ap gov civil liberties

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what were the 3 stages of pregnancy identified in Roe v. Wade?

1st trimester abortion was private, personal, and legal; 2nd trimester abortion state was able to put regulations and for health of mother; 3rd trimester states interest in child outweighed women privacy interest but allowed for health of mother

which of the following is an accurate comparison of the 2 court cases (Roe v. Wade and McDonald v. Chicago)?

Comparison A, Roe. Wade used the 14th amendment due process clause to extend the right to privacy to a woman's decision to have an abortion, McDonald v Chicago incorporated the 2nd amendment through the 14th amendment due process clause

which of the following is an accurate comparison of the 2 court cases? Gideon v. wainwright and roe v. wade

Comparison B., Gideon decided the the state had to provide legal counsel for the poor of indigent, Roe decided that the right to privacy extended to a woman's right to have an abortion

which of the following cases is also an example of a right to privacy case?

Roe v wade (1973)

based on previous rulings the supreme court is likely yo view which of the following as a free exercise clause case?

a public schools prevents muslim students from wearing headscarves

whats prior restraint? is it protected?

attempt to limit freedom of press and prevent publishing of something, no its a violation go 1st amendment

what did Title IX do?

forbid education institutions from receiving federal funding to discriminate against female students

which of the following statements best explains how the ruling in Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972) changed the balance of power btwn goats and protection for individual liberties?

it limited the power of the state govts by declaring a state law requiring amish children to attend school until they were 16 as a violation of the 1st amendment

which of the following statements best explains how the courts ruling in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971) changed to the balance of power between law and order and the protection of individual liberty?

it restricted the power of the federal govt to prevent the press from releasing classified information

based on the text above (associate justice Elena kagan) which of the following statements would the author agree with?

majority minority districts are unconstitutional when those districts are created based on racial difference

based on the text (justice anthony kennedy) which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?

marriage is a fundamental right under the 14th amdnemnt equal protection and due process clauses

whats symbolic speech? is it protected?

nonverbal communication, yes

which of the following explains why the court ruled against north carolina?

north carolina formed an oddly shaped district that was a majority- minority district

what did the 24th amendment do?

outlawed poll taxes

which of the following actions may congress take to advance civil rights?

pass a law requiring all schools receiving federal funding comply with desegregation efforts

based on the information in the graphic, which of the following strategies would a group seeking to preserve the ruling in Roe v. Wade likely pursue?

petitioning the supreme court to preserve the ruling in Roe v. Wade arguing that the majority of Americans do not think the court should overturn the decision

whats the Hyde amendment?

prevents govt from funding abortion

which of the following civil liberties is protected under the 2nd amendmnet?

right to own guns

What does the 5th amendment protect?

self incrimination and double jeopardy

whats slander?

spoken defamation that falsely attacks a persons reputation

what happened in Gitlow v. New York 1915?

started the process of applying freedom of speech and press to the states

Madison believed that the _________ would be more likely to violate people's rights than the _________.

states, federal govt

which of the following statements is most consistent with the authors (Associate Justice Paul Stevens) argument in the passage?

the 2nd amendment does not protect a persons right to have a weapon for self defense

which of the following amendment protects a citizen from cruel and unusual punishments?

the 8th amendment

which of the following statements is most consistent with the author's (Associate justice harry Blackmun) agreement in the passage?

the Bill of rights implies that there is a right to privacy that the govt cannot infringe upon

which of the following statements best summarizes the author's (justice Sandra day) argument?

the constitution does not always forbid decision based on race

which of the following statements is most consistent with the authors arguement in this passage?

the constitution is colorblind and any racial classification even when used to help minorities are harmful to society

which of the following statements is most consistent with the author's (associate justice ruth Bader Ginsburg) arguments in this passage?

the constitution only forbids racial classification when they are designed to harm minorities not help them

which of the following constituional provisions does the case described in the scenario have in common wtih Roe v. wade?

the due proces clause

which clause is most likely to support cardozo's arguement?

the due process clause

which of the following consitutional provisions does the case described in the scenario have in common with McDonald v. Chicago?

the due process clause

which of the following governmental policies would the author most likely support as a solition to the problem described in this passage (Dr. MLK)?

the voting rights act of 1965

based on the test (justice Hugo black) which of the following statutes would the author most likely agree with?

there should be a "heavy presumption against prior restraint" of freedom of speech

which of the following scenarios would be considered a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment?

university establishes a race based quotas in their admission policy

whats libel?

written defamation that falsely attacks a persons reputation

excessive bail, fines, and cruel and unusual punishment attempted to protect natural rights of...?

wrongful loss of liberty, wrongful property loss, and wrongful loss of life

in district of Columbia v. Heller (2008) the court held that the district of Columbia could not ban the registration of handbags or require weapons to be nonfunctional in the home. which of the following amendments was the focus of the courts ruling?

2nd amendment

what happened in DC v Heller?

2nd amendment, DC Said you could have gun but not for self defense in home, SCOTUS ruled that you can have a gun under the 14th amendment clause

what happened in McDonald v. Chicago?

2nd amendment, McDonald wanted a gun for self defense, SCOTUS ruled that due process of 14th incorporated the 2nd amendment to the states

based on the information in the graphic, which of the follwing claims would an opponet of the ruling in Roe v. Wade most likely make?

43% of americans believe that abortion is morally wrong

what happened in miranda v Arizona?

5th amendment, not told his rights of self incrimination, resulted in "Miranda warnings"

what happened in Gideon v wainwright?

6th amendment, wasn't given a lawyer since he couldn't afford it, wrote his own writ of cert to the court

which of the followings scenarios is an example of how a state may constitutional limit free speech at a protest demonstration?

Antoni starts yelling for other protesters to light buildings on fire and the police arrest him

what happened in Grisworld v. CT?

CT prohibited anything for contraceptive purposes, SCOTUS ruled that this violated the implied right to privacy in the BoR

people who disagree with Stevens view o the rights protected under the 2nd amendment could cite which of the following Supreme Court cases to support their argument?

McDonald v. Chicago (2010)

which of the following scenarios is an example of how a state can restrict protected speech under the 1st amendment?

New York passed a law banning groups from staging protests in major highways during rush hour traffic

based on the previous rulings, the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning which of the following as a violation of the 6th amendment?

a court refused to provide a defendant a lawyer even though she cannot afford one

based on previous rulings the Supreme Court is most likely to view a case concerning which of the following as an establishment clause case?

a courthouse prominently displays the Ten Commandments

affirmative action is best defined as which of the following?

a policy benefitting those who tend to suffer from discrimination or are members of a historically disadvantaged groups

which of the following is a violation of the freedom of speech clause of the 1st amendment?

a public school district bans students from wearing t shirts supporting presidential campaigns before an election

which of the following govt policies would the author (justice Sandra day) most likely support?

a state university admissions programs that takes race into account as part of an individuals record

which of the following scenarios would most likely be considered a violation of the 5th amendment?

a suspect is not informed that anything he says while under arrest can be used in his trail against him

which of the following Supreme Court cases ruled that 'separate but equal' public schools are a violation of the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment?

brown v. board of education (1954)

what are some considerations with the death penalty?

capitol or noncapital, method, age, mental capacity, proportional

whats the enlightenment theory?

citizens give up some personal freedoms and liberties so that they will have collective security and governance

based on the text, which of the following statements would the author (associate justice Anthony Kennedy) most likely agree with?

colleges and universities should be allowed to use race as a factor in admission

based on the text, which of the following statements would the author (associate justice Clarence Thomas) most likely agree with?

colleges and universities should be forbidden from taking race into consideration

which of the following is an accurate comparison of the 2 court cases brown v. board of education and shaw v. Reno?

comparison B, Brown prohibited the race based segregation in schools Shaw prohibited oddly shaped majority minority districts

which of the follwing is an accurate comparison of civil liberties and rights?

comparison C, liberties- freedom of assembly, rights- freedom from gender discrimination

which is an accurate comparison of the cases Schneck v United States and tinker v. Des Moines?

comparison D, Schneck- speech creating a 'clear and present danger' is not protected by the 1st amendment tinker- public school students have the right to wear black armbands to protest the Vietnam War

which is an accurate comparison between Gideon v. Wainwright and McDonald v. Chicago?

comparison D- Gideon declared that the state had violated the 6th amendment, McDonald- declared that the state had violated the 2nd amendment

which of the following statements best described how congress responded to this situation (women protesting)?

congress passed Title IX of the Education amendment at of 1972

which of the following statements describes how congress responded to the situtaion (literacy test)?

congress passed the voting rights act of 1965

what happened in Brandenburg v. Ohio?

dangerous ideas are protected unless they are immediate, direct and substantial

which of the following constitutional provisions does the case described in the scenario have in common with Roe v. Wade (1973)?

due process clause

what does freedom of religion mean?

establishment clause (govt can establish a religion) and free exercise clause (govt cant interfere with practicing religion)

what happened in Engel v. Vitale?

establishment clause, school led prayer violated the 1st amendment so we need separation of church and state

the exclusionary rule can best be described as which of the following?

evidence obtained without a search warrant is subject to being excluded from use at a trial against someone

what does Federalist #10 say?

factions will exist and gain more power in smaller areas, pose threats to liberty if a majority begins to impose laws that restrict minority

freedom of speech protects you from ___________ not ___________. but when was free speech limited?

federal govt action, action of others, espionage act

what happened in Yoder v. Wisconsin?

free exercise clause, Wisconsin law violated the amish's right to free exercise of religion

which of the following constitutional protections or clause does New York Times Co v United States (1971) deal with?

freedom of press

what happened in New York Times Company v. US?

freedom of press clause of 1st amendment, govt documents leaked about Vietnam, Nixon wanted to sue, SCOTUS said NYT didn't hurt war effort but informed citizens, upheld the press

what happened in schenck v. United States?

freedom of speech clause of 1st amendment, schneck mailed newsletters telling men to resist the draft, SCOTUS said that he created a 'clear and present danger' that was not protected by the 1st amendment

whats the lemon test?

govt actions are for a secular purpose, govt action doesn't advance or inhibit religion, govt action must not foster "excessive entanglement" btwn govt and religion

prior restraint is best defined as which of the following?

govt censorship that blocks free speech or publication

which of the following statements explains how the Supreme Court has attempted to balance the power of govt with protections for individual liberties?

in cases involving interpretation of the 2nd amendment the court has shown a commitment to an individuals right to own a gun

the major dispute around the 2nd amendment is...? what do these mean?

individual (every individual has the right to own guns) vs collective right (right to bear arms is for militias as a group to protect govt overreach)

based on the text (daniel adams) which of the following statements would the author most likely agree with?

individual liberties must be secured against govt intrusions by specific language in fundamental documents

which of the follwing statements best explains the ipact of this decision (clarence earl gideon)?

it applied the 6th amendment to the states through the incorporation doctrine

based on the information in the pie charts, which of the following best summarizes the efect of Title IX?

it created more oppurtunities for female athletes to participate in sports

which statement accurately summarizes the impact of the Roe v. Wade decision?

it incorporated a womans right to privacy when having an abortion to state and local govts

which statement accurately summarizes the impact of the New York Times Co v. United States decision?

it limited the federal govt's power to censor free speech of the publication of classified information

what are the exceptions to the 4th amendment?

plain view, consent, incident to arrest (if something comes ip during an arrest), extingent (direct threat), hot pursuit (evidence found in pursuit of a suspect), automobile

which of the following actions by news organizations would most likely be protected from prior restraint based on the precedent established by New York Times Co. v. United States (1971)?

reporting a protest calling for the end of military involvement

the data displayed in the table above best supports which of the following statements?

respondents of all races were less likely to support programs giving special preferences to black candidates than programs aimed to hep them more generally

this scenario (suspected terrorist) is an example of which of the following ?

the 'public safety' exception

in 2013, Edward Snowden released classified information showing that the national security agency (NSA) was conducting a massive surveillance program by collecting Fata from major cell phone providers. which of the following amendments provides the basis for an accusation of unconstitutional action by NSA?

the 4th amendment

based on the text (associate justice thurgood marshall) which of the following amendments was the focus of the courts ruling in Ford v. wainwright?

the 8th amendment

which of the following scenarios is an example of how the federal govt can restrict protected speech under the 1st amendment?

the FEC makes a rule requiring television networks to use an automated beep when a vulgar word is said on broadcast television

which of the following best describes the message in the political cartoon?

the USA Patriot act has given the govt too much power to perform searches, which should be unconstitutional under the 4th amendment

which of the following stamens is most consistent with author's (associate justice Anthony Kennedy) argument in this passage?

the constitution only forbids racial classification when they are designed to harm minorities, not help them jak

which of the following statements best summarizes the relationship btwn the case described in the scenario and Roe v. Wade (1973)?

the decision in the case above upheld Roe v. Wade but created a new standard to... if the state was interfering with a women right to choose

which of the following constitutional clauses does this case have in common wit Brown v. Board of Education (1854)?

the equal protection clause

which of the following constitutional provisions gurantees that "sameness is made legal" is King's arguement?

the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

originally the BoR only applied to...? what changed this? who wanted the BoR in the first place? when were they ratified?

the federal government, 14th amendment, anti federalists, 1791

which of the following govt policies would be most likely to draw criticism for interfering with individual rights under the 2nd amendment?

the federal govt passes a law banning the sale of automatic weapons to anyone nuder the age of 21

based on the text (a quote from senator James Lanklord) which of the following statements would senator lanklord most likely agree with?

the prohibition of unreasonable serach and seizures are intended to ensure that citizen liberties are not suspeneded by the need for social order and security

which of the following most likely accounts for the different results?

the questions contained a difference in wording

this scenario (atlanta v motel) is an example of which of the following ?

the supreme court issuing a ruling that protects minority rights

which of the following statements describes how the supreme court responded to this situation (topeka KS)?

the supreme court rueld that the "separate but equal" doctrine violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment

which of the following is an example of social mvmt motivated by the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment?

the womens right movmt

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