Appendicular Muscles Lab
Serratus anterior; protraction of scapula [moves scapula forwards]
Identify the muscle the arrow points too and its action
splenius capitis; extension of neck
identify a and its action
plantarflexion at ankle joint
what action is tendon C?
biceps brachii and brachialis are antagonists
what is the antagonists of this muscle
erector spinae
what is the postural muscle?
tricep is antagonist
what would be b and c antagonist?
Gluteus medius; abduct and medially rotate thigh
A) Identify muscle A. B) What is it's action?
triceps, extension of elbow joint
A) Identify the muscle B)What is the main action of the muscle the arrow points to?
A)pectoralis major B)flexes, adducts and medially rotates arm
A) Identify the muscle the arrow points to. B) What are it's actions?
A)biceps brachii B)triceps brachii
A) Identify the muscle? B)Which muscle is it an antagonist of ?
A)hamstrings B) extension of hip and flexion of knee joints
A) What is the collective name of the group of muscles the arrows point to. B)What are their actions ?
A)sartorius B) flexion and abduction of hip and flexion of knee jt
A)Identify the muscle the arrow points to B)What are it's actions?
A)gastrocnemieus B)plantar flexion
A)Identify the muscle the arrow points to. B)What is the action of this muscle?
A)gluteus maximus B)extension of thigh at hip joint
A)Identify this muscle?B)What is it's action?
A)Brachialis B)Elbow joint; flexion
A)The arrow points to a muscle that lies deep to the Biceps brachii. Identify the muscle B)On which joint/s does it act and what are it's actions?
biceps brachii; brachialis
Identify B and C
Identify C
Tibialis anterior; Dorsiflexion
Identify C and its action
rhomboid; retraction of scapula [pulling it backward]
Identify b and what is its action?
hamstrings; extension of hip and flexion of knee joints
Identify the muscle group indicated by the arrow and their actions
pronator teres
Name a muscle that pronates the hand.
adductor group
Name the group of muscles that extend the thigh and flex the knee joint.
Quadriceps femoris; extension knee joint/leg
Tendon B belongs to which muscle? and what are their action?
extension of wrist and joint of digits
The arrows point to muscles called extensor digitorum and extensor carpi ulnaris. What would their main actions be?
The gastrocnemieus and soleus are inserted into a tendon whose special name is the calcaneal or Achilles tendon. True or false?
These tendons that the arrows point to would collectively be called?
Achilles tendon/ tendocalcaneus / calcaneal tendon
What is B and C combined tendon called?
Flexion of wrist joint/ hand [ these muscles cross in front of the wrist joint]fl
What would be the collective action of all the tendons marked by the arrows?
Extension of hand at wrist
What would their action be?
Which muscle will supinate the forearm?
Flexion of elbow joint/forearm
actions of b and c
Deltoid- abduction at shoulder joint
identify A and a function
identify B
deltoid; abduction, flexion and extension of shoulder joint
identify a and what is its action?
trapezius; extend neck, shrugging of shoulders
identify a and what is its action?
erector spinae; extension of vertebral column, keep spine erect
identify b and its action
Lattisimus Dorsi; extension and adduction of shoulder joint
identify b and what is its action?
Sartorius; O-hip bone I-tibia
identify muscle A and what is the orgin and insertion
Extensor digitorum; Dorsiflexion [ this muscle crosses in front of the ankle]
identify the muscle and the action?
biceps brachii; o- humerus i-radius
identify this muscle and What are the attachments [origin and insertion] of the muscle the arrow points to?
pectoralis major; O- sternum, clavicle, ribs I- humerus
identify this muscle and What are the attachments [origin and insertion] of the muscle the arrow point to?
triceps; O- scapula, humerus I-olecranon process of ulna
identify this muscle and What are the attachments [origin and insertion] of the muscle the arrow point to?
gluteus maximus; I-ilium, sacrum and coccyx O-femur
identify this muscle and What are the attachments [origin and insertion] of the muscle the arrow points to?
quadriceps O-iliac spine and femur I-tibial tuberosit
identify this muscle and What are the attachments [origin and insertion] of the muscle the arrow points to?
quadriceps; extension of knee joint
identify this muscle and What is the main action of the muscle the arrow points to?