Forest Reserve Act of 1881
Authorized President to set aside land to be national parks
Journalists who attempted to find corruption or wrongdoing in industries and expose it to the public
Triangle Shirtwaist Co. Fire
New York City disaster that underscored urban workers' need for government protection and regulation
17th Amendment
Passed in 1913, this amendment to the Constitution calls for the direct election of senators by the voters instead of their election by state legislatures.
"Square Deal"
President Theodore Roosevelt's plan for reform; all Americans are entitled to an equal opportinity to succeed
"Dollar Diplomacy"
Term used to describe the efforts of the US to further its foreign policy through use of economic power by gaurenteeing loans to foreign countries
Ida M. Tarbell
journalist who published a devastating but factual expose of the Standard Oil Company
reformers who worked to stop unfair practices by businesses and improve the way government works
"Rule of Reason"
under the Sherman Act, contracts or conspiracies are illegal only if they constitute an unreasonable restraint of trade or attempt to monopolize. If an agreement promotes competition, it may be legal. If it suppresses or destroys competition, it is unreasonable and illegal.