APES Unit 2

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Based on the data in Figure 1, which of the following is the best estimate of the carrying capacity of the moose population?


Which of the following was the number of finches in the population with a beak size of 10.2 mm in 1978?


In a given ecosystem, producers convert solar energy into 15,000kcal15,000kcal of chemical energy stored in organic compounds. Which of the following is the most likely amount of energy available to secondary consumers?

150 kcal

Which of the following values best represents the amount of energy available for primary consumers in the food chain?

9,300 kilocalories

Which of the following was the average beak size of finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?

9.5 mm

Which of the following values best represents the amount of energy available for secondary consumers in the food chain?

930 kilocalories

Which of the following best explains why terrestrial trophic pyramids usually do not have levels higher than tertiary consumers?

A large proportion of energy is lost as heat as it is transferred up the pyramid, so there is not enough energy available to support another level.

Which of the following statements about levels of biodiversity is correct?

A population with high genetic biodiversity is better able to respond to environmental stressors.

Which of the following identifies and describes the equipment needed to best determine the amount of water that infiltrated the soil?

A ruler should be used to measure the level of water above the pavers in both pallets immediately after pouring the water over the pavers and immediately after the one-hour wait time.

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following would most likely experience the greatest decline of specialist species if an invasive species emigrated from the mainland?

A small island in close proximity to the mainland

Which of the following examples illustrates the community with the highest biodiversity?


Which of the following best identifies the author's claim?

Aardvarks are a keystone species and their decline could have a trophic cascade effect on the ecosystem.

Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph?

After the volcanic eruption, pioneer species colonized the area and the ecosystem began to undergo succession.

Which of the following statements best describes the most unsustainable method of clear-cutting forests to harvest timber?

All of the trees in a forest are cut down and removed in one operation.

Which of the following is a likely explanation for the difference shown in the graph for the percent of animals and the percent of plants threatened by transient-human activity?

Animals are mobile and able to avoid trampling, but because plants are stationary, transient-human activity affects a larger percent of plants than of animals.

Which of the following explanations is best supported by the data shown in the map above?

Animals migrate seasonally to mate and to find food in different habitats.

Many organisms, such as honeybees and livestock, have been domesticated for economic reasons. Which of the following best describes an unintended consequence of this practice?

As humans tamed wild organisms to amplify desired traits, genetic diversity decreased in the organisms' populations.

Which of the following species is most likely to provide extensive parental care to its offspring?


Which of the following best identifies the author's claim?

Bull trout are unable to live in high sediment loaded waters and migrated to avoid the conditions introduced during dam deconstruction.

Scientists determined that a species of a reptile dinosaur cohort had 20% survivorship during the first two years of life, but then the survivorship of those individuals that survived to age 2 had a 70% survivorship to middle age. Survivorship declined later in life. Which of the following best illustrates the shape of the survivorship curve for this species?

C. A graph for this species would have a curve that drops off before age 2, is concave until middle age, and then drops again, paralleling that of a Type I survivorship curve.

Which of the following best describes an advantage of constructing habitat corridors?

Corridors connect habitats separated by fragmentation and connect wildlife populations.

Which of the following categories of organisms, which are required for the cycling of matter in an ecosystem, is missing from the table?


This biome contains plants that are adapted to prevent water loss due to the low average rainfall and high temperatures year-round.


Which of the following is a biome found at 30°30° NN and 30°30° SS as seen in the diagram?


The table above shows the balanced chemical equations that represent three processes that are part of the nitrogen cycle. Which of the following is exemplified by the equations above?

Each biogeochemical cycle demonstrates the conservation of matter.

Which of the following best explains how environmental stressors, such as wildfires, can affect biodiversity in an ecosystem?

Ecosystems with more species diversity are more likely to recover after a disturbance than ecosystems with low species diversity.

Which of the following best describes the movement of energy in an ecosystem?

Energy is harnessed by producers, and available energy decreases with each trophic level transfer.

Which of the following changes to the local hydrologic cycle will result if large areas of land experienced clear-cutting?

Evaporation of water from the soil will increase.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the data?

Forest A producers have lower rates of cellular respiration than forest BB producers.

Which of the following best describes gross primary productivity in an ecosystem?

Gross primary productivity is the total amount of solar energy captured by producers through photosynthesis over time.

Based on the data in the table, which of the following pairs of organisms has two ecological relationships, both competition and predation?

Hawks and snakes

Which of the following describes an aspect of urbanization that would most increase the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere compared to rural and suburban areas?

Increased amounts of waste per unit area in urban areas that leads to higher rates of decay and decomposition

Which of the following would most likely result from the deforestation of large areas of tropical rain forests caused by slash-and-burn agriculture?

Increased global temperature because of the release of CO2

Which of the following best describes an environmental advantage of urbanization?

Individuals living in cities usually have a lower transportation carbon footprint than individuals living in rural areas.

Which of the following best describes a symbiotic relationship?

Intestinal bacteria inhabit the gut of humans.

Based on the data in the graph, altering human activity in which of the following areas will most benefit plant species?

Introduction of invasive species

Cycads are gymnosperms that were diverse and abundant during the Mesozoic era. Extant species of cycads share many traits with those from the Mesozoic era. Cycads bear cones, are long-lived with slow growth rates, show late reproductive maturity, and have very few offspring. Based on this description, the cycads are

K-strategists with a Type I survivorship curve.

Which of the following actions would be most likely to increase the protection of ecological systems in national forests?

Mandate that the government sale of logging rights in national forests be at fair market value

Industrial logging threatens many forested ecosystems. Which of the following environmental consequences will most likely result from clear-cutting deciduous forests for logging?

More carbon dioxide will be added to the atmosphere and increase anthropogenic climate change.

Which of the following best describes why the authors claim that reducing noise exposure is currently more of a public policy problem than a scientific problem?

Most public health impacts of noise were already identified in the 1960s.

Which of the following best describes the net primary productivity of an ecosystem?

Net primary productivity is the amount of energy lost through respiration by producers subtracted from the gross primary productivity of an ecosystem.

Which of the following best describes why the authors claim that noise exposure will be a major health problem in the twenty-first century?

Noise exposure is on the increase in both industrialized nations and in developing regions.

Based on the data shown in the graph, when would the species richness of the ecosystem have been the lowest?

One to four years after the volcanic eruption

Which of the following statements best describes why it is predicted that the orchid mantis will be more affected by global climate change than the tropical cockroach will be?

Orchid mantises tend to be advantaged in habitats that remain constant; the rain forest habitat is likely to shift because of global climate change.

Local legislation was passed to protect animal species prone to extinction. The legislation included criminalizing poaching, setting limits on number of fish people can catch, and protecting habitats. Which of the following threats shown in the graph will most likely decrease the most as a result of the legislation?


Which of the following species is most likely to be an invasive species if introduced into a favorable new habitat?


Which of the following best explains the change in the moose population from 1995 to 1997?

Plants in the area could not support the large population of moose in 1995.

Based on the data shown in the graph, which of the following events occurred after the glacial retreat?

Primary succession

Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of creating a series of protected habitats in an effort to maintain biodiversity in an area?

Protected habitats often separate species inside the habitat from other populations of the same species living outside the habitat.

Which of the following correctly describes the disruption of an ecosystem service by an anthropogenic activity?

Provisioning services are disrupted by increased combustion of fossil fuels, which leads to an increase in air pollution.

Raccoons eat a variety of foods and can live in a variety of habitats, including locations near humans. Tiger salamanders eat an abundance of worms and insects and require wetland habitats so they do not dry out. Which of the following best identifies the two different species?

Raccoons are generalists, and salamanders are specialists.

Based on the data shown in the graph, which of the following best describes how ecologists could determine when this ecosystem is approaching a climax community?

Record the number and type of producers present every year after the eruption

Which of the following would be categorized as a cultural ecosystem service of forests?

Recreation and scenic areas for tourism

Which of the following best explains why the different warbler species can all have habitats in the same conifer trees?

Resource partitioning of the seeds reduces competition, and the five different species can live in the same tree.

Based on the information provided above, which of the following species would best be classified as a specialist?


This biome is characterized by long dry seasons and is dominated by grasses, shrubs, and grazing animals.


Which of the following best achieves the goal of providing wood products for humans while preserving biodiversity?

Selective cutting of large areas of old-growth forest

Silver carp were introduced in the southeastern United States in the 1970s from their native habitat of China to control algal blooms that were occurring at aquaculture facilities and sewage lagoons. Silver carp escaped from captivity shortly after their introduction and are currently found as far north as North Dakota and Minnesota. Which of the following describes an unintended, negative consequence of the introduction of silver carp into the United States?

Silver carp became an invasive species in the United States because their numbers were not being controlled by natural predators.

Which of the following is the source of energy driving the circulation pattern labeled C in the diagram?

Solar radiation

In a fish species, the number of eggs that hatch and survive for one year varies depending on the number of eggs that were produced. As the number of eggs produced increases past a threshold number, the survival rate of the offspring decreases. Which of the following statements best explains why only a limited number of offspring can survive in a fish population?

The chance of survival decreases when there is intraspecific competition for resources among surviving yearlings.

A certain species of dinosaur laid large numbers of eggs, and the hatchlings had high mortality early in life. But if they survived, the young dinosaurs were able to grow at a rapid pace and disperse into the environment in order to thrive. Based on this information and the graph above, which of the following best characterizes this species of dinosaur?

The dinosaurs were r-strategists and exhibited a Type III survivorship curve

Which of the following best identifies the author's claim?

The increased rainfall events in the United States are decreasing the tolerance of fish and other marine species in the Gulf of Mexico because of a decreased concentration of oxygen.

Which of the following is the dependent variable in the study?

The infiltration rate of the water

Which of the following statements correctly describes the trends seen in the data?

The lowest sea level occurred during the Paleogene period.

Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph for the population of wolves between 1975 and 1985?

The population declined following depletion of food resources after a population overshoot.

A 163163 square-kilometer (km2km2) small island is found 2,000km2,000km from the mainland. A second, larger, 230,000km2230,000km2 island is found 1,000km1,000km from the mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following statements is most likely true about the small island when compared with the large island?

The rate of immigration is lower for the small island than for the large island.

Which of the following statements best explains the changes in the size and composition of the population of finches after the drought?

The total number of finches in the population decreased, and the larger-beaked finches were more successful in the drier environment.

Which of the following is the independent variable in the study?

The type of pavers used in the pallets

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following is the most likely reason that an island in the ocean that is 5 kilometers from a continent would have a higher number of species than one that is 15 kilometers from a continent?

There are more species that have the ability to travel 5 kilometers than can travel 15 kilometers.

Which of the following best describes why the authors do not claim that noise exposure induces birth defects in humans?

There is insufficient evidence to support that noise exposure induces birth defects in humans.

Which of the following characteristics of the brown marmorated stink bug has led to them being an invasive species in North America?

They are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions.

All of the following statements about invasive exotic species are true EXCEPT:

They tend to have low reproductive rates.

This biome is warm and wet, with little seasonal variation in temperature and frequent precipitation.

Tropical rain forest

Which of the following solutions would help decrease flood frequencies and flood sizes that are caused by urbanization?

Using new, more permeable materials for roads and sidewalks

Which of the following causes the air to rise high into the atmosphere in the areas labeled A, B, and C on the diagram?

Warm, moist air that is less dense than the surrounding air

Sustainable use of forests in the United States would likely be encouraged by

cutting small groups of medium- and large- sized trees in uneven-aged forests

Which of the following graphs best displays population size over time of an rr-selected species that has just colonized a new habitat with abundant resources?

exponential growth

Based on the data in the table, if the number of snakes were to suddenly decrease, which of the following changes would most likely occur in the food web of this ecosystem?

increase in number of shrews/decrease in number of hawks

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