APUSH chapter 13

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Who questioned President Polk's right to declare war by introducing a resolution to Congress requesting the president to specify the precise spot where blood had first been shed?

Abraham Lincoln

During the 1850s, 80 percent of the world's gold came from two places that experienced gold rushes at about the same time, California and:


When Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821

its Native American population was relatively large compared to its non-Indian population.

What attracted voters to the Know-Nothing Party

its denunciation of Roman Catholic immigrants

American settlement in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s:

led Stephen Austin to demand more autonomy from Mexican officials.

The Republican free labor ideology

led to the argument by Abraham Lincoln and William Seward that free labor and slave labor were essentially incompatible.

On matters related to citizenship, the U.S. Supreme Court declared in Dred Scott that

only white persons could be U.S. citizens.

In 1846, Congressman David Wilmot proposed to:

prohibit slavery from all territory acquired from Mexico.

The Lecompton Constitution was the

proslavery constitution proposed for Kansas.

Democratic Party split in 1860 over the question of whether to:

protect slavery in the territories or allow popular sovereignty in them.

According to John L. O'Sullivan's Democratic Review, what was the key to the history of nations and the rise and fall of empires?


The opponents of the Compromise of 1850

received a boost from President Zachary Taylor.

The California gold rush

resulted in laws that discriminated against "foreign miners."

In the 1850s, Tennessee-born William Walker became famous for:

seeking to establish himself as ruler of a slaveholding Nicaragua.

James Polk had four clearly defined goals when he entered the White House. Which was NOT one of his goals?

settle the slavery dispute

With the exception of Alaska, what was the last piece of territory acquired by the United States toward the solidification of its present boundaries in North America

the Gadsden Purchase

What 1854 document called for the United States to seize Cuba?

the Ostend Manifesto

Which of the following was NOT a reform movement in which women played a prominent role during the early to mid-nineteenth century?

the anti-Mexican-War movement

Presidents Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren rejected adding Texas to the United States because:

the presence of slaves there would re-ignite the issue of slavery, and they preferred to avoid it.

The controversy over the arrest of Anthony Burns in 1854 shows

the unpopularity of the Fugitive Slave Act in parts of the North.

The Republican Party founded in the 1850s strongly endorsed the same policy about slavery in the territories that ____________ had begun advocating in 1846.

David Wilmot

In the presidential election of 1860, the two candidates who received the most votes in the southern states were:

John Breckinridge and John Bell.

Who was responsible for the 1856 Pottawatomie Creek Massacre in Kansas and led the raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859q

John Brown

The Republican presidential candidate in 1856 was:

John Frémont.

In 1854, the Know-Nothings won all the congressional races as well as the governorship in


What American naval officer negotiated a treaty that opened two Japanese ports to U.S. ships in 1854?

Matthew Perry

term "Californios" referred in the 1830s and 1840s to ____________ in California.

Mexican cattle ranchers

Fifty-four forty or fight" referred to demands for American control of:


Which of the following countries did NOT go through some kind of popular upheaval in 1848?


At the end of their trek in the mid-1840s, Mormons led by Brigham Young founded:

Salt Lake City, Utah.

The 1860 Republican platform stated all of the following EXCEPT

Slavery should be abolished in the nation's capital.

Why did slavery become more central to American politics in the 1840s?

Territorial expansion raised the question of whether new lands should be free or slave.

Which statement about the Mormons, a group founded by Joseph Smith, is FALSE?

The Mormons were founded in the 1840s as an offshoot of Methodism.

of the following is an example of the political impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The Whig Party collapsed, and many disgruntled northerners joined the new Republican Party.

How did the abolitionist movement that arose in the 1830s differ from earlier antislavery efforts

The later movement drew much more on the religious conviction that slavery was an unparalleled sin and needed to be destroyed immediately.

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Compromise of 1850?

The territories of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada would be created.

Which of the following statements related to ethnicity was true in California in the 1850s?

Thousands of Indian children were declared orphans and treated as slaves.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 provided for all of the following EXCEPT

U.S. control of all of the Oregon Country.

The famous Lincoln-Douglas debates took place during the campaign for

U.S. senator from Illinois in 1858.

The caning of Charles Sumner by Preston Brooks

actually helped the new Republican Party.

Stephen Douglas's motivation for introducing the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to

boost efforts to build a transcontinental railroad.

The Dred Scott decision of the U.S. Supreme Court

declared Congress could not ban slavery from territories.

The Free Soil Party

demonstrated that antislavery sentiment had spread far beyond abolitionist ranks.

During the Mexican War

for the first time, the U.S. troops occupied a foreign capital.

In the 1860 election, how many different presidential candidates won electoral votes?


The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850:

gave new powers to federal officers to override local law enforcement.

When Democrats demanded the "re-annexation" of Texas in 1844, they

implied that Texas had once been part of the United States through the Louisiana Purchase.

During his debate with Abraham Lincoln in Freeport, Illinois, Stephen Douglas

insisted that popular sovereignty was compatible with the Dred Scott decision.

By 1856, the Republican Party included individuals who had been, until rather recently, members of each of the following political groups EXCEPT:


Which two political figures agreed to keep the issue of annexing Texas out of the 1844 presidential campaign if possible

Henry Clay and Martin Van Buren

Who wrote "On Civil Disobedience" as a response to the U.S. war with Mexico?

Henry David Thoreau

Which of the following puts these events in the proper chronological order, from first to last? I. Virginia seceded from the Union II. Abraham Lincoln was first elected president III. Confederate States of America formed IV. South Carolina seceded from the Union


In 1821, the opening of the Santa Fe Trail between Santa Fe and ______________ led to a reorientation of New Mexico's commerce from the rest of Mexico to the United States

Independence, Missouri

Why did Mississippi politician Jefferson Davis object in the 1850s to the original design of the Statue of Freedom that now adorns the U.S. Capitol dome?

Its use of an ancient Roman liberty cap on "Freedom" raised a touchy matter about slaves' longing for freedom

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