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House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

A congressional committee created to search out disloyal Americans and Communists

Boston Massacre of 1770

Brits seize John Hancock's ship Liberty for violating trade regs riots royal troops station in Boston troops compete for jobs on Boston waterfront troops become hated 3/5/1770: Bostonians throw snowballs at troops troops get violent; conflict escalades 5 dead officer and eight soldiers put on trial defended by J Adams Paul Revere circulates an inaccurate print of it indignation against Brits stirs up

Nullification Crisis

Leader: John C. Calhoun Events Tariff of 1828 - The "Tariff of Abominations." Tariff of 1832 - Reduced tariffs to remedy the conflict created by the Tariff of 1828. Ordinance of Nullification - Declared the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state borders of South Carolina. Force Bill - Authorized the president to use whatever force necessary to enforce federal tariffs. Tariff of 1833 - Proposed gradually reducing tariffs back to their 1816 rates.

Era of Good Feelings

Monroe's two terms in office Politics organized along sectional lines

Article X

Part of the Treaty of Versailles that created the League of Nations

Bank War and Jackson's veto of BUSA's charter

Erupted when Henry Clay sought to renew the Bank's charter before the Election of 1832. Jackson vetoed the bill then ordered all federal deposits in the bank to be withdrawn. Two Secretaries of the Treasury refused and were removed from office. Jackson was censured by the U.S. Senate. Bank president Nicholas Biddle called in loans from across the country, resulting in a financial crisis. The Bank lost its charter in 1836 and went out of business five years later.


Espionage: FORBADE spying; interfering with draft; false statements that might impede military success Sedition: FORBADE spoken or printed statements that were negative or advocated interference with the war effort prosecuted lots of antiwar socialists and IWW members

Harper's Ferry Raid (10/1859)

Event: an attempt by the white abolitionist John Brown to start an armed slave revolt in 1859 by seizing a United States arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia; defeated by a detachment of U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee Brown placed on trial; conducted himself with dignity and courage; won admiration from Ners. Executed anyway. EFFECTS: N: Ners saw him as a martyr, a man willing to take action against an institution he considered immoral. S: He's unsignificant. He failed. WIDENED BREACH between N and S

Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914

Extended the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 to give it more power against trusts and big business -outlawed practices that had a dangerous likelihood of creating a monopoly, even if no unlawful agreement was involved -exempted labor unions from antitrust laws -barred courts from issuing injunctions curtailing right to strike


Hamilton good BR good favored by elitist persons society = fixed hierarchy freedom = deference to authorities Rev values of freedom/liberty are degenerating into anarchy

The Teller Amendment

Underscored humanitarian intentions in SP-US War. Stated that the US had no intention of annexing or dominating Cuba.

Sputnik (1957)

the first Earth satellite

judicial review

the right to determine whether an act of Congress violates the Constitution

Homestead Act (1862)

took effect on 1/1863 used to spur agricultural development offered 160 acres of free public land to settlers in W

Watts Uprising of 1965

took place in the black ghetto of LA only days after LBJ signed the Voting Rights Act 50k people attacked police and firemen, looted white-owned businesses, and burned buildings to restore order: 15k police and National Guardsmen 35 dead, 900 injured, $30m of property destroyed


traveled MI Valley revive Neolin's pan-Indian alliance of 1760s repudiated chiefs who had sold land to the US government demanded to attack frontier

Lewis and Clark

two VA-born vets of Indian wars in the OH valley goals: study plants/animals/geography, determine how region can be exploited economically Jeff hoped they would establish trading relationships with W Indians and locate a water route to the Pacific demonstrated possibility of overland travel to the Pacific coast


two decades following Civil War witnessed golden age of the cattle kingdom KS pacific RR's stations cowboys black, white, and Mexican; low-paid wage workers

Whiskey Ring

united Republican officials, tax collectors, and whiskey manufacturers in a massive scheme that defrauded the federal government of millions of dollars


unrestricted minting of silver money increasing the amount of currency in circulation will raise the prices farmers receive for their crops and make it easier to pay off their debts


utilized mass production techniques to build inexpensive homes to relieve postwar housing shortage Built in the post-WWII era for returning veterans and their new families became symbol of movement to suburbs assembled quickly from prefabricated, assembly line parts

WA's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793

US neutral between FR and GB

electoral college system

# determined by # of House members + Senators

Republican Party Platform, 1860

-denied validity of Dred Scott decision -reaffirmed Reps' opposition to slavery's expansion -added economic planks designed to appeal to a broad array of N voters free homesteads in W protective tariff gov't aid in building a transcontinental RR

Fugitive Slave Law (1850)

-made it a crime to help runaway slaves; allowed for the arrest of escaped slaves in areas where slavery was illegal and required their return to slaveholders. -Special commissioners can override local law enforcement in N and secure return of runaways; fugitives could not testify in their own behalf; no trial by jury was provided. resisted by Ners; further widened sectional divisions part of Compromise of 1850

Franco-American Alliance of 1778

1778: Treaty of Amity and Commerce. France recognizes US and agrees to supply military assistance


1/6/1917 A coded telegram dispatched by the Foreign Secretary of the German Empire, Arthur Zimmermann Germany wants MX to help it fight US; in return, Germany will help MX regain territory lost in the Mexican War + Russian rev +Lusitania -> Wilson asks for war in 1917

Boston Tea Party 1773

12/16/1773: colonists disguised as Indians board three ships at anchor in Boston Harbor and throw 300+ chests of tea in the water

Hartford Convention

12/1814 gave voice to grievances: they don't have enough power calls: amend Constitution to get rid of 3/5 clause, require 2/3 vote for admission of new states, declarations of war, and laws restricting trade Jack wins → charge: lack patriotism. Elitists, distrust popular self-government

Shay's Rebellion

1786-87: debt-ridden farmers ("regulators") closed courts in W Mass to prevent seizure of their land for failure to pay taxes participants believed they were acting in the spirit of the Rev governor dispatched troops spark: persuaded influential elites that the national government must be strengthened so that it can develop uniform economic policies and protect property owners from infringements on their rights by local majorities

XYZ Affair

1797: US diplomats sent to Paris to negotiate a treaty to replace the old alliance of 1778 FR officials demand bribes Adams makes public the dispatches, designating the FR officials by XYZ Poisons relations between FR and USA


1840s: intensification sea to shining sea; US has a divinely-appointed mission to occupy all of N America (John L. O'Sullivan) anyone there already is just in the way--an obstacle to the progress of freedom drove the acquisition of territory proof of the innate superiority of the Anglo-Saxon race

Free Soil Movement

1848: organized by opponents of slavery's expansion short-lived; active in the 1848 and 1852 presidential elections. Absorbed by Reps in 1852. nominated Martin Van Buren and son of JQA IDEAS -argued that free men on free soil comprised a morally and economically superior system to slavery -support reflected Northerners' resentment of S domination of the federal government -sometimes worked to remove existing laws that discriminated against freed African Americans

Compromise of 1850

1850: CA wants to be a free state; Sers opposed. Henry Clay proposed this to settle the conflict. NORTH: • California admitted as a free state • Texas gave up its claims to lands disputed with New Mexico • Slave TRADE in D.C. was banned, but slavery was legal SOUTH: • Popular sovereignty in Mexican Cession lands • Texas was paid $10 million for debt accumulated while independent • A new, tougher Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

Gilded Age

1870s-1900 ECON -era of rapid economic growth, especially in the North and West; real wages grew quickly -Industry: RRs, factory system, mining, and labor unions became more important -South remained economically devastated -1879: back to gold standard -Reps want tariff; Dems don't. Rep policies favor E industrialists and bankers SOCIETY -American wages, especially for skilled workers, were much higher than in Europe, which attracted millions of poor immigrants -concentration of wealth = inevitable, natural, and justified by progress; link between freedom and equality is out of date POLITICS -party politics bore the imprint of the Civil War; every Rep candidate from 1868-1900 had fought in Union army -parties closely divided; lots of one-term presidencies -presidents made little effort to mobilize public opinion or exert exec leadership -lots of participation in politics -government too small to deal with problems created by rapid econ growth -third parties enjoy large, but short-lived success

literacy tests

1890-1906: every S state enacted laws or constitutional provisions to eliminate the black vote

grandfather clauses

1890-1906: every S state enacted laws or constitutional provisions to eliminate the black vote exempt from the new requirements descendants of persons eligible to vote before the Civil War (when only whites could vote) 1915: invalidated by SC for violating Amendment 15


1900 to 1916; champions of the "common man" that drew most of their support from the urban working class. don't like political machines URBAN, not rural (unlike populists) asserts that advances in science, technology, economic development, and social organization can improve the human condition Although Progressive reforms were antidemocratic in their tendency toward political exclusion for "inferior" groups and insulation of some officials from popular control, their ultimate goals were very democratic. Progressives sought to increase political participation for women, democratize certain aspects of the political process, and reform government structure so as to better protect the working class.


1917-1920 characterized by the suspicion of widespread civil-service infiltration by Communists and Anarchist and fears of communist influence on U.S. society and infiltration of the U.S. government fear of communism helped businessman, who used it to stop labor strikes


1921: temporary measure restricted immigration from Europe to 375,000/year 1924 -permanent measure restricted to 150,000/year according to national quotas -no limits on W hemisphere (farmers in CA needed labor) -barred entry of all those ineligible for naturalized citizenship: Asians** -established the category of the illegal alien and created the Border Patrol


1925; first on public radio Brought to forefront of public discussion the science-religion issue, which showcased the growing division between traditional values and modern, secular culture TN man arrested for teaching his students Darwin's theory of evolution Scopes's pluralist defenders, which included his renowned labor lawyer Clarence Darrow, argued that church and state should not be so intimately married. The right to independent thought and individual self-expression, they asserted, was a core facet of freedom. The fundamentalists, however, clung to their idea of "moral" liberty—voluntary adherence to time-honored religious beliefs. They won out in the end; the jury found Scopes guilty (although the Tennessee supreme court later overturned the decision on a technicality).

Second: Works Project Administration (WPA)

1934-1943 hired 3m Americans in every walk of life to change the physical face of the United States

loss of China

1949: communists under Mao Zedong emerge victorious in the Chinese civil war Truman criticized for losing China (setback to containment) Truman administration refuses to recognize the new government and blocks it from occupying China's seat at the UN

George Wallace

1968: Ran as the American Independent Party candidate in the presidential election. A right- wing racist, he appealed to the people's fear of big government. Took the South (not FL or TX) Nixon + Wallace majority evidenced that liberalism was on the defensive

Immigration in the 1990s

1986: Immigration Reform and Control Act granted amnesty to past illegal immigrants and penalized the employers of future illegal workers witnessed the heaviest influx of immigrants in America's experience most concentrated in cities, but moved to suburbs more quickly than before; brought cultural diversity there IMMIGRANTS -came to America primarily in search of jobs and economic opportunity. -retained strong ties to home due to cheap global communications and jet travel -variety of backgrounds poor, illiterate refugees from C America, Haiti, and Cambodia well-educated professionals from India and S Korea -women make up a majority for the first time, reflecting the decline of manufacturing jobs that had previously absorbed immigrant men

Election of 2000

271-266 electoral college Senate divided up 50-50 Bush: rural, white, men Gore: urban, ethnic, women EVENTS -election close -Democrats demand a hand recount of FL's (swing state's) votes -SC orders a halt to the recount in a 5-4 vote, Bush v. Gore. In this way, it breaks 1990s tradition of siding with states and overturns a decision of the FL SC interpreting the state's election laws. Gore lost because -A faulty ballot design in one FL county gave several thousand Gore voters to Pat Buchanan -600k black felons in FL can't vote

Erie Canal (1825)

363 miles allowed goods to flow between Great Lakes and NYC; gave NYC primacy in trade with old NW attracted an influx of farmers migrating from NE → new cities set off a scramble to match NY's success

MY LAI (1968)

A Japanese village that housed 300-500 elderly, women, and children. 28 American soldiers shot the elderly, raped the women and children, and threw the remains in ditches. Soldiers had severe paranoia when they could not identify Viet Cong. REACTION -prompted global outrage when it became public knowledge in November 1969 -increased to some extent domestic opposition to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War when the scope of killing and cover-up attempts were exposed


A break-in at the Democratic National Committee offices in the Watergate complex in Washington was carried out under the direction of White House employees Disclosure of the White House involvement in the break-in and subsequent cover-up forced President Nixon to resign in 1974 to avoid impeachment. Nixon refused to provide tapes of conversations in his office, and the SC ordered him to provide them: a decision that reaffirmed the principle that the president is not above the law


A means of restricting right to vote in S Abolished with Amendment 24

Congregationalist clergyman Josiah Strong, Our Country (1885)

A proponent of empire and American expansionism; warned that USA must not allow itself to be shut out of the scramble for empire IDEAS Sought to update the idea of manifest destiny Having demonstrated special aptitude for liberty and self-government in N America, Anglo-Saxons should spread institutions and values to inferior races throughout the world Economy will benefit, since civilizing savages is to turn them into consumers of US goods


A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans. It also had an effect on moral movements such as prison reform, the temperance movement, and moral reasoning against slavery.

sit-in movement

A sub-movement or tactic of the Civil Rights Movement college students for the first time became the leading force for social change EVENTS -started with Greensboro sit-in on 2/1/1960 with four students -Greensboro attracted a national following -More sit-ins -College students became the agent of social change -Other forms of direct action


AIM: develop specific, scientific plans for the utilization of natural resources Under Ted, it became a concerted federal policy Gifford Pinchot appointed head of US Forest Service by Ted; set millions of acres aside for central parks. Taft dismissed him. Creation of parks required removal of Indians and reintroduction of old animals Typically Progressive -served public good while preventing "special interests" from causing irreparable damage to environment -government can stand above political and econ battles -reflected tendency towards efficiency and control

REV OF 1800

Adam's acceptance of defeat for a peaceful transfer of power between parties

Marbury v. Madison

Adams appointed justices before leaving office; secretary of state refused to let them take office; they sued Court declares unconstitutional the section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 that allows the courts to order executive officials to deliver judges' commissions Thus: Court not empowered to force executive officials to deliver judges' commissions


Although John Quincy Adams was successful in imbuing foreign policy with nationalist sentiment through the Monroe Doctrine, his repeated attempts at incorporating nationalist ideas into domestic policy were met with vehement opposition from Congress. This was because, as evidenced by the regional concentration of votes in the Election of 1824, sectionalism dominated domestic policy in 1820s America.

Jackie Robinson

America's first black major league baseball player broke the tradition of segregation in national sports; success opened the door to the integration of baseball and led to the demise of the Negro Leagues ability to keep calm and perform spectacularly in the face of relentless verbal abuse merited him nationwide respect, making him a universally known counterexample to the stereotype of black inferiority athletic superiority so superseded racial stigma that he was given the Rookie of the Year award

Margaret Sanger

American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood


Authorized the president to use whatever force necessary to enforce federal tariffs.


Bacon's demands: removal of all Indians, reduction of taxes, end to rule by "grandees" specter of a civil war frightened VA's ruling elite; took steps to consolidate power and improve image aftermath: less tax, more aggressive Indian policy, restored property qualifications for voting; SLAVES (to avert the further rise of a rebellious population of landless servants); more freedom dues triangular trade British manufactured goods to Africa and colonies colonial products including tobacco, indigo, sugar, and rice to Europe slaves from Africa to America entirely slave-based

Clinton Impeachment

Based on -Whitewater improprieties -1993: AK woman claims Clinton sexually harassed her while a senator -1998: becomes known that Clinton had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern EVENTS Kenneth Starr issues a lengthy, detailed report of Bill's sex acts with the intern; Bill denies them Bill accused for lying 12/1998: Rep-controlled House votes to impeach Bill for perjury and obstruction of justice Neither charge musters even a simple majority Americans appalled by the obsession of Congress with Bill's sex life Bill keeps being popular throughout the controversy; SHOWS HOW profoundly traditional attitudes toward sexual morality had changed

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Birmingham → JFK called for its passage LBJ called on Congress to enact it on 11/27 EFFECTS: INTENDED -no more racial discrimination in employment or public-accommodating institutions, whether publicly or privately owned -no more discrimination on grounds of sex added by opponents of civil rights in an effort to derail the entire bill embraced by liberal and female members of Congress as a way to broaden its scope EFFECT: MAJOR!!!! Switched S to Republicans! They felt betrayed by this non-racist Southerner and would, consequently, never vote democrat again

Battle of Yorktown

Brit Cornwallis moves into VA and encamps at Yorktown, located on a peninsula that juts into Chesapeake Bay surrounded by Washington and (mostly) FR troops 10/19/1781: Cornwallis surrenders; public support for war evaporates; peace negotiating begins

Francis Townsend

CA physician won support for a plan by which the government would make a monthly payment of $200 to older Americans for immediate spending **Townsend + Coughlin + Long sparks NDII

Mexican Cession

CA, NM, AZ, NV, UT ceded to the U.S. in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848 reopened the question of slavery's expansion; led to bitter sectional conflict, breaking up Second Party System (1828-1854; Dems/Whigs)

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

CASE: legislature required RR companies to maintain a separate car or section for black passengers. A committee of black residents came together to challenge the law. Homer Plessy, a halfrican, was arrested for refusing to move to the colored section of his RR car. DECISION*: Court gives approval to state laws requiring separate facilities for blacks and whites "separate but equal" is OK and constitutional EFFECTS: S states pass laws mandating racial segregation in every aspect of S life An elaborate, race-based social etiquette develops


CHARACTERIZED BY -heightened political repression against communists -fear campaign; spread paranoia of their influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents -Senator Joseph McCarthy in 1950 announced that he had a list of 205 communists working for the State -Charges preposterous, and numbers constantly changed -Used Senate subcommittee he chaired to level wild charges SUPPORT FOR MCCARTHY Initially supported by Reps against Truman Ike elected: became an embarrassment to the party Senate committee investigated his charged; nationally televised hearings revealed him as a bully who had no proof Rep-controlled Senate voted to condemn him for his behavior


COALITION -sunbelt suburbanites -urban working-class ethnics -anti-government crusaders -advocates of a more aggressive foreign policy -libertarians who believed in freeing the individual from restraint -Christian Right content to outline broad policy themes and leave their implementation to others made conservatism seem progressive a pragmatist; recognized when to compromise so as not to fragment his coalition REAGONOMICS -curtailing union power -dismantling regulations -radically reducing taxes 1981: produced a recession; 1983: became profitable. Inflation declined a lot by 1988.

Civil Rights Cases (1883)

Cases that narrowly defined civil rights guaranteed by 14th Amendment blacks are protected against state action to limit their rights--but not against the actions of individuals BECAUSE Congress lacks the constitutional authority under the enforcement provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals and organizations, rather than state and local governments. declared Civil Rights Act of 1875 unconstitutional

War on Poverty

Centerpiece of the Great Society GOAL: NOT direct econ aid, but equipping the poor with skills and rebuilding their spirit and motivation PROVISIONS -*food stamps -Office of Economic Opp to lift poor into mainstream -Head Start (childhood education) -job training -legal services -scholarships -VISTA (domestic Peace Corps) Required that poor people play a leading part in the design and implementation of local policies = conflict with local leaders who had control


Change in the status of women after the Rev; further relegates women to the home women play an indispensable role in society by training future citizens widespread acceptance in post-Revolutionary America leads the educational opportunities of women to significantly expand reinforces the already-trending idea of "compassionate marriage," based on mutual love and affection rather than male dominance

Rough Riders

Charge of San Juan Hill by Teddy's Rough Riders = most highly publicized land battle of the SP-US war; took place in Cuba Teddy was an expansionist and believed that war would reinvigorate the nation's unity and sense of manhood ROUGH RIDERS: voluntary cavalry unit. Teddy envisioned it as a cross section of US society; included Ivy athletes, W cowboys, immigrants, Indians. Arms still seg, so no blacks. Blacks had actually preceded them, but Ted ignored this.

Halfway covenant

Church membership declining. Not many people having conversion experiences. Kids of elect can't automatically elect themselves. Ancestry, not conversion, becomes pathway to inclusion among the elite Church membership continues to stagnate

Yalta Conference (1945)

Churchill, FDR, and Stalin no one trusted Stalin GOAL: discuss the re-establishment of the nations of war-torn Europe; each nation tried to maximize postwar power

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), 1993

Clinton approved a treaty negotiated by Bush that created a free-trae zone consisting of Can, MX, and USA


Common shorthand for the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, in which 19 militant Islamist men hijacked and crashed four commercial aircraft. -Two planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, causing them to collapse -One plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. -fourth, overtaken by passengers, crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania Nearly 3000 people were killed in the worst case of domestic terrorism in American history

Teapot Dome Scandal

Corruption during the Harding administration Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall accepted $500k from private businessmen, to whom he leased government oil reserves at Teapot Dome, WY Fall became the first cabinet member in history to be convicted of a felon

Federal Reserve Act of 1913

Creates Federal Reserve System. 12 regional banks; central board appointed by the pres oversees them JOBS -handle issuance of currency -aid banks in danger of failing -promote econ growth delayed response to Panic of 1907, when failure of several companies threatened a collapse of the banking system

border states

DE, MD, KY, MO Lincoln's aims in first year of Civil War: keep them in the Union; build the broadest base of support in the N for the war effort This is why he took no action against slavery. Passed a resolution affirming that the Union had no intention of interfering with it.


David Wilmot of PA proposed a resolution prohibiting slavery in all territory from MX Party lines crumble in support of it Passes House, dies in Senate

William Jennings Bryan

Dem nominee in 1896, 1900, and 1908 won nomination after Cross of Gold speech Populists endorsed him after being initially cool to him CALLS/APPEALS -free coinage of silver -devoutly religious; strongly influenced by Social Gospel movement; tried to apply teachings of Jesus to US people Went on a SPEAKING TOUR nationwide to rally farmers and workers to his cause Carried S and W


Democrats who regained control of states with substantial white voting majorities redeemed S from corruption, misgovernment, and N and black control

John C. Calhoun

Dominated Senate in 1830s-40s A leader of the War Hawks Champion of states' rights

ASYLUM MOVEMENT and penitentiaries

During the antebellum period, institutions that reformers hoped could remake human beings into free, morally upright citizens proliferated in accordance with the flourishing perfectionist values of the era. Jails, poorhouses, asylums, and orphanages all strove to cure society of evil. At conception, these institutions aimed to achieve this goal by rehabilitating their "faulty" inhabitants and releasing them back into society; however, as time wore on, institutions' role became only to keep them apart from the functioning population.

Tea Act of 1773

EIC bubble collapses British government gives it rebates/tax exemptions EIC can dump cheap tea on US market, undercutting merchants and smugglers; + tea tax = anger money used to defray costs of colonial government

Persian Gulf War (1991)

EVENTS -1990: Iraq invades and annexes Kuwait -Bush rushes troops to defend Kuwait and warns Iraq to withdraw or face war WHY: fears Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein might next attack Saudi Arabia, a longtime ally that supplies more oil to US than any other country JUSTIFICATION: defend freedom of Saudi Arabia, restore that of Kuwait Undemocratic governments, but it's such a flagrant violation of international law that -Bush builds a 40-nation coalition committed to restoring Kuwait's independence, secures US support, and sends 500k American troops there -2/1991: Operation Desert Storm drives Iraqi army from Kuwait. US does nearly all fighting. -UN orders Iraq to disarm and imposes $ sanctions that lead to civilian suffering for the rest of the decade -Hussein remains in place; so does an American military establishment, to the outrage of Islamic fundamentalists EFFECT: raises Bush's public approval rating a lot


EVENTS -American spy planes discovered that the Soviet Union was installing missiles in Cuba capable of reaching the USA with nuclear weapons -JFK rejects advice from military leaders that he authorize an attack on Cuba; blockades the island and demands missiles' removal -Secret negotiation Get: Khrushchev will withdraw missiles Give: US will not invade Cuba; US will remove American Jupiter missiles from Turkey EFFECT: lessened Kennedy's passion for Cold War; moved to reduce tensions in 1963

Berlin airlift (24 June 1948 - 12 May 1949)

EVENTS -Berlin divided at end of WWII -US, Br, and Fr intro a new currency, a prelude to creation of a W German government -Soviet Union blocks the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under allied control -W planes supply food and fuel to their zones -Stalin lifts blockade ***Two new nations emerge: E and W germany


EVENTS -Viet Cong and N Vietnamese troops launched well-organized uprisings in cities throughout S Vietnam: a surprise -US drove back the offensive and inflicted heavy losses EFFECT -shattered public confidence in LBJ administration, which had repeatedly proclaimed victory to be "just around the corner" -leading members of the press join the chorus of criticism against American involvement


EVENTS Castro took power CIA began training anti-Castro exiles for invasion Kennedy allowed the invasion at Bay of Pigs in 1961, intending to topple the Castro government failure; almost everyone killed or captured an embarrassment for the U.S. EFFECT: Cuba became even more closely tied to Soviet Union

Haymarket Affair (May 1886)

EVENTS peaceful rally in support of workers striking for an eight-hour day; 100,000. Chicago unknown person threw a dynamite bomb at police as they acted to disperse the public meeting bomb blast and ensuing gunfire killed 11 and wounded scores eight anarchists convicted of conspiracy despite inadequate evidence; seven to death, one to 15 years in prison Seven were immigrants! Promoted nativism Blamed Knights

Jacob Riis

Early 1900's muckraker who exposed social and political evils in the U.S. with his novel "How The Other Half Lives;" exposed the poor conditions of the poor tenements in NYC and Hell's Kitchen

Thomas Paine and Common Sense, 1/1776

Englishman and recent migrant recital of colonial grievances + attack on English constitution and the principles of hereditary rule and monarchical government proposed democracy membership a burden, not a benefit, to colonists pioneered a new style of political writing led to the adoption of resolutions calling for a separation from Britain

"log cabin and hard cider" campaign

False image A strategy used by the Whig party in election of 1840 to make Harrison more appealing to the common man

Amendment 16

Federal Income Tax allows the Congress to levy an income tax

John Marshall

Federalist served Adams as secretary of state/appointed by Adams strong believer of national supremacy established the Court's power to review laws of Congress and the states


Federalists publicized support for new government more, and they won pro: people too susceptible to dangerous enthusiasms to rule; stability does exist, in the size of the US and the multiplicity of people there con: too much power. Included state politicians and small farmers Compromise: Feds include BoR (not originally included because of slavery)


Feds move to silence critics' opposition Alien Act: Allows deportation of people from abroad deemed dangerous by fed authorieis Sedition (expiration 1801): authorized prosecution of any public assembly or publication critical of the government; target = Rep press. Failed to silence it

Stamp Act of 1765

First direct tax on the colonies (not through trade) Required that printed material carry a stamp Offended every free colonist Challenged local elites' authority, and they were willing to defend it First major split between colonists and GB Led to riots, convincing Brits that for Britain to rule America effectively, they needed to abridge liberty

Battle of Tippecanoe

Forces under William Henry Harrison destroyed Prophetstown while Tecumseh was gone

Students For a Democratic Society (SDS)

Formed in 1962 in Port Huron, Michigan CRITIQUE: -condemned anti-Democratic tendencies of large corporations, racism and poverty -called for a participatory Democracy wrote the Porn Huron Statement, which criticized institutions; offered a new vision of social change

Pontiac's Rebellion

French leave suddenly (traitors) = no more balance-of-power diplomacy = no more autonomy for Iroquois Treaty of Paris = dependency for Indians + confusion over land claims, control of fur trade, and tribal relations 1763: Indians of OH Valley and Great Lakes revolt Owes to teachings of Neolin, who instructed Indians to reject European stuff and inspire sense of ID as Indians

FIRST NEW DEAL (1933-1935)

GOAL: economic recovery; focused on ameliorating the economy as a whole IDEA: competitive marketplace a thing of the past; large firms need to be managed and directed by the government, not dismantled favored the wealthy; business-friendly discriminatory

SECOND NEW DEAL (1935-1938)

GOAL: economic security; a guarantee that Americans will be protected against unemployment and poverty no longer about whether the government will intervene, but how less business-friendly than NDI racist and discriminatory


GW Bush Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 Act passed by Congress under the Bush administration that allowed the government to take a more active role in surveillance and security after the 9/11 attacks, at the expense of civil liberties.

Gabriel's Rebellion of 1800

Gabriel and brothers plan to march on Richmond, demanding abolition of slavery Hoped poor white people join and FR be spared Storm; plot discovered, Gabriel and other hanged

Genet Affair

Genet: envoy seeking to arouse support for FR government Welcomed by FR rev's American supporters began commissioning US ships to attack BR vessels under FR flag WA admins asked for his recall

Jay Treaty

Get: Brits abandon outposts on W frontier (even though they were supposed to have in 1783) Give: US gives favored treatment to Brit goods; no more Fr alliance

John Henry Noyes and Oneida

Goal: become sinless dictatorial no private property complex marriages--any man can propose sex to any woman committees eventually determine who can and can't have kids Noyes indicted for adultery in 1848 and forced to move from NY to Oneida survived until 1881

Little Rock Crisis (1957)

Governor Faubus sent the Arkansas National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock Central High School. Eisenhower sent in U.S. paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class.

Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)

Hoover signed with some reluctance further reduced international trade contributed to the spread of international economic depression

Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)

Hoover-sponsored federal agency that provided loans to failing banks, railroads, and businesses

Supply-side economics

IDEA -economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering barriers for people to produce (supply) goods and services as well as invest in capital. (then) -consumers will then benefit from a greater supply of goods and services at lower prices -investment and expansion of businesses will increase the demand for employees CALLS FOR -lower marginal tax rates -less government regulation

Booker T. Washington

IDEAS -don't try to combat segregation -seek assistance of white employers who (in a land racked by labor turmoil) prefer a docile, dependable black labor force to unionized whites channeled aid from wealthy N whites to blacks who backed his program success reflected black conviction that assaults on white power were impossible

Stephen Douglas

IL senator; new leader of Senate after Clay, Calhoun, and Webster died between 1850-1852 introduced KS-NB Act MAIN BELIEF = W development; wants transcontinental RR through KS or NB, so he needs formal governments to be established there Sers oppose. Hopes to satisfy them by applying the principle of pop sov pop sov, he thinks, can win him presidency in 1856

Geneva conference (1955)

Ike + leaders of Fr, Br, and USSR GOAL: reduce international tensions End of the Korean War and death of Stalin convinced Ike that the Soviets were reasonable and could be dealt with in conventional diplomatic terms

U-2 Incident

Ike and Khrushchev cooperating from 1955-1960 1960: USSR shot down an American spy plane over their territory ***broke the peace Ike denied that the plane had been involved in espionage and refused to apologize even after the Russians produced the captured pilot destroyed a planned summit meeting

I Have a Dream, 8/28/1963

In August 1963, civil rights leaders organized a massive rally in Washington to urge passage of President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The high point came when MLK Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech to more than 200,000 marchers in front of the Lincoln Memorial.


Increased imports and exports link the U.S. economy with the world Brought more products at lower prices took industrial jobs overseas

Battle of New Orleans, 1/1815

Jack won: recruited blacks and promised them equality fought off a BR invasion

Fourteen Points

January 1918 clearest statement of American war aims and vision of a new international order purely American; not endorsed by other Allies established the agenda for the peace conf that followed the war KEY PRINCIPLES -self-determination -freedom of seas -free trade -open diplomacy; no secret treaties -readjustment of colonial claims, with colonized people given equal weight in deciding their futures -League: creation of a general association of nations to preserve the peace

gold rush

January 24, 1848 gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill in Coloma, California >300k people came; made CA very diverse. E, MX, C America, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Australia, China; mostly young men Women played major roles Effects: CA became a thing, San Francisco became huge


Jeff good Fr good democracy good include: Wealthy S planters, ordinary farmers, urban artisans inequality is bad broad democratic participation is essential to freedom

MO Compromise (1820)

Jesse Thomas MO can draft its own constitution—slave ME will be free to maintain balance Slavery prohibited in LA purchase N of MO's S boundary

Treaty of Paris

John Adams, Ben Franklin, John Jay Win: recognition of US independence, control of entire region between Canada and FL E of MI, the right to fish in Atlantic waters off Canada Give: no persecution to loyalists; loyalists' property will be restored

Indian Reorganization Act (1934)

John Collier organized it ended Dawes Act policy of dividing Indian lands up and selling them federal authorities once again recognized Indians' right to govern their own affairs except where specifically limited by national laws Didn't improve living conditions on reservations

"Bleeding KS" 1855-6

KS held elections in 1854-5, and hundreds of proslavery Missourians crossed the border to cast fraudulent ballots Perce recognized legislature as legitimate; replaced territorial governor when he dissented Settlers from free states established a rival government Sporadic civil war broke out in KS EFFECT: discredited Douglas's policy of leaving the decision on slavery up to the local population; thus aided Reps


Kennedy established it GOALS: sent young Americans abroad to -aid in the economic and educational progress of developing countries -improve the image of the United States there


Kennedy's policy towards Latin America; a kind of Marshall Plan for the W Hemisphere, with less money GOALS: -alleviate poverty -counteract the appeal of communism REALITY: military regimes and local elites controlled aid, enriching themselves; poor saw little benefit

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

King took the lead in forming it (1956) a coalition of black ministers and civil rights activists successful in popular mobilization BUT: not enough. National backing necessary to overturn Jim Crow

Lincoln-Douglas debate

Lincoln and Douglas were trying for their respective parties to win control of the Illinois legislature previewed the issues that Lincoln would face in the aftermath of his victory in the 1860 presidential election Drew large numbers of people Main topic: slavery and freedom. The two have clashing opinions of it. Lincoln: freedom = opposition to slavery. No appeals to racism. Refused to exclude blacks from humans. Douglas: freedom = local self-government and individual self-determination. Politicians can't impose moral standards on society as a whole. A community can ban slavery if they want to--for themselves. Appealed to racism. Douglas wins

Horace Mann

MA lawyer and Whig; director of MA board of ed IDEAS -public education can restore equality to a fractured society by bringing children of all classes together in a common learning experience and equipping the less fortunate to advance in the social scale education equalizes conditions of men -free public education is an avenue to social advancement -schools reinforce social stability by disciplining kids; silent curriculum > lessons. -thus: school helps prepare kids for work in new industrial economy -Schools train people who internalize self-discipline Encountered opposition from parents who didn't want to surrender moral ed of kids to bureaucrats By 1860: every N state established tax-supported school systems for its kids; RIFT between N and S

VA plan

Madison two-house legislature; population determines rep in each


Madison and Jeff mobilize opposition to Alien and Sedition Acts VA: calls on fed courts to protect free speech KY: asserts that states can nullify Congressional laws that violate Constitution; did NOT call for ending seditious libel, and it continued after 1801 No other states endorsed them

McCulloch v. MD

Marshall declares BUSAII (under fire for Panic of 1819) a legitimate exercise of congressional authority under the Constitution's clause allowing Congress to pass "necessary and proper" laws so: Marshall isn't a strict constructionist

Second Continental Congress

May 1775 By the time it convened, war had broken out between Brit soldiers and MA citizens Authorized raising of an army, printed money to pay for it, and appointed GW as commander


May 7, 1915 a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat; 128 Americans dies sparked WWI involvement; unrestricted submarine warfare caused the U.S. to enter World War I against the Germans


N Vietnamese patrol boats (supposedly, not really) fired on an American spy ship in 1964 Congress gave president LBJ a blank check to "take all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam only two members of Congress voted against it

lords of the loom

NE's early factory owners: sold clothes to Sers

DAWES ACT (1887)

Named for chair of the Senate's Indian Affairs Committee PROVISIONS -Broke up the land of nearly all tribes into small parcels to be distributed to Indian families, with the remainder auctioned off to white purchasers -Indians would become civilized, full-fledged US citizens EFFECTS -great for whites; lots more land -Indians lose land and traditions

Interstate Highway (1956-1993)

National Interstate and Defense Highways Act construct thousands of miles of modern highways in the name of national defense dramatically increased the move to the suburbs, as white middle-class people could more easily commute to urban jobs.


New Negro: rejection of established stereotypes and a search for black values to put in their place African Americans were very expressive of their culture. Harlem is the part of New York City where the renaissance started Blacks advanced in music literature, drama, art and dance.


Nez Perce leader delivered a speech in WA to a distinguished audience that included Pres Hayes adopted the language of freedom and equal rights before the law government transported surviving Nez Perce to another reservation in WA Territory; but Joseph kept (unsuccessfully) petitioning successive presidents to go home


Nixon's policy that involved withdrawing 540,000 US troops from South Vietnam over an extended period of time S Vietnamese would gradually take on fighting alone, backed by continued American bombing

Denmark Vesey, 1822 Charleston

One of the four major slave revolts Free black who had purchased his freedom disdained racism liked Methodist church; studied Bible Quoted Declaration his conspiracy reflected the combo of Afro-American influences then circulating in the Atlantic world and coming together in black culture; discovered before it could reach fruition

Panama Invasion

Ordered by Bush in December 1989 to remove the autocratic General Manuel Noriega. SAID GOALS -stop Noriega from using the country as a "drug pipeline" to the US -protect human rights WHAT IT DID -de facto Panamanian leader, general, and dictator Manuel Noriega was deposed -president-elect Guillermo Endara sworn into office -Panamanian Defense Force dissolved.

Indian Removal Act

Ordered the removal of Indian Tribes still residing east of the Mississippi to newly established Indian Territory west of Arkansas and Missouri; those resisting eviction were forcibly removed by American forces, often after prolonged legal or military battles.

Neutrality Acts (first in 1935)

PROVISION: banned travel on belligerents' ships and the sale of arms to countries at war GOAL: avoid conflict over freedom of the seas that had contributed to involvement in WWI reflected how isolationism dominated Congress; Americans remained convinced that involvement in WWI had been a mistake


PROVISIONS -everyone born in USA is a citizen -the federal government is empowered to protect the rights of all Americans -states cannot abridge the privileges of citizens or deny them equal protection of the law Did NOT grant blacks the right to vote Limiting vote to whites will sacrifice some of Southerners' political power Very heavily divided on party lines; dems con, Reps pro

Interstate Commerce Act (1887)

PROVISIONS -required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just," but did not empower the government to fix specific rates -required that railroads publicize shipping rates -prohibited short haul or long haul fare discrimination, a form of price discrimination against smaller markets, particularly farmers -created a federal regulatory agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), charged with monitoring railroads to ensure that they complied with the new regulations the first federal agency intended to regulate $ activity BUT: big companies emerge victories in cases brought by ICC against RRs

10 Percent Plan (1863)

PROVISIONS: -a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10% of the 1860 vote count from that state had taken an oath of allegiance to the U.S. and pledged to abide by emancipation -Voters could then elect delegates to draft revised state constitutions and establish new state governments -All southerners except for high-ranking Confederate army officers and government officials would be granted a full pardon -southerners' private property (not slaves) will be protected Used on TN, LA, and AK

Presidential Reconstruction

Pardon to all white Sers who took an oath of allegiance Appointed provisional governors and ordered them to call state conventions, elected by whites alone, that would establish local governments in the S; new governments have a free hand in managing local affairs EFFECTS white voters return prominent Confederates and members of old elite to power

Intolerable Acts and Coercive Acts of 1774

Parliament closes port of Boston until tea is paid for alters MA Charter of 1691 by curtailing town meetings and authorizing governor to appoint members to the council empowers military commanders to quarter soldiers united colonies in opposition to what was widely seen as a direct threat to their political freedom

Omaha platform (1892)

Platform of Populists; written by Ignatius Donnelly spoke of a nation brought to ruin by political corruption and econ inequality PROPOSALS (many adopted during next 50 years): -direct election of senators -government control of currency -graduated income tax -system of low-cost public financing to enable farmers to market crops -recognition of the right of workers to form unions -public ownership of RRs to guarantee famers inexpensive access to markets for crops


Political machine -plundered city of tens of millions of dollars -forged close ties with RR men and labor unions -won support from city's immigrant poor by fashioning a kind of private welfare system that provided food, fuel, and jobs in hard times in exchange for votes

Nicholas Biddle

President of the Bank of the USA during 1820s, effectively used its power to curb the overissuing of $ by local banks and to create a stable currency nationwide

Monroe Doctrine (1823)

Principles 1. US will oppose any further efforts at colonization by European powers in the Americas 2. US will abstain from involvement in the wars of Europe 3. warning US not to interfere with the newly independent states of Latin America Reflected a rising sense of American nationalism

American system

Put forward by Madison in 12/1815 three pillars 1. new national bank: LAW 2. tariff on imported manufactured goods to protect US industry: LAW 1. Sers supported it—wanted manufacturing to rival that of NE 3. federal financing of improved roads and canals (controversial)

break-up of the Soviet Union

Reagan sponsored the largest military buildup in American history, driving the USSR bankrupt as it tried to compete Gorbachev's attempts at economic reform produced only chaos Glasnost allowed long-suppressed national and ethnic tensions to rise to the surface PROCESS August 1991: a group of military leaders attempted to seize power to overturn the government's plan to give greater autonomy to the various parts of the Soviet Union Yeltsin mobilized crowds in Moscow that restored Gorbachev to office Gorbachev resigned from Communist Party One after another, Soviet republics declared themselves sovereign states End of 1991: in USSR's place are 15 independent nations Now exists a truly worldwide capitalist system Even China had already embarked on market reforms and rushed to attract foreign investors

"the Corrupt Bargain"

Refers to the claim from the supporters of Andrew Jackson that John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay had worked out a deal to ensure that Adams was elected president by the House of Representatives in 1824.

Land Ordinance of 1785

Regulated land sales in the region N of the OH River land would be surveyed by government and then sold in sections of a square mile each township: one section for education promised to control and concentrate settlement and raise money for Congress settlers violated it benefitted private land companies more than individuals

Congressional Reconstruction

Republicans in Congress took control of Reconstruction policies after the election of 1866 Three Amendments Pretty radical


Rights activist on behalf of mentally ill patients - created first wave of US mental asylums

Destroyers for bases deal

Roosevelt's compromise for helping Britain; could not sell US destroyers to Britain without defying the Neutrality Act Gives to Britain: 50 old but still serviceable US destroyers Gets: the right to build military bases on British Islands in the Caribbean

Ted's Square Deal

Roosevelt's policy of having the federal government promote the public interest by dealing evenhandedly with both labor and business aimed to confront the problems caused by economic consolidation by distinguishing between good and bad corporations

Morse code (1830s; 1844)

Samuel Morse, NYC guy, invented telegraph helped speed flow of info and brought uniformity to prices country-wide

Paxton Boys

Scotch-Irish farmers from the vicinity of PA town of Paxton destroyed Indian village of Conestoga during Pontiac's Rebellion; killed 14 more Indians in Lancaster accused colonial authorities of treating Indians too leniently

Open Door Policy (1899)

Secretary of State John Hay demands that European powers that had recently divided China into commercial spheres of influence grant equal access to American exports refers to free movement of goods and money, not people; as US bans immigration of Chinese, it insists on access to the markets and investment opps of Asia

Brook Farm

Secular Established in 1841 by NE transcendentalists goal: make a place where physical and intellectual labor coexist harmoniously university-like private property still a thing initially a success, but no one would work, so it failed

First Continental Congress

September 1774 Coordinated resistance to Intolerable Acts Included John and (radical) Sam Adams, Patrick Henry, Washington Defended actions by appealing to liberty/etc + John Locke

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Sons: a body led by talented and ambitious lesser merchants; self-made by pirating; no weight in municipal affairs, but big following. Paraded through streets of NYC shouting "liberty," enforced boycott Alarmed authorities Daughters: women who spun and wove at home so as not to purchase British goods

THE MAINE, 2/15/1898

Spark for American intervention in Spanish-American war Probably accidental yellow press blames Spain and insists on retribution

"contract with America"

Speaker Newt Gingrich's Republican platform of 1994 Clinton hadn't done much, and voters turned against administration; Reps won control of both houses PROMISES -curtail scope of government -cut back on taxes and economic and environmental regulations -overhaul welfare system -end affirmative action Electoral triumph is contract endorsement; move to implement it -House approves deep cuts in social, educational, and environmental programs -President and Congress can't agree on a budget; shut down all nonessential operations public blames Congress for impasse, and Gingrich loses popularity

"pet banks"

State banks selected by the U.S. Department of Treasury to receive surplus government funds in 1833; also known as "Wildcat Banks." Flooded the country with paper currency which became so unreliable that Jackson issued the Specie Circular in 1836.

Dollar Diplomacy

Taft's foreign policy; Wilson hated it emphasized $ investment and loans from US banks (rather than direct military intervention) as the best way to spread American influence

Panama Canal

Ted engineered the separation of Panama from Colombia in order to facilitate the construction of a canal linking Atlantic and Pacific The complexity and inherent controversiality of Roosevelt's maneuver illustrates his no-holds-barred approach to American expansion EVENTS -Ted asked that Colombia cede land for a canal; it wouldn't -Ted catalyzed an uprising against its federal government -American military intervention helped Panama to quick independence -Immediately, the new country signed a treaty giving the US both the right to construct and operate a canal and sovereignty over the Canal Zone the building of the canal -RACISM: best jobs for whites, who lives in their own nice communities -lots of immigrant labor -required eradication of mosquitoes

Roosevelt Corollary

Ted: civilized v. uncivilized nations. Civilized establish order.

the common man

The "average" American citizen, whose concerns are represented in government.

Market Revolution

The Market Revolution was a drastic change in how manual labor was conducted in the United States. It took place during the first half of the nineteenth century. Although the expansion of overland transport aided with the expansion of commerce, the advancement of water transportation was still more vital, dramatically increasing the speed and lowering the expense of long-distance trading. It became profitable to sell goods to faraway mass markets, and factories sprang up, marking the beginnings of a great economic shift from self-sufficient farming to the wage-labor-based economy so characteristic to America today


The application of ideas about evolution and "survival of the fittest" to human societies - particularly as a justification for their imperialist expansion.

Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)*

The case itself: Scott sued for freedom after returning to MO from free territory Major questions and rulings: 1. Can a black person be a citizen and therefore sue in federal court? NO, blacks CANNOT be citizens, slave or free 2. Does residence in a free state make someone free? NO, Scott is still a slave 3. Is Congress empowered to prohibit slavery in a territory? NO, federal government has NO power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after creation of US Effects: Dissent; Court sinks to low level; Taney hoped to settle the slavery question, but this caused severe dissent Superseded by Civil Rights Act of 1866


The doctrine upon which Eisenhower and secretary of state Dulles based American nuclear policy in the 1950s updated version of containment any Soviet attack on an American ally would be counteracted by a nuclear assault on the USSR itself building lots and lots of nuclear weapons allowed Ike to cut the army by half, since he hated war

Daniel Webster

The people create the Constitution--not the states. Against Calhoun. Says a state should not be able to determine law null within their state.


Thurgood Marshall Although Brown vs. Board of Education proved remarkably ineffective in practice, the decision ensured that the Civil Rights movement would have the backing of the federal courts. Decision didn't order immediate implementation Separate but equal is NOT okay! Segregation is inherently unequal; it stigmatizes one group of citizens as unfit to associate with others

Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines

Treaty: USA gets Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Good for trade. Phil, Guam, and HI lay astride shipping routes to Japan and China PR and Cuba = gateways to Latin America; outposts from which US naval and commercial power can be protected throughout the hemisphere JUSTIFICATION: McKinley can't return Philippines to Spain nor give them independence; they aren't prepared for it. Americans have duty to uplift and civilize Filipino and train them for self-government.


Two elections! N: Lincoln v. Douglas S: Douglas v. Breckinridge v. Bell (Constitutional Union, dedicated to preserving both Union and slavery) very sectional N: Lincoln (except NJ) Upper S: Bell Lower S: Breckinridge Everywhere a little bit: Douglas; suggests that a political career based on devotion to the Union is no longer possible


Two-house Congress consisting of a two-member Senate and a House with population in mind Expansion of democracy; House elected, unlike anyone under Articles

Freedmen's Bureau (1865-1870)

U.S. federal government agency that aided distressed freedmen during Reconstruction encouraged former plantation owners to rebuild their plantations, urged freed Blacks to gain employment, kept an eye on contracts between labor and management, and pushed both whites and blacks to work together as employers and employees rather than as masters and as slaves

Department of Homeland Security

US cabinet department created in 2002 to coordinate national efforts against terrorism RESPONSIBILITY: protect the United States and its territories (including protectorates) from terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters

Battle of Saratoga

US forces forced Burgoyne to surrender Helped persuade FR that US victory was possible; distracted Brits at outposts in W Indies Convinced Spain to join on American side; regained control of FL

containment policy

United States committed to preventing any further expansion of Soviet power foundation laid by George Kennan, Long Telegram, 1946: -Soviets cannot be dealt with as a normal government, for communist ideology drives them to try to expand their power throughout the world -only the US can stop them


United States would stay true to all of their existing defense commitments, but Asian and other countries would not be able to rely on large bodies of American troops for support in the future


Upstate NY, 1787 God has a dual personality, both M and F; two sexes spiritually equal very religious do religious dances live in dorm-style buildings with communal dining rooms celibate; convert and adopt reject individual accumulation of private property very economically successful

McGuffey Reader

Used as textbooks in homeschooling. Hammered lessons in morality, patriotism, and idealism


Utopian communities, founded during the period of frenzied antebellum reform, all sought to somehow counteract the socioeconomic change that the Market Revolution set in motion. Goals: -recognition of society on a cooperative basis -restoration of social harmony to a world of excessive individualism -narrowing of the gap between rich and poor -abolition of private property -modification of conventional gender relations Often religious

headright system

VA company introduced it to attract more settlers awarded 50 acres of land to any colonist who paid for his own or another's passage people who brought in lots of servants got huge estates immediately

Double V for victory

Victory over German and Japan abroad Victory over segregation at home coined by Pittsburgh Courier in 1942 whites saw the war as an expression of American ideals; blacks pointed to the gap between ideals and reality "a segregated army cannot fight for a free world" Reflected different definitions of freedom blacks: end to lynching, no job discrimination; a goal to be achieved whites: a possession to be defended

Executive Order 9066 (1942)

WHY -exaggerated fears of a Japanese invasion of the W coast -pressure from whites who saw an opportunity to gain possession of Japanese-American property -CA's long history of hostility towards Japanese PROVISION: expulsion of all persons of Japanese descent from W coast; 110k people. Did not apply to HI. INJUSTICE -no court hearings, no due process, no writs of habeas corpus -supported unanimously by press -only one Congressman spoke out against it -groups publicly committed to fighting discrimination (communists, NAACP, Jews) defended or kept quiet -courts wouldn't intervene--not even Hugo Black, a defender of civil liberties

Spanish-American War (1898)

When America emerged as a world power WHY INTERVENTION AND IMPERIAL EXPANSION -initially: humanitarian -nationalism -renewed concept of manifest destiny -desire for religious proliferation -potential for much-needed $ growth EVENTS 1868: Cuban revolt against Spain 1868-1878: guerilla war 1895: movement for Cuban independence resumes -reports circulate of suffering caused by Spanish policy of moving civilians into detention camps -public demands intervention SPARK: ME explosion. Yellow press blames Spain. McKinley asks Congress for a declaration of war. Lasted only four months. Led McKinley to show interest in imperial expansion. Soldiers going ashore at Manila Bay were the first to engage in combat outside W hemisphere

Moral Diplomacy

Wilson: expanded American econ influence serves a higher purpose than profit produced more military interventions in Latin America than any president before or since -1915: marines to occupy Haiti after government refused to allow American banks to oversee its financial dealings 1916: military government in Dominican BUT US soldiers don't do much to promote democracy in either country Underscores a paradox: presidents who speak most about freedom are likely to intervene most frequently in affairs of other countries

Anaconda Plan

Winfield Scott came up with it Aim: block all of the Confederates' resources; use navy to take over water ways, strangling them economically plan emphasized the blockade of the Southern ports and called for an advance down the Mississippi River to cut the South in two

War Hawks

Younger Congressmen from W ardent nationalists include: Henry Clay, John Calhoun goals: defend the national honor against BR insults, annex Canada, conquer FL (fugitive slave haven)


a Houston-based energy company that bought and sold electricity rather than actually producing it falsely reported as profits billions of dollars in operating losses to help push up stock prices

Amendment 17

a Progressive enhancement of democracy -direct elections of senators by popular vote rather than state legislatures -primary elections among party members to select candidates for office


a Progressive enhancement of democracy; adopted by several states initiative: voters can propose legislation referendum: voters can vote directly on legislation recall: officials can be removed from office by popular vote

NSC-68 (1950)

a call for a permanent military build-up to enable the US to pursue a global crusade against communism spurred a dramatic increase in American military spending described the Cold War as an epic struggle between the idea of freedom and the idea of slavery under Russia SPARKED BY -Berlin -communist victory in China -Soviet A-bomb


a classified report prepared by the Defense Department that traced American involvement in Vietnam back to WWII and revealed how successive presidents had misled the American people about it Published by Times in 1971 SC rejected Nixon's request for an injunction to halt publication

Credit Mobilier

a corporation formed by an inner ring of Union Pacific RR stockholders to oversee the line's government-assisted construction enabled participants to sign contracts with themselves at an exorbitant profit to build the new ling


a court order that forces or limits the performance of some act by a private individual or by a public official


a deduction from an amount to be paid, or money back

Seneca Falls Convention (1848)

a gathering on behalf of women's rights held in upstate NY raised issue of women's suffrage for the first time produced Declaration of Sentiments

universal male suffrage

allowed all free white males to vote and hold office without having to own land or belong to a particular religious group

Voting Rights Act of 1965

allowed federal officials to register votes this + Amendment 24 (no poll tax) = suffrage Police were brutal to King on the Selma to Montgomery March → LBJ asked for it Represents unprecedented government endorsement for the CRM

Stephen Austin

an American empresario born in Virginia and raised in southeastern Missouri led the second, and ultimately successful, colonization of TX by bringing 300 families from the United States demanded greater autonomy from MX

John C. Frémont

an American military officer, explorer, and politician first Republican presidential candidate in 1856 led a scientific expedition into CA after a band of US insurrectionists proclaimed it free of MX control

Environmental Movement (Clean Air and Clean Water Act) late 1960s

broadest bipartisan support of any of the new social movements vigorous opposition from business groups that considered its proposals a violation of property rights series of measures to protect the environment

Underground Railroad

a network of secret routes and safe houses used by 19th-century slaves of African descent in the United States to escape to free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause formed in the early 19th century, and reached its height between 1850 and 1860 100,000 slaves used it to escape

Three Mile Island 1979

a plant in PA that released a large amount of radioactive steam into the atmosphere before: nuclear power is an inexpensive way of meeting the country's energy needs after; EFFECTS -reinforced fears about the environmental hazards associated with nuclear energy -put a halt to the expansion of nuclear energy

Little Big Horn (6/1876)

a rare Indian victory General George A. Custer and his entire command of 250 men died Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse defended tribal land reserved for them forever after invasion

Ghost Dance Movement

a religious revitalization campaign reminiscent of the pan-Indian movements led by Neolin and Tenskwatawa Indians fathered for days of singing, dancing, and religious observations scared Americans


a response to prosperity (not depression) greatly expanded the powers of the federal government completed and expanded the social agenda that had been stalled in Congress since 1938 PROVISIONS -*Medicare and Medicaid: health services to poor and elderly -new cabinet offices, new agencies, national public broadcasting network -War on Poverty

Whitewater investigation

a series of real estate dealings in Arkansas involving Bill Clinton long before he became President Republicans accused Clinton of associated financial improprieties, but no charges were ever proven one of several accusations that eventually led to Clinton being impeached by the House of Representatives but acquitted by the Senate


a temporary work stoppage or denial of employment initiated by the management of a company during a labor dispute

checks and balances

agree: legislature, executive, judiciary Congress can raise money without relying on states states prohibited from infringing on rights of property government represents people middle ground between monarchy and excesses of democracy president vetoes laws Congress can impeach president judges approved by Congress and serve for life

English Toleration Act of 1690

all Protestants can worship freely MA had to abide when it became a royal colony in 1691 led to considerable tension in MA

Lowell System

all stages of textile production done under one roof

White League

an American white paramilitary group founded in 1874 operated to turn Republicans out of office and intimidate freedmen from voting and political organizing Through violence and intimidation, its members reduced Republican voting and contributed to the Democrats' taking over control of the Louisiana Legislature in 1876

Samuel Slater

an immigrant from England established US's first factory in 1790 at Pawtucket, RI built from memory a power-driven spinning jetty


any government activity designed to break up trusts or monopolies TIMELINE 1890: Sherman Antitrust; little used McKinley: appointed US Industrial Commission on Trusts Ted: breaks up lots of trusts, including Northern Securities Taft: also breaks up lots of trusts Wilson: Clayton Antitrust (1914)

cash and carry (1940)

arms must be paid for in cash and transported in British ships Congress agreed to allow sale of arms to Britain on this basis

Roger Williams

arrived in MA in 1631; first criticism of the existing NE order rejected conviction that Puritans were an elect people wanted church and state to be separated; embrace of government corrupts purity of faith wanted to strengthen religion by allowing any law-abiding citizen to practice whatever form of religion he chose banished in 1636; he and followers established RI. No church, religious voting qualifications, no church attendance requirement. More democratic


banned combinations and practices that restrained free trade IN PRACTICE: so vague that it proved impossible to enforce IDEOLOGICALLY: established the precedent (along with the ICC) that the national government could regulate the economy to promote the public good

Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852)

best-selling novel of the 19th century helped fuel abolitionist cause


broke out when back-country PA farmers sought to block collection of the new tax on whiskey reinforced conviction of Feds that democracy was dangerous rebels invoked symbols of 1776 WA dispatched 13k militamen to W PA and led them; rebels didn't resist

George Whitefield

brought his highly emotional brand of preaching to colonies from GA to NE arrived in US in 1739 tens of thousands of colonists flocked to his sermons idea: men and women can save themselves by repenting for their sins inspired the emergence of numerous dissenting churches


by 1798, US in a quasi-sea war with FR FR ships seize US ships in Caribbean, US navy harasses FR Adams in 1800 negotiates peace despite pressure from Hamilton

Embargo Act

by 1806, FR and BR are blockading each other BR resumes impressment in 1806 Jeff: econ health = freedom of trade with which no foreign government has a right to interfere persuades Congress to ban all American vessels sailing to foreign ports Navy seals off ports; seizes goods without warrants; arrests smugglers American exports plummet, and neither BR nor FR notice counter to Jeff's limited government beliefs

NW Ordinance of 1787

called for the eventual establishment of 3-5 states N of OH River and E of MI river enacted basic principle of "empire of liberty:" admit as equals pledged to be nice to Indians; first official recognition that Indians own their land

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

came out of a gathering of 200 black students and a few whites; organized by Ella Baker GOALS -replace the culture of segregation with a beloved community of racial justice -empower ordinary blacks to take control of the decisions that affect their lives

HUEY LONG, or "kingfish"

career embodied both Populist and Socialist traditions dominated every branch of LA state government; used power to build roads, schools, and hospitals, and to tax LA oil companies more assassinated in 1935, before he could run for president launched Share Our Wealth movement confiscation of most of wealth of richest Americans in order to finance an immediate grant of $5000 and a guaranteed job and annual income for all citizens


cattle drives ended in the 1880s because -farmers enclosed open range with barbed-wire fences -overgrazing destroyed the grass -a winter blizzard and drought of 1885-1886 killed 90% of the cattle.

War of 1812

cause: impressment con: N of NJ (mercantile/financial resources) Pro: S, W Finance hard: charter of BUSA expired in 1811, N merchants and banks refuse to loan money BR destroys US: repels feeble invasions of Canada and imposes a blockade severely hurting US commerce BR invades US and burns White House Two-front struggle: BR and Indians Treaty of Ghent ended it Effects: confirmed ability of a Rep government to conduct a war without surrendering its institutions, completed conquest of the area E of the MI, broke remaining power of Indians in Old NW and reduced influence in S, strengthened nationalism in Canada


circulation was only about 3,000, and three-quarters of subscribers were African Americans in 1834 earned nationwide notoriety for its uncompromising advocacy of "immediate and complete emancipation of all slaves" in the United States Sers reprinted editorials in order to condemn them

Pure Food and Drug Act

established a federal agency to police the Q and labeling of food and drugs Progressive law aimed at curbing practices like those exposed in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

American Temperance Society

founded in 1826 goal: liberate men and women from the "slavery" of alcohol reduced consumption of alcohol significantly, showing how reform had become a badge of respectability to members of N's emerging middle-class culture aroused hostility from Americans who drank occasionally

Abigail Adams "Remember the Ladies"

commented on evils of slavery struggle for liberty emboldened other colonists to demand more liberty for themselves women should give up the harsh title of Master for the more tender one of Friend

Ho Chi Minh

communist leader of the Vietnamese movement against French rule modeled his 1945 proclamation of nationhood on the American Declaration of Independence

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

considered Tenure of Office Act an unconstitutional restriction on his authority removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton from office in 1868 House presented charges against him Johnson's lawyers assured moderates that, if acquitted, he would stop interfering with Reconstruction policy ruling: one vote short of 2/3 necessary to convict him

vertical integration

control every phase of the business, from raw materials to transportation, manufacturing, and distribution

Malcolm X

converted to Islam in jail X symbolizes blacks' separation from African ancestry spokesman for Muslims Left neither a consistent ideology nor a coherent movement Called for blacks to rely on their own resources IDEAS Pre-Mecca: sharp critic of the ideas of integration and nonviolence Post-Mecca: interracial cooperation possible intellectual father of Black Power -highly imprecise idea about black freedom -reflected the radicalization of young civil rights activists -sparked an explosion of racial self-assertion

Roe v. Wade (1973)

created a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy declared access to abortion a fundamental freedom protected by the Constitution invalidated 46 state laws


created a federal pension system funded by taxes on workers' wages and by an equivalent contribution by employers embodied the government's new responsibility to ensure the material well-being of ordinary Americans—not just promote the interests of big business so as to enlarge the economy as a whole transformed relationship between government and citizens: assumed a responsibility for guaranteeing Americans a living wage and protecting them against economic and personal misfortune

First: Public Works Administration (PWA)

created by NIRA, National Industry Recovery Act built roads, schools, hospitals, and other public facilities


created in 1917 flooded country with prowar propaganda; pamphlets, Four-Minute Men everywhere (sometimes in foreign languages) first propaganda agency set a precedent for active governmental efforts to shape public opinion in international conflict

League of Nations

creation of a general association of nations to preserve the peace vision: a global counterpart to the regulatory committees Progressives had created at home to maintain social harmony and prevent the powerful from exploiting the weak

Settlement houses

devoted to improving the lives of the immigrant poor first: Hull House, 1889 centers were usually run by educated middle class women houses became centers for reform in the women's and labor movements


divided up markets between supposedly competing firms fixed prives

LA Purchase

doubled size of US; ended FR presence in N America Jeff dispatched envoys to FR to buy New Orleans, and Napoleon offered to sell the whole thing Jeff admitted it was extra-constitutional, but pragmatic blacks and women lost rights

3/5 compromise

each slave is 3/5 of a human; proposed by SC other states agreed for the sake of national unity helped embed slavery more deeply than ever in US politics allowed white S to exercise far greater power in national affairs than it should have; 3/4 of presidents before CW were from S

King Cotton

early IR centered on factories producing cotton textiles with water-powered spinning/weaving machinery = huge demand for cotton worldwide US supplies 75%

Populist party

emerged in the early 1890s out of the Farmer's Alliance GOALS -nationalize railroads, telephone, and telegraph -institute a graduated income tax -create a new federal sub treasury -free and unlimited coinage of silver (in this way, lower debts through inflation) WHO popular with farmers who wanted to -reverse their declining $ prospects -rescue the government from what they saw as control by powerful corporate interests women from farm and labor backgrounds sometimes racists, sometimes tried to unite black and white small farmers

WAGNER ACT (National Labor Relations Act)

empowered National Labor Relations Board to supervise elections in which employees voted on union representation, bringing democracy into the American workplace lef to a dramatic increase in labor union membership

Civil Rights Act of 1866

enacted by Congress in 1865 but vetoed by President Andrew Johnson; in April 1866 Congress again passed the bill and overrode veto Response to black codes declared blacks to be citizens of the United States gave the government power to intervene in state affairs to protect the rights of its citizens


encourage manufacturing and commerce; more bullion in than out role of the colonies to serve the interests of the mother country by producing marketable raw materials and importing manufactured goods from home

Navigation Acts

enumerated goods have to be transported in English ships and sold initially in English ports; most European goods must be shipped through England, where customs duties are paid initially: stimulated rise of NE's shipbuilding industry

Harriet Tubman

escaped and subsequently made about thirteen missions to rescue approximately seventy enslaved family and friends using the Underground Railroad helped John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harpers Ferry in the post-war: era struggled for women's suffrage

Hamilton's Program

establish credit-worthiness: people confidently loan money (bonds) and are paid back new national debt: give rich a stake in promoting stability Bank of USA whiskey tax tariffs Goal: make US a major commercial and military power modeled on GB Sers accept in exchange for the establishment of the capital on Potomac between MD and VA

First: National Recovery Administration (NRA)

established by the National Industry Recovery Act reflected how New Deal reshaped understandings of freedom: liberty does NOT necessitate laissez-faire Headed by Hugh S. Johnson GOAL: end cutthroat competition; companies won't try to drive each other out of business anymore PROVISIONS -would work with groups of business leaders to establish industry codes that set standards for output, prices, and working conditions -exempt from antitrust laws -workers have the right to organize unions initial enthusiasm turns to controversy -large companies dominate the code-writing process; use it to drive up prices, limit production, lay off workers, and to divide markets among themselves at the expense of smaller competitors -employers ignore 7a Problem: not enough government manpower to police 750 codes Ineffective; produces neither recovery nor peace between employees and workers


established in 1949 US, Canada, and 10 W European nations pledge mutual defense against any further Soviet attack


expectation: an era of prosperity based on industrial expansion and agricultural diversification reality: region sank deeper and deeper into poverty, although some industry did develop.

Ida Tarbell

exposed arrogance and economic machinations of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company most substantial product of muckraking

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (1963)

exposed the environmental costs of economic growth

Quebec Act of 1774

extended S boundary of Quebec to OH River and granted legal toleration to the Roman Catholic church in Canada Sought to secure the allegiance of QB's Catholics by offering rights denied to Catholics in BR threw into question claims in OH country persuaded many colonists that government in London trying to strengthen Catholicism, dreaded by most Protestants; cause of liberty = cause of God

Great Awakening

factors setting the stage: fear that W expansion, commercial development, growth of Enlightenment rationalism, and lack of individual engagement in church services leading to less religious devotion sparked by work of Whitefield characteristic: intensely emotional preaching, Christianity grew more emotional and personal, new churches not a coordinated movement, but a series of local events united by a commitment to religion of the heart redrew religious landscape of colonies reflected existing social tensions, threw into question many forms of authority, and inspired criticism of aspects of colonial society some condemned slavery introduced lots of blacks to Christianity effects: slavery weaker, women more empowered, more religious opportunities, more printed material, trust elites less and selves more, **more independent frame of mind

Battle of Wounded Knee (1890)

feared uprising because of ghost dancing government sent troops to the reservations; opened fire on Ghost Dancers encamped near Wounded Knee Creek mostly killed women and children

Korean War (1950-1953)

first "hot war" of the Cold war EVENTS -N Korea invaded S Korea, hoping to reunify the country under communist control -Truman saw it as a test of containment; persuaded UN security council to authorize the use of force to repel the invasion. Meanwhile, the Soviets (who could have vetoed) were boycotting to protest the refusal to seat communist China -US troops did most fighting -McArthur launched a counterattack and occupied most of N Korea; neared Chinese border. Assailed by Chinese troops -Demanded to invade China and use nuclear weapons against it, but Truman wouldn't allow it -McArthur publicly criticizes Truman -> removed from command -ends in stalemate; 1953 armistice restores prewar status quo

Antietam and Emancipation Proclamation (1862)

first major battle in the American Civil War to take place on Union soil bloodiest single-day battle in American history Lincoln issued Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation: unless S lays down arms by the end of 1862, he will decree abolition Emancipation Proclamation of 1863: declares slaves in 10 seceding states free; doesn't apply to slaves in states that haven't seceded Union army became an agent of emancipation

Knights of Labor

first national union; founded in 1869; lasted until 1890s; supplanted by the AFL grew quickly: America industrializing, open membership, urban population growing IDEAS -idealists -everyone welcome; first group to try to organize unskilled and skilled, blacks and whites, women and men DECLINE: bad structure, failed strikes; Haymarket sparked

Charles Lindbergh

first to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927

Articles of Confederation

first written constitution to the US 1781-1788 firm league of friendship one-house Congress; one vote/state balance need for national coordination with widespread fear that centralized political power = danger to liberty Only thing government can do: declare war, conduct foreign affairs, make treaties Can coin money, but can't tax or regulate commerce

middle passage

for slaves, the voyage across the Atlantic the second leg in the triangular trading routes linking Europe, Africa, and America What propagated slavery: high death rate, desire of Africans for European guns, rise of militaristic states desiring European money, growing demand for tobacco

sit-down strike

form of protest in which workers remain in the workplace, but refuse to work until a settlements is reached


formally abolished slavery throughout the USA

National Organization of Women (NOW)

formed in 1966; Betty Friedan is president modeled on civil rights organizations MOTIONS -demanded equal opportunity in jobs, education, and political participation -attacked the false image of women spread by the mass media

Women's Christian Temperance Union

founded in 1874; became the era's largest female organization a way in which women exerted a growing influence on public affairs moved from demanding the prohibition of alcoholic beverages to a comprehensive program of economic and political reform, including suffrage women must join assertively in movements to change society

Wade-Davis Bill (1864)

free blacks convinced radical Republicans to write it PROVISIONS: -in order to become a full state, a majority of white male Sers must pledge support for Union -blacks =, but no right to vote Pocket vetoed by Lincoln

Charles Fourier and the "phalanxes"

french socialist; advocated that people share work and living arrangements in communities known as Fourier Phalanxes inspired Brook Farmers


generational rebellion continued the tradition, incited by the sit-ins of the early 1960s and embodied by the New Left, of youth uprising IDEAS -notion of the free individual was at the counterculture's core -redefined "freedom" as rejection of all authority, focusing the understanding of the word on culture—not politics—for the first time -shunned the mainstream -searched for a way of life in which friendship and pleasure eclipsed the single-minded pursuit of wealth. --scorned the values and behavior of their conformist -sought release from the choking bonds of organized bureaucratic institutions flamboyant rejection of respectable norms in clothing, language, sexual behavior, and drug use become a mass movement for the first time in history as millions of young people praise creative experimentation and self-indulgence


got Bryan nominated as Democratic presidential candidate in 1896 gold standard is bad

Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848)

got: MX confirmed annexation of TX; ceded CA, NM, AZ, NV, and UT = Mexican Cession gave: $15m guaranteed to male citizens the free enjoyment of liberty and property and all the rights of Americans Indians are savage tribes

First: Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

government-planned economic transformation; not just direct relief for the first time: put federal government in the business of selling electricity in competition with private companies built a series of dams; GOALS: -prevent floods and deforestation along the TN River -provide cheap electric power to homes and factories in a region where many families still lived in isolated log cabins

Iran-Contra affair

greatest scandal of Reagan's presidency EVENTS 1984: Congress banned military aid to Contras fighting the Sandinista government of Nicaragua 1985: Regan secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, the subject of an arms embargo, in order to secure the release of a number of American hostages held by Islamist groups in the middle east Diverted some of the profits to buy military supplies for the Contras in defiance of the congressional ban 1987: Middle Eastern newspaper leaked the story Congress held hearings that revealed a pattern of official duplicity and violation of the law Eleven convicted; Reagan denied knowledge undermined confidence that Reagan controlled his own administration

Anne Hutchinson

held co-ed discussions of religious issues in her home agreed with the elect thing her beef: all ministers in MA preach faultily, since they distinguish saints from damned on basis of external activities rather than inner grace debated interpretation of Bible colony leaders found her a threat; tried and convicted; banished to RI, then Westchester

Ford's assembly line

helped to make car inexpensive so more Americans could buy them production tripled during the 1920s; one car every 90 minutes automobile backbone of American ECON GROWTH -stimulated other industries: steel, rubber, oil, road construction -promoted tourism -promoted the growth of suburbs

Alger Hiss

high-ranking State Department official accused of being a Soviet spy in 1948; convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in 1950 Whittaker Chambers testified that Hiss had given him secret documents to pass to Soviet agents highly publicized; fueled growing anti-communist hysteria Nixon pursued him, becoming nationally famous


hostility to immigrants emerged as a local political movement in the 1840s: anti-Irish, anti-Catholic, anti-S and E Europe 1854: burst onto national political scene with the know-nothings

Domino Theory

if one state in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect used by successive United States administrations during the Cold War to justify the need for American intervention around the world

First: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

independent federal agency that oversees stock trading to protect investors has primary responsibility for enforcing the federal securities laws and regulating the securities industry FUNCTIONS: protects investors, listens to complaints, issues licenses and penalizes fraud

homestead strike (1892)

industrial lockout and strike which began on June 30, 1892 in Homestead, PA between Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (the AA) and Carnegie Steel culminated in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892 DEMONSTRATES: neither a powerful union nor public opinion can influence the conduct of the largest corporations

Compromise of 1877

informal and unwritten Resolved conflict between Dems and Reps Hayes will -recognize Dem control of entire S -avoid further intervention in local affairs -place a Ser in the cabinet position of postmaster general (yes) -work for fed aid to TX and Pacific railroad, a transcontinental line projected to follow a S route (never happened) Dems will -not dispute Hayes's right to office (yes) -respect civil and political rights of blacks (failed)

Good Neighbor Policy

initiated by Hoover; FDR formalized it US repudiated the right to intervene militarily in the internal affairs of Latin American countries EFFECTS -accepted repeal of Platt, which had authorized military intervention in Cuba -withdrew troops from Haiti and Nica BUT -supported dictators in Nica, DR, and Cuba -took steps to counter German influence in Latin America by expanding hemispheric trade and promoting respect for American culture

Proclamation of 1763

inspired by an uprising between Indians and British prohibited further colonial settlement west of the Appalachians; land reserved for Indians banned the sale of Indian lands to private individuals--only colonial govts could make such purchases aim: stabilize situation on colonial frontier; avoid being dragged into border conflict enraged settlers, who ignored it effect: further exacerbated settler-Indian relations

Upton Sinclair, The Jungle

inspired pro-consumer federal laws regulating meat, food, and drugs Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) Meat Inspection Act (1906)

Henry Cabot Lodge

introduced the Literacy Test bill in 1896 to be taken by immigrants; vetoed by Cleveland, then passed in 1917 demanded Congressional control of declarations of war led a group of Republicans against the League of Nations proposed amendments to the League Covenant, but Wilson would not accept the US did not join the League

Eli Whitney

invented the cotton gin

Cyrus McCormick

invented the mechanical reaper

horizontal integration

joining or consolidating with ones competitors to create a monopoly


journalists writing for mass-circulation national magazines exposed the ills of industrial and urban life muckraking = the use of journalistic skills to expose the underside of American life

Rosenberg case, 1951

jury convicted working-class Jewish communist couple from NYC of conspiracy to pass secrets concerning A-bomb to Soviet agents during WWII accuser: David Greenglass, Ethel's brother NO evidence; rested on highly secret docs that could not be revealed in court prosecutors seemed to have indicted her in the hope of pressuring Julius to confess and implicate others nonetheless: convicted of helping cause the Korean War and sentenced to death powerfully reinforced idea that an army of Soviet spies was at work in the USA


kidnapping sailors to serve in British navy a reason for the War of 1812

The Age of Jackson

known as "Old Hickory"; hates the British and the Indians; war hero in the Battle of New Orleans; defeated Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend; believed in the Common Man; reduced voting restictions; 7th president; "Good Ole Boy System"; Indian Removal Act; Trail of Tears; Worcester v. Georgia

Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963)

launched the public reawakening of feminist consciousness focused attention on gap between American rhetoric and reality IDEA -consumer culture is empty -middle class is discontent -suburban home is a comfortable concentration camp; women trapped there

Black Codes

laws passed by the new S governments that attempted to regulate the lives of former slaves granted blacks certain rights marriage ownership of private property limited access to courts denied: right to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state militias, suffrage Those who fail to sign yearly labor contracts can be arrested and hired out to white landowners -> vigorous response from Rep North

Terence Powderly

leader of Knights of Labor

Samuel Gompers

leader of the AFL

Eugene Debs

leader of the American Railway Union, whose members included both skilled and unskilled RR laborers


leader of the UNIA, Universal Negro Improvement Association immigrant from Jamaica IDEAS -pushed for African independence and black self-reliance -urged blacks to return to Africa; blacks would never be treated justly in countries ruled by whites -blacks should enjoy the same internationally recognized ID enjoyed by other peoples in the aftermath of the war DuBois and other black leaders hated him Deported for mail fraud

James Oglethorpe

leader of the group of philanthropists who founded Georgia wealthy reformer causes: improved conditions for imprisoned debtors, opposition of slavery hoped to establish a haven where the worthy poor of England could enjoy economic opportunity

Cesar Chavez

led a long series of nonviolent protests GOAL -end the exploitation of Mexican farmers -pressure growers to agree to labor contracts with the United Farm Workers union (UFW)

segregation laws

legal; Civil Rights Act of 1875 (outlawed racial discrimination) unconstitutional by Civil Rights Cases in 1883


list of people who agitated companies that was circulated to employers so they couldn't get jobs


made nonmembership in a union a condition of employment overturned by Court as a violation of personal liberty 1932: outlawed


made possible the final withdrawal of American troops; American bombing ceased, and military draft ended left in place the government of S Vietnam left N Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers in control in parts of the S did not solve basic question of the war: one country or two? Solved in spring of 1975, when S Vietnamese government collapsed to a final N military offensive and US didn't intervene

cotton gin

made possible the growing and selling of cotton on a large scale revolutionized American slavery slavery had been dying out because tobacco had exhausted the soil state reopened slave trade; continued until 1808

Know-Nothing Party, 1854-1856

nativists; sought to curb immigration and naturalization, but met with little success promised to purify American politics by limiting or ending the influence of Irish Catholics and other immigrants, thus reflecting nativism and anti-Catholic sentiment empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, whom they saw as hostile to republican values and controlled by the Pope in Rome. all Prot males

melting pot

new immigration from S and E Europe, begun in 1890, reached peak during Progressive Era 40m between 1840 and 1914; 13m between 1901 and 1914 most from Italy, Russia, and Austro-Hungary 1914: cut off by WWI, then legislation

Townshend Acts of 1767

new taxes on goods imported into colonies new board of customs commissioners to collect them and suppress smuggling would use revenue to pay salaries of American governors and judges, freeing them from dependence on colonial assemblies opposition slow, but steady


massive retaliation ran on this doctrine: any small conflict can escalate into war that will destroy both US and USSR EFFECTS -MAD made both powers very cautious -inspired widespread fear of impending nuclear war

Slave Codes

masters and government have full control over slaves' lives

Father Coughlin

mid-1930s radio priest -attracted millions of listeners with weekly broadcasts attacking Wall St bankers and greedy capitalists -called for government ownership of key industries as a way of combatting the Depression considered FDR bad, since his New Deal failed to promote social justice eventually became an anti-Semitist and European fascist

Bank of USA

modeled on Bank of England private corporation; not a government branch hold public funds, issue bank notes, make loans

John Peter Zenger

most famous colonial court case involving freedom of the press; demonstrated that popular sentiment opposed prosecutions for criticism of public officials Zenger's newspaper lambasted the governor for corruption, influence peddling, and tyranny. NY"s council ordered 4 issues burned and had Zenger arrested and tried for seditious libel Zenger found not guilty because he was right; accuracy of info > whether or not it was published. Helped promote idea that publication of truth should be permitted

WA's Farewell Address

mostly drafted by Hamilton and published in the newspapers rather than delivered orally defended admins against criticism, warned against the partisan spirit, and advised countrymen to steer clear of international power policies

Jazz Age

name referring to the 1920s a time of cultural change; generally refers to the arts such as writing, music, artwork, and architecture American Jazz music emerges from African American church and community; becomes international


named for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks under way since 1969 froze each country's arsenal of intercontinental missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads

Slaughterhouse Cases

narrowly interpreted 14th Amendment as only guaranteeing citizenship rights for blacks Court stated that 14th Amendment offered no protection against state infringement of a citizen's privileges.

Henry Kissinger

national security advisor to Presidents Nixon and Ford; he was architect of the Vietnam settlement, the diplomatic opening of China, and détente with the Soviet Union continued policy of attempting to undermine governments deemed dangerous to American strategic or economic interests


nationwide conflict between labor unions and railroads Pullman, IL: began EVENTS -3,000 employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company refused to handle trains with Pullman cars in response to recent reductions in wages -boycott crippled national rail service -Cleveland's attorney general ordered federal troops to Chicago to end the strike -federal troops occupied RR centers -lots died; Debs jailed for violating social order. SC unanimously approved the use of injunctions against striking labor unions


nativist Sers originated in Tennessee in 1865 leader: General Forrest a military arm of the Dems in the S reign of terror against Rep leaders Burned black schools and churches

Black Panthers (founded 1966)

new, militant group inspired by the idea of black self-determination youthful; wore military garb; ran health clinics and schools IDEAS -advocated armed self-defense in response to police brutality -demanded the release of black prisoners because of racism in the criminal justice system demise -internal disputes -campaign against them by the police and FBI

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)*

no Chinese can enter the country first time that race had been used to exclude an entire group of people from entering the USA (although non-whites had long been barred from becoming naturalized citizens) made permanent in 1902

1787 constitutional convention

no change in government structure = either anarchy or monarchy prominent; no Jeff or Adams. Propertied, educated Shared belief in excesses of democracy


northerners who moved to the South after the war implication: had packed bags in a suitcase and left homes in order to reap the spoils of office in S WHO: mostly Union soldiers who decided to remain in the S when the war ended


old people who paid for it through working


on the western frontier, the distinctive qualities of American culture were forged -individual freedom -political democracy -economic mobility West is a safety valve drawing off those dissatisfied with their situation in the E and counteracting the threat of social unrest

Anti-Imperialist League

organization established on June 15, 1898, to battle the American annexation of the Philippines as an insular area published Liberty Tracts, pamphlets warning that empire is incompatible with democracy BELIEFS -imperialism violates the fundamental principle that just republican government must derive from "consent of the governed" WHO -writers and social reformers who believe that American energies should be directed at home -businessmen fearful of the cost of maintaining overseas outposts -racists who don't want non-whties in US

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

organized 1848 Seneca Falls Convention with Lucretia Mott social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement led campaign for equal voting, legal, and property rights for women Declaration of Sentiments credited with initiating the first organized women's rights and women's suffrage movements in the United States.

WEB DuBois

organized Niagara movement, which sought to reinvigorate the abolitionist tradition helped create NAACP GOAL: reconcile the contradiction between American freedom for whites and the subjection of blacks IDEAS -Progressive: investigation, exposure, and education lead to solutions for social problems -no racial segregation -complete equality in econ and educational opp


organized by Niagara Movement in 1909 launched a long struggle for the enforcement of Amendment 14 and 15 didn't come to fruition during Progressive era at all GOALS -equality -no hatred -no discrimination

Executive Order 8802

passed by FDR in 1941 GOAL: prohibit racial discrimination in the national defense industry first federal action, though not a law, to promote equal opportunity and prohibit employment discrimination in the United States established the Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) to enforce the new policy


people loyal to Britain during the war

Jonathan Edwards

pioneered an intensely emotional style of preaching

Marshall Plan

pledged USA to contribute billions of dollars to finance the economic recovery of Europe quite successful GOAL: combat the idea, widespread since Depression, that capitalism was in decline and communism the wave of the future MAIN POINT the threat to American security is not Soviet military power, but economic and political instability, which is breeding grounds for communism further solidified division of Europe, as Soviets refused to participate


poor people

American Colonization Society

primary vehicle to support the return of free African Americans to what was considered greater freedom in Africa helped to found the colony of Liberia in 1821-22 as a place for freedmen gradual abolition cons: impractical pros: Ners saw it as the only way to rid nation of slavery, as it is so deeply embedded; free blacks degraded and dangerous to society colonization rested on premise that US is fundamentally white

Treaty of Versailles

signed on 28 June 1919 ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers Germany was forced to accept the treaty composed of only four of the original points made by President Woodrow Wilson punished Germany and did nothing to stop the threat of future wars maintained the pre-war power structure

NJ plan

single-house; everyone gets one vote

Hudson River School

produced canvases celebrating the wonders of nature


prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"

William Lloyd Garrison

prominent American abolitionist, journalist, and social reformer editor of the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator, which he founded in 1831 and published in MA until slavery was abolished by Constitutional amendment after the American Civil War one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society promoted "immediate emancipation" of slaves 1870s: became a prominent voice for the woman suffrage movement

Crittenden Compromise

proposal: extend MO Compromise line to Pacific Opposition: Rejected by seceders as too little, too late Support: N, Upper S saw it as a way to settle sectional differences Didn't pass: Lincoln opposed the expansion of slavery unyieldingly; feared S could take over Cuba and MX and continue slavery there

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

proposed by U.S. President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983 to use ground-based and space-based systems to protect the United States from attack by strategic nuclear ballistic missiles if developed, would invalidate the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 idea not remotely technologically feasible

William Penn

proprietor of PA Envisioned PA as a place where those facing religious persecution in Europe could enjoy spiritual freedom; colonists and Indians could coexist in harmony A Quaker

Naval officer Alfred Thayar Mahan, "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History" (1890)

published the same year that the frontier ceased to exist; "Americans must now begin to look outward" argued that no nation could prosper without a large fleet of ships engaged in international trade, protected by a powerful navy operating from overseas bases So: a proponent of empire

Jim Crow laws

racial segregation laws enacted between 1876 and 1965 in the United States at the state and local level. They mandated de jure racial segregation in all public facilities in Southern states of the former Confederacy, with, starting in 1890, a "separate but equal" status for African Americans led to conditions for African Americans that tended to be inferior to those provided for white Americans, systematizing a number of economic, educational and social disadvantages

"Tariff of Abominations" (1828)

raised taxes on imported manufactured goods made of wool and raw materials such as iron

KKK in early 1920s

reached its numerical peak during the 1920s, when nativist sentiment was at a height from WWI 1915: reborn in Atlanta after the lynching of Leo Frank, a Jew accused of killing a teen girl 1925: declined after leader was convicted of assaulting a young woman hated: blacks, immigrants (Jews, Catholics) and forces (feminism, unions, giant corporations sometimes) employed the same tactics as it always had: fear, lynchings, and intimidation deep roots in N and W

John Brown and Pottawatomie Creek Massacre, May 1856

reaction to the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas by pro-slavery forces John Brown and a band of abolitionist settlers (some of them members of the Pottawatomie Rifles) killed five settlers north of Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County, Kansas

Gadsden Purchase (1853)

region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that was purchased by the United States in a treaty signed by James Gadsden, the American ambassador to Mexico at the time, on December 30, 1853 last mainland territorial acquisition

Declaratory Act of 1766

rejected Americans' claims that only their elected reps could levy taxes passed after Stamp Act


relaxation of tensions between the United States and its two major Communist rivals, the Soviet Union and China Nixon and Breshnev proclaimed it in 1969 to replace the hostility of the Cold War

Rosa Parks

remembered as a symbol of ordinary blacks' determination to resist the daily injustices and indignities of the Jim Crow South political activist

KS-NB Act (1854)

repeals MO Compromise, which prohibited slavery in KS and NB criticized by Appeal of the Independent Democrats protest meeting against it spring up across the N shatters Dems' unity; ends Second Party System N Dems divide HALF vote con so as not to lose constituencies and chance for re-election HALF vote pro so as to maintain loyalty to Douglas, Pierce, and Dems Changes: -S becomes solidly Dem -N Whigs + mad Dems join Reps, dedicated to stopping expansion of slavery

War Powers Act (1973)

required president to seek congressional approval for the commitment of American troops overseas most vigorous assertion of congressional control over foreign policy in US history

Fair Employment Practices Committee

required that companies with government contracts not discriminate on the basis of race or religion GOAL: help African Americans and other minorities obtain jobs in the homefront industry during World War II

Jane Addams

resented the prevailing expectation that a woman's life should be governed by the obligation to family founded Hull House strong interest in black rights


rose during 1890s; union membership rebounded from its decline in the late 1880s founder and president: Samuel Gompers GOALS -NOT idealist -negotiate with employers for higher wages and better working conditions FEATURES -restricted membership to skilled workers; reflected how the labor movement was becoming less inclusive; excluded blacks, women, new immigrants -membership centered on sectors of the economy dominated by small, competitive businesses with workers who frequently were united by craft skill and ethnic background

Robert Owen and New Harmony

secular founded: 1810s goal: create a "new moral world" common good trumps individual ambition individuals can be morally transformed by changing living circumstances educational reform: take kids away early; teach them to subordinate own ambition to common good <10 years; residents conflicted legacy: influenced labor movement, educational reformers, and women's rights

Articles of Impeachment

set of charges drafted against a public official to initiate the impeachment process drafted by the House of Representatives for cases involving federal officials Once drafted, a supermajority of the United States Senate is required to convict based on the articles brought against Nixon in 1974

First: Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

set unemployed young men to work on projects like forest preservation, flood control, and the improvement of national parks and wildlife preserves 1933-1942

Nat Turner, 1831 VA

slave preacher who believed that God had chosen him to rise up went from farm to farm assaulting whites more fear amongst whites -> whipping slaves, considering getting rid of slavery in VA long-term effect: more restrictions. No preacher blacks, more militia, no firearms for blacks, no reading for slaves

Tallmadge Amendment

slavery problem as politics reorganize along sectional lines intro of further slaves to LA Purchase be prohibited; kids of those in MO already be freed at 25 shattered Rep unity along sectional lines passes House, dies in Senate


sought religious refuge in PA beliefs: everyone equal; liberty a universal entitlement nice to Indians Pacifists

lords of the lash

southern slaveowners: bought clothes from Ners


stagnant economic growth + high inflation 1973-1981

Truman doctrine (1947)

stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet sphere PRECEDENT -American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic -creation of a set of global military alliances directed against the Soviet Union -containment; made US the global policeman used to rally popular backing for the war -NEEDED to control Greece and Turkey, as they were critical military sites -public and Congress would only agree to help these two seemingly-corrupt governments if scared -used freedom to get support

popular sovereignty

status of slavery determined by votes of local settlers, not Congress to Douglas, embodies the idea of local self-government and offers a middle ground between N and S principle on which all Dems can unite

Black Tuesday: 10/29/1929

stock market crashed; panic selling set in; >$10b vanished in five hours CAUSES -frenzied real-estate spec, then spectacular busts in S CA and FL -highly unequal income distribution + prolonged depression in farm regions = less purchasing power -sales of new cars and consumer goods stagnated after 1926 -European demand for American goods declined as industry there recovered

Holy Experiment, PA

strict code of personal morality Christian religious freedom equality of all government: appointed council assembly elected by male taxpayers and freemen nice to Indians attracted lots of immigrants → Indian conflict

United Nations (established 1945)

successor to League GOAL: promote international co-operation STRUCTURE -forum where everyone is equal -Security Council responsible for maintaining world peace; five permanent members can veto resolutions peaceful; no force to settle international disputes

Gettysburg Address

summarized conception of war's meaning identified nation's mission with the principle that all men are created equal, spoke of the war as bringing about a new birth of freedom, and defined the essence of democratic government

iron curtain

symbolized -ideological conflict and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas during CW -efforts by the Soviet Union to block itself and its satellite states from open contact with the west and non-Soviet-controlled areas NATO v. Warsaw Pact

Montgomery Bus Boycott, 1955-6

victory of the Montgomery Bus Boycott laid the foundation for groundbreaking change during the late 1950s and 1960s EFFECTS/LEGACY -represented the beginning of the mass phase of the civil rights movement, the movement for racial justice as a nonviolent crusade based in the black churches of the South -marked the emergence of Martin Luther King, Jr -gained the support of N liberals -focused unprecedented and unwelcome international attention on USA's racial policies


western and central regions of New York in the early 19th century where religious revivals and the formation of new religious movements of the Second Great Awakening took place


white Republicans born in the South some had money mostly non-slaveholding white farmers from the S upcountry important; population evenly divided between Rep blacks and white Dems

Habeas Corpus suspension

writ that allows a criminal to challenge custody; suspension allowed Union to make secret arrests Lincoln used it to intimidate border states into rejecting secession.

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