Psychology 103 - Motivation/Emotion

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Vincent is a brilliant artist and is very satisfied with his achievements. However, he has little to eat, lives in poverty, and spends most of his time alone working on his art. Why would Vincent's life be problematic according to Maslow's need hierarchy?

Lower needs on pyramid must be met before higher needs on pyramid

What is the central criticism of the James-Lange theory of emotion?

The same physiological response can be linked to different emotions

Researchers asked participants to rate their life satisfaction everyday for a week. The researchers found that their mood that day seemed to correlate with their ratings of life satisfaction (better mood, higher life satisfaction). What theory best explains why mood was used as a proxy for life satisfaction?

affect as information theory

Mario and Jason are walking to their next class when an attractive person walks by and smiles at them. Mario interprets the smile as attraction, while Jason interprets the smile as being friendly. What theory best explains Mario and Jason's differing reactions to the smile?

appraisal theory

Slight variations in how emotions are expressed across cultures is known a

dialect theory

According to Ekman (1972), the six basic emotional expressions that are universally recognized across cultures are: happiness, sadness, fear, embarrassment, surprise, and disgust. There is an error in the list of the six universally recognized emotions. What emotion is the error?


Jeffrey recently got dumped and thinks that he will stay depressed for 6 months. However, a few weeks after being dumped he starts feeling better because of social support and other positive life events. Jeffrey failed to consider how future life events will change his mood. Jeffrey's impact bias is likely due to what concept:

empathy gaps

Sarah wants to do well in class because she is earning credit toward graduation. Joe wants to do well in class because he gets pleasure from learning new material. Sarah is influenced by ________ motivation. Joe is influenced by ________ motivation.

extrinsic, intrinsic

Eugene thinks that winning a Nintendo DS in the school fair will make him happy for the rest of third grade. He is showing an example of:

impact bias

According to appraisal theory, emotions are produced and linked with distinct appraisal processes. Which of the following is NOT a law of appraisal theory:

law of effect

John has a hard day at work and is in a bad mood. When John comes home he begins yelling at his family and blames them as the reason he is in a bad mood. What theory best explains John's actions?

misattribution of arousal

Ming is hiking around a lake to photograph it from a variety of angles, but she forgot to bring water with her and quickly becomes thirsty. Soon, she cannot concentrate and goes back to her car to satisfy her thirst. According to drive reduction theory, Ming's actions to satisfy her thirst are known as

need fulfillment actions

Jerome's boat sank in cold water and his body temperature was dangerously low, so he starts swimming to raise his body temperature. According to drive reduction theory, Jerome's low temperature created a deficient state called a(n) ________, which in turn created an uncomfortable state called a(n) ________ to increase his temperature.

need, drive

Antoinette is a real risk taker. She loves to skydive, and she can party all night. Benita dislikes risk taking and prefers quieter activities, such as reading and yoga. These contrasting preferences in the rate of physiological activation they experience suggest that Antoinette and Benita differ in their

optimal arousal theory

Lisa talks to people every day on social media, but nevertheless feels likely none of her relationships "feel real." As a consequence, she feels lonely. What facets of the need to belong have been met?

quantity, but not quality

Following rejection, James becomes interested in other people's social lives, notices smiles more, and shows greater interest in joining campus organizations to meet people. What concept best explains this behavior?

rejection sensitivity

Ruth has weighed 130 pounds all her adult life. During her pregnancy, she gained 25 pounds. After having her baby, Ruth's weight returned naturally to 130 pounds. For Ruth, 130 pounds is a(n) ________, and her body went back to it through the process of ________.

set point, homeostasis

Cecilia insults her friend and says to herself: "I am such a terrible person; this is how I always am." Cecelia is likely feeling which inherently social emotion?


LaShanda, who recently broke up with her boyfriend, participated in a psychology experiment that involves placing her hand in an ice-cold bucket of water. The researchers found that LaShanda reported less physical pain from the ice water than another participant who hadn't been recently rejected. What theory best explains this finding?

social pain theory

Thatcher thinks that anxiety can impair test performance, so he does relaxation exercises before his exam. He is extremely relaxed during the exam and does poorly. Thatcher did not take into account the complete relationship between physiological activation and performance, as described by

the Yerkes-Dodson curve

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