APUSH chapter 26 PETS

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Military-industrial complex

A term first used by President Eisenhower in his farewell address in 1961, it refers to the inter linkage of the military and the defense industry that emerged with the arms buildup of the Cold War. Eisenhower particularly warned against the "unwarranted influence" that the military-industrial complex might exert on public policy

Domino theory

An American Cold War concept associated with the containment policy that posited that in areas of Ear-West conflict, the loss of one country to communism would lead to the toppling of other non-Communist regimes. The term was first used by President Eisenhower, who warned of "falling dominoes" in Southeast Asia if Vietnam became communist.


Army-McCarthy hearings on army subversion (year)

union shop

The requirement that, after gaining employment, a worker must join a union, as distinct from the closed shop, which requires union membership before gaining employment.

Third World

This term came into use in the post-WWII era to describe developing of ex-colonial nations that were not aligned with wither the Western capitalist countries led by the United States or the socialist states of eastern Europe led by the Soviet Union. It referred to developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East.


U-2 incident leads to cancellation of U.S.-USSR summit meeting (year)


Joseph McCarthy's "list" of Communists in government (year)


Korean War (year)


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) established (year)


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) founded (year


Procedure used by employers throughout the nineteenth century to label and identify workers affiliated with unions. In the 1950s, blacklists were utilized to exclude alleged Communists from jobs in government service, the motion picture business, and many industries and unions.

liberal consensus

Refers to widespread agreement among American in the decades after WWII that the pro-government policies of the New Deal were desirable and should be continued. In politics, the liberal consensus was reflected in the relatively small differences on economic and social policies between Republicans and Democrats until the advent of Ronald Reagan.


Soviet Union launches Sputnik (year)


Stalin dies (year)


Taft and Hartley Act limits union power (year)

secondary boycott

Technique used by unions in labor disputes to exert pressure on an employer involved in the dispute by targeting other parties not involved but having a relationship to the employer, for example, as a supplies or as a customer.


1945Yalta and Potsdam conferences (year)


Communist coup in Czechoslovakia (year)


Crisis in Hungary and at the Suez canal (year)


Dwight D. Eisenhower elected president (year)


Eisenhower warns nation against military industrial complex (year)


George Kennan outlines containment policy (year)

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