Apologetics Midterm

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m2 How should a Christian respond to the statement, "We can't know anything for sure"?

"How do you know that for sure?"

m2 How should you respond to the following statement? "There are no absolutes."

"Is that absolutely true?"

The authors of the Old Testament books believed what they were writing was, indeed, from God. A particular phrase was used over 400 times from Genesis to Malachi to prove this. What was this phrase?

"Thus says the Lord"

m2 A few (three) statements that characterize individual relativism are:

- "That may be right for you, but it isn't for me" -"No one can tell me how to live my life" - "I am my own authority"

What three world religions are monotheistic (believe in only one God)?

- Islam - Christianity - Judaism

What are the two qualifications that an individual must have before using apologetics?

- Must be Spirit-filled. - Must be saved.

m2 What are the 4 things that truth does?

- Truth explains reality -Truth corrects us when we are wrong -Truth gives us a soild foundation to stand upon. - Truth shows us what is right.

According to the article, "Six Reasons Young Christians Leave Church" by the Barna Group, what are the six reasons young Christians leave the church after age fifteen?

- Young Christians' church experiences related to sexuality are often simplistic, judgmental. - Churches seem overprotective - Teens' and twentysomethings' experience of Christianity is shallow. - They wrestle with the exclusive nature of Christianity -Churches some across as antagonistic to science - The church feels unfriendly to those who doubt.

What are the "three A's" of analyzing arguments?

- assumptions - authorities - arguments

Choose five possible authorities, mentioned in this class, that individuals might appeal to in order to get across their point.

- informed professionals - personal experience -science - media - God

m2 Choose four answers to complete the following statement. According to individual relativists, truth:

- is constructed by man's ideas -is different for every person - is unknowable - changes frequently

m2 Choose ten answers that could complete the following statement. If relativism were true, then there would be no:

- justice - accountability - right or wrong -moral improvement - praise - meaningful moral conversations - tolerance - good/evil - fairness - blame

m2 According to the Word's definition of truth, truth (five answers):

- never changes -is absolute - is knowable -is universal - endures forever

m2 When it comes to how truth is viewed, there are two main camps in which nearly all people reside. What are these two camps? (Choose the two answers below.)

- relative truth - absoulte truth

What are the three questions that you can ask that will help identify hidden assumptions?

-"What point are you trying to make?" -"Why do you believe your point is valid?" -"Are there any hidden premises being used?"

Identifying hidden assumptions can be difficult at times. What five tips were mentioned that might help you with this task?

-Ask lots of questions. -Identify the reasons (premises) that the person gives to prove the main point. - Look for hidden reasons (premises) -Identify the main point (conclusion) that the person is trying to make. -Listen very carefully.

What are the five key elements of assumptions?

-Assumptions are statements that are assumed to be true. -Assumptions are present within all arguments. -Assumptions can be either good or bad. -Assumptions are usually not stated verbally. Assumptions are what's being "smuggled" in.

The Massoretes also had strict guidelines relating to how they copied the Old Testament Scriptures. Identify three of these guidelines below.

-Counted number of words and letters in each book and also calculated the middle word and middle letter. -They knew the number of times each letter of the alphabet appeared in each book. -If a copy did not agree exactly with the original, it was destroyed.

m2 What are the three questions that we can ask to help determine whether or not something is true?

-Does it make sense? -Is there evidence for it? -Does it work in real life?

According to what you have learned in this class, there are three primary questions that should be asked to help you better analyze an argument. What are these three questions?

-Does the argument contain fallacies? -Is there any evidence to support the premises, or are they merely assumptions? -What argument is being presented?

Of the two premises in the cause and effect argument for God's existence, skeptics are most likely to challenge the second premise. What five points (all from science) back the second premise up (The universe began to exist)?

-Einstein's theory of General Relativity -Second Law of Thermodynamics -Expanding universe -Radiation echo -Galaxy seeds

What are the three primary reasons Christians should be trained in apologetics? In other words, what are the three things that apologetics do?

-Evangelize unbelievers - Engage culture - Equip believers

Identify four common themes that run throughout the Old Testament books.

-God uses those who aren't necessarily qualified. -God desires to bless his people. -Every book points to Jesus. -Sins must be atoned for

During Paul's sermon in Greece to the people at Mars Hill, he used the following apologetic tactics (three total):

-He argued based on facts that could be investigated. -He stated that the resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity. -He found common ground with his audience.

According to the article, "What is the role of apologetics in evangelism?" there are three things that the practice of apologetics does. What are these three things?

-Helps provide the right to speak the gospel to the crowd. -Adds credibility to the speaker. -Quiets the objectors.

More specifically, what does an individual's worldview impact?

-How a person treats others. -How a person chooses to raise his or her children. -What career a person chooses to pursue. -How a person chooses to spend his or her spare time. -How a person chooses to spend his or her money. -What a person chooses to study in college. -Who a person chooses to marry. -How a person views God.

The Talmudists had strict guidelines relating to how they copied the Old Testament Scriptures. Identify six of these guidelines below.

-Ink had to be black and made in a very specific way. -If a king addressed the copyist while he was writing the name of God, he was to ignore the king. -The copyist had to wear specific clothes and follow certain rules about bathing. -Each line had to be 30 letters long. -Nothing, not even a part of a letter, could be written from memory. -Each page of the codex must have the same number of columns (48 lines long each).

m2 Correctly identify the eight problems with individual relativism.

-Relativists can't improve upon their morality. -Relativists can't complain about being mistreated. -Relativists can't hold meaningful discussions about morality. - Relativists can't say, "You're wrong!" -Relativists can't call something "good" or "bad." -Relativists can't say, "You need to stop being intolerant of other views!" -Relativists can't place blame or accept praise. - Relativists can't make the claim. "That's not fair."

What two prophecies does Jeremiah make in Jeremiah 25:11-12?

-The Israelites would endure Babylonian captivity for 70 years. -Babylon would be punished/destroyed.

m2 What are the three problems with societal relativism?

-There is more than one society in the world; how does an individual know which one to obey? -There is no such thing as an immoral law. -Those who have tried to reform corrupt societies are criminals.

m2 What are the six responses to truth that you have learned in this course?

-We should confront those who are living in opposition to truth. -We should continually seek truth. -We should allow truth to determine the way we live our lives. -We should rely upon truth when making decisions. -We should boldly proclaim truth. -We should cherish truth above all else.

What are the four worldview questions?

-What is your purpose in life? -What happens when you die? -What do you believe about right and wrong? -Where did you come from?

When you give an argument, you will inevitably make certain assumptions. That being said, assumptions should be made with caution. What are four things that you can do to make sure your assumptions do not discredit the argument you are trying to make?

-You must be aware of the assumptions you are making. - You should try to use assumptions that your audience is going to agree with. -You must be prepared to defend your assumptions if someone inquires about them. -You must test the assumptions to see if they are valid.

Finite godists believe that God is (four answers):

-finite (limited) - impotent (not all-powerful) - not the source of morality - imperfect

Although the writers of the Old Testament books came from various walks of life, choose four different occupations below that Old Testament writers held.

-leader -prophet - king -judge

"Jesus never calls anyone to make an illogical decision about his or her eternity. Rather, throughout the four Gospels, Jesus appeals to reason and presents evidence for what he taught to every sincere seeker."

-reason -evidence

Apologetics is not...

-relying solely upon your faith -apologizing for your faith -winning an argument at all costs

After archaeologists conducted a number of digs in the mid-1900s in Jericho, they found four key things that verified the historical events of the Joshua 6 account of the destruction of this city. What are these four key things?

-the city was once strongly fortified -the walls were leveled -the siege was short -the city was burned

m2 Regarding his relationship to truth, God is (three answers):

-the source of truth -the embodiment of truth -the standard of truth

For a number of years, skeptical historians doubted whether Nehemiah rebuilt the _______ in _________after the Israelites returned from Babylonian exile. In 2007, archaeologists confirmed the historicity of this event when they uncovered the very thing that Nehemiah actually rebuilt.

-walls -Jerusalem

In 1 Peter 3:15, Christians are commanded to be prepared to make a defense for their Christian beliefs at all times. According to this verse, what are the two ways that Christians should go about doing this?

-with respect -with gentleness

"For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."

1 Corinthians 12:13

Paul appeals to eyewitness testimony as proof of Jesus' resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:3-8

m2 If what we believe to be true doesn't affect the way we live our lives, then we do not really believe it.

1 John 1:5-10

Which New Testament verse is most commonly associated with Christian apologetics?

1 Peter 3:15

The Old Testament was written over a period of approximately 1,100 years, from about ___________- _____________ BC

1500 400

One responsibility of Christians is to "destroy arguments and lofty opinions raised against the knowledge of God."

2 Corinthians 10:5

About how many authors are there for the 39 Old Testament books?


How many books are in the English Old Testament? How many authors?

39 books; around 30 authors

Modern Old Testament translations closely resemble the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls. To what percentage do modern OT translations resemble the text of the Dead Sea Scrolls? Where are the differences?

95% - differences in spelling and grammar

How similar is the modern Old Testament to the Dead Sea Scrolls? What are the main differences?

95% - spelling and grammar

What is a fallacy?

A flaw in reasoning.

slippery slope

A small first step leads to a string of related events that ultimately culminate in a major event.

Paul finds common ground with his audience, argues based on facts that could be investigated, and states that the resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of Christianity.

Acts 17:22-34

m2 We should be witnesses to the truth to the uttermost parts of the earth.

Acts 1:8

Identify the hidden assumption in the following statement: "If God existed, then I should be able to see him."

Anything that a person cannot see must not exist.

According to the article, "What is the role of apologetics in evangelism?" what is the relationship between apologetics and evangelism?

Apologetics prepares the listener for the gospel message whereas evangelism is the presentation of the gospel message.

Special pleading (double standard)

Applying a standard to another that is different from a standard applied to oneself.

What is likely the most effective strategy to use when it comes to uncovering hidden assumptions?

Ask lots of questions.

Genetic fallacy

Attempting to endorse or disqualify a claim because of the origin or irrelevant history of the claim.

Why do Christians not celebrate the Day of Atonement annually?

Because Jesus atoned for the sins of the world once and for all.

Why is a worldview important?

Because it affects every area of a person's life.

Why isn't God the source of morality within polytheism?

Because there are so many gods, and each one can potentially have different morals.

How can you prove that an objective moral law does, in fact, exist?

By examining the most basic laws of every country throughout the world.

How could each Israelite family avoid the tenth plague while in Egypt?

By placing the blood of an unblemished animal above the doorpost to their house.

What is the single most important intellectual skill you could ever master?

Critical thinking

Defensive apologetics involves knowing what questions those who oppose Christianity might ask and how to answer them.

Defensive answer

"In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory."

Ephesians 1:13-14

m2 We must speak the truth in a loving way

Ephesians 4:15

Atheists believe that right and wrong are relative to the individual. What is the flaw in this belief?

Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong.

According to finite godists, the source of morality cannot be known for sure and, therefore, humans determine right from wrong. What is the flaw in this belief?

Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong. For example, one person might say murder is right while another says it's wrong.

Pantheists believe that right and wrong are merely illusions. Ultimately, it's up to humans to decide how they will live their lives. What is the flaw in this belief?

Everyone believes something different; therefore, there is no such thing as right and wrong. For example, one person might say murder is right while another says it's wrong.

Argument Assertion

Everything that negings to exist has a cause The universe has a cause

What would happen if the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere were any higher? What about if it were lower?

Fires would continually erupt; humans would suffocate

Arguments Assertions

Give supporting reasons (premises) Point being made (conclusion)

m2 "The author of logic is ___________. Logic is ___________ and _________ thinking.

God direct clear

According to Acts 5:29, "We must obey ____ rather than _____."

God men

What do monotheists say about the beginning of the universe?

God created all things from nothing; he has always existed.

What do deists believe about the universe's beginning?

God created all things. Before anything existed, God existed.

According to deists, what happens when you die?

God rewards good people and punishes bad people.

On the Day of Atonement, what was the second goat used for?

Had the sins of the people confessed over it and was sent away into the wilderness.

When constructing the premises, what question should you ask yourself?

How am I going to prove it?

Circular argument

Implicitly using your conclusion as a premise.

_________ and _____________evidence are the two types of evidence that can be studied to help a person determine whether or not the Bible is reliable.

Internal external

How does atheism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?

It doesn't fit at all. Atheism is an errant worldview.

How does finite godism fit with what we have learned about God's existence?

It doesn't fit at all. Finite godism is an errant worldview.

Why is it so important to be able to identify fallacies within arguments?

It gives you the upper hand.

m2 When we are unsure about a looming decision, we should ask God for direction and he will give it to us.

James 1:5

Choose the word below that fills in the blank in the following sentence. The Council of ________ (teaching house of rabbis) in 90 A.D. affirmed the Hebrew Old Testament to be Scripture (same OT we use today as Christians).


m2 The person who places his trust in humans is like a shrub in the desert that withers away, but the person who places his trust in God is like a tree planted by water that flourishes

Jeremiah 17:5-9

m2 Jesus is the Truth

John 14:6

m2 Jesus is full of truth

John 1:14

m2 Light (Truth) exposes evil works and affirms good works.

John 3:19-21

If we abide in God's Word, then we will know the truth and it will set us free.

John 8:31-32

The English Old Testament has the same books as the Hebrew Bible, although they are arranged differently. Unlike the English Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible is arranged into three main sections. What are these three sections?

Law Writings Prophets

"And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit."

Mark 13:11

m2 The gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction; the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life.

Mathew 7:13-14

m2 We should make disciples by teaching the truth of the gospel people all over the world.

Matthew 28:18-20

m2 Build your house (life) upon the rock (truth) or else it will collapse when the storms come.

Matthew 7:24

"________ is now the world's main means of communication."


Premise 1

Objective moral laws imply a moral lawgiver.

Why is it important to identify hidden assumptions?

Oftentimes hidden assumptions cannot support the conclusion.

How many Old Testament prophecies did Jesus fulfill?

Over 300

m2 In the wheat and chaff analogy, chaff is a metaphor for what?

People who are consumed by falsehood.

Paul was " appointed for the defense of the gospel."

Philippians 1:16

m2 What two practical tips were given to help when choosing a conclusion?

Place the word "therefore" at the beginning of your conclusion. Make sure the conclusion logically flows from your premises.

Poisoning the well

Presenting negative information about a person before he/she speaks so as to discredit the person's argument.

m2 We should rely upon God when making decisions and he will direct our paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

False dilemma

Reducing the options you consider to just two.

Guilt by association

Rejecting an argument or claim because the person proposing it likes someone whom is disliked by another.

"If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

Romans 10:9

Paul states that all humans can know that God exists through what has been made.

Romans 1:20

"You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him."

Romans 8:9

The historicity of the Assyrian king, Sargon (Isaiah 20:1), was called into question for a number of years. What did archaeologists discover in Iraq that confirmed his existence as a historical figure?

Sargon's palace

m2 What is the difference between societal relativism and individual relativism, especially since societies consist of individuals?

Societal relativism determines right and wrong by what the majority says; individual relativism determines right and wrong by what each person says.

What does the Law of Causality prove?

Something cannot come from nothing

m2 What is the definition of absolute truth?

Something that is true for all people, in all places, and at all times.

What would happen if the 23-degree axial tilt of the earth were altered?

Temperatures on earth would be too extreme for life.

What is ancient testimony in regards to the Old Testament?

Testimony from outside the Old Testament that affirms it to be Scripture.

What do atheists believe about God?

That he doesn't exist.

m2 What is truth?

That which corresponds to reality.

Argument Assertion

The Bible has contridaction/myths The Bible is an myth

What happens if you discover that the cited authority is biased and partial?

The argument is weakened and begins to collapse.

What happens when a person cites a particular authority to back up the point he is trying to make, but after doing some research yourself, you discover that not all equal authorities agree?

The argument is weakened and begins to collapse.

When seeking to determine whether or not an authority is credible, the two things that you should check are:

The authority's credentials and consistency.

When the ancient city of Nineveh was discovered in the mid-1800s by archaeologists, what did they find?

The city was destroyed by fire, just like the Bible stated.

What is a worldview?

The invisible lens through which one views the world.

What is the second premise in the cause and effect argument for God's existence?

The universe began to exist.

What is the conclusion of the cause and effect argument for God's existence?

The universe has a cause.

What is the main belief of polytheism?

There are many gods.


There is a Moral Lawgiver.

Premise 2

There is an objective moral law.

What do agnostics say the purpose of life is?

There is no real purpose, although humans sometimes try to give it purpose.

What practical tip was given to help when considering the objections.

Think of counterexamples.

m2 According to John 18:28-40, what is the reason that Jesus came into the world?

To bear witness to the truth.

Why is the primary reason that Jesus used apologetics?

To defend his claims to be the Son of God.

m2 I like the Boston Red Sox more than any other team. Therefore, they are the best team of all-time.

Truth is not a matter of individual preference.

m2 In my opinion, I think that stealing is morally permissible.

Truth is not a matter of personal opinion.

m2 I feel like the Toyota Corolla is the best car in America

Truth is not based upon emotions

m2 I sincerely believe that there is life on other planets

Truth is not merely what is believed

m2 This has worked for the past 5 years, it must be true.

Truth is not simply whatever works

m2 Even though you don't do your hw, you are still the best student in the class

Truth is not what makes people feel good about themselves

m2 Over 60% of people think that humans have never walked on the moon.

Truth is not what the majority says is true.

What is the significance of being able to prove that the Passover and the Day of Atonement in the Old Testament find fulfillment in Jesus Christ in the New Testament?

We come closer to being able to conclude that Christianity is true.

Some pantheists believe that your very existence is an illusion. What is the flaw in this belief?

You must exist to say that you don't exist, which is a contradiction.

The English word "apologetics" comes from which Greek word?


Appeal to the popular

appealing to the emotions of the crowd

Paul understands that his responsibility, and the responsibility of his fellow believers, is to "destroy___ and lofty ________ raised against the knowledge of God" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

arguments opinions

You find yourself listening to an argument about the intelligence of various dog breeds, when the person making the argument states, "According to the Animal Planet, the German Shepherd is the smartest dog on earth." After doing a bit of research yourself, you find that the American Kennel Club says the Border Collie is the smartest dog. Because not all equal authorities agree, the argument in favor of the German Shepherd being the smartest dog:

begins to collapse.

A worldview plays a major role in what a person believes and, subsequently, how a person __________ (__ his or her life)

believes acts lives

"Apologetics ____ be used by everyone." Apologetics can be used by _________.

cannot believers

m2 If truth cannot be known, then the truth claims of all religions ________ ________ ________.

cannot be investigated.

m2 "You can't _______ truth without ___ it." For example, if someone says "I don't think truth is telling it like it is," you could respond by asking, "Did you just tell it like it is?" Of course, the answer to this question is, "Yes, they did tell it like it is." Simply put, their statement disproves itself.

deny affirming

m2 Truth cannot be invented; it must be explained


Non sequitur

drawing a conclusion that doesn't follow the premises

"Apologetics involves _________ those who ________Christianity."

engaging oppose

"Arguing doesn't have to involve__________ or the usage of _________ words

fighting angry

In polytheism, there are many ___________ ____________that rule over different realms/areas (sun god, moon god, god of the ocean, god of the harvest, etc.

finite (limited) gods

Nahum prophesied that the Assyrian capital, Nineveh, would be destroyed by who or what?


"Fallacies are________ in ___________ ." Answer 1:

flaws reasonings

Internal evidence is evidence:

from inside the pages of the Bible.


generalizing from too few examples

Romans 2:14-16 suggests that the objective moral law comes from the ultimate Lawgiver, who is God, and that he has written this law onto the _______ and into the _______ of every human being that has ever lived.

heart and conscience

According to polytheists, who determines right from wrong?


m2 (Societal Relativism) Problem 2: Fill in the blank in the following sentence: "There is no such thing as an ________ law."


What is the difference between "objectivity" and "subjectivity"? Objectivity is______of people's opinions whereas subjectivity is _________ on people's opinions

independent dependent

Deism is the view that God exists, but that he is not directly ________ with the world.


m2 Judges 17:6 says, "In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was _______ in his own _________

king right eyes

"Greeks used the term 'disciple' for one who studied the ______ and _______, as well as the ______ of a teacher

life conduct teaching

A simple rule of thumb to follow in arguments is this: If anyone gets angry, the Christian ________.


Based on our study of the seven main worldviews, which one best fits with what we know about God?


m2 Individual relativism is the belief that individuals determine what is _____ and __________

moral immoral

The popular phrase, "Christians are in the world but not ____ the world," should be revised to say, "Christians are not of the world but ____ into it."

of sent

_______ apologetics involves going on the _____ by seeking out those who oppose Christianity.

offensive attack

Apologetics can be defined as both:

offensive and defensive

From birth until the age of eighteen, individuals learn from their ___. Thus, parental training is one of the most significant worldview _____.

parents parental

What are the five most prominent worldview influences? (All five were discussed in this course.)

religion -media - parental training - friends - education

m2 (Societal Relativism) Problem 1: Fill in the blank in the following sentences: "There is more than one ________ in our world. How are we to know which one we should obey?"


What do arguments rise and fall on? In other words, what makes them or breaks them?

the premises

Panentheism is essentially a combination of ____ and ____.

theism pantheism

Monotheism is the belief that:

there is one God in all places at all times.

m2 The central idea of individual relativism is: One person's view of ________ is no truer or better than another person's view of ________; therefore, one person cannot look down upon another person. (Same word fills both blanks.)


m2 Choose the list of words below (in order) that fill in the missing blanks in the following sentence: "A person's view of _______ influences their _______, and their _______ influence their _______."

truth, beliefs, beliefs, actions

"Christians are to keep themselves ___________ from the culture, not _____ themselves from it.

unstained remove

When attempting to understand how arguments work, think of a house. The premises are like the __________whereas the conclusion is like the __________

walls roof

Assumptions Arguments Authorities

what is the person smullging into the conversation Is the person's argument vaild/ invaild What or whom does the person appeal to

"Apologetics involves knowing ___ you believe _____ you believe."

why what

"I do not ask that you take them out of the _____, but that you keep them from the _____one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. ___________ them in the ______; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have ____________ them into the world" (John 17:15-18)

world evil santify truth sent

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