AP World History Unit 3 test 2

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Columbian Exchange

Potatoes gave Europe a new source of nutrition besides bread and maize was used for livestock. Disease came, but it wasn't very bad.

Catherine the Great

She was Peter's successor and split the empire into 50 administrative powers and promoted economic development. She eliminated cruel punishment and restricted punishment on serfs. She beheaded and split a challenger who caused a revolt into pieces.

Emilie du Chatelet

She was a scientist who worked with German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz and translated Isaac Newton's work "Principia Mathematica" to French and explained his works.


The first Ottoman capital.


The divine right of Kings and how kings were given authority by Gods so they should make all the decisions.

Putting out System

A system where people would deliver unfinished materials and pau workers to finish it, then pick up the finished goods and sell them.

Dutch Republics

After the Calvinist revolt against Spanish rule, the independent United Provinces, who were Dutch provinces, claimed independence.

Economic/Agricultural + Trade

All of the empires were founded on agriculture. They relied on wheat and rice and the columbian exchange gave them American crops. Merchants spread these crops through trade. Maize was used for livestock and the columbian exchange brought coffee and tobacco creating more plantations in europe. Islamic empires participated in long-distance trade creating a global trade network. The Ottomans used trade to get England and France on their side against Spain and central Europe through special trading benefits.


Called Mehmed the conqueror and captured Constantinople which became the new capital for the Ottoman empire.

Social Change

Capitalism created better standards of living and people became able to pursue their own interest and leave their families creating social change.

Nuclear Family

Capitalism favored the nuclear families because it offered opportunities to independent families and increased their wealth causing them to become more important.


Christian boys taken from families, converted to Islam, and then rigorously trained to serve the sultan as soldiers.

Glorious Revolution

Cromwell's Puritan took power and created a dictatorship leading to the Glorious Revolution causing the parliament to kill King James II causing his daughter Mary to get the throne giving the government more representation.

William Harvey

Described the circulation of blood to and from the heart. He also used experimental science and promoted it.

Christian Missionaries Dhimmi

Empires that conquered non muslims categorized them as dhimi, which means protected people. They would have to pay a special tax called jizya in exchange for their religious freedom.

Osman Bey

Founder of the Ottoman empire. He captured the Anatolian city of Bursa which became the capital. He also organized his army, which he called ghazis into light and heavy cavalry.

Religious diversity

Generally most of the empires were tolerant of most religions. Akbar had a religious policy that eased tensions between Hindus and Muslims. Eventually Akbar issued a policy claiming that he had all authority over religious matters.

Edict of Nantes

Granted tolerance to protitism and ended the French wars of religion. It was issued by Henry IV.

Martin Luther

He attacked the sale of indulgences from the Roman Chatholic church. He used the printing press to publish work condemning the Roman Chatholic church. He called for reform of Christendom and the end of priestly authority which caused Germany to create a movement to reform the church.

Galileo Galilei

He discovered terrestrial motion and modern law of inertia.

Isaac Newton

He found a synthesis between mathematics and astronomy. He created laws of universal gravitation and motion which synthesized astronomy and mathematics.

Charles V

He inherited authority and became emperor and ruled Germany, Bohemia, Switzerland, and Northern Italy. He devoted most of his intention to the Lutheran movement and imperial princes that took advantage of religious controversy to state independence during his rule.


He promoted the expansion in South West Asia and europe. He conquered Baghdad, Tigris and captured Belgrade giving the Ottomans naval power through their own Aegean and Black sea fleets, but also the navy of Mamluk rulers of egypt.

Shah Abbas the Great

He revived the safavid empire and moved the capital to a central location of Isfahan and traded with other lands and administered his military empire. He put slaves and used gunpowder in his military. He used Europe's assistance against the Ottomans and Portuguese.

Louis XIV

He ruled by divine rights and built a residence at Versailles which was a hunting lodge that became his court. He would watch his nobles there and keep his enemies preoccupied there with lavish parties and rituals.


He ruled in North India and invaded and took Delhi in 1526. He had a loosely knit empire that stretched from Kabul to Punjab to the borders of Bengal and founded the Mughal dynasty.

Ptolemy's Universe

He thought that the earth was the center of the universe and planets were spherical.

Peter the Great/Russia

He transformed Russia into a model of Western Europe and toured Europe to see what they were doing. He reformed the army by raising pay and drafting peasants and equipping them with modern weapons. He created a navy and overhauled bureaucracy to improve taxation. He also forced men to shave their beards.

Henry VIII

He wanted to divorce his wife in England but the pope said no, so he and his successors left the Roman Catholic church.

Calvinist- John Calvin

He was a french lawyer who converted to protestant and organized protestant communities to impose strict code of morality on the city and create a treatise that codified protestant teachings. These codes became the model for the protestant community. Missionaries became active in France but also went to germany.


He was the grandson of Babur and got power from killing his commander. He created a central administrative structure that didn't tolerate challengers. He created military campaigns into South India and had a policy of religious tolerance which reduced tensions between Hindus and Muslims. He encouraged divine faith that focused attention on the emperors.

Johannes Kepler

Invented the telescope and proved that planets are spherical and stars exist.

Population growth

Intensive agriculture in India created a population growth. When the population growth increased in the Ottoman empire, they expanded their borders, however the decline of this caused their borders to shrink again.

Twelver Shiism

Ismail ruled persia and made the official religion of the realm Twelver Shiism on the Sunni people. This religion traced back to sufi religion and intimacy between God and the human soul. They changed the religion to a form of Shiism to appeal to nomadic Turkish tribes in post-mongol era.


It is an economic system where private parties make goods and services available on a free market and use the market to profit. Started developing in Europe and restructured Europe's economy and society. Communication and transportation methods caused businessmen to profit. Western Europe prospered from it, while Easter Europe had less economic fermet due to being suppliers rather than traders. Capitalism caused private companies to run the society and build networks of exchange and communication. Banks gave loans and the news. Insurance mitigated financial loss and stock exchange became a thing. The joint-stock companies became the foundation of the global economy and multinational corporations.

Serfdom in Russia

It re-emerged in Russia but came to an end in Western Europe. Russia had a tight code and serfs became like slaves and landlords would get rich from agriculture with low labor cost. Eastern Europe used serfs for agriculture and to mine resources and for manual labor.

The Thirty Years' War

It started when the Holy Roman emperor tried to force subjects to return to the Roman Chatholic church and it caused the death of ⅓ of the German population and was the most destructive European Conflict.

Gutenberg Press

Johannes Guttenburg created the press creating a printing revolution which spread to Europe from Germany. He also translated the bible into German.

Break up of Guilds

New opportunities and technology broke down guilds.

Copernican Universe

Nicolaus Copernicus's theory disproved the Ptolemaic universe and the theory said that the sun was the center and the earth revolved around the sun. This was dangerous to the church.


Ottomans slave army that required young boys to become slaves and soldiers.

Causes of Downfall

Ottomans were on a defensive end due to military pressure and loss of territory. The Mughal empire experienced religious tensions and forein invasions. In the mid 17th century India was taken over by the British. The dynasties face difficulties and fighting among leaders. The ottomans confined princes causing them to have no chance from experience in the government. Suleyman successors taxed too much and were killed. Weak rule led to revolts, corruption, mutinies in armies, economic oppression, and insecurity in the Ottoman empire. High cost of maintaining a military as well as trade falling under European control or decline creating less wealth contributed to economic decline. The Ottoman empire couldn't expand enough, and expenses from unproductive wars caused military revolts and corruption. Lack of new technology caused military decline and Europe to catch up the empires.

Population Growth

Population growth caused rapid urbanization and cities grew due to rulers choosing them as sites for the government. These cities were commercialized and industrialized centers for the government.


Population growth caused rapid urbanization.

War of Spain and the Dutch

Religious convictions also aggravated relations between the Netherlands and Spain by fueling revolts in dutch provinces against the king causing the king to send an army causing a rebellion.

English Civil war

The English king tried to institute new taxes without approval of parliament and religious tensions caused king Charles the first and parliament to raise arms. Oliver CromWell captured Charles and beheaded him.

Catholic Reformation

The Roman Catholic church created this to persuade protists back to the church It contained the council of Trent which was an assembly of high church officials who met to address matters of doctrine and reform.

95 Theses

The list of propositions written by Martin Luther.

Economic Tools

The merchants influenced affairs and the English and the Dutch recognize individuals rights causing capitalism. Europe also established trading posts in Asia and America. Imperial expansion and colonial rule became crucial for development of capitalism because it gave Europe access to resources.

Cultural + Artistic

The ottomans built Istanbul city. They built Topkapi palace and the center of it housed government officials. The person who built it also built a religious complex called Suleymaniye which combined Islamic and Byzantine architecture elements. Emperors used mosques and buildings to express their wealth.

Witch Hunts

They were mostly women and were used as scapegoats.

Peace of Westphalia

Two peace treaties signed at the Westphalia cities of Osnanbruck and Munster.

Spanish Inquisition

Weeded out Judaism, Islam, and protestants in Spain, and served as a political and religious purpose by inciting fear of inquisition and deterred nobles form converting to protestant and kept people quiet.

English Reformation

When the Church of England broke away from the pope and the Roman Catholic church.


a community structure that gave minority groups a limited amount of power to control their own affairs while still under Ottoman rule.

Council of Trent

an assembly of high church officials who met to address matters of doctrine and reform

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