Ap Human Geo Practice Questions Unit 1-4

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Which statement best summarizes the difference between immigrants to the United States before and after 1930? - Before, most were enslaved; after, most were free persons - Before, most were wealthy; after, most were poor - Before, most spoke English; after, most did not - Before, most were from the Americas and Asia; after, most were from Europe. - Before. most were from Europe; after, most were from the Americas and Asia

- Before. most were from Europe; after, most were from the Americas and Asia

According to the Epidemiological Transition Model, when do vaccines and improved sanitation cause the death rate to decrease? - Stage 1 -Stage 2 -Stage 3 -Stage 4 -Stage 5

- Stage 2

Which of the following are ways geographers might describe a spatial pattern?

- circular -linear -clustered -dispersed - no pattern

Which of the following properties are distorted on a map? - distance - area -direction -elevation -shape

- distance -area -direction -shape

Which pattern is more typical for cultures and other types of cultures? - welcoming in new practices from other cultures - promoting a high level of religipus diversity - taking steps to transform rural areas into urban areas - emphasizing the value of tradition - establishing flexible gender roles

- emphasizing the value of tradition

TN would be best described as a -formal region -functional region -perceptual region

- formal

A cell phone coverage area would be best described as a -formal region -functional region -perceptual region

- functional

Which of the following is a limitation to the usefulness of arithmetic density for population studies? - it gives us only a broad idea about the strain the population puts on the land area - It does not includes rural areas in calculations - It takes into account natural resources but not the total number of people/ It does not calculate density by dividing the total number of people by the total area. - It includes only arable land in its calculations.

- it gives us only a broad idea about the strain the population puts on the land area

All the methods geographers use to collect data

- satellitle imagery - personal interviews - census documents - landscape analysis - photographic interpretation -policy documents -travel narratives - media reports -field observations

When humans build an aqueduct from a river to help the cultivation of crops in a dry region, it is an example of -distance decay -possibilism -sustainability - environmental determinism

- sustainability

What uses satellites that orbit the Earth to send information to receivers that are on the ground? - GPS -GIS -satellite imagery -remote sensing


In recent years, a significant forced migration has occurred from Afghanistan to -Germany -India -Pakistan -Australia -the United States


Which of the following is most accurate with regard to food preferences and taboos? -Food preferences and taboos have little influence on the diet in Arabia and Southeast Asia. -Low hog production in China demonstrates avoidance of pork by the Chinese. -Food preferences and taboos show little variability between cultures. -Food preferences are stronger than taboos as seen by the high consumption of beef on the Deccan Plateau. -Some foods are avoided for religious or cultural reasons even at the expense of a balanced diet.

-Some foods are avoided for religious or cultural reasons even at the expense of a balanced diet.

Chinese porcelain was highly valued in Europe for its beauty, style, and durability. However, imported porcelain from China was very expensive. Crafters in Germany and England developed new methods of making porcelain using feldspar and bone rather than the kaolin that was used in China. This new porcelain was viewed as having similar quality to Chinese porcelain, and the new methods continued to be used in Europe. This example describes what type of diffusion? -Expansion diffusion, because the porcelain-making process spread from China to Europe -Stimulus diffusion, because the Europeans adapted a Chinese concept to fit their own needs -Contagious diffusion, because people throughout the world adopted the use of porcelain -Hierarchical diffusion, because only the wealthy could afford porcelain -Relocation diffusion, because the Chinese brought their porcelain to Europe

-Stimulus diffusion, because the Europeans adapted a Chinese concept to fit their own needs

Around the world, the longer girls stay in school, the fewer children they typically have over their lifetime. - True -False


Based on the map, which area is most densely populated? - eastern Asia -northern Europe -western North America -central South America -southern Africa

-eastern Asia

The situation of people an communities impacted by the desiccation of the Aral Sea could be best described as an example of ________ -environmental determinism -possiblism -sustainability

-environmental determinism

The country of South Africa is a -formal region -functional region -perceptual region


The Nile River Delta would be best described as a -formal region -functional region -perceptual region


The Middle East would be best described as a -formal region -functional region -perceptual region


The Midwest in the USA would best be described as a -formal region -functional region -perceptual region


Senegal's Great Green Wall is a great example of the theory of __________ - environmental determinism -possiblism -cultural landscape


Nashville, TN is located in Davidson County, on the Cumberland River. This refers to Nashville's ________________ location - absolute -relative


Which statement describes the relative location of Barcelona, Spain? - 386 miles west of Madrid and 644 miles south of Paris -In the Northern Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere - 41 N, 2 E - the capital of the Catalonia region -one of the largest cities in Spain

386 west of Madrid and 644 miles south of Paris

Which statement best describes the absolute location of Paris,France? - 127 miles away from the English Channel -In the Northern Hem. and the Eastern Hem. - 49 N. 2 E - the captial of France - in the heart of France

49 N. 2 E

Which of the following explains why Korea and Vietnam were viewed as shatterbelts during the Cold War? :a. Korea and Vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers. b. Korea and Vietnam kept two political adversaries geographically separated. c. Korea and Vietnam were politically controlled by regional powers. d. Korea and Vietnam tried to control land and sea areas around their states. e. Korea and Vietnam fragmented into new states due to internal tensions.

:a. Korea and Vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in Spain and Canada?: a. There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while the Quebecois focus mainly on cultural differences .b. Both independence movements utilize economic power as their main reason for seeking independence .c. There is an economic aspect to the Quebecois independence movement, while the Catalans focus mainly on culture .d. Both independence movements utilize cultural distinctiveness as their only reason for seeking independence.e. Both independence movements focus on religious differences with the nations they currently belong to.

:a. There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while the Quebecois focus mainly on cultural differences.

Which of the following best explains the governance of the shaded areas shown on the map? a. These areas show territory occupied by indigenous peoples as stateless nations at a local scale .:b. These areas show where indigenous peoples have a limited amount of self-government at a national scale .c. These areas are lands of indigenous peoples that are sovereign independent states at an international scale. d. These areas show territory controlled by indigenous peoples as a single multistate nation .e. These areas are established as nation-states for indigenous peoples at the local scale.

:b. These areas show where indigenous peoples have a limited amount of self-government at a national scale.

Using information from the image, which of the following can be described as identifiable signs and symbols of a Chinese cultural landscape in San Francisco? a. Signage in English and signage in Chinese b. The straight streets and the highly ornamental buildings c. The United States flag and the Taiwanese flag :d. Chinese-language signs and Chinese lamps. e. Cars lining city streets and seafood in restaurants

:d. Chinese-language signs and Chinese lamps.

The Canadian government created the new territory of Nunavut in order to a. re-create the pre-1912 boundary of Quebec b. facilitate the exploration of mineral resources in the Northwest Territories c. guarantee Canadian fishing rights in the Atlantic Ocean :d. recognize the territorial rights of indigenous people in the area e. grant autonomy to the Cree and Mohawk people living in eastern Canada

:d. recognize the territorial rights of indigenous people in the area

Which of the following geographic concepts can be identified using information evident in the image? a. Cultural relativism b. Sequent occupance c. Cultural diffusion d. Forced migration e. Acculturation


Which of the following events could be a threat to a state's sovereignty at the national scale, while holding a region together at the global scale? A member of the state's minority political party being elected to lead the country A shift from a federal system to a unitary system of governance within the state A natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami occurring within the country Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union Decommitment to environmental resolutions established by the United Nations

Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union

Which country has the lowest arithmetic population density? - Egypt -US -Australia -India -France


How are a cartogram and a graduated symbol map similar? -Both indicated exact locations of specific data precisely - Both portray numerical data for comparison between places - Both provide a good compromise among distortions of shape, size, direction, and distance. - Both display latitude and longtitude accurately -Both are useful for comparing the physical area of a country.

Both portray numerical data for comparison between places

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia in Spain could be a viable country? Catalonia has a large population compared to other regions in Spain. Catalonia is linguistically distinct compared to other regions in Spain. Catalonia's population is ethnically distinct compared to other regions in Spain. Catalonia has a major city, Barcelona, which has a notoriety comparable to that of the Spanish capital, Madrid. Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.

Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.

Which of the following best explains how Christianity became the dominant religion in the Philippines? Christianity entered the Philippines through the ministry of representatives from the Russian Orthodox church. Christianity was brought to the Philippines through relocation diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century. A secondary hearth for Christianity arose in the Philippines in the twelfth century, and since that time Christianity has remained the dominant religion in the Philippines. Christianity entered the Philippines through contagious diffusion because of its proximity to Indonesia. Export-oriented logging companies from Japan brought Christianity to the Philippines during the twentieth century.

Christianity was brought to the Philippines through relocation diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century.

Country A; Arithmetic Density: 226 people/sq.mi;Physiological Density: 8,078 people/ sq. mi ; Arable Land percentage: 2.8% Country B; Arithmetic Density: 226 people/ sq. mi; Physiological Density: 498 people/sq. mi; Arable land percentage: 16.8% According to the table, which country has a greater need for increased crop yields and imported foods and why? - Country A: Its physiological density indicated that its farmers do not have the technological resources to grow crops efficiently - Country A: The large difference between its arithmetic and physiological densities indicated that it has only a little good farmland - Country A: Its high arithmetic and physiological densities indicated that it needs to use a high percentage of its land to grow crops - Country B: It has an arable land percentage of 16.8, which is not sufficient for growing enough food to feed everyone - Country B: The small difference between its arithmetic and physiological densities indicates it has ample good farmland

Country A: The large difference between its arithmetic and physiological densities indicates that it only has a little good farmland

Which of the following terms best describes the food preferences, architecture, and land-use practices found in a particular region? -Taboos -Traits -Culture Traits -Cultural Relativism -Ethnocentrism -Culture Hearth

Culture traits

Why is the map projection shown here especially useful for navigation on the surface of the earth?Mercator Projection - Distortion of shape is minimized -Direction is constant across the map -Distances are correctly portrayed -Area of landmasses is shown accurately -It shows the sizes of bodies of water realistically

Direction is constant across the map

Which of the following areas is considered a shatterbelt? a. North America b. Western Europe c. Eastern Europe d. China e. Australia

Eastern Europe

Which would cause an increase in carrying capacity? -Improved health care increases life expectancy and the percentage of elderly people in a population. -People begin delaying marriage, so the number of births per family decreases. -Immigration causes an increase in ethnic neighborhoods in a region. -The number of people moving into cities to take factory jobs increases. -Farmers use new techniques to increase wheat production per acre of land.

Farmers use new techniques to increase wheat production per acre of land.

A family that immigrants from China to the United States and chooses to live in an ethnic enclave is probably hoping to - expose their children to people of many other cultures - assimilate their family into American culture as quickly as possible -find a buffer against discrimination while they seek new oppurtunities - find more religious and language diversity than in most communities - seperate itself from its Chinese culture rapidly and completely

Find a buffer against discrimination well they seek new opportunities

Which part of Europe is Catholic ?

France, Poland, Spain, Ireland

this is a software system that contains geographic data, which can then be layered on top of on another to make more comprehensive maps. - GPS -GIS -satellite imagery -remote sensing


Which part of Europe is Protestant ?

Germany, Sweden, Norway, Ireland

Some countries have several official languages because they want to- make international diplomacy easier - foster political cooperation with neighboring countries - make government operate more efficiently - prepare students to participate in the global economy - give recognition to different groups within the country

Give recognition to different groups within the country

Which of the following language-location pairs best exemplifies the process of relocation diffusion of language in the 20th century? - Mandarin in China Russian in Brazil English in India Hmong in the United States French in Canada

Hmong in the United States

Which issue would a geographer research using DOLLY?

How people in different areas reacted to results of a presidential election

Which type of influence has been most significant in shaping the distribution of religious groups in the United States? - climate and landforms - immigration patterns - federal governmental policies - economic development -shifts in agriculture

Immigration Patterns

Based on its architecture, the worship site in the picture is probably used by people of which religious tradition? - Christianity - Judaism -Islam - Hinduism -Buddhism


Main religion of Africa


Main religion of the Middle East


Which best describes the effect on time-space compression of the technology shown above? - It decreased it by using less space than older machines -It decreased it by shortening the time writing took - It decreased it by making communication easier - It increased it by making writing more efficient - It increased it by speeding up communication

It increased it by speeding up communications

Which best explains why the above image is considered part of the built environment? Barb Wire - It is found primarily in rural areas - It is often used as part of boundaries - It is designed to regulate the movement of animals - It is part of the landscape made by humans - It is a product that was invented to solve a problem

It is part of the landscape made by human

Which best illustrates counter migration? - Chinese farmers migrating from a village to a small city and then to Bejing - Ethiopians migrating to Turkey then to Germany - Italians migrating to France at the same time some French are migrating to Italy - Enslaved Africans being taken by force to Brazil and then voluntarily migrating to Argentina

Italians migrating to France at the same time some French are migrating to Italy

Which of the following best represents the concept of the nation-state in its internal cultural-political makeup and spatial organization? Switzerland Japan New Zealand Turkey South Africa


Which technology had the greatest effect on the application of the distance-decay function? - food preservatives because they reduce decay - cars because they weakened family connections -barbed wire because it stretches for long distances -new medicines because they keep people healthier - a jet, because it strengthens the connections between distant places

Jett, because it strengthens the connections between distant places

Which region is a source of dispute between India and Pakistan? Kurdistan Kashmir Palestine Sri Lanka Tibet


Which statement best describes the most common reason groups wish to preserve the traditional languages? - Language is central to cultural identity, so preserving a language helps preserve a culture .- Language is used in religious services, so preserving a language is primarily a religious obligation - Language is used for trade, so preserving language is one way to keep a group economically prosperous -Language change is a politically disruptive force, so preserving a language is one way to keep stability - Language preservation passes on a group's history, so preserving a language is the only way to record history accurately.

Language is central to cultural identity, so preserving a language helps preserve a culture

Which is the most common negative impact of emigration on the country of origin? - an increase in unemployment rates - a decline in the crowded conditions of urban areas - a loss of farmers resulting in a smaller food supply - a loss of working-age population to another country - an increase in the number of abandoned and homeless children

Loss of working age population to another country

Which best summarizes the migration process represented by the diagram? - With European colonization and migration, positive aspects of European culture spread across the globe in spite of obstacles - In the process known as step migration, migrants move to urban areas through a series of smaller, or steps - Each migration produces a counter migration of people returning to their country of origin - The gravity model predicts that most migrants will move to the closest metropolitan area in search of economic opportunities - Migrants leave their homelands because of push factors and move places with pull factors, but they often face barriers

Migrants leave their homelands because of push factors and move to places with pull factors, but they often face barriers as they migrate

The United States has an arithmetic density of 34/km and a physiological density of 380/km. Comparatively, Mongolia has arithmetic density of 2/km and a physiological density of 413/km. What conclusion can be drawn based on the information above? -Mongolia has a larger population than the United States. -Mongolia has less arable land than the United States. -Mongolia has more farmers per km than the United States. -The United States has a larger population than Mongolia. -The United States has more farmers per km than Mongolia.

Mongolia has less arable land than the United States.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about population distribution on a global scale? -About half of all people live north of the equator; about half live south of the equator. -Almost 9/10 of all people live on about 10% of the land. -In the past, most people lived near oceans or river valleys, but this is no longer true today. -More than half of all people live on about 5% of the land. -Most people live in areas that are more than 1,000 feet above sea level.

More than half of all people live on about 5% of the land.

which best describes the main difference between ethnicity and nationality? - Nationality relates to a state while ethnicity relates to culture - Nationality relates to culture while ethnicity relates to a state - Nationality relates to language while ethnicity relates to religion - Nationality relates to cities while ethnicity relates to rural areas - Nationality relates to religion while ethnicity relates to urban enclaves.

Nationality is connected to a state while ethnicity is connected to culture.

Which statement best summarizes Zelinsky's model of migration in relation to the Demographic Transition Model (DTM)? - High unemployment in countries in Stages 4 and 5 pushes migrants to Stage 2 and 3 countries in search of economic opportunity - Overcrowding in countries in Stages 2 and 3 pushes migrants to Stage 4 and 5 countries in search of economic opportunity - Overcrowding in countries Stages 4 and 5 pushes migrants to Stage 2 and 3 countries in search of economic opportunity. - A gender imbalance in countries in Stages 4 and 5 pushes migrants to Stage 2 and 3 countries to find matches and start families. - Overcrowding in countries in Stages 4 and 5 pushes migrants to Stage 2 countries in a counter migration as large as the original migration

Overcrowding in countries in Stages 2 and 3 of the DTM pushes migrants to Stage 4 and 5 countries in search of economic opportunity

Which is the best example of qualitative data used by geographers? - personal descriptions of processes and events - surveys about how often people visit other places -census counts such as population statistics - measurements of distance made using GPS receivers - tbales showing the age distribution of people in a community

Personal descriptions of processes and events

Which most accurately describes a relationship shown on the language tree above? - Polish grew out of Balto-Slavic - Celtic is based on Welsh- Greek is a romance language - French and Spanish are creole langages -Hindi is an older language than Indo-Iranian

Polish grew out of Balto-Slavic

Main religion in US


Which of the map projections distorts all features a little in order to avoid the gross distortion of one political feature? - Mercator - Robinson - Gall-Peters -Mollweide -Goode-Homosine


Main religion of Latin America?

Roman Catholicism

Compare the centralized power of the Soviet Union with the contemporary Russian Federation, in terms of the control of territory. Which of the following statements does the information in the map best support? Russia is a multistate nation made up of numerous sovereign independent entities. Russia used to control fifteen additional republics that regained their independence in 1990. Russia is a global power with concentrated power in East Asia .Russia is an ethnically diverse region with many subnational units. Russia's autonomous regions illustrate a strategy to counter the difficulty in governing such a large area from a single centralized location.

Russia is an ethnically diverse region with many subnational units.

Which part of Europe is Orthodox?

Russia. Ukraine, Romania, Greece

Which of the following is NOT a region of high population concentration? -East Asia -Eastern Europe -Southeast Asia -South Asia -South Africa

South Africa

Which resulted from the mixing of two languages to create a new one so that people who spoke different languages could trade more easily? - Indo-European -Amerindian -American English -Arabic -Swahili


According to the gravity model of migration, in which state and city of the US would Mexican migrants be most likely to live? - Florida and Philadelphia - Texas and Los Angeles - North Carolina and Chicago - Georgia and Memphis - Alabama and Washington D.C.

Texas and Los Angeles

Which of the following is NOT a geopolitical event that initiated change in the number of international boundaries in Europe between 1980 and 2013 :The Berlin Conference End of the Cold War End of the Warsaw Pact Fall of, end, or break-up of the Soviet Union Fall of the Berlin Wall or Iron Curtain; reunification of Germany Break-up of Czechoslovakia Fall of or end of Communism in Europe Fall of, end of, or break-up of Yugoslavia

The Berlin Conference

Which of the following statements best explains why English is the most widely spoken language in North America? The English language became a widely spoken language in North America in the twentieth century. This primarily occurred as a way of unifying the immigrant populations in both the United States and Canada. The English language diffused throughout North America through the process of hierarchical diffusion. The language was initially spoken in cities and was gradually adopted by people living in rural areas. The English language initially diffused to North America through the process of relocation diffusion. A number of colonies were established and settled by people from Great Britain. The English language diffused to North America through the process of contagious diffusion. Christian missionaries were responsible for the spread of the language among the indigenous population. The English language was established as the official language of all of the British colonies in North America. Over time, it diffused throughout the population from the colonial leadership to the population.

The English language initially diffused to North America through the process of relocation diffusion. A number of colonies were established and settled by people from Great Britain.

Which of the following is an example of a supranational organization with the main mission of increasing economic integration? The United Nations The European Union The North Atlantic Treaty Organization The United States Federal Reserve The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

The European Union

which ideas predicted greater famines from overpopulation that occurred? - The Demographic Transition - The Epidemiological Transition Model - Malthusian theory - Neo-Malthusian Theory - China One Child Policy

The Malthusian Theory

Which of the following best explains the political pattern shown in the table? The Balkanization of Yugoslavia resulted in the formation of new ethnic nationalities divided by differences in religion and language. The devolution of Yugoslavia occurred primarily along national lines, resulting in countries with a defined ethnic majority. The downfall of Yugoslavia was a case of ethnic differences becoming a centripetal force in the formation of a multistate nation. The breakup of Yugoslavia was the result of a civil war in which ethnic groups fought for control of the capital of Belgrade in Serbia. The dissolution of Yugoslavia resulted in some ethnic groups being aligned with capitalist Western Europe and others being aligned with communist Eastern Europe.

The devolution of Yugoslavia occurred primarily along national lines, resulting in countries with a defined ethnic majority.

Which phrase does NOT help explain the language distribution shown on the map?- the ease of trade between Great Britain and the United States-the widespread use of the Internet -the differences between America and British English - the impact of British colonization in Africa and Asia - the increase in the power of US-based corporations.

The differences between American and British English

Like the map up above, all maps have some kind of distortion. Why? - The earth's surface is curved and a map is flat - All maps are smaller than the areas they actually present -Human error is always present when a map is made. - Maps can depict only a small number of the many details of the earth's surface -The world constantly changes so maps are never current.

The earth's surface is curved and a map is flat

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the concept of hierarchical diffusion? The addition of hands-free driving features to cars manufactured by companies headquartered throughout the world The practice of selling pizza by the slice in America, whereas pizzas in Italy were traditionally sold as whole pies The increasing popularity of Korean pop music around the world because of social media The migration of asylum seekers from Syria to Europe The increasing sales of clothing brands endorsed by professional athletes to customers in Europe

The increasing sales of clothing brands endorsed by professional athletes to customers in Europe

CITY LIGHTS ACROSS THE USA AT NIGHT Which of the following statements is best supported by the above map of the United States? -The population is distributed evenly throughout the country. -More Americans live in the interior that on the coastlines. -Cities are evenly distributed across the American landscape. -The largest population clusters are located in the Southwest. -The majority of the country's major population clusters are in close proximity to bodies of water.

The majority of the country's major population clusters are in close proximity to bodies of water.

Which generalization is best illustrated by the world map above? - Climate is the primary factor influencing population distribution - People are spread out evenly throughout the world - The majority of the world's population lives between 20 N and 60 N latitude. - More people live in the Western Hemisphere than in the Eastern Hemisphere -People have preserved fertile land for farming by choosing to settle heavily in areas with poor farmland

The majority of the worlds population lives between 20° N and 60° N latitude

Which of the following describes the process of creolization? The layering of the European cultural landscape over the Native American landscape The adoption of Native American toponyms for place-names of European settlements The representations of Spanish, Portuguese, and French linguistic culture on the landscape of Latin America The mix of Native American, African, and European influences to create new cultural forms The exchange of crops and animals between the Old World and the New World

The mix of Native American, African, and European influences to create new cultural forms

Which of the following best demonstrates the concept of a cultural hearth? - the Middle East, where many cultures share the religion of Islam - Latin AMerica, which consists of several distinct but related cultures - the places in the world where material and non material traits emerged - the buildings, roads, and other elements built by humans - an area, within a city where people share a common culture distinct from the surrounding area

The places in the world where material and nonmaterial traits emerged

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in Spain and Canada? There is an economic aspect to the Quebecois independence movement, while the Catalans focus mainly on culture. ABoth independence movements utilize cultural distinctiveness as their only reason for seeking independence. BBoth independence movements focus on religious differences with the nations they currently belong to. CThere is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while the Quebecois focus mainly on cultural differences .DBoth independence movements utilize economic power as their main reason for seeking independence .There is an economic aspect to the Quebecois independence movement, while the Catalans focus mainly on culture. There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while the Quebecois focus mainly on cultural differences. Both independence movements utilize cultural distinctiveness as their only reason for seeking independence .Both independence movements utilize economic power as their main reason for seeking independence. Both independence movements focus on religious differences with the nations they currently belong to.

There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while the Quebecois focus mainly on cultural differences.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are alike in that they all - began as universalizing religious-are examples of ethnic religions -evolved into polytheistic religions-trace their heritage to Abraham - started in a region that is now part of Europe

Trace their heritage to Abraham

A globe is the most accurate depiction of the Earth 1.True 2.False


Acculturation is a common cause of language extinction. True False


All maps will have distortions of one or more properties. - True -False


Sometimes nativism reflects a general dislike of people from other countries, known as xenophobia. True False


The various cultural regions that compose the United States demonstrate how - various cultural regions share some values and yet remain distinct- culture heaths spread their value through diffusion - clear lines divide cultural regions distinctly - cultural boundaries match political boundaries - each cultural region is composed of a variety of cultural realms

Various cultural region share some values and yet remain distant

The structure in the image above is an oil platform located in the North Sea within 200 miles of the coast of Norway. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea established maritime boundaries for countries throughout the world. Which of the following zones if the furthermost a Norwegian oil company would be limited to when deciding where to build a platform like the one in the photo? Zone 2: Contiguous Zone Zone 4: International Waters Zone 3: Exclusive Economic Zone Zone 1: Territorial Seas Zone 5: Domestic Waters

Zone 3: Exclusive Economic Zone

Which of the following is NOT a necessary criteria for a state? a defined boundary recognized by other states a common culture and identity a permanent population sovereignty

a common culture and identity

The photograph was taken in Singapore. Which of the following statements best describes how the buildings shown in the photograph represent the culture of Singapore? a. The Buddhist temple and skyscrapers represent the effects of sequent occupance on Singapore's cultural landscape. b. The Buddhist temple is a modern structure that represents the recent expansion of Buddhism into Southeast Asia. c. The skyscrapers symbolize the traditional culture of Singapore as an ancient trade port. d. The Buddhist temple represents the value of traditional religion in the culture of modern Singapore. e. The skyscrapers in the image represent the importance of economic success over religious expression in Singapore.

a. The Buddhist temple and skyscrapers represent the effects of sequent occupance on Singapore's cultural landscape.

The photograph shows a road sign in the Republic of Ireland. Which of the following best describes the sign's significance within the cultural landscape? a. The sign promotes the use of traditional language among citizens of the Republic of Ireland. b. The sign indicates that County Cork is a linguistic region of the Republic of Ireland. c. The sign represents a uniform cultural identity within the region. d. The sign promotes the use of a single language in the region. e. The sign delineates an international political border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

a. The sign promotes the use of traditional language among citizens of the Republic of Ireland.

35.9251, 86.8689 W is the __________ location of Franklin,TN. -absolute -relative


If the nature of the boundary dispute if over water and resource rights then the dispute is a(n) delineal dispute definitional dispute locational dispute operational dispute allocational dispute

allocational dispute

Which of the following statements explains the regional location in the United States where the figures shown in the image are most likely part of the cultural landscape? a. The Southeast, because residents are influenced by traditional religions from West Africa. b. The Southwest, because residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism. c. The Great Plains, because residents are influenced by Native American traditional religions. d. The Northeast, because residents are influenced by British Protestantism. e. The Northwest, because residents are influenced by Russian Orthodoxy.

b. The Southwest, because residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism.

The concept that ethnicities have the right to government themselves is referred to as a. ethnic transition b. self-determinism c. nationalism d. rimland theory e. colonialism


The presence of centrifugal forces within a country has lead many central governments to transfer central government power to regional or local governments. This process is called a. communism b. capitalism c. devolution d. irredentism e. acculturation

c. devolution

Identify the cultural trait that influences the architecture of the cultural landscape shown in the image. a. Language b. Gender c. Religion. d. Taboos e. Ethnicity


The Arabic language spread from his heart and became one of the major global language is mainly through - increased use of communication technology in Arab nations -spread of Middle Eastern multinational oil corporations - worldwide colonization beginning around 600 C.E - conquest and its use as a a standard religious language - resisting colonization by European nations and the United States

conquest and it's use as a standard religious language

The Gullah language is spoken in African-American communities of the coastal southeastern United States, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It is a combination of Elizabethan English and African dialects. One can describe Gullah as a adage family language family creolized language revived language lingua franca

creolized language

One way that possibilism differs from environmental determinism is that it emphasizes - culture -climate -history -regions -trade


When cartographers draw boundaries on a map, this is called demarcating boundaries administering boundaries delimitation of boundaries locating boundaries defining boundaries

delimitation of boundaries

The frequency of occurrence of something with in a specific way to find area is the - density -distribution -incidence -interconnection -pattern


Due to modern communication technology and the Internet, __________ is less influential than it once was. - distance decay -Time-space compression -Time-space convergence

distance decay

Africa experienced a period of decolonization and creation of many new states during which time period? a. 1930s b. 1700s c. Late 1800s d. 1850s e. 1950s & 1960s

e. 1950s & 1960s

The establishment of political boundaries in Africa by European imperial powers during the 19th century a. was the result of military conflict between colonizing countries b. reflected pre-colonial patterns of tribal territorial control c. was the result of the International Court of Justice d. empowered the tribes of Africa to seek self-rule with European assistance e. resulted in distinct culture groups being divided among different states

e. resulted in distinct culture groups being divided among different states

Cultural landscape can be defined as a. a particular are awithin a geographic region dedicated to cultural activities. b. the diversity of distinctive cultures within a particular geographic area. c. the ways that people in differing cultures perceive the environment. d. the types of art, music, dance, and theater practiced in a particular region. e. the forms superimposed on the physical environmentby the activities of humans

e. the forms superimposed on the physical environment by the activities of humans

which was the most common religious change among Africans as a result of contact with people from Europe and the Middle East? - from animism to a universalizing religion - from an ethnic religion to animism - from a universalizing to an ethnic religion - from monotheism to polytheism - from polytheism to an ethnic religion

from animism to a universalizing religion

Over the past century, the population of the world has been - growing even though the fertility rate is decreasing - growing even though the life expectancy is decreasing - growing because the fertility rate is increasing - declining because life expectancy is decreasing - declining even though the fertility rate is increasing

growing even though the fertility rate is decreasing

The Nile river valley has the greatest concentration of population in Egypt because of its - alpine climate -tourist attractions -extensive in-migration from nearby areas -many sacred sites -high quality agricultural land

high quality agricultural land

Which of the following is least likely to have a high population density? -interior areas of Australia -sea level areas of North America -coastal plains of India -coastal areas of South America -river valleys in Africa

interior areas of Australia

One distinctive feature on the Indo European family is that it - has a smaller spatial distribution than other language families - is the only language family with just one major lingua franca - includes most of the world's oldest languages -is spoken by nearly half the world's population - is that the only one that is spoken in Europe today

is spoken by nearly half the world's population

Why are geographers interested in the information in DOLLY?

it provides information about spatial distribution of peoples reactions to events

The onion-domed churches in Moscow are most clearly examples of that city's cultural :- barriers -enclaves -realm -landscape -borders


Which might explain the asymmetrical part of the population pyramid? - a high death rate among mem ages 25-50 - a large guest-worker population - an overcounting of children during the census - an epidemic with a high rate of mortality among the elderly - a major war fought in the years 2006 to 2010

large guest-worker population

If a country has an arithmetic density of 78 and a physiological density of 3500, it most likely has - very few cities -a very small population -lots of arable land - very large population -little arable land

little arable land

The map below shows the countries in Africa where private investors and foreign governments have leased farmland for large-scale commercial farming. Usually much of the food produced is bound for wealthier nations. This practice is an example of a. neocolonialism b. imperialism c. irredentism d. decolonization e. Pan-Africanism


If the nature of the boundary dispute is based on the enforcement of migration and smuggling activity, then the dispute is a(n)locational dispute delineal dispute definitional dispute allocational dispute operational dispute

operational dispute

The pressure that people place on the land to produce enough food is measured by - agricultural density - demographic density -physiological density -population concentrations

physiological density

Which change most reduced fertility rates in less developed countries? - building hospitals and healthcare facilities - providing more education for girls - implementing pro-natalist policies - discouraging the use of birth control - promoting fundamentalist religious values

providing more education for girls

Which change most reduced fertility rates in less developed countries? -providing more education for girls -building hospitals and healthcare facilities -promoting strict religious values -discouraging the use of birth control -implementing pro-natalist policies

providing more education for girls

According to the cultural complex described in the diagram, auto ownership provides transportation but also - represents a set of America cultural traits, such as self-reliance and independence - provides greater likelihood that its owner will attain American values such as wealth - represents one America cultural trait, depending on the values of the auto's owner - comes about as a result of possession of a particular American trait, such as wealth - helps identify the owner's cultural landscape, region, realm, and level of freedom

represents a set of American cultural traits, such as self-reliance and independence

Presently about 40% of the world's population live within 100 km of the coast, and the percentage has been increasing. What global phenomenon should raise the most concern for human safety in the wake of this population trend? -pandemics -rising sea levels -sea levels -International trade -illegal immigration -terrorism

rising sea levels

Kurdistan would best be described as a state multi-state nation nation-state multinational state stateless nation autonomous region

stateless nation

A person living in town A move three times, as shown in the diagram and settles in town D. This is an example of - chain migration -step migration - distance decay - intervening obstacle -intervening oppurtunity

step migration

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 regulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the period known as New Imperialism. The political boundaries established at the conference had no regard for the existing cultural patterns between African ethnic groups. The present day political boundaries of Africa are an example of which of the following? consequent boundaries relic boundaries superimposed boundaries antecedent boundaries natural boundaries

superimposed boundaries

The European Union, the Arab League, and the United Nations are all examples of devolutionary pressures nation-states centrifugal organization ssupranational organizations federations

supranational organizations

Which of the following is an example of a consequent boundary the boundary between Australia and New Zealand the boundary between the USA and Canada the boundary between the Czech Republic and Slovakia the boundary between East and West Berlin the boundary between North and South Korea

the boundary between the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Acculturation is the process whereby the more dominant culture adopts most of the traits of a less dominant culture the dominant culture completely absorbs the less dominant one culture traits are equally exchanged between two cultures the less dominant culture adopts some of the traits of the more influential culture non-material and material culture spread to areas around them

the less dominant culture adopts some of the traits of the more influential culture

The word Madrid is a toponym because it designates - a center of political power -the name of a specific location -a community in a plains region -the largest city in a country - that it is part of a region called the Iberian Peninsuala

the name of a specific location

which information would be most useful to a geographer trying to identify the borders of cultural regions that each cover hundreds of square miles within a large country? - the locations of urban ethnic enclaves with businesses that cater primarily to one ethnic group - the locations of geogrpahic features, particularly rivers, streams, and lakes - the locations of major and minor airports across the country - the sights travelers see as they travel along major highways across the country - how well the average person in the entire country is connected to the Internet and other media.

the sights travelers see as they travel along major highways across the country

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the population of China? -Population hugs the coastline with no large inland cities - Population is more concentrated in the northern part of the country. - the western part of the country is sparsely populated - the population is spread out fairly evenly across the country. -Population is more concentrated in the southern part of the country.

the western part of the country is sparsely populated

Which term most closely describes a model in geography? - replica -guess -theory -map -proportion


Which phrase refers to the collection of geospatial data through the use of satellite imagery? - using remote sensing -gathering information through fieldwork -using a GPS - forming a mental map -creating a projection

using remote sensing

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