APUSH- Chapter 11

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The difference in price between what Jefferson had authorized his negotiators to pay for New Orleans and West Florida and what they actually paid for all of Louisiana was

$5 million

One of the greatest problems that John Adams and the Federalists faced in the election of 1800 was

Adams's refusal to take the country to war against France.

A strict constructionist believes that the necessary and proper clause of the Constitution should be used as much as possible to strengthen the authority of the central government.


Jefferson's embargo did not hurt Federalist New England.


Sedition made it illegal to speak falsely against the government or a government official. This is a violation of the 10th amendment.


The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who, more than any other federal official, was able to carry out the Federalist ideas of Alexander Hamilton concerning strengthening the power of the federal government was

John Marshall.

The case of Marbury v. Madison established the precedent of Judicial Review.


The British policy of impressment was functionally equivalent to

a forced enlistment.

Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of

an overland trail to the Pacfic.

The Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans presented themselves as all the following EXCEPT

believers in a strong central government.

Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the United States for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

he was afraid that the Spanish might seize Louisiana in a new war.

One of the first lessons learned by the Jeffersonian Republicans after their victory in the 1800 presidential election was

that it is easier to condemn from the stump than to govern consistently.

The American naval war with Tripoli ended with

a defeat of the Barbary Pirates and the peace treaty in 1805 with the Pasha of Tripoli, costing merely $60,000 for the ransom payments of the captured Americans.

In the 1800 presidential election, Thomas Jefferson won the deadlocked election because

a few Federalists, unwilling to elect Aaron Burr as president, decided to abstain from voting in the House of Representatives, throwing the presidential election to Jefferson.

John Marshall, as chief justice of the United States, helped to strengthen the judicial branch of government by

asserting the doctrine of judicial review of congressional legislation, giving the Supreme Court the power to determine constitutinality.

Who served as the crucial guide(s) , aiding Lewis and Clark in their expedition through the Louisiana Territory?

The Shoshone woman Sacajawea

Aaron Burr's various conspiracies to break apart the United States demonstrated the fragility of the American government's control of the trans-Appalachian West.


William Marbury filed his lawsuit against James Madison directly to the U.S. Supreme Court. Marbury was wanting the court to issue a writ of mandamus, forcing Madison to deliver the commission, issued by John Adams, appointing him to the federal bench.


In the election of 1800, the Federalists accused Thomas Jefferson of all of the following EXCEPT

conspiring with Aaron Burr to have Spain attack the United States.

As president, President Jefferson showed unexpected moderation and a conciliatory attitude toward his Federalist political opponents by

dismissing very few public servants for political reasons.

To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, President Jefferson

enacted an economic embargo that prohibited the exports of all goods from the United States, regardless of whether they were being shipped on American or foreign merchant ships.

With Jefferson's refusal to use the presidency to dispense generously patronage positions and offices in government to is political supporters, the Democratic-Republican Party

grew less unified even as the Federalist Party began to fade and lose power.

Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France because

he was concerned that the purchase of the Louisiana Territory could arguably considered be unconstitutional.

Despite Thomas Jefferson winning a majority of the popular vote and more votes in the Electoral College during the election of 1800, a deadlock in the Electoral College led the election to being decided

in the House of Representatives.

Thomas Jefferson and his political supporters opposed John Adams's last-minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because

it was an attempt by the Federalists, who had been defeated in the congressional and presidential elections of 1800, to maintain political influence in the federal government.

When it came to the major Federalist economic programs, Thomas Jefferson as president

left practically all of them intact.

During the War of 1812, the New England states

lent more money and sent more food to the British army than to the American army.

Thomas Jefferson's "Revolution of 1800" was remarkable in that it

marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties.

Thomas Jefferson's first major foreign-policy decision in 1803 was to

send a naval squadron to the Mediterranean to end blackmailing and plundering of U.S merchant ships by the Barbary pirates of North Africa.

Thomas Jefferson saw his election and his mission as president to include all of the following EXCEPT

support the establishment of a strong army and navy to advance the imperialist ambitions of the United States.

By 1810, the most insistent demand for a declaration of war against Britain came from

the West and South.

Once begun, the War of 1812 was supported strongly by

the West and South.

On becoming president, Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans in Congress immediately repealed

the excise tax on whiskey.

As chief Justice of the United States, John Marshall helped to ensure that

the political and economic systems were based on a strong central government.

The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established that the Constitution mandated that the Supreme Court and not Congress nor the president of the United States had the authority

to determine the meaning of the Constitution.

Lewis and Clark's expedition through the Louisiana Purchase territory yielded all of the following EXCEPT

treaties with several Indian nations.

Thomas Jefferson received the bulk of his political support from the

South and the West.

The "Revolution of 1800" involved a radical transfer of power from the Federalist merchant class to farmers and urban artisans and craftsmen.


The Chief Justice John Marshall was a strict constructionist who wanted to a weak centralized government.


The United States Constitution specifically designates to the U.S. Supreme Court the power to determine the constitutionality of a federal law.


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