AP Government

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Which author would likely agree with the sentiment expressed in the above cartoon?


BONUS: who wrote the majority opinion in the united states v morrison the commence clause case about the violence against women act?

Antonin Scalia

Which of the following cases expanded the powers of congress by defining the necessary and proper clause more broadly?

Mcculloch v Maryland (1819)

When Barack Obama claimed that congress should pass the economic recovery and reinvestment Act of 2009 because he had been elected to pass such a package to repair an ailing economy he was essentially arguing that he had?

a mandate

Which of the following helps to explain pork-barrel activities in congress?

because legislators must join with other legislators in exchanging support for each others projects

An infrastructure bill is nearing passage. As the bill has worked its way through the process it is has grown n the size, number, and geographic of funded projects. What is the best explanation for this phenomenon?

bills are drafted initially or revised so as to be more inclusive, spreading the benefits widely among beneficiaries

Which of the following describes a possible method that can check the power of the president who willingly violates the constitutional balance of power as described in the above passage?

congress can impeach and remove a president who is unable or unwilling to perform his or her official functions

which of the following statements accurately describes the majority opinion of the supreme court in united states v Lopez (1995)?

congress may not use the commence clause to make possession of a gun in a school zone

Which of the following is responsible for making economic projections about the performance of the economy the costs of proposed policies and the economic effects of taxing and spending alternatives?

congressional budget office

An ominous spending bill is passed in different forms in the house and senate what happens next?

congressional leadership appoints a group from each chamber to reconcile the bills

A legislator from Florida who votes, against her political beliefs, to support subsidies for tangelo growers would be acting as an?


The president can do which of the following without seeking the consent of either the house or senate?

deploy troops

Given the above data how would you expect the GOP candidates running for house seats in the 2020 elections to position themselves in regards to the white house?

embrace the presidents agenda enthusiastically

Which of the following is not a reason that a president might issue an executive order?

executive orders allow the president to take unlimited action without congressional authorization

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Hamilton's argument in the above passage?

in order to preserve a truly constitutional system, the courts must be able to reject actions of congress that do not meet the court's interpretation of the constitutional standard

Imagine that in the November 3 election, democrats win 2/3 majorities in both the house and senate and in early 2021 send a bill to the reelected president's desk to increase the annual cap on the number of asylum seeking and refugees admitted into the United States. What's president trump's best response if he opposes the legislature?

issue a statement when signing the bill asserting that the executives branch has broad direction under the immigration and naturalization act to grant and deny entry into the united states

Whats the most likely explanation of the data in the above graphic?

office holders have become increasingly sophisticated in wielding the porks of incumbency over time

Based upon the graphic above which is most likely true?

presidential approve ratings generally decline over time in office

Based on the above passage with which of the following statements would Hamilton most likely agree?

presidents should use powers and functions of the office to accomplish a policy agenda when congress is divided

The process through which presidents have sought to control rule making by the agencies of the executive branch is known as?

regulatory review

The house and the senate have some different constitutional responsibilities. Which of the following pairs correctly matches house and senate constitutional responsibilities?

the house initiates all revenue bills the senate ratifies treaties

Which of the following best summarizes the argument in the passage above?

the judicial branch can determine if congress is operating within its enumerated powers and thus checks legislative power

Which of the following statements best summarizes Hamiltons arguments in above passage?

the judiciary is the least powerful branch because it relies on the others to carry out its decisions

Which of the following best summarizes Hamilton's argument in the passage above?

the necessity of a unitary executive is needed in times of crisis

A bill to fully the space force is up for a vote in the house of representative. Why would opponents of the space force prefer an open rule to a closed rule?

the open rule makes it easier to add amendments that may weaken its chances of passing

Which of the following statements about the use of executive agreements by presidents is supported by the data in the pie charts?

the percentage of international agreements that were executive has increased since 1839

Which of the following is likely to occur as result when congress refuses to act as a check on the power of the president according to the main idea of the above passage?

the president will be able to push the limits of constitutional authority

What argument is Marshall making in the above passage?

the scope of a legitimate legislative action is limited by the constitution

Defining the mission of the occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) as being "to assure so far as is possible every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions "exemplifies"?

the tendency of congress to define broad goals for agencies and allow administrators to decide how to achieve them

In which of the following scenarios would a presidential veto most likely be upheld?

two-thirds of the representatives and senators are members of the same party as the president

Presidents have had the most success in changing the direction of decisions of the federal judiciary by?

using the appointment process to select judges with judicial philosophies similar to those of the president

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