APUSH Chapters 5 - 12

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Who took the lead in establishing the Washington administration's domestic priorities? A. Alexander Hamilton B. George Washington C. John Marshall D. Thomas Jefferson E. John Adams

A. Alexander Hamilton

The Rush-Bagot Treaty demilitarized... A. the border between the United States and the Spanish Empire. B. the border between the Oregon Territory and British Canada. C. the Great Lakes. D. the Caribbean. E. any British and American possessions where they held joint control.

C. the Great Lakes.

How did Benjamin Banneker appeal to Thomas Jefferson in 1791 to end slavery and free the slaves? A. Banneker sent Jefferson a copy of the Declaration of Independence to remind Jefferson of the hypocrisy of writing "that all men are created equal" while still being a slaveholder. B. Banneker told Jefferson it would help ensure Jefferson's bid for the presidency in 1800 because newly freed blacks would vote for him. C. Banneker promised Jefferson a place of honor on his anti-slavery committee - which included many notables of the day. D. Banneker enlisted the support of Jefferson's wife, who then tried to convince her husband to take up the cause. E. None of these choices

A. Banneker sent Jefferson a copy of the Declaration of Independence to remind Jefferson of the hypocrisy of writing "that all men are created equal" while still being a slaveholder.

The Chesapeake-Leopard Affair that so enraged Americans and nearly precipitated a war occurred when which of these countries attacked a U.S. warship? A. Britain. B. Spain. C. France. D. Germany. E. Portugal.

A. Britain.

Which issue led to the development of political coalitions during Washington's first term? A. Hamilton's financial program B. The creation of the federal court system C. Interference with American shipping by France and Britain D. Washington's successor E. The disputed election of 1792

A. Hamilton's financial program

Eli Whitney's 1793 invention of the cotton gin is significant because - A. It breathed new life into slavery by making cotton production simpler. B. It was essential to establishing textile mills in America. C. It was the first invention to receive a patent from the new US government. D. It made him rich and served as an example to other Americans and the world that the American experiment in democracy worked. E. All of these choices

A. It breathed new life into slavery by making cotton production simpler.

What did the Treaty of Ghent not do? A. It ended British impressment of American sailors. B. It restored the status quo antebellum. C. It ended the War of 1812. D. It provided for no territorial gain or loss for the United States. E. It referred boundary issues to a joint commission.

A. It ended British impressment of American sailors.

What did the Treaty of Greenville do? A. It opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there. B. It opened New Orleans to American shippers and guaranteed American rights to use the Mississippi River. C. It reopened the British West Indies to American commerce. D. It reopened French possessions to American trade. E. It reestablished cordial Anglo-American relations.

A. It opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the nature of "work" in the United States before the nineteenth century? A. Nearly everyone worked in a household setting. B. Because the "service sector" of the economy had not yet developed, nearly everyone worked in factories. C. Most unmarried daughters worked in department stores in order to supplement family income. D. Unmarried males tended to be unemployed and viewed with suspicion. E. Most workers exchanged their work for food and housing.

A. Nearly everyone worked in a household setting.

Which region of the United States was hit the hardest by the Embargo Act? A. New England B. The Southeast C. The mid-Atlantic states D. The Old Northwest E. The Louisiana territory

A. New England

What was the main source of votes in favor of war with Britain when Congress declared war in June 1812? A. Republicans in populous states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia B. War hawks from western states C. Great Lakes states D. New England E. New York and New Jersey

A. Republicans in populous states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia

How did the French Revolution further exacerbate sectional politics in the United States? A. Republicans supported France's assault on monarchy; Federalists favored Britain and denounced the French as a "mobocracy." B. Southerners favored Britain because they believed that the British offered the best potential market for southern agricultural exports. C. Almost all Americans applauded the struggle because they hoped that the two nations would knock each other out and leave the United States as the premier nation in the Atlantic world. D. New Englanders favored France because of the alliance signed during the American Revolution and because of their desire to see the French humiliate King George Ill. E. New Englanders, southerners, and most residents of the Middle Atlantic states believed that the Washington administration's declaration of American neutrality was the only way to ensure the survival of their young republic.

A. Republicans supported France's assault on monarchy; Federalists favored Britain and denounced the French as a "mobocracy."

Which of the following statements concerning the Battle of Fallen Timbers is NOT true? A. Tecumseh commanded the Shawnee Indians in the battle. B. General "Mad Anthony" Wayne commanded the American forces in the battle. C. Indian morale plummeted after the battle. D. Great Britain refused to help the Indians in the battle. E. American forces routed the Shawnee.

A. Tecumseh commanded the Shawnee Indians in the battle.

What was the central charge that Republicans aimed at Federalists during the late 1790s? A. They had become a faction bent on enriching wealthy citizens and creating an aristocracy. B. They were free-thinking libertines who planned to eliminate religion in the United States. C. They were plotting a reign of terror and wished to turn the nation over to France. D. They favored an agrarian society and thus were out of touch with the economic forces transforming the nation. E. They were too local in their outlook, and changing times needed an international perspective.

A. They had become a faction bent on enriching wealthy citizens and creating an aristocracy.

Why did the Supreme Court decisions in McCulloch v. Maryland and Dartmouth College v. Woodward dismay Republicans? A. They saw the decisions as an attack on state and popular authority. B. They believed that the Court was giving away too much of its power. C. They feared that too many states would begin to interfere with corporations. D. They believed that the Court was exceeding its Constitutional authority. E. All of these choices

A. They saw the decisions as an attack on state and popular authority.

Which of the following is not a true statement about the Five Civilized Tribes? A. They were Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Huron, and Seminoles. B. They had traded and intermarried with whites for many years. C. Southern ministers were pleased that some members had converted to Christianity. D. Northern missionaries were impressed by the tribes' advanced agriculture, Christianity and written language skills. E. Most of them were full-bloods who wanted to cling to land and customs.

A. They were Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Huron, and Seminoles.

What issue united westerners, southerners, and some mid-Atlantic citizens into a political coalition that challenged the Federalists and called for a return to the "true principles" of republicanism? A. a national economic program whose main beneficiaries seemed to some segments of American society to be eastern "monied men" and New Englanders who refused to pay their debts B. the attempt by George Washington to run for a second term even though he had not delivered on his campaign promises C. John Adams's statement that he should be addressed as one would address a king D. a breakdown of law and order on the frontier and the suspicion that the Federalists cared only about protecting their investments in the shipping industry E. the refusal of federalists in Congress to agree to a balanced-budget amendment to the constitution

A. a national economic program whose main beneficiaries seemed to some segments of American society to be eastern "monied men" and New Englanders who refused to pay their debts

How did President Jefferson plan to reverse what he perceived to be a drift toward despotism that had occurred in the 1790s? A. by eliminating the national debt, thereby reducing the need for taxes. B. by destroying the opposition Federalist party. C. by acquiring additional territory that could help to bolster American freedom. D. by strengthening the army to stand guard against tyrants. E. by sending cash payments to America's foreign foes.

A. by eliminating the national debt, thereby reducing the need for taxes.

The 1823 Monroe Doctrine argued that European countries... A. could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere. B. had to withdraw from their colonies in the Western Hemisphere. C. should sell their colonies in the Western Hemisphere to the United States. D. needed to develop plans to liberate their colonies. E. needed to focus their colonial ambitions on Asia.

A. could no longer establish new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

The main issue that led to the "Missouri Compromise" was... A. maintaining the balance between slave states and free states. B. how to quietly end the embargo that was destroying the New England economy. C. the need to maintain a balance between agricultural states and industrial states. D. the lack of a provision in the Constitution for admission of new states into the Union. E. federal aid to Mississippi River steamboats.

A. maintaining the balance between slave states and free states.

President Jefferson advocated naval action against the Barbary pirates because he believed that - A. waging war would be less expensive than paying tribute. B. Americans wanted war. C. he would gain political support because most of the nation's naval facilities were in areas where his party was strong. D. it was essential to turn public attention away from domestic difficulties. E. American prestige in Europe needed a boost.

A. waging war would be less expensive than paying tribute.

What were the terms of the Non-Intercourse Act? A. Premarital sex became a federal offense. B. America would trade with all nations except Britain and France and would restore trade with either nation if it ceased to violate neutral rights. C. America would refrain from trading with any nation that was at war. D. Britain and France would refrain from trading with the United States unless it observed proper neutrality. E. All American vessels were prohibited from leaving American ports for foreign ports.

B. America would trade with all nations except Britain and France and would restore trade with either nation if it ceased to violate neutral rights.

Where did William Henry Harrison's forces defeat the Shawnee Indians? A. Battle of New Orleans B. Battle of Tippecanoe C. Battle of Lake Erie D. Battle of Fallen Timbers E. Battle of Queenston

B. Battle of Tippecanoe

What was Aaron Burr planning to do before his plot was revealed? A. Kill Alexander Hamilton B. Create an independent confederacy of western states C. Take over Canada and declare himself its president D. Assassinate Thomas Jefferson E. Stage a coup in the House of Representatives

B. Create an independent confederacy of western states

Who did Thomas Jefferson believe were the most vigilant and virtuous people? A. City dwellers B. Educated farmers C. Factory workers D. African-American slaves E. Indians

B. Educated farmers

In McCulloch v. Maryland, what did the Supreme Court declare? A. Congress lacked the power to charter a national bank. B. Federal power superseded state power; states could not interfere with the federal government exercising its power. C. The state of Maryland was superior to the United States. D. The Supreme Court had the power to declare an act of the federal government unconstitutional. E. A college had a right to a charter.

B. Federal power superseded state power; states could not interfere with the federal government exercising its power.

What was the direction of the population movement that took place between 1790 and 1840? A. From the North to the South B. From the Atlantic coast to the areas west of the Appalachians (the Old Northwest and Southwest) C. From New England to California D. From the Old Northwest back to New England E. From the Pacific Northwest back to the Great Plains

B. From the Atlantic coast to the areas west of the Appalachians (the Old Northwest and Southwest)

In his final days in office, how did President John Adams attempt to extend his influence on the federal government after he was gone? A. He rehired federal judges fired by President Jefferson late in the evening of his first day as president. B. He appointed members of his Federalist party as new justices to the Supreme Court. C. He named his son to the Supreme Court. D. He created a new, life-long cabinet position and named John Marshall to the post. E. None of these choices

B. He appointed members of his Federalist party as new justices to the Supreme Court.

Why did Alexander Hamilton want the federal government to support manufacturing? A. He believed it would eliminate farming as an important component of the economy. B. He believed it would create a more diversified and prosperous economy. C. He believed it would allow the United States to become the world's leading textile producer. D. He believed it would eliminate the influence of France in the United States. E. He believed it would increase the federal government powers in relation to the states.

B. He believed it would create a more diversified and prosperous economy.

What was the consequence of Indian resistance leader Black Hawk's confrontation with federal troops in 1832? A. He was able to negotiate a peaceful settlement. B. His downfall and doomed mission led other tribes in the Old Northwest to relinquish their lands to the United States. C. His success in battle managed to delay further settlement of the Old Northwest by two decades. D. The United States government began its reservation policy. E. It led to the forced migration of Creeks and Chickasaws further west.

B. His downfall and doomed mission led other tribes in the Old Northwest to relinquish their lands to the United States.

What made Jay's Treaty controversial? A. It ended the British practice of impressments by promising to look the other way at Britain's. B. It arranged for withdrawal of British troops from American soil, and granted access to British West Indies markets but only by bargaining away US rights to load cargoes of sugar, molasses and coffee from the French during wartime. C. It reopened the French West Indies trade to American ships but closed lucrative markets in the British West Indies. D. It won recognition of the thirty-first parallel as the United States' southern boundary but required the U.S. to relinquish its rights to Louisiana. E. It settled the issue of compensation for slaves taken during the Revolution at less than half their actual value.

B. It arranged for withdrawal of British troops from American soil, and granted access to British West Indies markets but only by bargaining away US rights to load cargoes of sugar, molasses and coffee from the French during wartime.

How did the United States government respond to France's declaration of war on Britain in 1793? A. It declared war against France. B. It proclaimed neutrality. C. It reaffirmed the 1778 Franco-American alliance. D. It seized the western forts occupied by Britain. E. It declared war against Britain.

B. It proclaimed neutrality.

How effective was the 1807 Embargo Act? A. It forced the French to abandon the Continental System. B. It severely hurt the American economy and had little influence on foreign countries. C. It damaged Franco-American relations and led to the War of 1812. D. It made the British abandon the Rule of 1756. E. None of these choices

B. It severely hurt the American economy and had little influence on foreign countries.

Which of the following did the Bill of Rights NOT do? A. It guaranteed personal liberties such as public debate, religious beliefs, and procedures for a fair trial. B. It specified explicit limits on federal power. C. It reserved to the people or the states powers not allocated to the federal government under the Constitution. D. It protected citizens from the tyranny of standing armies. E. It prohibited cruel and unusual punishments.

B. It specified explicit limits on federal power.

Who helped Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific? A. Pocahontas B. Tecumseh C. Black Hawk D. Sacajawea E. Red Eagle

D. Sacajawea

What was the XYZ affair? A. It was an incident where a British ship attacked an American naval vessel without warning B. It was an effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate. C. It was the first time that the United States tried to publish its own English dictionary. D. It was an attempt by Thomas Jefferson to persuade undecided electors to vote for him. E. It was the first scandal in American presidential history when George Washington was caught cheating on his income taxes.

B. It was an effort by the French to get the United States to pay a bribe before they would negotiate.

While Hamilton promoted factories as the key to the nation's economic future, Jefferson emphasized farming because...? A. America had so much land that it seemed to offer opportunities for social mobility to a wide segment of the population. B. Jefferson saw factories as celebrating subservience and stifling the virtue that farm life cultivated. C. Jefferson believed that farming would promote emigration and provide employment and food for the new nation. D. Jefferson believed most of the goods that factories produced could be imported; therefore, America didn't need to rely on its own industrialization. E. None of these choices

B. Jefferson saw factories as celebrating subservience and stifling the virtue that farm life cultivated.

In the late eighteenth century, what did many Americans think about political parties? A. Political parties were necessary instruments for identifying and mobilizing public opinion. B. Political parties were factions and inherently corrupt. C. Political parties could function as the practical embodiment of different social classes and regions. D. Political parties would provide stability and a sense of tradition to a system that otherwise would unravel at the seams. E. Political parties were an essential part of the great tradition of English democracy to which Americans were heirs.

B. Political parties were factions and inherently corrupt.

Which of the following was not one of the ideas proposed at the Hartford Convention? A. The United States should abolish the Constitution's three-fifths clause. B. The Constitution should be amended to allow the president to declare war without congressional approval. C. There should be a prohibition against two successive presidents from the same state. D. The president should be limited to a single term. E. Embargoes lasting more than 60 days should be illegal.

B. The Constitution should be amended to allow the president to declare war without congressional approval.

Beginning in the late 1790s, which of the following events helped to shape African Americans' response to slavery? A. The rise of a widespread abolitionist movement in Virginia B. The bloody slave revolt on Saint Domingue and the abortive slave insurrection in Virginia C. The formation of political parties D. Congress's attempts to abolish slavery E. All of these choices

B. The bloody slave revolt on Saint Domingue and the abortive slave insurrection in Virginia

What basic belief did Hamilton's domestic program reflect? A. The survival of the federal government depended on the republican virtues of the common people. B. The federal government and national economy had to be strengthened. C. America's best opportunity for economic survival lay in its traditional source of strength, agriculture. D. The nation would be economically strong if it forged close trading ties with both Britain and France. E. The states needed to reassert power over the national government, because individual self-sacrifice and virtue were most effective on the local level

B. The federal government and national economy had to be strengthened.

During the early years of the United States, what happened to many Native American tribes? A. They embraced Revolutionary ideology and assumed roles of equality in white society. B. They experienced a social, demographic, and political crisis. C. They grew in power and strength. D. They moved to reservations, where their privacy and safety was to be guaranteed by the federal government. E. They experienced a revival of their traditional cultures.

B. They experienced a social, demographic, and political crisis.

Which of the following is not true of the Cherokee Indians? A. They were one of the Five Civilized Tribes. B. They supported the movement of Indians out of the South. C. They included an influential minority of mixed-bloods who embraced Christianity and owned slaves. D. They published their own newspaper. E. They engaged in agriculture.

B. They supported the movement of Indians out of the South.

In 1838, why did thousands of Cherokees move from the southeastern United States to Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma? A. They were too ignorant and depraved to remain in a civilized section of the country. B. They were forced to move by the federal government. C. They longed to rejoin their cousins, who had moved west in the 17th century. D. They were pawns in diplomatic negotiations between the United States and Spain. E. They were fleeing from the floods and crop failures that had devastated the Southeast.

B. They were forced to move by the federal government.

In terms of the nation's economy, Hamilton regarded debt as: A. destructive, certain to dig a hole that would bury the new nation. B. a good thing because it would tie those in debt to the nation's future success. C. neither bad nor good; just a fact of life. D. None of these choices E. All of these choices

B. a good thing because it would tie those in debt to the nation's future success.

President Jefferson's main reason for authorizing the Lewis and Clark expedition was to... A. convince skeptics of the value of the territory. B. advance scientific knowledge. C. Christianize the Indians. D. beat the Russians to the coast of the Pacific Northwest and thereby have a claim on the Oregon territory. E. promote American business.

B. advance scientific knowledge.

DNA evidence suggests that Thomas Jefferson probably... A. had a psychological disorder. B. fathered at least one child with his slave, Sally Hemings. C. died from an early version of AIDS. D. had a father who was a slave. E. could not have fathered any of his children.

B. fathered at least one child with his slave, Sally Hemings.

What was the purpose of the National Road? A. to provide work for veterans of the War of 1812. B. to facilitate westward migration. C. to encourage a political alliance between Virginia and Illinois. D. to permit easy troop movements across America in the event of war. E. to enable the president to reach Washington easily.

B. to facilitate westward migration.

Who led American forces at the Battle of New Orleans? A. Oliver Perry B. William Harrison C. Andrew Jackson D. James Monroe E. Henry Knox

C. Andrew Jackson

Why did Seneca women reject some of Handsome Lake's proposals for revitalizing his tribe? A. Because he accused many women of witchcraft. B. Because they feared it would lead more of their husbands to loss of land and to alcoholism. C. Because the white customs he wanted to adopt would mean a radical shift in gender roles and a loss of women's political influence and control of farming. D. Because he wanted all the Seneca people to convert to Catholicism and embrace civilization. E. Because his entire program for revitalization was based on a dream he had.

C. Because the white customs he wanted to adopt would mean a radical shift in gender roles and a loss of women's political influence and control of farming.

Who did the United States fight in the Quasi-War? A. Spain B. Great Britain C. France D. Russia E. Portugal

C. France

Which of the following issues was not a reason why the 1800 presidential election was so significant? A. It was the first American election where the political party controlling the presidency changed. B. The House of Representatives decided who the president would be. C. George Washington set the precedent of not running for a third term as president. D. Thomas Jefferson was elected to the first of his two terms as president. E. Only when the election had been settled did it seem certain that the United States would endure

C. George Washington set the precedent of not running for a third term as president.

Why did Thomas Jefferson favor sovereignty of state government over the federal government? A. He knew that the opposition Federalist party still dominated the federal government. B. He wanted the states to be free to build new cities. C. He believed that state government was more responsive to popular will. D. He feared that the federal government would provide financial assistance to manufacturers, leaving the states to subsidize family farms. E. He believed that the federal government was not yet strong enough.

C. He believed that state government was more responsive to popular will.

Why did Jefferson overcome his doubts about the constitutionality of the Louisiana Purchase? A. He found a passage in the Constitution that mentioned the purchase of territory. B. An amendment was ratified permitting territorial acquisition. C. He decided that a guarantee of land for American farmers was more important than a constitutional principle. D. He realized that he would lose the next election without the additional votes from Louisiana. E. All of these choices

C. He decided that a guarantee of land for American farmers was more important than a constitutional principle.

How did Tecumseh try to stem the tide of white encroachment on Native American lands? A. He tried to negotiate with U.S. government officials. B. He sued the U.S. government on behalf of his people in federal court. C. He sought to build a coalition of several tribes who could stand united in collectively owning and retaining the land. D. He marshaled an army of Indians and declared war near Prophetstown. E. None of these choices

C. He sought to build a coalition of several tribes who could stand united in collectively owning and retaining the land.

Who was Citizen Genet? A. He was one of the French representatives who had demanded a bribe in the XYZ Affair. B. He was the leader of a slave uprising on Saint Domingue in 1791. C. He was the French official sent to the United States to enlist American mercenaries to conquer Spanish territories and attack British shipping. D. He was the leader of the Creek Indians who signed a peace treaty with the United States permitting whites to occupy lands in the Georgia piedmont. E. He was the English spy who called John Adams "His Majestic Fatness."

C. He was the French official sent to the United States to enlist American mercenaries to conquer Spanish territories and attack British shipping.

Which of the following beliefs did Thomas Jefferson hold? A. People should learn to serve the government rather than expecting the government to serve the people. B. An established church was the best bulwark against corruption. C. High taxes, standing armies, and corruption could destroy American liberty by turning government into the master rather than the servant of the people. D. The British parliamentary system was the surest model for Americans to follow. E. To maintain order, a government had to levy substantial taxes and maintain a sizable standing army.

C. High taxes, standing armies, and corruption could destroy American liberty by turning government into the master rather than the servant of the people.

Which of the following does not apply to developments in the North Pacific toward the end of the eighteenth century? A. Commercial and imperial expansion in the North Pacific by both Americans and Europeans B. European-borne diseases inflicted massive mortality on such indigenous peoples as the Inuits, Aleuts, Northwest Coast and California Indians, and Native Hawaiians. C. Russian traders and Spanish missionaries embarked on a new era of peace and cooperation with the Native Americans of the region, in an effort to build new alliances against the United States. D. The chief of the island of Hawaii conquered the entire Hawaiian archipelago and proclaim himself its king in large measure because British officials provided him with arms. E. Native peoples throughout the region altered their work patterns to produce skins and incorporated objects of metal, cloth, and other new materials into their daily lives and religious ceremonies

C. Russian traders and Spanish missionaries embarked on a new era of peace and cooperation with the Native Americans of the region, in an effort to build new alliances against the United States.

Why did Nancy Ward advocate for peace between her fellow Cherokees and the United States in the late 1780s? A. She was tired of war. B. She embraced the new republic of the United States and saw promise in its values. C. She thought that it was futile to continue to try to resist the superior military power of the United States. D. She thought that by declaring peace, the Cherokee would get their land back. E. All of these choices

C. She thought that it was futile to continue to try to resist the superior military power of the United States.

The Adams-Onis (Transcontinental) Treaty was designed to settle border disputes between the United States and... A. Great Britain. B. France. C. Spain. D. Russia. E. Portugal.

C. Spain.

Which of the following statements does not accurately describe the War of 1812? A. It occurred even though Great Britain had decided to seek peace prior to the U.S. declaration of war. B. It was militarily indecisive but left the U.S. as a major power. C. The Battle of New Orleans enabled Americans to win generous terms in the Treaty of Ghent. D. Americans launched a series of unsuccessful attacks on Canada. E. Because of Captain Perry's victory at Put-in-Bay the British abandoned Lake Erie.

C. The Battle of New Orleans enabled Americans to win generous terms in the Treaty of Ghent.

Why was Captain Oliver Perry's victory at the Battle of Put-in-Bay (Lake Erie) significant? A. The United States won the War of 1812. B. The British came to realize that Canada was indefensible and had to be abandoned. C. The British lost control of Lake Erie and therefore pulled back from Detroit. D. The president announced he would not run for reelection in order to focus on a U.S. victory in the war. E. The American people turned to new political leadership in the next presidential election.

C. The British lost control of Lake Erie and therefore pulled back from Detroit.

When Alexander Hamilton argued that Congress had the constitutional authority to establish a national bank, what was the basis of his assertion? A. Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution explicitly states that Congress has the authority to regulate banks. B. The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution states any powers not contained in the Constitution are reserved to Congress. C. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties. D. Article 2, section 3 of the Constitution allows the president as the chief executive of the country to establish any institution he sees fit. E. The Tenth Amendment states that Congress can assume powers if those powers are implied in the Constitution.

C. The Constitution gives Congress the authority to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to perform its duties.

What was the strongest argument against Hamilton's Bank of the United States? A. The Bank of England had undermined the integrity of the British government, and a national bank would undermine the integrity of the American government. B. The bank would accumulate immense wealth. C. The Constitution had given Congress no specific authorization to issue charters of incorporation. D. The nation should avoid commercial activity and should remain true to its agrarian roots. E. Smaller state banks could do the job more efficiently.

C. The Constitution had given Congress no specific authorization to issue charters of incorporation.

Which of these is not a true statement about the Missouri Compromise? A. It almost fell apart right after it was passed. B. Missouri's decision to ban free blacks forced Henry Clay to negotiate a new agreement, the Second Missouri Compromise. C. The Missouri Compromise favored the North. D. The agreement prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the Missouri boundary. E. It prevented sectional divisions from turning violent.

C. The Missouri Compromise favored the North.

What did Jefferson believe about relations between whites and Native Americans? A. Their differences were too vast for them to ever coexist. B. They would get along better if Native Americans would release more of their land to white settlement. C. They could live peacefully together if Indians abandoned hunting and nomadic ways and took up farming. D. Native Americans lacked the intellectual capabilities of whites. E. None of these choices

C. They could live peacefully together if Indians abandoned hunting and nomadic ways and took up farming.

What did the British Rule of 1756 state? A. In wartime, neutral nations were expected to pick up the trade formerly conducted by the belligerents. B. Warfare would not extend to the high seas. C. Trade closed during times of peace could not be opened in time of war; otherwise, the British would stop it. D. Conditions of war would determine shipping rules. E. Forts controlled by a country before a war could be used by the same country during a war.

C. Trade closed during times of peace could not be opened in time of war; otherwise, the British would stop it.

Thomas Jefferson believed that the U.S. army should... A. remain the same size as he inherited it. B. be increased in size to help manage the country's new territory. C. be reduced in size in order to save money. D. be increased in size in order to be able to compete with any military in the world. E. be disbanded and that the country should rely on militia for protection.

C. be reduced in size in order to save money.

In his farewell address, George Washington advised that the United States should: A. build upon its friendly relations with France. B. maintain a close alliance with Great Britain. C. steer clear of party factionalism and avoid foreign entanglements. D. act as an impartial arbitrator in international disputes. E. maintain a large standing army.

C. steer clear of party factionalism and avoid foreign entanglements.

Which of the following departments was NOT part of George Washington's first cabinet? A. State Department B. Treasury Department C. War Department D. Commerce Department E. Justice Department

D. Commerce Department

Which of the following was not part of President Jefferson's policy of cutting federal expenses? A. He closed various American embassies in Europe. B. He reduced the size of the army. C. He cut the federal debt. D. He bribed the Barbary pirates rather than fighting them. E. He repealed many taxes.

D. He bribed the Barbary pirates rather than fighting them.

Who won the 1796 presidential election? A. Aaron Burr. B. George Clinton C. Thomas Jefferson D. John Adams E. Alexander Hamilton

D. John Adams

Which of the following was not a reason the United States went to war with Great Britain in 1812? A. An economic recession affected the South and West after 1808. B. Many Americans believed that British policy was damaging America's economy. C. President Madison's believed that Britain wished to eliminate the United States as an economic rival. D. New England merchants wanted the government to protect their shipping. E. Britain was impressing American sailors and violating American neutral rights.

D. New England merchants wanted the government to protect their shipping.

Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts? A. Most of them had been unable to pay off their debts and stood to gain from federal assumption of that debt. B. Most southern senators and congressmen had speculated in state bonds and would make large profits if they were repaid in full by the federal government. C. Southerners believed that a stronger union would benefit the South more than other sections of the nation. D. Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia. E. Most of them had no bonds outstanding and so stood to neither lose nor gain by the proposal.

D. Northern representatives agreed to transfer the federal capital from Philadelphia to a location on the Potomac River in Virginia.

Which of the following statements about the "Missouri Compromise" is not accurate? A. Maine was admitted as a free state B. Missouri was admitted as a slave state C. Slavery was prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of 36° 30' D. Slavery in the Upper South was to be phased out by 1853. E. The controversy signaled that the main source of sectional conflict in future decades would be the slavery issue

D. Slavery in the Upper South was to be phased out by 1853.

All of the following are accurate descriptions of U.S. relationships with Indians during the 1830s except... A. The U.S. acquired 190 million acres of Northwest Indian land for $70 million. B. More than 8,000 Cherokees were forced off their land and marched to Oklahoma with more than a third dying along the way or just after arriving. C. Indians attempted to hold onto their land by suing in U.S. courts. D. Some tribes relied on skilled chiefs and negotiators to get a fair price for their land. E. The U.S. paid the Cherokees $5.6 million for their land.

D. Some tribes relied on skilled chiefs and negotiators to get a fair price for their land.

Which statement best assesses the Washington administration's policy of pacifying the northwestern and southwestern Indian tribes to weaken their friendship with Britain and Spain? A. New Englanders derailed it because they feared disrupting commercial relations with Britain. B. It constituted the greatest diplomatic triumph of the administration. C. When France's revolutionary government sent Citizen Genet to the frontier to recruit Native Americans for the French side, the policy collapsed D. The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts went largely unenforced. E. The policy backfired when Britain and Spain declared war on the United States to defend the Indian tribes.

D. The Indian Trade and Intercourse Acts went largely unenforced.

What is the significance of the Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison? A. Marbury deserved his appointment as a justice of the peace. B. The Supreme Court did not have constitutional jurisdiction over this case. C. Congress did not have the power to pass laws. D. The Supreme Court had the authority to determine the constitutionality of a law. E. Congress cannot deny a president's nominee for a judicial appointment

D. The Supreme Court had the authority to determine the constitutionality of a law.

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution require? A. There could be no more than two candidates for president and vice president. B. The vice president and president had to belong to the same political party. C. A tie in the vote for the presidency had to be settled in a second election. D. There had to be separate ballots in the electoral college for the presidency and vice presidency. E. Presidents were to be limited to two consecutive terms in office.

D. There had to be separate ballots in the electoral college for the presidency and vice presidency.

At the end of the I8th century, farm women applied new technologies to butter production, while many farmers built barns to shelter cows. Why? A. There was less acreage available for growing hay. B. European competition was forcing many small farms out of business. C. Men and women wanted to be able to work in separate buildings. D. There was a desire to increase dairy production to meet growing urban demand. E. A new movement for the humane treatment of animals was sweeping the East Coast.

D. There was a desire to increase dairy production to meet growing urban demand.

Why are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions so significant to American history? A. They established the precedent that states had the right to secede from the union. B. They showed the resolve of Southern states to resist the elimination of slavery. C. They forced Federalists to recognize the importance of including a bill of rights in the constitution. D. They made the claim that a state had the right to nullify federal laws it deemed unconstitutional. E. They asserted that only states could pass laws related to settlement.

D. They made the claim that a state had the right to nullify federal laws it deemed unconstitutional.

Which of the following is not a principle drawn from Chief Justice John Marshall's decisions on federal Indian policy? A. Native Americans had a right to their land because of prolonged occupancy. B. Native Americans were entitled to federal protection. C. They were to be considered a domestic dependent nation. D. They were, essentially, a republic within Georgia. E. Native Americans were a distinct political community.

D. They were, essentially, a republic within Georgia.

The women who worked in the new mills in Lowell and Waltham... A. comprised 30 percent of the workers in textile mills by 1830. B. saw themselves as part of a permanent working class. C. tended to marry later in life to men who were less affluent. D. regarded the opportunity to work as a chance to improve their lives. E. considered factory work a stepping stone to careers and lifelong independence.

D. regarded the opportunity to work as a chance to improve their lives.

How did republicanism come to influence women's roles in the new nation? A. In some states, women not only voted, but they could swing the election toward a particular candidate or party. B. Women increasingly gained the right to choose their own husbands instead of submitting to arranged marriages. C. Women were seen as helping create future virtuous leaders in their sons which led to greater educational opportunities. D. None of these choices E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

The Lewis and Clark expedition produced which of the following results? A. New scientific information B. Tall tales about gigantic Indians and a mountain of salt C. Stimulation of interest in the West D. New geographic information E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

What did the Sedition Act do? A. It forbade any individual to oppose any law of the United States. B. It made it illegal to speak, write, or print any statement about the president that would put him into disrepute. C. It was designed to be in effect for only three years. D. It defined criminal activity so broadly that it blurred any real distinction between sedition and legitimate political discussion. E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

What was the significance of the Whiskey Rebellion? A. The new republic was not as unified as leaders hoped; there were serious regional and class tensions. B. Washington's response to protesters sent a clear message that dissent could be expressed only through the constitutional system of laws and elections, not through armed rebellion. C. It marked the first challenge to federal authority. D. None of these choices E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

Which of the following is an example of the growing complexity of American society after independence? A. There was a shift away from small-scale subsistence farming. B. Many young men and young couples migrated westward. C. Slavery expanded as a viable economic system. D. Free blacks began to suffer an erosion of the political gains made after 1776. E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

Which of the following was a British practice that damaged Anglo-American relations during the Washington administration? A. It confiscated foreign ships trading with the French Caribbean islands. B. It forced American sailors to serve in the British navy. C. It built new forts on American soil. D. Canada's royal governor gave an inflammatory speech denying U.S. claims north of the Ohio River. E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

Why did President Jefferson consider French ownership of Louisiana unacceptable? A. Ownership by a weaker nation than France offered more possibilities for the United States. B. The French might join forces with the British and endanger American security. C. If the French quarreled with the British, the United States might find itself caught in the middle. D. French ownership interfered with Jefferson's dream of an empire of liberty. E. All of these choices

E. All of these choices

How did the United States gain unrestricted access to the Mississippi River and New Orleans? A. By sending 3,000 regulars and Kentucky militiamen across the river into Spanish territory B. By signing an alliance with France against Spain C. By purchasing New Orleans from the French D. By blockading the entrance to the Mississippi and starving the city into submission E. By negotiating an agreement with Spain, which came to be known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo

E. By negotiating an agreement with Spain, which came to be known as the Treaty of San Lorenzo

Which of the following did not stimulate westward settlement? A. Military bounties in the form of land grants to veterans of the War of 1812 B. Building the National Road C. The growing strength of the federal government D. Admission of new states into the Union E. Federal support of existing Indian settlements

E. Federal support of existing Indian settlements

The war hawks were... A. frontiersmen from New England who wanted to seize Canada from Great Britain. B. men who were eager for war against Napoleon in order to gain the Louisiana Territory. C. supporters of Jefferson and Madison's policy of economic coercion. D. Old Line Federalists who wanted to sweep down and attack the British West Indies and Cuba. E. Republicans from the West and South who wanted more aggressive action and thought the government's policies were wrecking their economies.

E. Republicans from the West and South who wanted more aggressive action and thought the government's policies were wrecking their economies.

In President Jefferson's view, what did the Judiciary Act of 1801 demonstrate? A. The federal government needed to be overhauled. B. The Republican party would be able to dominate all branches of the federal government. C. John Marshall had to be impeached. D. The Constitutional Convention had been wrong in not describing the federal judiciary in greater detail. E. The Federalists were trying to make the judiciary their stronghold.

E. The Federalists were trying to make the judiciary their stronghold.

What role did newspapers play in American politics during the mid- and late 1790s? A. They declined in circulation and became mainly the means for the elite to communicate among themselves. B. They expanded in number and circulation and through their carefully reasoned articles and editorials helped to raise the quality of public discussion. C. They declined dramatically in influence because both Republicans and Federalists turned against their incessant fear-mongering and character assassination. D. They expanded in circulation but declined in influence because their focus tended to be on local society news and the latest entertainment gossip. E. They expanded in number and circulation through fear mongering and character assassination, and were often libelous and irresponsible.

E. They expanded in number and circulation through fear mongering and character assassination, and were often libelous and irresponsible.

As pioneers moved westward between 1790 and 1820, where did they tend to settle? A. They tended to settle in large urban areas where jobs were available B. They tended to settle on lakes and ponds away from other human society C. They tended to settle along railroad lines where they could meet new people D. They tended to settle in desolate plains or isolated forests, as far from other settlers as possible E. They tended to settle along rivers and with people from the same region back East

E. They tended to settle along rivers and with people from the same region back East

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the typical pioneer settlers? A. They migrated as families. B. They craved sociability. C. They sought stability and security. D. They tended to cluster with people who hailed from the same region back east. E. They were wild and restless individualists

E. They were wild and restless individualists

The purpose of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was to... A. eliminate barriers to Indian unity. B. encourage Georgia to establish Indian schools. C. remove Indians from the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. D. move them from land needed to construct canals. E. facilitate white settlement on Indian lands.

E. facilitate white settlement on Indian lands.

When Henry Clay called for an "American System" after the War of 1812, he meant that the United States needed... A. a system of high tariffs to keep out European products. B. a unique method of manufacturing that Europeans could not emulate. C. a new way of winning wars. D. an approach to government that had never been tried before. E. internal improvements that would make the nation self-sufficient.

E. internal improvements that would make the nation self-sufficient.

What was the main thrust of John Quincy Adams's foreign policy? A. to conquer commercial rivals by military means. B. to militarize the Great Lakes for security. C. to encourage European involvement in keeping peace in the Western Hemisphere. D. to isolate the United States from the rest of the world by prohibiting immigrants and foreign goods. E. to secure American borders and strengthen the peace with Great Britain.

E. to secure American borders and strengthen the peace with Great Britain.

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