Ap euro test #2

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Who was Marco Polo

A Venetian trader and explorer who traveled to he Mongolian empire and did business there

Edict of nantes

A document issued by Henri IV of France in 1598 granting liberty of conscience and of public worship to Calvinists, which helped restore peace in France

What is constitutionalism and what country exemplified this

A form of government in which power is limited by law in balanced between the authority and power of the government on the one hand and the rights of the subjects on the other hand; could include constitutional monarchy or republics England

What is republicanism

A form of government in which there is no Monarch and power rests in the hands of the people as exercised through elected representatives Dutch

What were the primary causes of European expansion in the elite 15th and the early 16th century's

A growing demand for trade goods, religious fervor to spread Christianity, the desire for glory; the urge to discover the unknown, a lack of opportunity at home, and the enablement of more powerful governments.

Peace of Utrecht

A series of treaties from 1713 to 1715 that ended the war of the Spanish succession and the France expansion in Europe and marked the rise of the British Empire

What was a Fronde

A series of violent uprisings during the early reign of Louis the 14th triggered by growing royal control and increased taxation

What is a Caravel

A small maneuverable three-mast sailing ship developed by the Portuguese in the 15 century that gave them a distinct advantage in exploration and trade

describe the theory of mercantilism

A system of economic regulations aimed at increasing power of the state based on the belief that a nation international power was based on its wealth specifically it's supply of gold and silver

How did the millet system function in the ottoman empire

A system used by the Ottomans whereby subjects were divided into religious communities with each millet (nation) enjoying autonomous self government under its religious leaders

Law of inertia

A law formulated by Galileo that states that motion, not rest, is the natural state of an object And that an object continues in motion forever unless stopped by some external force

What is the ecomienda system

A system where by the Spanish crown granted to Conquerors the right to forcibly the employ groups of Indians in exchange for providing food,shelter, and Christian teaching

Francis bacon = empiricism

A theory of inductive reasoning that calls for acquiring evidence through observation and experimentation rather than deductive reason and speculation

What is the main difference between absolute and constitutionalist government's

Absolute monarchs gathered all power under their personal control Constitutionalist were obliged to respect Laws passed by representative institutions

What role did Africa play in world trade prior to Columbus's voyage

Africa developed several large empires known for their prosperity and culture. Key products from Africa included gold, salt, and slaves. Africans also played a vital role in the spread of Islam.

How were African slaves, Jews, and peasants viewed by most Europeans

African slaves and Jews sinful and depraved Peasants- lower form of humanity

What were the common crisis and achievements of 17 century European states

Agricultural and manufacturing slumps lead to shortages and shrinking population rates. religious and dynasty conflicts lead to almost constant war Absolutism emerged as the solution to crisis

Mexica empire

Aka the Aztec empire A large and complex native American civilization and modern Mexico and Central America advanced mathematical astronomical and engineering technology

Who was the first to describe America as a separate continent from asia

Amerigo Vespucci

Describe the republic system in the Dutch country

An oligarchy of wealthy businessmen handled domestic affairs in each provinces estates The provincial estates had all the power

William Harvey

English royal physician Discovered the circulation of blood through the veins and arteries in 1628 First to explain that the heart worked like a pump Explained the functions of the hearts miscles and valves

Describe the colonial government of the French

The king appointed military governors to rule alongside intendants, royal officials possessed of broad administrative and financial authority within their intendance

What was the cabinet system if the government and how did it work

The leading ministers, who must have seats in and the support of a majority of the House of Commons, formulate common policy and conduct the business of the country

Who is prince Henry

Younger son of the king He supported study of geography and navigation His involvement ensured that Portugal did not abandon the effort despite disappointment

How did Genoa an economic powerhouse

became economically powerful during the Crusades, controlling the northern route to Asia through the Black Sea.

What did race now refer to

biologically distinct groups of people whose physical differences produced differences in culture, character, and intelligence

What was the Columbian exchange and how did it affect the populations of Europe and the Americas

exchange of animals, plants and diseases between the old and new worlds Disease brought by Europeans killed the natives

What was the motivation of Hernando cortes

i've come to win gold how to plow the fields like a peasan

Johannes Kepler

proved mathematically the precise relations of the sun centered solar system He united the theoretical cosmology of natural Philosophy with mathematics

What roles did both the Turkish ottoman and Persian Safavids play in this trade

the two great rivals Persian and the turkeys Ottoman dominated the region

What is cultural relativism

Suggest that one culture is not necessarily superior to another, just different

Third phase of the 30yrs war

Swedish phase 1630-1635 Begin with the arrival of the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus in Germany Richelieu funded the sweds to weaken the Habsburg power


Swiss physician Early advocate of the experimental method in medicine and pioneered the use of chemicals and drugs to address what he saw as chemical, rather than humoral, imbalances


Greek physician The body contained four humors: blood, phlegm, black bike, and yellow bile

Robert Boyle

Irishman Help found the modern science of chemistry First o create a vacuum Bowles law states that all he pressure of has varies inversely with volume

Describe the life at the palace of Versailles

It became the center of political social and cultural life it was overcrowded noisy and smelly

Why was Portugal able to lead the way in exploration

It had a history of seafaring and navigation. Winds blowing against their coast offered passage to Africa, its Atlantic islands, and Brazil

What role did gold play in world trade

It was a important object of trade

What was another source of legitimacy for moscow

It's claim to the political and religious legacy of the Byzantine empire

What was Ivan Ivs nickname and how did he become tsar

Ivan the terrible and he pushed aside his advisers

Describe the time of troubles

Ivan's relatives struggled for power and ordinary people suffered from drought, crop failure, and plaque

Who succeeded Elizabeth 1 and what was his attitude towards the crown

James 1 and he was not as interested in displaying the majesty of the crown as Elizabeth had been. He had absolutist beliefs

What was the first English settlement and when was it settled

Jamestown Virginia in 1697

Describe the colonial government of the English

Representative government - its colonists established their own prodouly autonomous assemblies to regulate local affairs

What were the results for Portugal and international trade

Rewarded with new access to gold, the Portuguese continued to expand their trading empire.

What were the French cultural attitudes towards the natives

Royal officials initially encourage French traders to form ties with indigenous people including marrying local woman

What was a sultan

Ruler of the ottoman empire

What was the role of China and India

Sent Chinese porcelains, silks, and camphor to Malacca India sent Indian textile

How did Elizabeth 1 influence the English monarchy

She refused to marry and was able to maintain control

Why were spices so desirable

Spices served as flavorings for food but they were also used and anointing oil and as incense for religious rituals, and as perfumes, medicines and dyes in daily life

Why was the treaty of tordesillas significant

The 1494 agreement giving Spain everything to the west of an imaginary line drawn down the Atlantic and Portugal everything to the east

The fourth phase of the 30yrs war

The French phase 1635-1648 Promoted by Richelieu who was worried that the Habsburg would rebound after the death of adolphus Richelieu declared war on Spain and sent military as well as financial assistance

Glorious revolution

Replaced James 1 with William of Orange without any bloodshed

Describe events of the 30 years war

1618-1648 Began when Holy Roman emperor tried to force his Bohemian subjects to return to the Catholic Church

Treaty of pyrenees

1659 ended the French Spanish conflict, Spain surrendered territory to France

How did William laud, the Archbishop of Canterbury, create conflict in Britain in the 1630s

Attempted to impose a new prayer book modeled on the Anglican books and bishops

Why was the settlement on the coast of new England undertaken

Because the English came from that Atlantic and it was easier to send supplies and take exports

First phase of the 30yrs war

Bohemian phase 1618-1625 Was characterized by civil war in Bohemia between the catholic league and the protests that union

Describe the social world of peasants

Bread was the primary element of their diet

In what ways did Africa extend its cultural influence

By engaging in the Indian Ocean trade

What were the accomplishments of John Cabot, Martin Frobisher, Jacquies Cartier

Cabot - Genoese merchant living in England, undertook a voyage to Brazil and discovers Newfoundland instead, Frobisher - made three voyages in and around the Canadian bay that now bears his name Cartier - Frenchmen - made several voyages and explored the st.lawrence region of Canada

How did the Spanish transform the new world

Carved out vast estates called haciendas in temperate gazing areas and imported Spanish livestock In coastal areas they erected huge plantations to supply sugary to the European market

What is skepticism

Cautious and critical and suspended judgements

Galileo Galilei

Challenged all the old ideas about motion

Who was the king of Sweden in the time of peter the great

Charles xii

How did China, Muslim world, and Indian Ocean contribute to the technology of exploration

China - gun powder, the compass, and the sternpost rudder Muslim world - perfect the Astrolabe Indian Ocean - the lateen sail, which allowed European ships to tack against the wind

What was the motivation of Christopher Columbus


What was the motivation of vasco da gama

Christians and spices

Instrument of government

Constitution prepared by the army that invested executive power in a lord protector (Cromwell) and a council of state

What is the house of trade and the council of the indies

Controlled the flow of goods and people to and from the colonies while the council of the indies guided royal policy and served as the highest court for colonial affairs

What role did technological advancements play in fostering exploration

Crucial to the voyages of exploration were the new developments in shipbuilding, primarily the caravel, a light, three-masted ship that required fewer sailors; weaponry, particularly the cannon; and navigation, such as better cartography, the magnetic compass, and the astrolabe.

Tycho Brahe

Danish noble He was part copernican and part Ptolemaic and believed that all the planets except the earth revolved around the sun and that the entire group of sun and planets revolved in turn around the earth-moon system

Second phase of the 30yrs war

Danish phase 1625-1629 Leadership of the Protestant king of Denmark. King Christian iv

Cartesian dualism

Descartes view that all of reality could be reduced to mind and matter

How did Spain deal with their mountainous state debt

Devalued the coinage declared bankruptcy

What led to a drastic drop in the Indian population during this time

Disease and warfare with the English led to drastic population losses among the Powhatans

What Unified the world after Columbus

Disease as well as by trade and colonization

What were the English cultural attitudes towards the natives

Drew strict boundaries between civilized and savage. Were segregated from the natives and slaves

During what phase did the holy roman emperor issue the edict of restitution and what was it

During the second phase All catholic properties lost to Protestantism since 1552 where restored and only Catholics and lutherans were allowed to practice their faiths

Who were the electors who was the great elector

Electors were princes or archbishops entitled to elect the holy roman emperor Peter the great was the great elector

Issac newton

English men Studied the natural world to understand the divine plan

how did mongol khan set the stage for the rise of absolutist russia

Established an empire that stretched from Korea to Eastern Europe The princes of Moscow were adept at serving the mongols

Medieval universities

Established new professorships of mathematics, astronomy, and optics

Who were stadholders

Executive officers in each of the united provinces of the Netherlands, a position often held by the princes of orange

How did Richelieu increase the power of the centralized French state

Extended the use of intendants who recruited man for the army, supervised the collection of taxes, and presided over the administration of local law

Who was cardinal Richelieu and what did he do

First minister of the French crown Established administrative system to strengthen royal crown

Who was Zheng he

Fleet admiral from china who traveled along the trade web as far west as Egypt

Andreas Vesalius

Flemish physician Studied anatomy by dissecting human bodies Revolutionized the understanding of human anatomy

Who were Cossacks

Free groups and outlaw armies originally comprising run away peasants

Describe the French settlement of the world

French navigator and explorer Samuel de Champlin founded the first permanent French settlement at Quebec in 1608 Population with small but the French for energetic traders and explores

Who was Michel de montaigne

Frenchmen who developed a new literary genre, the essay - encouraged a growing spirit of skepticism and cultural relativism among Europeans.

What were the factors that helped to shape life in the European colonies

Geographical location, religion, indigenous cultures and practices,patterns of European settlement, and the cultural attitudes and official policies of the European nations that claim them as empires

How did peter reorganize Russia so that it was able to defeat Sweden and become a major European power

He required in the army or civil administration

What was the guiding force behind Richelieus domestic policies

He wanted to destroy catholic Habsburg grip of territories that surrounded france

Who was the count duke of Oliviares and what was his mistaken belief

He was a Spanish administrator like Richelieu and he believed that a return to the imperial tradition of the 16th century could restore spain

What kind of man was Columbus, what was the goal of his first voyage, how did he interpret what he found, in his mind did he achieve what he had set out to dom how was his second voyage different from the first

He was a devoted Christian Very knowledgeable about the sea In his first voyage he wanted to find a direct ocean trading route to Asia He didn't not achieve what he set out to do because in his mind he dreamed of reaching the court of the mongol emperor, the great khan He landed in the Bahamas, described the natives as beautiful and peaceful, he called them Indians. He concluded that they would make good slaves and could be converted to Christianity In his second voyage he forcibly subjugated the island of Hispaniola and enslaved its indigenous people

What role did Oliver Cromwell play in the war and the protectorate

He was a member of the House of Commons and a devout puritan His forces captured Charles 1 and dismissed anti Cromwell members of parliament The rump parliament beheaded Charles Cromwell established the protectorate which was a English military dictatorship run by Cromwell

What were boyars

Highest ranking members of the Russian nobility

Rene Descartes = deductive reasoning

His notion of a mechanistic universe intelligible through the physics of motion proved inspirational

Why is Ptolemys geography historically significant

His work provided significant improvements over medieval cartography, clearly depicting the world as round introducing the idea of latitude and longitude to plot position accurately

How did Venice become an economic powerhouse

In 1304 Venice established formal relations with the sulton of mamluk Egypt opening operations in Cairo the gateway to Asian trade

How did the war of the Spanish succession began

In 1700 when the childless Spanish King Charles 2 died his will have the Spanish crown to Louis xivs grandson Phillip of Anjou, this will violated a prior treaty by which the European powers had agreed to divide the possessions of Spain between the king of France and the holy roman emperor, Louis xiv broke the treaty and accepted the will

When was constaninople defeated

In may 1453 it was renamed Istanbul

How did the Spanish conquer the aztecs

In the early sixteenth century, Spanish troops led by Hernando Cortes took advantage of Aztec internal weakness, local opposition, and Aztec attitudes about war ​to conquer the Aztec Empire in Mexico. The Spanish, led by Francisco Pizarro, also ​. defeated the Incas.

Describe the colonial government of the Portuguese

India house in Lisbon functioning much like the Spanish house of trade and royal representatives overseeing its possessions in west Africa and Asia. Implemented the system of captaincies, hereditary grants of land given to nobles and loyal officials who bore the costs of settling and administering their territories

The renaissance

Renaissance patrons played a role in funding scientific investigations

Describe Henry the greats reign over France until his death

Kept France at peace during most of his reign Lowered taxes Allowed Protestants to worship Imltoved infrastructure of France

What was the purpose of the test act

Legislation passed by the English Parliament in 1673 to secure the position of the Anglican church by stripping Puritans Catholics and other dissenters of the right to vote, preach, assemble, hold public office, and teach at or attend the university's

Who was jean baptiste colbert

Louis xivs controller general he was a financial genius

Who was Francois le tellier

Louis xivs secretary of war He created a professional army in which France the state rather then the nobles employed the soldiers

What was the main problem for colonial administrators

Main problem posted by the astronomically high death rate was the loss of the subjugated labor force to work the mines and sugar plantations

Describe john locked position of the government

Maintained that a government that oversteps its proper functions of protecting the natural rights of life, liberty, and property , it becomes a tyranny

How did the English differ from the Portuguese Spanish and French in terms of children born of relationships with natives

Masters were less likely to free children they fathered with female slaves

What was family like during this time

Men assumed authority over women

To legitimize their new position what did the princes of Moscow do

Modeled themselves after the mongol khans

What was the dominant worldview at the beginning of the 16th century

Natural philosophy was still based primarily on the ideas of Aristotle which was in harmony with Christian doctrine

What did Europeans tell themselves justify the institution of slavery

Necessary for their salvation because Africans were inferior to Europeans

Law of universal gravitation

Newtibs law that all objects are attracted to one another and that the force of attraction is proportional to the objects quantity of matter and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

How did Fredrick William 1 sustain agricultural production while dramatically expanding the size of the army

Ordered that all Prussian men undergo training and serve as reservists in the army

Describe the conditions of ordinary sailors and why they joined these crews

Ordinary sailors were ill paid and life at sea meant danger overcrowding and hunger Men chose to join these invisible cruise to escape poverty at home to continue a family trait or do you find better lives as illegal immigrants in the colonies

What is the great chain of being

Peasants and lower class were expected to defer to their betters with humble obedience

How did famines affect the European population in the 17th century

Period of colder and wetter climate = little ice age Shorter farming season with lower yields led to food shortages which could led to famine Recurrent famines reduced the population Most people did not die of outright starvation but through spread of diseases like smallpox and typhoid

Who was Thomas Hobbes and what was his view on human nature

Pessimistic views about human Believed that left to themselves humans would compete violently for power and wealth

Experimental method

Pioneered by Galileo The proper way to explore the workings of the universe was through repeatable experiments rather than speculation

Describe the English civil war

Pitted the power of the king again after that of the parliament

Who was Nicholas Copernicus and what was the Copernican hypothesis

Polish cleric The idea that the sun not the dart was the center of the universe

Which countries were most affected by riots

Portugal Spain France Italy

Who is Ferdinand Magelllan and why is he significant

Portuguese mariner sent to find a sea route to the spices of Moluccas off the southeast coast of Asia by Charles v of Spain. Magellan located the Magellan straits and named the Pacific Ocean His voyage revolutionized Europeans understanding of the world by demonstrating the vastness of the pacific

How did Bohemia and Hungary obtain different status in the Austrian empire

Protestantism was stamped out in Bohemia and Hungary was never fully integrated into a centralized , absolute Habsburg state

How did Frederick William of Prussia persuade the junker nobility to except taxation without consent in order to fund the army

Reconfirmation of their own privileges and authority over the serfs

Describe the economic impact and cultural vitality of the Indian Ocean trade world

The Indian Ocean was the center of the Afroeurasian trade world

Why did the ottoman expansion frighten Europeans

The Ottoman army seemed invincible and empires desire for expansion limitless Ottoman empire dominated trade routes to the east

Describe the Ottoman controlled sea trade

The Ottomans control the sea trade in the eastern Mediterranean in Syria Palestine Egypt and the rest of north Africa

Why did the native populations of the New World decline so rapidly after the Spanish conquest

The Spanish exploited the natives for work in plantations, mines, and ranches Due to violence, disease, forced labor, and related factors, the native population rapidly declined, leading the Spanish to turn to African slaves for labor.

What was the janissary corp

The core of the sultans army composed of slave conscripts form non-Muslim parts of the empire

What was one of the key achievements of a new world view of the 16th century

The development of better ways of obtaining knowledge about the world

Describe the role that woman played in the new world

The first explorers formed unions with women by force and relied on women as translators, guides, and to firm alliance Ruth indigenous powers

How did the influx of silver impact Spain in the 16th century and who actually controlled the silver market

The importation of New World silver turned Spain into a major economic and political power in the sixteenth century. Negative impacts included a price revolution marked by severe inflation that strained the Spanish government and spread to the rest of Europe. Chinese control of the world silver market compounded problems.

What events took place to spark the golden age of the Netherlands

The independence of the republic of the united provinces of the Netherlands was recognized in 1648 in the treaty that ended the 30yrs war

What are viceroyalties and where were they located

The name for the four of the administrative units of Spanish possessions in the Americas: located in new Spain, Peru, ew Granada, and la plata

What is the peace of Westphalia

The name of a series of treaties that concluded the 30 years war in 1648 and marked the end of large scale religious violence in Europe

What was the importance of sugar to European trade and describe the condition and occupation of slaves

The need for laborers for the highly profitable sugar plantations increased the demand, motivating the Portuguese to import African slaves into the New World. Inhumane conditions for slaves on the Atlantic passage resulted in high death rates.

Who were junkers

The nobility of Brandenburg and Prussia

How did black African slavery enter the European picture and take root in the Americas

The ottoman capture of Constantinople halted the flow of white slaves from the eastern Mediterranean so Europe then turned to sub Saharan Africa which had along history of internal slave trading

How was the monarchy restored

The restorationof 1660 brought to throne Charles 2 eldest son of Charles 1

New technology

The rise of the printing press provided a faster and less expensive way to circulate knowledge across Europe

Which group of individuals suffered the mist from the economic downfall

The urban poor and peasants

What was the inca empire

The vast and sophisticated Peruvian empire centered at the capital of Cuzco that was at its peak from 1438 until 1532 The Spanish, led by Francisco Pizarro, also ​defeated the Incas.

How was the life indigenous people before European rival

Their patterns of life varied widely from hunter gatherer tribes organized into tribal confederations on the North American plains to two large scale agriculture based empires connecting busting cities and towns

What do these two government share

They both expanded their frontiers, raised taxes,consolidating central control, and competing for the new colonies

How did catholic friars attempt to convert the indigenous people

They saught understanding of native cultures and languages as part of their effort to render Christianity comprehensible to indigenous people

What was the motivation of bartholomew diaz

To serve God and his Majesty to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do

Why did Peter the Great form an alliance with Denmark and Poland

To wage a sudden war against Sweden

Describe the trade relationships between Venice and Egypt

Traded luxury goods and slaves

What role did puritans play in the religious divide

Tried to purify the Anglican Church

In 1709 where did peter the great defeat Sweden


What city was the political and cultural center of the Habsburg Empire


What was the impact of European conquest on the peoples in ecology of the New World

Violence and disease wrought devastating losses, while surviving peoples and encountered new political social and economic organizations imposed by Europeans Brought infectious diseases New crops altered consumption patterns in Europe and across the globe

When historians refer to moral economy what do they mean

Vision of a world in which community needs predominante over competition and profit

How did Europeans support their belief for slavery

Went back to Aristotles arguement that some people are naturally destined for slavery and to biblical associations between darkness and sin

Vasco da gama.

With the help of an Indian guide he reached the port of Calicut in India, he returned to Lisbon loaded with spices and samples of Indian cloth

Who often led the riots and why

Women because of their role as mothers gave them exemption from punishment

Why was the middle east so vital to world trade

the Middle East served as a intermediary for trade between Asia Africa and Europe and was also an important supply of goods for foreign exchange specially silk and cotton

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