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Why did many Quakers take the lead in abolitionism?

Quaker ideology had long stressed principles of brotherhood of man and nonviolence.

Why did New Hampshire choose not to impose a ban on slave importation after the Revolutionary War?

The state did not import enough slaves to require one.

Which statement accurately describes the scope of slavery in mid-eighteenth-century New England?

The use of slave labor expanded into occupational sectors where it had previously not existed.

Where was Patriot recruitment most widespread?

New England

What was the fatality rate among captured Africans before they even boarded ships bound for the Americas?

10 percent

What percentage of the population did slaves comprise in New York City by the early 1740s?

20 percent

Historians estimate that approximately _______ Africans arrived in the Americas as slaves

9-12 million

Who was Crispus Attucks?

One of the people who died after accosting British soldiers at the Boston Massacre

African slave traders acquired slaves primarily through what means?

as captives of wars

The earliest known hominids were the


According to Oscar and Mary Handlin, slavery came as a result of:

economic and legal conditions

What was true about Lord Dunmore's proclamation in November 1775?

Dunmore promised to free slaves who joined the British army

What was the single biggest killer on board slave ships during the Middle Passage?


Which of the following are generally regarded as the earliest human civilizations?

Egypt and Mesopotamia

How did slaves withstand being separated from family members by sale?

Embracing nonrelatives as fictive kin

What was the name of the system that permitted the Spanish to collect gold, labor, and other tribute from the native people they controlled?


Why was there a reduction in white indentured servitude in eighteenth-century America?

Europe's Seven Years' War reduced the flow of European workers to America.

Between 1415 and 1492 the single largest proportion (37%) of Africans traded as slaves to the Europeans, were taken to _________.


Which body of water does not border the continent of Africa?

Black Sea

Laws passed during the colonial period designed to regulate the activities of slaves (and free Blacks) were called:

Black/slave codes

What does the story of Anthony Johnson, a black man in early Virginia, tell us about blacks in general in the colonies before the 1670s?

Blacks could gain their freedom. Blacks could have legal rights in the courts. Blacks could own fairly substantial amounts of property, and have their own servants and slaves.

Why did blacks choose to support the British over the American colonists during the Revolution?

Blacks resented that the Americans would not let them enlist and were upholding slavery.

How did Pennsylvania end slavery in its borders?

By legislative action

What were the consequences of the outcome of the French and Indian War on the white American colonists?

Since the Indians could no longer play one European nation off against another, Native Americans began to lose their land more quickly. The American colonists did not have to deal with as many Indian conflicts. England began to assert more control over the colonies, to help pay for the expensive war effort and the administration of more territory. The colonists no longer had to deal with outside threats from Spain or France to a great extent.

In the 14th through 16th centuries, this city was the intellectual and commercial center for both the Mali and Songhai empire.


Men like Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, in writing the Declaration of Independence,

Took for granted, frequently noted and accepted differences between the rights of white men and the rights of blacks.

Mansa Musa, a ruler of the Mali Empire in the fourteenth century,

was one of the wealthiest men the world has known.

The Great Pyramids were constructed as

royal funeral architecture.

Many West African prose tales centered on

"trickster" animal characters

The Yoruba culture is notable for

the prominent role of women, who often conducted trade and commerce.

The peoples of the forest regions of Western Africa are important in the study of African-American history because

they played an important role in the slave trade, both as traders and victims.

In the West African forest region, indigenous religion remained predominantly polytheistic and animistic. This means

they saw the force of God in all things, including humans, rocks and trees.

Which Songhai leader was a devout Muslim who helped spread Islam in Africa and established the Sankore Mosque at Timbuktu?

Askia Muhammad Toure

Which historian argued that from the beginning, English colonists set black servants apart from white servants in their treatment because they were already aware of differences?

Carl Degler

Historian Ira Berlin argued that British America had 3 separate regions with different economies and particular labor needs which determined the nature of the slave system. Those regions included:

Chesapeake Bay, Carolina and Georgia lowcountry, Northern region

In what types of ways did black women's lives differ from black men's under slavery?

Constant threat of sexual exploitation.

What type of plantation employed the largest number of Southern slaves by the 1850s?


In the seminal work Ar'n't I a Woman, this historian argued that while White women were relegated to the traditional second class role, Black women especially in the South, were placed in a special and difficult position having equality with Black men in the fields while concurrently performing the traditional female role in society.

Deborah White

What was the name of Spanish Florida's free black settlement?

Fort Mose

What is not true about blacks and the Patriot cause during the Revolution?

George Washington forbad them from enlisting during the entire course of the war.

Where was the first known kingdom in the western Sudan?


Who was Crispus Attucks?

He was a runaway slave who became the first martyr of the American Revolution.

Where was the United States' free black population concentrated after the Revolutionary War?

In the Upper South and the North

Which of the following factors led to the growth of slave population in the antebellum South?

Increased natural reproduction

Which statement is true of the status of indentured servants and enslaved Africans in early colonial Virginia?

Indentured servants and African slaves occupied a similar social status.

Which of these describes early efforts to distinguish black labor from white labor in colonial Virginia?

The creation of slavery as a heritable condition based on the mother's status

In what way does the final version of the Declaration of Independence specifically mention slavery

It lists attempts to get slaves to revolt as one of the wrongs perpetrated by the British.

How did the Missouri Compromise address regional concerns about slavery?

It prohibited slavery in territories north of a specified border.

Why did many slave ship captains prefer tight packing to loose packing of their human cargo?

It provided the best potential for maximum profit

Why did Washington reconsider his initial ban on black slaves serving in the army?

Lord Dunmore's proclamation seemed to give him greater strength and power.

Why did the institution of slavery fail to extend into the frontier colonies of French Louisiana and Spanish Florida?

Louisiana and Florida were too isolated to maintain a secure slave-labor force.

What distinguished the Kingdom of Kongo from many other African kingdoms?

Mani Kongo Nzinga Knuwu began a tradition of welcoming early Portuguese missions.

Why did most African-American intellectual leaders owe more to the Great Awakening than to secular learning during the Enlightenment?

Religious learning had been more available to them than secular educations.

Who were West Africa's chief trading partners before the fifth century CE?

Roman merchants and the Berbers

Besides Georgia, which other colony never mobilized its black population for service in the Continental Army?

South Carolina

Who brought the first Africans to North America (Point Comfort now Hampton, Virginia)?

The British under the mark of Savoy

What was the eighteenth-century revival movement that swept through colonial America called?

The Great Awakening

What African empire became powerful in the 1200s after Ghana fell to the Almorvids?

The Mandinka formed the Mali Empire.

What factors led to the abolition of slavery in the North?

The North's economy was not as dependent on slavery as was the South's The North was home to Christian ideologies that began to see the injustice in slavery Enlightenment rationalism, with its belief in natural rights, was a popular idea.

Why did Pope Paul III oppose the enslavement of Indians in the New World?

The Pope believed that Indians were rational beings who should be converted rather than enslaved.

Why did it take until the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries for agriculture to replace hunting and gathering in parts of the forest region of West Africa?

The area was densely forested, and clearing it took a lot of effort.

What motivated European monarchs to seek out more profitable sources of revenue beginning in the fifteenth century?

The chance to increase the commercial standing of their emerging nation-states

Which statement is true of the colonists at Jamestown in the early months of 1619

The colonists were all white until the English ship, the White Lion, under the mark of Savoy brought about 20 Africans to the colony.

Why did New England slaves have a difficult time establishing families?

There was a shortage of available partners for slave men

Why did most whites NOT want blacks to enlist in the army?

They believed both that blacks were too cowardly, and that it would inspire rebellion.

Which statement best describes African Americans' actions during the American Revolution?

They fought for the side that offered them their best chance at freedom.

Which of the following is NOT true about life for black soldiers during the Revolution?

They fought in segregated units.

How did slave owners in Carolina address slaves' religious education?

They initially displayed little interest in it and were warned that religious gatherings might provide an opportunity for escape.

How did Enlightenment thought affect African Americans in the North in the 1760s and 1770s?

They joined whites to protest British policies and actions. They petitioned state legislatures to abolish slavery gradually. They filed lawsuits, sometimes successfully, to gain their freedom

What role did slave elders play in the slave community on antebellum plantations?

They taught the children how to negotiate the rigors of daily life as slave

Why did most whites not want blacks to enlist in the army?

They thought that arming blacks would inspire rebellion of slaves across the south.

Why did the American colonists see the Tea Act as a problem?

They thought that payment of the tea tax would establish a precedent for American colonists having to pay other taxes.

How did the colonists, armed with Enlightenment thought, interpret the actions and policies of the British government in the 1760s and the 1770s?

They thought the British government was engaged in a great conspiracy to take away their natural rights and make them slaves.

What do the Proclamation Line of 1763, the Stamp Act of 1765, and the Townshend Acts of 1767 have in common?

They were efforts by the British to establish more control over the colonies, and bring in money, after the French and Indian War.

What was not a general characteristic of the western Sudanese kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai?

They were generally very peaceful, and prospered without the use of warfare.

What was not true about Northern slaves' labor and culture before about 1750?

When not working for their masters, all slaves lived in large, run down housing in a segregated part of the city.

Which is the correct order, from most valuable to least valuable, of certain types of servants as seen through the eyes of white slaveholders in the early 1700s?

White indentured servants - black women - black men.

Which historian argued that the attitudes of the British were prejudiced or "tainted" against Africans not only because of second-hand information but also because their first contact was made with the darkest of the Africans?

Winthrop Jordan

The rise of an African population in the Chesapeake region (and in most other areas in British America) by the turn of the century resulted in the

creation of laws that restricted the political, social and economic position of African Americans in society

Ancient Egyptians

did not regard themselves as "black" or "white" and actually exhibited a mixture of racial features, greatly influenced the development and culture of Greece and later Western civilizations, were very dependent on the Nile for their protection, agriculture, transportation and communications.

What was the Kingdom of Benin known for up to the seventeenth century?

elaborate, skillful bronze work, a large, sophisticate capital city, which had no beggars, and was a place of slave trading, eventually dominating their economy

In the hierarchal society of West Africa, slavery

functioned as a means of assimilation into West African societies.

Women in ancient Egypt

held a relatively high status, and were able to own property, serve as priests or public officials and even become rulers.

Who were the largest class of laborers in British North America before 1670?

indentured servants

According to the "out-of-Africa" model for development of man,

modern humans originated in Africa, and began migrating to the rest of the world about 100,000 years ago.

In 1662, Virginia passed a law providing that the status of the offspring of a white man and a black woman would follow the ______ because of widespread miscegenation between these two groups.


What lent meaning to the life of African slave women in America because of traditional African culture and because of the benefits bestowed on them?


In a matrilineal society

political power passes through women - a chief would be succeeded by his sister's son, rather than his own

In a matrilineal society

political power passes through women - a chief would be succeeded by his sister's son, rather than his own.

In White Over Black, Winthrop Jordan argued that slavery emerged as a result of:

preconceived notions about Africans

There were 4 specialized jobs that slave women typically performed and they included which of the following?

seamstress, forewoman, cook, midwife

What occurred in the Chesapeake region (1660s) as a result of the increasingly large presence of African Americans?

statutory recognition of slavery

In the West African forest region, indigenous religion remained predominantly polytheistic and animistic. this meant

they saw the force of God in all things, including humans, rocks and trees.

The nation of Axum is significant because

they were influenced by Hebrew culture, and became the first Christian state in sub-Saharan Africa.

How did Soninke monarchs become wealthy and powerful before the fifth century CE?

through trade, and with the introduction of the camel providing better transportation

The Islamic religion in West Africa

was introduced by Arab travelers, and took root mainly among merchants and bureaucrats.

Women in West African society generally

were dominated by men, although some held governmental offices and posts, were considered the property of men, and had more sexual freedom than women in Europe.

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