AP Euro Ch 14 (2)

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Navigation Acts

1650: regulated what could be taken from and sold to the colonies. The system was supposed to provide balance of trade favorable to its mother country,

British East India Company

A joint stock company that controlled most of India during the period of imperialism. This company controlled the political, social, and economic life in India for more than 200 years.

Dutch East India Company

A trading company established under government sponsorship, also set up a settlement in southern Africa, at Cape of Good Hope, which was meant to serve as a base to provide and other provisions to Dutch Ships en route to Spice Islands

Robert Clive

An aggressive British empire-builder who eventually became the chief representative of the East India Company in India. Began to consolidate with British control in Bengal.

the asiento

Britain's entry into Spanish American markets first came in 1713 when British were granted the privilege (known as the asiento) of transporting 4500 slaves a year into Spanish Latin America.

Boers and Capetwon

Dutch East India Company set up a settlement in southern Africa at Cape of Good Hope, used as base to serve food for Dutch ships en route. Dutch farmers, known as Boers, began to settle outside city of Cape Town. Capetwon - ?

The New Netherlands

Dutch were among the first two est. settlements in the New World. 1609, English explorer Henry Hudson hired by Dutch discovered the rHudson river. Few years later the Dutch est. the mainland colony which stretched from Hudson River to Albany, New York.

Lord Macartney and Emperor Qianlong

Empereor Qianlong was Emp. of the Qing dynasty and China had strict trading laws which the British got fed up with and Lord Macartney pressed for change and Emp. Qianoing said he had no interest in British products.

"sugar factories"

End of 15th cent., Portuguese set up sugar plantations worked by African laborers on coast of Africa. 16th century, sugarcane plantations set up on eastern coast of Brazil and on several islands in Caribbean. Required skill and more workers, led to more workers in New World for plantations. Africans sent to Brazil and Caribbean to work since soil and Africa not good for these plantations.

salve trade

European exploration of the African coastline didn't affect most living in interior of continent. Those who lived near the coast impacted the most - 16th and 18th century thousands/millions were removed forcibly to work in the New World. Primary market was the Middle East (used as domestic servants) . Also existed in many European countries: used for domestic purposes/agricultural workers. 1518: First Spanish ship sent boatload of Africans to New World.

Mughal Empire

Founders of the empire were not natives of India but came from the mountainous region of the Ganges River valley. Babur, the founder, came from an illustrious background. His grandson was who brought Mughal rule to India.

Samuel de Champlain

French explorer in who established a settlement on the site of modern Quebec in 1608. "Father of New France"


In 1619, the Dutch established themselves on the Island of Java at Batavia, soon became the center of power of the Dutch East indies. Had numerous canals, swamps, and ponds which served as a breeding are for malaria-bearing mosquitos. Mortality rate of Dutch who settled there was enormously high.


In New World, Spanish developed an administrative system based on viceroys. First divided into two 2 main units: New Spain and Peru. Each viceroy served as king's chief civil and military officer and was aided by advisory groups called audiencias.

House of Fugger

In exchange for arranging large loans to Charles V, Jacob Fugger given monopoly over silver, copper, mercury mines in hapsburg possessions of central europe that produced over 50% profits per year, went bankrupt at end of 16th century when the habsburgs defaulted on their loans

joint stock trading companies

Individuals brought shares in a company and received dividends on their investments while a board of directors ran the company and made the important business decisions. It made it easier to raise large amounts of capital for world trading venues.

mestizos and mulattoes

Intermarriage between Europeans and native American Indian, whose offspring became known as mestizos. Mulattoes are the offspring of Africans and whites.

"Black Hole of Calcutta"

Local ruler had attacked Fort William and imprisoned the local British population in an underground prison for holding the prisoners, many whom died in captivity.

Ming and Qing dynasties

Ming ruled from 1369-1644, had extended its rule to Mongolia and Central Asia, even briefly reconquered Vietnam. They strengthened the Great Wall and made peace with nomadic tribes. During late 16th cent. began to decline and lost power after Manchuas overthrew them. Manchuas began the Qing Dynasty ("Pure"). Had many strong rulers and corrected most serious social and economic skills. Had two great monarchs (Kangxi and Qianlong) who gave greatness to Manchu China.

Geradus Mercator

One of the first people to produce a world map that showed withe relative accuracy, the general outline of the continents., printed the first map that arrived the names of both the continents of N. and S. America and made map a that showed asia and N. america were separate continents. Called the Mercator projection.


Portuguese ships began stopping at ports in Japan and Francis Xavier arrived in 1549 and successfully converted some to Christianity. Missionaries began to become successful and began to interfere in politics so Tokuguwa Ieyasu expelled all missionaries. European merchants were to leave next except only 2 major foreign ports were kept. Only small Dutch community in Nagasaki were allowed to stay in Japan.


The name used to identify a set of economic tendencies that came to dominate economic practices in 17th century. Focused on the role of the state, believing that state intervention in some aspects of the economy was desirable for the sake of the national good.

the Colombian exchange

The reciprocal importation and exportation of plants and animals between Europe and the Americas.

Tokugawa shoguns

Tokugawa Ieyasu made himself shogun general in 1603, act that initiated most powerful and longest lasting of all Japanese shoguns, tokugawa rulers completed restoration of central authority and remained in power until 1868


Was a major economic problem in 16th/early 17th centuries. Foodstuffs were most subject to price increases. Wages failed to keep up as price increases.Commercial and industrial entrepreneurs benefited. Profit inflation was regarded as a valuable stimulus to investment and growth of capitalism. Growing population is what caused inflation.

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