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The speech that made William Jennings Bryan the Democratic nominee for president in 1896 climaxed with the famous words

" you shall not crucify mankind upon a gold cross"

The speech that made William Jennings Bryan the Democratic nominee for president in 1896 climaxed with the famous words

"You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold"

The United States suggested the Open Door policy for China to

-Promote the economic ideal of free markets -Keep the great powers from completely destroying China by dividing it among themselves -Allow U.S. merchants to trade in China without the interference of foreign governments -Achieve a foreign policy victory without using military force

On the question of annexing the Philippines, President McKinley thought that

-United States needed to educate and uplift Filipino culture -Returning the Philippines to Spain would be cowardly -United States could not turn the islands over to another imperialist power -The Filipinos were not ready for independence

The crusade-like nature of many progressive movements, including prohibition, immigration-restriction, and women' suffrage movements.


The desire of progressives to reduce the influence of party machines on politics and foster instead rule by "experts"


The effects of the political equilibrium of the Democratic and Republican parties during the late 19th centuries, and the origins of the equilibrium in differing regional and sociocultural bases.


The growth of progressivism as a reaction to the problems caused by the rapid industrialization and urbanization of the US in the late 19th century


The nature of the progressive impulse, particularly the optimistic vision shared by all progressives that an active government and human intervention ould solve problems and create an efficient, ordered society.


The powerful but unsuccessful challenge mounted by the troubled agrarian sector to the new directions of American industrial capitalism, and how this confrontation came to a head during the crises of the 1890s and the election of 1896.


The Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894 was significant because it contained

A slight decrease in the general tariff

Which occurred first

Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote The Influence of Seapower upon History

In 1893, a revolution in Hawaii overthrew the government of QUeen Liliuokalani. This revolution was instigated mainly byu

American plantation interests.

The first McKinley administration focused on an issue that most Republicans could agree on, and the result was

An increase in the level of tariffs

Which of the following was NOT a result of increasing American influence in the Hawaiian Islands beginning in the 1830s?

Asian immigrants were prevented from residing in Hawaii.

During the late 1800s, the federal government had a reputation for

Being very active in reform movements

Which of the following groups was most opposed to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment (alcohol prohibition)

Catholic immigrants.

In the mid-1880s, many members of the public wanted federal antitrust regulation because

Corporations could move to states that offered special protection to them

Jacob S. Coxey's army of unemployed Americans marched to Washington to demand that the federal government

Create jobs for unemployed

In the decade following its victory in the Spanish-American War, the United States gave partial independence to


The Populist ideology rejected the idea of

Dismantling monopolies and trusts

During the late 1800s, the federal government had a reputation for

Doing very little to ease growing problems

Supporters of the Populist party included large numbers of all of the following groups except

Eastern labor union members

Free coinage of silver was supported by all of the following groups except

Eastern republicans

4 of the following were contributory causes of the Panic of 1893. Which is the exception?

Exception: the tax policies of the federal gov't on big business. Contributory causes: excessive capital investments, especially by railroads;the loss of American markets abroad due to depressed conditions in Europe; weakened purchasing power of farmers due to depressed prices in agriculture; the Philadelphia and Reading Railroads declaring bankruptcy.

The Populists in 1892 favored four of the following. Which is the exception

Exception:the abolition of the graduated income tax. Populists favored: the direct election of senators;gov't ownership of railroads, telephones, and telegraphs; the establishment of "subtreasuries" that would advance loans against stored crops; the abolition of national banks.

The Omaha Platform of the Populists included all of the following proposals except

Federal support for national banks

The purpose of the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 was to

Fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations

The Grange attempted to counteract economic hardships by its

Forming market cooperatives and attempting to curb the monopolistic practices of warehouses

The crisis of the 1890s was caused by all of the following developments except

Government regulation of business

Which of the following nations competed with the US for control of the Samoan Islands?

Great Britain

Which of the following nations competed with the United States for control of the Samoan Islands

Great Britain

Which president served two nonconsecutive terms in office

Grover Cleveland

The Treaty of Paris of 1898, which ended the Spanish-American War, provided for Spain to cede all of the following territories

Guam, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Cuba

Grover Cleveland obtained the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act because

He believed that the gold drain from the treasury threatened the nation's financial stability

The symptoms of the depression of the 1890s included all of the following problems except

High inflation

Going into the election season of 1884, Grover Cleveland was respected for

His consistent opposition to corrupt politicians and interest groups

The first major victory for the United States in the Spanish-American War occurred

In Manila Bay, the Philippines

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 declared illegal any contract, trust, or restraint of trade in


The Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890 declared illegal any contract, trust, or restraint of trade in

Interstate commerce

The Populist party ceased to be a separate political party when

It nominated the same presidential candidate as the Democrats in the election of 1896

The Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 was essentially ineffective for the first twenty years after its passage because

It was haphazardly enforced and was narrowly interpreted by the courts

Although historians disagree as to their interpretations of Populism, the movement was significant because

It was one of the few third-party movements to gain national influence

In general, the Populist movement was primarily supported by

Large-scale mechanized farmers

Grover Cleveland lost the election of 1888 partly because of the issue of

Lowering tariffs

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, currency inflation developed in the United States as a result of

Newly discovered gold deposits and mining techniques

Which of the following does NOT characterize Manifest Destiny in the 1890s?

None of the answers are correct. Answers:Territories were not likely to become states; territories were not contiguous with existing states; Territories were not considered suitable for massive American settlement; Territorial expansion was justified by Charles Darwin's theories.

The Platt Amendment to the Cuban constitution did NOT

None of the answers are correct. The Plat amendment forced all of these conditions into the Cuban constitution: a) forbid cuba from making treaties with other nations; b)give the US the right to intervene in Cuba to protect independence, life, and property; c) require Cuba to permit American naval stations on its territory; D) give Cuba nominal independence.

THe text lists several factors that contributed directly or indidrectly to the development of the new Manifest Destiny at the turn of the century. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Not one of them: the experience of subjucating Indian Tribes in the West. the factors that contributed directly: Populist movement and other class protests.the depression of 1893;the concept of the cosing of the frontier; the concern regarding access to natural resources.

The coining of silver stopped in 1873 because

Owners of silver were not interested in selling to the government

Most the the territory that the United States acquired in the 1890s was in the

Pacific Ocean

The election of 1884 was typical of national contests in the late 1800s because of its emphasis on

Personalities rather than policies

The Farmers' Alliances had an intense dislike for all of the following groups in society except

Politically active women

The political activity of the late 1800s can best be described by the statement that

Politicans did not address the problems caused by the rapid social and economic changes of the times

The political activity of the late 1800s can best be described by the statement that

Politicians did not address the problems caused by the rapid social and economic changes of the times

The Populist ideology rejected the idea of

Preserving a laissez-faire system of economics

In addition to waging military expeditions against the Spanish in Cuba and the Philippines, the US invaded

Puerto Rico

In addition to waging military expeditions against the Spanish in Cuba and the Philippines, the United States invaded

Puerto Rico

When it was first created in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission was designed to regulate

Rail roads

When it was first created in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission was designed to regulate


In the late 1800s, most Americans engaged in political activity because of their

Regional, ethnic, or religious sentiments

Throughout his adult life, William Jennings Bryan served as a powerful symbol of

Rural, Protestant, middle-class America

In general, the Populist movement was primarily supported by

Small farmers

During the election of 1896, William McKinley represented all of the following sectors of the voting populace except

Small farmers and big business

results of increasing American influence in the Hawaiian Islands beginning in the 1830s

Spanish imperialists, native inhabitants of Hawaii, Asian immigrants to Hawaii, American missionaries in Hawaii

During the late 1800s, the function of the president was to

Spend much of his time making political appointments

The most striking feature of the political party system in the late 1800s was its

Stability and strength

The assassination of James A. Garfield occurred as a result of the conflict between

Stalwarts and Half-Breeds

The Supreme Court eventually overturned the Granger Laws of the 1870s on the grounds that

State regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce

Because of the Republican passage of a high protective tariff in 1890, the next two national elections resulted in

Substantial victories by the Democrats

WHich piece of legislation caused significant political damage for the Republicans in the 1890 congressional elections?

The McKinley Tariff

WHich of the following acts was passed to a considerable extent as a result of the assassination of Garfield?

The Pendleton Civil Service Act

In arguing for their policies, the new American expansions of the late 1800s offered all of the following economic and social reasons except

The United States needed to find new sources of immigrants who would work in its factories for low wages

The Grange declined in power in the 1870s because of

The defeat of the Granger laws and the political inexperience of its leaders

Historians have offered all of the following negative interpretations of Populism except

The movement created an extreme political atmosphere that led indirectly to the new imperialism

Historians have offered all of the following positive interpretations of Populism except

The movement was the forerunner of the civil rights movement of fifty years later

The Treaty of Paris of 1898, which ended the Spanish-American War, provided for Spain to cede all of the following territories EXCEPT

The phillipines. The Treaty of Paris transferred control of all these territories to the US except the Virgin Islands.

One of the major problems that caused the Panic of 1893 was that

The railroads expanded too rapidly and could not pay loans

During the late 1800s, the only significant form of federal assistance to individuals was

The retired veterans pension

During the 1860s and 1870s, the Grangers carried out four of the following activities. Which is the exception

They forged a political coalition with organized labor

During the 1860s and 1870s, the Granger carried out four of the following activities. Which is the exception?

They forged a political coalition with organized labor.

One of the most important leaders of the Southern Farmers' Alliance and People's Party was

Tom Watson

One of the primary beliefs of the Farmers' Alliances was that

Too much power was in the hands of a few corporations and financial institutions

Populists rejected the idea of government ownership of the telegraph system, telephones, and railroads, as restrictions on free enterprise.


In the political battles of the late 1800s, the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds were

Two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage

Political party loyalties of the late 1800s tended to remain stable because

Voting patterns were determined by vague cultural inclinations

Populist party leaders of the early 1890s included all of the following people except

Western farmers

Supporters of the Populist party included large numbers of all of the following groups except

Western miners

Populist party leaders of the early 1890s included all of the following people except

William Jennings Bryan

Which of the following presidential candidates was known as a leading Anti-Imperialist?

William Jennings Bryan

The U.S. president who asked for a declaration of war against Spain in 1898 was

William McKinley

Which of the following newspaper publishers were accused of using "yellow journalism" in their coverage of the trouble in Cuba in the 1890s

William Randolph Hearst

Which of the following newspaper publishers were accused of using "yellow journalism" in their coverage of the trouble in Cuba in the 1890s?

William Randolph Hearst

Three of the following statements express general beliefs of the Progressives which is the exception?

a dedication to the theory that the natural law of the marketplace and the doctrines of laissez faire and Social Darwinism would help solve societal problems. Progressive Beliefs: an optimistic vision that society is capable of improvement; a belief that growth and progress should not occur recklessly as they had in the late 19th century; a conviction that direct, purposeful human intervention in social and economic affairs was needed to order and improve society and play an important role in improving and stabilizing society; a belief in the transformational power of enlightened public opinion

What did some Alliance leaders advocate that made the organization different from the Grange

a national society in which economic competition would give way to cooperation

What did some Alliance leaders advocate that made the organization different from the Grange?

a national society in which economic competition would give way to cooperation.

Robert M. La Follette was significant in the Progressive period of American history as

a reform governor of Wisconsin.

Of the Americans who died in Cuba during the Spanish American War, what percent were killed in battle

about 10%

Of the Americans who died in Cuba during the Spanish AMerican War, what percent were killed in battle?

about 10%: 460 out of 5600 American deaths in Cuba came from battle wounds; the rest were kileed by disease

Jane Addams's Hull House was established for the purpose of

aiding the urban poor, especially immigrants.

Later evidence suggested that the sinking of the Maine was actually caused by

an accident in one of the engine rooms

Later evidence suggested that the sinking of the Maine was actually caused by

an accident in one of the engine rooms.

Which of the following groups did NOT want to undo the "Crime of '73"


Which of the following groups did NOT want to undo the "Crime of '73"?


The Philippine War

became a long, vicious and bloody guerilla war. Lasting from 1898-1902, the PHilippine War was one of the longest in American History.

The Philippine War

became a long, vicious, and bloody guerilla war

Most historians

cannot agree about the nature of Progressivism. While each of these have support within the community of historians, no consensus has been reached as the nature of the Progressive movement.

During the progressive period, a new form of city govenrmnet was developed in which the elected city officials hired a professionaly trained administrater to run the governmnet. This administrator was usually known as the

city manager.

Jacob S. Coxey's army of unemployed Americans marched to Washinghton to demand that the federal government

create jobs for the unemployed

In order to alleviate unemployment produced by the Panic of 1893, Jacob S. Coxey proposed

creating jobs by means of government public works programs

In order to alleviate unemployment produced by the Panic of 1893, Jacob S. Coxey proposed

creating jobs by means of govt public works programs.

The expression "Crime of '73" refers to the

discontinuance of silver coinage

The expression "Crime of '73" refers to the

discontinuance of silver coinage.

During the late 1800s, the federal government had a reputation for

doing very little to ease growing problems

The secret ballot was adopted by most states

during the late 19th century.

The most important professional opportunity open to educated African-American women in the early years of the 20th century was


Which of the following was NOT a Progressive electoral reform measure?

election by district or ward.

The advocates of women's suffrage significantly increased their general public support during the Progressive Era when they put increased emphasis on the argument that women's suffrage would

enhance the likelihood of the successful enactment of other progressive reform causes.

The issue of free coinage of silver rapidly declined in importance among farmers after 1896 partly because

farm prices began to rise

The issue of free coinage of silver rapidly declined in importance among farmers after 1896 partly because

farm prices began to rise.

The purpose of the Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883 was to

fill some government jobs on the basis of competitive examinations

The Grange attempted to counteract economic hardship by its

forming market cooperatives and attempting to curb the monopolistic practices of warehouses

Professional organizations were designed to defend their professions from all of the following EXCEPT

gender and ethnic discrimination.

The motive of the United States in contributing troops to the rescue of the besieged diplomats during the Boxer Rebellion was to

have a voice in the final settlement and prevent the dismemberment of China

The motive of the US in contributing troops to the rescue of the besieged diplomats during the Boxer Rebellion was to

have a voice in the final settlement and prevent the dismemberment of China.

The Social Gospel

helped bring to Progressivism a powerful moral component.

The symptoms of the depression of the 1890s included all of the following problems EXCEPT

high inflation

Partly in response to progressive political reforms, the

influence of special-interest groups increased.

The significance of the "cross of gold" speech was that

it led to WIlliam Jennings Bryan's Democratic presidential nomination.

The significance of the "cross of gold" speech was that

it led to William Jennings Bryan's Democratic presidential nomination

Grover Cleveland lost the election of 1888 partly because of the issue of

lowering tariffs

The expression "yellow journalism" refers to the newspapers that emphasized

lurid and sensational news

The expression "yellow journalism" refers to the newspapers that emphasized

lurid and sensational news.

The Democratic Part of the Late 1800s appealed most Strongly to all the following EXCEPT

midwest farmers

The reforms of Elihu Root, the period between 1900 and 1903, were significant in

modernizing the US army.

The reforms of Elihu Root, in the period between 1900 and 1903, were significant in

modernizing the United States Army

The professional roles available to women in the early 20th century were

most often those involving "helping" or "domestic" activities associated with traditionally female roles

Ida Tarbell and Lincoln Steffens were most closely associated with


A significant characteristic of Amerian politics at the national level during the late nineteenth century was the

nearly equal division of popular support for the Democratic and Republican Parties

A significant characteristic of American politics at the national level during the late nineteenth century was the

nearly equal division of popular support for the Democratic and Republican Parties

WHich of the following pieces of legislation was stringently enforced by the federal courts?

neither the Sherman Anti-Trust Act nor the INterstate Commerce Act.

Which of the following pieces of legislation was stringently enforced by the federal courts

neither the Sherman Anti-Trust Act nor the Interstate Commerce Act

In the late 19th century, which of the following groups would least likely vote Democrat

northern blacks

In the late nineteenth century, which of the following groups would least likely vote Democrat

northern blacks

During the first two decades of the 20th century, before the ratification of the 19th Amendment, women gained the right to vote in at

only a few states in the Far West.

Of the eligible voters, voter turnout between 1860 and 1900 averaged

over three quarters

In general, the women's club movement

played an important role in winning passage of state laws regulating conditions of housing and the workplace.

The so-called Granger laws were designed to regulate

railroad and warehouse rates

The so-called Granger laws were designed to regulate

railroad and warehouse rates.

When it was first created in 1887, the Interstate Commerce Commission was designed to regulate


In the late 1800s, most Americans engaged in political activity because of their

regional, ethnic, and religious sentiments

American preparation and mobilization for the military operations against Cuba in 1898 may most accurately be characterized as

remarkably inefficient and incompetent

American preparation and mobilization for the military operations against Cuba in 1898 may most accurately be characterized as

remarkably inefficient and incompetent.

How did the Populist Party try to maintain its independence from the Democrats in 1896

running Tom Watson for vice-president

How did the Populist Party try to maintain its independence from the democrats in 1896?

running Tom Watson for vice-president.

Progressive humanitarian efforts emphasized the need for

scientific expertise.

Alfred Thayer Mahan was significant to the development of American imperialism through his writings on

sea power

The Pan-American Union

served as a clearinghouse for distributing information to member nations

The Pan-American Union

served as a clearinghouse for distributing information to member nations.

Commodore George Dewey was noteworthy to the Spanish-American War for

sinking the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay

Commodre George Dewey was noteworthy to the Spanish-American War for

sinking the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.

In general, the Populist movement was primarily supported by

small farmers

The Populist Party appealed primarily to which of the following constituencies

small farmers in geographically isolated regions

The populist Party appealed primarily to which of the following constituencies?

small farmers in geographically isolated regions

The Supreme court eventually overturned the Granger Laws of the 1870s on grounds that

state regulation of freight rates was an unconstitutional attempt to control interstate commerce

Which piece of legislation caused significant political damage for the Republicans in the 1890 congressional elections

the McKinley Tariff

Which of the following acts was passed to a considerable extent as a result of the assassination of Garfield

the Pendleton Civil Service Act

One of the most significant examples of the Social Gospel at work was

the Salvation Army.

The Populists in 1892 favored four of the following. Which is the exception

the abolition of the graduated income tax

During the late 1800s, the only significant form of federal assistance to individuals was

the civil war veterans pension

What event caused the Grange to transform from a social and self-help association into an agency of political change

the depression of 1873

What event caused the Grange to transform from a social and self-help association into an agency of political change?

the depression of 1873

The text lists several factors that contributed directly or indirectly to the development of the new Manifest Destiny at the turn of the century. Some are

the depression of 1893, the concept of the closing of the frontier, the Populist movement and other class protests, the concern regarding access to natural resources

On of the stronges elements of Progressive thought stressed that ignorace, poverty, and even criminality resulted mainly from

the effects of an undesirable environment rather than the inherent genetic or moral failings of an individual

The most important issue in the 1896 presidential campaign was

the money question

The most important issue in the 1896 presidential campaign was

the money question.

The most powerful institutions in national politics were

the political parties

The most powerful institutions in national politics were

the political parties.

The most serious issue in the debate over ratification of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 was

the status of the Philippines

The most significant issue in the presidential election of 1888 was

the tariff

Four of the following were contributory causes of the Panic of 1893. Which is the exception

the tax policies of the federal government on big business

As a result of the naval building program begun in the 1870s, by 1900 the U.S. Navy was

the third most powerful in the world

As a result of the naval building program begun int the 1870s, by 1900 the US Navy was

the third most powerful in the world.

The women's club movements tended to attract

the urban middle and upper classes.

The inability of the political system and a limited national goernment to respond effectively

to the nation's rapid social and economic changes, particularly the advent of large corporations and industrial capitalism

In the political battles of the late 1800s, the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds were

two rival factions within the Republican party who fought over political patronage

The de Lome letter, which was highly critical of President Mckinley, had the effect of...

worsening US-Spanish relations.

The de Lôme letter had the effect of

worsening United States-Spanish relations

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