AP Euro Ch 26 Primer

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After the Battle of Marne in 1914? a. The war of maneuver in France ended b. The tide of war turned in favor of Germany c. Poison gas dramatically furthered the German cause d. Austria was almost knocked out of the war e. Germany gained control of France and Belgium


Russia, was which of the following between 1894 - 1914? a. Growing rapidly in heavy industry b. Growing rapidly in light industry only c. Economically stagnant d. Declining slightly in wealth e. In a serious economic depression


The Bismarck-ian system of alliances was meant to? a. Expand Germany's borders b. Help German allies expand their borders c. Restrain Russia and Austria-Hungary and isolate France d. Encourage relations with France e. Start World War 1


The Triple Entente in 1907 was composed of? a. England, France, and Russia b. Italy, France, and England c. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy d. Germany, Russia, and Austria-Hungary e. Turkey, Germany, and Austria-Hungary


Which of the following was not nearly independent in 1920? a. Czechoslovakia b. Latvia c. Romania d. Poland e. Finland


Lenin was able to reach Russia in 1917 by means of? a. An English warship b. A German train c. The Russian spy network d. The French underground e. Intervention of the League of Nations


The "Blank Check" refers to? a. German industrialists' commitment to provide as many weapons as required b. Germany's commitment to support Austria's attack on Serbia c. America's promise of aid to Great Britain d. Russian willingness to support the Triple Entente in any way possible e. A movie made by the Walt Disney Company


The Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated, in Sarajevo, in June, 28 1914 because? a. Tsar Nicholas II wanted him dead b. He was known to advocate a Triple monarchy giving Slavs autonomy within the Habsburg empire c. His uncle the Emperor Franz Joseph was jealous of his popularity and hated his morganatic wife d. The Turks saw him as a threat to the Berlin-Baghdad railway e. The English were upset with his plans to expand Austria power in the Mediterranean


Tsar Nicholas II was forced to make political concessions in 1905 due to? a. His wife and Rasputin wanting him to do so b. Successful and peaceful protest marches c. The loss of the Russo-Japanese war d. Communist influence e. Pressure from the nobility


German underwater marine weapon during World War I? a. RMS Lusitania b. Aircraft Carrier c. Unterseeboot d. Hydrogen Scuba missile e. Hovercraft


John Maynard Keynes attacked the Versailles settlement because it? a. Was too soft on Germany b. Was too harsh on Germany c. Did not solve the problems of central Europe d. Would make the German economy too powerful e. Left out Italy


Lenin's theory of revolution included all of the following EXCEPT? a. Non-violence and civil disobedience b. Armed uprising by the proletariat c. Scientific dictatorship d. A professional revolutionary class e. Slow withering away of the state


Question 9 Which of the following was a consequence of WWI? a. The weakening of socialism b. The exclusion of labor leaders and socialists from government c. The right to vote for women d. A widening of the gap between rich and poor e. Increase in prostitution in Western Europe


The Schlieffen Plan called for Germany to knock out? a. England by marching through France b. Russia by marching through Poland c. France by marching through Belgium d. Belgium by marching through France e. United States by marching through Russia


The United States entered World War I in 1917 for all the following reasons EXCEPT? a. The Russian revolution b. Woodrow Wilson's belligerent policy c. Anglophobia d. Sinking of the Lusitania e. The Zimmerman telegram


The area least vulnerable to European expansion at the end of the 19th century was? a. China b. Africa c. South America d. The Ottoman Empire e. Asia


The leading figures in the Provisional Government of Russia in 1917 were? a. Tsarist officers & officials b. Anarchists & Marxists c. Liberals & Socialists d. Bolsheviks e. Mensheviks


The one battle during World War 1 when Britain could have lost the war in an afternoon was? a. The Dardanelles b. The Somme c. Jutland d. Verdun e. Chateau Thierry


The peace settlements at the end of World War I helped cause World War II for all the following reasons EXCEPT? a. The newly established independent states of Eastern Europe left a power vacuum in the region b. The establishment of communism in Russia led to eventual conflict between Germany and the USSR c. Reparations and the war guilt clause provided grounds for Hitler's propaganda d. Italy's and Japan's resentments for the settlements created international instability e. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire created a belligerent and aggressive independent Turkey


The provisional government failed in Russia in 1917 because of? a. Shortages of food b. Disillusionment with the war c. All of the above (A and B) d. The growing demand by peasants for land reform e. Wesley's coolness


Which of the following strained German-British relations before the first WWI? a. The Greek Revolution b. A German-French Entente c. The German naval buildup d. British occupation of Belgium e. The sinking of the Lusitania


Germany initially refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles because? a. It established a League of Nations b. Off the reparations payment schedule c. It confiscated German colonies d. Of the war guilt clause e. It broke up Austria-Hungary


The Central Powers had all of the following assets during World War I EXCEPT? a. Plentiful raw materials b. Good internal lines of communication c. The high quality of the German army d. The ability to isolate Russia e. High level of technology and education in Germany


Trench warfare was established along the Western Front early in World War I because? a. Airplanes allowed most of the fighting to be done in the skies b. Improvements in the rifle made snipers the principal combatants c. Neither side had Calvary regiments to break holes in the line d. Defensive weapons had gained an advantage over offensive ones e. The terrain made it difficult to assemble large armies


Who among the following was NOT one of the Big Four at Versailles? a. Lloyd George b. Orlando c. Clemenceau d. Kerensky e. Wilson


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