to compromise a single target by flooding it with requests from multiple systems.

Which of the following Is FALSE about element IDs.

B: an element with a unique ID must always have an event handler associated with it

Which of the following are actions a programmer could take when debugging a segment of code that would most likely lead to finding a probe son and fixing it? Chose 2.

B: display the value of variables at various points during the program C: Ask a friend or collaborator to look over the code segment to see if they are able to find any errors

For this scenario rated to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing a circle of any size at any point on the screen?

B: functions

For this scenario rated to turtle drawing, indicate whether it is better to write a loop or a function (or a set of functions) to handle the task: Drawing out the letters of a word "HELLO"

B: functions

What features of DNS and IP allow the Internet to scale?

B: hierarchy

Which of these is not true about compressing an image using lossless compression?

B: the image may lose some details that are not actually visible to the human eye

If the post office delivered mail exactly like routers deliver messages on the Internet, which 2 of the following statements would be true?

B: the mailman would sometimes take a different path to deliver each letter to your home C: letters would e written on the outside of envelopes for all to read instead of letter put inside envelopes

A system central register of IP addresses and names (a DNS style system) is an efficient means of translating human readable names to IP Addresses. Which of the following is not a DNS?

B: there are too few IP addresses to meet current demand


Binary Digit. Single unit of information on a computer. Represented as a 0 or 1


Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte (Burger King Makes Great Toast)

Digital Data

Discrete, discontinuous representations of information or works, as contrasted with continuous, or analog signals which behave in a continuous manner, or represent information using a continuous function.

Internal documentation

Documentation that is part of the program code itself.

A video-streaming Web site uses 32-bit integers to count the number of times each video has been played. In anticipation of some videos being played more times than can be represented with 32 bits, the Web site is planning to change to 64-bit integers for the counter. Which of the following best describes the result of using 64-bit integers instead of 32-bit integers? A. 2 times as many values can be represented. B. 32 times as many values can be represented. C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented. D. 32^2 times as many values can be represented.

C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented.

A video-streaming Web site uses 32-bit integers to count the number of times each video has been played. In anticipation of some videos being played more times than can be represented with 32 bits, the Web site is planning to change to 64-bit integers for the counter. Which of the following best describes the result of using 64-bit integers instead of 32-bit integers? A. 2 times as many values can be represented. B. 32 times as many values can be represented. C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented. D. 32^2 times as many values can be represented.

C. 2^32 times as many values can be represented. NOTE: Every time you add a single bit to a binary number, you multiply by 2 the number of numbers you can represent. So for example, a 2-bit number can represent 4 numbers (0 - 3), and a 3-bit number can represent 8 numbers (0 - 7). So if you're going from a 32-bit to a 64-bit number, you are multiplying the number of numbers you can represent by 2, 32 times, so 2^32 is the correct answer.

What is the minimum number of bits you would need to encode the 26 letters of the alphabet plus a space - a total of 27 characters? A. 2 bits B. 3 bits C. 5 bits D. 6 bits

C. 5 bits

Choose the answer that is NOT a feature of Public Key Cryptography: A. A key for decrypting is never made public B. Using public key guarantees that only the intended recipient can decrypt the message C. A Public Key database ensures 3rd party accountability of security D. Allows secure communication without establishing a *shared* encryption key ahead of time.

C. A Public Key database ensures 3rd party

Choose the answer that is NOT a feature of Public Key Cryptography: A. A key for decrypting is never made public B. Using public key guarantees that only the intended recipient can decrypt the message C. A Public Key database ensures 3rd party accountability of security D. Allows secure communication without establishing a *shared* encryption key ahead of time.

C. A Public Key database ensures 3rd party NOTE: Public-key cryptography is any cryptographic system that uses pairs of keys. Public keys may be distributed and paired with private keys which are known only to the owner. Since the public and private keys are given by the owner, no third parties should be held accountable for the security of the information.

What is one important naming convention of functions? A. A function name should indicate how long the function takes to run. B. Two functions with similar behavior should be given identical names to indicate the relationship between them. C. A function name should be as descriptive as possible to indicate what the function does. D. Function names should be organized alphabetically. E. The function name should begin with a number that indicates the order in which it should be executed.

C. A function name should be as descriptive as possible to indicate what the function does.

What is one important naming convention of functions? A. A function name should indicate how long the function takes to run. B. Two functions with similar behavior should be given identical names to indicate the relationship between them. C. A function name should be as descriptive as possible to indicate what the function does. D. Function names should be organized alphabetically. E. The function name should begin with a number that indicates the order in which it should be executed.

C. A function name should be as descriptive as possible to indicate what the function does. NOTE: The most important part of naming a function is that it describes what the function does so that the original developer and other developers can quickly and easily have an understanding of the code. With a descriptive name for the function, this helps with the readability and manageability of their code. Although some functions have identical code within them, functions should not have identical names. Note: As functions can be shifted throughout the development of a program, numbering the functions or organizing them alphabetically are not crucial in their naming conventions.


Domain Name System

Which of the following is NOT a function of a CPU?

Querying a database

Which of the following is NOT true about functions in programming? A. Functions are reusable programming abstractions. B. Functions help reduce the complexity of writing and maintaining programs. C. Functions cannot make calls to other functions within the same program. D. Functions help break a problem into logical chunks. E. Once defined, a function can be called many times from different parts of a program.

C. Functions cannot make calls to other functions within the same program. NOTE: This is a tricky question because the correct answer effectively makes a double-negative. It is NOT true that functions CANNOT call other functions. In other words: functions can call other functions. Students should be very familiar with this fact after completing this unit since writing and calling functions from other functions is basically the primary focus. This answer refers to the fact that in defining a function you can call other functions that you have written. For example: function drawFlower(){ drawpetal(); drawpetal(); drawpetal(); drawpetal(); } Assuming that drawpetal() is some other function you wrote (and does something) this is an example of one function calling another.

Which of the following most accurately describes Moore's Law: A. Moore's Law describes a relationship of boolean logic statements involving AND and OR. B. Moore's Law is the principle that one should assume that any traffic on the Internet is insecure. C. Moore's Law is the observation that computing power tends to double every two years. D. Moore's Law explains why cracking modern cryptography is a "computationally hard" problem.

C. Moore's Law is the observation that computing power tends to double every two years.

Which of the following most accurately describes Moore's Law: A. Moore's Law describes a relationship of boolean logic statements involving AND and OR. B. Moore's Law is the principle that one should assume that any traffic on the Internet is insecure. C. Moore's Law is the observation that computing power tends to double every two years. D. Moore's Law explains why cracking modern cryptography is a "computationally hard" problem.

C. Moore's Law is the observation that computing power tends to double every two years. NOTE: Definition of Moore's Law: A predication made by Gordon Moore in 1965 that computing power will double every 1.5-2 years, it has remained more or less true ever since.

When programmers work together, what is an example of how abstraction in programming can promote collaboration? A. Team members can rely on one another to explain their code. B. Programmers can write functions without needing to know what they do or how they should work. C. Programmers can use functions created by their partners, relying on the functionality without needing to know the specific details of how the function is implemented. D. In order for programmers to work together, they must work in the same room. E. Abstraction allows programmers to brainstorm more creative solutions to problems.

C. Programmers can use functions created by their partners, relying on the functionality without needing to know the specific details of how the function is implemented.

A coffee shop is considering accepting orders and payments through their phone app and have decided to use public key encryption to encrypt their customers' credit card information. Is this a secure form of payment? A. No, public key encryption allows the credit card information to be read by the pubic. B. No, the internet protocols are open standards and thus everything sent over the internet is sent "in the clear." C. Yes, public key encryption is built upon computationally hard problems that even powerful computers cannot easily solve. D. Yes, public key encryption is secure because it transmits credit card information in binary.

C. Yes, public key encryption is built upon computationally hard problems that even powerful computers cannot easily solve.

When programmers work together, what is an example of how abstraction in programming can promote collaboration? A. Team members can rely on one another to explain their code. B. Programmers can write functions without needing to know what they do or how they should work. C. Programmers can use functions created by their partners, relying on the functionality without needing to know the specific details of how the function is implemented. D. In order for programmers to work together, they must work in the same room. E. Abstraction allows programmers to brainstorm more creative solutions to problems.

C. Programmers can use functions created by their partners, relying on the functionality without needing to know the specific details of how the function is implemented. NOTE: Abstraction in programming: Where the programmer makes their code more readable by hiding irrelevant material in their code. It allows an easier interaction with the program. With this in mind, when programmers work together it is imperative that one's code is easy to read at first glance. Most notably, it should be clear to every team member what a function does so the programmer does not need to explain their code multiple times. Abstraction and clean code makes team programming more efficient.

A certain social media Web site allows users to post messages and to comment on other messages that have been posted. When a user posts a message, the message itself is considered data. In addition to the data, the site stores the following meta data. The time the message was posted The name of the user who posted the message The names of any users who comment on the message and the times the comments were made For which of the following goals would it be more useful to analyze the data instead of the metadata? A. To determine the users who post messages most frequently B. To determine the time of day that the site is most active C. To determine the topics that many users are posting about D. To determine which posts from a particular user have received the greatest number of comments

C. To determine the topics that many users are posting about

The next question refers to hexadecimal which is a base-16 number system - a number system that uses one of 16 possible digits for each place value. ASCII is a character-encoding scheme that uses a numeric value to represent each character. For example, the uppercase letter "G" is represented by the decimal (base 10) value 71. A partial list of characters and their corresponding ASCII values are shown in the table below. Decimal ASCII 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z A. A B. L C. V D. Y

C. V

The next question refers to hexadecimal which is a base-16 number system - a number system that uses one of 16 possible digits for each place value. ASCII is a character-encoding scheme that uses a numeric value to represent each character. For example, the uppercase letter "G" is represented by the decimal (base 10) value 71. A partial list of characters and their corresponding ASCII values are shown in the table below. Decimal ASCII 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z A. A B. L C. V D. Y

C. V NOTE: In order to calculate the value of the base-16 number 56, it is 5*16^1 + 6*16^0 = 86, which maps to 'V' in the table

Under which of the following conditions is it most beneficial to use a heuristic approach to solve a problem? A. When the problem can be solved in a reasonable time and an approximate solution is acceptable. B. When the problem can be solved in a reasonable time and an exact solution is needed. C. When the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time and an approximate solution is acceptable. D. When the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time and an exact solution is needed.

C. When the problem cannot be solved in a reasonable time and an approximate solution is acceptable.

Minimum Spanning Tree

Dictates the shortest aggregate path from one node to every node A spanning tree connecting all nodes together with the minimum aggregate value of its edges.

Jose is writing a reply function for a text messaging app. He'd like to swap the sender and receiver so that the value currently in variable From ends up as the value in To and To ends up in From Which of the following code segments will correctly swap the values as described? A. to = from; from = to; B. from = var temp; to = temp; from = to; C. var temp = from; from = to; to = from; D var temp = from; from = to; to = temp; E var temp = to; from = to; to = temp;

D var temp = from; from = to; to = temp; NOTE: General idea: a temporary variable must be made to contain one of the existing information before switching the variable information. Switching "to = from" and then "from = to" is incorrect because both variables would then equal "from". A "temp" variable is created and points to one value, "from" Since "from" value is stored within "temp", it is safe to write "from = to" "to" needs to point to the value of "from" BUT cannot be "to = from" because at this point, "from" stores the value of "to" Therefore, "to = temp" because "temp" holds the original value of "from" Note: It may be helpful to draw out boxes containing "Bruce Wayne" and "James Bond", and change the arrows "from", "to", and "temp" to visualize the problem. Optional: For further understanding, read up on the term "reference semantics"

What is the output to the console after the following code segment is executed? 1 var x = 10; 2 increase(); 3 x = x+3; 4 console.log(x); 5 function increase(){ 6 var x = 5; 7 } A. 5 B. 8 C. 10 D. 13 E. Error. Cannot make a new variable x inside function increase()

D. 13

What is the output to the console after the following code segment is executed? 1 var x = 10; 2 increase(); 3 x = x+3; 4 console.log(x); 5 function increase(){ 6 var x = 5; 7 } A. 5 B. 8 C. 10 D. 13 E. Error. Cannot make a new variable x inside function increase()

D. 13 NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 5 - application of local v. global Going through each line of code: 1: A variable x is set to the value 10 2: The function "increase()" is called where a separate local variable that is also named "x" is set to the value 5 3: Exiting the function "increase()", in line 3 the value of x is still 10 because the local variable inside "increase()" is not accessible outside outside the function. Thus, in line 3, x = x + 3 which equals 10 + 3 = 13 Printing the value of x, the computer outputs "13"

ASCII has an encoding for every character of the alphabet as well as encoding for numbers -- that is, encoding for the symbols of the digits 0-9. So here is a trick question: how many bits are required to store the text of the number "150" in ASCII?

D. 24

The world is currently in a transition to use IPv6, a newer version of the IP protocol that uses 128-bit addresses instead of 32-bit addresses used by IPv4. What is the main problem that IPv6 was created to solve? A. 32-bit addresses could not accommodate the increased size and amount of data traveling on the Internet as it has grown in popularity. B. IPv6 will allow problems with IPv4's address hierarchy to be resolved. C. IPv4 proved unreliable in some cases where network redundancy could not be ensured. D. 32-bit addresses could not ensure that every internet-connected device can receive a unique IP address.

D. 32-bit addresses could not ensure that every internet-connected device can receive a unique IP address.

The standard QWERTY keyboard has 47 keys that can place characters on the screen. Each of these keys can also display a second character by holding the "shift" key at the same time. How many bits would you need to encode everything that could be typed on this keyboard?

D. 7 bits

What is the best explanation for why data is represented in computers as binary?

D. IT's easier, cheaper, and more reliable to build machines and devices that only to distinguish between binary states

Select the answer that lists the units of bytes in ascending order (from smallest to largest) A. gigabyte, megabyte, terabyte B. megabyte, terabyte, kilobyte C. gigabyte, terabyte, megabyte D. kilobyte, gigabyte, terabyte

D. kilobyte, gigabyte, terabyte

What is displayed by the console.log statement after the following code segment executes? 1 var a = 3; 2 var b = 6; 3 var c = 10; 4 a = b / a; 5 b = c - a; 6 c = b / a; 7 console.log("value is: "+c); A. value is: 2 B. value is: 2.3333333 C. value is: 3 D. value is: 4 E. value is: c

D. value is: 4 NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 4 Solve this problem by going through the lines of code while keeping track of the value of each variable. It is important to note that if a variable is assigned a new value, the lines of code that reference that variable afterwards also references the new value. At the very beginning, a = 3, b = 6, c = 10 a = b / a which equals 6 / 3 = 2. Thus, variable "a" is changed to the value 2 Now, the value of "a" is set to 2 b = c - a which equals 10 - 2 = 8. Variable "b" now equals 8 c = b / a which equals 8 / 2 = 4 By the end of the program, value of c = 4

What is 13 MOD 17?

D: 13

How many bytes (or bits) are required to encode an image that is 25 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall, if you encode each pixel with three bytes (24 bits) of RGB data?

D: 3,753 bytes (30,024 bits)

A program is expressed as binary code. Which of the following is true of the program?

D: The program is more prone to errors and is less readable by humans than when expressed in a higher level language

Which of the following information is not necessary in your protocol to play battleship?

D: Time of Day

Which two of the following statements are true about routing on the Internet

D: a packet traveling between two computers on the Internet may be rerouted many times along the way E: a packet contains addressing information to allow in routers to decide how best to forward along that packet towards its destination

A binary question is defined as:

D: a question which can be answered in only one of two possible ways

Select the answer that lists the units of bytes in ascending order

D: kilobyte, gigabyte, terabyte

A user clicks on a website, and it begins to load immediately, but it takes a long time to load completely and pictures appear slowly, one by one. Which of the following is demos treated through this situation?

D: low bandwidth, low latency

Which of the following statements best decries the properties of public key encryption?

D: public key encryption is an encryption method which relies on separate keys for encrypting and decrypting information.

When a computer scientist uses the term " Big Data," What do they typically mean?

D: that there is enough data that traditional data processing applications are inadequate

Which of the following is a true statement about data compression?

D: there are trade-offs involved in choosing a compression technique for storing and true sitting data. To

Number bases, including binary, decimal, and hexadecimal, are used to view and represent digital data. Which of the following is not true about representing digital data?

D: there is a limit to the number of things that can be represented in binary data at which point switching to hexadecimal representation is necessary.

Which is displayed by the console.log statement after the following code segment executes? Var a=3; Var b=6; Vera c=10; A = b / a; B = c - a; C = b / a; Console.log ("value is " + c):

D: value is: 4

the service that translates URLs to IP addresses


Domain name service

DNS stands for...


Data about data. Provides information about the content of a digital item e.g. each digital images from a digital camera has a file attached listing such things as date, time camera and shutter speed

A programmer wrote an essay for his history class, and realized he has confused the names of Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Graham Bell. Instead of going through the whole paper and changing the names, he used the following incorrect algorithm in an attempt replace every occurrence of "Benjamin Franklin" with "Alexander Graham Bell" and vise versa: - First, change all occurrences of "Benjamin Franklin" to "apple" - Then, change all occurrences of "apple" to "Alexander Graham Bell". - Then, change all occurrences of "Alexander Graham Bell" to "Benjamin Franklin". Here is an example of one of the sentences from the paper: Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. Which of the following is the result of running the described incorrect algorithm on the sentence above? A. Benjamin Franklin was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. B. apple was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. C. Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before apple, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. D. Benjamin Franklin was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. E. Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors.

E. Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors.

A programmer wrote an essay for his history class, and realized he has confused the names of Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Graham Bell. Instead of going through the whole paper and changing the names, he used the following incorrect algorithm in an attempt replace every occurrence of "Benjamin Franklin" with "Alexander Graham Bell" and vise versa: - First, change all occurrences of "Benjamin Franklin" to "apple" - Then, change all occurrences of "apple" to "Alexander Graham Bell". - Then, change all occurrences of "Alexander Graham Bell" to "Benjamin Franklin". Here is an example of one of the sentences from the paper: Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. Which of the following is the result of running the described incorrect algorithm on the sentence above? A. Benjamin Franklin was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. B. apple was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. C. Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before apple, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. D. Benjamin Franklin was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. E. Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors.

E. Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 4 Strategy: Go through the algorithm and keep track of the changes for each line Start "Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors." Change all "Benjamin Franklin" to "apple" Current: "Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before apple, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors." Change all "apple" to "Alexander Graham Bell" Current: "Alexander Graham Bell was born 141 years before Alexander Graham Bell, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors. Change all "Alexander Graham Bell" to Benjamin Franklin" Final: "Benjamin Franklin was born 141 years before Benjamin Franklin, so he was never able to telephone his neighbors." The algorithm is incorrect because the last two steps should be switched.

What is the output to the console after the following code segment is executed? 1 fiveMore(); 2 function fiveMore(){ 3 var x = 5; 4 } 5 var y = 3 + x; 6 console.log(y); A. -2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8 E. Error. Unknown Identifier: x

E. Error. Unknown Identifier: x 13.

What is the output to the console after the following code segment is executed? 1 fiveMore(); 2 function fiveMore(){ 3 var x = 5; 4 } 5 var y = 3 + x; 6 console.log(y); A. -2 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8 E. Error. Unknown Identifier: x

E. Error. Unknown Identifier: x NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 5 - application of local scope and debugging The function "fiveMore()" is called. Inside this function, a new variable "x" is set to 5 The computer exits this function and moves on to line 5 where a variable y is created The value of y is set to "3 + x" However, the variable x was initiated locally inside "fiveMore()" and is not accessible outside of the function. Therefore, there is an error because the variable x does not exist outside the method. 13.

Which one of the following statements about functions is TRUE A. A function can change names over the course of a program. B. Code can be added or removed dynamically from a function while the program is running. C. Functions can be called using different names depending on where in the program they are called. D. Two functions can be given identical names as long as their code is identical. E. Two functions in a single program can have different names but contain identical code.

E. Two functions in a single program can have different names but contain identical code.

High level programming

Provides strong abstraction from the hardware and allows a program to be written in a language that can run on multiple types of computers. Visual by humans. Visual Basics, Python, Java. English type language for programming. Differentiates the language from assembly language and binary which are technically also programming languages

Which one of the following statements about functions is TRUE A. A function can change names over the course of a program. B. Code can be added or removed dynamically from a function while the program is running. C. Functions can be called using different names depending on where in the program they are called. D. Two functions can be given identical names as long as their code is identical. E. Two functions in a single program can have different names but contain identical code.

E. Two functions in a single program can have different names but contain identical code. NOTE: The incorrect answers: When a program is running, the function names cannot be changing and code cannot be dynamically changed. Once a program is running, the program has to finish running or the user manually stops the program in order to edit the lines. Once a function is named, it must be called using the given name. If a function is called using a different name that does not exist, an error will occur. Functions should never have identical names. The correct answer: Multiple functions can contain identical code as long as the names are different. Functions have to be named differently in order for the program to know which function to correctly run, it does not matter if the same lines of code are in multiple functions.

Which one of the following statements about functions is true?

E: two functions in a single program can have different names but contain identical code

Jasmine is writing a shopping app. She has created a variable to keep track of the number of items in the shopping chart. Every time someone clicks the "addItemButton", she would like the variable to increase by 1. Var cartTotal = 0 OnEvent("addItemButton" , "click", function (){ //missing code goes here Console.log(cartTotal); });

E: var cartTotal = cartTotal + 1;

Creative development process

Employing non traditional techniques, combination of artifacts, or tools.

Internet vs. WWW

Enhanced methods of an opportunity for communication and collaboration.

Digital collaboration

Enhances human capabilities

Uniform random number

Every value in the range from a to b has the same chance of occurring.


Finding and fixing problems in your algorithm or program.


Google's track record of maintaining excellent performance while dramatically increasing the number of simultaneous users accessing its systems best exemplifies what network/system attribute?

"Smart" Technologies

Grids, Buildings, Transportation, facilitating human capability.

HTTP is considered to be a high-level protocol because...

HTTP requests make use of abstractions provided by lower level protocols.


Hacking that is intended as political activism.

Human computation

Harnesses control and makes use of it

Online Collaborative tools

Helps with gathering and processing info

What feature of DNS and IP allow the internet to scale?


Source code

High-level language instructions.

"Citizen science"

Home PC on scientific research

Huffman compression

Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm. The idea is to assign variable-legth codes to input characters, lengths of the assigned codes are based on the frequencies of corresponding characters. The most frequent character gets the smallest code and the least frequent character gets the largest code.

HTTP stands for what?

Hypertext transfer protocol

a number assigned to any item that is connected to the internet

IP Address

a service provider that offers access to the internet



Identifying patterns in data based on common temporal (time) or spatial (geographic) traits is based on what type of data mining analysis?

Explain how abstraction allows for the creation of increasingly complex systems. Reference top-down design strategy in your response.

NOTE: What to look for: A general understanding that abstraction allows programmers to hide details By hiding details, programmers are able to work with complex systems in small pieces without having to pay attention to every detail at once An explanation of how top down design implements abstraction Example: Through the use of abstraction, a programmer is able to take one large idea, and break it down into smaller pieces. In the context of top-down design, this means that the programmer can create one function that is made up of a set of smaller sub functions. After determining the details of those sub functions, the programmer no longer needs to take into account how they work, knowing that they will work in when called. For example when drawing a snowflake, the programmer may use top down design to split it into separate branches. Each of those branches may have sub functions that determine the detail to be repeated. This allows programmers to develop complex systems while managing complexity at multiple levels of abstraction.

Two students, Kaleb and Hunter, are arguing in class about an App Lab project. Kaleb states, "Huh, a button and an image are basically the same thing!". Hunter replies, "That doesn't make any sense at all!". Explain what Kaleb may have meant by that statement.

NOTE: Unit 5 Lesson 2 What to look for: A button and an image are both UI elements. Both have positions. Both can have background images. Both can respond to the same set of events. For example, if a programmer has written an event handler for when a button is clicked, she could write an analogous event handler to perform the same action when an image is clicked (or even just switch the ID of the event handler from the id of the button to the id of the image).

Peer-to-peer networks

Networks that are designed to connect similar computers that share data and software with each other.

Are private instance variables of a superclass directly accessible to its subclasses?


Commercial Access

Of or relating to commerce

Control operations

Operations that alter the normal sequential flow of control within an algorithm.

Conditional statements

Operations that ask a question and select the next instruction to carry out based on the answer to that question.

The mechanism of selecting the appropriate method for a particular object in a class hierarchy


_______ applies only to overridden methods in subclasses



Portable Network Graphics This supports advanced transparency, has a relatively average file size, and can be interlaced, optimizing for internet use. A raster file that supports transparency and is best used for line art, logos, photographs and web but is not suitable for print.

Which type of storage is made form memory chips?

Primary storage


Process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to prevent unauthorized access.

Public Data

Provide Widespread access and enables solutions to identified problems.

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

Provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of a stream of packets on the internet. TCP is tightly linked with IP and usually seen as TCP/IP in writing.


Reducing information and detail to focus on essential characteristics.

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