AP world final about mikes ancestors the nazis

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The poster can most directly be used as evidence to illustrate which of the following continuities of the twentieth century?

**Governments used propaganda to mobilize populations against their enemies.**

Which of the following best describes the 1936 lithograph (entitled The Hero) by German artist George Grosz?

A post-First World War print expressing antiwar sentiment

Which of the following best describes the lithograph above by German artist George Grosz?

A post-First World War print expressing antiwar sentiment

Which of the following developments during the Second World War would Franck most likely have cited as evidence to support his arguments in the passage?

Allied firebombing in Germany and Japan had caused massive devastation and civilian casualties, and atomic weapons were vastly more powerful than those used in firebombing.

The treaties that settled the conflict referred to in the passage most directly changed the geopolitical structure of the Middle East in which of the following ways?

Allied powers received territorial mandates from the League of Nations.

In the passage above, Lin Zexu is asking that the British do which of the following?

Ban the sale of opium by British merchants in China

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the Chinese and the Mexican revolutions during the twentieth century?

Both generated land-redistribution policies.

Which of the following best describes a similarity between the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 ?

Both were able to gain support because of the ineffectiveness and corruption of the existing monarchies.

Which of the following best explains why the British government felt the need to distribute the pamphlet?

British authorities were concerned that going to war against a Muslim country could fuel anti-imperialist protests among India's large Muslim population.

Which of the following most accurately describes the interactions between China and Europe in the nineteenth century?

China effectively lost its economic independence to Europe as a result of military losses to European forces.

Which of the following was a principal cause of the Cold War?

Conflicting capitalist and communist ideologies

The differences in the passages above are most likely a result of which of the following?

Demilitarization imposed by the United States after the Second World War

In the mid-twentieth century, which of the following was a similarity between the approaches of China and the Soviet Union in managing their respective economies?

Direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization

Some historians consider the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century to have been crucial decades in the development of Western thought. Which of the following best supports that contention?

Discoveries in physics introduced the concepts of uncertainty and relativity, which challenged mechanistic models of the universe.

Based on the third paragraph, Stanley's vision of the future of the Congo River basin can best be seen as part of which of the following late-nineteenth-century developments?

Economic imperialism

An increase in the number of overseas investment opportunities such as those shown in the table in the nineteenth century most strongly contributed to which of the following processes?

Economic imperialism in Asia and Latin America, as Western individuals and businesses pressured their governments to protect their investments

All of the following statements about Algeria under French rule are factually accurate. Which best explains the manner in which the poster addressed its intended audience?

Education for Algeria's Muslim population was largely conducted in French.

Which of the following best explains the changes depicted in Map 2 ?

European imperialism and increasing ethnic nationalism

The table best supports which of the following conclusions?

European powers maintained colonies despite global war and economic depression.

Giolitti's concerns in Source 2 about the potential consequences of conflict in the Balkans are most directly explained by which of the following developments in Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

European states entered into military alliances with each other that forced them to come to their allies' aid in the event of conflict with a nonallied state.

The commodities listed by Stanley in the second paragraph can best be understood in the context of

Europeans' need for resources to be used in industrial production

Watson, in the first paragraph of Source 1, uses the newspaper quote to support the claim that

German propaganda portrayed the conflict with Russia as a defensive war

The economic development Stalin describes above was achieved primarily through which of the following?

Government control of the national economy

Which of the following was the major long-term political effect of the Great Depression?

Governments began to take a more active role in economic life.

Which of the following was a major long-term effect of the global economic depression of the 1930s?

Governments began to take a more active role in their economies.

Which of the following best supports the contention that the First World War was the first total war?

Governments mobilized large segments of their populations and economies and targeted their opponents' military and economic capabilities.

The global economic downturn of the 1930s had which of the following effects on nations in Europe and North America?

Governments took a more active role in directing and regulating their economies to stimulate growth.

Which of the following describes the major impact of the introduction of coffee growing in places like Kenya and El Salvador after 1880 ?

Greater dependence on foreign markets by Africans and Latin Americans

The experiences of soldiers such as those shown in the photograph most likely contributed to which of the following developments after 1918 ?

Growing anti-imperial opposition in European colonies such as India

Which of the following best explains how the historical circumstances of Kennan's service as a diplomat in the Soviet Union influenced his point of view regarding the "Soviet structure of power" in the first paragraph?

He witnessed how the Soviet Union's defeat of Nazi Germany allowed it to decide the fate of states in Eastern Europe that it occupied.

Which of the following best explains why nationalist groups such as the FLN became more prominent globally after 1945 ?

Imperial powers were considerably weakened economically and militarily because of the Second World War.

As shown in the image, the deployment of soldiers by European powers most directly relates to which of the following causes of conflict during the early twentieth century?

Imperialist expansion and competition for resources

Which of the following factors contributed most significantly to the contraction of the Ottoman Empire in the nineteenth century?

Independence movements inspired by ethnic nationalism

Which of the following countries or regions led the world in the production of cotton cloth in 1700?


Taken together, the two sources best support which of the following conclusions regarding the situation in British India in 1940?

Indian opposition to British rule involved groups pursuing very different political goals.

Which of the following contributed significantly to the decline of both the Qing and the Ottoman Empires?

Internal conflict with ethnic and religious minorities

Which of the following arguments would a supporter of using nuclear weapons against Japan have most likely cited to explain the limitations of Franck's arguments in the first and second paragraphs?

Japanese government propaganda instilled fierce, suicidal nationalism in the Japanese population, making Japan unlikely to surrender unconditionally without experiencing the effects of nuclear weapons.

Ideas similar to those expressed in the passage would contribute most directly to which of the following?

Japanese imperialist policies in East and Southeast Asia in the first half of the twentieth century

Which of the following twentieth-century developments most directly weakened European colonial states and contributed to the changes between the two maps?

Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia during the Second World War

The passage best exemplifies which of the following historical developments?

Khrushchev's attempt to distance his rule from Stalinist atrocities

A historian researching the motives of the perpetrators of the Holocaust would find which of the following sources most useful?

Letters and publications written by Nazi leaders before the Second World War

Which of the following most directly explains the Nazis' ability to carry out the policies of extermination shown in the image?

Local populations collaborated with the regime either out of racial prejudice, fear, or hopes for material gain.

Which of the following best describes an important difference between the theories of revolution of Mao Zedong and those of Lenin?

Mao placed emphasis on the revolutionary potential of peasants.

Which of the following types of evidence does Watson (Source 1) cite to support his claim that early German support for the war was not limited to the young?

Muster rolls and letters

In the excerpt above, Mustafa Kemal is most clearly supporting which of the following?


Which of the following was a common characteristic of the major revolutions that occurred in Russia, China, and Mexico in the early twentieth century?

Nationalism and socialism helped shape all three revolutions.

Which of the following most directly led to the start of the First World War?

Nationalist competition among industrialized powers for resources

Which of the following best explains why the Soviet Union was willing to undertake projects such as the one discussed in the passage?

Pressure resulting from the need to keep pace with Western economic development during the Cold War

The opinion expressed in the passage above is most consistent with which of the following?

Redistributing one-third of the land controlled by large landholders to landless peasants

Which of the following is an accurate description of relations between European states and the Ottoman Empire in the period 1815 to 1914 ?

Russian, English, and French expansion came at the expense of the Ottomans.

After which event did the United States and the Soviet Union emerge as superpowers with respect to the rest of the world?

Second World War

Which of the following countries experienced the greatest number of war-related deaths during the Second World War?

Soviet Union

Which of the following best describes the cause of the developments described in the passage?

Soviet efforts to modernize their economy through government control

The situation shown in the image is best understood in the context of which of the following aspects of twentieth-century warfare?

States made full use of their populations and material resources to fight total wars.

Which of the following was a major similarity between the goals of leaders of the Chinese Communist Revolution, such as Mao Zedong, and the goals of leaders of the Mexican Revolution, such as Emiliano Zapata, in the early twentieth century?

Support for redistribution of land to poor peasants

The primary rationale for Japan's territorial acquisitions in Southeast Asia during the period 1933-1942, as reflected in Map 2, was most similar to the primary rationale for which of the following?

The British East India Company's takeover of other European states' colonial possessions in India

Which development during the first decade of the twentieth century can best be explained in the context of the "weakening of the conservative principle" mentioned in the first paragraph of the passage?

The Mexican Revolution, as middle classes and peasants united to oust longtime dictator Porfirio Díaz and establish a more equitable society

The image can best help explain which of the following differences between the Nazi program of genocide and other acts of genocide in the early twentieth century?

The Nazis industrialized the killing process, allowing them to commit murder on a massive scale.

Based on the passage, it can be inferred that Mazower might also support which of the following assertions?

The Nazis' rigidly ideological approach to empire building prevented them from consolidating their control of continental Europe.

Which of the following true statements about the Netherlands best explains how the newspaper's national origin likely influenced the view of Germany expressed in the editorial?

The Netherlands, by remaining neutral during the war, profited significantly from helping Germany evade the Entente's naval blockade.

China's strategy for modernization and economic development in the 1950s most closely resembled the developmental strategy of

The Soviet Union

The recommendation provided in the second paragraph is best explained in the context of which of the following historical situations in the aftermath of the Second World War?

The attempts by Soviet officials to establish ideological ties with newly independent states

Which of the following directly enabled the establishment of the government that produced the poster?

The collapse of the Russian Empire under the stress of the First World War

The declaration's mention of a "heavy toll" in the third paragraph was most likely a reference to which of the following?

The deaths that occurred during the Holocaust

The conference as described in the first and second paragraphs is best explained in the context of which of the following developments in the aftermath of the Second World War?

The dissolution of European empires

Which of the following best explains a potentially significant limitation of using the document for understanding the reforms described in the passage in Brazil?

The document likely ignores some economic problems that might have occurred because of the reforms.

Which of the following was the most important factor behind Europeans' readiness to embrace authoritarian political systems in the 1930s?

The economic crisis caused by the Great Depression

The memorandum is best explained in the context of which of the following developments in the early twentieth century?

The emergence of external and internal challenges that threatened the stability of imperial states

Contemporaries who agreed with Franck's argument in the second and third paragraphs regarding the need for an international agreement would most likely have made which of the following arguments to support their position?

The end of the war would probably lead to a new rivalry between the victorious states.

Which of the following statements best represents a nationalistic interpretation of the collapse of the Ottoman and Russian empires during and immediately after the First World War?

The growing demands of various ethnic groups within these multiethnic empires were the primary reasons for the collapse.

The implementation of the policies of extermination shown in the image is most directly explained by which of the following aspects of Nazi ideology?

The idea that minority populations within Germany were somehow responsible for its defeat during the First World War

The photograph above of German East African troops best illustrates which of the following historical processes during the First World War?

The increasing inclusion of non-Europeans in European conflicts

In Poem 2, the reference to Indian victories on battlefields is best understood in the context of which of the following?

The mobilization of Indian troops to fight in Great Britain's wars

The conditions described in the passage are best seen as a continuation of which of the following nineteenth-century developments?

The practice of economic imperialism by industrialized states

The passage above best exemplifies which of the following processes shortly after the outbreak of the First World War?

The strengthening of nationalist sentiment throughout Europe

The trade described in the passage is best seen as an early example of which of the following?

The use of economic imperialism by European merchants and states

Which of the following accurately explains the historical significance of the harsh conditions imposed on Germany that the editorial describes?

They encouraged the rise of political extremism in Germany.

Which of the following best explains the historical significance of views such as those expressed in the passage?

They show that, in response to the disruptions of the Great Depression, many political leaders saw it as their duty to take an active role in guiding economic life.

As described by Keshavarz in the first paragraph, which of the following would best explain why European countries were implementing policies to increase the size of their populations?

They wanted to address the effects of the First World War and mobilize for future conflicts.

Which of the following best describes the likely intent of the poster?

To build support for centrally directed economic modernization programs in the Soviet Union

Which of the following best explains the purpose of the arguments expressed in the passage?

To influence United States government officials to adopt policies designed to avoid a major war

The ideas expressed in the last two slogans most likely reflect which of the following twentieth-century developments?

Totalitarian states using violence and genocide against civilians to maintain power

All of the following resulted from the French and Russian Revolutions EXCEPT

a socialist economic system

Shigenobu's criticism of European race-based discrimination against Japanese people is significant mostly because it shows that advocates of Japanese imperialism

adopted the European attitudes about a "civilizing mission" and used those attitudes to justify Japan's own imperial policies

The mention of "President Wilson's principles" is most directly significant to understanding the editorial's point of view about the Treaty of Versailles because of the United States president's commitment to

broker a peace agreement on liberal principles that would not be motivated by revenge

All of the following were policies pursued by both the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War EXCEPT

centralized planning of the national economy

In addition to the potential destabilization of the Ottoman Empire, Giolitti's argument in Source 2 regarding Italy's ambitions in Libya is likely explained by the concern that any attempt by a European state to acquire colonies in Africa could

dangerously intensify rivalries between European states seeking to acquire territories and resources

Artworks of the type shown in the image were used for all of the following EXCEPT to

encourage Soviet citizens to embrace Western popular culture

The Brazilian government's pride in listing the extensive workers' rights guaranteed under the 1937 constitution is significant because it shows that

governments across the political spectrum were influenced by socialist economic and social policies

The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union during the second half of the twentieth century was characterized by competition primarily over

ideology and economic structure

Durnovo's argument in the second paragraph regarding the effect of war between Germany and Russia on the two countries would prove to be

inaccurate in its prediction that revolution would break out first in the defeated country

Asian reactions to Western claims of racial and cultural superiority, such as the reaction by Shigenobu in the passage, were also instrumental in the period 1918-1945 in the

intensification of anti-imperial resistance activities and independence movements

The Ottoman Empire likely entered into the conflict referred to in the passage because

it had lost significant territory to other European states in the nineteenth century.

Shigenobu's point of view regarding Western attitudes toward Japan as expressed in the passage is significant in that similar ideas were used by members of the Japanese government during the period between the First and the Second World Wars to justify

militarizing the Japanese state and expanding its territories in Asia

Stanley's description of the riches of the Congo in the first two paragraphs can best be seen as an attempt to

place European expansion in the Congo in the context of other imperial ventures that had seemed difficult at first but have subsequently turned out to be highly valuable

Western-led military alliance systems such as NATO that emerged during the Cold War period sought to

prevent the spread of communism

Moltke's prediction in Source 1 about the consequences of a potential war between Germany and France is most directly explained by the fact that

previous conflicts had stirred intense nationalism in France and Germany

A historian might argue that the trade described in the passage reflected a turning point in world history primarily because the opium trade

shifted the pattern of historic European trade imbalances with China

Goldfarb, in Source 2, most directly supports her claim that the British press during the First World War routinely suppressed important war news by citing

the case of the sinking of a battleship and the Battle of Jutland

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