APUSH Chapter 24 National Government

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Pure Food and Drug Act

1906 - Forbade the manufacture or sale of mislabeled or adulterated food or drugs, it gave the government broad powers to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs in order to abolish the "patent" drug trade. Still in existence as the FDA.

New Nationalism

1912: Theodore Roosevelt's program in his campaign for the presidency, the New Nationalism called for a national approach to the country's affairs and a strong president to deal with them. It also called for efficiency in government and society; it urged protection of children, women, and workers; accepted "good" trusts; and exalted the expert and the executive. Additionally, it encouraged large concentrations of capital and labor.

Newlands Reclamation Act

Act of 1901 that set up the Bureau of Reclamation to develop irrigable lands; responsible for such major projects as Boulder (later Hoover) Dam on the Nevada-Arizona line, Roosevelt Dam in Arizona, and Elephant Butte Dam and Arrowrock Dam in New Mexico.

Hetch Hetchy Valley

Conservationists lost a major battle in 1913 when the federal government allowed San Francisco to build a dam in this area for its water supply. John Muir called this area in Yosemite a "temple" of nature before it was dammed.

Square Deal

Progressive concept by Roosevelt that would help capital, labor, and the public. It called for control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources. It denounced special treatment for the large capitalists and is the essential element to his trust-busting attitude. This deal embodied the belief that all corporations must serve the general public good.

Hepburn Act

This 1906 law used the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the maximum charge that railroads to place on shipping goods.


Trust-busting is any government activity designed to kill trusts or monopolies. Theodore Roosevelt is the U.S. president most associated with dissolving trusts. However, William Howard Taft signed twice as much trust-busting legislation during his presidency. A trust is a monopoly (group of different things all controlled by one management).

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