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In order to have a sustainable and stable population, the TFR should be


Population has a CBR of 50 and a CDR of 15. How many years for the population to double?


Calculate the doubling time for a population with an annual population growth rate of 2%

35 years

During which stage of the Demographic Transition Model is the population size the MOST stable? A Stage I B Stage III C Stage IV D Stage V


What is true of zero population growth? A Human population has reached replacement level fertility. B Humans stop having children. C Human death rate exceeds the birth rate. D Human population size crashes.


Which biome would naturally be the BEST for supporting a dense human population? A Temperate seasonal forest. B Tropical rainforest. C Boreal forest. D Temperate grassland.


Which of the following factors contributes to an INCREASE in total fertility rate? A Females having children at a younger age. B An increase in the rate of emigration. C Low infant mortality rates. D A higher percentage of males in the population. E An increase in access to healthcare.


Which of the following statements about demographic transition is LEAST accurate? A Stage 2 (the transitional phase) of demographic transition begins with falling birth rates because of things such as increasing medical technology. B When a population is in Stage 1 (the pre-industrial phase) of demographic transition, both birth rates and death rates are high. C Even though Stage 4 of demographic transition has the lowest birth and death rates, the overall population is largest here. D Infant mortality typically lessens as a population progresses through demographic transition


Which situation would MOST likely accelerate a country's transition through Phase III of the Demographic Transition Model? A The implementation of mandatory education for all children. B The introduction of Green Revolution technologies. C The movement to a more industrial economy. D The implementation of free health care for all residents.


According to the demographic transition graph, which stage has the highest growth rate? A Stage 1 B Stage 2 C Stage 3 D Stages 1 and 2


What factors must be considered to calculate the growth rate of a population?

Births, Deaths, Immigration, and Emigration

A country with a growth rate of 5% has a current population of 10 million people. How many years will it take for that country to reach 80 million people, assuming that it continues to grow at a constant rate? A 14 years B 28 years C 35 years D 42 years


If a country grows at an annual rate of 2.5%, how long will it take for the population to double? A 2.8 years. B 15 years. C 23 years. D 28 years.


Which of the following is NOT a cause of urban sprawl? A Government policies. B Automobiles. C Cost of living. D Smart growth.


Which of the following scenarios does NOT show density-dependent factors in a population? A White-nose syndrome is a fungal disease spreading throughout bat populations in the Eastern United States. B Northern spotted owls nest in old growth forests with tree canopies high enough for owls to fly underneath without being exposed. C The phosphorus level in a pond is only capable of supporting 20,000 kg of algae. D A population of 30,000 caribous was killed by a flood.


What does IPAT stand for?

Impact, Population, Affluence, and Technology

What happened to the population of Japan in 2012?

It decreased

Which of the following statements is NOT true for a population pyramid with a wide base and a thin top?

It shows an aging population

Are the number of urban communities a factor in calculating the growth rate of a population?


Is India a developed country?


Is culture a part of the IPAT model?


Would a rural lifestyle drive TFR down?


Why does Ethiopia have a high TFR and infant mortality rate?

Poor sanitation

How do you calculate population density?


The baby boomers were born in what decade?

The '50s

Other than educating women, the best way to control human population growth is

access to birth control

Stage 3 of the Demographic Transition model includes

educated women that have access to family planning

Characteristics of the transitional stage in the demography model include all EXCEPT

education of women

A country with _____ is NOT expected to grow quickly in the near future.

high female literacy

The spread of low density urban or suburban development outward from an urban center is

known as sprawl

Moving to the suburbs

spreads environmental impact

Death rates decrease while birth rates stay high during the ____ stage


Most dense populations are in

urban areas

Heat generating buildings, vehicles, and dark, heat absorbing surfaces result in

urban heat island

All of the following answer choices are attributed to reducing population size EXCEPT A delayed age of first childbirth. B reduced literacy rate. C education for women. D increased age at marriage.


In 2005, France had a population of 63 million. In 2010, the population was 65 million. What is France's growth rate during this period? A 2.1% B 3.2% C 3.5% D 4.7%


In which stage of the Demographic Transition Model, is the decline in the birth rate SIGNIFICANTLY greater than the decline in the death rate? A Stage II B Stage III C Stage IV D Stage V


Setting up a good urban site includes finding all of the following EXCEPT A Well-drained soils B Heavily forested areas, with many plants to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen and to provide shade for workers C Access to nearby suitable agricultural lands D Proximity to waterways for transportation and commerce


Which BEST describes family life for a population in Phase I of the Demographic Transition? A The parents tend to the crops and livestock while lots of children go to school. B The parents and lots of children work to take care of the crops and livestock. C The parents and older children tend to the crops and livestock while the younger children go to school. D The father tends to the crops and livestock while the few children go to school and the mother takes care of domestic chores.


Which is the BEST explanation for why it is necessary for developing countries to have a total fertility rate greater than 2.1? A The total fertility rate must be high enough to offset the short life spans experienced in developing countries. B The total fertility rate must be high enough to replace the high mortality rates of children and adolescents. C Because of malnutrition in developing countries, few pregnancies go to full term. D In developing countries there are few education opportunities for women and they will have more children.


Which of the following could prevent a country from moving from Stage III to Stage IV of the Demographic Transition Model? A The transition from farms to agribusiness. B The cost of education increases. C Child labor laws are passed. D People begin to value small families over large families.


Which of the following is known as the high-density growth of areas on the fringes of cities? A Urbanization. B Suburbanization. C Fragmentation. D Urban sprawl.


Which of the following slows population global growth the MOST? A Tax penalties for families with more children than are allowed by law. B The education and empowerment of women. C A rise in global GDP. D Sending foreign aid, such as food and medical supplies, to lesser developed countries.


Which of the following statements BEST describes a country that is in the transitional stage of the demographic transition? A The population is growing exponentially and the birth rate is low due to the absence of vaccinations. B There is an increase in hygiene practices and sanitation disposal methods, causing a decrease in death rates. C The birth rate and death rate are equal causing a drastic increase in population. D There is an increase in the infant mortality rate, causing a decrease in the total fertility rate. E Females have more educational opportunities as well as an increase in availability of family planning practices.


Which of the following statements is TRUE about death rates? A Infant mortality is not considered when calculating the death rate. B The crude death rate is the number of deaths per thousand people in the population, for a given year. C The crude death rate is the difference between the people that were born, and people that died, in a given year. D The crude death rate describes people that emigrated from a country, and are considered economically "dead" to that country.


Which policy would a government NOT adopt if they wanted to move their country from Stage 2 to Stage 4 in the Demographic Transition Model? A Governments could train their population with the skills needed to attract foreign investment in manufacturing. B Governments could tax the richer individuals and allow those in poverty to not pay taxes. C Governments could train more teachers and build more schools so they could offer free education to their population. D Governments could improve their medical services by building more hospitals and clinics and by training more doctors.


Which statement about the demographic transition model is CORRECT? A The growth rate during Stage 1 is high. B The highest growth rates happen during Stage 2. C Populations in Stage 4 have reached their carrying capacity. D The BEST explanation for the changes during Stage 2 is an increase in contraceptives, increased urbanization and greater access to education for women.


A country experiences 25,000 births; 3,500 emigrants; 16,000 deaths; and 2,500 immigrants in a year. What is the population change that has taken place in this year? A An increase of 10,000 people B A decrease of 1,000 people C An increase of 8,000 people D A decrease of 8,000 people


All of the following could help lower the total fertility rates of developing countries EXCEPT A allowing more women to work outside the home. B increasing efforts to use family planning in these countries. C tax incentives for mothers with larger families. D including contraceptives in foreign aid, given to these countries.


As a country progresses through demographic transition, what generally happens to the overall population of that country as it travels from Stage One to Stage Four? A The population of the country declines because the birth rate falls much faster than the death rate in Stage two. B The population of the country stabilizes because the birth and death rates remain similar throughout. C The population grows because deaths decline before births, causing a population expansion. D The overall population remains unchanged. This happens because in Stage one, both birth and death rates are similarly high. While in Stage 4 the birth and death rates are similarly low.


Forty percent of a small town's population are between the ages of 18 - 44 years. The population of 5,000 people is 52% female for all demographic groups. If the total fertility rate is at the replacement level, how many children will this group of women have? A 759 B 1,040 C 2,184 D 2,657


High fertility rates are MOST commonly associated with countries that have A access to advanced medical care. B high life expectancy. C low gross domestic product. D low infant mortality.


How has the human population grown since the Industrial Revolution? A Linearly. B Irregularly. C Exponentially. D Logistically.


In 1990, Country A had a crude birth rate of 66 per thousand births and a crude death rate of 64 per thousand deaths. In 2004, its birth rate remained constant at 66 where the death rate dropped to 32. In 2012, the birth rate is 20 while the death rate is 16. Which stage of the demographic transition model is Country A exhibiting in 2012? A Transitional B Post-industrial C Industrial D Pre-industrial


In 2005, the population was 4.27 million. In 2010, Singapore's population was 5.08 million. Assuming the growth rate remains the same, how many years will it take for Singapore's population to double? A 3.7 years B 5.6 years C 18.4 years D 10.3 years


In 2013, Afghanistan's crude birth rate was 35. How many babies were born if the population size was 31 million? A 113,000 B 884,500 C 1,085,000 D 2,540,000


On a small island in Maine, the population of white tailed deer, Odocoileus virginanus, was estimated to be 320 in 2009. During that year, 100 kills were reported by hunters at tagging stations and researchers estimate 25 births on the island. The proximity to the mainland has allowed for 11 immigrants during an early spring bloom. What is the rate of change in population size? A 20% B 80% C -20% D -57%


The Demographic Transition Model shows the change in population size as birth and death rates change. Which statement is CORRECT? A Populations follow the Demographic Transition Model in a predictable manner. B Birth rates and death rates have a direct relationship. C Immigration and emigration are not considered. D Birth rates and death rates have an inverse relationship.


The country that focused on family planning in an attempt to stabilize its population but that unsuccessful was A the United States B China C India D England


The population growth rate for Earth in 2015 was 1.15. If this trend continues, in what year will the population be doubled? A 2025 B 2050 C 2075 D 2100


When a society in Phase I and Phase II of the Demographic Transition Model are compared, which is NOT a characteristic of the society in Phase II? A The food supply is more reliable due to better agricultural practices. B The chance of children surviving their childhood increases. C Older people will live longer than ever before. D There are improvements in the handling of sewage.


Which of the following factors is LEAST likely to result in a drop in total fertility rate in a country? A An increase in the opportunities available for women B A decrease in the need for children as economic security C An increase in infant mortality rates D All of the above choices would result in a drop in the total fertility rate


A population of 10,000 people has an annual growth rate of 6.5%. What will be the size of the population after five years if this growth rate stays the same? A 12,074 people B 12,864 people C 13,250 people D 13,700 people


As the human population grows, people are moving from rural to urban areas. This increased urbanization around the world is linked to an increase in infectious diseases. Which of the following is the MOST accurate statement about the relationship between urbanization and infectious disease? A The air and water pollution associated with urban areas increases the rate of lung and intestinal diseases. B The high population density increases the rate at which diseases spread throughout the city. C Poor sanitation leads to the rapid growth and spread of viruses and bacteria. D Poverty-stricken, low-income areas often have high population densities, poor sanitation, and poor healthcare.​


City A is a small suburb that is about 10 miles from a major metropolitan area, City B. A major demographic shift is happening in this area as people move from the urban core of City B to homes in City A. City A was agricultural land before being developed. It has many of the features associated with a typical suburb including lower population density than a city and separate land use with residential-only zones and commercial zones. People are drawn to being able to own their own home, and exiting the urban core of City B as it becomes more economically troubled. Which of the following is NOT associated with this demographic shift? A An increase in the cost of police and fire network infrastructure. B An increase in greenhouse gases and contribution to climate change from more dependence on automobiles. C Poorer health outcomes result from a lifestyle that encourages less walking. D An increase in the spread of infectious diseases.


In 2013, New Zealand had a population of 4.5 million people. What is New Zealand's Crude Birth Rate if 59,000 children were born? A 4.5 B 7 C 11 D 13


In the United States, urban blight has increased. Which statement is NOT correct? A Racial segregation increased due to "white flight." B One of the causes of urban blight is the Highway Trust Fund. C The lower cost-of-living in the suburbs attracted people who were living in urban areas. D With fewer urbanites, social services improved for the remaining population


Some cities are in the process of switching to a more sustainable design. This is often accomplished by using technologies and changing how the cityscape is used. Which of the following would NOT be used to improve the sustainability of a city? A Cities would increase their practice of infilling. B Cities could install a Smart Traffic Management system. C Change traditional neighborhoods to walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods. D Reduce the heat-island effect by paving roads with concrete instead of asphalt.


Which of the following case studies serves as a direct example of renewable resource depletion as a consequence of exponential human population growth? A Three Mile Island, PA B Mono Lake, CA C Minimata, Japan D Easter Island


Which of the following factors contribute to the high total fertility rate in Ethiopia? A High availability of contraceptives B Greater opportunities for women in the workforce C A low infant mortality rate D The need of children as economic security


Which replacement-level fertility rate is needed if a country wants to have a stable population size? A 1.8 B 1.9 C 2.0 D 2.1


What is the number one thing we can do to reduce population growth?

Educate women

What made life expectancy in southern Africa decrease dramatically since the 1990s?


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