APUSH Chapter 18/19

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What did the north get from the compromise of 1850?

1. California admitted as a free state, upsetting the balance 2. Texas lost its disputed territory to New Mexico 3. abolition of slave trade (but not slavery) in Washington dc.

what cause the death of the whig party? what was their lasting legacy? (4 total)

Passed up president fillmore to go with another war hero, winfield scott in 1852 northern whigs didn't like his dedication the compromise of 1850s, adn teh southern whigs distrusted the general the whigs fell apart after scotts defeat bc of sectional disagreemens. plus, teh two leaders of the party, clay and webster, died in 1852/ the party's kastng legacy is that they stood for union and not disunion.

what did the south get from the compromise of 1850? how is the fugitive slave law a turning point?

1. New mexico and utah were opened up to popular sovereignty for slavery 2. texas got 10 million from the fed government for giving up New Meixco. 3. a more fugutive slave law -created judges up North who would determine if a person was free or slave -if the judge sends the slave back, it would be $10, and if he lets him stay, he would get $5. -fleeing slaves couldn't testify on their own behalf. -if you were ordered to help catch slaves, you had to even if you didn't want to -is considered a turning point bc it makes it harder to be neutral on slavery

What were some of the sectional tensions in in the 1850s? (5)

1. Southerners were in a majority of the Cabinet and Supreme Court, and equally in the Senate so they could make any slavery law neutral. 2. Balance offset by california. 3. South made about Texas' claims on disputed territory and the prospect of no slavery in Dc 4. Underground railroad getting 1,000 slaves a year out of slavery... they also weren't secret about it. Harriet Tubman alone got 300 slaves out 5. South wants a stronger fugitive slave law

what were the two issues being debated about in the lincoln douglas debate?

1. black people as citizens or not 2. should territories be allowed to limit slavery

what was the republicnan party platform in 1860?

1. no extension of slavery (for the free soilers) 2. protective tariff (for the whigs) 3. no a bridgment of rights for immigrants (a disspaointment to the know nothings) 4. governemtn aid to build a pacific RR 5. internal improvemetns at federal expense (Whigs) 6. free homesteads for the public domain (for farmers, part of Free soilers)

describe what the dred scott decision said. what did the supreme court (specifically roger taney) describe in the end? (3)

1857 dred scott sued to be free afterhis master died ruled: slavery are not citizens, therefore cannot sue (similar to Cherokee vs Georgia) slaves are property and cannot be taken away without due process of law (the 5th amendment) the missouri compromise is declared unconsitutional bc the state can't take his property the result was a bunch of abolitionist buy dred scott their freedom

What did the Free Soils Party want? What type of views did the people have that created them? Who did the party appeal to?

The free slavery wants 1. No slavery extended out west 2. Free farms for everyone in the great plains for majority of white people (federal aid for internal improvements) this party was created by disgusted antislavery northerners It appeal to people angry over: 1. half acquisition of Oregon but full aqcuisiton of Texas 2. people who didn't like blacks in new territory 3. "conscience Whigs" who were influenced by the abolitionist crusade, who condemended slavery on moral grounds

What canidates were in the election of 1848?

Zachary Taylor (Winner) was a Whig who was a mexican war hero Lewis Cass: Democrat from Michigan. Had a lot of experience and a veteran of the War of 1812. Created popular sovereignty. Martin Van Buren from the free soils party

what are personal liberty laws? what are they a direct challenge of?

a method states use to defy fugitive slave laws (saying they don't have to return fugitive slaves) is a direct challenge of the constitution

what is the shawnee mission?

a slavery puppet government set up to promote slavery

what is the slave power conspiracy?

a small group, aristrocratic, in nature, are trying to spread slavery through the nation since 1833 (when they were trying to get out from the union with jackson and the tarriff the slave owners want to take away the peoples' rights so that the aristocracy can rule examples include dred scott and the kansas nebraska act are two examples where the northers have this theory

election of 1860. who's in it?

abraham lincoln (winner) he is picked because the douglas speech helped show that he was a viable candidate. john bell (constitutional union which stood for constitution and union!) stephen douglas (northern democrat) john c brekinride (souther democrat)

what happened at harpers ferry? what was the goal? what are the effects?

at harpers ferry, john brown and his followers scede a federal arsenal with guns and stuff and go and try to get other slaves involved the goal was to get a massive slave rebellion effects: he becomes a marytr to the north with abolitionists south becomes sacred of an other attacks major immediate cause of disunion

Why did Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and Daniel Webster all have to make speeches?

because the south was in a crisis once cali wanted to be admitted as a free slave.

what is the abolitionist conspiracy?

beginning in 1830, this msall group that was grown larger has pushed for the overthrow of slavery the abolitionists have waged war on slavery and pushed the south the brink to dfend their honors john browns raid on harper ferry and lincolns elections are too good examples

describe the lincioln douglaus debate.

between the illionous senate lincoln (republican)

what is bleeding kansas? what were some of the events of it?

bleeding kansas was sort of a mini civil war between kansas with lots of rebellions between northerners and southerners 1. pottawomie creek led by john brown. he moved to kansas and killed 5 pro slavery individuals leads to massive retalitation in kansas

what is the freeport doctorine? whats the significant of it?

can a territory overturn the supreme court decision that they can limit territory? he said yes! which freaked out everyone in the south and essentially led to the split of the democratic party, which is part of the reason why they don't win the election

what hapened between charles summer and preston brooks? whats the significance between them?

charles summer gives speech and bad mouths south carolina. he also bad mounts preston brook's who is a distant cousin of preston brooks, so he canes him and makes him have to go into intense medical treatment the significance of this is it shows that high tensions in congress over the slavery issues

how were the whigs split in this election?

cotton Whigs from south that liked ___ platform but not him as a president conscience Whigs from n that didn't like ___ platform

what are the causes of the panic of 1857?

europes need for american good and for american good decline effects: ameriacn good prices decrease so farmers went into debt gold made prices increase from CA two million dollars of gold is lost Ohio Life Insurance Trust failed of fradgualtn activity and alot of people were invested. they went bankrupt, lost $7 million dollers effect: it mainly affected the north , manufacturing, made the south think that they were upbeatable

who helped a lot with the underground railroad?

harriet tubman. she got 300 slaves to freedom.

what did president taylor end up doing with the compromises? who was he influenced by?

he was influenced by William Taylor to veto EVERY compromise sent to him in congress and threatened to storm Texas with troops if they seized Santa Fe like they threaten. he suddenly died.

what did impening crisis of the self say?

helper the message is that the ones that are hurt by slavery are non slave holding whites because slavery takes away jobs from whites

whats the significance of the election of 1852

it shows the end of the whig party and shows a more sectional election thing...

!who's in the election of 1856? whats the significance

james buchanan-democrat (winner) john c fremon (republican) ^^both of those guys put in because they weren't involved with the kansas nebraska act millard fillmore: know nothing party! significance is that the reason that buchanan won bc fire eaters threatened to secede if they voted republican so people left

who signed the series of agreements that came to the compromise of 1850?

millard fillmore

what is the effects of the compromise of 1850:?

more people joining the abolition movement personal liberty laws

what was the problem with the kansas nebraska act? (2)

no voter residency requirments so it became free for every to vote on it overturned the missouri compromisebc it overturned the 36 30 line rule that there wuld be no slavery in that territory

when was the birth of the republican party? what four main groups made it up? what event/act made them a result of this event

northern whigs northern democrats free soilers know nothings were created as a result of the kansas nebraska act

What was the case of Prigg v Pennsylvania? When was it?

says personal liberty laws are overridden by the constitution

what was the first state to secede?

south caorlina in december 20th, 1860 after lincoln was elected

what were southern fire eaters? what were they worried about?

south fire eaters with radicals who pushed for secession if they didn't get slave territory. they were worried that if there were more northern states in the senate, they could push through a bill to outlaw slavery.

why was the kansas nebraska act pushed by congress? who pushed it?

steven Douglas pushed bc (2) 11. by allowing the people to choose, he was giving democracy a favor 2. had presidential aspirations, he hoped he could solve sectionalism and then run for president

what is the lecompton constitution? how did the voting work? why didn't the free soilers work for it

the constitution that kansas proposed individuals of kansas could vote for the constitution with or without slavery. the free soilers refused to vote because voting for the one without slavery allowed to keep slaves keeping in kansas

what was the kansas nebraska act a repsonse to

the gadsen purchase

What were the beliefs od the Know nothing party? when were they strarted and by who?

the know nothings were aka the american party. the were nativists "anti catholic* and anti immigrant. they were started in 1849 with the secret order of the star spangled banner created in nyc

What was the new guard? who was a leader of the new guard? what were they more interested in doing?

they seemed more interested in purifying the union rather than patching it up (like the old guard was) William H. Seward was 1. against concessions in the south 2. said slavery shouldn't be allowed in the south because of a "higher law' from the constitution.

who were border ruffians?

they were people that came across teh border to vote on the kansas nebraska act so it could become a slave act.

what was promised in the treaty between united states and new granada (current columbia) in 1848? why did we want this?

we wanted this land because it could provide a continious atlantic to pacific transportation route that would effectively sever the two american continents. the treaty promised american right of transit across the isthmus return for washingtons pledge to maintain "perfect neutrality" of the route so that the free transit of traffic might not be interrupted.

what did uncle toms cabin say?

written by harriet beacker stowe helped northerners join the abolitionist cause and they will refuse to help with the fugitive law

What is popular sovereignty? Who created it? Why was it good for politics? Why was it good for the people living there?

Created by Lewis Cass Said that the people in the territories should determine if they should legalize it or not (NOT POLITICIANS, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, BUT THE PEOPLE) It was good for politicians because it was a compromise between the extremes of the north and the south, and it stuck with the idea of self-determination, but could also spread slavery. People living in that area like it because its very democratic?

who were the canidates of the 1852 presidential election?

Franklin pierce. democrat. soft on slavery. winner. dark horse gen winfield scott. whig. -whigs ditched the current president and put him in because they thought they could only win with a war general in office john parker hale: free soil party

What did Webster urge for in his speech? (2) whats a quote from his speech? what was a result of his popular speech?

He urged for compromise, especially a stronger fugitive slave law As for slave in the territory, he said that the plantation wouldn't work in the new Mexican cession. He also argued compromise and reasonableness. "let us not be pygmies in a case that calls for men" was considered a traitor to the north because he had called for ignoring the slavery subject

What happened in 1848 in terms of Gold? what were some of the results of all of this gold being there?

In 1848, gold was discovered in cali, which elad to thousands of lawless men and women flooding the state. Most of them didn't strike it rich. This flood of people led to an increase in crime, especially robbery, chain busting, and murders. Because so many people went down there, they drafted a constitution and applied for statehood, bypassing the territorial stage and avoiding becoming a slave state with the help of president Taylor. CALI DESTROYED THE BALANCE

What was Herny Clay aka? what did he advocated for? who was he supported by?

Known as the great compromiser urged concession from both the north and south/urged them to reach compromises, including a stronger fugitive slave law he was supported by senator stephen douglas

What was John Calhoun aka? Waht did he say in his senate speech? what did he advocated for (5)? ***why did he reject compromise? ****

Known as the nullifier Basically said that it the discussion of slavery would end in disunion he advocated more on the south side, advocating for 1. states right 2. return of runaway slaves 3. slavery to be left alone 4. restoration of rights in the south as a minority 5. return of political balance *he rejected compromises because they didn't guarantee the South's right to slavery

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