APUSH 1840-1862 Test Review

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Antislavery sentiment underlay the formation in 1840 of the

liberty party

In the mid-1800s, the reform impulse in the United States included the idea that

man is essentially good and capable of positive change

In the mid-1800s, the reform impulse in US included the idea that

man is essentially good and capable of positive change.

The Mormons responded to the hostility they encountered by

migrating to the West

Slavery question became more important because the

nation was expanding to the West

Walt Whitman expressed his love of American democracy and individuality by means of


Henry David Thoreau argued that it was necessary for individuals to

practice civil disobedience when laws were unjust.

Horace Mann was the chief leader in the movement for

public education

Ralph Waldo Emerson's transcendentalist philosophy did not include

rejection of the existence of God

Reformers believed the future of Native Americans was


The leading Southern novelists of the 1830s and 1840s wrote

romantic eulogies of the plantation system

Edgar Allen Poe's works emphasized the theme of the

significance of pain and horror

During the 1800s, members of the temperance movement agreed almost unanimously that

abstinence should promote the moral self-improvement of individuals

Members of the temperance movement agreed

abstinence should promote the moral self-improvement of individuals.

Antebellum feminists were generally

active in other reforms too

William Lloyd Garrison alienated some of his supporters by

adopting radical positions on many issues

William Llyod Garrison alienated his supporters by

adopting radical positions on many issues

The temperance movement of the 1800s featured

all of the answers below

In antebellum North, the abolotionist movement

attracted some support, but also some frequent mob violence

In the presidential election of 1864, the Democrats nominated A) George B. McClellan B) Andrew Johnson C) Abraham Lincoln D) Thaddeus Stevens E) Clement L. Vallandigham

A) George B. McClellan

1. John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry A) increased Southern fears of Northern hostility B) was praised by most Northerners C) had little effect on sectional tensions D) was intended as a statement against the U.S. government E) resulted in the resignation of James Buchanan


10. After he took office Andrew Johnson alienated northern Republicans when he (A) openly broke with Lincoln's reconstruction policies (B) attempted to obstruct the ratification of the thirteenth Amendment (C) permitted former rebels to assume control of southern state governments (D) supported a new federal law that restricted the rights of the freedmen (E) ignored the activities of the Ku Klux Klan.


14. During the era of reconstruction southern whites used the term "scalawag" to identify (A) southern whites who supported Radical Republican rule (B) southern blacks who supported Radical Republican rule (C) Northerners who plundered the treasuries of southern states (D) federal officers who maintained the military occupation of the South (E) Congressmen who enacted Radical Republican legislation


15. Immigrants coming to America from Eastern and Southern Europe during the late 19th century were most likely to (A) settle in large cities in the Northeast or Midwest (B) settle on farms in the upper Midwest (C) seek to file on homesteads on the Great Plains (D) migrate to the South and Southwest (E) return to their homelands after only a brief stay in the U.S.


18. The U.S. government precipitated a crisis with Mexico by A) deploying an army in a disputed border area B) rejecting the application by Texas for annexation C) attacking the Mexican town of Monterrey D) sending federal troops to seize New Mexico E) encouraging Indian attacks on Mexico


18. William M. Tweed of New York City (A) headed a "ring" of politicians that cheated New York City of $100,000,000 through fraudulent city contracts and extortion (B) was an outspoken supporter of fiscal integrity in municipal government (C) pioneered the regulation of tenement house construction and sanitation (D) urged the New York state legislature to adopt the governmental reforms advocated by the Progressives (E) served as Secretary of Interior in President Ulysses Grant's administrations.


20. In the 1820s, the Mexican government invited American traders to New Mexico primarily to A) speed up the development of New Mexico B) open a trade route with the United States C) have an outlet for its excess trade goods D) promote harmony between Mexico and the United States E) extend slavery into northern Mexico


21. The horizontal integration of American industry (i.e., one firm acquiring control of other firms that produce the same product) that occurred at the end of the nineteenth century was primarily a response to (A) economic competition (B) high tariffs (C) powerful labor unions (D) federal monetary policy (E) federal regulation of business


3. The direct impact of the Civil War on the economy included all of the following EXCEPT (A) the emergence of the trust as a form of business organization (B) the initiation of transcontinental railroad building (C) runaway inflation in the South (D) the creation of a more uniform national banking system (E) disruption of cotton exports to England.


30. The basic purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act (1887) was (A) assimilate the Native Americans into white culture ` (B) preserve tribal Indian government on reservations (C) establish a system of reservations for Native Americans (D) grant citizenship to Native Americans (E) force all the remaining Native Americans to move west.


33. The application for California statehood caused turmoil in Congress because A) it would upset the balance between the slave and free states in the Senate B) it would disturb the balance in the House between those who favored slavery and those who opposed it C) Democrats would allow no more slave states into the Union D) Whigs would allow no more free states into the Union E) Republicans were suspected of using the issue to gain the favor of voters


35. Which of the following is true of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890? (A) It had little immediate impact on the regulation of large corporations. (B) It quickly limited the number of mergers taking place. (C) It led to federal control of the railroads. (D) It forced businesses to adopt pooling agreements. (E) It ended effective cooperation between business and the federal government


38. The man most responsible for getting the Compromise of 1850 through Congress was A) Stephen A. Douglas B) William H. Seward C) Jefferson Davis D) Henry Clay E) John C. Calhoun


The ethno-cultural group of historians studying the Civil War was led by A. Charles Beard B. William Gienapp C. Alfred Russell Wallace D. Eric Foner E. Eugene Genovese

B. William Gienapp

40. In the early 1850s, the Northern response to the Fugitive Slave Act included all of the following actions except A) states banned Southern travelers from visiting Northern cities B) mobs freed runaway slaves held by federal authorities C) states passed laws making it difficult to enforce the federal statute D) one state court declared void the federal statute E) citizens expressed ardent dissatisfaction with the law


41. Because of the "Young America" movement, the United States considered annexing parts of A) Cuba B) Russia C) Mexico D) Panama E) Brazil


43. Renewed sectional conflict in 1854 was triggered by the question of A) building a transcontinental railroad B) acquiring the territory of Cuba C) admitting New Mexico as a free state D) admitting Oregon as a slave state E) adding California as a state


43. The Kansas-Nebraska act (1854) heightened the sectional crisis because it (A) repealed the Missouri Compromise (B) repealed the Fugitive Slave Act (C) made Kansas and Nebraska free states (D) stimulated Southern emigration to the territories taken from Mexico (E) signaled acceptance of the principle of the Wilmot Proviso


45. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 contained all of the following provisions except A) declaring the Wilmot Proviso void B) creating two new federal territories C) repealing the antislavery provision of the Missouri Compromise D) allowing some territorial legislatures to decide the slavery issue for themselves E) creating popular sovereignty as a method of compromise


50. The "Crime against Kansas" speech resulted in the A) Sumner-Brooks affair B) Pottawatomie massacre C) sack of Lawrence D) John Brown raid E) Wilmot Proviso


54. During the election of 1856, the major candidates included A) James Buchanan B) Stephen Douglas C) James Polk D) Abraham Lincoln E) Franklin Pierce


9. In his 1863 plan for reconstruction, Lincoln announced that the people of a Confederate state could form a new government that he would recognize if (A) one tenth of the citizens took an oath of allegiance to the United States and accepted the wartime laws emancipating slaves (B) one tenth of the citizens took an oath of allegiance to the United States and yielded all of their property to the state government (C) a majority of the citizens ratified the Thirteenth Amendment and repudiated the Confederate debt (D) a majority of the citizens ratified the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments and repudiated the Confederate debt (E) one tenth of the citizens took an oath of allegiance to the United States and granted emancipated slaves the right to vote.


The victims of mob violence in the New York City draft riots of 1863 were mainly A) blacks B) Irish immigrants C) Confederate prisoners of war D) government officials enforcing the draft E) people with business ties to the South

A) blacks

The death toll in the American Civil War was A) far greater than that of any other American war B) second only to the U.S. dead in World War II C) moderately high; about equal to that of the Vietnam War D) higher than that of the Revolutionary War but still moderately low E) small in comparison with previous wars

A) far greater than that of any other American war

The greatest source of division in the South was A) the doctrine of states' rights B) disagreement over the war C) conscription exemptions D) the issue of slavery E) monetary policy

A) the doctrine of states' rights

Among historians, the key question about the Civil War was A) was the war inevitable? B) who started the war? C) could the South have won? D) why did the war last so long? E) what were the motives of the South?

A) was the war inevitable?

During the war, the Republican Party enacted legislation designed to promote A)​all of the answers below B)rapid development of west C)construction of transcontinental railroad D)state colleges E)use of paper money known as greenbacks

A)​all of the answers below

3. Almost all of the supporters of Manifest Destiny agreed that A) Americans had a God-given right to expand their superior civilization into new territory B) the "empire of liberty" should extend into Canada and Mexico C) the United States could use force to achieve this expansion D) expansion should serve the economic interests of Americans E) the United States should annex large sections of Mexico

A. Americans had a god-given right to expand their superior civilaztion into new territory

4. The initial migration of American settlers to Texas was encouraged by the A) Mexican government B) Catholic church C) American government D) American Colonization Society E) Liberty party

A. Mexican gov

10. The second wave of permanent American settlers in Oregon were mainly A) missionaries B) gold prospectors C) fur traders D) cattle ranchers E) land speculators

A. Missionaries

Experiences of black soldiers in the Civil War included A. all of the answers below B. a heroic and deadly attempt to take Fort Wagner C. a higher mortality rate than that of white soldiers D. often being required to do menial labor E. initially receiving pay that was lower than that of whites

A. all of the answers below

7. Just before Texas became a U.S. state in 1845, Texas was A) an independent nation B) part of Mexico C) a free-labor territory D) a U.S. territory E) a jointly occupied area claimed by Mexico and England

A. an independent nation

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that." 8. The Emancipation Proclamation was consistent with this statement by Abraham Lincoln because it abolished slavery (A) only in the North (B) only in Confederate held counties (C) everywhere in the South (D) only in areas controlled by the Union Army (E) only in the border states


59. In the late 1850s, Abraham Lincoln argued that slavery should be A) protected in the slave states and in all territories B) allowed to continue in the slave states, but prohibited in all territories C) gradually abolished everywhere, with a definite timetable and compensation for the owners D) immediately abolished throughout the nation E) regarded as a necessary evil in the West


12. During Reconstruction Congress passed all of the following measures except: (A) voting rights for all blacks (B) citizenship for all persons born or naturalized in the United States (C) a military occupation of the southern states (D) a continuation of the Freedmen's Bureau (E) a civil rights act. ?


13. The Fifteenth Amendment (A) guaranteed the right to vote to all adult citizens (B) guaranteed the right to vote to all black citizens (C) guaranteed equal protection of the laws to all citizens (D) abolished slavery (E) was designed to strengthen the Republican party in the South.


15. The main issue in James K. Polk's 1844 presidential campaign was his commitment to A) increasing the tariff B) territorial expansion of the United States C) reducing the cost of Western land D) rechartering the Bank of the United States E) resolving sectional differences


19. From the 1820s to 1840s, Americans became involved in trade with New Mexico by traveling along the A) Butterfield Overland Trail B) Santa Fe Trail C) Old Spanish Trail D) Mormon Trail E) Independence Trail


19. President Andrew Johnson was (A) impeached by the Supreme Court but not removed from office (B) impeached by the House but not convicted by the Senate (C) impeached by the House but acquitted by the Supreme Court (D) impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate (E) removed from office by Congress for violating the Tenure of Office Act.


22. In Congress, most of the criticism of the Mexican War came from the A) Democrats B) Whigs C) Federalists D) Republicans E) States' Rightists


23. The able commanding general of the United States' forces in the Mexican War was A) Zachary Taylor B) Winfield Scott C) A. W. Domphan D) Ulysses S. Grant E) Stephen Kearny


30. The California Gold Rush resulted in all of the following developments except A) the influx of over 200,000 people into the region B) the kidnapping of thousands of Chinese to serve as workers C) the forcing of thousands of Indians to serve as indentured laborers D) the pressuring of the federal government to create an effective government for the area E) the spreading of publicity throughout the world


32. President Zachary Taylor favored the A) exclusion of slavery from all the lands acquired from Mexico B) swift admission of new states from the Mexican Cession, with the issue of slavery decided by the local inhabitants C) gradual admission of new states from the Mexican Cession, after giving Southerners a chance to move into the area D) creation of only slave states in all the lands acquired from Mexico E) exclusion of Nebraska and Kansas from statehood


35. The 1850 legislation that aimed at resolving all the sectional issues in one compromise package was introduced by A) John C. Calhoun B) Henry Clay C) Daniel Webster D) Abraham Lincoln E) Zachary Taylor


39. In the election of 1852, the Whig party lost the chance for victory when it split over the issue of A) temperance B) slavery C) tariffs D) territorial expansion E) the Mexican War


46. The first political party to disintegrate over the issue of slavery was the A) Federalist B) Whig C) Free-Soil D) Democratic E) Republican


47. Which of the following states the principle of "popular sovereignty?" (A) Congress has the right to decide where slavery shall and shall not exist. (B) The settlers in a given territory have the sole right to decide whether or not slavery will be permitted there. (C) Individual citizens can decide for themselves whether or not to hold slaves. (D) The American people shall decide where slaver will exist through a national plebiscite. (E) Individual states have the right to reject congressional decisions pertaining to slavery.


48. Popular sovereignty failed in Kansas because of A) voter apathy B) illegal voting by Missouri residents C) the failure to clearly identify the key issues D) a lack of regional interest in slavery E) voter fraud by Free Soil elements


52. During the late 1850s, the Free Laborites of the North came to believe in all of the following ideas except A) the perfect society was one of small-scale capitalism that allowed everyone a chance at upward mobility B) slavery was such a moral evil that it must be abolished quickly C) Southern society was so backward that it constituted a threat to democracy and individualism D) the South was engaged in a conspiracy to extend slavery throughout the nation E) the existence of slavery endangered the rights of whites to own property


Despite earlier efforts to settle the issue, the slavery question became a major issue in the 1840s and 1850s because the

B. Nation Was Expanding West

Sea power played an especially important role in the Civil War in the form of the A) Confederate raids on Northern shipping B) Union blockade of the Confederate coast C) transportation of rebel troops and supplies on steamboats D) ironclad ships that appeared during the war E) Confederates' ability to control all Southern ports

B) Union blockade of the Confederate coast

The Democratic platform of 1864 called for A) vigorous prosecution of the war B) a truce in the Civil War C) immediate emancipation of all slaves D) the sale by auction of captured rebel property E) an increase in defense spending

B) a truce in the Civil War

During the Civil War, Southern women played an especially important part A) as typists and telegraph operators B) as managers of farms and plantations C) as a supply corps for Confederate forces D) as members of auxiliary units of the armed forces E) as replacements for men in the South's light industry

B) as managers of farms and plantations

During the Civil War, the Northern economy changed in that the A) service industries grew B) coal industry increased production C) railroad industry suffered much wartime destruction D) purchasing power of workers increased significantly E) banking system became less centralized

B) coal industry increased production

During the Civil War, the U.S. Congress A) passed a federal income tax amendment to the Constitution B) created a national banking system that could issue national bank notes C) granted federal lands to the states to help finance hospitals D) chartered corporations to build the first transcontinental turnpike E) refused to focus expansion in the West

B) created a national banking system that could issue national bank notes

As the commander in chief of the Union army, President Lincoln was A) brilliant; the best military mind of his time B) highly competent but not infallible C) about equal to his confederate counterpart D) incompetent; a serious burden to the Union forces E) unable to take part in military decision making

B) highly competent but not infallible

The 1862 Union campaigns in Virginia A) led to major Union victories B) resulted in a frustrating and bloody stalemate C) were of little consequence since little fighting occurred D) were a major disaster for the Union E) displayed the military genius of George B. McClellan

B) resulted in a frustrating and bloody stalemate

The Confederate war effort was A) highly centralized on a national basis B) somewhat centralized, but greatly hampered by state governments protecting their states' rights C) conducted almost entirely by the individual states D) run by a smoothly functioning combination of the national and state governments E) most popular in mountainous regions of the backcountry

B) somewhat centralized, but greatly hampered by state governments protecting their states' rights

The Civil War began when A) the North fired on Southerners surrounding Fort Pickens B) the South fired on Northern forces in Fort Sumter C) the North sent troops to invade Virginia D) the South cut off Northern supplies near Manassas E) the South sent troops to invade Maryland

B) the South fired on Northern forces in Fort Sumter

The Battle of Antietam was A) the first Civil War battle B) the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war C) a victory for General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia D) a proof to President Lincoln of the inspired leadership of General George B. McClellan E) Robert E. Lee's greatest victory in the war

B) the bloodiest single day's fighting of the war

Of the over two million men who served in the Union armies, the largest number were men who A) were drafted into service B) volunteered for service C) were in the army at the start of the war D) were paid a bounty to serve E) had been dedicated abolitionists

B) volunteered for service

12. The westward journey to the West Coast in the 1840s could be characterized as A) relatively easy and safe B) dangerous and strenuous C) disease free and relatively short D) dangerous because of Indian attack E) unsuccessful at reaching the West

B. Dangerous and strenuous

The main reason for the Texas Revolution was A) Mexico was determined to drive all Americans out of Texas B) Mexico had become a dictatorship C) failure of James Polk to pursue expansion D) the United States' desire to gain control of the territory of Mexico E) the Texans' desire to overthrow the government of Mexico

B. Mexico had become a dicatorship

14. Martin Van Buren lost the 1844 Democratic party nomination for president because A) many Democrats decided that he could not beat Henry Clay B) he did not favor the immediate annexation of Texas C) he was mistrusted by northern Democrats D) he believed that the United States should risk war with Great Britain to get Oregon E) many Democrats were not willing to risk war with Mexico to annex Texas

B. he did not favor the immediate annexation of texas

The popularity of baseball received its greatest boost from A. wealthy American entrepreneurs B. the American Civil War C. the Mexican-American War D. the "industrial boom" of the 1870s E. American expansion in the West

B. the American Civil War

11. All of the following statements about blacks during the first years after Emancipation are true except: (A) Most sought reunion with family members. (B) Most attempted to found separate black churches. (C) Large numbers migrated to the north. (D) Most preferred to work as sharecroppers rather than for cash wages. (E) Large numbers sought educational opportunities wherever they were available.


16. The United States annexed Texas during the presidency of A) Andrew Jackson B) Martin Van Buren C) John Tyler D) James K. Polk E) Franklin Pierce


17.The main reason that President Grant's administration is considered a failure is (A) his failure to retreat from the radical Reconstruction policies of his predecessors (B) his failure to effectively quell the Indian uprisings in the Western territories (C) his failure to control the corruption permeating his administration (D) his attempts to destroy the Democratic Party and return the country to a one-party system (E) his failure to be reelected after serving his first term in office.?


2.Which of the following was a consequence of the shift to sharecropping and the crop lien system in the late nineteenth-century South? (A) A major redistribution of land ownership (B) A diversification of crops (C) A cycle of debt and depression for Southern tenant farmers (D) A rise in cotton yields per acre from antebellum production levels (E) The termination of the control exerted by White landowners over former slaves.


20. The two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil were (A) Shiloh & Chancellorsville (B) Bull Run & Vicksburg (C) Gettysburg and Antietam (D) Peninsula Campaign & Fredericksburg (E) New Orleans & Bangor.


67. During the middle of the nineteenth century, a spirited topic at lyceums was A) tariff wars B) campaign finance reform C) temperance D) military spending E) slavery


24. The second Sioux War (1875-1876), which saw the defeat of Custer and the Battle of the Little Big Horn, was caused by all of the following EXCEPT (A) The extension of the route of the Northern Pacific Railroad (B) The gold rush in the Black Hills (C) A concentrated effort on the part of the major Protestant denominations to convert the Sioux to Christianity (D) Corruption within the Department of the Interior (E) Overland migration of settlers to the Pacific Northwest


26. "From the beginning of the settlement of America, the frontier regions have exercised a steady influence toward democracy...American democracy is fundamentally the outcome of the experience of the American people in dealing with the West..." These statements are part of a historical theory known as (A) manifest destiny (B) Jeffersonian democracy (C) the Turner thesis (D) Jacksonian democracy (E) Liberal republicanism


27. All of the following are true of railroad expansion in the late nineteenth century EXCEPT that it (A) opened new territories to commercial agriculture (B) accelerated the growth of some older cities and created new ones (C) was financed by private corporations without government assistance (D) led to new managerial forms and techniques (E) was often capitalized beyond what was needed.


29. Which of the following concepts are the basic themes in Frederick Jackson Turner's thesis of the significance of the frontier in American History? I. The West acted as a "safety valve" for discontented Easterners II. American democratic institutions were not imported from Europe III Frontier experiences shaped the American national character and democratic institutions IV American democracy owes a great deal to English political institutions V The western frontier was more crucial to American development than the earlier eastern and southern influences (A) I, II, & III only (D) III & IV only (B) I, III, & IV only (E) I, III, IV, and V only (C) I, II, III, & V only


31. In 1849 and 1850, Congress was thrown into turmoil by the statehood application of A) Texas B) Kansas C) California D) New Mexico E) Nebraska


37. Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives is a study of (A) Jim Crow segregation and its effect on African Americans (B) the plight of Great Plains farmers in the 1890's (C) immigrant urban poverty and despair in the 1890's (D) the corruption in city political machines in the 1890's (E) the rise of industrial capitalists in the late nineteenth century.


37. The Compromise of 1850 A) passed easily with the endorsement of Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster B) finally became law only after President Taylor endorsed it C) became law after Senator Douglas maneuvered it through Congress D) failed to pass because of the opposition of powerful senators E) succeeded at eliminating sectional enmity


4. In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to (A) liberate the slaves (B) prevent European powers from meddling in American affairs (C) preserve the Union (D) avenge political defeats and insults inflicted by the South (E) forestall a Southern invasion of the North


42. At the end of the nineteenth century, the desire of American business to control supplies of raw materials led to (A) automation of industry (B) horizontal integration (C) vertical integration (D) development of the factory system (E) development of the putting-out system


42. In the Ostend Manifesto, American diplomats called for American A) support of the Hungarian Revolution against Austria B) diplomatic relations and trade with Japan C) annexation of Cuba, by force if necessary D) annexation of the kingdom of Hawaii E) rejecting of the Wilmot Proviso


44. Stephen Douglas's intention in introducing the Kansas-Nebraska bill seems to have been to A) strengthen his chances for reelection to the Senate B) permanently settle the conflict over slavery in the territories C) promote the construction of a Midwestern transcontinental railroad D) win national attention as the basis for a future presidential campaign E) express his support for the new Republican party


5. All of the following led Congress to impose Radical Reconstruction measures EXCEPT the (A) enactment of Black Codes by southern legislatures (B) outbreak of race riots in New Orleans and Memphis (C) massive exodus of former slaves from the South (D) election of former Confederates to Congress (E) response of southern legislatures to the Fourteenth Amendment


53. From the 1830s onward, the general position of white Southerners on the issue of slavery A) became more flexible as abolitionist arguments gained followers in the South B) turned gradually in the direction of eventual emancipation C) became increasingly sensitive and rigid in defense of the slave labor system D) remained about the same as it had been in earlier decades E) caused riots in many Southern cities


57. When the question of Kansas reached Congress in 1857 and 1858, the Democratic president urged that A) the territory hold new elections because of the evident fraud in earlier votes B) Congress accept the free-state legislature of Topeka as the valid one C) Congress admit the state to the Union under the proslavery Lecompton constitution D) military officials arrange a ceasefire between the two sides in the dispute E) the territory should merge with Nebraska as a free-labor state


6. Which of the following best describes the situation of freedmen in the decade following the Civil War? (A) Each was given 40 acres of land and a mule by the Union government. (B) All were immediately granted political equality by the Emancipation Proclamation.(C) The majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters or other nearby planters. (D) They were required to pass a literacy test before being granted United States citizenship. (E) They supported the passage of Black Codes to ensure their economic and political rights.


Before the Civil War, the abolitionists used all of the following tactics except

asking Congress for laws outlawing slavery in the states

64. During the 1850s, A) politicians continued to ignore the issue of slavery B) Americans were uplifted by the peaceful entry of Kansas to the Union C) compromises regarding slavery gave way to bitter divisiveness D) the Republican party declined in popularity in the North E) presidential performance was strong and decisive


The inventor of modern baseball was A. Abner Doubleday B. Kenesaw Mountain Landes C. Alexander Cartwright D. John McGraw E. Henry Chadwick

C) Alexander Cartwright

On April 9, 1865, Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant at A) Washington, D.C. B) Richmond C) Appomattox Courthouse D) Durham, North Carolina E) Petersburg, Virginia

C) Appomattox Courthouse

Lincoln's most successful general was A) Winfield Scott B) George B. McClellan C) Ulysses S. Grant D) Henry W. Hallack E) Irvin McDowell

C) Ulysses S. Grant

During 1863, the Union forces achieved decisive victories that effectively sealed the fate of the Confederacy in the battles of A) Bull Run and Shiloh B) Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville C) Vicksburg and Gettysburg D) Petersburg and Atlanta E) Chancellorsville and Petersburg

C) Vicksburg and Gettysburg

The First Battle of Bull Run ended in A) the Union occupation of Richmond B) the Confederate capture of Washington, D.C. C) a stunning rout of the Union army D) the annihilation of the rebel forces E) a Confederate retreat into western Virginia

C) a stunning rout of the Union army

During the Civil War, the U.S. Sanitary Commission was composed of A) military personnel B) street sweepers and refuse haulers C) a volunteer nursing corps D) grave diggers and cremation technicians E) ex-slaves who served as a supply corps

C) a volunteer nursing corps

General Ulysses S. Grant was known for his A) subtle tactical genius B) reluctance to spend lives in bloody assaults C) aggressive assault on Confederate resources D) mild mannered behavior E) defensive style of warfare

C) aggressive assault on Confederate resources

Technological advances in arms and artillery in the era of the Civil War resulted in A) fortifications and trenches no longer being used B) the Confederates having better weapons than the Union C) battles that featured almost inconceivable slaughter D) generals refusing to use fearsome new artillery guns E) innovative battle strategies that reduced the likelihood of death

C) battles that featured almost inconceivable slaughter

The difficulties of the Union war effort included A) insufficient number of soldiers B) timid, inept leadership in the White House C) extended supply lines across hostile territory D) Confederate superiority in weapons technology E) long lines of communication in enemy territory

C) extended supply lines across hostile territory

In the North, the Civil War had the effect on women of A) reinforcing the traditional sex role B) creating support for female suffrage C) hastening the conversion of nursing into a female occupation D) opening the professions to large numbers of women in all fields E) creating an opportunity for women to serve in special units of the armed forces

C) hastening the conversion of nursing into a female occupation

Revisionist historians, such as James G. Randall, argued that the Civil War was caused by A) smuggling of slaves from the West Indies B) fundamental sectional differences C) inept political leadership D) the extreme brutality of slavery E) constitutional disputes

C) inept political leadership

Book Farm was noted for its

attempt at utopian communal living

The Confederacy financed its war effort primarily by A) borrowing B) collecting taxes C) printing paper money D) confiscating Union property E) taking loans from European powe

C) printing paper money

During the Civil War, Kansas and Missouri were A) away from the fighting, thus largely peaceful B) the scene of four major battles C) ravaged by guerrilla bands from both sides D) attacked by Indians allied with the Confederacy E) uninvolved in the political issues of the war

C) ravaged by guerrilla bands from both sides

The Crittenden Compromise contained all of the following provisions except A) the preservation of slavery in Washington, D.C. B) a constitutional amendment to guarantee the continued existence of slavery in the current slave states C) the repeal of fugitive slave laws D) the reestablishment of the Missouri Compromise line E) the prohibition of slavery north of the Missouri Compromise line

C) the repeal of fugitive slave laws

1. The Black Codes passed in a number of southern states after the Civil War were intended to (A) close public schools to the children of former slaves (B) promote the return of former slaves to Africa (C) enable Black citizens to vote in federal elections (D) place limits on the socioeconomic opportunities open to Black people (E) further the integration of southern society.


16. The term "Seward's Folly" referred to Secretary of State William Seward's (A) advocacy of a lenient policy toward the defeated Southern states (B) break with the majority radical faction of the Republican party in order to back President Andrew Johnson (C) belief that the Civil War could be avoided and the Union restored by provoking a war with Britain and France (D) negotiation of the purchase of Alaska from Russia (E) ill-fated attempt to gain the presidency in 1860. ?


17. In 1846, the United States signed a treaty dividing the Oregon territory along the 49th parallel with A) Russia B) France C) Spain D) Great Britain E) Canada


25. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo included all the following provisions except A) Mexico ceding New Mexico to the United States B) Mexico acknowledging the Rio Grande as the border C) the United States agreeing to pay Mexico $15 million D) the United States retaining transit rights across Mexico E) Mexico ceding California to the United States


26. During the 1840s, President James K. Polk antagonized sectional interests by A) raising tariffs B) vetoing internal improvement bills C) proposing the abolition of slavery in the territories D) appearing to treat Texas as more important than Oregon E) instigating war with Mexico


33. Some historians have labeled John D. Rockefeller and other big businessmen of the Gilded Age as "Robber Barons" because they (A) controlled large estates in the West (B) stole large sums of money from the federal treasury (C) controlled foreign countries through their domination of international trade (D) were ruthless competitors who cheated their investors and exploited their workers (E) emulated the lifestyles of medieval lords.


34. The provisions of the Compromise of 1850 included A) abolishing fugitive slave laws B) admitting California as a slave state C) prohibiting slavery in New Mexico territory D) abolishing the slave trade in the District of Columbia E) ending slavery in all new territories


40. At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, pro-Union sentiment was strong in western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina primarily because (A) Confederate troops had committed atrocities to terrorize state representatives from these regions into voting for secession (B) these regions had more trade with the North than did other regions in the South (C) these regions were more industrialized than other regions of the South (D) there were relatively few slaves or large plantations in these regions (E) Lincoln had promised not to send federal troops into these regions


45. In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had (A) a better-developed transportation system (B) a better-educated White population (C) less interest in evangelical religion (D) fewer European immigrants (E) more cities.


49. "Bleeding Kansas" gained its reputation for violence because of the A) U.S. Army's vicious tactics while driving the Indians out of the territory B) general lawlessness of cowtowns like Dodge City and Abilene C) actions of various bandit gangs that roamed the territory before the arrival of federal marshals D) sporadic warfare between settlers on opposing sides in the battle over the slavery issue E) fierce Indian raids on new settlements of whites


50. The Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act both (A) continued the Missouri Compromise line (B) applied the doctrine of popular sovereignty to parts of the west (C) included the policy of free soil for parts of the west (D) repealed the Missouri Compromise line (E) were passed under Democratic administrations.


51. In 1856, the U.S. Representative Preston Brooks, infuriated by an insulting speech directed against his uncle, beat with his cane U.S. Senator A) Stephen A. Douglas B) Daniel Webster C) Henry Clay D) Charles Sumner E) Jefferson Davis


55. A significant aspect of James Buchanan's win over John C. Fremont in the election of 1856 was A) Buchanan's charismatic and energetic style B) the Republican party's failure to run a presidential campaign C) Millard Fillmore's strong third-party showing D) Fremont's inability to gain votes in the South E) the collapse of the Democratic party in the North


58. The Lincoln-Douglas debates resulted in all of the following events except A) Douglas won reelection to the U.S. Senate B) Douglas argued that territorial legislatures could still exclude slavery by simply not passing laws to protect it C) Lincoln gained a national reputation as a Republican leader by performing well D) Lincoln maintained that the slaves must eventually be freed and awarded full legal equality E) Lincoln expressed free-labor sentiments about settlement in the West


62. During the election of 1860, the Democratic party A) dissolved B) lost most of the elections for senators and representatives C) split into a Northern and a Southern faction D) managed to draw what was left of the Whig party into its ranks E) dominated voting strength in the Northeast


65. The educational and oratorical brainchild of Josiah Holbrook was a movement called A) university B) compendium C) colloquium D) lyceum E) gymnasium


66. Lyceums were established as A) places of refuge for runaway slaves B) meeting houses for nativist political parties C) traveling religious revivals D) a place for men and women to educate themselves about issues E) a venue for citizens to view the growth of American military technology


In the antebellum North, the abolitionist movement

attracted some support, but also frequent mob violence

The victorious Union commanders who led the final major campaigns of the war were A) Johnston and Lee B) McClellan and Hooker C) Beauregard and Jackson D) Sherman and Grant E) Grant and McClellan

D) Sherman and Grant

The general who orchestrated the "March to the Sea" was A) Robert E. Lee B) Ulysses S. Grant C) Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson D) William T. Sherman E) Irvin McDowell

D) William T. Sherman

The Emancipation Proclamation freed A) all the slaves of the South B) only runaway slaves who had reached the North C) only the slaves of the South D) all the slaves of the South except those already under Union control E) only those slaves contributing to the Confederate war effort

D) all the slaves of the South except those already under Union control

During the Civil War, the largest source of revenue for the U.S. government was A) confiscating rebel property B) printing paper money C) collecting taxes D) borrowing E) personal donations

D) borrowing

President Lincoln responded to opposition to the war effort by A) ordering suspension of civil liberties in a few extreme cases B) upholding the Bill of Rights in all cases C) prohibiting election activities of the opposition party D) engaging in widespread suspension of civil liberties E) banning the Democratic party

D) engaging in widespread suspension of civil liberties

During the American Civil War, Great Britain adopted the policy of A) extending full diplomatic recognition to the Confederacy B) cooperating fully with the U.S. government C) staying completely out of the conflict D) remaining neutral, while permitting limited aid to the Confederates E) supplying the Confederacy with troops and arms

D) remaining neutral, while permitting limited aid to the Confederates

In his first inaugural address, Lincoln laid down all the following basic principles except A) no state could leave the Union B) acts of force or violence to support secession were insurrectionary C) the government would hold federal property in the seceded states D) the institution of slavery would not be allowed to continue anywhere in the United States E) the South must not assail federal property

D) the institution of slavery would not be allowed to continue anywhere in the United States

2. Advocates of Manifest Destiny claimed the motive for territorial expansion was to A) achieve a political balance between North and South B) secure new resources and markets for the United States C) settle the issue of slavery in the West D) extend American liberty to new territories E) ensure that no foreign powers gained territory in North America

D. Extend american liberty to new territories

6. The victorious commanding general at the Battle of San Jacinto was A) Davy Crockett B) Jim Bowie C) Andrew Jackson D) Sam Houston E) William Travis

D. Sam Houston

8. In the 1840s, the Oregon Country's ownership remained in dispute between the United States and A) Mexico B) Russia C) France D) Great Britain E) Canada

D. britian

21. According to President Polk, war with Mexico began when A) the United States annexed Texas, and Mexico declared war B) Santa Anna brutally captured and killed the defenders of the Alamo C) American troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked Mexican troops D) Mexican and American troops ran into each other on foraging missions E) Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and attacked American troops


22. Which of the following statements is true about immigration to the United States during the last two decades of the nineteenth century? (A) United States immigration laws sharply reduced the number of eligible immigrants (B) Irish immigrants came in larger numbers than earlier in the century (C) Nativist agitation brought about a decline in immigration (D) The United States government entered into a "gentleman agreement" to ban immigration grants from certain countries (E) Southern and Eastern Europeans came in larger numbers than earlier in the century


23. The settlement house movement of the early 1900s was (A) organized by immigrant leaders to help assimilate newcomers into American culture (B) a federal program established to provide assistance to poor people (C) a state-financed program to help assimilate immigrants into American culture (D) a privately sponsored program that established drug treatment centers (E) privately run by native born women to help assimilate new comers into American culture.


24. The heaviest fighting of the Mexican War occurred in A) New Mexico B) California C) northern Mexico D) Texas E) central Mexico


28. The Wilmot Proviso that prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico A) was quickly passed by Congress B) never came to a vote in Congress C) received the support of President Polk D) passed the Senate but lost in the House E) passed the House but lost in the Senate


28. Which of the following was true of the American labor movement in the late nineteenth century? (A) It was controlled by immigrant socialists and anarchists. (B) It was confined to factory workers. (C) It was protected from employer harassment by federal law and policy. (D) It was allied with the Democratic Party. (E) It was involved in a number of violent strikes.


29. The proposal for popular sovereignty called for deciding the issue of slavery in the territories through A) Constitutional amendment B) direct national referendum C) a vote in both houses of Congress D) executive order E) a popular vote by the residents of each territory


31. All of the following account for nativist sentiment against the "new immigrants" of the late nineteenth century except that the immigrants (A) practiced different religions (B) had different languages and cultures (C) were willing to work for lower wages than were native-horn workers (D) were not familiar with the United States political system (E) dominated the professions of law, medicine, and engineering.


32. Which of the following was primarily responsible for the declining death rate in American cities at the end of the nineteenth century? (A) Fewer poor people moved to the cities in the late nineteenth century. (B) Cities began to provide free medical care to those who needed it. (C) Doctors began to provide free medical care to poor people. (D) Better transportation enabled more people to seek medical care. (E) Cities built sewers and supplied purified water.


36. When the Compromise of 1850 finally passed, it included all of the following provisions except A) a strong Fugitive Slave Act B) the admission of California as a free state C) the abolition of the slave trade in Washington, D.C. D) the formation of territorial governments in former Mexican territory E) the exclusion of slavery from all parts of the Mexican Cession


38. The precipitating factor in the 1894 Pullman strike was Pullman's (A) dismissal of union workers (B) introduction of scrip in part payment of wages (C) retraction of its promise to provide an employee insurance and retirement plan (D) employment of immigrant labor at less than a living wage (E) cutting of wages without proportionate cuts in company housing rents.


44. In the presidential campaign of 1860, which of the following positions was asserted by the Republican party platform with respect to slavery? (A) Slavery should be abolished immediately by the federal government (B) The extension of slavery to other countries should be prohibited (C) The Missouri Compromise line (36° 30') should be extended to the Pacific Ocean, and slavery should be prohibited in territories above that line (D) The gradual emancipation of the slaves should begin, and the federal government should compensate slave owners for the loss of slave property (E) The extension of slavery to United States territories should be prohibited by the federal government, but slavery should be protected in the states where it already existed.


48. Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850's? (A) The admission of California as a free state (B) The establishment of the principle of popular sovereignty in the Mexican cession (C) The ban on the slave trade in the District of Columbia (D) The continued protection of slavery in the District of Columbia (E) The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law


49. "Let Southern oppressors tremble...I shall strenuously contend for immediate enfranchisement... I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice." The author of the statement above was (A) John C. Calhoun (B) Stephen A. Douglas (C) Henry Clay (D) Abraham Lincoln (E) William L. Garrison.


60. When John Brown raided Harper's Ferry, all of the following events occurred except A) the state of Virginia executed Brown for treason B) Southerners decided that many Northerners were determined to destroy slavery in the Southern states C) some abolitionists glorified Brown as a saint D) lives were lost among Brown's raiders E) the U.S. military refused to stop Brown


63. During the election of 1860, all of the following events occurred except A) the Democratic party split into Northern and Southern wings and ran opposing candidates B) the Republican party ran an exciting campaign, but only in the North C) the nation voted largely along sectional lines D) a new party appeared that tried to hold the union together by avoiding the slavery issue E) no one received a majority of the electoral votes, so the U.S. House selected Lincoln as the next president


The first major Southern city captured by Union forces was A) Richmond B) Atlanta C) Lexington D) Charleston E) New Orleans

E) New Orleans

By the end of 1862, the Union had captured large parts of A) Texas B) South Carolina C) Mississippi D) Virginia E) Tennessee

E) Tennessee

At the outset of the war, the North enjoyed all of the following advantages except A) a much larger manpower reserve B) a more advanced industrial system C) a better transportation system D) twice as many rail lines as the South E) a stronger will to fight

E) a stronger will to fight

Charles Sumner, Benjamin Wade, and Thaddeus Stevens were A) Copperheads B) war Democrats C) Lincoln Republicans D) fire-eaters E) radical Republicans

E) radical Republicans

The event that touched off the process of secession for the majority of southern states was A) John Brown's raid B) antiunion riots in Baltimore C) the bombardment of Fort Sumter D) "Bleeding Kansas" E) the election of Lincoln to the presidency

E) the election of Lincoln to the presidency

During the Civil War, the economy of the South A) was stimulated greatly by wartime production B) experienced a net gain, as wartime growth was greater than destruction C) suffered a net loss, as destruction exceeded the substantial growth D) flourished as a result of trade with England E) was devastated by the widespread destruction

E) was devastated by the widespread destruction

13. In the election campaign of 1844, Henry Clay A) urged the immediate annexation of Texas B) denounced the proposed annexation of Texas C) suggested selling Texas to Great Britain or France D) called for war with Mexico E) tried to avoid the issue of Texas

E. tried to avoid the issue of Texas

The most prominent black abolitionist of the 1850s was

Frederick Douglas

Founder of the Mormon Faith

Joseph Smith

A leading feminist addressing the problems of gender roles was transcendentalist

Margaret Fuller

Herman Melville

Moby Dick

American writer who suggested that American culture and artistic development could come from the instinctive creative genius was

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin

56. In the 1857 case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, the Supreme Court ruled that A) Congress had no authority to exclude slavery from the federal territories B) former slaves could gain freedom if their owners voluntarily took them into free states or territories C) Dred Scott was entitled to freedom on a technicality, but his case was unique D) escaped slaves could apply for freedom as free persons if they evaded capture for ten years or more E) proslavery forces in Kansas had acted unconstitutionally


A big problem facing American medical care in the first half of the nineteenth century was

a lack of scientific method and experimentation

47. The turmoil over the Kansas-Nebraska Act led to the creation of the A) Free Soil party B) Republican party C) Democratic party D) Whig party E) Know-Nothing party


27. During the late 1840s and early 1850s, the addition of new territory into the United States affected the sectional disagreements over slavery by A) changing them very little B) calming them considerably C) making them much worse D) settling them once and for all E) establishing an atmosphere of consensus


9. The first permanent American settlers in Oregon were mainly A) missionaries B) gold prospectors C) fur traders D) cattle ranchers E) members of the army

c. fur traders

The cultural nationalism of American intellectuals of the 1800s generally

celebrated the uniqueness of the American democratic spirit

The cultural nationalism of American intellectuals of the 1800s generally

celebrated the uniqueness of the American democratic spirit.

Shakers advocated

celibacy and equality of the sexes

Antislavery movement plan called for the

colonization of freed slaves in Africa

In the early antislavery movement of the 1810s and 1820s, the most common plan called for the

colonization of freed slaves in Africa

Before the civil war, the US education system had

helped to achieve one of the highest literacy rates in the world.

William Lloyd Garrison urged

immediate, unconditional abolition of slavery, without compensation to slaveowners.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

inflamed passions over sectional differences regarding slavery

11. Most migrants traveled to the West Coast by A) clipper ship B) stage coach C) rail line D) covered wagon E) horseback

d. covered wagon

Northerners regarded abolitionists as

dangerous, fanatical revolutionaries

The Oneida Community became controversial because of its rejection of what it called the

demands of male lust

Oliver Wendell Holmes and Ignaz Semmelweiss believed that

diseases could be transmitted from one person to another

Manifest Dynasty motive for expansion was to

extend American liberty to new territories

The Mormons based their ideas for society on the importance of the


The Mormons based their ideas for society on the importance of the


Nonscientific theories for improving mental and physical health did not include


The asylum movement incorporated the principle of

firm, yet humane, treatment to rehabilitate the criminal and insane

The best-known novels of James Fenimore Cooper featured tales of the

frontiersmen in the American wilderness

The transcendentalists called for

the use of emotion and intuition to go beyond the confines of understanding

chief objective of "free soil"

to keep slavery and blacks out of the federal territories

In North, majority population reacted to abolitionists by

treating them as a threat to society, even doing them bodily harm

Before the civil war, Northern blacks

were generally limited to the most menial jobs

The Seneca Falls convention of 1848 promoted

women's rights

By late 1860, the divisive forces that had always existed within the United States were no longer counterbalanced by ​A)​all of the answers below ​B)​a respect for the Constitution ​C)​a romantic vision of America's great national destiny ​D)​a stable two-party system ​E)​a belief that the federal government was nonthreatening

​A)​all of the answers below

The Emancipation Proclamation was significant in that it ​A)​all of the answers below ​B)​established the elimination of slavery as a justification for the war ​C)​eventually freed thousands of slaves ​D)​helped to provide black volunteers for the Union Army ​E)​caused the freeing of slaves in border states before the end of the war

​A)​all of the answers below

The Union's objectives in the Civil War included ​A)​all of the answers below ​B)​destroying the Confederate armies ​C)​restoring federal authority in all of the states ​D)​preventing European powers from intervening in the war ​E)​establishing a naval blockade around the Confederacy

​A)​all of the answers below

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