AP English midterm

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What does Thoreau say our life is like?

A German confederacy

What is a "papist"

A catholic

Topic addressed in "why don't we complain"

Americans feeling like they were unable to speak up

Used in descriptive writing and visual arts.


Efficacy: satire that doesn't unnerve an audience..........

Doesn't succeed as satire

How does swift want the reader to view his speaker?

He wants them to see the speaker as reasonable

Emerson says envy is


Transcendentalism was inspired by

Immanuel Kent

Bitterest of all satire


What does Thoreau mean when he says, "Still we live meanly, like ants?"

It implies that we lead the same routine , mindless lives that we think of ants as leading. We don't truly consider what we are doing or how it affects us or others.

Suitability: Satire of an underlying object is


"To be great is to be _________"


Father of Transcendentalism

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What is the tone of "a modest proposal"


ex of syntax

Simple sentences Compound sentences Complex sentences Parallelism Loose sentence/ cumulative Periodic sentence Elliptical sentence Inverted sentence Passive sentence

"The American gov...........has not the vitality and force of a ___________?

Single living man

How does the final paragraph of the essay contribute to Swift's rhetorical purpose?

The final paragraph serves Swift's rhetorical purpose in two ways. It concludes with an ironic flourish, as if to excuse himself of the selfish motives the reader might suspect. And it effects an appeal, if an ironic one indeed, to the reader's wariness. He anticipates—or pretends to—the reader's suspicions, as if a reader might challenge him, saying, "Oh, so you're only making this proposal because you can profit by it!"

Author of Civil Disobedience


Author of why don't we complain

William Buckley

What kind of diction was used in "a modest proposal" and why?

Formal diction was used which makes his argument seem more serious, credible, and sophisticated.

What is Walden drawn from

From the journal he kept during his 2 year long stay in a Cabin on Walden's pond

What does Emerson say about work?

-"A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no peace. It is a deliverance which does not deliver"

What does Emerson say about consistency

-He says it scares us from self-trust & A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds -A great person does not have to think consistently from one day to the next -Only following others ideas is foolish and the followers get nothing out of it.

What is Swift's overall purpose & why does he choose such a provocative task?

-He's trying to reform the way the English people treated the impoverished Irish of his time -He uses the extreme example as a way to depict how inhumanely the Irish are being treated as if they were not human

Why did John swift write a modest proposal

-Ireland was a colony militarily, politically, & economically dependent upon England -it was a poor country wracked by famine and full of beggars

Major tenets of transcendentalism

-believed dignity was present everywhere, in nature and person -human spirit reflected in nature -believe in the divinity of souls -that we can transcend the boundaries of ourselves through recognizing our connection to nature -that humans are innately good and society corrupts the individual

"A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his ________; but what he has said or done otherwise, shall give him no ______. It is a ________ which does not _______"

-best -peace -deliverance -deliver

Positive tone words

-cheery -jubilant -peaceful -soothing -Amorous -calm -relaxed

Negative tone words

-childish -aggravated -quarrelsome -melancholy -bitter -dissapointed -boorish -savage -bold -apologetic -grave -meek

"With _________ a great soul has simply _______ to do?

-consistency -nothing

"A foolish ___________ is the __________ of little minds"

-consistency -hobgoblins

how to build ethos?

-explain credentials/background -emphasize your shared values w readers

how to appeal to pathos

-figurative Lang -personal anecdotes -vivid images -humour -using strong diction

how to build logos?

-have clear main idea, use specific exs, facts, statistics, expert testimony -acknowledge a counter argument, by conceding it may be true then refuting it

Strategies used in satire

-hyperbole -Caricature -irony -parody -sarcasm -euphemisms -innuendo -wit or word play -understatement -juxtaposition -symbolism -grotesque humour -invective -comic juxtaposition

Humorous tone words

-ironic -whimsical -cynical -satiric -teasing -insulting -comical

Thoreau says the government doesn't...........

-keep the country free -settle the west -educate

Neutral tone words

-nonchalant -objective -frank -solemn -gentle -serious

Transcendentalists believed The over-soul is an ___________; every living thing has a spark of divinity; a part of the______ soul

-omnipresent divinity -universal

"Society is a joint stock company......it loves not ________ and _______, but ________ and _________

-realities and creators -names and customs

Why did Thoreau go "to the woods"

-to live deliberately -reduce life to its lowest terms -see what life could teach him

Thoreau says all news to a philosopher is what?


Year a modest proposal was written



Appeal to emotion

Where did Ralph Waldo Emerson lecture

At lyceums around NE

Which religious group does swift identify as enemies of the nation?


Who according to swift are the "principle breeders of the nation?"


Who did Hawthorne think was the most guilty


Satire w/o attack


"God will not have his work made manifest by ______"


Satire w/o humor


Thoreau says our life is frittered away by


Author of "A Modest Proposal"

Dr. Jonathan Swift

"I profess in the sincerity of my heart that I have not the least personal interest...having no other motive than the good of my country...I have no children, by which I can propose to get a single penny... And my wife is past childbearing." Is an ex of what


When was Henry David Thoreau born and where was he born

-1817 -concord, mass

Why did Ralph Waldo Emerson quit the church

He didn't support the administration of certain symbolic rites such as communion

How would you summarize Thoreau's attitude concerning the role of government?

He is disappointed in the government and lack of ability to do what itʼs supposed to do

What does Emerson say about conformity

He says "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist" -society demands it from us and we must not conform to what other people believe is right

Note Swift's diction in the first seven paragraphs. How does it show quantification and dehumanization? Explain the purpose of Swift's specific word choices.

He uses cruel diction to describe women by saying "children just dropped from it dam" which dehumanizes women because its a term used for animals as a parent of infant livestock. He also refers to children as burdens. He dehumanizes iris and German immigrants through quantification by only viewing them as statistics and not as real people.

What do you think Thoreau means when he says that he went to the woods because he wished to live deliberately?

He wanted to live in the most basic and truthful way

Types of Satire

Horatian and Juvenalian

Playfully criticizes some social vice through gentle, mild, & light hearted humour. It's common in modern society

Horatian satire

Components of satire

Humour Attack Suitability Clarity Efficacy

Which targets does Swift ironically identify in paragraphs 21 and 22? Note the rhetorical progression of paragraphs 21-26. By using such a method, what is Swift satirizing?

In paragraph 21 Swift takes aim at the Protestant landowners living in England and at their prejudices against the Papists, or Catholics, who comprise most of the Irish peasantry. In paragraph 22 he addresses the absent landlords (who are actually the same people considered as occupiers rather than religion rivals) who are responsible to a large degree for the awful conditions among the poor. With the progression through the six steps, Swift satirizes the idea and nature of a proposal itself—that is, that a purely rational and quantitative solution can be applied to a human problem.

Clarity: Satire that doesn't clearly present its argument is


In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau says "Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, ______________.


"Nothing is at last sacred but the .........."

Integrity of your own mind

"Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that _______ string"


The ability to recognize _______ is one of the surest tests of close reading sophistication


More contemptuous and abrasive. It addresses social evil through sarcasm, outrage, & savage ridicule. It's often polarizes political satire

Juvenalien satire

Strongly polarized political satire is often


The satirist aims to cure folly and punish evil through what?


"That government is best which governs _______"


"I do, therefore humbly offer it to public consideration, that of the 120 thousand children, already computed, 20,000 may be reserved for breed..." is an appeal to


Author of Scarlett letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne

In Walden, Thoreau explores his interest in

Naturalism, individualism, and self sufficiency

How does swift describe children under the age of 12

Of tender disposition

What problems is swift combatting w his plan?

Overpopulation and unemployment

Relies on imitation. Borrows a pre-existing form -


There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme, that it will prevent women from sacrificing the poor innocent babes."is an appeal to


What type of writing is satire


What label does swift give to the parents of the country's poor children?

Professed beggars

Self-Reliance author

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ex horatian satire


saying one thing when you mean the opposite


How did Thoreau want to live?

Spartan like

What social group does the speaker of "a modest proposal" identify himself

Speaker is Protestant and a member of the Irish upper class

RhetoricalTriangle -

Speaker, audience, subject

Satire of an underlying objects is mean/dumb


Identify examples of appeals to values such as thrift and patriotism. Explain the rhetorical strategy behind each example.

Swift appeals to patriotism and to religious prejudice simultaneously in the first paragraph with his reference to the treachery of supporting "the pretender in Spain." He makes a similar appeal at the end of paragraph 2, suggesting that anyone who could solve the problem of poverty could "have his statue set up for a preserver of the nation." The appeal to patriotism returns in paragraph 17 with the "very worthy person, a true lover of his country." Swift distinguishes between economy, meaning efficient use of resources, and thrift, which refers to frugality. He appeals to the resourcefulness of his proposal in paragraphs 22-25 by pointing out that the poor will have their own "capital," that the economy will be increasingly robust, that the restaurant industry (as it were) will prosper. Swift appeals to thrift by discussing "a fair, cheap, and easy method." He continues his appeal in paragraph 10, concluding with a mention of "two dishes at an entertainment for friends," and in paragraph 15 (here he uses the word "thrifty), where he appeals to gentility. Additional appeals to economy appear in paragraph 14, where he mentions "four dishes of excellent meat," and in his discussion of economy in paragraph 23. Other appeals that bear investigation are to gentility, which appears in paragraphs 25 and 28 with the "fine gentlemen" and "gentlemen of the kingdom;" to sociability, which comes up in paragraph 10; and to family values, perhaps his most sardonic appeal, which crops up in paragraph 26.

What does Ralph Waldo Emerson say about imitation

That it's suicide

What evidence does Swift offer for the disinterestedness of his proposal

The fact that he is childless

What was "why don't we complain" about

The purpose was to convince Americans that it is time to start complaining. Rather than sitting passively when a movie is out of focus or a bus is too hot, Americans should say something to someone with the power to change the problem, so he or she and everyone around him or her can benefit from the needed change.

What do the changes in tone reveal in "a modest proposal"

They are a break in Swift's persona

The purpose of "civil disobedience"

Thoreau's imprisonment was a protest against slavery, "Civil Disobedience" was written after the outbreak of the Mexican-American war and protests both slavery and war

Though he laughs, the satirist tells the


What kind of minister was Ralph Waldo Emerson


What is Thoreau best known for


Arguments solely based on pathos are



author's word choice


credibility, ethical appeal

Techniques or statire

exaggeration, incongruity, parody, and reversal (irony or sarcasm).


general to specific

Purpose of "Walden"

he intends to answer questions people have asked about his reasons for living alone in a cabin in the woods near Walden Pond for two year




not practical, suitable, or advisable.


specific to general

Ensembles d'études connexes

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