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Which of the following statements is an example of Existentialist thought?

"A person is the sum of his or her acts."

"We will glorify war—the only cure for the world—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchist, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman." Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Italian writer and artist, "Futurist Manifesto," 1909 The Futurist movement was most clearly part of which of the following intellectual trends in the early twentieth century?

The growing discontent with the conventions and values of contemporary society

Japan opened its shores to Western trade

in response to U.S. military pressure.

Bismarck's alliance system was designed to isolate France and

maintain peace between Russia and Austria-Hungary.

The leaders of the Czechoclovak reform movement of 1968 attempted to

make communism more humane.

President Wilson believed that future wars could best be averted by

the creation of a League of Nations.

The Thermidorian Reaction occurred after

the death of Robespierre

The nineteenth-century political unifications of both Italy and Germany were accomplished in large part through


In the 1960s, Western European women's lives were significantly changed by the

widespread use of oral contraceptives

As a result of WWI, eastern Europe

witnessed the emergence of new nation-states

The New Economic Policy in Soviet Russia provided for which of the following?

A free market in grain and limited private enterprise.

"Among the various species or modifications of liberty, of which on different occasions we have heard so much in England, I do not recollect ever seeing any thing yet offered on behalf of the liberty of making one's own terms in moneylending....No man of ripe years and of sound mind, acting freely, and with his eyes open, ought to be hindered, with a view to his advantage, from making such bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as he thinks fit: nor, (what is a necessary consequence) any body hindered from supplying him, upon any terms he thinks proper to accede to.... You, who fetter contracts; you, who lay restraints on the liberty of man, it is for you to assign a reason for your doing so." Jeremy Bentham, Defence of Usury [Charging of Interest], 1787 Which of the following economic thinkers would most likely agree with Bentham's argument?

Adam Smith

Why did Klemens von Metternich, as the Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

Austria was a multiethnic empire, and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire.

"The Industrial Revolution, with its technology-driven economic growth, long stood as a formidable barrier to any effort [by historians] to search for economic growth based on any other factor or in any earlier period. Yet...decades of work on early modern European [economic history] have fundamentally challenged the conventional belief in a growthless, traditional economy. It is now sometimes conceded that substantial economic growth occurred before the technological breakthroughs of the Industrial Revolution ....[Moreover, new data] on overall British economic performance during the classical Industrial Revolution era, 1760-1830, reduces [previous historians'] growth estimates by more than half. This slower macroeconomic growth bathes in a rather less luminous light the traditional arguments about the relative importance of technology in initiating modern economic growth in this era. It also reduces the contrast with earlier decades and thus makes pre-industrial Britain as well as several neighboring countries richer, more [developed] societies than has long been supposed." Jan de Vries, historian of early modern Europe, The Industrious Revolution, 2008 Which of the following best supports de Vries' argument?

Before the advent of the steam engine, a dense network of canals and roads had been built in Britain in response to the growing commercialization of agriculture and manufacturing.

"The Industrial Revolution, with its technology-driven economic growth, long stood as a formidable barrier to any effort [by historians] to search for economic growth based on any other factor or in any earlier period. Yet...decades of work on early modern European [economic history] have fundamentally challenged the conventional belief in a growthless, traditional economy. It is now sometimes conceded that substantial economic growth occurred before the technological breakthroughs of the Industrial Revolution ....[Moreover, new data] on overall British economic performance during the classical Industrial Revolution era, 1760-1830, reduces [previous historians'] growth estimates by more than half. This slower macroeconomic growth bathes in a rather less luminous light the traditional arguments about the relative importance of technology in initiating modern economic growth in this era. It also reduces the contrast with earlier decades and thus makes pre-industrial Britain as well as several neighboring countries richer, more [developed] societies than has long been supposed." Jan de Vries, historian of early modern Europe, The Industrious Revolution, 2008 The conventional view of pre-industrial economies as incapable of sustained economic growth was in part informed by which of the following assumptions?

Before the middle of the eighteenth century, the European population was subject to Malthusian crisis.

"Among the various species or modifications of liberty, of which on different occasions we have heard so much in England, I do not recollect ever seeing any thing yet offered on behalf of the liberty of making one's own terms in moneylending....No man of ripe years and of sound mind, acting freely, and with his eyes open, ought to be hindered, with a view to his advantage, from making such bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as he thinks fit: nor, (what is a necessary consequence) any body hindered from supplying him, upon any terms he thinks proper to accede to.... You, who fetter contracts; you, who lay restraints on the liberty of man, it is for you to assign a reason for your doing so." Jeremy Bentham, Defence of Usury [Charging of Interest], 1787 Bentham's arguments concerning personal liberty reflect most closely the principles of the


Of the following, which was the central issue for nineteenth-century European advocates of women's rights?

Equal pay for equal work

The local government policy of the Greens is based on the following positions: •Responsibility for the climate belongs to everyone. •Biodiversity and animal welfare are also local government issues. •New nuclear power plants or uranium mines are unnecessary. •Public services create quality of life. •It is better to invest in health rather than pay for illness. •Parents should be free to choose the form of day care for their children. •High-quality basic education is the basis for equality. •Municipalities must be fair employers. •The people must have a say in public affairs. •Poverty can be beaten, and indifference can be vanquished. •The rights of minorities must be defended. •The promotion of equality belongs also to local government. •Tolerant and multiculturally oriented municipalities have the best chances of success. The 2008 Local Elections Manifesto of the Green League of Finland, adopted by the party council, February 24, 2008 Based on its platform, the Green League of Finland likely supported which of the following?

Expanded civil rights for gays and lesbians

"We will glorify war—the only cure for the world—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchist, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman." Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Italian writer and artist, "Futurist Manifesto," 1909 Marinetti's manifesto had the greatest influence on which of the following political groups?


"We will glorify war—the only cure for the world—militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of the anarchist, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman." Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Italian writer and artist, "Futurist Manifesto," 1909 Marinetti's "scorn for woman" was most likely a reaction to which of the following

Feminist agitation for greater politcial and social rights

The immediate cause of British entry into the First World War was

German invasion of neutral Belgium

The outbreak of the great War was greatly accelerated by the Schlieffen Plan, which was

Germany's military plan to invade France through Belgium before attacking Russia

Which of the following statements accurately describes the Napoleonic Code?

It protected private property and the authority of husbands within the family.

Conservative party figures ousted Khruschev from the Soviet leadership because of all of the following except

Khrushchev's readiness to let Soviet satellites leave the Warsaw Pact.

By 1900, the only areas of Africa not controlled by European states were

Liberia and Ethiopia.

"By the charter granted by our late sovereign the framework knitters are empowered to break and destroy all frames and engines that fabricate articles in a fraudulent and deceitful manner." The quotation above is a formulation of the ideas of which of the following groups?


"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles." The quotation above is from the writings of

Marx and Engels

"If the [Catholic clergy], so long paid and honored for abusing the human species, ordered us today to believe that... the world is immovable on its foundations,... that the tides are not a natural effect of gravitation, that the rainbow is not formed by the refraction and the reflection of rays of light, and so on, and if they based their [arguments] on passages poorly understood from the Holy Bible, how would educated men regard these commands? And if they used the forse and persecution to enforce their insolent stupidity, would the term 'wild beasts' seem too extreme [to describe them] This little globe of ours, which is no more than a point, rolls, together with many other globes, in that immensity of space in which we are lost. Man, who is an animal about five feet high, is ceratinly a very inconsiderable part of the creation; but one of those hardly visible beings says to another of the same kind who inhabits another spot on the globe: 'Listen to me, for the God of all these worlds has enlightened me. There are about nine hundred millions of us little insects who inhabit the earth, but my ant-hill alone is cherished by God who holds all the rest in horror for all eternity; those who live with my upon my spot will alone be happy, and all the rest eternally wretched.' ... What madman could have made so ridiculous a speech?" Voltaire, A Treatise on Toleration, 1763 Compared with a late-nineteenth-century Social Darwinist view of the world, Voltaire's view in the passage is

More accepting of the idea of a racial basis for the differences between European and non-European societies.

The political stability of the mid- to late 1920s was due to all of the following except the

Munich Pact.

". . . it must be love of fatherland that governs the state by placing before it a higher object than the usual one of maintaining internal peace, property, personal freedom, and the life and well-being of all. For this higher object alone, and with no other intention, does the state assemble an armed force." The quotation above best reflects which of the following?


Which of the following statements best describes Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?

New species emerge after gradually accumulating new modifications.

Britain's emergence as the first industrial power was aided by all of the following except

Parliament's heavy involvement in private enterprise

In the period between 1871 and 1914, European governments regarded public education for the masses as important primarily because it would

Provide society with well-informed and responsible citizens.

The United States entered the war as a result of the

Resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare.

"These writers extolled, often in an exaggerated form, the expression of human emotion and the search for realization of one's own identity." The writers described above were associated with which of the following?


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 was carried out by nationalists seeking an expanded


Pope John Paul II (elected 1978) did which of the following?

Supported the Solidarity labor movement in Poland.

In the first quarter of the twentieth century, women replaced men most rapidly in which of the following pairs of occupations?

Teching and clerical work

In which part in the unification of Italy did Guiseppe Garibaldi play a key role?

The conquest and annexation of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.

The local government policy of the Greens is based on the following positions: •Responsibility for the climate belongs to everyone. •Biodiversity and animal welfare are also local government issues. •New nuclear power plants or uranium mines are unnecessary. •Public services create quality of life. •It is better to invest in health rather than pay for illness. •Parents should be free to choose the form of day care for their children. •High-quality basic education is the basis for equality. •Municipalities must be fair employers. •The people must have a say in public affairs. •Poverty can be beaten, and indifference can be vanquished. •The rights of minorities must be defended. •The promotion of equality belongs also to local government. •Tolerant and multiculturally oriented municipalities have the best chances of success. The 2008 Local Elections Manifesto of the Green League of Finland, adopted by the party council, February 24, 2008 The political platform outlined in the passage was a reaction to which of the following in the late twentieth century?

The growing influence of consumerism

The local government policy of the Greens is based on the following positions: •Responsibility for the climate belongs to everyone. •Biodiversity and animal welfare are also local government issues. •New nuclear power plants or uranium mines are unnecessary. •Public services create quality of life. •It is better to invest in health rather than pay for illness. •Parents should be free to choose the form of day care for their children. •High-quality basic education is the basis for equality. •Municipalities must be fair employers. •The people must have a say in public affairs. •Poverty can be beaten, and indifference can be vanquished. •The rights of minorities must be defended. •The promotion of equality belongs also to local government. •Tolerant and multiculturally oriented municipalities have the best chances of success. The 2008 Local Elections Manifesto of the Green League of Finland, adopted by the party council, February 24, 2008 The platform's references to minorities and multicultural communities reflect which of the following trends in late-twentieth-century Europe?

The increasing reliance on immigrant labor

"Among the various species or modifications of liberty, of which on different occasions we have heard so much in England, I do not recollect ever seeing any thing yet offered on behalf of the liberty of making one's own terms in moneylending....No man of ripe years and of sound mind, acting freely, and with his eyes open, ought to be hindered, with a view to his advantage, from making such bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as he thinks fit: nor, (what is a necessary consequence) any body hindered from supplying him, upon any terms he thinks proper to accede to.... You, who fetter contracts; you, who lay restraints on the liberty of man, it is for you to assign a reason for your doing so." Jeremy Bentham, Defence of Usury [Charging of Interest], 1787 Bentham's argument exemplifies which of the following processess at work in eighteenth-century Europe?

The loosening of traditional moral restrictions on economic activity

The incentive for the development of large factories associated with England's early Industrial Revolution was primarily connected with which of the following?

The mechanization of the spinning process in the textile industry

What was the overall effect of World War 1 on the lives of European women?

The war brought many more women into work in industry, transportation and offices.

Which statement best describes changes in the standard of living of average Europeans in the second half of the 19th century?

Their standard of living rose.

Which of the following best summarizes Nazi aims in the systematic killing of millions of Jews along with large numbers of communists, disabled people, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, and socialists?

To eliminate allegedly inferior and undesirable peoples.

"The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage as a consequence of the war." - Treaty of Versailles, 1919 Which of the following best states one purpose of the treaty clause above?

To justify large reparations payments from Germany

Which of the following was a result of the Marshall Plan?

United States political and economic influence increased in Western and Southern Europe.

The beliefs and aspirations of the Romantics included all of the following except

a rejection of nature.

The Maginot Line was

a sophisticated line of defenses in France

At the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Roman Catholic Church sought primarily to

address relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the modern world

The grievance petitions from all three estates called for all of the following except

an American- style republic

The Bastille was

an arsenal and prison

The collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union in the 1930's had all of the following results EXCEPT

an increase in the domestic food supply

"I accuse the war office of having led a vile campaign in the press in order to misdirect public opinion and cover up its sins." "I accuse the first court-martial of having violated all human rights in condemning a prisoner on testimony kept secret from him." The quotations above by Emile Zola were written to

attack the actions of the French military during the Dreyfus Affair

"From this moment...all Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the services of the armies. The young men shall fight; the married men shall forge arms and transport provisions; the women shall make tents and clothes and shall serve in the hospitals; the children shall turn linen into lint [for bandages]; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors and preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic." Decree issued by the republican government of France, August 23, 1793 In subsequent years, the French government used the institutions created by the decree to

attempt to spread French Revolutionary ideals throughout Europe

At the Congress of Vienna, a principle that guided the deliberations of the diplomats was

balance of power

In The Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels asserted that

capitalism was a necessary stage of economic and social development

The rising standard of living in many Western European urban areas during the late nineteenth century resulted in

decreases in birth rates

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the main priority for the United States was

defeating Germany and then turning its resources on Japan

Early public health measures that may have helped reduce death rates in 19th century Europe included all of the following except

discovery of an effective vaccine against the bubonic plague.

Between 1870 and 1914, the heavily industrialized nations of Western Europe earned the loyalty of their citizens by all of the following EXCEPT

dividing farmland equally among peasants

"From this moment...all Frenchmen are in permanent requisition for the services of the armies. The young men shall fight; the married men shall forge arms and transport provisions; the women shall make tents and clothes and shall serve in the hospitals; the children shall turn linen into lint [for bandages]; the old men shall betake themselves to the public squares in order to arouse the courage of the warriors and preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic." Decree issued by the republican government of France, August 23, 1793 The French government issued the decree primarily in response to

domestic unrest and foreign aggresion against the radical Revolutionary government

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen guaranteed all of the following except

economic equality.

The main purpose of the women's march to Versailles in October 1789 was to

ensure the king's support for the Declaration of Rights and cheap bread for Paris

The French Reign of Terror is most closely associated with the

establishment of the Committee of Public Safety

The Versailles settlement included all of the following except

generalized arms control in Europe

The social impact of total war included all of the following except

greater acceptance of ethnic minorities.

The first Popular Front government in France

had as its prime minister the Socialist leader Leon Blum

The Ottoman Empire was referred to as "the sick man of Europe" primarily because of its

inability to effectively maintain its empire in the Balkans during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

"Among the various species or modifications of liberty, of which on different occasions we have heard so much in England, I do not recollect ever seeing any thing yet offered on behalf of the liberty of making one's own terms in moneylending....No man of ripe years and of sound mind, acting freely, and with his eyes open, ought to be hindered, with a view to his advantage, from making such bargain, in the way of obtaining money, as he thinks fit: nor, (what is a necessary consequence) any body hindered from supplying him, upon any terms he thinks proper to accede to.... You, who fetter contracts; you, who lay restraints on the liberty of man, it is for you to assign a reason for your doing so." Jeremy Bentham, Defence of Usury [Charging of Interest], 1787 Bentham's argument in the passage is best explained in the context of the

increasing use of credit for complex financial transactions

The chief cause of growing tension between Britain and Germany in the first decade of the 20th century was

intense commercial rivalry and the German decision to construct a large world-class navy.

Mary Wollstonecraft argued that

men and women would benefit from sexual equality.

The war in the east was best characterized by

more mobility than in the trench warefare on the Western Front

When Germany refused to make its second reparations payment, France

occupied the Ruhr district.

Lenin and the Bolsheviks won widespread popular support in Russia in 1917 by promising

peace, land, and bread

During the Reign of Terror, the majority of the victims were

peasant and laboring class

British economist Thomas Malthus argued that

population always grew faster than the food supply.

One of the first actions taken by Mikhail Gorbachev when he became leader of the Soviet Union in 1985 was to

propose a series of reforms designed to save the failing communist regime

The Helsinki agreement of 1975 called for

respect for human rights and the recognition of existing political boundaries.

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885

set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers.

All of the following factors contributed to the formation of a Franco-Russian alliance in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT

similarity of political regimes

The demands of liberalism included all of the following except

social welfare reform.

The wave of social unrest that almost toppled de Gaulle's Fifth Republic was begun by


All of the following were major goals of the European feminist movement of the late 1960s and 1970s EXCEPT

suffrage for women over the age of 21

The Lateran Accords indicated that Mussolini had the support of

the Pope and the Catholic church.

Hitler acquired absolute dictatorial powers, through the Enabling Act, as a result of

the Reichstag fire.

"In as much as the regime, because of its rigidity, will find it increasingly more difficult to raise industrial output, it is obvious that the standard of living in many sectors of our society may be threatened." The statement above was most likely written by

the Soviet Union at the time of Brezhnev

The Russian Revolution of 1905 resulted from all of the following causes except

the assassination of Alexander III.

The French and British policy of appeasing Mussolini and Hitler can be partly explained by

the belief that the terms of the Versailles treaty were unjust

"The Industrial Revolution, with its technology-driven economic growth, long stood as a formidable barrier to any effort [by historians] to search for economic growth based on any other factor or in any earlier period. Yet...decades of work on early modern European [economic history] have fundamentally challenged the conventional belief in a growthless, traditional economy. It is now sometimes conceded that substantial economic growth occurred before the technological breakthroughs of the Industrial Revolution ....[Moreover, new data] on overall British economic performance during the classical Industrial Revolution era, 1760-1830, reduces [previous historians'] growth estimates by more than half. This slower macroeconomic growth bathes in a rather less luminous light the traditional arguments about the relative importance of technology in initiating modern economic growth in this era. It also reduces the contrast with earlier decades and thus makes pre-industrial Britain as well as several neighboring countries richer, more [developed] societies than has long been supposed." Jan de Vries, historian of early modern Europe, The Industrious Revolution, 2008 Compared with a historian espousing the more traditional view of the Industrial Revolution as a truly transformative event, de Vries would be more likely to emphasize the importance of all of the following EXCEPT

the greater ability of inventors to profit from their inventions due to government support

The brunt of the Soviet war effort was borne by

the peasantry

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the balance of power in Europe was greatly changed by

the unifications of Germany and Italy

In August 1914, the percepton of the upcoming war among Europeans was that

the war would be short, possibly only a few weeks in duration

Civilian bombing was done mainly

to break the will of the people to resist

"The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people" is a principle generally associated with


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