APUSH Chapter 18

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In his Seventh of March speech, Daniel Webster called for

(B) A new, more stringent fugitive slave law (urged reasonable concessions to the south?)

For his position in his Seventh of March speech, Daniel Webster was viciously condemned by


In 1848, the Free Soil party platform advocated all of the following except

Giving women the right to vote

The man who opened Japan to the US was

Matthew Perry

A scheme to acquire cuba from mexico in the 1850's was called

Ostend Manifesto

Many northern states passed "personal liberty laws" in response to the Compromise of 1850's provision regarding

Runaway slaves

During the 1850s, slaves gained their freedom most frequently by


The first formal diplomatic agreement between the US and China was the

Treaty of Wangiha

The U.S.' scheme to gain control of Cuba was stopped when

US adventurers bungled their invasion

The U.S.' victory in the Mexican American War resulted in

all of the above

In light of future evidence, it seems apparent that in the Compromise of 1850 the south made a tactical blunder by

demanding a strong fugitive slave law

The public liked popular sovereignty because it

fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination

Harriet Tubman gained fame by

helping slaves to escape to Canada

The Free Soilers condemned slavery because

it destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise to self-employment

Of those people going to California during the gold rush, a distressingly high proportion were

lawless men

The election of 1852 was significant because it

marked the end of the whig party

The United States' scheme to gain control of cuba was stopped when

northern free-soilers fiercely protested the effort (?)

the key issue for the major parties in the 1848 election was


Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in kansas-Nebraska Territory be decided by

popular sovereignty

The Wilmot proviso, if adopted, would have

prohibited slavery in any territory acquired in the Mexican War

In the 1848 presidential election, the Democratic and Whig parties

remained silent on the issue of slavery

The event that brought turmoil to the administration of Zachary Taylor was

the discovery of gold in california

The most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was the decision concerning

the new fugitive slave law

The Fugitive Slave Law included all of the flowing provisions except

the requirement that fugitive slaves be returned from canada

The debate over slavery in the Mexican Cession

threatened to split national politics along North-South lines

One of Stephen Douglas's mistakes in proposing the Kansas-Nebraska was

underestimating the depth of northern opposition to the spread of slavery

Some Southerners felt Cuba would be an enticing prospect from annexation for all of the following reasons except it

was not controlled by any European power and would be easily acquired

The Free Soilers argued that slavery

would cause more costly wage labor to wither away

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