apes unit 9

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Which of the following is a likely explanation for the difference shown in the graph for the percent of animals and the percent of plants threatened by transient-human activity?

Animals are mobile and able to avoid trampling, but because plants are stationary, transient-human activity affects a larger percent of plants than of animals.

Many organisms, such as honeybees and livestock, have been domesticated for economic reasons. Which of the following best describes an unintended consequence of this practice?

As humans tamed wild organisms to amplify desired traits, genetic diversity decreased in the organisms' populations.

Which of the following best identifies the reason that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were banned in 1996 by the Montreal Protocol?

CFCs led to the destruction of stratospheric ozone.

Which of the following best describes an advantage of constructing habitat corridors?

Corridors connect habitats separated by fragmentation and connect wildlife populations.

Which of the following best describes how an anthropogenic activity can increase ocean acidification?

Emissions from power plants that burn fossil fuels increase atmospheric carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by the ocean.

Which of the following best describes the greenhouse effect on Earth?

Greenhouse gases trap heat near Earth's surface, keeping the average surface temperature constant.

Which of the following best describes the advantage of using hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) or hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) to replace chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in industrial processes?

HFCs and HCFCs have lower ozone-depleting potentials than CFCs do

Which of the following events would most likely lead to a decrease in the pH in the oceans?

Increased burning of fossil fuels in power plants

Which of the following best describes the primary cause of global ocean warming?

Increased global temperature from an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Which of the following types of releases of greenhouse gases from an anthropogenic source is shown in the diagram?

Industrial and agricultural practices releasing CH4CH4 into the atmosphere

Based on the data in the graph, altering human activity in which of the following areas will most benefit plant species?

Introduction of invasive species

Which of the following best describes the effect of temperature on the chemical reactions that result in ozone layer depletion?

Low temperatures create polar stratospheric clouds that lead to the production of free radicals of chlorine, which result in the breakdown of ozone at the beginning of the antarctic spring.

Sixty-five percent of global greenhouse gas emissions are made up of carbon dioxide, while only sixteen percent are made up of methane gas. Which of the following best explains why scientists are increasingly concerned about the effect of methane gas emissions on global climate if they are a relatively small percent of greenhouse gases released?

Methane gas has a higher global warming potential (GWPGWP) than carbon dioxide does, so it can trap more heat in the atmosphere.

Based on the data above, which of the following is the most likely conclusion of a study addressing the following scientific question. What will happen to methane levels in the atmosphere at 60°N to 75°N latitude from 2018 to 2027 if the trend from 2011 to 2017 continues?

Methane levels in the atmosphere will increase because melting or thawing permafrost will lead to an increase in the amount of organic matter that will decompose.

Which of the following best describes the importance of ozone in the stratosphere to life on Earth?

Ozone absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

Based on the diagram, which of the following best illustrates how the biosphere can affect global climate change?

Producers use solar energy for photosynthesis, decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increasing the amount of carbon sequestered in plant tissue.

Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of creating a series of protected habitats in an effort to maintain biodiversity in an area?

Protected habitats often separate species inside the habitat from other populations of the same species living outside the habitat.

Which of the following describes a negative effect of substituting hydrofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in an effort to reduce ozone depletion?

Some type of hydrofluorocarbons are greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.

Based on the data above, which of the following hypotheses about the future conditions in the Arctic is most plausible if the trend seen from 2011 to 2017 continues?

The albedo will decrease.

Which of the following best describes how ocean acidification affects coral formation?

The increase in hydrogen ions dissolved in the ocean water sequesters available carbonate ions, preventing the use of calcium carbonate for coral skeleton formation.

Based on the data above, which of the following best supports the hypothesis that the Arctic (latitudes greater than 66°N) experienced accelerated warming compared to the rest of the planet from 2011 to 2017 ?

The largest areas with surface-temperature changes greater than a 4°C increase are found in the Arctic. The largest areas with surface-temperature changes greater than a 4 degrees Celsius increase are found in the Arctic.

Based on the diagram, which of the following best predicts how an increase in greenhouse gases would affect the ocean?

The oceans would be warmed because of increased solar radiation being absorbed by the water, causing expansion and sea level rise.

Which of the following best describes why water vapor, a greenhouse gas, is not considered a significant contributor to global climate change?

Water vapor has a relatively short residence time in the atmosphere.

Stratospheric ozone (O3) is essential for life to exist on Earth because it

absorbs incoming solar UV-C radiation, preventing exposure to dangerous radiation from the Sun

Which of the following environmental problems is most directly linked to ocean warming?

coral bleaching

Coral bleaching can be hazardous to some fish species because

coral reefs provide unique habitats for fish

Local legislation was passed to protect animal species prone to extinction. The legislation included criminalizing poaching, setting limits on number of fish people can catch, and protecting habitats. Which of the following threats shown in the graph will most likely decrease the most as a result of the legislation?


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