AP World Unit 4 test

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The illustration would be most useful to a historian studying which of the following? A. Transportation and maritime technologies B. Large-scale trading organizations C. Geographic patterns of currents and winds in the Indian Ocean D. The expansion of the Umayyad Caliphate


Based on the excerpt and your knowledge of world history, the motives for Portuguese voyages around the tip of Africa to the Indian Ocean can best be compared to the motives of which of the following? a. Viking raids and settlements from Scandinavia into the Mediterranean region. b. Spanish sponsorship of voyages across the Atlantic Ocean and later the Pacific Ocean. c. Polynesian maritime migrations in Oceania. d. Zheng He9s maritime expeditions to project Chinese power


The trade illustrated by the map contributed most directly to which of the following? A. french revolution B. Haltan Revoluton C. Glorious Revolution D. Cuban Revolution


The ability of Portuguese merchants and explorers to communicate with the local population of Canton was most likely an effect of which of the following? A. Mandarin had replaced Cantonese as the primary spoken language in southern China. B. Migrations and commercial contacts led to the use of printing in southern China. C. Portuguese merchants had established trading posts in southern China. D. Portuguese had replaced Arabic and Persian as the language of trade in southern China.


The use of caravels as mentioned in the excerpt most clearly reflects which of the following developments from the time period 1450-1750? a. The Venetian navy successfully stopped the spread of Ottoman influence in the Mediterranean. b. The increasing interaction between newly connected hemispheres led to the spread and syncretization of existing religions. c. Portuguese development of maritime technology and navigational skills enabled trans-oceanic exploration. d. The increasing profits of merchants and governments led to an increased funding of the arts.


All of the following pieces of evidence in the passage directly support the author's claim that the "pestilence" was "terrible" EXCEPT: A. The Maya king died in the epidemic. B. Fear of the disease drove Maya people to commit suicide. C. The disease killed members of the Maya elite, including elders and priests. D. The disease led to the arrival of Dominican friars.


The building in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, shown above, is an example of which of the following concepts? (A) Syncretism (B) Iconoclasm (C) Isolationism ( D) Cultural diffusion


Which of the following best explains an effect of Spanish voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in Europe in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? A. They encouraged many governments to expand the use of coerced labor in Europe. B. They led to the rapid spread of epidemic diseases such as smallpox. C. They greatly increased interest in transoceanic travel and trade in other European countries. D. They led to the introduction of new staple crops such as sugar.

They greatly increased interest in transoceanic travel and trade in other European countries.

Which of the following best explains the relative volume of trade to different destinations as shown on the map? A. The need for labor in new mining centers B. The traditional use of enslaved soldiers by the Ottoman Empire C. The increasing demand for labor on cash crop plantations D. The growing desire for household servants among emerging commercial elites


All of the following were significant environmental effects of the trade illustrated on the map EXCEPT A. the spread of Afro-Eurasian diseases in the Americas B. soil depletion and erosion from intensive agriculture in the Caribbean C. American foods becoming staple crops in Africa D. air pollution resulting from the increased exploitation of fossil fuels


The expansion of trade routes along the coast of Africa as shown on the Map was most directly facilitated by which of the following? a)Expanding Chinese influence as a result of maritime voyages under the Ming dynasty b)Changes in fishing practices in the Indian Ocean c)Improved ship designs and navigational technologies d)Commercial decline in Europe as a result of the global cooling of climate known as the Little Ice Age


*Goa is located on the southwestern coast of India.The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of which of the following? A: The establishment of plantation economies B: The spread of printing-press technology C: The development of trading-post empires D: The decline of Asian states such as the Mughal Empire


Dara Shikoh's views about the value of the Upanishads, as expressed in the second paragraph, are mostly likely based on which of the following features of Hinduism? A. The belief in the cycle of rebirth B. The belief in an ultimate universal principle C. The belief in numerous gods and goddesses D. The belief in the potential for the liberation of the soul


The historical trend represented by the table is most similar to which of the following? (A) The spread of the Black Death along the Silk Roads in the fourteenth century (B) The impact of the Columbian Exchange on American populations in the sixteenth century (C) The effects of the trans-Atlantic slave trade on West African populations in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (D) The results of the development of reliable birth control methods in the twentieth century


A historian could best use the passage as evidence for which of the following? A. The Spanish authorities' preference for Spanish-born rather than American-born individuals inadministrative appointments B. The resistance encountered in the process of attempting to convert the indigenous population to Christianity C. The creation of a new political and economic elite in the immediate aftermath of the European conquest D. The disappearance of the Amerindian population due to the spread of infectious Eurasian disease


All of the following statements about the Ottoman Empire in the period 1450-1750 are factually accurate. Which would most strongly support Barkey's claim regarding the Ottoman state and toleration in the passage? A. The Ottoman army increasingly relied on the contributions of the Janissary corps, which was mostly composed of soldiers of non-Turkic origin. B. Some Ottoman sultans such as Selim I refused to accept the legitimacy of the Safavid rulers of Persia because they were Shi'a Muslims. C. Some Ottoman sultans such as Suleiman the Magnificent patronized Sufi mystics, whose heterodox practices were sometimes condemned by the Sunni religious elite. D. The Ottoman government required any cases involving a dispute between Muslims and non-Muslims to be resolved according to Islamic law.


Which of the following best describes the impact on African society of the trade depicted on the map? A. Gender and family roles were restructured as the male population in West Africa diminished B. Bantu peoples increasing migrated southwards and eastwards C. African societies became increasingly monotheistic as they adopted Islam D. African states underwent significant urbanization as rural agricultural populations diminished


Article 4 of the treaty is best explained as evidence of how states in the period 1450-1750 sought to A: suppress resistance to their rule by co-opting local groups B: grant military titles as a way of encouraging the loyalty of their subjects C: provide financial incentives to minority populations to participate in local administration D: promote intermarriage between different ethnic populations in order to reduce conflict


"Wila Uma, the Inca general, addressed the Spanish [conquistadors] with the following words: 'What are you doing to our ruler?* This is how you repay his good will? Did he not command all of his people to give you tribute? Did he not give you a house filled with gold and silver? Did he not give you his servants to serve you? What more can he give you now that you have imprisoned him? All the people of this land are so distressed by your actions, because they have lost all they possess, and their distress leaves them no choice but to hang themselves or risk everything by rebelling. Thus, I believe it would be best for you to release him from this prison to lessen the grief of these people.' . . .*Manco Inca, a previous Inca ruler and father of Titu Cusi, whom the Spanish had imprisoned after conquering the Inca capital of Cuzco in 1533Titu Cusi, ruler of a regional Inca state established after the Spanish had conquered the Inca Empire,letter to the Spanish king detailing the abuses of the Spanish during the conquest, 1570 Which of the following most directly facilitated the conquest alluded to in the passage? a) Spanish advantages over native American populations in terms of technology and disease immunity


Based on the chart and your knowledge of world history, which of the following most directly enabled the Dutch to establish and enforce a monopoly on the Southeast Asian clove trade in the seventeenth century? A. The development of powerful joint-stock commercial companies


Commander Cotton's reaction to the events in Jamaica, in the notice above, might best be understood in the context of which of the following? (A) The expansion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across the Caribbean (B) Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority (C) Growing profitability of plantation slavery in the Americas (D) The waning influence of religious ideas and millenarianism in nationalist conflicts


In the late nineteenth century, which of the following would most motivate the Dutch to continue to expand their presence in Indonesia? A. The acquisition of natural resources for manufacturing B. The growing competition with Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires C. The example of Japanese modernization during the Meiji Restoration D. The emergence of nationalism in Indonesia


The activities of Inez de Leyria's father as described in the passage best support which of the following conclusions about the period 1450-1750 C.E.? The intensification of commercial and diplomatic activity across Eurasia was accompanied by increased A missionary activity. The arrival of Nestorian Christians along the Silk Roads introduced European missionaries to China. B Russian expansion in Asia encouraged Christian missionary activity in China. C The intensification of regional patterns of trade in the Indian Ocean spurred Chinese merchants to convert to D Christianity


The ethnic makeup of Zacatecas, as described in the passage, can best be used as evidence of which of the following? A. The dependence of colonial economies on coerced labor B. The social tensions that gave rise to the Latin American wars of independence C. The development of indentured servitude as an alternative to slavery D. The emergence of syncretic religious belief systems, such as Santería and Candomblé


The excerpt above best supports which of the following statements? a. The increasing amount of global trade brought wealth as well as economic disruption to merchants and governments in participating trade networks. b. Portugals desire for an alternate trade route to India led to the discovery of the Americas. c. The success of European exploration was a result of most European nations working together to take control of new trade routes. d. Western European exploration led to the spread of Christianity to new parts of the globe, especially in territories that did not already have a universalizing religion


The map above illustrates which of the following?(MAPS WITH ARROWS COMING FROM AFRICA) A. Predominant areas of origin and destinations of African slaves in the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries


The object in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following cultural processes in the period circa 1450-1750? A) The development of religious syncretism as cultural traditions spread


The sketch shows the artist's son Johnny and Flora, an enslaved Indonesian household servant. The domestic labor of the enslaved woman in the sketch is most similar to the predominant form of slavery in which of the following regions? A)Africa B)The Caribbean CRussia D)South America


The trend shown on the graph above is best explained by A. increased production of cash crops like sugar B. growth of silver mining in New Spain C. Industrialized textile mills demand for raw cotton D. African slave-trading kingdoms' demand for European trade goods


The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and dependent economies in other regions. Strong governments and large armies fed European dominance of world trade. Dependent economies used slave or serf labor to produce cheap foods and minerals for Europe, and they imported more expensive European items in turn. Dependent regions had weak governments, which made European conquest and slave systems possible. Which of the following statements would challenge the arguments made in the passage? a) Strong governments in the slave-exporting regions of West Africa


Which of the following processes contributed to the emergence of syncretic and new religions in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres during the sixteenth century? A Increases in global interactions B. Resurgence of religious plety С. Rejection of indigenous traditions D. Adoption of local religions by colonizers


Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the Portuguese establishment of a school for navigation in the 1400s? (A) The development of overseas trade between West Africa and Europe (B) The establishment of regular trade contacts between Europe and the Americas (C) The decline of Venetian control of the trade in Asian luxury goods (D) The establishment of direct overseas trade links between India and Europe


© The Trustees of the British Museum*Goa is located on the southwestern coast of India. The implicit claim made by the image about a connection between religious devotion and maritime exploration best demonstrates which of the following in the period circa 1450-1750 ? A: Increasing global connections expanded the reach of existing religions. B: Church authorities argued that religious diversity should be respected and protected. C: The intensification of cross-cultural interactions resulted in the development of syncretic religions. D: Religious motivations for European exploration and colonization were secondary to economic motivations.


"In countries where there is a great scarcity of money, all other saleable goods, and even the labor of men, are given for less money than [in countries] where money is abundant. Thus we see by experience that in France (where money is scarcer than in Spain) bread, wine, cloth, and labor, are worth much less. And even in Spain, in [recent] times when money was scarcer than it is now, saleable goods and labor were given for much less."Martín de Azpilcueta Navarro, Spanish scholar, treatise, 1556 Navarro's economic observations expressed in the passage above are best understood in the context of which of the following? (A) The Spanish-Portuguese colonial rivalry in the Atlantic (B) The influx of silver from the Americas into the Spanish economy (C) The practice of governments devaluing their currencies by reducing the proportion of precious metals in their coins (D) The beginning of large-scale importation of silver by China from Spanish mines in the Americas


"In the course of the fifth year [1519] the terrible pestilence began. First there was a cough, then blood. The number of deaths at this time was truly terrible.In 1520 the pestilence spread. Truly, the number of deaths among the people was terrible and the people could not escape from the pestilence.In 1521 my father, King Hunyg, died. The elders and the priests died alike from the pestilence. Half the people threw themselves into the ravines to escape it. The oldest son of the king died at the same time as well as his young brother. Thus, our people became poor.In 1524 the Spanish arrived in our country and destroyed our people. The Spanish conquered all the towns.In 1542 Dominican friars arrived from Mexico, and they taught us the Doctrine of Christ in our language. Until that time we had been ignorant of the word and the commandments of God.In 1560 the pestilence that had formerly raged among the people returned again. It was truly terrible when this death was sent among us by the great God. Many families disappeared. All here were soon attacked, and I was also attacked with the disease."Historical chronicle of the Maya Kaqchikel people, composed and edited by different members of the Maya political elite in the Kaqchikel language, circa 1571-1604 Which of the following pieces of evidence does the author use to support his implicit argument that Maya society underwent a dramatic cultural change in the sixteenth century? A. Dominican friars knew the Maya language. B. The Maya were converted to Christianity. C. The Maya nobility lost its social status. D. Maya people before the conquest were illiterate.


"Migration of man and his maladies is the chief cause of epidemics. And when migration takes place, those creatures who have been in isolation longest suffer most, for their genetic material has been least tempered by the variety of world diseases. Among the major subdivisions of the species Homo Sapiens, the American Indian probably had the dangerous privilege of the longest isolation from the rest of mankind." Which of the following best describes Alfred Crosby's argument in the passage above? A. Various Amerindian groups did not have contact with each other before 1492. B. Amerindians' long isolation from the rest of the world had placed them at a biological disadvantage. C. The genetic makeup of the native population of the Americas remained unchanged until 1492. D. By 1492 Amerindians generally had migrated for shorter distances than had other groups.


"Sir, many of our people, keenly desirous of the wares and things of your Kingdoms, which are brought here by your people, and in order to satisfy their voracious appetite, seize many of our people, freed and exempt men, and they kidnap even nobles and the sons of nobles, and our relatives, and take them to be sold to the Whites who are in our Kingdoms."© Basil Davidson, trans., [ital] The African Past[roman] (Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1964) The quotation above comes from a 1526 letter to a European monarch form a king located a) on the eastern coast of Africa b) on the western coast of Africa c) on the Pacific coast of Central America d) on the Pacific coast of South Americae) in the Pacific Islands


Based on the passage, it could be inferred that the high prices of firewood in seventeenth-century Zacatecas were a result of which of the following processes? A. The global decrease in average temperatures after circa 1400 C.E. B. The depletion of natural resources c aused by Aztec chinampa farming C. The transfer of crops and pathogens during the Columbian Exchange D. The introduction of European practices of resource extraction


Dara Shikoh's intellectual collaborations as described in the passage are most consistent with which of the following policies of imperial states such as the Mughal Empire in the period 1450 to 1750 C.E.? A. Recruiting subject peoples for imperial expansion through military conscription B. Attempting to build support for imperial rule by accommodating religious and ethnic diversity C. Sponsoring the development of religious architecture to legitimize imperial rule D. Attempting to enforce imperial power by requiring cultural assimilation


The Portuguese presence in southern China as described in the passage was most directly enabled by which of the following? A. The declining role of Muslim and Jewish merchants in transporting goods within Asia B. Technological developments in cartography and navigation C. Improvements in silver-mining technology D. The creation of laissez-faire state policies


The decree most clearly illustrates which of the following changes in the period 1450-1750 ? A. The transition from an industrial to a postindustrial economy B. The transition from a human and animal powered economy to a fossil fuel economy C. The transition from the First Industrial Revolution to the Second Industrial Revolution D. The Transition from guild-system manufacturing to putting-out-system manufacturing


The economic activities described in the passage contributed most directly to which of the following? A. The emergence of the first truly global exchange networks B. The beginning of the process of industrialization C. The establishment of the first chartered and limited-liability commercial companies D. The rapid growth of China's population under the Song and Ming dynasties


The photograph above of the Süleymaniye mosque in Istanbul exemplifies which of the following historical processes? A. The interaction of humans and the environment B. The synthesis of established cultural traditions and new traditions C. Competition between traditional elites and the wealthy urban class for control of cultural traditions D. The spread of missionary religions over global trade networks


Which of the following developments facilitated the family situation portrayed in Brandes' sketch? A. The recruitment of new bureaucratic elites by Muslim states in Southeast Asia B. The expansion of European colonial empires in Southeast Asia C. The changes in family demographic structure resulting from the trans-Atlantic slave trade D. The creation of a new gender hierarchies in emerging maritime empires


Which of the following would best support the conclusion that the Columbian Exchange involved more profound consequences than did earlier biological exchanges in world history? a.Previous exchanges did not involve societies at radically different levels of technologicaldevelopment. b.Previous exchanges did not involve the world's two hemispheres. c.The Columbian Exchange involved the peaceful transfer of animals, plants, and diseases. d.The Columbian Exchange was accompanied by the spread of missionary religions


[Testimony by the creole (European-ancestry) members of a lay religious brotherhood in the town of San Juan Peribán.]"Cristobál Bernal was elected chair of our brotherhood by a margin of only two votes. Most votes in Bernal's favor came from mulatto and mestizo brothers. However, we, the creole brothers, elected Don Carvajal, a resident of the town and owner of the hacienda and sugar mill there. We urge you to command that only creoles should vote for the positions of chair and deputy chairs and that neither mulattoes nor mestizos can serve in those positions, and that a new election must be held for these positions."[Response by the mulatto and mestizo brothers]"Since the brotherhood was founded, it has had the ancient custom of voting for and electing mulattoes and mestizos as deputies. And mestizos and mulattoes make up most of the membership and help the brotherhood grow. And mestizo and mulatto brothers had donated land, which earns 25 pesos rent per year for the brotherhood. And mulatto and mestizo brothers also collect alms for the brotherhood. If this brotherhood were actually two—one for creoles only and the other for mulattoes and mestizos—then the petitioners might have a case. But there is only one brotherhood in which creoles, mestizos, and mulattoes are mixed and, being members of it, they must enjoy the rights and advantages of the said brotherhood. Without question these rights should include voting and electing their own chair and deputies."[Judge's decision]"The election is declared valid, and Bernal is confirmed as chair." The judge's decision in the case is best understood in the context of colonial authorities' policy of A. encouraging the spread of indigenous Christian practices, such as the cult of the Virgin of Guadalupe B. ensuring that intercommunal conflicts were brought under control before they could disrupt public order C. maintaining the continued inflow of coerced labor through the asiento system D. favoring Spanish-born rather than American-born individuals in official appointments and promotions


"Seeing how vile and despicable the idol was, we went outside to ask why they cared about so crude and ungainly a thing. But they, astounded at our daring, defended the honor of their god and said that he was Pachacamac, the Maker of the World, who healed their infirmities. According to what we were able to learn, the devil appeared to their priests in that hut and spoke with them, and they entered there with petitions and offerings from the entire kingdom of Atahualpa, just as Moors and Turks go to the house in Mecca. Seeing the evil of what was there and the blindness of all those people, we gathered together their leaders and enlightened them. And in the presence of all, the hut was opened and torn down and with much solemnity a tall cross was raised over the seat which for so long the devil had claimed as his own."Miguel de Estete, Spanish mercenary soldier, account of an expedition to Which of the following long-term changes in the period circa 1550-1700 best demonstrates that the actions described by de Estete in the passage failed to fully achieve their goals? A. The development of a global economy based on Spanish exports of Andean silver B. American foods become staple crops in Eurasia C. Emergence of syncretic religious practices in the Americas D. The growing Spanish dependence on coerced labor in the Americas


"The Mexican city of Zacatecas is renowned for the enormous quantity of silver that has been extracted from it and continues to be extracted today. At the time of the discovery of the silver, there were many forests and woodlands in this rocky land, all of which have since vanished so that now except for some little wild palms, no other trees remain. Firewood is very expensive in the city because it is brought in carts from a distance of eighteen hours away.The silver was discovered in the year 1540, in the following way: after the fall of the Aztec Empire, Spanish soldiers remained, spread over the entire country. Since no more towns remained to conquer and since they had so many Indian slaves, they devoted themselves to seeking riches from silver mines. One of these soldiers was Juan de Tolosa, who happened to have an Aztec among his Indian slaves. The Aztec, it is said, seeing his master so anxious to discover mines and to claim silver, told him: 'If you so desire this substance, I will take you where you can fill your hands and satisfy your greed with it.'The city houses at least 600 White residents, and most of them are Spaniards. There are about 800 Black slaves and mulattoes*. There are about 1,500 Indians in the work gangs who labor in all types of occupations in the mines."Alonso de la Mota y Escobar, Bishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, geographical treatise, 1605*a person of mixed European and African ancestry Based on the description of the discovery of silver in Zacatecas in the second paragraph, which of the following conclusions about Mota y Escobar is best supported? A. He had no firsthand knowledge of Mexico B. He was an opponent of the practice of slavery C. He was critical of the motivations of the Spanish conquistadors D. He questions the economic usefulness of silver mining


Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following can be inferred about the economic hierarchy in San Juan Peribán? A. Mulattoes and mestizos had no property rights and worked as tenant farmers on creole-owned plantations. B. Creoles were predominantly employed in commerce and administration, whereas mulattoes and mestizoswere predominantly employed in agriculture. C. Mulatto and mestizo communities had some economic resources, but creoles were still economically dominant. D. Creoles were being outcompeted economically by their mulatto and mestizo counterparts and were becoming impoverished as a result


On a global scale, which of the following most directly led to the expansion of the trade between Europe and Asia in the time period reflected in the chart? A. European merchants' role in exporting European manufactured goods to Asia B. Consistently high demand for European luxury goods among Chinese customers C. Shifting balance of trade as a result of the circulation of silver from the Americas D. The collapse of existing Indian Ocean trading networks


Sun Yuting's analysis of the factors that contributed to the relative economic strength of China and Great Britain best illustrates which of the following continuities from the period 1450-1750 ? A. The expansion of empires led to the collapse of existing trade networks.Answer B. The transfer of European navigational technology expanded global trade significantly. C. The global circulation of goods was fueled by European merchants' access to Asian markets. D. The establishment of state monopolies in certain industries led to higher prices for luxury items.


The existence of a sugar mill in the Mexican town in the passage indicates that the region of Mexico in which the lawsuit took place was part of which of the following? A. The Manila galleon trade route B. The pre-Columbian pochteca traveling-merchant network C. The Atlantic trade system D. The indentured-labor migration system


Which of the following best explains the overall population trend shown in the table? A. Large-scale migration from the Pacific Islands to the Americas for plantation labor B. Conflict between Pacific Island states C. The spread of epidemic diseases as a result of contact with Westerners D. The expansion of the Japanese empire in the Pacific


Which of the following claims that Barkey makes in the passage appears to contradict most directly her asserion first sentence of the first paragraph? A. Ottoman administration played an important role in fostering tolerance in the empire. B. Ottoman tolerance helped maintain peace and order. C. Non-Muslims were second-class citizens who endured prejudice. D. The Ottoman Empire's policies ensured that interethnic strife did not occur


Which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 would a historian most likely cite to support Barkey's claim regarding the Ottoman Empire and its predecessors and contemporaries in the first sentence of the second paragraph? A. The recruitment of Italian and Dutch merchants and officers into the Portuguese and Spanish navies B. The use of Hindu officials in the Mughal imperial administration C. The establishment of racial categories of social hierarchy under the casta system in Spanish colonies in the Americas D. The official protection granted to Protestant communities in some European states, such as France, following religious conflicts


*Cloves are spices native to the Moluccas islands in eastern Indonesia and, until the late eighteenth century, grown only in Southeast Asia.Source: David Bulbeck, Anthony Reid, Lay Cheng Tan, and Yiqi Wu, eds. Southeast Asian Exports Since the 14th Century: Cloves, Pepper, Coffee, and Sugar, (Leiden, The Netherlands, KITLV Press), 1988. Graph 2.2., p. 57 For the period circa 1650-1790, the differences between clove prices in Southeast Asia and those in Amsterdam best support which of the following conclusions? A. Imperialism economically benefited those Asians who collaborated with the Europeans and harmed those Asians who resisted European control. B. Imperialism led directly to the articulation of anticolonial ideologies based on Enlightenment principles. C. Imperialism was undertaken mostly to prevent the expansion of rival European powers and resulted in the colonization of areas of no direct economic interest to Europeans. D. Imperialism economically benefited European merchants and governments while leading to the economic decline or stagnation of Asian producers


In the period 1500 to 1750, the population of the Portuguese colony of Brazil grew rapidly and became predominantly African. Which of the following best explains these demographic changes? A.The adoption of indigenous food crops by African migrants B.Portuguese loss of colonial holdings in the Indian Ocean C.The rapid natural increase of Brazil's early slave population D.The increase in global demand for cash crops such as sugar


In the period after circa 1450, trade along the routes shown on the map declined in large part because of the a. decrease in the demand for African manufactured goods in Europe b. collapse of European economies in the wake of the Bubonic plague c. disruption caused by the adoption of new gunpowder weapons d. increase of maritime trade along the African coast


The actions of the Maroons that forced British colonial authorities to conclude a treaty with them are best explained as evidence of reactions against which of the following global trends in the period 1450-1750 ? A: The persistent spread of epidemic diseases B: The continuing impoverishment of indigenous populations resulting from agricultural transfers C: The increase in armed conflict resulting from state rivalries over control of trade routes D: The increasing expansion and centralization of state power


The activities of Inez de Leyria's father as described in the passage best support which of the following conclusions about the period 1450-1750 C.E.? A. The intensification of commercial and diplomatic activity across Eurasia was accompanied by increased bu missionary activity. B. The arrival of Nestorian Christians along the Silk Roads introduced European missionaries to China. C. Russian expansion in Asia encouraged Christian missionary activity in China. D. The intensification of regional patterns of trade in the Indian Ocean spurred Chinese merchants to convert to Christianity


The dispute described in the court case is most directly an effect of which of the following processes in colonial American societies? A. The economic tensions between landowning elites and landless peasants B. The emergence of new syncretic forms of religious beliefs and rituals C. The demographic collapse of the indigenous Amerindian population as a result of the spread of infectious disease D. The formation of new identities as part of the restructuring of social hierarchies


The images above best provide evidence of which of the following consequences of colonial expansion in the period 1450 to 1750 ? A. The extension of regional trading networks and the consolidation of centralized power B. The spread of new food crops and the development of syncretic forms of religion C. The restructuring of the family and the growth of the plantation economy D. The transfer of wealth to new elites and the development of new gender roles


The passage could best be used to explain which of the following developments in the Americas in the period 1500-1750? A: Enslaved peoples and their descendants were frequently recruited into the armies of colonial empires. B: Some of the descendants of enslaved peoples gradually came to own large sugar plantations. C: Some enslaved peoples won their freedom by taking legal action against plantation owners in colonial courts. D: Enslaved peoples and their descendants used violent means to escape oppression and maintain their freedom.


What similar view of Doña Marina is portrayed in both images? A. She is portrayed as a heroine. B. She is portrayed as a victim. C. She is portrayed as a collaborator with the Aztec elite. D. She is portrayed as an essential part of the negotiations.


Which of the following best describes the likely purpose of the photograph? A. To document the changes in Polynesian political hierarchies and gender roles brought about by imperialism B. To illustrate the photographer's belief that Tahitians were racially inferior to Europeans C. To record the rapidly vanishing customs and institutions of native Polynesians D. To reassure the French public of the civilizing effects of colonial rule and the loyalty of colonial populations


Which of the following best explains a similar motivation behind the establishment of Portuguese trading posts in Africa and the establishment of Portuguese trading posts in Asia? A. The trading posts in both regions were intended to prevent economic collapse following the disintegration of powerful local empires. B. The trading posts in both regions were intended to facilitate commercial cooperation between European states. C. The trading posts in both regions were intended to facilitate the transfer of slaves to the Americas. D. The trading posts in both regions were intended to allow the Portuguese to control access to heavily trafficked maritime routes.


Which of the following best explains a similarity between the earliest English and French voyages across the North Atlantic in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? A) The dominance of the imperial government by a landed aristocracy B) The creation of overseas colonial holdings C) Heavy reliance on overseas trade for government revenues D) An extensive governmental bureaucracy


In the period 1450 to 1750, the intensification of connections between the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere had which of the following effects on religious practices? A. Christianity became more uniform as it spread through the Americas. B. Buddhism spread widely in Africa. C. Syncretic forms of religion such as Vodun developed. D. Splits in Islam became less intense.

Syncretic forms of religion such as Vodun developed.

Source 1: "[In the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries] Europeans derived more profit from their participation in trade within Asia than they did from their Asian imports into Europe. They were able to do so ultimately only thanks to their American silver. . . . Only their American money, and not any 'exceptional' European 'qualities' permitted the Europeans [to access Asian markets]. . . . However, even with that resource and advantage, the Europeans were no more than a minor player at the Asian, indeed world, economic table [until the nineteenth century]." Andre Gunder Frank, ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age, 1996 Source 2: "The societies of Europe had been at the margins of the great trading systems, but they were at the center of the global networks of exchange created during the sixteenth century because they controlled the oceangoing fleets that knit the world into a single system. Western Europe was better placed than any other region to profit from the vast flows of goods and ideas within the emerging global system of exchange. . . . [European states] were keen to exploit the commercial opportunities created within the global economic system. They did so partly by seizing the resources of the Americas and using American commodities such as silver to buy their way into the markets of southern and eastern Asia, the largest in the world." David Christian, This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity, 2008 Which of the following best explains Europe's ability to gain a greater share of global trade in the early modern period? a)Easing of tensions among European statesEasing of tensions among European states b)Adoption and improvement of maritime technologies by Europeans Adoption and improvement of maritime technologies by Europeans c)Europeans' increased interest in foreign languages and cultures Europeans' increased interest in foreign languages and cultures d)Diffusion of European manufacturing technology and processes to Asia


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