AP exam 3 Essays, Exam 2 Material Anatomy and Physiology, For Lecture Exam 1 A and P

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Immediately following the arrival of the stimulus at a skeletal muscle cell there is a short period called the ________ period during which the events of excitation-contraction coupling occur.


This directional term means farther from the midline.


Which of the following is not a muscle primarily involved in the breathing process? A) diaphragm B) external intercostal C) internal intercostal D) latissimus dorsi

latissimus dorsi

To see and study very small items in science, which instrument would be needed


This plane divides the body into equal right and left halves


Passive membrane transport processes include ________.

movement of a substance down its concentration gradient

Which of the following muscles inserts by the calcaneal tendon? A) the semitendinosus B) the sartorius C) the tibialis anterior D) the gastrocnemius

the gastrocnemius

The reason the hypodermis acts as a shock absorber is that ________.

the major part of its makeup is adipose, which serves as an effective shock absorber

What is the structural unit of compact bone?

the osteon

The dermis has two major layers; which of the following constitutes 80% of the dermis and is responsible for the tension lines in the skin?

the reticular layer

Which of the following muscles is involved in crossing one leg over the other while in a sitting position? A) the gastrocnemius B) the sartorius C) all of the hamstrings D) the quadriceps femoris

the sartorius

What is the main factor that determines the power of a muscle?

the total number of muscle cells available for contraction

The first requirement when one gets an organ transplant is the blood type compatibility


Polar region of phospholipid.




Produces ATP aerobically.




Tertiary (protein) structure


This damage is caused by a virus


Where in the diagram is the metaphysis?


Most expressed capability in muscle


This may be achieved by using a fan


may require grafting Also called full thickness burn

3rd degree

Which medical image is obtained by using high-energy magnetic field?




Dislocation means a. Inflammation of a tendon b. Luxation c. A bone is forced out of alignment d. Ligaments are stretched or torn e. B and C are correct

B and C are correct

Lymph nodes store of lot of these

B lymphocytes

During anaerobic metabolism, pyruvic acid is converted to

lactic acid

Which medical image is obtained by using a low dose of x-rays to examine soft tissues?


Which of the following cells is an osteogenic cell?


Which of the following cells starts forming the bone matrix?


Transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid ( gas or liquid) between areas of different temperature


This process is division of the cytoplasm.


Early closure of the epiphyseal plates could be caused by

elevated levels of sex hormones

What are the small spaces in bone tissue that are holes in which osteocytes live called?


Osteoblasts give rise eventually to


Which of the following is considered a carbohydrate?


viral destruction of motor neurons


What is a chain of 25 amino acids called?


Which of the following constitutes a long chain of simple sugars?


Which is the function of DNA?

store information for protein synthesis

The sarcoplasmic reticulum is used for storing


A mineral making bone matrix hard


Chemical bond in the sacroplasmic reticulum, needed for contraction


What is needed for the contraction cycle to continue?

Calcium ions and ATP

This special movement occurs when you stand on your heels.


Single stranded chain of nucleotides,Can be translated


Which is the function of ATP?

. Transfers energy for cell functions

True/False Endocrine glands produce their secretions by accumulating their secretions internally and then rupturing the cell.


True/False Following the repair process the muscle will be as strong as ever


True/False Fontanels are spaces found in adult skulls to facilitate passage of blood vessels.


True/False Hydrogen bonds are comparatively strong bonds.


Which radiographs were obtained using low-dose x-rays?

(A) and (B)

Which radiographs were obtained using a contrast material and x-rays?

(C) and (D)

True/False In newborn infants, the medullary cavity and all areas of spongy bone contain yellow bone marrow.


True/False In some cases the muscle may be enlarged by hyperplasia


True/False Intercalated discs and striations are found in skeletal muscle.


Describe the 6 factors that lead to muscle fatigue

1. inadequate release of calcium ions from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, reducing the overall concentration 2. Depletion of the creatine phosphate 3. insufficient oxygen 4. depletion of glycogen and other nutrients 5. Build up of lactic acid and ADP 6. Failure to release enough AcH at neuromuscular jxn.

The enzyme helps activates Vitamin D in the kidneys


Lance recently has been complaining of weakness in his left leg. Upon examination, the physician noticed and palpated a bulge in the popliteal artery. 1. Why is a bulge in any artery of concern? What are the dangers associated with that problem? 2. Describe the location of the popliteal artery. Explain how a bulge , if not fixed, could lead to amputation. What is amputation? 3. Compare the severity of a popliteal bulge to that of a bulge in the aorta. 4. To repair the bulge, Lance underwent surgery,. The surgeon did a minimally invasive procedure using a stent graft. What is a stent? What does it do? Why is this surgery called " Minimally Invasive"? 5. In this particular situation, why is the location of STENT graft of concern to some experts?

1. Aneurysm that can lead to a hemorrhage. If hemorrhage occurs your blood leaks out and the part of the body that needs blood doesn't get blood 2. The artery is behind your knee; ischemia 3. The aorta is closer to your heart and if there is a hemorrhage there then the entire body is blood deprived 4.. Stent - scaffolding inside the artery and increase the width of the artery to prevent clotting and allow blood flow; minimally invasive means there is very little scarring, risk of infections, and less recovery time 5. The stent could break and go to your inferior vena cava causing a clot in your heart

The numbers listed represent the number of electrons in the first, second, and third energy levels, respectively. On this basis, which of the following is an unstable or reactive atom?

2, 8, 1

associated with pain and blisters

2nd degree

Which of the following is an example of the basic life process called growth? 1 muscle contraction 2 digestion of proteins 3 lifting weights and gaining muscle mass 4 mineral deposits accumulating between bone cells to cause a bone to lengthen

3 and 4

If atom X has an atomic number of 74 it would have which of the following?

74 protons

The composition of the secretions of the eccrine glands is ________.

99% water, sodium chloride, and trace amounts of wastes, lactic acid, and vitamin C

A fast glycolytic muscle


A single stimulus is delivered. The muscle contracts and relaxes.


A white muscle


ATP production


Action potential


Biceps brachhi






Hyaline Cartilage


Hydrogen bonds.


Identification "tags" for the cell.


In the diagram, where is the epiphyseal vein?


In the diagram, which one represents a tight junction?


In the diagram, which phase has the formation of the mitotic apparatus?


In the figures BELOW which one represents areolar tissue?


Maximal tension of a single twitch




Muscle used in short intense and powerful movement


Na+ channels are just closed


One actin filament


Parkinson's disease


Smooth endoplasmic reticulum


Spinal Cord




Swinging a baseball bat


The tissue that binds muscles into functional groups.


Where in the diagram can you find red bone marrow in an adult?

A and D

In the figure, which one is not monoaxial? a) A b) B c) C d) A and E e) All are monoaxial

A and E

Both actin and myosin are found in the ________.

A band

Name of C section

A band

The myosin filaments are located in the ________.

A band

This band does not change in width during contraction

A band

Which of the following is a concept of the cell theory?

A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.

The Zika infection is considered a problem which is

A pandemic issue

CORONARY CIRCULATION: Bill had severe chest pains while watching TV and he broke into a sweat. Fortunately, he was brought to the emergency room. Following an angiogram, it was decided that he would need by pass- surgery. First , they operated on his legs and eventually he had a quadruple coronary by-pass surgery . Explain the chest pains and unusual sweating. What is an angiogram ? how is it done? In this case, what did the angiogram reveal? What is the DIAGNOSIS? Why did the surgical team operated on his legs first? What is coronary by-pass surgery? What is a quadruple by-pass surgery? How is done and what is needed? Following the surgery, Bill was put on a fat controlled and salt controlled diet. Explain the benefit of both diet restriction. Explain why he must follow an exercise regime .Why should that exercise program be a MODERATE one He may be required to take an aspirin a day. Explain the specific benefit of this recommendation.

A. Explain the chest pains and unusual sweating. - Chest pains also known as angina pectoris is a common symptom of coronary artery disease. This type of heart disease can lead to a heart attack or myocardial infarction. The unusual sweating is because stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system causing the adrenal glands to release epinephrine or adrenaline which causes constriction of the blood vessels in the heart and excess sweating. B. What is an angiogram ? how is it done? In this case, what did the angiogram reveal? What is the DIAGNOSIS? - Angiogram is a special test or x-ray done after injecting a dye in a blood vessel and checking for blockage or aneurysm. The diagnosis of an angiogram would be an embolism or an aneurysm. C. Why did the surgical team operated on his legs first? - Located in the legs are the great saphenous veins which are the most common blood vessels used in coronary bypass surgery due to their length and less need for blood vessels in the leg than in the heart. D. What is coronary by-pass surgery? What is a quadruple by-pass surgery? How is done and what is needed? - Coronary bypass surgery is used to detour blood on the surface of the heart usually to prevent myocardial infarction (MI) or help after you have MI. Quadruple bypass is when 4 different coronary arteries are detoured. In traditional coronary bypass there is general anesthesia, rib cage is cracked open, and heart and lungs machine to keep it functional. Leg surgery is done to get access to the veins. Risks include heavy bleeding, infection, scarring, and lung therapy. E. Following the surgery, Bill was put on a fat controlled and salt controlled diet. Explain the benefit of both diet restriction. - Fat can build up in the coronary arteries leading to a blockage eventually atherosclerosis. Salt will increase your water retention which lowers the water concentration in the blood making blood thicker and making it harder for blood to pass through the blood vessels. F. Explain why he must follow an exercise regime .Why should that exercise program be a MODERATE one - Exercise causes increase contractions of the skeletal muscles and diaphragm, squeezing the veins and increasing blood flow to the heart. It should only be moderate exercise so you don't overwork the heart and the blood vessels. G. He may be required to take an aspirin a day. Explain the specific benefit of this recommendation. - Aspirin is blood thinner than prevents clotting making it easier to flow through the blood vessels.

RESPIRATORY DISORDERS: Describe the alteration of function that occurs in each the following conditions, i.e. 1) what respiratory structures are exactly affected 2) what are the functional consequences of such damage/or problem in those structures listed above 3) possible causes of the condition and explain 4) What treatment may be available for each condition 5) what is the PROGNOSIS for each condition ? a. emphysema (8-9pts) b. pneumonia (8-9pts) c. lung carcinoma(8-9pts) HINT: make sure you answer parts 1) 2) and 3) for each disease. Use class notes and Textbook and the slides we learned in Lab

A. emphysema (8-9pts) 1. Alveoli 2. Destroys wall of alveoli, less area for gas exchange, large lumens of air lot air remains in lung, inflated 3. Smoking, pollution, asbestos 4. oxygen therapy, anti-inflammatories, bronchodilators 5. death, lung cancer, increased bacterial infection, bronchitis B. pneumonia (8-9pts) 1. Alveoli, bronchial mucous membrane 2.Damaging toxins released stimulating inflammation, endema which causes the alveoli to fill up with fluid, interfering with ventilation and gas exchange 3. Pneumococcal bacterium streptococcus pneumoniae, other microbes 4. antibiotics, bronchodilators, oxygen therapy,increase fluid intake, chest physiotherapy 5. Upper respiratory infection often viral, fever, chills, productive or dry cough, malaise, chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis C. lung carcinoma(8-9pts) 1. Lungs, bronchial tubes 2. epithelial lesions that grow to form masses that obstruct the bronchial tubes or invade adjacent lung tissue, Bronchogenic carcinomas metastasize to lymph nodes, the brain, bones, liver, and other organs 3. Cigarette smoking, second hand smoking, ionizing radiation, inhaled irritants (such as asbestos and radon gas), emphysema 4. partial or complete surgical removal of a diseased lung (pulmonectomy), radiation therapy, chemotherapy 5. depending on location of tumor...chronic cough, spitting blood from respiratory tract, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, weightless, anorexia, fatigue,bonepain, confusion problems with balance, headache, anemia, thrombocytopenia, jaundice

Penicillin is one example of this drug type


good against diseases such as gonorrhea, tuberculosis


True/False Joe just burned himself on a hot pot. A blister forms and the burn is painful. Joe's burn would best be described as a third-degree burn


The stomach is ________ to the spine.


Paralysis may lead to this problem in the bone


True/False Lipids are a poor source of stored energy


True/False Myoblasts near injury do multiple rounds of mitosis to fix the region


A genetic for of Dwarfism


Chromosome number 4 is where the gene for this condition may be located


Genetic dwarfism


A solution with a pH value smaller than 7 would be a(n)


Which of the following is considered a proton donor?


Muscle that stabilizes the origin of another muscle.


The ligament which help prevents forward sliding of the tibia on the femur and checks hyperextension of the knee is

Anterior cruciate

One nucleotide, Biological form of energy


Provides the energy needed for synthesis reactions.


What energizes the myosin head?

ATP hydrolysis reaction

Match the following cavities and organs: Stomach Uterus


Examples of this type of movement include moving the humerus laterally at the shoulder joint.


A pain relieving drug, but not good anti-inflammatory effect ; main ingredient of Tylenol


Taking exogenous GH after the age of 25 may cause that


One of the main protein in muscle tissue


Natural exposure to an infectious agent leads to:

Active immunity

good against diseases such as influenza or Herpes


A nitrogenous base,


The storage form of glucose molecules


Bone remodeling does NOT a. Occur through out life b. Involve bone resorption c. Involve bone deposition d. Occur at different rates at different locations e. Affect compact bone tissue but does affect spongy bone tissue

Affect compact bone tissue but does affect spongy bone tissue

After the fusion of myoblasts, the muscle fiber loses its ability to do what?

Go through mitosis

Muscle that is primarily responsible for bringing about a particular movement.


Following exposure to the Zika virus which are symptoms:

All of above Fever Rash Joint pain Red eyes

Myofibrils contain a) Contractile proteins b) Regulatory proteins c) Structural proteins d) All of the above e) None of the above

All of the above

The different types of muscle tissue differ from each other by: a) Microscopic anatomy b) Location c) Type of Control d) Both a and b e) All of the above

All of the above

The joint between the first rib and the manubrium of the sternum is classified as a) Synchondrosis b) Synarthrosis c) Cartilaginous joint d) All of the above e) None of the above

All of the above

Which of the following contain thick filament? a) Zone of overlap b) A band c) H zone d) Both b and c e) All of the above

All of the above

Preventive measures against Zika and other infections include

All of the above Wearing protective clothing Sterilization of equipments Avoidance of infected patients from contact with unprotected persons Routine use of disinfectant and insect repellant

Which of the following are considered signs of inflammation

All of the above - Redness - Heat - Pain - Swelling

Which of the following is not considered a special movement? a) Depression b) Protraction c) Elevation d) Supination e) All of the above are special movements

All of the above are special movements

While unloading her car trunk, Amy pulls a muscle and as a result has difficulty moving her arm. The doctor in the emergency room tells her that she pulled her pectoralis major. Amy tells you that she thought the pectoralis major was a chest muscle and doesn't understand what that has to do with her arm. What would you tell her?

Although the pectorals major is located across the chest its insertion is the greater tubercle of the humerus. When the muscle contracts it contributes to flexion, adduction, and medial rotation of the humerus. These movements would be impaired if the muscle is damaged

Should be the last source of energy

Amino acid

The subunit of a protein

Amino acid


Amino acid

The primary structure of a protein contains

Amino acids

Hyperplasia is

An increase in the number of muscle fibers

Lynn is a woman who lives in Wayne NJ. One Saturday, a nice sunny day , for some fun exercise, she ventured with her son into the woods behind her house. A few days later, she complained of joint pain, flu-like symptoms with fever, and difficulty thinking. She went to see her doctor 4. After tests confirming the diagnosis, what would be the indicated treatment for her specific condition ?

An indicated treatment for her specific condition would he antibiotics.

During this phase a cleavage furrow forms.


Refer to Cancer cells which are structurally abnormal


The study of body parts such as their location


Muscle that opposes and reverses the action of another muscle.


The Zika infection may be treated TODAY with

Antiviral drugs

When connective tissue extends as a broad flat layer, the tendon is referred to as


The growth pattern of bone in which matrix is laid down on the surface.

Appositional growth

Describe the role of aquaporins with regard to water movement

Aquaporins are pores on the cell membrane that allow water to pass across the cell membrane

Which of the following is classified as loose connective tissue? a. Blood b. Bone tissue c. Areolar connective tissue d. Elastic tissue e. Hyaline connective tissue

Areolar connective tissue

An amino acid


A form of surgery, non invasive, using small instruments to look and fix joint issues


Replacing a disease joint with an artificial one is called


This is a layer of hyaline cartilage that reduces friction between bones involved in the joint.

Articular cartilage

This tissue is avascular

Articular cartilage

Another term for menisci are

Articular discs

The sinoatrial node is made of autorhythmic cells. What does that mean? Describe the contraction signal timing as it passes through the conduction system of the heart. How is that timing important for the pumping action of the heart?

Auto rhythmic cells are self-excitatory and have the ability to spontaneously depolarize. The cardiac conduction system is a pathway of cardiac muscle fibers in which electrical impulses travel along the heart. Electrical impules in the heart travel from the sinoatrial node (SA) and spread to both atria. When the action potential reaches the AV node, it slows down allowing time for both atria to completely contract and empty into the ventricles. It is important that this happens so that the ventricles can pump out the most blood possible during systole.

This is an organelle that modifies proteins produced elsewhere.

Golgi body

A " mole" with 2 different looking halves


Refers to irregular shape, i.e. such as not round or square


Mrs.J. delivers her first child 8 weeks premature. The physician notices that the infant's inhalation are long and forced, and the infant seems to tire rapidly. What do you think the physician will recommend? Why?

At 28 weeks the baby produces surfactants so if it does not produce surfactant then it prevents the wall for the alveoli from separating. Surfactant prevents the walls of the alveoli from sticking together, which would cause forced exhalation. The surfactants are made from Type 2 alveolar cells. The physician would recommend supplemental O2 and surfactant therapy.

The sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions into the cytosol

At the beginning of a contraction

This refers to the atomic weight of all naturally occurring isotopes of an element.

Atomic mass

This is the number of protons or electrons.

Atomic number

Where do symphyses occur?

Axial skeleton

The sequence that muscle action potentials must go through to excite a muscle cell

Axon of neuron, sarcolemma, T tubules

A fast oxidative muscle


An intermediate/pink muscle


Consists of thick filaments and the ends of thin filaments


Deoxyribose sugar.


Does not change in width upon contraction




Functional protein.






Hydrophilic portion.


If another stimulus is applied before the muscle relaxes completely, then more tension results. This is wave (or temporal) summation and results in unfused (or incomplete) tetanus.


In the above diagram of a suture joint, where is the spongy bone?


In the figures, which one represents cardiac muscle?


K+ leaving the cell




Motor Neuron


Muscle used by a Sprinter


Partial relaxion


Evelyn arrived to hospital with a several symptoms. She complained of weakness in her muscles including her arm muscles, difficulty breathing at times, and flabby or laxed orbicularis occuli . The doctor ordered an EMG as well as blood tests.. 1.Based on the symptoms what is the initial diagnosis?

Based on her symptoms of weakness in her muscles including her arm muscles, difficulty breathing at times, and flabby or laxed orbicularis occuli, her initial diagnosis is Myasthenia Gravis (MG).

Produce histamine


. This is clearly visible in the plasma of patients with hepatitis or cirrosis of the liver


. a pigment responsible for jaundice


this chemical is normally eliminated in the feces


Examination of cells under the microscope to determine malignancy


These in the Central Canal keeps osteocytes ALIVE

Blood vessels

What is found in a Haversian canal?

Blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Describe how oxygen is carried from outside a bone to an individual osteocyte.

Blood vessels enter through the periosteum into a perforating canal. The vessel may follow along the axis of the bone through a central canal. Osteocytes have long, almost dendritic-like extensions or arms that reach out through tiny holes called canaliculi. The canaliculi connect one cell to another and to the central canal. Oxygen would leave the blood vessel in the central canal and travel through the canaliculi from cell to cell until it reaches the cell in question.

These cells then cause _________in order to release Ca in the blood

Bone resorption

Why are the bones of young children much more flexible than those of the elderly?

Bones of children are much more flexible b/c they haven't fully calcified, with a higher ratio of more flexible organic fibers. Elderly adults would have more completely calcified and more rigid

This type of joint lacks a synovial cavity a) A. Fibrous b) B. Cartilaginous c) C. Synovial d) Both A and B e) All of the above

Both A and B

This is used to reduce friction in joints. a) Bursae b) Synovial fluid c) Accessory ligaments d) Elastic fibers e) Both a and b

Both a and b

Which of the following contain thin filaments. a) I band b) A band c) H zone d) Both a and b e) All of the above

Both a and b

In the figures ABOVE which one represents tissue that is under involuntary control?

Both b and c

A diluted version of a toxin that is infected into the skin to paralyze skeletal muscles that cause wrinkling




Which of the following organs contains the control center for the feedback system that regulates blood pressure?


Burns are devastating and debilitating because of loss of fluids and electrolytes from the body. How would a physician estimate the volume of fluid lost in a severely burned patient?

By using the rules of Nines

A red muscle


A slow oxidative muscle


At higher stimulus frequencies, there is no relaxation at all between stimuli. This is fused (complete) tetanus.


Dystrophin or utrophin are proteins which may be missing




I band


In the diagram, BELOW where is the apical surface?


In the diagram, below which one is a desmosome?


In the diagram, where is the osteon?


In the diagram, which one represents a hypertonic solution?


In the diagram, which one represents a pivot joint?




K+ channels are closed




Muscle fiber.


Muscle used in maintaining posture


Muscular dystrophy


Na + entering the cell


Nonpolar region of phospholipid.






Spinal Nerve


Synthesis of triglycerides


This band appears the palest on a photo micrograph


This damage causes replacement of actin and myosin by fat


Where in the diagram can you find the medullary cavity?


Which medical image is obtained by using computer assisted interpretation of multiple x-ray arc tracings?


Which of the following cells helps the most to maintain bone tissue?


Which of the following represents simple columnar? ( from ABOVE photos)


best illustration of a polymer






rich in myoglobin


Joe is playing in an intramural football game when he is tackled so hard that he breaks a rib. On the way to the hospital, Joe is having a difficult time breathing. Joe may be suffering from a. a collapsed trachea b. an obstruction of the bronchi c. a pneumothorax d. decreased surfactant production e. a bruised diaphragm EXPLAIN YOUR CHOICE

C. (pneumothorax) Air enters pleural cavity which leads to atelectasis. The rib punctures the lung, which increases the pressure, which collapses the lung.

Ann, a respiratory care technician, complains of low grade fever, persistent cough, night sweats and unexplained weight loss over the last 2 months. Ann does not have a history of cigarette smoking. She has coughed up blood many times in the last 2 days. The physician orders routine lab tests that are within normal limits. Ann's chest X-ray shows lesions (abnormalities) related to prior infection. The doctor is awaiting the results of the sputum (coughed mucus) culture and has placed a skin test on Ann's forearm. What is the reasonable preliminary diagnosis? a. emphysema b. lung cancer c. tuberculosis d. pleurisy or e. pneumonia ? What is A SKIN TEST?

C. Tuberculosis What is a fever? The bacterial infection enters the lungs which causes inflammation A skin test is a test done on a patch of skin to see how the body reacts to the given substance, disease, ect.

May provide 2 ATP without oxygen


Which of the following would be regarded as an organic molecule?


Using toxic drugs to kill cancer cells


A dye is injected into blood vessels and via radiography blockage can be seen

CT scan

A test involving radiography , it looks at tissue density

CT scan

Small channels that radiate through the matrix of bone.


These are extensions of the lacunae and are filled with extracellular fluid.




What are the major elements found in the body?

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

Which of the following exhibits auto-rhythmicity?

Cardiac muscle fibers

Arteries, veins, heart.


Delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.

Cardiovascular System

Involves removal of damaged cartilage and replacement with newly lab grown own cartilage


Which of the following involves Transplantation ? a. Physical therapy b. Synvisc c. Cortisone d. Carticel e. Cox2- inhibitors


A potent NSAID, also COX inhibitor . Long term used may be associated with strokes


The smallest living thing


These items help form the mitotic spindle




Sudoriferous glands vary in distribution over the surface of the body. Which of the following is correct?

Ceruminous glands secrete cerumen, which is thought to repel insects.

The application of a mild acid such as glycolic acid to the skin to remove surface cells and improve the look of skin

Chemical peel

This occurs when new bonds form or old bonds break between atoms.

Chemical reaction

A form of treatment using drugs to destroy life cycle of rapidly dividing cells


Vincristine which damages the mitotic spindle may be used in that treatment


A condition NOT regulated by a negative feedback loop would be:


This type of lipid is used by the body to create hormones.


The cells responsible for the early stages of endochondral ossification.


Found in matrix of cartilage


This type of motion results from relatively flat bone surfaces moving back and forth and from side to side with respect to one another.


Another name for Krebs cycle

Citric acid

Another name for Tricarboxylic acid cycle

Citric acid

Which of the following could be caused or worsened by a too high protein diet?


A protein making bone matrix strong


Is part of the organic component of bone matrix, and is in the form a triple helix


Organic material giving bone its flexibility and strength


Unique to only cardiac muscle tissue, compared to skeletal muscle tissue, is

Intercalated discs

Bone fragments into many pieces.


Water. Dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide).


Heat exchange that occurs between molecules of 2 materials that are in direct contact with each other


Which of the following is known to be associated with Zika infection?


The nurse encourages the patient to do his own activities of daily living such as bathing, eating, dressing, and toileting activities. How do these activities promote physical conditioning?

Considered isotonic exercises when muscle tension is constant, and shortens after to produce a muscle contraction and movement. Due to muscle shape, size joint mobility and strength of the muscles are maintained with the activities.

Steroid, can cause osteoporosis


Steroid, catabolic


Steroid, causes atrophy of bones and muscles


Steroid, stimulates osteoclasts


Steroid, used as a drug to treat inflammation


A cortisteroid drug, anti-inflammatory and pain reliever


Catabolic, this drug is good for autoimmune diseases


In conditions , such as rheumatoid arthritis, the drug most likely used in the treatment is


Joseph, a severe asthmatic, has been complaining of pain in both his arms. He has been increasing his " load" for his weight lifting workouts and thought perhaps this was the reason. However, he decided to have his arms X-rayed and it was discovered that he had hairline fractures in the radius and ulna in both arms. His physician told him that the medication he was taking for asthma was a steroid and this was the reason his bones were so vulnerable to damage. What was the drug and why did it affects his bones

Cortisone or Prednisone which are catabolic Corticosteroids used for pain management also known as arthritic drugs. It affected his bone because the medication he took is an arthritic drug which causes the loss of bone density

This type of bond requires a sharing of electrons.


Match the following cavities and organs: Brain


Cathy has just given birth to a little girl. When the nurses take the infant back to the nursery and try to feed her, she becomes CYANOTIC. The episode passes, but when the infant is bathed (warm water) she becomes cyanotic again. Blood gas levels are taken and they show the arterial blood is only 60% saturated. Physical examination indicates that there are no structural deformities involving the respiratory or digestive systems. ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY shows a heart defect. What is the specific causes of the problem?

Cyanosis is lack of O2 in the cells and tissues. When the temperature increases, the blood veeseel dilates and then you can see the blue color more. When less O2 goes to the baby the valves do not open and close properly. This is a congenital heart dieaes where not enough O2 goes to the rest of the body.

Where would you see this occur?


A reaction: Glucose+glucose+glucose --->glucose-glucose-glucose




Contain Neurotransmitter


Dehydration synthesis


H zone




In the diagram, below, which one represents anaphase?


In the diagram, what is composed of basal lamina and reticular lamina?


In the figure shown, which one represents a condyloid joint?


In the figures ABOVE which one represents hyaline cartilage


Integral protein.




Made only of thick filaments


Medullary Cavity




Synaptic knob




Where endosteum would be


Where in the diagram is the distal epiphysis?


Which medical image is obtained by using high-frequency sound waves?


Which of the following cells is an osteoclast?


Which of the following represents pseudostratified columnar?


Which of the following represents stratified cuboidal?


Double stranded in a helix, Can be replicated,Can be transcribed


Select the most correct statement regarding nucleic acids.

DNA is a long, double-stranded molecule made up of A, T, G, and C bases

This type of reaction will break larger reactants to produce smaller products


In the diagram which of the following vessels supply the periosteum?

E and F

Decrease bone mass but no porosity yet


The area of long bones where cartilage cells are replaced by bone cells.


This is the shaft of a long bone.


This type of joint is freely movable.


An embryonic stem cell undergoes ______ to become a neuron.


Esophagus, large intestine, rectum


Articular discs

Direct flow of the synovial fluid

The fingers are ________ to the wrist.


This directional term means farther from the attachment of a limb to the trunk or farther from the origination of a structure.


Jonathan a young college student was determined to get in shape fast for summer. He participated in many classes and lifting as heavy as he could. But after a major workout using the HIT plan, for High Intensity Interval training, he experienced major pain in the back of his left leg, The swelling was huge and the pain extreme. Later on he noticed his urine was a much darker color than normal. He went to see his physician. After tests, It turned out that he had overexerted his muscles and in this case had torn his gastrocnemius. This is an example of rhabdomyolysis. Urine tests were ordered and they confirm rhabdomyolysis. Jonathan was told the muscle will heal and some repair will occur .But the prognosis is : muscle will not return to its initial perfect state. Explain the urine test, the healing, the repair and the prognosis

Due to the myoglobin (the protein found in the urine) Muscle cells would not full repair the muscle instead it will be replaced with the collagen tissue (scar tissue/satellite cells) to repair

Epithelial tissuea. a. Is used as a covering b. Is used as a lining c. Is used in glands d. Has a free surface e. All of the above


Golgi apparatus/complex






In the diagram, where is the Haversian canal?


In the diagram, which one represents facilitated diffusion?


In the figure, which represents a saddle joint?


Na+ channels have just opened






Peripheral protein.




Spongy Bone


Where in the diagram is the only place not to have a periosteum?


Which medical image is obtained by detecting a radionuclide in the tissue / organ to be imaged?


Z disc




This is the structure of a feedback system that receives output from the control center.


Which of the following particles plays a role in creating chemical bonds?




Carly was playing tennis and fell. She hurt her right knee. Her bruises were very apparent although apparently not too serious. A few days later, her friends were shocked and saddened to learn that Carly died of a " Pulmonary embolism". What is an embolism? What is a pulmonary embolism? Why is a pulmonary embolism more common than a cerebral embolism as a result of leg injury?

Embolism is blockage of an artery by a clot. This embolism originated from the veins of her right knee when she hurt it during tennis. Once it reached her pulmonary arteries it prevented deoxygenated blood from reaching the lungs and becoming deoxygenated. Pulmonary embolism is more common as a result of a leg injury because the embolism would have traveled through the pulmonary circuit before traveling back to systemic circuit.

Emily, a 64 year old obese woman, was brought to the hospital suffering pain in her legs and an X-ray revealed that she had a simple fracture in her right femur and a crack in her left tibia. Other tests revealed that her bones were brittle and porous. What might have happened to Emily and what advise would she have been given by her physicians.?

Emily is an unhealthy individual who has developed postmenopausal osteoporosis due to the lack of estrogen (anabolic steroid) in her body. Estrogen is an anabolic steroid that promotes bone growth, maintains Ca deposition in bone, and helps keep bone hard in adulthood. Her physicians would give her vitamin d supplements and recommend more calcium in her diet and weight bearing exercises. Vitamin D promotes Ca and P absorption from the small intestine and bone mineralization. Deficiency in Vitamin D leads to decreased collagen production which slows down bone growth and delays repair of broken bones. Collagen is a molecule that forms a triple helix that is very strong and keeps bone very strong, lacking it makes one brittle and easily broken (she overall needs to lose weight because her bones are too brittle and can't support her body weight)

A tibia is this type of bone


Adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary.


Controls the body with chemical molecules called hormones

Endocrine System

Which subspecialty of physiology deals with the study of the chemical regulators in the blood?


This is a transport process by which cells take up extracellular substances within vesicles.


The lining of the marrow cavity


Dancing, running, jogging, swimming

Endurance activity

Increases myoglobin content

Endurance activity

Increases number of mitochondria

Endurance activity

Increases use of fat for energy

Endurance activity

It's also called cardiovascular

Endurance activity

Uses the most oxygen

Endurance activity

Utilize mostly slow oxidative muscle fibers

Endurance activity

This is defined as the capacity to do work.


True/False Covalent bonds are generally less stable than ionic bonds.


During adulthood, which of the following does NOT contribute to bone remodeling and growth? a. Calcium b. Vitamins c. Enzymes d. Sex hormones e. Human growth hormone


This portion of the cell membrane enables cell membranes to produce chemical products


Outermost cover of a muscle


This is a band of connective tissue that surrounds muscles.


The appearance of this structure signals the end of bone growth.

Epiphyseal line

Area where bone longitudinal growth takes place.

Epiphyseal plate

This is a layer of hyaline cartilage that allows the Diaphysis to grow in length.

Epiphyseal plate

This is the region of a long bone that articulates with other bones.


Area in the bone with high mitotic activity, which usually closes by age 25

Epiphysis Disc

Steroid, anabolic , from ovaries


Steroid, deficient in postmenopausal women


Conversion of a liquid to a vapor


This involves eccrine glands


This is a transport process by which cells secrete materials, within vesicles, into the extracellular fluid


This is the property of muscle that gives it the ability to stretch without damage.


Extends and abducts the wrist.

Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis

Extends the thumb.

Extensor pollicis longus and brevis

Contains mostly compact bone




In the diagram, where is the Volkman's canal?


In the figure, which one represents a multiaxial joint?




In this type of transport process a solute, like Glucose, binds to a specific transporter protein on one side of the membrane and is released on the other side after the transporter protein undergoes a change in shape.

Facilitated diffusion

A.A sterile saline solution is continuously pumped through the knee via a cannula so that the operative field is always clear. B.An arthroscope is then used to see and determine the condition. C.Graft is then FIXED it in place using a variety of techniques. D.The graft can be then placed in the center of the knee in the same position as the original ACL E.The incisions are closed and a sterile dressing is used to cover the knee. F.The surface of the intercondylar notch where the ACL normally attaches to the femur is then prepared with a high-speed burr G.The torn ACL is removed with a high-speed shaver H.This dressing will usually stay on for several days while the wound begins to heal. I.Three very small incisions that are about 1/4 of an inch in length to create "portals" into the knee. J.Tunnels are then drilled through the bone in the femur and the tibia. Step G is the seventh step


A.A sterile saline solution is continuously pumped through the knee via a cannula so that the operative field is always clear. B.An arthroscope is then used to see and determine the condition. C.Graft is then FIXED it in place using a variety of techniques. D.The graft can be then placed in the center of the knee in the same position as the original ACL E.The incisions are closed and a sterile dressing is used to cover the knee. F.The surface of the intercondylar notch where the ACL normally attaches to the femur is then prepared with a high-speed burr G.The torn ACL is removed with a high-speed shaver H.This dressing will usually stay on for several days while the wound begins to heal. I.Three very small incisions that are about 1/4 of an inch in length to create "portals" into the knee. J.Tunnels are then drilled through the bone in the femur and the tibia. True/False Step E is the last step


A.A sterile saline solution is continuously pumped through the knee via a cannula so that the operative field is always clear. B.An arthroscope is then used to see and determine the condition. C.Graft is then FIXED it in place using a variety of techniques. D.The graft can be then placed in the center of the knee in the same position as the original ACL E.The incisions are closed and a sterile dressing is used to cover the knee. F.The surface of the intercondylar notch where the ACL normally attaches to the femur is then prepared with a high-speed burr G.The torn ACL is removed with a high-speed shaver H.This dressing will usually stay on for several days while the wound begins to heal. I.Three very small incisions that are about 1/4 of an inch in length to create "portals" into the knee. J.Tunnels are then drilled through the bone in the femur and the tibia. True/False Step J is the first step in the surgery


Gilbert came to his physician complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, breathing and swallowing. Upon testing him, the doctor noticed the following: TEST A. When asked to voluntarily move his legs repetitively, Gilbert had no problem but he fatigued very quickly and his muscle force declined. TEST B: The EMG : When the same leg was directly stimulated by electrical stimulation, the leg muscles responded well and did not demonstrate evidence of weakness and early fatigue. TEST C- blood tests for unusual chemicals True/False Gilbert has poliomyelitis


Gilbert came to his physician complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, breathing and swallowing. Upon testing him, the doctor noticed the following: TEST A. When asked to voluntarily move his legs repetitively, Gilbert had no problem but he fatigued very quickly and his muscle force declined. TEST B: The EMG : When the same leg was directly stimulated by electrical stimulation, the leg muscles responded well and did not demonstrate evidence of weakness and early fatigue. TEST C- blood tests for unusual chemicals True/False He most likely has suffered brain damage which impaired his muscle responses


True/False A dipeptide can be broken into two amino acids by dehydration synthesis.


True/False A major characteristic of fibrocartilage is its unique amount of flexibility and elasticity.


True/False Achilles was wounded by damage to the tendon connecting his calf muscles to his heel. This and all tendons are composed mainly of loose irregular connective tissue.


True/False Another name for stratum Basale is stratum lucidum


True/False As a rule, the relaxation of a muscle does not require energy


True/False At - mV 70 at rest, Na+ is inside and K+ is outside


True/False B in the diagram above occurs because Na+ is leaving the cell


True/False Skin surface markings that reflect points of tight dermal attachment to underlying tissues are called epidermal ridges


True/False The hypodermis is composed of adipose and dense connective tissue.


True/False The periosteum is a tissue that serves only to protect the bone because it is not supplied with nerves or blood vessels.


True/False The protein found in large amounts in the outermost layer of epidermal cells is collagen.


True/False The stratum corneum (outermost layer of skin) is a zone of approximately four layers of viable cells that are able to synthesize proteins that keep the outer layer of skin smooth and soft


True/False mV means: maximum volume


True/False All bones formed by intramembranous ossification are irregular bones.


True/False Although all skeletal muscles have different shapes, the fascicle arrangement of each muscle is exactly the same.


True/False Bones are classified by whether they are weight bearing or protective in function.


True/False Short, irregular, and flat bones have large marrow cavities in order to keep the weight of the bones light.


Bundle of muscle cells


Bundle of muscle fibers


Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of ________.


Linoleic acid

Fatty acid

May provide 144 ATP

Fatty acid

A muscle cell


This type of connective tissue is used mainly for support within the skeletal system. a. Adipose b. Elastic c. Fibrocartilage d. Dense irregular e. Reticular


This type of joint is held together by a fibrous connective tissue.

Fibrous joint

Which of the following statements best describes what fingernails actually are?

Fingernails are a modification of the epidermis.

sunburn is best example

First degree

Bending the trunk forward at the intervertebral discs is an example of what type of angular movement?


Flexes the wrist.

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Powerful wrist flexor that also stabilizes the wrist during finger extension.

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Slow-acting finger flexor

Flexor digitorum profundus

What are the fontanelles and what advantages do they confer on the fetus? The mother?

Fontanelles are regions of unossified, fibrous membranes in the skull allowing the cranium to grow. During delivery the skull can change shape through the birth canal.

During which phase do organelles duplicate and centrosome replication begin?


Titin is found in a sarcomere

From M line to Z disc

Proximal Epiphysis


Which of the ABOVE shows a movement only seen in the intervertebral joints?


Which of the following is a monosaccaride that is important in producing energy




Chain of glucose molecules


The major energy storage polysaccharide in humans is


An incomplete fracture or cracking of the bone without actual separation of the parts. Common in children


This type of fracture is considered a partial fracture and is usually seen in children.

Greenstick (fracture is a fracture in a young, soft bone in which the bone bends and breaks)

This component of connective tissue is found between the cells and fibers and is used for support and as a medium for chemical reactions.

Ground substance

Protein, from pituitary, anabolic

Growth hormone

Protein, if deficient results in dwarfism

Growth hormone

Protein; excess causes acromegaly

Growth hormone

Which of the following is a purine?


In the diagram, where is the nutrient artery?


Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the great toe?


What is the major function of a histone protein?

Help organize coiling of DNA

How useful is EMG in clinical diagnosis?

Helps to determine if muscle weakness or paralysis is due to a malfunction of the muscle itself or the nerve supplying the muscle Also used to diagnose certain muscle disorders such as muscular dystrophy and to understand which muscles fxn during complex movement.

Also called Stem Cell


give rise to all blood cells


23.Mrs, Johnson is brought to the emergency room after being involved in an auto accident. She is hemorrhaging and has a rapid, thready pulse, but her blood pressure is still within normal limits. Explain how EACH: the HEART, BRAIN, KIDNEYS may be Compensating to maintain her blood pressure in the face of blood loss? INCLUDE formulas for BP and for Cardiac Output.

Hemorrhaging causes lower blood pressure; the heart increased its heart rate and pumps faster to control blood pressure; cardiac output increases because the blood is pumping faster; stroke volume decreases and resistance goes up

Evelyn arrived to hospital with a several symptoms. She complained of weakness in her muscles including her arm muscles, difficulty breathing at times, and flabby or laxed orbicularis occuli . The doctor ordered an EMG as well as blood tests.. 2. During the EMG they applied electrodes on a portion of her right brachial area. What do you think that EMG test showed? think of the initial diagnosis

Her EMG would show a delayed twitch and quick fatigue, which correlates to her having a neuromuscular problem.

Evelyn arrived to hospital with a several symptoms. She complained of weakness in her muscles including her arm muscles, difficulty breathing at times, and flabby or laxed orbicularis occuli . The doctor ordered an EMG as well as blood tests.. 3.How did the blood test results confirm the initial diagnosis and EMG results?

Her blood test results would show an increase in her white blood count and positive for antibodies that attack the acetylcholine receptors which are used to transmit nerve impulses to the muscles.

Lynn is a woman who lives in Wayne NJ. One Saturday, a nice sunny day , for some fun exercise, she ventured with her son into the woods behind her house. A few days later, she complained of joint pain, flu-like symptoms with fever, and difficulty thinking. She went to see her doctor 1 Based on what we have covered in lecture TODAY,, what might be her diagnosis ?

Her potential diagnosis is lyme disease

Alicia , 15 years old , following a CT scan of her right thigh, was just diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma, a form of bone cancer. She will need surgery to remove the tumor. Prior to the surgery, she will undergo chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. If the surgeon is unable to remove the whole tumor, she will undergo radiation therapy. Explain why her tumor is called sarcoma. Why will she need surgery? How is chemotherapy different from radiation therapy?

Her tumor is called a sarcoma because it destroys normal bone tissue. She needs surgery due to the possibility of spreading through to the body. Chemotherapy involved the administration of drugs that cause death to cancerous cells where as radiation therapy breaks down chromosomes blocking cell division

How is the beginning of intramembraneous ossification different from endochondral ossification?

Intramembraneous ossification starts in connective tissue from mesenchymal cells that become osteoblasts. These osteoblasts cluster together into an ossification center. Endochondral ossification starts with a hyaline cartilage "template." Mesenchymal cells become osteoblasts and begin forming bone around the cartilage.

Occipital bone is that type of bone


As soon as the temperature is back to normal, the receptors stop initiating a response


It is the condition of equilibrium in the body's internal environment due to the constant interaction of the body's many regulatory processes


This is the condition of equilibrium (balance) in the body's internal environment.


This is an endochondral bone


A dermal filler, which is injected to plump up the skin and smooth out wrinkles

Hyaluronic acid

Common polysaccharides found in ground substance include

Hyaluronic acid

Which of the following bonds provides the three dimensional structure of large molecules like proteins and DNA?


A type of bond important in tying different parts of the same molecule together into a three-dimensional structure.

Hydrogen bond

A solute that dissolves in water is.


Inorganic crystals which make bone tissue so hard


Several mitotic rounds lead to increased number of cells


Sometimes, cells store or contain more chemicals INSIDE which lead to this type of growth


Marty, an apparently healthy 35 year old male, just moved from the New Jersey Shore to Aspen ,Colorado . He is having a hard time adjusting to living at high altitude. He feels unusually tired all the time and has been also experiencing difficulty breathing. Following tests including spirometry , he was told that his lungs were functioning well but that his new environment was the cause of his symptoms. His physician reassured him that eventually these symptoms would subside and that his body would adapt. Upon the diagnosis, his daughter Rachelle, an aspiring nurse, explained to him that she had learned in her A & P class that hypoxia could lead to hypoxemia and eventually to ischemia which explains his symptoms. The adaptation the physician mentioned would be due to his bone marrow providing more red blood cells and that will help him eventually. Explain the symptoms, the tests, the causes and adaptation.

Hypoxia: low O2 in environment Hypoxemia: low O2 in blood Ischemia: not enough O2 going to tissues Spirometry: measure our capacity of lungs; how much you breath out At high altitude, there is less atmospheric pressure of O2, so harder to get air into your lungs Low O2: Chemoreceptors detect that in Medulla and stimulate bone to produce more Red BC

Contains only thin filaments

I band

Die to contraction this band disappears

I band

Name of D section

I band

The ________ contains only the actin filaments.

I band

The lungs are ________ to the heart.


Produces antibodies that attach to foreign substances.

Immune System

This is very specific to fight a specific antigen


Vaccination makes one produce more of this chemical


produced by B lymphocytes when attacked by a foreign item


Which subspecialty of physiology deals with the study of the body's defense against disease-causing agents?


This causes____________of the __________glands

Inhibition; Parathyroid

Evelyn arrived to hospital with a several symptoms. She complained of weakness in her muscles including her arm muscles, difficulty breathing at times, and flabby or laxed orbicularis occuli . The doctor ordered an EMG as well as blood tests.. 4.Upon confirmation, among other things, Evelyn was prescribed Corticosteroids to be followed later with Methotrexate.

Initial treatment of the corticosteroids can be used not only help reduce the inflammation but it can stop White Blood Cells from producing antibodies to attack the acetylcholine receptors. The reason for changing her initial treatment of corticosteroids to methotrexate because it is highly discouraged to use corticosteroids the for a prolonged period of time. Prolonged use will lead to significant bone resorption which can cause bone weakness, fractures, etc.

Sudoriferous (sweat) glands are categorized as two distinct types. Which of the following are the two types of sweat glands?

eccrine and apocrine

What would happen to an individual if CO2 stimulation of breathing via the Respiratory Center was to fail? What other mechanisms may kick in?

Inspiratory and expiratory centers not stimulated. The diaphragm and intercostals will not contract because there is no stimulation. They would have respiratory acidosis because a lot of CO2 increases the acidity in the blood. The chemoreceptors detect the change in pH in the pharynx, carotid, and aortic bodies.

This type of membrane protein will extend throughout the entire membrane touching both the Intracellular fluid and the Extracellular fluid.

Integral proteins and Transmembrane proteins

Protects underlying organs from environmental damage and synthesizes vitamin D.

Integumentary System

Stacey has been diagnosed with a form of anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency. Apparently she cannot absorb the vitamin from the food she eats. Her physician recommended periodic intramuscular injections of the vitamin. Stacey knows that you are taking A & P and would like to know the difference between Intramuscular as opposed to subcutaneous injections. She asked you to indicate and explain where she may receive the injections and why those particular sites would be preferred.

Intramuscular injection penetrates the skin and subcutaneous layer to enter the muscle itself . - Common sites for this injection type include the gluteus medium muscle or the buttock, lateral side of thigh in the middle portion of the vastus laterals muscle, or deltoid muscle of the shoulder because areas of these muscles are thick and absorption is promoted by their extensive blood supply. Subcutaneous injections are administered as a bolus into the subcutis - Abdomen: at or under the level of the belly button, about two inches away from the navel. Arm: back or side of the upper arm

Usually for large doses or chronic or long term situations they use intramuscular injections, meaning they inject the drug within a large and vascular muscle such as Gluteus Medius and not directly into the Blood stream or a vein . 2. Why would they select the Gluteus Medius over the Gluteus Maximus for such injection?

Intramuscular injections are given deep within the muscle of the gluteus medius to avoid injury as it is away from major nerves (i.e. Sciatic nerve) and blood vessels.

This is a negatively charged atom.


A bond in which electrons are completely lost or gained by the atoms involved.

Ionic bond

Define electromyography or EMG

Is the direct stimulation of a muscle by a machine the measures electronic activity Resting muscle = no electrical activity Slight contraction= some electrical activity

In addition to protection (physical and chemical barrier), the skin serves other functions. Which of the following is another vital function of the skin?

It converts modified epidermal cholesterol to a vitamin D precursor necessary in calcium metabolism.

Didi just had a bone density test done and she was told diagnosed with early signs of osteoporosis in her right hip. In addition to other things, her physician instructed her to do weight baring exercises. VERY BRIEFLY , what is a BONE DENSITY TEST ( also called BONE DENSITOMETRY) ? what does it measure really?

It is a type of radiography where a single barrage of x-rays passes through the body, producing an image of interior structures on x-ray-sensitive film. At low doses, x-rays are useful for examining the soft tissues to determine the bone density (thickness)

Football players are required to wear a helmet during a game. Based on your knowledge of anatomy, why is this so important in that sport and not essential for players of tennis and basketball . How efficient is a helmet?

It is important for football players to wear helmets because they are more susceptible to concussions and brain injuries like an aneurysm. A helmet is efficient in the sense of absorbing some of the impact of any collisions or accidents that may occur which involve the skull/brain. ruff nature of sport, not a contact sport (tennis), Skull bones are thin and should be protect in order to avoid injuries to the brain which plays a vital role in many of the functions of your body. These bones are made through ossification.

Select the correct statement regarding adipose tissue. A) It is composed mostly of extracellular matrix. B) Its primary function is nutrient storage. C) Mature adipose cells are highly mitotic. D) Most of the cell volume is occupied by the nucleus.

Its primary function is nutrient storage.

In the diagram, which organelle is used to modify, sort and transport proteins?


In the figures, which one represents the hardest matrix found in connective tissue?


Imagine Jim and John both fell playing football. Jim fell on his right shoulder and suffered a dislocation while John fell on his right hip and had no serious injury. Explain why Jim and not John suffered the dislocation? ( include the anatomical reasons in your explanation)

John suffered the dislocation due to the forced trauma to the acromioclavicular joint and the articular capsule being a thin loose sac that completely envelops the joint and extends from the glenoid cavity to the anatomical neck of the humerus where as the articular capsule of the hip joint is a very dense strong capsule that extends from the rim of the acetabulum to the next of the femur

In the figures, which one represents blood?


Which of the following is very important in turning dietary vitamin D into the most powerful hormone, 1,25 (OH)2 Vitamin D


Which statement correctly explains why hair appears the way it does? A) Kinky hair has flat, ribbonlike hair shafts. B) Perfectly round hair shafts result in wavy hair. C) Air bubbles in the hair shaft cause straight hair. D) Gray hair is the result of hormonal action altering the chemical composition of melanin.

Kinky hair has flat, ribbonlike hair shafts.

Abnormal curvature of the vertebral column


Accumulation leads to cramping and pain

Lactic acid

In the presence of Oxygen, converted back to pyruvic acid

Lactic acid

Which of the following structures contains osteocytes?


Water loss through the epidermis could cause a serious threat to health and well-being. Which of the following protects us against excessive water loss through the skin?

Lamellated granules of the cells of the stratum granulosum, a glycolipid that is secreted into extracellular spaces

Epidermal cells which are phagocytic cells and protect from bacterial invasion


These are particularly rich in lysosomes


Connects the humerus to the Ulna for example


Which of the following is made from dense regular connective tissue? a) Ligaments b) Fibrous capsule of articular cartilage c) Articular fat pads d) Synovial membrane e) Synovial fluid


What could be punctured if the xiphoid process breaks during CPR


The function of the cytosol is.

Location of chemical reactions

Describe the differences between the bones of the lower and upper limb and briefly state why these differences exist.

Lower limbs of the body carry the body's weight, which means they are stronger and thicker. Upper limbs allow more flexibility and mobility, because they are lighter and smaller.

An enzyme acts to

Lower the activation energy needed

The surgical removal of a partial growth


Organs protected by the rib cage


Another name for dislocation


This bacterial infection affects joints and cause inflammation

Lyme disease

The cervical ones may get swollen in case of infectious mononucleosis.

Lymph nodes

Removes and filters excess fluid from tissues.

Lymphatic System

These are important to help drain excess fluid back into the venous circulation

Lymphatic vessels

May have broken from the Golgi apparatus


Rich in enzymes which help protect the cell


Which organelle is responsible for a newborn having distinctive toes and fingers instead of webbed digits ?

Lysosomes, they break down and contain enzymes that can apoptosis. the death of cells that occurs as normal and controlled part form of development aka program cell death or cell suicide.

In the sliding filament mechanism, the thin filament is being pulled towards the

M line

Removal of the cancerous breast


A non X-ray clinical imaging technique which allows one to see body tissues based on water content


Good to see tumors and it uses non-X-ray type rays


Radiography, visualizes soft tissues and organs with much more detail than conventional radiophraphs


Which of the following minerals is needed when bones are growing? a. Chlorine b. Sulfur c. Magnesium d. Both a and b e. All of the above


The branch of medicine that deals with correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system is called


Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic and immune system?

Maintaining water homeostasis in the body

Lynn is a woman who lives in Wayne NJ. One Saturday, a nice sunny day , for some fun exercise, she ventured with her son into the woods behind her house. A few days later, she complained of joint pain, flu-like symptoms with fever, and difficulty thinking. She went to see her doctor 5. Why should she be treated as soon as possible Or what major complications may occur if not treated fast enough ?

Major complications if left untreated the lyme disease can spread to other non joint regions such as the brain, and heart.

This is a structure of a long bone that stores energy.


Which of the following bones can NOT be elevated or depressed? a) Hyoid b) Clavicle c) Ribs d) Maxilla e) Mandible


The stimulus above which no stronger contraction can be elicited, because all motor units are firing in the muscle.

Maximal stimulus

Where food stuff is used to make most ATP




Provides a colorized visual assessment of cellular activity such as Brain activity

PET Scan

Which stop their production of the hormone __________


The bridge of the nose is ________ to the left eye.


Which of the following cutaneous receptors is specialized for the reception of touch or light pressure?

Meissner's corpuscles

Epidermal cells which produce the pigment which filters UV light


Select the most correct statement concerning skin cancer. A) Most tumors that arise on the skin are malignant. B) Squamous cell carcinomas arise from the stratum corneum. C) Basal cell carcinomas are the least common but most malignant. D) Melanomas are rare but must be removed quickly to prevent them from metastasizing.

Melanomas are rare but must be removed quickly to prevent them from metastasizing.

Which of the following is not used to reduce friction at joints? a) Tendon sheaths b) Synovial fluid c) Bursae d) Menisci e) All of the above reduce friction


This membrane give rise to bone tissue but not to muscle tissue


Embryonic Membrane which give rise to bone cells and muscle cells


Embryonic layer which give rise to bone and cartilage


Found in the cytoplasm, this structure specifies the exact sequence of amino acids of the protein to be made.

Messenger RNA

This is the sum of all chemical processes that occur in the body.


Refer to Cancer cells which do not stop dividing and they spread


Usually in dermal region, detects deep touch or pressure


good against yeast infections or fungus related diseases


Also called macrophage


Largest leukocyte, good at phagocytosis


Which of the following is NOT a sign of inflammation?

Mucus production

Loss of myelin on axon; leads to slow movement

Multiple sclerosis

A patient is admitted for electroconvulsive treatment (ECT). The physician orders the neuromuscular blocking agent succinylcholine to reduce trauma by relaxing skeletal muscles. Explain the process of muscle contraction and how a neuromuscular blocking agent such as succinylcholine would interfere with muscle contraction

Muscle contraction begins with a stimulus to the nerve, when the impulse reaches the neuromuscular jxn depolarization occurs resulting of an influx of calcium ions which then release a neurotransmitter AcH into the cleft. The AcH combines with receptor sites on the post junctional muscle cell membrane, depolarizes, and then facilities the entry of sodium. Neuromuscular blocking agents act at the motor end plate by competing w/ AcH for the receptor sites, or by blocking depolarization.

Angelina was in a car accident. She had multiple injuries on her right thigh or leg above the Knee. She suffered 1. Muscle lacerations in that leg 2. Damage of the blood vessels serving that leg 3. Transection of the Sciatic nerve in that leg. Will the muscle lacerations heal well or completely?

Muscle lacerations will be able to heal but not completely, the muscle laceration would be healed with scar tissue/satellite cells (connective tissue made of mostly collagen fibers) which will leave the muscle weaker and less flexible.

Directly causes mechanical motion:

Muscular System

muscle atrophy due to genetic defect

Muscular dystrophy

Ptosis of the facial muscles usually occur in this condition

Myasthenia Gravis

Which of the following is not one of the main tissue types found in the human body?


These are the contractile organelles of the muscle fiber


Actin or myosin containing structure


helps attract oxygen in muscles, especially the red muscle fibers


ATPase is found in the heads of this protein


Only protein found in thick myofilament


The thicker filaments are the ________filaments.


Which of the following functions as a motor protein in all three types of muscle tissue?


Abnormal bone formation and resorption.

Paget's disease

The Reducing Power in cellular respiration


Transfers Hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms to form water in mitochondria


This reverses a change in a control environment

Negative Feed Back system

This is an example of _____________

Negative Feedback

Used for changes in blood glucose levels

Negative Feedback

Used for changes in blood pressure

Negative Feedback

Responds to environmental changes by transmitting electrical impulses.

Nervous System

Stores rRNA involved in the making of ribosomes


Which subspecialty of physiology deals with the study of the functional properties of nerve cells?


Which of the following particles has a neutral charge?

Neutron and atom

A bond in which electrons are shared equally.

Nonpolar covalent bond

Contains 46 chromosomes


What region of an atom contains the protons and neutrons?


Articular cartilage is wearing out


Associated with menopause


High impact exercises may speed this even in young people


Osteotitis cystica fibrosis


the use of Synvisc may provide pain relief


Bone infection


May need treatment with antibiotics


Bone resorption outspaces bone deposition


Osteomalacia is a form of that


Scurvy is a form of that


Hyperplasia of osteoblasts


May show metastasis


The Movement of water molecules from low solute concentration to high solute concentration


This form of joint disease is not inflammatory but associated more with aging


Which of the following is said to be a Degenerative joint disease?


Cells that can build bony matrix.


Cells which produce protein fibers found in the bone matrix


These are considered bone-building cells.


These are considered bone-dissolving cells


Cells that can dissolve the bony matrix.


This hormone stimulates the bone cells called ____________


Those cells are especially rich in lysosomes


DNA for each parent determines the genetic potential of the bone growth. This is called_____.


Having blue sclera is one of the symptoms of that congenital disease

Osteogenesis imperfecta

In this congenital condition, the collagen fibers have lost their triple helix designs

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Put the bones cells in order of their maturation from unspecialized to specialized.

Osteogenic, osteoblast, osteocytes

Bone formed is poorly mineralized and soft. Deforms on weight bearing.


Bones are porous and thin but bone composition is normal.


Inflammation due to excess PTH

Osteotitis cystic fibrosis

Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the ear?


Type of reaction associated with loss of H's


Which of the following is not considered an organ of the immune system?


Bone mass reduction is promoted by which hormone?


The _______glands release the hormone_____

Parathyroid; PTH

Are flat thin bones

Parietal bone

Muscle problem due to brain damage

Parkinson dis.

Knee (anterior aspect)


Which subspecialty of physiology deals with the study of functional changes associated with disease and aging?


Connective tissue ensheathing a bundle of muscle cells


This is a lining found in bone that promotes bone growth in width


Function of sweat glands


Engulfing of items by cell, such as engulfing bacteria by white blood cells


The storage form of ATP


Which of the following is a principle of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane structure?

Phospholipids form a bilayer that is largely impermeable to water-soluble molecules

Organ which produces the growth hormone

Pituitary gland

In this type of joint, the rounded or pointed surface of one bone articulates with a ring formed partly by another bone and partly by a ligament

Pivot joint

The matrix in blood tissue is a. Red blood cells b. White blood cells c. Plasma d. Platelets e. Albumin


A selective permeable structure, protects the cell

Plasma Membrane

What are the three main parts of a eukaryotic cell?

Plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus

This is the type of bond between the atoms forming water

Polar covalent

A bond in which electrons are shared unequally

Polar covalent bond

Could be prevented with vaccine.


Viral infection of the spinal cord


Marcus is 18 years old. He cannot move his left arm which looks much smaller compared to his right arm. He suffered from poliomyelitis when he was younger. Explain the condition and why the arms differ in size.

Poliomyelitis(polio) is a viral infection of spinal cord, lower motor neurons coming from SC going to a muscle cannot transmit messages. associated muscle cannot contract. Muscles are paralyzed: Flaccid paralysis & atrophy. Treatment for this is a vaccine that prevents this from occurring The arms differ in size due to what is called post-polo syndrome which can be treated by administration of nerve growth factors to stimulate both nerve and muscle growth

Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the thumb?


This type of triglyceride contains more than one double bond in the fatty acid carbon atoms.


________ is an inherited condition that affects the heme pathway; it leaves the skin scarred and gums degenerated, and may have led to the folklore about vampires.


Normal childbirth provides a good example of this mechanism

Positive Feed Back system

This strengthens or reinforces a change in of the body's controlled conditions

Positive Feed Back system

Used for blood clotting

Positive Feedback

Used for childbirth

Positive Feedback

In some cases the epiphyseal plate of the long bones of children closes too early. What might be the cause?

elevated levels of sex hormones

In this transport process, the energy from hydrolysis of ATP is used to drive substances across the membrane against their own concentration gradients.

Primary active transport

Which of the following statements indicates the way in which the body's natural defenses protect the skin from the effects of UV damage?

Prolonged exposure to the sun induces melanin dispersion, which in turn acts as a natural sunscreen.

so far the best drug treatment for HIV sufferers

Protease inhibitors

Hemoglobin, Insulin, Alpha Reductase


In connective tissue, the matrix consists of

Protein fibers and ground substance

What does this figure represent?

Protein synthesis

Plasma membranes consist of what three components?

Proteins, phospholipids, cholesterol

The subatomic particles that make up atoms include:

Protons, neutrons, electrons

This is an extension of the plasma membrane that will surround a particle outside the cell forming a vesicle.


This tissue lines most of the respiratory tract

Pseudostratified columnar epithelial

The upper arm is ________ to the forearm.


Using heat or x-rays to kill to cancer cells


Contrast the roles of ER-bound ribosomes with those free in the cytosol

RER- make proteins that will be exported from the cell. Ribosomes- found in the cytosol and produces proteins found w/in the cell.

Transfer of heat in the form of infrared rays between a warmer object and a cooler one without physical contact


This refers to the range through which the bones of a joint can be moved.

Range of motion

This is the structure of a feedback system that provides input to the control center.


Which of the following is a function of a membrane protein that binds with hormones and neurotransmitters?


Indicates very active hemopoiesis going on

Red bone marrow

Briefly describe the functions of synovial fluid.

Reduces friction, absorbs shock, supplies oxygen and nutrients to and removing carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes from the chondrocytes within the articular cartilage

Type of reaction associated with addition of H's


Choose the directional term that would make the following sentence correct. The heart is _____ to the liver.


Trachea, bronchi, alveoli.


A joint disease cause by white blood cells destroying the synovial membrane

Rheumatoid arthritis

Which of the following is due to an autoimmune problem

Rheumatoid arthritis

Maggie is a 28 year old Caucasian woman who has newly been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She complains of painful, stiff hands and feet, feeling tired all the time and reports an intermitting low grade fever. She asks the nurse if she is going to be "crippled". How might the nurse explain the pathophysiology of rheumatoid arthritis? What type of drugs may be helpful to Maggie's condition?

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body attacks its own tissues (cartilage and joint lining) (white blood cells produce antibodies (Ab) destroying cells of synovial membrane) Treatments include anti-inflammatory drugs (immunosupressors), catabolic steroids cortisone, or non steroid anti inflammatory drugs such as naproxen, alive, aspirin, methotrexate injection BP

Forms part of the protein synthesis site in the cytoplasm.

Ribosomal RNA

May be attached to the ER or scattered in the cytoplasm.

Ribosomal RNA

A 55-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with heart failure. He complains of increasing shortness of breath on exertion and needing to sleep on three pillows at night. On physical assessment, the nurse determines that his ankles and feet are very swollen. Which of these symptoms reflect left-sided heart failure and which reflect right-sided heart failure?

Right sided = shortness of breath Left sided = swollen ankles; peripheral edema Edema due to interstitial fluid retention Left ventricle problems = bicuspid or aortic value; pulmonary congestion

In may episodes of CSI, the medical examiner often use the words " Rigor Mortis". What is Rigor Mortis? Briefly, what causes rigor mortis?

Rigor mortis is a state of partial contraction of muscles after death due to lack of ATP; Myosin heads remain attached to actin, thus preventing relaxation After death CM becomes leaky. Ca ions bleak out of Sarcomplasmic Reticulum, Myosin binds to Actin = cross-bridges, ATP synthesis stops, the cross bridge cannot detach = body becomes stiff = rigidity of death, starts between 3-4 hrs after death tip 24 hrs, after 24 hrs lysosomes enzymes digest the x-bridges = body becomes limp

The concentration of Ca in the blood __________and goes back to the normal value of __________

Rises; 10 mg%

Greg is somewhat of a " weekend athlete" who has overextended himself by pitching baseball for a local team during the week and playing gold of the weekends for several hours. He presented himself to the emergency room last week with severe shoulder pain ( at the glenohumeral joint). The physician told him that the X-ray was not conclusive but he may have damage to his rotator cuff. What is the rotator cuff and how might he have caused this damage? What remedies will the physician recommend?

Rotator cuff is muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres major, subscapularis) which anchor the humerus to the scapula. He might have caused this damage due to shoulder movements that involve vigorous circumduction. Also as a result of wear and tear, aging, trauma, poor posture, improper lifting or receptive motions in certain jobs. Remedies recommend are pain relievers

Structure rich in ribosomes.

Rough ER

Plasma membrane of the muscle fiber


From Z to Z


Section from B to B


The characteristic of plasma membranes allowing only some substances to move through is known as

Selective permeability

While playing softball, Sid pulls his hamstring muscle. As a result of the injury he has difficulty flexing and medially rotating his thigh. Which muscle(s) of the hamstring group did he probably injure? What should he do to repair the injury?

Semimembranosus and semitendinosus are the muscles he probably injured To repair the injury a compression bandage should be applied, use of curtches, gently stretch the hamstring, massage injured are, and seek physical therapy

Lynn is a woman who lives in Wayne NJ. One Saturday, a nice sunny day , for some fun exercise, she ventured with her son into the woods behind her house. A few days later, she complained of joint pain, flu-like symptoms with fever, and difficulty thinking. She went to see her doctor 3 If correct, what Exactly caused her problems? how did she get it?

She was infected by the known bacterium to cause lyme disease via a tick as the host while venturing in the woods

Involuntary muscle contraction to produce body heat


This may involve arrector pili muscles


In an isometric contraction the muscle develops tension but does not a) Lengthen b) Widen c) Shorten d) Conduct electrical current e) Exhibit elasticity


Which is the most movable joint? a. Elbow joint b. Hip joint c. Knee joint d. Shoulder joint e. Ankle joint

Shoulder joint

Which type of joint permits this type of movement? In photo


This type of reaction will combine reactants to produce larger products.


Objective changes in a patient's normal body function that can be directly observed or measured by a clinician are referred to as


This is the transport process by which gases move through a membrane.

Simple diffusion

This tissue is lines the lumen or cavities of the heart, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels

Simple squamous epithelial

Describe what happens to a protein's structure and function when it is denatured.

Since proteins functionality depends entirely on its structure, once it is denatured, the protein is not longer functional. Is the process of denaturation, a protein that encounters an altered environment, the protein may unravel and essentially lose its characteristic shape.

Provides support and levers for muscles to pull

Skeletal System

Attaches the correct amino acid to its transfer RNA.

Synthetase enzymes

Explain how solute concentrations determine water concentration.

Solute concentrations determine water concentration based on the concentrations of ions. If there are more ions then there is lower water concentration. If there are less ions then it will result in having a higher concentration of water.

Common sports fracture resulting from a twisting force.


Refers to over stretching or even tearing ligaments in a joint


These are immature, undifferentiated cells that can divide to replace lost or damaged cells. a. Stem cells b. Parenchyma c. Fibrosis d. Granular tissue e. Adhesions

Stem cells

. Estrogen, Vitamin D, Cholesterol


Which of the following is NOT a major function of muscle tissue. a) Moving blood throughout the body b) Generating heat through contractions c) Stopping the movement of joints d) Promoting movement of body structures e) Storing energy

Storing energy

This tissue forms glands.

Stratified cuboidal epithelial

This tissue forms the most superficial layer of the skin

Stratified squamous epithelial

Made of cells which are the most mitotic

Stratum basale

Causes hypertrophy

Strength training

May cause splitting of muscle fibers

Strength training

Utilize mostly fast oxidative muscle fibers

Strength training

Cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle are both described as striated. What does that mean? Since only cardiac muscle has gap junctions, briefly describe the functions of those gap junctions in cardiac muscles

Striations are the z disc of the sarcomere and the gap junctions are located at the intercalated discs of the cardiac muscle and allow ions to pass from cell to cell electrically coupling adjacent cells. This allows the heart to be functional syncytium and behave as single coordinated unit.

Dense connective tissues main function is a. Storage of mineral b. Forms stroma of organs c. Reducing heat loss d. Strong attachment between structures e. Aids in elasticity

Strong attachment between structures

Where is the most common location for adipose tissue? a. Subcutaneous layer deep to skin b. Lining bones c. Covering brain d. Inside ear canal e. Cartilage

Subcutaneous layer deep to skin

Lack of resistance is also known as:


This is a fibrous joint composed of a thin layer of dense fibrous connective tissue.


Explain why swimming is not generally recommended as an exercise to prevent osteoporosis, especially when compared to walking.

Swimming is not recommend because it is not a weight bearing exercise. A weight bearing exercise is an exercise that promotes compression or pressure on bone due to body weight. Wolf's law, a concept behind weight bearing, explains a bone grows or remodels in response to the demand placed on it. As periosteum is constantly pulled, osteoblasts and osteoclasts stay active to maintain or add to bone matrix which leads to growth

The signal to excite a muscle cell must cross the neuromuscular junction by the diffusion of acetylcholine across the

Synaptic cleft

Axon terminal clusters at the ends of neuromuscular junctions are referred to as:

Synaptic end bulbs

How is a suture joint classified functionally?


An example of this type of joint is the epiphyseal plate.


In this type of fibrous joint, the connective tissue is arranged either as a bundle or as a sheet.


In the diagram above which type of joint is represented?


Muscle that aids another by promoting the same movement.


A gel like substance extracted from chicken combs; when injected in joints, may relieve pain


A drug like cortisone prevent these from rejecting a graft or transplant

T lymphocytes

These circulate in the blood stream and provide immune surveillance

T lymphocytes

What are the nonpolar parts of a phospholipid?

Tail group

Connects the biceps brachii to the radius for example


This tissue is just a bundle of collagen fibers with few cells


Chuck has a rotator cuff injury. Which muscles and associated structures are most commonly involved in this type of injury?

Tendon of scapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor.

Akira, a 2.5 ranked tennis player ( who thought he was a 34.5 ranked player!) experiences severe pain in his elbow joint after playing for five straight hours well beyond his limit. He told everyone it was due to a fall while diving to retrieve a difficult shot. What do you think?

Tennis elbow mostly commonly refers to pain at or near the lateral epicondyle of the humerus usually caused by improperly executed backhand. The extensor muscles strain or sprain, resulting in pain

This part of the skeletal muscle cell releases calcium when stimulated by the T tubules.

Terminal cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum

True/False Muscle spasms of the back often are due to the erector spinae contraction.


True/False Muscles are only able to pull, they never push.


True/False Muscles connecting to the hyoid bone are important for swallowing and speech


Responsible for growth spurt in young boys, at puberty


Steroid, anabolic, an androgen


Continued sustained smooth


Alice and James adopted a 3-year old child from a Third World Country. They notice that her legs were bowed and there were some deformities in her cranial and pelvis bones. They brought her to a physician for a diagnosis. What was the diagnosis and what was the treatment for the disorder?

The 3 year old child has rickets which is a form of dwarfism osteoporosis caused from inadequate calcification of the extracellular bone matrix, usually caused bv vitamin d deficiency. Growing bones become "soft" or rubbery are are easily deformed. Because new bone formed at the epiphyseal plate fails to ossify, bowed legs and deformities of the skull, rib cage, and pelvis occur. Treatments for rickets is Vitamin D supplements and administration of T4 (Thyroxine). Vitamin D promotes Ca and P absorption from the small intestine and bone mineralization. T4 is a hormone produced by thyroid gland which controls basic metabolism before and after brith. Bone growth will be fixed with the administration of this hormone

Veronica is a 50 year old woman went to see her physician . She complained of shortness of breath and intermittent fainting spells. Her doctor runs various tests and finds that the AV node is not functioning properly. How is that finding related to her symptoms ? What is the suggested treatment?

The AV node is located in the intertribal septum just anterior to the opening of the coronary sinus, If AV node not working properly this means VENTRICLES do not have ENOUGH time to fill up with blood therefore NOT enough blood for RIGH VENTRICLE goes to LUNGS to pick up oxygen and not enough oxygen blood from LEFT ventricle goes to the REST of body - Consequences , faster and shorter breathing rate to get more Oxygen, Diaphragm ( a muscle) also not very powerful may even be ischemic to get more air etc, Even the MYOCARDIUM is weaker , not just pumping less blood , but less force too ( again ischemia) All cells are getting LESS and LESS oxygen but the BRAIN is in a worse situation and that explains the CEREBRAL CORTEX shutting down.. Remember SHE IS NOT DEAD ,so other brain regions ( PONS, MEDULLA) although oxygen poor are still working treatment = The suggested treatment is surgery to implant an artificial pacemaker.

What is this molecule above;, where can it be found in a eukaryotic cell and what are the special properties of this molecule?

The above molecule is called a Phospholipid, which can be found in the plasma membrane of the eukaryotic cell. Special characteristics of said molecule is that it is amphipathic, which means that it has polar and non-polar parts to it. The polar region consists of a hydrophilic (water loving) head and the non-polar region consists of hydrophobic (water fearing) tails. The heads of the phospholipid are facing towards the outside of the membrane while the tails face inward.

True/False Muscles that help maintain upright posture are fixators.


True/False The broadest muscle of the back is the latissimus dorsi.


True/False The calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon) is the largest, strongest tendon in the body


True/False The major head flexors are the sternocleidomastoid muscles, with the help of the muscles attached to the hyoid bone.


True/False The soleus is a synergist of the gastrocnemius during plantar flexion.


A growth, this can either be benign or malignant


Uncontrolled hyperplasia, could be cancerous or not


good for pain but will not thin the blood or reduce inflammation


If the nucleotide or base sequence of the DNA strand used as a template for messenger RNA synthesis is ACGTT, then what would be the sequence of bases in the corresponding mRNA?


Red bone marrow functions in the formation of

all blood cells and platelets

Decreased blood flow to a muscle could result in A- fatigue B- an oxygen debt C- an increase in intracellular lactate D- a shift to more anaerobic glycolysis in the muscle E- all of the above

all of the above

Increased oxygen consumption would accompany A- increased heat production B- increased conversion of lactate to glucose C- increased aerobic respiration by muscle cells D- increased muscle activity E- all of the above

all of the above

In general, the lipids that we refer to as oils have ________.

a high degree of unsaturated bonds

Three discrete types of muscle fibers are identified on the basis of their size, speed, and endurance. Which of the following athletic endeavors best represents the use of red fibers? A) a sprint by an Olympic runner B) a long, relaxing swim C) playing baseball or basketball D) mountain climbing

a long, relaxing swim



Match the following cavities and organs: Heart Lungs


The left subclavian vein receives lymph from

Thoracic duct

The lymph from the right foot empties into the

Thoracic duct

Which of the following is or are functions of the skeleton? A- as a calcium storage area B- to transmit forces to do work C- as a protection of body soft tissue D- as protection of internal organs E- all of the above

all of the above

The most abundant skeletal cartilage type is ________.


What is a THROMBUS? What Is an ANEURYSM? Explain why a thrombus coming from the left leg would be more likely to cause a PULMONARY aneurysm than a myoacardial infarction or stroke.

Thrombus is the clot in an unbroken blood vessel which may devolve spontaneously Aneurysm is a think weakening section of the way of an artery or a vein that bulges outward, forming a ballon like sac Due to a blood clot lodging itself in a small diameter artery and blocking blood flow to the lung

Which organ produces a hormone that promotes maturation of T cells?


About 25% of all stress fractures involve which bone?


What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?

hyaline cartilage

The function of the root hair plexus is to ________.

allow the hair to assist in touch sensation

Despite its apparent durability, the dermis is subject to tearing. How might a person know that the dermis has been stretched and/or torn?

The appearance of visible, silvery-white scars is an indication of stretching of the dermis.

Regina is taking a class in First Aid. She is learning CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. She is instructed on how to place her hands on the STERNUM, to press more in the center , closer to the manubrium. Based on what you have learned in lab, why is it BEST to place the hands more in the center and NOT on the lowest portion of the sternum? explain the potential problems if instruction not followed - what may happen if Regina puts pressure on the BOTTOM instead?

The best place to have the hands more towards the center and not the lowest portion of the sternum is because you will not only break/fracture the xiphoid process to the point where you are driving it into the internal organs, such as the diaphragm and liver. The reason as to why the xiphoid process can break is because it is an unsupported structure and can break off under pressure.

The single most abundant protein in the body is ________.


abnormal curvature of spinal column


Protein which gives muscle the ability to stretch


Angelina was in a car accident. She had multiple injuries on her right thigh or leg above the Knee. She suffered 1. Muscle lacerations in that leg 2. Damage of the blood vessels serving that leg 3. Transection of the Sciatic nerve in that leg. 2.How would the damaged blood vessels affect her healing process?

The damaged blood vessels will hinder her ability to be able to repair the tear/laceration, because she will need adequate blood supply for oxygen, fibroblasts, and satellite cells to do some of the repair.

Carticel ( What is it?);

autologous chondrocyte implantation = ACI = articular cartilage transfer e.Small sample of your own healthy cartilage that is grown in the lab. f.More permanent, but more invasive method. g.no rejection problem since it came from your OWN body cells. h.Good for sport or trauma related joint i.Not ideal for osteoarthritis

Ghis has been suffering from a "bad knee" for several months. She is a tennis player who often slides in to attack a ball; she is an aerobic devotee and a jogger. She visited an orthopedic surgeon last week who told her that he would "like to have a look at her knee joint". He also told her that her symptoms indicated damage to the meniscus and it might have to be removed. What will the doctor do to see the joint and if the meniscus is removed will Ghis be able to play tennis again? If yes, how soon?

The doctor will preform a minimal invasive procedure called arthroscopy which involved the examination of the interior joint with an arthroscope. Yes she will be able to play again after six weeks because that is when re-establishment of synovial fluid occurs

Lynn is a woman who lives in Wayne NJ. One Saturday, a nice sunny day , for some fun exercise, she ventured with her son into the woods behind her house. A few days later, she complained of joint pain, flu-like symptoms with fever, and difficulty thinking. She went to see her doctor 2 What would the Doctor look for after he learned of what she had done that Saturday?

The doctor would look for the "bull's eye" mark on the patient's skin.

A Doppler ultrasound was performed on an infant who had symptoms of breathlessness and it was found that he had a patent ductus arteriosus. Discuss the location and function of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus and relate it to the reason for the infant's breathlessness.

The ductus arteriosus is a shunt between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta in the fetus, which normally closes at birth. Breathlessness is due to the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood because the connection between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk remains slightly open

A 35 year old woman went for check up due to multiple fractures in recent months. Since she had not gone through menopause at this age, her condition was puzzling. Several Blood tests were done as well as a bone densitometry. The TESTS results SO FAR are as follow: Bone Density results: osteoporosis of the right hip Blood Ca Normal, within 9-11 mg% Vitamin D levels normal Estrogen levels Normal Cortisol levels normal The only test results still missing is about PTH level 1. Based on the results so far, indicate what the expected result for PTH is and explain why

The expected result for the PTH would be abnormally high, because their may be a parathyroid tumor

Cells lining the trachea have whiplike motile extensions on their free surface. What are these extensions? What is their source? And what is their Function?

The extensions are called cilia which continually drive mucus with debris toward the pharynx. Their source are the centrioles that exert pressure on the plasma membrane.

That sign may have black areas, red areas, pale areas which are signs of melanoma


When the term biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part of a muscle's name, what does it tell you about the muscle?

The muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively.

If your doctor notices a marked decrease in calcium ion levels in your blood, what gland might he suspect is not functioning properly and why?

The parathyroid gland normally responds to low calcium ion levels in the blood and releases PTH which mobilizes osteoclasts to step up bone destruction, releasing more calcium into the bloodstream. If the parathyroid is not functioning properly it may release too much PTH or not respond at all, which seems to be the case here.

Most muscles contain ________.

a mixture of fiber types

Bill broke his leg in a football game and after 6 weeks in a cast, the cast is finally removed. As he steps down from the table after the cast is removed, he loses his balance and falls. What was the purpose of the Cast? Explain why Bill fell.

The purpose of the cast was to let the bone fracture repair which occurs in four phases. The four phases are called Reactive phase, Fibrocartilaginous callus formation, bony callus formation and bone remodeling phase. The purpose of treatments for fractures like the cast was to realign bone fragments, immobilize to maintain realignment, and restore function (process called reduction). Bill fell because the strength of the unstressed bones diminishes due to the loss of bone minerals and decreased number of collagen

Changes in the color of skin are often an indication of a homeostatic imbalance. Which of the following changes would suggest that a patient is suffering from Addison's disease?

The skin takes on a bronze or metallic appearance.

Sharon is a 22 year old cyclist. While training for a race, , she was thrown off of the bike and suffered a mild head injury. The nurse inquires about the use of a helmet. Sharon replies "This is the first time I have ever had a head injury from a bike. I don't think I need a helmet". Based on your understanding of the skull, how should the nurse respond to Sharon?

The skull is the frame work of the head. The cranial bones form the cranial cavity which encloses and protects the brain. The skull protects a vital organs such as the brain and intramembranous membrane . Skull bones are thin and should be protect in order to avoid injuries to the brain which plays a vital role in many of the functions of your body. These bones are made through ossification. If there is an injury to the skull the brain will be effected and there will not be room for the brain to swell up and cause no injury

Someone who has some injury in the rotator cuff, may have damaged

The teres minor

Usually for large doses or chronic or long term situations they use intramuscular injections, meaning they inject the drug within a large and vascular muscle such as Gluteus Medius and not directly into the Blood stream or a vein . 1.Why would they inject some drugs into a large muscle and not into the Blood stream directly?

They would inject some drugs into a large muscle and not into the blood stream directly because the particular medication may irritate the vein or a suitable vein my not be located. With an intramuscular injection you can put the medicine deep into the muscle tissue, allowing it to be quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

While having a physical examination, a young male informed his doctor that at age 8 he had lobar pneumonia and pleurisy in his left lung. The physician decided to measure his VC. Describe the apparatus and method used for taking this measurement. Define the following terms used in the description of lung volumes: TV, IRV, ERV, RV, and VC.

The vital capacity has low capacity. They would need spirometer to measure the air capacity of lungs. T.V= how much inhalation and exhalation of air in normal respiration IRV/ ERV: Air held in lungs while inhaling and air in lungs after exhaling RV: amount that always stays in the lungs even after exhalation VC: forcefully how much you can inhale and exhale (as much as you can)

What does the formula C6H12O6 mean?

There are 12 hydrogen, 6 carbon, and 6 oxygen atoms

Which of the following is not true of proteins?

They appear to be the molecular carriers of the coded hereditary information

Which of the following is NOT true about phospholipids?

They are a major energy storage lipid

HIV and Zika infections may have similarities. Which of the following statement is NOT true for both:

They are both transmitted by mosquito bites

The design of a person's epidermal ridges is determined by the manner in which the papillae rest upon the dermal ridges to produce the specific pattern known as handprints, footprints, and fingerprints. Which of the following statements is true regarding these prints or ridges?

They are genetically determined, therefore unique to each person.

What effect does depolarization have on the motor end plate once action potentials arrive at the synaptic end bulb? What role does Acetylcholine play ?

This change in voltage opens voltage-gated calcium channels allowing calcium to flood into the neuron Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction

Lyme disease is treatable with antibiotics , because

This condition is of bacterial origin

Each thin filament consists of

a pair of protein strands wound together

Several hormones control the remodeling of bones. Which two respond to changing blood calcium levels?

To keep bones in proper dimensions, (PTH) and calcitonin are the major determinations of whether and when remodeling with occur in response to changing blood calcium.

Forrester , a 65 years old man has long suffered for arthritis . His hip joints are severely damaged and he has been told that he has to undergo total arthroplasty. What is this procedure? Describe how is it done? What would be the potential benefits of his surgery?

Total arthroplasty is the replacement of joints that have been severely damaged with prosthesis. The damaged portions of the acetabulum and the head of the femur are replaced by prostheses The acetabulum is shaped to accept the new socket, the head of the femur is removed, and the center of the femur is shaped to fit the femoral component. once the appropriate acetabular and femoral components are selected they are attached to the healthy portion of bone with acrylic cement which forms an interlocking mechanical bond.

Angelina was in a car accident. She had multiple injuries on her right thigh or leg above the Knee. She suffered 1. Muscle lacerations in that leg 2. Damage of the blood vessels serving that leg 3. Transection of the Sciatic nerve in that leg. 3. What are the SPECIFIC consequences of such nerve damage ? Meaning: How would that affect the movements of her right Leg ( hint which specific muscle group are affected by the nerve damage? Keep in mind the femoral nerve is NOT damaged

Transection of the sciatic nerve would affect the muscles of the posterior (flexor) compartment of the thigh that move the femur, tibia, and fibula, also known as the hamstrings. Muscles of the hamstrings are Bicep femoris, semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus muslces. She would not be able to flex the leg at knee joint or extend thigh at hip joint.

Act as "interpreter" molecules that recognize specific amino acids and nucleotide base sequences.

Transfer RNA

The phenomenon in which the contraction strength of a muscle increases, due to increased enzyme efficiency during the warm-up.


What regulatory proteins can be found on an actin molecule?

Tropomyosin and Troponin

Protein may block myosin binding sites


A.A sterile saline solution is continuously pumped through the knee via a cannula so that the operative field is always clear. B.An arthroscope is then used to see and determine the condition. C.Graft is then FIXED it in place using a variety of techniques. D.The graft can be then placed in the center of the knee in the same position as the original ACL E.The incisions are closed and a sterile dressing is used to cover the knee. F.The surface of the intercondylar notch where the ACL normally attaches to the femur is then prepared with a high-speed burr G.The torn ACL is removed with a high-speed shaver H.This dressing will usually stay on for several days while the wound begins to heal. I.Three very small incisions that are about 1/4 of an inch in length to create "portals" into the knee. J.Tunnels are then drilled through the bone in the femur and the tibia. True/False Step B is the second step


Gilbert came to his physician complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, breathing and swallowing. Upon testing him, the doctor noticed the following: TEST A. When asked to voluntarily move his legs repetitively, Gilbert had no problem but he fatigued very quickly and his muscle force declined. TEST B: The EMG : When the same leg was directly stimulated by electrical stimulation, the leg muscles responded well and did not demonstrate evidence of weakness and early fatigue. TEST C- blood tests for unusual chemicals True/False Blood test would show high level of antibodies


Gilbert came to his physician complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, breathing and swallowing. Upon testing him, the doctor noticed the following: TEST A. When asked to voluntarily move his legs repetitively, Gilbert had no problem but he fatigued very quickly and his muscle force declined. TEST B: The EMG : When the same leg was directly stimulated by electrical stimulation, the leg muscles responded well and did not demonstrate evidence of weakness and early fatigue. TEST C- blood tests for unusual chemicals True/False Gilbert may have an autoimmune disease which prevents Ach from working.


Gilbert came to his physician complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, breathing and swallowing. Upon testing him, the doctor noticed the following: TEST A. When asked to voluntarily move his legs repetitively, Gilbert had no problem but he fatigued very quickly and his muscle force declined. TEST B: The EMG : When the same leg was directly stimulated by electrical stimulation, the leg muscles responded well and did not demonstrate evidence of weakness and early fatigue. TEST C- blood tests for unusual chemicals True/False If treated with prednisone Gilbert may see some improvement


Gilbert came to his physician complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, difficulty talking, breathing and swallowing. Upon testing him, the doctor noticed the following: TEST A. When asked to voluntarily move his legs repetitively, Gilbert had no problem but he fatigued very quickly and his muscle force declined. TEST B: The EMG : When the same leg was directly stimulated by electrical stimulation, the leg muscles responded well and did not demonstrate evidence of weakness and early fatigue. TEST C- blood tests for unusual chemicals True/False The problem must be at the neuromuscular junction


True/False A molecule consisting of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms is correctly written as CO2.


True/False All organic compounds contain carbon.


True/False As long as there is adequate blood supply near the injured area, intact cells can still function


True/False At +30, Na+ is inside and K+ is also inside cell.


True/False Bone is continuously remodeling throughout life


True/False Cartilage tissue tends to heal less rapidly than bone tissue.


True/False Current information theorizes that omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk of heart disease.


True/False Depending on the functional state of the bladder, transitional epithelium may resemble stratified squamous or stratified cuboidal epithelium.


True/False Functions of connective tissues include binding, support, insulation, and protection.


True/False Glucose is an example of a monosaccharide.


True/False Goblet cells are found with pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium.


True/False Increased protein synthesis will occur created new myofilaments and therefore some repair


True/False Macrophages are found in areolar and lymphatic tissues.


True/False Muscles that move a body part generally do not cover the moving part


True/False Satellite cells nearby divide and help repair existing muscle fibers


True/False Since muscles have sheets of connective tissue , fibroblasts with create collagen to form scar tissue


True/False Sixty-five percent of the mass of bone is a compound called hydroxyapatite.


True/False Smooth muscle cells possess central nuclei but lack striations.


True/False The apocrine sweat glands are fairly unimportant in thermoregulation.


True/False The dermis is highly vascularized, accounting for the often pink color in the cheeks of babies.


True/False The lower the pH, the higher the hydrogen ion concentration.


True/False The most dangerous skin cancer is cancer of the melanocytes


True/False The shock-absorbing pads between the vertebrae are formed of fibrocartilage.


True/False The structural unit of compact bone (osteon) resembles the growth rings of a tree trunk.


True/False The term osteoid refers to the organic part of the matrix of compact bones.


True/False Ultraviolet light of sun may cause DNA mutation


True/False Vitamin D deficiency may lead to osteoporosis


True/False ms means: milliseconds


True/False Electromyography is the recording and interpretation of graphic records of the electrical activity of contracting muscles.


True/False For a skeletal muscle to contract, it must first be stimulated by an impulse from a sensory nerve cell


True/False Hematopoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow cavities of certain bones.


Kidneys, bladder, ureters.


Where is it most likely to find transitional epithelial cells?

Urinary bladder

This decreases blood flow to the skin


This reduces loss of body heat


What dermal blood vessels do in cold temperatures


This increases increased blood flow to the skin


What dermal blood vessels do in warm temperatures


Individuals suffering from osteoarthritis used to be prescribe a very powerful drug which was recently recalled since it was associated with risks of strokes. Which drug was it?


good for arthritis but was recalled due to high risk of stroke


In a typical body solution, the solvent is.


This is the most abundant and most important inorganic compound in the body


The situation in which contractions become stronger due to a rapid stimulation rate. Partial relaxation occurs between contractions.

Wave summation

Didi just had a bone density test done and she was told diagnosed with early signs of osteoporosis in her right hip. In addition to other things, her physician instructed her to do weight baring exercises Her doctor recommended weight bearing exercises . What is the concept behind this recommendation? ( why this type of exercise) Explain

Weight baring exercises are recommended because like muscle bone is a living tissue, and it stimulates the cells (osteoblasts) to prevent the constant degradation of bone (osteoclasts). Weight-bearing exercise also puts more tension on your muscles, and it puts more pressure on your bones, which then respond by continuously creating fresh, new bone.

Walking is an example of this type of exercise

Weight bearing

Peter, a forty year old man, was having heart palpitations and shortness of breath. He has been diagnosed with Heart Disease with may be lead to congestive heart failure. He is shocked since he has been leading quite a healthy lifestyle. He has been physically active, normal body weight, and eating a well balanced diet. His cardiologist explained to him that, although his coronary arteries are efficient and normal, some heart diseases are related to electrical problems as well as to valvular problems. What tests may have been done to show that his coronary arteries were efficient and normal? Explain some of the electrical problems which may show heart problems - give examples Explain how heart valves problem ( SUCH AS, tricuspid valve or pulmonary valve may lead to congestive heart failure.- give examples Explain why he may be put on medication such as Warfarin , Xarelto, Eliquis drugs? If he needs valve replacement, he may need to undergo a test called "catherization". What is that? How is it done? Why is it done prior to the valve replacement or other open heart surgery?

What tests may have been done to show that his coronary arteries were efficient and normal? - angiography Explain some of the electrical problems which may show heart problems - give examples - flutter, fibrillation, PVC, paroxysmal tachycardia, heart blocks Explain how heart valves problem ( SUCH AS, tricuspid valve or pulmonary valve may lead to congestive heart failure.- give examples - stenosis and regurgitation Explain why he may be put on medication such as Warfarin , Xarelto, Eliquis drugs? - These are drugs that are blood thinners, blood flow and stroke volume increases because no blood clots If he needs valve replacement, he may need to undergo a test called "cauterization". What is that? How is it done? - A tube inserted in an artery its either inguinal or brachial and its done to look at the heart. During cardiac cauterization a long thin tube called a catheter is inserted in an artery or vein in your groin, neck, or arm and is threaded through your blood vessels to your heart. Done to find diseases of heart muscle, valves, or coronary arteries Why is it done prior to the valve replacement or other open heart surgery? - Done to find diseases of heart muscle, valves, or coronary arteries

If excessive growth hormone is secreted after the epiphyseal line has formed, the following condition may result


"The more one uses a muscle in a body part, the more remodeling or growth takes place"

Wolf's Law

Detects bone fractures


Mammography is a special type of that test


Name of B

Z disc

A sarcomere is the distance between two ________.

Z discs

Because skeletal muscle contractions demand large quantities of ATP, skeletal muscles have

a rich vascular supply

Endurance-type exercise leads to all of the following EXCEPT A- greater myoglobin synthesis B- a significant increase in the diameter and strength of fibers C- an increase in the number of mitochondria in the fibers D- an increase in the vascularization of fibers E- improved efficiency in oxygen extraction from blood

a significant increase in the diameter and strength of fibers

While playing basketball, Sacha twisted his knee. Following diagnostic tests, he was told that he needed arthroscopic surgery. a. What is arthroscopic surgery? b. Describe the major steps involved. How is different from other joint surgeries? c. What are the benefits of this type of surgery?

a. Arthroscopic surgery is the using of small incisions to see first inside joint then fixing small problems. b./c. Requires small instruments but results in little scarring, less bleeding and chance of infection: less damage to tissues and most often requires local anesthesia.

Vioxx/Celebrex ( what are they?)

a. COX 2 INHIBITORS b. Fight pain and inflammation with less stomach irritation than older anti-inflammatory drugs cause. c. Prescription only. d. Vioxx was taken off the market, but it may be reintroduced. e. Increase the risk of heart attack and strokes, although Celebrex poses less danger than Bextra and Vioxx, according to an FDA panel of experts.

The sliding filament model of contraction involves ________.

actin and myosin sliding past each other but not shortening

Compare the Benefits and Limitations of these joint treatments: Synvisc ( what is it?)

a.A viscous and elastic fluid with Hyaluronate (a proteoglycan which is quite binding in joints. b.Extracted from chicken combs. c.Acts as a TEMPORARY lubricant and shock absorber, etc . . d.Minimally invasive and quick recovery.

Melanocytes and keratinocytes work together in protecting the skin from UV damage because the role of the keratinocytes is to ________.

accumulate the melanin granules on their superficial portion, forming a pigment that protects DNA from UV radiation

Which of the following is involved in the transmission of nerve impulse at the neuromuscular junction?


Which of the following is always due to a genetic mutation?


A solution that has a pH of 2 could best be described as being ________.


A 35 year old woman went for check up due to multiple fractures in recent months. Since she had not gone through menopause at this age, her condition was puzzling. Several Blood tests were done as well as a bone densitometry. The TESTS results SO FAR are as follow: Bone Density results: osteoporosis of the right hip Blood Ca Normal, within 9-11 mg% Vitamin D levels normal Estrogen levels Normal Cortisol levels normal The only test results still missing is about PTH level What other test other than blood test, should be done to confirm your answer in number 1

an MRI or a CT scan to check for a tumor on one or more PARATHYROID GLANDS

What is a muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific movement called?

an agonist

Weight lifting leads to all of the following EXCEPT A- an increase in the size of fast twitch fatigable fibers B- an increase in the amount of connective tissue between fibers C- an increase in the amount of actin and myosin filaments D- an increase in mitotic activity of fast twitch fibers E- all of the above are known to result from weight training

an increase in mitotic activity of fast twitch fibers

An acute allergic response can lead to:

anaphylactic shock

Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the front of the elbow?


The sebaceous glands are simple alveolar glands that secrete a substance known as sebum. The secretion of sebum is stimulated ________.

by hormones, especially androgens

Melanocytes ________.

are spidery-shaped cells in contact with cells in the stratum basale

Which muscles attached to the hair follicles cause goose bumps?

arrector pili

In the diagram, which phase represents the microtubules aligning the centromeres in the center of the cell?


The sarcoplasmic ( smooth ER) reticulum stores

calcium ions

This is a thin extracellular layer, that commonly consists of basal lamina and reticular lamina, that is found in epithelial tissues.

basement membrane

Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the thigh? A) biceps femoris B) vastus medialis C) soleus D) iliopsoas and rectus femoris

biceps femoris

The study of living things is called:


The Zika virus may be detected via

blood test

The canal that runs through the core of each osteon (the Haversian canal) is the site of ________.

blood vessels and nerve fibers

Which of the following is considered hard tissue


Osteogenesis is the process of ________.

bone formation

May be described as notched, indented, scalloped or indistinct


People living in the North are encouraged to take supplemental calcium with Vitamin D. Explain why.

calcium is essential in making bone extracellular matrix hard and Vitamin D hormone which promotes Ca and P absorption from the small intestine and bone mineralization. Deficiency in Vitamin D leads to decreased collagen production which slows down bone growth and delays repair of broken bones. Collagen is a molecule that forms a triple helix that is very strong and keeps bone very strong, lacking it makes one brittle and easily broken

Normal bone formation and growth are dependent on the adequate intake of ________.

calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D

Which of the below tissues is responsible for pumping blood? a. skeletal muscle b. smooth muscle c. cardiac muscle d. transitional muscle e. areolar muscle

cardiac muscle

This is comprised of a pair of centrioles and pericentriolar materials.


The ________ gland is a modified sudoriferous gland that secretes wax.


In an isotonic contraction, the muscle ________.

changes in length and moves the "load"

This is a long molecule of DNA that contains genes-there are 46 in each body cell.


A fracture that splinters the bone into many fragments is a

comminuted fracture

Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system? A) support B) storage of minerals C) production of blood cells (hematopoiesis) D) communication


The structure of bone tissue suits the function. Which of the following bone tissues is adapted to support weight and withstand tension stress?

compact bone

Explain why mitosis can be thought of as cellular immortality

considered immortal b/c a part of the original cell is going to be from the original cell found in the daughter cell. Mitosis is the replication or the copying (identical) of the original cell.

Mitochondria ________.

contain some of the DNA and RNA code necessary for their own function

A needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order?

corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale

The brain is located in the

cranial cavity

Which fibers are seen in embedded in the matrix of connective tissue? a. Elastic b. Reticular c. Collagen d. All of the above e. None of the above

d. All of the above

What can a deficiency of growth hormone during bone formation cause?

decreased proliferation of the epiphyseal plate cartilage

The papillary layer of the dermis is connective tissue heavily invested with blood vessels. The superior surface has structures called:

dermal papillae.

If more than 6mm , it is not a typical mole


A fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the ________.


Nutrients reach the surface of the skin (epidermis) through the process of ________.

diffusing through the tissue fluid from blood vessels in the dermis

Sucrose is a ________.


Osteomyelitis is ________.

due to pus-forming bacteria

In 2009, Shawn Taylor from the Washington Redskins, was shot in the leg. Although the medical surgical team operated on his leg, he eventually died as a result of the ruptured femoral artery. Many were shocked, since the femoral artery is not " the Aorta". Explain why they were not able to save Shawn? What would his chances of survival have been if the bullet had ruptured the femoral vein instead?

due to the femoral artery branching from the iliac artery which comes off the abdominal aorta, severing this artery resulting in rapid and severe blood loss enough to decrease systemic blood pressure which reduces blood supply to vital organs like the heart and brain which resulted in his death His chances of survival if the bullet ruptured the femoral vein instead would be much higher due to the easy repair by minimally invasive venous procedures.

Gary was injured in an automobile accident that severed the motor neurons innervating his quadriceps. Even though he has had extensive physical therapy, he is still suffering muscle atrophy. Why is the therapy not working?

due to the shrinking of his muscle Atrophy to about one fourth of its original size and its fibers irreparably replaced by fibrous connective tissue

Connective tissues do NOT include a. Bone b. Blood cells c. Cartilage d. tendons e. Liver cells

e. Liver cells

Sacha is 25 years old and somewhat overweight. He is considering ordering an Ephedra containing supplement advertised on the Web. Several of his friends have used the same product in the past and have actually lost weight. They are encouraging him to do the same. What is ephedra? How does it contribute to weight loss? What are the potential dangers associated with using Ephedra? Is it wise for Sacha to go ahead and order the drug and use it?

ephedra is a medicinal herb, it satisfy appetite while stimulating energy expenditure through the burning of fat potential dangers include quickened heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, heart palpitations, nausea, and vomiting, myocardial infraction, cerebral infraction No it is not wise due to the potential dangers also it has been banned in the US due to the severe potential dangers

Which structure allows the diaphysis of the bone to increase in length until early childhood, as well as shaping the articular surfaces?

epiphyseal plate

Mary is 60 years old. During a checkup, a bone scan reveals that portions of her skeleton shows greater than normal demineralization. After reviewing the test results, her physician suggests hormone therapy. What hormone will she prescribe for her patient?


Refers to the suspicious mole changing shape, size, and color


Which of the following noninvasive diagnostic techniques is an example of inspection?

examining the surface of patient's skin for presence of a rash

Which subspecialty of physiology deals with the study of changes in organ functions due to muscular activity?

exercise physiology

What muscle is primarily responsible for preventing foot drop?

extensor digitorum longus

The major regions of a hair shaft include all of the following except ________.

external root sheath

Individuals with weak immune system are more likely to recover from infections


Vaccination is a cure for many diseases


the most powerful white blood cells are the neutrophils.


The dermis is a strong, flexible connective tissue layer. Which of the following cell types are likely to be found in the dermis?

fibroblasts, macrophages, and mast cells

One type of human cell (spermatozoa) is capable of movement because it has this type of microtubule.


Percussion techniques can be used to detect

fluid in the lungs.

The epidermis is responsible for protecting the body against invasion of bacteria and other foreign agents primarily because it is composed of ________.

four different cell shapes found in five distinct layers, each cell shape with a special function

This plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions.


Mitochondria function

generate ATP

Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles in the form of ________.


Which of the following could be caused by an abnormal intake of dietary protein:


If a splinter penetrated the skin into the third epidermal layer of the sole of the foot, which cells would be damaged?


Growth of bones is controlled by a symphony of hormones. Which hormone is important for bone growth during infancy and childhood?

growth hormone

Paralysis of which of the following muscles would make an individual unable to flex the knee? A) hamstring muscles B) gluteal muscles C) brachioradialis D) soleus

hamstring muscles

The dermis ________.

has two distinct layers

big bones fit tightly and stabilized by heavy ligaments

hip joint

bones most likely to break, if case of osteoporosis

hip joint

has the lesser range of motion

hip joint

most likely to develop the degenerative/aging form of arthritis

hip joint

Myoglobin ________.

holds a reserve supply of oxygen in muscle cells

The inability of the immune system to protect the body from a pathogen causes

immunodeficiency diseases

Apocrine glands, which begin to function at puberty under hormonal influence, seem not to be useful in thermoregulation. Where would we find these glands in the human body?

in the axillary and anogenital area

Synovial joints do NOT a) Include a cavity b) Are freely moveable c) Have bones covered in hyaline cartilage d) include elastic cartilage e) have ligaments

include elastic cartilage

Which of the following is not a usual result of exercise?

increase in the number of muscle cells

Which of the following describes a body process that is controlled using a positive feedback loop?

increasing strength of uterine contractions in response to cervical stretch

Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the groin?


Protein, best known for problem with diabetic patients


Protein, from pancreas, anabolic


The composition of this body fluid, which fills the narrow spaces between cells and tissues, directly affects the proper functioning of cells.

interstitial fluid

If the solute concentration is greater in the solution on the inside of the cell, compared to the solute concentration of the solution that is outside the cell, then what direction will water move?

into the cell

Athletes sometimes complain of oxygen debt, a condition that results when insufficient oxygen is available to completely break down pyruvic acid. As a result, the pyruvic acid is converted to ________.

lactic acid

Ossification of the ends of long bones ________.

is produced by secondary ossification centers

Which of the following muscles is not a rotator cuff muscle? A) supraspinatus B) levator scapulae C) teres minor D) subscapularis

levator scapulae

When the epiphyseal plate is replaced by bone

long bones have reached their adult length

Mammography and bone densitometry are good examples of which of the following types of medical imaging.

low dose radiography

These work like "gate keepers" to protect body openings from invasion by antigens

lymph nodes

The integumentary system is protected by our immune system through the action of cells that arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Which of the following cells serve this immune function?

macrophages called Langerhans' cells

With muscular dystrophy ________.

muscle fibers degenerate and atrophy

Which cells are excitable and, therefore, able to carry electrical impulses? a. neuroglial and muscular b. muscular and connective c. neuroglial and nervous d. nervous and epithelial e. muscular and nervous

muscular and nervous

The oxygen-binding protein found in muscle cells is ________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic types of tissues found in the human body?

necrotic tissue

The maintenance of a stable internal environment

negative feed back system

The two organ systems that regulate and maintain homeostasis are the

nervous and endocrine systems

Which type of medical doctor one would need to see if they have a brain disease?


An individual has just ingested a chemical that binds irreversibly to the ACh receptors in the sarcolemma. By itself it does not alter membrane potential, yet prevents normal neurotransmitter binding. Ignoring the effects on any other system, the consequence to skeletal muscle would be ________.

no contraction at all by nervous mechanisms, but contraction if stimulated by an external electrode

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of red muscle fibers? A- high capacity for aerobic metabolism B- contain much myoglobin C- not well supplied with blood vessels D- can meet their needs for energy by metabolizing glucose E- rich in mitochondria

not well supplied with blood vessels

Which of the following protects the contents of the nucleus?

nuclear membrane

What monomer is used to build RNA and DNA?


The most important factors influencing hair growth are ________.

nutrition and hormones

List and define the three most important factors that affect stroke volume.

o PRELOAD- the degree to which heart muscle cells are stretched before they contract o CONTRACTILITY- a contractile strength achieved at a give muscle length o AFTERLOAD- pressure that must be overcome from the ventricles to eject blood

These perform special functions in cellular growth, maintenance and reproduction.


Which of the following correctly list the levels of structural organization in the human body from largest to smallest?

organism - organ system - organ - tissue - cellular - chemical

Which of the following represents the largest and most complex level of structural organization in the human body?

organismal level

The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the ________.


Bone cells that produce collagen and are stimulated by calcitonin


Bones are covered and lined by a protective tissue called periosteum. The inner (osteogenic) layer consists primarily of ________.

osteoblasts and osteoclasts

Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells accomplishes this process?


What is the basic unit of compact bone tissue? a. osteon b. stroma c. lamellae d. chromosome e. lacunae


Ostealgia is ________.

pain in a bone

Which of the following structures or regions could you clearly see when you are viewing the anterior side of an individual standing in the standard anatomical position?

palm of the hand

Using your fingers to find your pulse on your wrist is an example of


The hormone that increases blood calcium levels by promoting bone resorption/breakdown is

parathyroid hormone

Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the bloodstream?

parathyroid hormone

Which one of the following bones is NOT formed by endochondral ossification? A- tibia B- ulna C- femur D- parietal bone E- humerus

parietal bone

Which subspecialty of anatomy deals with the study of structural changes associated with disease?

pathological anatomy

Which of the following anatomical terms refers to the body region between the anus and the external genitals?


The function of mitosis is

production of new cells

Describe the general effects that aging has on joints.

production of synovial fluid decreases; articular cartilage thins, ligaments shorten and lose flexibility, osteoarthritis develops, spurs form, and overall the range of motion decreases in the joints.

Rigor mortis occurs because ________.

proteins are beginning to break down, thus preventing a flow of calcium ion

The most powerful muscle in the body is the ________.

quadriceps femoris

If one has genes, Bb "b" represents that version of the gene


The function of the secretions of a serous membrane, like the pleura, is to

reduce friction between neighboring organs.

Carbohydrates and proteins are built up from their basic building blocks by the ________.

removal of a water molecule between each two units

Which subspecialty of physiology deals with the study of functions of the kidneys?

renal physiology

Although the integument is a covering, it is by no means simple, and some of its functions include ________.

resident macrophage-like cells whose function is to ingest antigenic invaders and present them to the immune system

Feeling the presence of a mosquito biting your arm is an example of


The correct sequence of processes that occur during bone elongation at the epiphyseal plate are:

resting, proliferation, hypertrophication, calcification

The branch of medicine that deals with joint disorders is called:


Patient Peter is a young child presenting symptoms of severely bowed legs. Your diagnosis is that the child probably suffers from


This organelle contains ribosomes, which synthesis proteins

rough endoplasmic reticulum

The muscle cell membrane is called a(n) ________.


An elaborate network of membranes in skeletal muscle cells that functions in calcium storage is the ________.

sarcoplasmic reticulum

Acne is a disorder associated with ________.

sebaceous glands

The genetic information is coded in DNA by the ________.

sequence of the nucleotides

Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by ________.

storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP as needed

Tennis players often complain about pain in the arm (forearm) that swings the racquet. What muscle is usually strained under these conditions?

the brachioradialis

could do rotation, circumduction among other movements

shoulder joint

most easily dislocated in contact sport

shoulder joint

Which of the below tissues has more than one nucleus and is voluntary? a. skeletal muscle b. smooth muscle c. cardiac muscle d. transitional muscle e. areolar muscle

skeletal muscle

A person whose genetic makeup makes him a better marathon runner than a sprinter, probably has more_____in his leg muscles.

slow fibers

Which of the below tissues is small, spindle shaped and found in the walls of hollow organs such as in the intestines? a. skeletal muscle b. smooth muscle c. cardiac muscle d. transitional muscle e. areolar muscle

smooth muscle

A Langerhans' cell is a ________.

specialized phagocytic cell

The epidermis consists of five layers of cells, each layer with a distinct role to play in the health, well-being, and functioning of the skin. Which of the following layers is responsible for cell division and replacement?

stratum germinativum

This directional term is the opposite of deep


A transverse plane will cut a body or organ into

superior and inferior portions.

During a visit to your doctor, you complain about headache and nausea. These changes in your body functions are considered to be


contain neurotransmitter substance

synaptic knob

if absent, no contraction possible

synaptic knob

DNA replication ________.

takes place during interphase of the cell cycle

Which of the following hormones stimulates growth of muscle tissue and increased muscle mass?


Which of the following muscles serves as a common intramuscular injection site, particularly in infants? A) the vastus intermedius B) the vastus medialis C) rectus femoris D) the vastus lateralis

the vastus lateralis

Keratinocytes are the most important of the epidermal cells because

they produce a fibrous protein that gives the skin its protective properties

In a skeletal muscle fiber, the I band is made up entirely of

thin filaments

Which cavity contains the heart?

thoracic cavity

Which of the following glands or organs produces hormones that tend to decrease blood calcium levels?


This is defined as a group of cells that work together to perform a particular function.


What two important functions does the cardiac conduction system perform?

to initiate impulses (pacemaker = sets the rhythm of electrical exception that causes contraction of the heart) and to distribute impulses throughout the heart muscle so that it depolarizes and contracts in an orderly, sequential manner.

Which of the following field in forensics study the effects of drugs or poisons in a victim?


Which is the function of RNA?

transfer information for protein synthesis

The warm-up period required of athletes in order to bring their muscles to peak performance is called ________.


Calcium ions bind to the ________ molecule in skeletal muscle cells.


Abusing antibiotics make those drugs less effective when needed


An autoimmune disease refers to diseases where white blood cells destroy useful cells and tissues in a part of body


Immunization is a preventive measure for many infectious diseases


Which of the following is a safe non-invasive imaging technique that uses the reflection of high frequency sound waves off of body tissues to visualize a fetus during pregnancy?

ultrasound scanning

Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of a negative feedback system?

usually requires an event outside the feedback system to shut it off

Your prescribed treatment program for the child in the previous question would include

vitamin D

The main component of the cytosol is ________.


Which of the following is NOT an example of aerobic exercise? A. jogging B. weight lifting C. biking D. swimming E. walking

weight lifting

Vernix caseosa is a ________.

whitish material produced by fetal sebaceous glands

Cranial bones develop ________.

within fibrous membranes

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