AP Euro Timeline

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Arab Spring

A series of popular revolts in several countries in the MIddle East and North Africa that sought an end to authoriatian, often Western-supported regimes. In early 2011 in a small town a poor fruit vendor lit himself on fire to protest official harassment. Through social media it spread throughtout Middle East and North Africa and it caused voilence, chaos and protests. Tunisia's authoritarian president fled, in Egypt the President was forced to resign, and it caused Civil War in Syria.

Muslim Citizens in Europe

After 9/11 and the London and Madrid bombings the poeple in Europe were now scared. Even though most Mulisms do not support radical Islamic but that does not stop people in Europe being afrid of them. In France they tried enforce a ban on wearing the hijab in public schools, and this created tension.


After Stalin died most high party officials did not realize all the atrocities that Stalin was doing. When he died they realized there had to be widespread change as their was fear and hatred throughtout the USSR. This was lead by Nikita Kruschev, as he shifted focus from military to consumer goods. The de-stalinization actually lead to more freedom for writers and intellectuals.


After World War I nobody wanted another war, meaning everyone but Germany/HItler. Therefore Britian did the idea of apeasement. They let Germany stop listening to the Treaty of Versialles and could do other things. Britain truely just wanted to not cause a war and let Hitler do what he wanted to an extent. It was during this time that Britain and other coutnries thought Communism and Stalin were more of a threat than Hitler and Germant. They did not act when Germany marched into the Rhineland.

Struggle for Power in Asia

After World War II countries in Asia fought for their own independence. One country was Indonesia who were under Dutch control since the 17th century. During WWII Japan had taken over the country and when they had to let it go after the war the Dutch went back over. The Guerllia force of Marixists, Islamic Nationalists that fought for their independece. India and Gandhi helped lead the way for independence. Britain wirthdrew peacefully but then there was the Hindu-Muslim issue. This lead to India being for the Hindu poplulaiton and the Muslim population in Pakistan. China also became communist.

Guest Worker Programs

After World War II especially in Germany, the European countries lost a lot of young men while also having a booming economy. They needed laborers so they started the guest worker programs. Many of the men were sending their money back home. They were supposed to eventually go back home, but many stayed and made lives there, with famalies. THere was also immigration from former colonies and it was just a time of immigration.

Women's New Role

After and a few years after that World War II women's roles changing in both the East and West. It was after the war that pregnancy and child care was taking up a much smaller portion of a womam's life. Three things helped with the change, 1. the economic boom created more jobs, 2. shifted away from male-dominated stuff (coal), 3. they got more of an education and allowed them to have more jobs. In the East bloc women was almost half of the work force. The thing is is that the women had to work now, but also had to take care of the household. The women were doing double dut. Of course they still faced dicrimination. Married women especially faced wide-spread discimination with pay, advancement, and in choice of men or women.

Hitler's takeover of Europe

After he remilitarized the Rhineland he moved on to Austria and Czechoslavkia. Austria kind of just put them into power cause they were "German" too. The appeasement thing happened again with the Sudetendland and Czechoslovakia that Germany was allowed to take over the Sudetenland. Then in 1939 Hitler just took over the rest of Czechoslavakia. Germany than invaded Poland and then World War II began. WHen Germany was using planes and the blitzfkreig tactic he took Poland in four weeks, He then took Denmark, Norway and Holland. Then France was taken over. He then wanted to get BRitain and the Battle for Britain started in the air. Brtain was being bombed and this caused a huge push for aircraft stuffs and Britain would win.

United States Fight Through Italy

After the United States and Britain defeated the Axis in North Africa they moved up to Italy. Mussolini was overhtorwn by a coup and the new government surrendered. Nazi armies would invade Northern Italy and central Italy.

End of the Cold War

After the peaceful German reunification of the pushed along the end of the Cold War. In 1990 delegates from 22 countries and people from the US and USSR met in Paris. THere they affirmed the exisiting borders in Europe, including Germany and the Baltic States, and that they were legal and valid. There the Paris Accord was worked out as a genral peace treaty for the end of WWII and the Cold War. The peace also encourages the USA and the USSR to scrap a lot of thier nuclear weapons. In September 1991 President George H W Bush canceld the around the clock alert status for AMerican bombers outfitted with atomic bombs. Gorby did to.

Turmoil in The Muslim World

After the shock of 9/11 and other terrorist attacks brought more attention to the radical Islamics and their hostility towards America. One group is the Muslim Brotherhood which is an Islamic social and political reform group founded in Egypt in 1928 that called for natinal liberation from European control and return to Shari'a law. When Afghanistan was fighting against the Soviets the US supported the mujahideen. After they won many would go on to support the Taliban, who would later support and protect Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda terrorist network.

The Digital Age

An important part of the digital age had a profound thing on the patterns of communications, commerce, and politics. Leisture time was a big change in leisure time. Now there was things like Netflix and online streaming and things like that. Ipads and Kindles go around in which you can read on them. It also changed communiction.


Another thing that Gorby did was economic reforms. The reforms and restructuring on in 1985 by him are called Perestroika. They allowed some easing prices on goods, mroe independence for state enterprises, adn the creation of the private companies. There was some improvements but it would not fix it.

End of the Soviet Union

As 1990 began only two countires in the old East bloc were still communist, Albania and the Soviet Union. Throughout the countries the communists suffered defeats in elections and the Soviet Union was quickly falling apart. Lithuania voted in a nationalist that declared independence and Gorby did not roll in with tanks to get it. Gorby then had the Soivet vote to break down some Communist power and expand the power of the Congress of People's Deputies. Though Gorby had sucsess in that he would not hold elections which made Boris Yeltsin more popular. In the end the Soviet Union collaspsed and Russia became a thing.

Big Science

Big Science was when theoritcal science joined with technology/applied science during World War II. Many leading scientists went to work on secret government projects to help fight the war. The biggest example was the atomic bomb, which was created during the war. Big Science was seriously expensive. After the war scientists continued to work on military techonolgy and research. It was after the war that they figured out missiles, nuclear submarines, spy satellites. Like 1/4 people who were trained sceintsits were in the arms production. And then the arms race started. After the Soviets put a person into space there was a run to put a man on the moon. The USA did it first. THere was also the invention of the computer that pushed things along.

Boris Yeltsin of Russia

Boris Yeltsin was the president of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. He had to deal with the terrible economic conditions of Russia while not reverting it to Communism. He thought that shock therapy would revive production and create properity. It did not work as by 1996 it was making 1/3 to 1/2 less than it had in 1991. He was also the cause of Oligarchs. Oligarchs were the new capitalist elite that acquired great wealth and power.

Developed Socialism

By this time everything the communist leaders wanted to achieve they had. They described the social accomplsihmetns with developed socialism. This inlcudes nationalized industry, collective agriculture, and extensive social welfare programs.

Climate Change

Climate change is the changes in long-standing weather patterns caused primarily by carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Since the 1990s the people in Europe have been doing things to stop climate change. Many countries have cracked down on CO2 emmissions and sewage in the water-ways.

Concentration Camps

Concentration camps was were the Naxi Germans sent the groups they did not like. THey sent Jews, Slavs, homosexuals, gypsies and probably a whole bunch of other people. Not all of them were extermination camps. Some were where they were sent to work and bo fed so they would die anyway but they got work out of them firsst.


Decolonization in Africa was very quick and mostly smooth. Most of Britain's colonies were lost without bloodshed and then many joined the Bristish commonwealth. Though there was issues with Algeria, as they had a ten year long civil war. After the countries left they still had significant influence over the countries. It is a postcolonial system tha tperpetuates Western economic exploitation in former colonial territories.


Diasporas are enclaves of ethnic groups settled outside of their homelands. By 2010 immigration was large and by this time there were enough people in other countries to be little groups of them settled in one place. There was two main groups. One was a small percentage that were specialists who could find work in the upper ranks of education, businesss, and high-tech. The othered were living in poor houses and poor places.

Immigration Flows

During the 1990s migrants from Africa, Asia, and the former East bloc were moving into the the European Union. While some did it legally, some did not. There are gangs who smuggle people into the countries for money or they kidnap people.

Promoting Human Rights

Entering into the twenty-first century the people of the EU had some of the highest living standards in the world. There had been 50 years of peace and security. The Europeans felt a need to help, probably cause they realized how good they have it, and began promiting peace and human rights. The EU felt they had to help, like when the EU joined the US to protect the people in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo. They also stop the use of the death penalty and do not like that the US, China and other countries had.

Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic cleansing if the attempt to establihs ethnically homogeneous territories by initmidation, forced deportation, and killing. It was a genocide. This occured during the Bosnian civil war. Serbian armies would "cleanse" the territories of non-Serbs. It was really bad. The Serbs

Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Europe and the rest of the world are very dependent on fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas. Russia and the United States are using much of the fossil fuels and scientists said that it woud not be sustainiable. In fact one of the main reasons that the US intervened in the Middle East and Central Asia was because of the need for fossil fuels.

Aftermath of World War II

Europe was in ruins. The war destroyed not only cities but landscapes, buildings, facotires, farms, railroads, roads, and bridges. Many major cities were destroyed and the death toll was bad. The Soviet Union lost 23 million people. 9 to 11 million died in Nazi concentration camps, literally 1 of 5 poles died, and in total around 50 million human beings died. All theh destrution lead to millions of people homeless. Germany and Austria was split into four parts, France, USA, Great Britain, and the USSR. In each part each country was in charge of getting justice.

Political Consensus in Europe

France, West Germany, and Italy went through the Christian democrats way towards government. But not all Western bloc countries did. While Portugal, Spain, and Greece pretty much supported NATO they were ruled by authoritatian regimes. Spain and Portgual were nationalists and both were taken down in the 1970s. Greece was ruled by a authortarian monarch and also taken down in the 1970s. The Scandinavian countires and Great Britain went to the left. They became social democratic with state sponsered welfare benefits. In Britain it had the cradle to grave ideas.


Globalization is the emergence of a freer, more technologically connected global economy, accompanied by a worldwide exchange of cultural, political, and religious ideas. The growth of multinatnioal corporations changed national economies.

Mikhail Gorbachev Of the Soviet Union

Gorbachev was the guy who ended up causing the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union. The economy of the Soviet Union was really really bad. So he knew he had to make better relations with the West and to stop the arms race. He also had to deal with all the alcoholics in the governmnet. He had the thing of glasnot which was his campaign for openness in government and media.

Adolf Hitler of Germany

Hitler was a wackjob. He wrote Mein Kampf in which he put his main ideas in there. He had to come to power through voting an so he built up the Nazi Party. It was the Great Depression that fully grew National Socialism/Nazism. He had the idea of "national rebirth" and this appealed to many. Bu JUly of 1932 they were the largest party in Germany. He would legally become Chancellor of Germany.

Why People Supported Hitler

Hitler was an amazing public speaker and was able to capture a lot of people through this. There was the fear factor of we have to listen or the secret police can get us. It was mainly though that Hitler promised change for the better. He did help economically by a large public works thing. The prosecution of Jews was also beneficial to the Germans as it freed up jobs. Hitler also put out the idea that the German race was the superior race, and who does not like being told that.

Common Market

In 1951 the Coal and Steel Community was formed between West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg which created a single markets for steel and coal with national tariffs. In 1957 at the Treat of Rome it created the Common Market. The first goal was no national tariffs. There was also the idea of encouraging trade between European states and global exports. This helped for some progress but was slowed in the 1960s with the resurgence of nationalism.

German Reunification

In 1989 communism fell in East Germany. They wanted to keep socialism, but make it democratic. Due to this they were slightly scared of unification. But in the first week of the border being ooen over 9 million, half the population, went to the West to visit family or just to see the other side and rreturned home. Also, West German chancellor Helmut Kohl took the oppurtunity to offer up a ten-step process for unification. Then the creation of the Alliance for Germany pushed things along. And then in the summer of 1990 there was a push for unification. Gorby did not want it to happen but Kohl sweetened the deal with loans and a promise for no nuclear weapons. It was peaceful.

Velvet Revolution

In Czechoslovakia Communism died. Well it peacefully went away. The Velvet Revolution grew out of popular demand. It was lead by students and intelluctuals and Vaclav Havel. WHen the protest took to the streets the Communist government resigned. This lead to a power sharing arragnement government of National Understanding and voted Vaclav Havel as president.

Dissent in Czechoslovakia

In Czechoslovakia dissent grew. Lead by Vaclav Havel a small group of people signed Charter 77. In this they pointed out how the government was not follwoing the human rights portion of the Helsinki Accords. They called out the leaders and wanted change. They also critized censorship and envriomental changes. This did not really do much but show you could challenge the government.

Dissent in Poland

In Poland communism neber fully took hold and Catholicism was a huge deal. When John Paul II became Pope and was from Poland he said the people have inalienable rights and this lit up the nation. In the Lenin Shipyards there was a 18 strike where nobody worked. The government agreed to the Gdansk agreements that was for free trade unions away from the state and other rights. Then Solidarity was formed, it started a union and quickly became a symbol for the anti-communism thing. In the end Solidarity was outlawed but still had huge public support.

Conflict in the Middle East

In some areas peace was fine but in others it was NOT. The French left Syria and Lebanon and Saudi Arbia and Transjordan got independence from Britain. The issue was Israel and Palestine. Britain supported a Jewish homeland in the peace accords among the Arab peple. Jews and Arabs were both not very happy. One the Jewish state was proclaimed it was atacked but fought off.


In the 1980s new conservatives started winning elections. They followed the philosophy of neoliberalism. They wanted privatization of state-run industries and decreased government spending on social services. They were laissez-daire policies and were rooted in the free market.

Post industrial Society

In the 1980s scholars spole of the shift as the arrival of the information age. The post industrial societs is one that realies on high tech and service oriented jobs. They rely on this for economic growth, instead of heavy industry and manufacturing jobs.

Changing Class Structures

It was in the postwar time that the classes become much loser and fuzzier. The middle class changed significantly as before it was individual business owners blut after 1945 it changed as small businesses were no longer as profitable. This is due to many reasons like the rapid industrialization and technolofical expansion. The class structure was seriously changed. While some people did get better jobs then others, Communist Party Members, the difference between the high earners and low eaners was much smaller than in the West. The structure of the lower class also changed greaty as it became more flexable and open. The lower classes used to be famers but slowly became industrial workers and then some became white-collar. This and the welfare benefits changed the lower classes.

Brezhnev Doctrine

Leonid Brezhnev was the leader of the Soviet Union. He held that the Soviet Union had the right to intervene in any East bloc country when necessary to preserve COmmunist rule. Brezhnev was the guy who did the Re-stalinization so this is not surprising. This was used in Czechoslovakia in which they invaded in 1968.

Life in the East bloc

Life in the East bloc was HARD. Under Stalin: During WWII Stalin was a pretty normal leader. He was not super controlly. Literally right after the war he started back up into classic Stalin. He started with a purge, killing both soldiers and citizens that could be a threat or sending them to forced labor camps. He had strict censorship on everything, and verballey attacked Jews, as they had jobs in banking which was seen as anti-communist. He also did more five year plans focusing on industry and military, like military techonology. In the Satellite countries: communism was kind of new so they had to do collectivization.

Life/Cultural of the Soviet Union under Stalin before WWII

Life was hard as heck. There was a lack of housing as millions were moving into cities but there was no new apartments. There was a lot of shortages of goods and the living standard was low. They were had optimistic beleifs though as communism gave them a way to work themselves up higher. Soviet workers did get old-age pensions, free medical, education, and daycare and unemployment was LOW. Under Stalin women lost all the rights they had gotten from Communism.l They were able to get a better education tho. The culture was also highley propaganized.


Multiculturalism is the mixing of ethnic styles in daily life and in cultural works such as film, music, art, and literature. One is with Rai. It orginiated in the Bedouin culture of North Africa. In the 1920s it traveled with Algerians to France. The music is now a bend of US rap, African folk, and French and spainsh pop styles.

Global Economy

Multinatioal corporations was flourishing in the world economy. The world econonmy was organized around policies of free-market neoliberialism. The multinatioal corporations built companies all over the world, and since it is everywhere they escaped the control of national regulators. The development of the Internet and personal computers alowed for economic activity everywhere and its all connected like that.

Benito Mussolini of Italy

Mussolini was literally the most oppurtunistic man there was. He was a socialist and then switched to hating them. In order to help win his election/power he ran on the fact that he could stop the violence caused by the Blackshirts. He was able to stop it, why? Cause he created them and was in charge of them. He also created fascism so there is no full on definition of it. Once in power it was almost a totalitaianism country but he was not able to have the same power that Stalin and HItler had. He did not have a strong army. By 1926 Italy was a one party dictatoship under Mussolini. He was a capitalist, not socialist or communist. He also did the Lateran Agreement in which he recognized teh Vatican as an independent state. He supported traditional gender roles, wanted women to be constantly pregnet, prayed on the people's love for Rome, passed Anti-Jewish laws,


NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This is an anti-Soviet military alliance where if one country in it is invaded they will all help to defend them. With US backing West Germany was able to join and rebuild its military. The Warsaw Pact was created in a way to counteract. It was the Soviets and it's satellite coutnries and was also a military thingy.

Changes in the East bloc

New leaders came up during after the collaspe of the Soviet Union. Poland also did economic shock therapy. It did cause rapid inflation but since it was backed by the West it eventually worked. Czechoslokvia took part in the velvet divorce where they split into the Czech republic and Slovakia. Czechoslavakia, Estonia, and Slovenia all tried vouchers. Poland, the Czach Republic, and Hungary were the most successful after the Soviet Union.

Nikita Khruschev

Nikita Kruschev was the Soviet leader who came after Stalin in the Soviet Union. He gave the "secret speech" he told the communist party leaders all the crazy things that Stalin did. He then worked to de-stalinize the Soviet Union. He agreed for a nuetral Austria, He also started "wooing" the new countries in Asia and Africa. He relaxation lead to revolts throughout the satellite countries, like in Hungary. It ended with the rebellion being crushed by they tried. He was also in power during the Cuban Missle Crisis. He build the Berlin Wall and seeing that the USA did not do anything about it he decided to secretly put missles in Cuba. When the US found out we put a blockade on Cuba and after a tense diplomatic crisis he agreed to remove Soviet missles as long as the USA did not bother Cubs

Pearl Harbor

One this day Japan decided that war with the United States was inveitable, so they might as well start it. Therefore they sank every American battleship at Pearl Harbor, but every aircraft carrier was at sea. This is what pushed the United States to join the war.


Right after they left the Soviet Union the East bloc countries were in economic turmoil. There was many changes cultural and economically. Ostaglie is the German term referring to nostalgia for the lifestyles and culture of the vanished East bloc. Things that were everyday goods that were no longer produced were some things that were missed.

The Great Purges

So Stalin started to kill everyone. It started with Stalin's number two man Sergei Kirov and grew from there. From 1936 to 1938 a whole bunch of evidnece was mad eup in which he killed Red Army leaders and othe rleadres. He had a whole bunch of lower party members killed also. At least 6 million were arrested and 1 to 2 million never returned.


So facism was started by Mussolini in Italy and the definition can be kind of loose. It was used by both HItler and Mussolini and were both successful. The main point of it is that it was EXTREME nationalism. They were also usually rascists. They also glorified war and the military as it was importnat. They promised to help the people. They also focused on eugenics. This is that the selective breeding of human beings could imporce the gernal characteristics of a national population.

National Socialism

So it was pretty much just nationalism and racism. Two things Hitler loved most. He was extremley anti-semetic. The German Natinoal Socialism party hated Jews, Marxists, and democrats. They wanted to abolish the bad tings from capitalism and make a "people'community." A lot of it was written out in Mein Kampf, the racism, and the labensraum.

Socialist Realism

Socialist Realism is the type of art that was pretty much the only kind that could be made in the east bloc. It conformed to the ideals of Communism and was enforced by the state. If artists strayed from the party lines they would be denounced and would force the talented writers, composers, adn film directors to produce what they wanted.

Five Year Plans

Stalin's first five year plan was to increase industrial output by 250% and agricultural output by 150% with no expense. He did this so they could fully keep with socialism and kill all parts of capitalism. Stalin truely just wanted to catch up with the West. It was atually was kind of successful so that is good and bad.

Slow Food Manifesto

Starting in Italy it was a protest of a form of globalization, fast food. The movement points out that you should support local resturants as it cooks with local products and traditional methods. They also were healthier and kept jobs in the community. This spread thorughout Europe quickly.

Economic Crisis

Starting in the 1970s the West entered into a long period of economic decline. This was caused by the international moentary system that was based on the American dollar. The American dollar valued in gold at $35 and ounce. Then the USA spent billions on foreign aid and wars which weakened the value of the dollar. Then in 1971 Nixon attempted to reverse the change and stopped the exchange of US gold currrency for gold. The dollar fell and inflation was worldwide.


The Axis were an alliance that started out as Italy and Germany and grew to include Japan. It would grow at the beginning of the war with Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria joining them. They were all fascist countries that were lead by a dictatorship. THey would go on to lose the war.

Christian Democrats

The Christian Democrats were rooted in the Catholic parties of the pre-war decades. They offered voters a center right vision of reconciliation and recovery whom were tired of radical politics. In France, Italy, and West Germany they won office. They drew inspiration from a common Christian and European heritage, they placed their faith in dmeocracy and liberalism. They wanted a return to traditional family values. They also wanted free-market economics and promised prosperity.

The Cold War

The Cold War was mainly between the United States and the Soviet Union. It started out of a few things. There was the fact that the West was capitalist while the East was communist. This was a tension as east saw eachother as a threat. There was also the fact that Stalin was in power and taking over the satellite countries and making it hard to beleive he was not expansionist.

The Counter Culture Movement

The Counterculture Movement was a youthful thing that is now called the sixties generation. This emerged from the kids of the people who experienced WWII and grew up in a time were all they knew was teh cold war. It started with the protests of University of California-Berkeley and grew throughout Europe as they were inspired by the civil rights movement. There was also the New Lefts. They embraced an updated version of Marxism that challenged both Soviet communism and Western capitalism. They were also more sexually open as they had birth control and were just more open. There was also rock and roll and drug use.

European Union

The European Union is the economic, cultural, and political alliance of twenty-seven European nations. THis was redone in 1993. It wanted to help all of Europe with free movement in labor,capital, and services. Some citizens did not like the EU as they feared it was at their expense.

European Miracle

The Marshall Plan works really well. Within ten years Europe is rebuilt and flourishing. Through the help the United States made friends, and was actually seen as benevolent in Europe. The Soviets were offered aid and turned it down for themselves and Eastern Europe.

Marshall Plan

The Marshall plan was more to rebuild Europe than to stop communism spread. Herbert Hoover was sent to Europe to find out how much money was needed. Europe was not a good place, was seriously destroyed. US sent 13 billion worth of aid to Europe. It was either straight money, or materials like blankets.

Korean War

The Northern part of Korea, which was the Russian part, invaded South Korea. America being America, belived that the Russians made North Korea do it, even though they did not. There was technically UN intervention as the Security Council was actually able to make a decision. Why? The USSR was boycotting it. The UN puts together a police action and sends troops into it. This was a war by proxy as there was no direct fighting between the USA and USSR. It was also the first time the war got hot.

Second Vatican Council

The Second Vatican Council was a meeting of Catholic leaders that iniated reforms. One big one was the replacement of Latin with local languages in church services. The was to make more the church more appealing. They had a more openness of Catholic theology.

Truman Doctrine

The United States believed that the Soviets were trying to make all of Europe communist. The Truman Doctrine was made specifically for Greece and Turkey, USA thought, and was right, if they could help those countries they would not want to be communist and fall under the Soviets. The Americans float them 400 million dollars from tax payer money. They were abe to convince the people as Truman pretty much started the red scare.

Global/Eurozone Recession

The United States went into a recession in 2008 and took the rest of Europe with it. In Europe the recession caused a housing bubble, high national deficits, and a weak bond market. In Iceland the currency and banking system collasped. Both Ireland and Latvia made huge cuts to try and balance the national budget. Britain was in huge debt by 2010 and Spain, Portugal, and mainly Greece, were close to bankruptcy. Greece was really and there was thoughts that this could seriously hurt the eurozone. It also but it into question as the common currency gave the people thriving the idea they had to help out. The belief in the eurozone was shook.

New Youth Culture and Generation Gap

The baby boomers made themselves their own very distinct culture. This subculture was found in the United States and Western Europe. They were there with the rock n roll culture. They also played a key role in the consumer revolution as they now had money to spend on things cause they had jobs. They bought things like clothing and pop music and other things like that. There was also a huge growth in universities and college stduents. The higher education gave more options to the lower and middle class students.

Berlin Blockade

The city of Berlin was split into two between the West and East. The whole city of Berlin was in the East part and so there was agreed on air corriders that the West could fly through. So the two parts of Germany was supposed to be temporary but it became obvious that the Soviets were not going to merge and therefore USA,France, and GB merged their side. Stalin was grumpy about it and did a blockade. Technically that is an act of war and it almsot started another war. Instead we did the Berlin airlift. That is when the USA 24/7 used the air corriders to literally bring the people of Berlin everything they needed. A plane would land every 90 seconds. Stalin removed the blockade after 11 months but we kept it up for 15.

The Affluent Society

The economic growth in the 1960s allowed the expanding middle class to enjoy the comsumer revolution. Europeans now had more money to spend on leisure time and recreation. One of the things that blossomed was mass travel and tourism. People often traveled to the beach and to ski resorts. There was also cheap airfares now. Household appliances were also now a thing in many homes even though they technically caused women to spend more time doing hosuehold work.

Economic Shock

The economy of Russia was not good after the fall of the Soviet Union. So they did economic shock therapy. This them abolishing price controls on 90% of Russian goods, with the exception of bread, vodka, oil, and public transportation. The government then sold state-owned industries to private investors. They tried to share the wealth through vouchers but it did not really happen as the old bosses were still in charge. It was supposed to revive the economy but it caused huge inflation. The shock led to Russia being highly monopolized and other things like that.

Enabling Act

The enabling act is what gave Hitler dictatorial power for 4 years. It was pushed through the Reichstag and therefore was legal. This was when Germany became a one-party state. They had "elections" but in reality they just put Nazi officials in power and everyone has responsible to Hitler.

Changes in Yugoslavia

The fall of Yugoslavia came after the revolutions of 1989. It was held together by Josip Tito and after he died it shifted power to the different republics. The Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, wanted to centralize the government under Serbian rule. Therefore he supported grabs for land in other republics to unite the Serbs. This caused a huge war and a lot of people died. He did not want Kososvo to have independence. Kosovo Liberation Army was of militants who fought for their independence. They would eventually get it.

Joseph Stalin of Russia Before World War II

The first thing is is that he came to power legally. He gained support of the party as he was not expansionialist and his other beliefs that disagreed with Leon Trotsky, which he won leader over. He became a totallitarian dictator. He wanted to rapidly industrialize Russia, which he did do. He was a really bad guy. He literally caused a famine in the Ukraine and was cool with it.

The Strain on U.S.-European Relations

The growing gap between the United States and Europe had several different causes. One is that the European Union was now the world's biggest trader and this challenged the Unites States dominance. Also the United States refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocal of 1997 that was to limit global warming. They said it was because of economic issues but 200 countries signed. The United States also did not agree to do the International Criminal Courts which around 140 countries signed. Also things like the US's lax on gun laws and capital punishment was looked down upon in Europe.

Displaces Persons

The tens on millions that no longer had homes were the dispalced persons. 25 million in the USSR and 20 million in Germany. THere was also the policies of Hitler and Stalin forcing around 30 million from their hoemes in central and eastern Europe. Also around 13 million ethnic Germans feld West from the advancing Soveit Union. THere was also the people released from concentration camps, prisoners of war, and all the orphaned children. All these people had to find food and shelter. THere was camps opened by the United Nations. For a lot going home was not a good idea as it could have been ruled by the USSR.

Back to the Cold War

The thing that ended detente was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The US also thought that the USSR was stockpiling weapons in the detente period and so it really just lit it up again. They thought the other oil rich regions next to it would be next and so yeah. In the end Afghanistan won so that was an L.

War on Terror

The war on terror is the American policy under President George W. Bush to fight global terrorism in all its forms. This started after the September 11 attacks. It was in both Afghanistan and Iraq. There was also a manhunt for Osama bin Laden. It was when Barack Obama came to office that he took troops out Iraq in 2011. This war on terror strained relationships between the US and Europe.

Consumer Revolution

The years of economic miracle, the expanding economy, the rising standard of living, and the growth in the number and accsess of consumer goods lead to the revolution. The percentage of income spent on housing and food went down and at the same time there was near full employement and high wages. This meant that more people could buy more things than before. The houses were filled with the goods/appliances like washing machines, and things like radios, record players, and televisions. Can use installment purchasing which allowed people to buy on credit and more people were willing to take on debt. Car ownership became possible. This also lead to the Kitchen Debate, the West had more goods, no the East had more goods.

The World War Two Conferences

There was ten conferences in this time period but three were the most significant. There was the Casablanca Conference the allies agree to unconditional surrender and for the first time the idea of the second front comes up. The 1st Quebec Conference was when the location of Normandy and date was decdied for the second front. The 1st Moscow Conference was when the Soviets would not recognize the Polish gov. and the soviets would partcipate in the War in the Pacific. At the Cairo Conference was mainly about Japan and they have to surrender, give land back, and have a free Korea. The Teheran Conference where they discussed strategy, USA and GB from the West, Soviets from the East. The Dumbarton Oaks was the UN and the veto issue. The 2nd Quebec Conference was on a more detailed discussion on what to do with Germany. The 2nd Moscow Conference was a meeting between Churchill and Stalin to talk about Balkans, split it, makes Roosevelt mad. Yalta was a big one, as they thought that the war could go on for another 12 months. This led to the USA promising land to the SOveits for the help in the Pacific. There was also the promise over Poland.

NonGovernmental Organizations

These emerged in the 1990s. These are Independent organizations with specific agendas, such as humanitarian aid or enviromental protection, that conduct internatioal programs and activities. Things like Doctors Without Borders which is a charitable organization of physicians. another a Greenpeace that is an enviormental group.

Supranational Organizations

These organizatoins were increasingly gaining power and countries started to have to listen to these organizations. One is the UN which works to forge international agreements. The UN also sends in troops to stop bad things that are happening. Also things like the WOrld Bank and INternational Monetary Fund. They give out loans, which come with peramerterss, to help rebuilding.

The New Conservatism

These people gave ways to bring the countries out of economic hardships. Margaret Thatcher won in GB. Her government cut spending on health care, education, and public housing. She also had low to moderate income renter in state owner housing projets to buy their apartments at rock-bottom prices. She put the welfare state relying on the private enterprise. Under her unemployment raised to over 12 percent. Ronald Reagan also followed a similar path.

The Enviromental Movement

This has roots from counterculutre. Books like Silent Spring show a world where things died because of the rough treatment of the enviroment. Many rivers were disgusting and there was insane air polution. The people wanted change and so they fought for it.


This is something that the neoliberals called for. They wanted the privitization of state run industires. This is the sale of state-managed indsutries like transporation and communication networks to private owners. This was a key policy as it was supposed to control government spending. It would do this by an increase in prvate profits and foster economic growth which was needed at the time. In GB Margaret Thatcher ran on this.

Masstricht Treaty

This is the basis for the formation of the European Union, which set finanacial and cultural standards for potential member states and defined criteria for membership in the monetary union. It was written in 1991. They figured that the membership requirements would help combat the finanaical problems. In 2002 the euors replaced the national curriences in the Eurozone countries. The monetary system created a confidence in themselves and now opened up the EU to more countries, mainly the ones in the East bloc that were not in it yet.


This is the progressive relazation of Cold War tensions that emerged in the 1970s. It started with the Ostopolitik of West Germany and grew from there. While there was still hostilities in the developed world though there were direct talks between the US and USSR. The United States, Canada, and all European nations signed the Helsinki Accords which did stuff with civil liberties and other things like that.

Victories for Women

This time period was a time were many were devoted to gender equality and promoting the general interests of women. This was due to the female intelluctuals that were coming out, and they realized that had to band together to get things done. Due to this a second wave of feminism spread through North America and Europe.


This was a term that was used to describe the combination of low growth and hig hinflation that led to a worldwide recession. This was pushed along by the energy-intensive industries now dragging it down. By 1976 there was slight recovery but by 1979 a fundamentalist Islamic revolution where the oil production collapased.

Collectivization of Agriculture

This was the forced consolidation of individual peasant farms into large state controlled farms that were like agricultrual factories. It was during this time that the government started to focus on the kulaks, the well-off peasants. They pretty much took their land an dprobably kill them. The peasnats definitely did not like this as they killed like half the livestock of the Soviet Union. I was really bad in the Ukraine as it and Stalin caused a huge and really bad famine. It was a win for Stalin and his ideologies. It also kind of worked so.

Vichey France Government

This was the government in Southern France while HItler had control over northern Franc. They remained kind of independent. They, under Henri-Phikippe Petain, formed a new French government adopted a lot of aspects of the National Socialist ideology and willingly gave Nazi Germany the French Jews.


This was when European counntries left, or decolonized, the countries they had taken over. Some of the normal main causes were that the people wanted their own countries, racial equality, and personal dignity. The European countries at this time were losing power as it was just after WWII.


Totalitarianism started after World War I when authoritarianism grew in popularity. The two main people were Stalin and HItler as they were both very successful under this. Mussolini kind of but not fully. These people wanted to control all aspects of their people. They had one-party states in which there was HEAVY propaganda. They also belived that the states was more important than the individuals. There was also a lot of censorship.

Vladimir Putin of Russia

Vladimir Putin was the next president of the Soviet Union and kept in power until at least now. Putin clamped down on economic policies, on the power of Oligarchs, lowered corporate and business taxes, and re-established soe government control over some industries. He actually helped the economy grow. He was very popular with the people with both his foriegn and domestic policies. His government limited political opposition and he did Chechnya and South Ossetia. WHen his term limits were up he had a handpicked successor. Then he was named Prime Minister and after that term became president again.


What was really damaging to the global ecnonomy was the huge reversal in the price and availability of energy. The postwar boom had been fueled in part by the cheap oil from the Middle East. This was a turbulent ragion and the wars in place were not good. OPEC is the Arab-led Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. They watched the price of crude oil go down while there were rising price of Western manfuactured goods. They decided to reverse that trend by presenting a united front against Western oil companies.

Collapse of Communism in the Satellie States

While the collapse surprised Western countires is actually really was not as they were not stable and the government was weakish. The economy also never recovered from the 1970s. In Poland there was widespread strikes from Soldiarity. Solidarity refused to cooperate with the military and this brought Poland close to an economic collapse. Poland's communist leaders negotiated with Solidarity in order to get the workers back, they organized free elections for the Polish parliament. The communists thought they would win the seats but Soldiarity rallied and got all but one seat. Lech Walesa, a guy from Solidarity, got two minor pro-communist guys on his side and got majority, In the first year they introduced reforms and slowly got rid of communist things. In Hungary there was small attempts at reform and then they demanded free elections. The communists lost. In Romania the popular revolution turned violent. The dicatator, Nicolae Ceausescu, ordered his secuitry forces to quell the unrest. This lead to an armed uprising and around 750 died. The dicatator and his wife were captured and executed by a miliatry court. The dicatotorship lead to a long and oppressive rules left a troubled country.

Challenges for Women

While things were good for women there was still challenged. Women had to fight for what they wanted in countries where that is not traditionally ok. They also had to fight against institutions that had been there for hundreds of years, IE the Catholic Church and divorce. Also just becasue there was feminism does not mean there was not sexism.


Willy Brandt of West Germany worked hard to try and make peace with the parts of the East. He signed a treaty with Poland and put flowers on the memorial of a unamed soldier. He also signed treaties with the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. The official definition is that it means Eastern policy. West Germany's attempt in the 1970s to ease diplomatic tensions with East Germany, exemplifying th epolicies of detente.

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