APCP final, Mexico, combined china, china, APCP China: Basic Definitions, combined russia, APCP Key Concepts, UK Key Terms, Russia Key Terms, russia, Pink UK, APCP Key Terms Intro Test, APCP Key Concepts, uk, U.K. APCP

Réussis tes devoirs et examens dès maintenant avec Quizwiz!

R: PM chosen how

president pick and fire PM any time

N: what type of political system


economic liberalization

privatization freemarket free trade

types of democracy: ?????

procedural : substantive: illiberal:

UK: head of state


R: nomenklatura

recruitment method for top positions in USSR

1991 what type of change took place when the USSR to russia, more from gorbi to yelson

regime change

Regime vs. state vs. nation

regime: all of the rules and institutions that endure. state: the organization that exercises sovereignty. nation: sociological link between people

putin industry

renationalize key industry

R: political system

semi presidentail

N: upper house


UK: Order (and parties) of PMs teacher onward

-thatcher conservative far right -majoir conservative center right -blare labor center left -brown labor -camron conservative -May conservative

duma elections

1/2 party list 7% threshold 1/2 SMD plurality 4 year terms

R: upper house selection

2 seats per sub unit

N: what voting system for senate

3 senators per state .equal representation from each state. SMD plurality vote. 4 years

N: what voting system for house

360 SMD seats that are based on population

N: term lengths for legislature

4 years

R: Yelson when

90's free and fare elections open civil society free media reform lead to tumult in 90's

N: dominate party right now


Alexei Navalny

Bolger in R who exposed the corruption and criticized putin. Called united R the "party of crooks and thieves." ran from mayor of moskow 2013. juster house arrest

Westminster system

British parliamentary system

I: curent supreme leader


I: first supreme leader


Praetorian is which countries

M & N

who is federal

M, N, & R

Current PM of UK



Muslims in R

shock theory

Nelson rapid transition from a command to a free market

Normative statement


UK: head of gov


C: head of gov

Premier Li prime Minister


Premier vice premiers Li

Judicial review

R M & N


R legislature

who has popular run off vote for president


N: what voting system for house

SMD by plurality. 4 years

UK: how commons elected

SMD plurality


SMD plurality. and winner take all

I: legislative elections

SMD. run off threshold 25%. serve 4 years

which counties are unitary

UK, C, & I


Uk party that is anti EU

what the house of lords can do

delay legislation amend legislation

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Yukos oil. putin arrest him from tax ablation. then put in jail. Putin take his oil company. released just before olympics

UK: no confidence vote

a majority vote in the parliament forces the resignation of the gov

I: how supreme leader selected

appointed by assembly of experts

sovereignty: indépendant legal ruling authority over given population within defined borders Vs.

autonomy:limited self governing within a sovereign state based on cultural characteristics or something

UK: who was new labor


UK: what is 3rd way

blair made labor party the best of thacherism and best of socialism.

Blair change his party how

bring labor form loony left, to the middle (new labor)

UK fusion of powers

cabinet and PM are part of the legislature as well

N: what type of law

common law. also sharia in north

dominant party in I

conservative hardliners

UK: political system

constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy

R: Yelson themes

democratization economic liberalization

UK: Devolution

devolve power to scotland whales and north irerland in 1990's regional parliaments more power to separatist parties

R: perestroika

economic restructuring gorbi

How PM of UK elected

elected by the dominate party in the house of commons

developing countries

ethnic and religious cleavages healthcare pollution

N: prebendalism

extreme corruption in which the leader of the state uses revenue for personal uses

Imperial statment


R: upper house

federation council

chandler of the Xchecker

finance minister of the UK

which leaders transferred power in R from USSR to russia

gorbi to yeltson

M & N gini index

high scores on gin index with social inequality

law making body in UK

house of commons

N: lower house

house of representatives

UK: effect of FFTP

hurt small parties

UK: Collectiveness responsibility

if cabinet member disagree with PM, they must step down

UK: shadow cabinet

leadership of the minority party

UK: how a government may lose power

major bill go down in defeat. lose general election. lose leadership contest. or lose a vote of confidence.

R: president elections

majority run off


neoliberal privatization 80's

C: how PM selected

nominated by president. confirmed by national people's congress

C: political system

one party communist state

R: Glasnost

openness under gorbi

parliamentary vs. presidentail

parliament: presidentail: fusion of powers separation of powers vs. no confidence vote impeachment

which of the electoral systems is most likely to produce a mutiparty system where a coalition government is necessary

party list. or proportional representation

R: Siloviki

patin's men of power.

UK: permeant secretaries

policy experts. serve for life. merit and experience based.

I: how president elected

popular run off vote

I: head of gov


N: head of gov


N: head of state


R: head of state


R: lower house

state duma


supranational organization in africa N is apart of

I: head of state

supreme leader

define political culture

the collection of attitudes and beliefs about politics in a particular society

I: political system

theocratic republic

R: Politburo

top decision making body

UK: higher civil service

top level bureaucrats permeant secretaries and elite bureaucrats implement policy, run departments, deliver public services

how house of lords elected


dominate party in R

united russia

N: legislate branch week or strong


R: Democratic centralism

∆ created by lenin. debate and discussion within party. decisions are made by the elite, and are binding. the elite are the politburo. organizing priceable of the communist party. still priceable in china

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