Ap Psych Unit 2

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The hormone most associated with the fight or flight response is


The fatty casing that helps speed up the neural transmissions of a neuron is called the

myelin sheath

Somatosensory Cortex

use your senses before u corTEXT your friends and drive; senses

The medulla oblongata is a part of the

Brain stem

Grandma Mary had a stroke which impaired her ability to speak fluently although she can move all the necessary muscles. What is the most likely location of her brain damage?

Broca's area

auditory cortex

Can you hear me?

Gwen's brain has a congenital anomaly (a difference in brain anatomy that she was born with) - it lacks the main connection between the right and left hemispheres. What was Gwen born without?

Corpus Callosum

Jeff suffered serious injuries when his car crashed but he was still able to crawl out of the car and pull his sister out as well. Name one of the transmitters that helped him function in this situation and tell how.


After Martin's car accident he had difficulty understanding what others were saying to him. He could speak but what he said made little sense. Where is Martin's brain damage?

Frontal Lobe

The idea that there is a part of the mind that is not directly accessible to awareness but still drives a person's thinking and behavior is most directly attributable to

Sigmund Freud

If a body does not have enough potassium, how might that affect neuronal firing?

The neurons will struggle to fire because there will not be enough positively charged ions to trigger the firing of the neuron.

Pete was struck by lightening when he insisted on finishing his 18 holes of golf despite the lightening packed thunderstorm. He was looking down; lining up a long putt shot and the bolt of lightening struck the rear of his head, frying his occipital lobes. What aspect of behavior is likely to be impaired if Pete survives?

Vision impairment from damage to occipital lobes

Carl Wernicke discovered the region of the brain that is responsible for

language comprehension

What effect do agonists have?

They increase the likelihood that a postsynaptic neuron will fire.

The phenomenon of declining physiological effects of taking a drug after sustained use is referred to as



Train Station - sensory info is relied to other parts of the brain

visual cortex

Visual equals vision

A neuron sends a signal along its


Antagonists function by

blocking receptors to prevent other neurotransmitters from binding to the neural receptors

frontal lobe

"Front Door" Put a front door on your forehead and put Einstein (complex thinker) behind the door.

Sara's grandfather has developed Alzheimer's disease. What can you tell her about probable changes in his brain chemistry?

Acetylcholine changes

Jeanette suffers from focal epilepsy (seizures localized in just one part of the brain). Her seizures are triggering extreme emotions- most often extreme fear followed by a rage response. What part of the brain is being affected?



Hungry Hungry Hippocampus eats your memories

Which of the following best describes a major role of the thalamus?

It relays most sensory signals to the cortex.

Madeline has previously been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. She has an identical twin sister, Josephine, and a nonidentical sister, Abigail. Neither of Madeline's sisters have previously been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. Which of the following statements is true of Madeline's sisters?

Josephine is more likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder than Abigail in response to a stressful or traumatic event.

motor cortex

Keeps you on the move

Which hormone is released when a person is under stress?


Uncle Ed suffered a stroke which damaged a portion of his cortex. He shows some weakness and partial paralysis of his right leg. What area of his cortex was affected by the stroke?

Frontal lobe

A drug that is used to treat seizures functions by preventing inhibitory neurotransmitters from returning to the presynaptic neuron. This slows the rate of neurons firing by increasing the amount of the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the synapse. The drug is most likely to be classified as a

GABA reuptake inhibitor (GRI)


Ponds- have bridges that connect the brain and spinal cord

Walking down a dark New York street late at night you suddenly feel the metal barrel of a pistol press against your head behind your ear and hear the instructions "Don't move a muscle while I slip your wallet out of your pocket." Unfortunately you do move, the gun is fired and the bullet enters the brain. Breathing and heart beat stop almost immediately. Where is the bullet?

The medulla

The psychodynamic theory of dreaming would postulate that

dreams fulfill unconscious wishes


soccer moms are always overly emotional and what is the most soccer mom name? amy. amy d gala.

Michael Gazzaniga is best known for

studying split-brain patients


think "Medical" - to think about heart and breathing

Leon's car was broadsided by a truck causing Leon's head to smash against the driver's side window damaging his temporal lobe. What ability may be affected?


Paul suffered from encephalitis (a brain infection) while in college. He received good medical attention but still the infection took its toll on certain parts of his brain, so that now Paul cannot store new long-term memories. What part of the brain did the encephalitis damage?


Temporal Lobe

I can hear you I just choose to ignore you

Broca's Area

I got Bronchitis, ain't nobody got time for that

occipital lobe

I help you see the world

You're taking a short cut through a back yard to get to your car and encounter two unrestrained Dobermans who begin pursuit. You run faster than you have ever run before, and dive into your car just in the nick of time. It takes 10 minutes for your pulse and breathing to slow down to normal. What part of the nervous system slows heart rate and breathing down to normal afterwards?

Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS)

After falling through the ice on a local pond Johnny was trapped under the icy water for 10 minutes before the rescuers got him out. They were able to resuscitate his pulse and breathing but he did not regain consciousness for days. Disturbance of what specific part of Johnny's brain might have resulted in an inability of the brain to regulate normal alertness?

Reticular formation

Dana is taking Prozac to help control her depression. Prozac works by increasing the availability of what neurotransmitter?

Serotonin; Prozac is an agonist

Margie suffered damage to part of the surface of her brain after being struck by a golf club let loose by an irate golfer. As a result Margie has lost some sensory awareness of her left leg. Where is Margie's brain damage (be specific).

Somatosensory Cortex

Wernicke's Area

Speech comprehension; interesting or bland, Wernicke's area will make you understand

You're in a parking lot at 2 AM when a guy in a hockey mask holding a long-bladed knife jumps out at you. What system of nerves would arouse your body to action?

Sympathetic nervous system (SNS)

Amy was having a really bad week. On Monday her vision got blurrier and blurrier until she could no longer see at all. On Tuesday she found she couldn't hear. On Wednesday her sense of taste went. On Thursday she lost her sense of touch. Her CAT scan revealed a single brain tumor was probably producing all of these deficits. What single part of the brain in involved in all of these sensory processes?


On Justin's 21st birthday he & his buddies celebrated a bit too much. When the police stopped his car Justin's speech was slurred, he couldn't walk a straight line or balance on one foot. He nearly missed his face altogether when asked to touch his nose while his eyes were closed. The impaired functioning of what part of Justin's brain is responsible for these difficulties with motor coordination and balance?

The cerebellum

Little Mo" was extremely short for his age. His doctors concluded his brain was not stimulating the proper release of hormones necessary for growth. What area of the brain are they probably focusing on?

The hypothalamus

Which of the following describes what happens when a neuron sends a signal?

The neuron goes from being negatively charged to briefly being positively charged, and finally returns to being negatively charged again. The magnitude of the negative charge is fixed regardless of the strength of the input signal it receives.

At a synapse, neurotransmitters released by the sending neuron do which of the following?

They bind to receptors at the receiving neuron, which opens ion channels.

An adult with a healthy sleep cycle is most likely to enter REM sleep

after cycling through the NREM sleep stages

Philip is hooked on cocaine. What neurotransmitter seems most closely related to the pleasure such drugs produce and their addictive qualities?


A person whose body is not producing enough testosterone is most likely to exhibit



hippo spraying two thirsty llamas with water to quench their thirst and cool them down

Johnny often hits his brother even though his brother does not do anything to antagonize him. Johnny's aggression is most likely due to a combination of

his genetic makeup, the environment he grew up in, and the fact that aggression can be evolutionarily adaptive

Ruth and Debbie are identical twins who were raised by the same family. Vince and Frankie are identical twins who were separated at birth and raised by different families. According to research on the heritability of personality traits, Ruth's and Debbie's personalities are statistically

likely to be as similar and dissimilar to one another as are Vince's and Frankie's personalities

The parietal lobe is most involved in

processing sensory information

Waking up frequently, loud snoring, silent pauses in breathing, and sleepiness during the day are symptoms of

sleep apnea

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