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Sigmund Freud belives that dream analysis was a useful device for

gaining insight into unconscious motives

Martin fell off his skateboard and badly bruised his elbow. He immediately began rubbing the area around the bruise until the pain subsided. This method of reducing pain can be explained by which of the following?

gate-control theory

the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to elicit similar responses is called


what are the three major catergories of drugs

hallucinogen, depressants, and stimulants

Damage to which of the following best explains conduction deafness

hammer, anvil, stirrup

Stimulation of portions of the left temporal lobe of the brain during surgery will cause the patient to

hear sounds

the occiptial lobes contain

primary visual cortex

what is the pineal glands role in sleep?

production of melatonin

reuptake refers to

reabsorption of excess neurotransmitter molecules by a sending neuron

The function of dendrites is to

receive incoming signals from other neurons

time shortly after a neuron fires

refractory period

An event that strengthens the behavior it follows is a(n)


In vision, transduction occurs within the


Balance is influenced by the

semicircular canals

drugs that block the reaborption of nuerotransmitters in the synapse during nueral transmission are


In Pavlov's original experiment on classical conditioning, the unconditioned response (UCR) was:

Salivation elicited by food

An individual's ability to focus on a particular conversation in a noisy and crowded room is called

Selective attention

The view that psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes was called


which of the following scenarios most clearly describes the effects of a strong kinethesis sense?

being able to tell exact body position without looking at body

photoreceptors relay visual information to the brain through which of the following cells

bipolar and ganglion

the place in the retina where the optic nerve exits the brain is called the

blinds spot

Brain damage that leaves a person capable of understanding speech but with an impaired ability to produce speech most likely indicates injury to which of the following?

brocas area

Even though it was nearly dark outside, Kaci could still tell that the basketball she was playing with was orange. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated in this example

color constancy

The coiled tube in the inner ear that contains the auditory receptors is called the


When you are asked to provide directions to your home, you are most likely using:

cognitive map

The views of learning advanced by Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson underestimated the importance of

cognitve processes

In Pavlov's experiment, the salivating to the sound of a bell is a(n)

conditioned response

People who are color blind most likely have deficiencies in their


Assuming that the reinforcer is the sound of a rattle, Johnny's shaking of the rattle is reinforced according to which of the following schedules?

continous reinforcement

giving a treat to your dog every time it rolls over is called __.

continous reinforcement

In adult humans, which of the following is typically true of REM sleep?

correlated with dreaming

The learned ability to distinguish between a CS and other stimuli that does not signal a CR is called


What term did Ernest Hilgard use to describe a split between different levels of consciousness?


treating a patient for parkinsons disease includes a chemical that will lead to a increase in the patients


Latisha noticed that in the early evening she begins to have difficulty seeing the vibrant colors in her artwork. Which of the following best explains her difficulty?

her cones cannot detect color well in dim light

The brain scans of people with amnesia are most likely to show damage to the


Feature detectors are neurons that are turned on or off by specific features of visual stimuli like edges and movement . Where in the visual system are these feature detectors located

occipital cortex

Mirror neurons are believed by some scientists to provide a biological basis for

observational learning

a person with sight in only one eye lacks which of the following visual cues for seeing in depth

retinal disparity

the process by which nuerotransmitters are reasborbed into the nueron after it fires is called


the right occipital lobe receives visual info from the

right half of both retinas

if an individual has lost the ability to feel pain in the left arm, there is most likely damage to the

right parietal lobe

An image projected to the left visual field of a split-brained person will be processed in the

right visual cortex

which of the following describes the correct order of information processing in vision/

rods and cones > bipolar cells > ganglion cells > optic nerve

when there is a negative charge inside an axon and a positive outside it, the neuron is

said to have a resting potential

When shaping a behavior, you would couple a treat with, "good dog" to get your pet to sit. The "good dog" is considered __.

secondary reinforcer

Using cell phones while driving increases the number of accidents because use of the phones requires

selective attention

after spending hours in the kithcen preparing for dinner, rebecca no longer notices the strong smell of garlic until her guests arrive and mention the smell. her failure to notice the smell illustrates

sensory adaptation

when rosa has a cold, she cannot taste the flavor of her pizza. which of the following psychological terms best describes rosa's inability to taste

sensory interaction

taylor does not feel like getting out of bed, has lost her appetite, and feels tired most of the day . which of the following neurotransmitters likely is in short supply


what neurotransmitter are most likely in undersupply if someone is depressed

serotonin and norepinephrine

Small successive step taken in which to get an organism to learn a behavior is called __.


For most people, which of the following is an activity based in the right hemisphere of the brain?

simple spatial reasoning

activity based on the right hemisphere

simple spatial reasoning

As you watch a friend walk away from you, your retinal image of your friend gets smaller. Despite this, you do not perceive him to be shrinking. This is an example of

size constancy

Which of the following refers to the just-noticeable difference between two stimuli?

Difference threshold

Which of the following describes the correct order of information processing in vision?

Rods and cones-> bipolar cells-> ganglion cells-> optic nerve

which of the following is a circadian rhythm

A cycle of biological functioning that lasts about 25 hours

The newest winning numbers in the state lottery are announced on the local television station every Saturday night, at the end of the news hour. People who are watching for the lottery numbers will have their "watching" reinforced on:

A fixed-interval schedule

All summer Thomas hears the sound of the icecream truck approaching before his brother Oscar hears it. Thomas most likely has which of the following?

A lower absolute threshold for hearing than Oscar

A conditioned stimulus is:

A previously neutral stimulus that, through conditioning, acquires the capacity to elicit a conditioned response

sally says her dream about going to a circus is just her brain attempting to make sense of random stiumulation from the brain stem. Sallys explanation is consistent with which of the following theories of dreaming

Activation Synthesis

The place in the retina where the optic nerve exits to the brain is called the

Blind spot

The tendency of most people to identify a three-sided figure as a triangle, even when one of its sides is incomplete, is the result of a perceptual process known as


Even though it was nearly dark outside, Kaci could still tell that the basketball she was playing with was orange. Which of the following concepts is best illustrated in this example?

Color constancy

Photoreceptors are responsible for color vision


A participant in a study of music perception listens to music with electrodes attached to her scalp while data are collected on the activity of her brain. This technique is called


psychologists who study the brains activity during sleep are most likely to use


An example of shape constancy is

Even though the angle from which she viewed the table had changed, Elise still perceived the table as rectangular.

which neurotransmitters inhibits CNS activity in order to calm a person down during stressful situations


Where does the blind spot occur?

It occurs where the optic nerve leaves the eye

An example of context effects

Jeannette does better on her exam when she takes it in the same room where she studies

technique that produces the msot detailed picture of brain structure


After Sharon stares at a patch of saturated green color for a brief period of time, she looks at a white surface and sees a red patch of color. This perceptual phenomenon is best explained by

Opponent-process theory

After staring at a green, black, and orange "American flag" for about a minute, an individual will see a red, white, and blue flag afterimage. Which of the following explains this phenomenon?

Opponent-process theory

in which of the following techniques do researchers inject a harmless, radioactive substance into a brain to examine activity


In visual perception, size constancy occurs as an object comes closer to the viewer because the

Perceived distance of the objects becomes smaller

Deep sleep occurs in which stage?


increasing amounts of paradoxical sleep following a period of sleep deprivation is known as

REM rebound

Jason is attending a parade that features the local high school band. Jason's friend Brent plays the trombone in the band. It is difficult for Jason to hear Brent play at the parade. Which of the following would best allow Jason to hear Brent's trombone?

Selective attention

After spending hours in her kitchen preparing dinner, Rebecca no longer notices the strong smell of garlic until her guests arrive and mention the smell. Her failure to notice the smell of garlic illustrates

Sensory adaptation

When Lindsay was nine years old, the neighbor's Chihuahua bit her ankle. Today, Lindsay is still terrified of Chihuahuas, but she likes all other types of dogs. Lindsay's fear illustrates the process of:

Stimulus discrimination

Luis constructed a flip-book with 30 different still images of a cartoon cat. When Luis quickly flipped through successive images of the cat, the cat appeared to move. Which of the following concepts does the example illustrate?

Stroboscopic movement, because the book is a series of images presented at separate time intervals.

Research has shown that a major reason for poor performance while multitasking is that while multitasking, people

Switch their attention rapidly from task to task so they miss critical information association task that is not receiving their attention

Domingo has just hit play to begin listening to a new song he bought . Based on the structure of the ear, what will the sound waves contact first after moving through domingos auditory canal

The ear drum

Ernst Weber's and Gustavo Fechner psychophysical laws concern the relation between which of the following

The intensity of a stimulus and its corresponding psychological sensation

The process of converting incoming physical energy into a neural code that can be processed is called


Which of the following refers to the transformation of stimulus energy into neural impulses?


All summer Thomas hears the sound of the ice-cream truck approaching before his brother Oscar hears it. Thomas most likely has which of the following?

a lower absolute threshold for hearing than oscar

which of the following is described as an antagonist?

a tricyclic antidepresant because it blocks serotonin and norepinephrine transporters

immediately after firing, a neuron is incapable of responding to a stimulation. this is referred to as

absolute refractory phase

The intensity at which a sound becomes audible for a given individual is known as the individual's

absolute threshold

the intesity at which a sound becomes audible for a given individual is known as the individuals

absolute threshold

The change in the curvature of the lens that enables the eye to focus on objects at various distances is called


The change in the curvature of the lens that enables the eye to focus on objects at various distances is called


When learning first takes place, we would say that __ has occurred.


the explanation that holds that dreams are merely the brains attempt to make sense of meaningless patterns of brain acitivity during sleep is called

activation synthesis theory

information is relayed to the spinal cord by

afferent neurons

Which of the following supports the opponent-process theory of color vision?


a drug that has the effect of intensifying or mimicking a particular neurotransmitter can be characterized as a


Slowed reactions, slurred speech, and decreased skill performance are associated with abuse of...


which of the following correctly decribes the firing of neurons

all or none reponse

damage to which of the brain structures may cause the inability to detect emotional signicance of facial expressions , especially those demonstrating fear


an individual was admitted to the hosptial after experiencing mild tingling on the right side of the face and a sudden inability to speak. using MRI the doctor would likely find

an abnormality in brain tissue of the left hemisphere

one year old marcus turns away in disgust if a bitter substance is placed on his tongue. The reason for such reaction is most likely

an inborn distaste for bitter that protects us from potential poisons in the environment

Malia is 10 years of age, and her grandmother, Anna Rosa, is 60 years old . Which statement is likely to be true concerning their sleep patterns?

anna rosa sleeps fewer hours per day than malia does

Curare blocks acetylcholine synapses and causes paralysis. this drug is an example of an


A polygraph machine is often called a "lie detector," although it does not detect lies. Instead, it responds to changes in

autonomic arousal

which of the following correctly pairs subdivisions with the major divisions of the human nervous system

autonomic... sympathetic and parasympathetic

Difficulty in typing smoothly on a keyboard would most likely result from damage to the


which part of the brain receives messages from the hair-like receptors that are involved in the vestibular sense


which of the following parts of brain is most active in decision making

cerebral cortex

the biological clock that operates human beings to adjust their function to ngiht and day periodicity is reffered as

circadian rhythm

Every time someone flushes a toilet in the apartment building, the shower becomes very hot and causes the person to jump back. Over time, the person begins to jump back automatically after hearing the flush, before the water temperature changes.

classical conditioning

In a classic experiment, "Little Albert," a very young boy, was conditioned to be afraid of a rat. He also became fearful of white furry rabbits and bearded men. This is an example of

classical conditioning

Ivan Pavlov has been credited with the initial discovery of

classical conditioning

Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system results in

decrease in heart rate

Eleanor Gibson and Richard Walk: the visual cliff was used to study

depth perception

a person is asked to listen to a series of tones presented in pairs, and asked to say wheteher the tones in each pair are the same or different in pitch. In this situation the experimenter is most likely measuring the individuals

difference threshold

which of the following refers to the just-noticeable different between two stimuli

difference threshold

a person with damage to the brocas area would most likely demonstrate

difficulty with speech production

the autonomic nervous system is most directly involved in

digesting food

the perceived pitch of a tone is largely determined by its


During a psychology experiment, a researcher uses a probe to lesion the ventromedial nucleus of a rat's hypothalamus. After the procedure the rat most likely will

eat more and gain weight

which of these drugs, which acts like a stimulant and a hallucinogen, can also cause dangerous dehydration


Morphine elevates mood and eases pain, and is most similar to which of the following?


Painkilling substances produced by the brain are known as


the effects of opiates are similar to the effects of which nuerotransmitter


in extreme cases, surgically severing the corpus callosum is a treatment for which of the following conditions?


carly used to feel nausea when going to McDonalds because she associated the food with illness. After a few good meals there, she no longer feels the nausea. Which prinicple?


A subliminal stimulus is a stimulus that

falls below the threshold for conscious detection

a subliminal stimulus is a stimulus that

falls below the threshold for conscious detection

which of the following groups of characteristics best describes the REM sleep stage

fast breathing, relatively high heart rate, relatively high blood pressure

Charlie gets paid on the 15th of every month. He is reinforced on a ___ schedule

fixed interval

Marie works in a dress factory where she earns $10 for each three dresses she hems. Marie is paid on a

fixed ratio

Jarod's muscles are relaxed, his body is basically paralyzed, and he is hard to awaken. His sleep state would most likely be called


damage to what causes a coma




part of the endocrine system responsible for overseeing and regulation the release of hormones is the


the part of the endocrine system responsible for overseeing and regulationg the release of hormones across the entire body is the


which of the following structures is most closely associated with communication btwn CNS and endocrine system


after an electrode implanted in a cats brain stimulates the cats amygdala, the cat will most likely

immediately withdraw in fear

sleep paralysis typically occurs in people who are

in REM sleep

brain laterization refers to the

inclination for certain cognitive processes to be specialized in one hemisphere

Activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes

increase in respiratory rate

which of the following statements concerning sleep is valid

individuals do not typically act out their dreams

recurring problems in falling or staying asleep


the nature-nuture issue is best exemplified by

is the level of intelligence the result of ones environment and specific learning, or is it the result of biological maturation

Hyrum is at a concert when the flute player hits a very high note at the end of the song. whcih of the following explains why the pitch of the sound was high

it has short wavelength and high frequency

which of the following is true about the pons

it is the region of the brain that is most closely associated with sleep and arousal

Juana accidentally touched a hot iron. She immediately drew back her hand. Which of the following is true about the withdrawal of her hand?

it was initiated in the spinal cord

hris has failed English class repeatedly and has now stopped trying because he believes the situation is uncontrollable. This is an example of:

learned helplessness.

_______ is the adaptive process through which experience modifies pre-existing behavior and understanding.


structures involved in emotion, motivation, and memory

limbic system

ana injured her eye in an accident and has to wear a patch over the eye while it heals. which of the following cues would she best be able to use to make judgments about the distance objects are from her

linear perspective

A sound is often detected by one ear more intensely and a fraction of a second earlier than it is detected by the other ear. These cues help individuals determine the

location the source

to study the effects of smoking on the sense of smell, a researcher would most likely conduct a

longitudinal study on 100 smokers and a matched sample of 100 nonsmokers to determine whether smokers sense of smell declined

damage to the cerebellum would most likely result in which of the following problems

loss of motor coordination

In John Watson's "Little Albert" experiment, what was the UCS?

loud noise

REM slee, is accompanied by which of the following paradoxical characteristics

lowered muscle tone

people who experience damage to the frontal lobe seldom regain their ability to

make and carry out plans

people who have experiences severe damage to the frontal love of the brain seldom regain their ability to

make and carry out plans

The area of the brain stem that is important in controlling breathing is the


In the dark, an object is more clearly seen when viewed in peripheral vision than when viewed directly. This phenomenon occurs because the rods located in the retina are

more sensitive in the dark than cones and are not found in the fovea

in the dark, an object is more clearly seen when viewed in peripheral vision than when viewed directly. this phenomenon occurs because the rods located in the retina are

more sensitive in the dark than cones and are not found in the fovea

when viewed from the window of a moving train, nearby objects seem to pass by more quickly than do more distant objects. this cue for depth perception is called

motion parallax

during neuronal firing, the part of the nueron that acts as an insulator and conductor to speed the electrical imoulse as it travels down the axon is

myelin sheath

multiple sclerosis is a result of degeneration in the

myelin sheath

Rafael has a sleep disorder for which he takes medically prescribed amphetamines. For which of the following sleep disorders is Rafael most likely being treated?


Sudden sleep attacks at inopportune times best describes


Receptors for olfaction are located

nasal cavity

Anything that seeks to continue a desired behavior by the removal, escape from, or avoidance of undesired stimulus is called __.

negative reinforcer

dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine are all


Feature detectors are neurons that are turned on or off by specific features of visual stimuli like edges and movement. Where in the visual system are these feature detectors located?

occipital cortex

which of the following about perception of taste is true

older adults experience decreases in the senses of smell that make it more difficult to perceive the flaor of food

A lion in a circus learns to stand up on a chair and jump through a hoop to receive a food treat.

operant conditioning

Learning that occurs due to reward and punishment

operant conditioning

Which form of learning would most likely be studied in an operant chamber (Skinner box)?

operant conditioning

after sharon stares at a patch of saturated green color for a brief period of time, she looks at a white surface and sees a red patch of color. This perceptual phenomenon is best explained by

opponent-process theory

negative after images are explained by

opponent-process theory

recent research most consistenly supports the effectiveness of hypnosis in which of the following areas

pain relief

the hypothesis that intelligence is in part inherited is best supported by the fact that the IQ correlation for

pairs of identical twins is greater than fraternal twins

Which takes longer to acquire, but is less prone to extinction?

partial (intermittent) reinforcement

people who live in environments with buildings with square corners and right angles are more suspectible to the muller lyer illusion than people who live in environments without such angles and corners. the difference in perception between the two groups reveals that

people develop perceptual hypotheses based on experiences in their lives

In visual perception, size constancy occurs as an object comes closer to the viewer because the

perceived distance of the object becomes smaller

after his friend said a new movie was the funniest he has seen in years, Willard found himself laughing throughout the viewing, even though it wasnt really funny. what concept

perceptual set

When a pair of lights flashing in quick succession seems to an observer to be one light moving from place to place, the effect is referred to as

phi phenomenon

which of the following are involved in regulation circadian rythms?

photoreceptors, hypothalamus, pineal gland

the brain's ability to change, especially during childhood, by reorganizing after damage or by building new pathways based on experience


A little girl gets spanked by her mom for throwing a temper tantrum in the grocery store. This is an example of:

positive punishment

A little girl gets to eat dessert because she finished all the food on her plate. This is an example of:

positive reinforcement

The reinforcer, such as food, that gets the organism to continue a behavior is called __.

primary reinforcer

the reinforcer, such as food, that gets the organism to continue a behavior is called __

primary reinforcer

The most common form of color blindness is related to deficiencies in the

red-green system

During the night, Alicia stops breathing repeatedly, frequently gasps for air, and snores loudly at regular intervals. Alicia is most likely suffering from which of the following conditions?

sleep apnea

a patient reports constant sleepiness. A series of tests reveals that the patients sleep is frequently disrupted by periods of interuppted breathing and brief awakenings

sleep apnea

Bursts of rapid, rhythmic brain-wave activity while sleeping during NREM 2 are called

sleep spindles

Climbing an irregular set of stairs is more difficult for an individual who wears a patch over one eye primarily because

some depth perception is lost

a person accidentally touches a hang to a hot stove and quickly pulls the hand away, even before sensory info about the hot stove reaches the brain. the persons reaction is most directly enabled by

spinal reflex

Mariah developed a fear of the water when she fell off a river raft last summer. This year she took swimming lessons and thought she had finally overcome her fear of water. She was eagerly looking forward to an upcoming rafting trip, however, as soon as she stepped onto the raft she was instantly terrified again.

spontaneous recovery

The reappearance of a classically conditioned response after extinction has occurred.

spontaneous recovery

nuerotransmitters cross the ______ to carry info to the next nueron

synaptic gap

what hormone seems to be most closely linked with aggressive behaivor


A reason that one typically does not notice a blind spot in the visual field is that

the brain fills in missing information so there is no awareness that the visual field is incomplete

which of the following is true of a nueron in its resting state

the inside of the cell membrane is negative compared to the outside

speech functions are localized in

the left cerebral hemisphere

which of the following occurs when a nueron is stimulated to its threshold

the movements of sodium and potassium ions across the membrane creates an action potential

abnormalities in calcium regulation are likely to arise from problems with

the parathryoid gland

the time shortly after a neuron fires is referred to as

the refractory period

Julia is practicing her trumpet and produces a loud sound. which of the following is the best explanation for the loudness of the sound

the sound has a high-amplitude sound wave

which of the following assertions is best supported by empirical evidence

the two cerebral hemispheres are specialized to process diff types of cognitive tasks

which of the following is an explanation of why travelers suffer from jet lag?

there is disruption in their circadian rhythm

He is known for his Law of Effect that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, and behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely


what term describes the brains adaptation to a drugs chemistry


Tina is reading an important letter when she accidentally splashes water on the paper. The water has smudged a few words, but she is still able to understand what the letter says. This can be explained by

top-down processing

When Pavlov placed food in the mouth's of dogs, they began to salivate. The salivation was a(n) ________.

unconditioned response

You could receive a text message at any random time. You are reinforced on a ______schedule of reinforcement

variable interval

Slot machines work on a _____ reinforcement schedule

variable ratio

Scott lost his vision at a young age. When he was much older, he received a corneal transplant that allowed him to see again. After so many years of not being able to see, he had a very difficult time interpreting visual information such as faces and expressions. His visual problems most likely came from processing difficulties in the

visual cortex

damage to a small part of the occipital lobe would most likely result in a

visual deficit

a person will most likely develop aphasia as a result of damage to

wernickes area

after sustaining a traumatic injury, Russ is having difficulty comprehending the meaning of words. which part of the brain may have been damaged

wernickes area

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