APUSH Period 9

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The success of the new conservative movement in achieving its goals was most challenged by the A ongoing popularity of many social welfare programs B reform of federal tax policies C Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s D increased role of Christian evangelicals in the Republican Party


Which of the following best explains the cause of overall changes to union membership in the early twenty-first century as depicted in the maps? A Service industry positions overtook manufacturing employment. B Military service increased following national security threats. C New immigrant groups were disinclined to join unions. D Unemployment rose as result of oil crises that affected many industries.


The excerpt would be of limited use to a historian seeking to explain the political position common in the 1990s that the United States should A help immigrants affected by international crises B recruit immigrant laborers for agricultural work C reduce the influence of new immigrant cultures D celebrate the diversity created by immigration


The new conservative movement most consistently criticized modern liberalism by claiming that it A threatened traditional visions of morality B engaged in imperialist expansionism abroad C ignored racial discrimination and poverty at home D devoted too few resources to alleviating poverty


Which of the following best explains a conclusion supported by the point of view expressed in the excerpt? A Terrorism challenged national security agencies. B Terrorism justified changes to immigration policies. C Terrorism limited international economic growth. D Terrorism undermined United States military alliances.


Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were similar as presidential candidates in that both A articulated the public's desire for less involvement in foreign affairs B capitalized on their status as Washington outsiders C promised Congress increased control over domestic matters D renounced private fund-raising in support of their campaigns E had built national reputations as legislators


The Reagan Revolution of the early 1980s entailed A tax cuts for low-income Americans and expansion of social welfare programs B tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and increases in defense spending C a free-trade policy with European nations D national health insurance E a balanced federal budget


Which of the following explanations for United States foreign policy debates after September 11, 2001, could the situation described in the excerpt best be used to support? A Some people asserted that the United States should return to isolationism. B The national security efforts to prevent terrorism were controversial. C The decision to go to war in Iraq deeply divided the American people. D Some people argued that fossil fuel dependence undercut national security.


"Reaganomics," or supply-side economics, led to which of the following? A A decline in unemployment and poverty B Greater tax revenues than government expenditures C Large increases in the incomes of wealthy Americans D An increase in appropriations for school lunches E Lower military expenditures than during the Carter administration


During the 1970s and 1980s, the New Right appealed strongly to all of the following groups EXCEPT those who were A concentrated in suburbs in the South and Southwest B evangelical Protestants C urban African Americans D afraid that the Soviet Union represented a growing menace E opposed to government intervention in the economy


The federal government most enhanced its legal authority to address threats considered a clear and present danger during which of the following later periods? A In the 1970s, following antiwar protests against United States involvement in Vietnam B In the 1980s, following the renewed United States concerns over the Soviet threat C In the 1990s, following United States military interventions in Somalia D In the 2000s, following the terrorist attacks in the United States


The ideas about immigration expressed in the excerpt were most directly situated in which of the following contexts in the 1990s? A Immigrants from Europe once again became the largest group. B Immigration remained largely unaffected by global events. C Immigration rates dropped to their lowest point in the twentieth century. D Immigration debates became increasingly politicized.


Which of the following best explains the Reagan administration's approach to communism? A Containing its spread by building a new system of international alliances B Engaging in military interventions in Southeast Asia to prevent coups of governments C Pursuing a policy of détente or mutual coexistence with the Soviet Union and China D Using a buildup of nuclear and conventional weapons to create pressure on the Soviet Union


From 1984 to 1986, Reagan administration officials secretly sold arms to Iran to illegally finance A a rebellion against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua B a coup against the Castro regime in Cuba C the invasion of Grenada D Great Britain's pursuit of the Falkland Islands War E a leftist revolt in El Salvador


One of the goals of Reaganomics was to A encourage private investment through tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy B redistribute income to the bottom fifth of wage earners C reduce the United States nuclear arsenal D restrict immigration from Mexico E outsource United States manufacturing to Asian countries


Reagan's reference to renewed respect for the United States most directly reflects the belief that his administration solved the problems caused by A past foreign policy failures B urban poverty C the budget deficit D racial inequality


The George W. Bush administration created which of the following executive agencies? A Department of Homeland Security B National Security Agency C Federal Emergency Management Agency D Environmental Protection Agency E Central Intelligence Agency


Which of the following best explains a historically accurate aspect of immigration during the 1990s that the excerpt does not address? A Immigrants moved to rural areas at a greater pace than to urban areas. B Membership of labor unions increased as a result of immigrant participation. C Economic booms encouraged immigration to the Sun Belt region. D Total immigration to the United States declined as a result of deindustrialization.


The ideas expressed in the excerpt overlook which of the following contexts that defined immigration to the United States during the period from 1980 to 2000 ? A Immigrants were arriving from different countries than in previous periods. B Immigrants were attracted by employment opportunities in mineral extraction. C Immigration was limited based on quotas from certain regions. D Immigration was spurred by demand for industrial production.


The ideas in the excerpts best reflect which of the following about United States foreign policy during Reagan's administrations? A Conservatives were willing to increase government spending in order to support Cold War military interventions. B Political leaders shifted focus to provide aid in humanitarian crises rather than to directly engage in conflicts. C Military and national security priorities changed to reflect the aim to combat terrorism around the world. D The United States public widely supported sending military forces to countries to stop the expansion of communism.


The major trend depicted in the graph most directly reflects which of the following developments in the United States during the late twentieth century? A Wages stagnated for most Americans. B Immigration from Latin America increased. C More women participated in the paid workforce. D Labor union membership grew.


Which of the following best represents an important aspect of Reagan's views about economic growth? A Deregulating industry B Addressing economic inequality C Reducing government defense spending D Increasing manufacturing employment


Which of the following best explains a change in United States foreign policy in the years immediately after the end of the Cold War? A The United States sought to aid other nations struggling against communism. B The United States established an international financial system to aid countries devastated by war. C The United States engaged in new sorts of military and peacekeeping interventions in several countries. D The United States sought to acquire new territories outside of its existing boundaries.


Jimmy Carter and Ronald Regan were similar as presidential candidates in that both A articulated the public's desire for less involvement in foreign affairs B capitalized on their status as Washington outsiders C promised Congress increased control over domestic matters D renounced private fund-raising in support of their campaigns E had built national reputations as legislators


Which of the following best explains a reason for the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s? A Declining public trust in foreign policy approaches led to a withdrawal of the United States from the world stage. B Economic problems in the Soviet Union undermined its ability to control its territories and engage in international conflicts. C Efforts to expose suspected communists in the United States reduced the Soviet ability to exercise influence abroad. D The United States and United Nations joint military intervention to support South Korea halted the expansionism of the Soviet Union.


Which of the following best explains a regional pattern of union membership in the early twenty-first century as depicted in the maps? A Wages generally increased in southern states. B Heavy industries in upper Midwest states experienced decline. C Agriculture along the West Coast saw dramatic changes. D Migration to the Midwest outpaced that of other regions.


Which of the following best supports Critchlow's assertion about the Republican Party? A The end of the Cold War B The 1980 election of Ronald Reagan as president C The continued expansion of Great Society programs D The political scandals under Richard Nixon's administration in the 1970s


Which of the following describes a difference between the arguments made by Rossinow and Berman in the excerpts? A Rossinow argues that the public was skeptical of the new conservative consensus, while Berman argues that conservative policies were widely supported. B Berman focuses on the economic factors that contributed to Reagan's election, while Rossinow focuses on the creation of social consensus as strengthening conservative political power. C Rossinow argues that Democrats rejected liberal economic programs to stay in power, while Berman argues that Democratic support for social programs strengthened in the 1980s. D Berman focuses on Reagan's rejection of policies that increased government spending, while Rossinow focuses on Reagan's efforts to strengthen support for military projects.


Which of the following factors contributed most to the major trend depicted in the graph? A The increase in United States trade with eastern Europe after the Cold War B The declining number of manufacturing jobs in the United States C The expansion of the social safety net through programs like Social Security D The construction of the interstate highway system


Which of the following most directly represents an attempt to put the principles stated in the excerpt into action? A Curtailing domestic civil liberties through federal legislation to improve security against terrorism B Participating in peacekeeping interventions in the Balkans to stop ethnic cleansing C Constructing the Star Wars missile defense system to reduce the nuclear threat D Creating a powerful military-industrial complex


Reagan's reference to "reaching our destination" most directly reflects which of the following political changes? A The expanded influence of young people in politics B Bipartisan support for reform of the United States financial system C The rise of a new conservatism that challenged liberal views about the role of government D Increased political mobilization of labor unions


The ideas expressed in the excerpt are most strongly situated within which of the following contexts? A The resistance to providing international humanitarian aid following environmental crises B The reaction against the signing of international free-trade agreements C The continuation of interventionist foreign policies following the end of the Cold War D The impact of global economic challenges as a result of banking failures


The principles on human rights articulated by President Bush are most similar to A the ideas expressed by President George Washington in his 1796 Farewell Address B President James K. Polk's support for Manifest Destiny in the 1840s C the ideas expressed by President Woodrow Wilson during and after the First World War D President Ronald Reagan's support for reinvigoration of anticommunism in the 1980s


Which of the following best describes a similarity between the arguments made by Rossinow and Berman in the excerpts? A Voters' increased approval for liberal programs changed Republican tactics. B Debates over foreign policy caused a split within the Democratic Party. C Conservatism had a widespread impact beyond the election of Reagan. D A defiant Soviet Union tested the strength of the United States military.


Which of the following best explains an effect on the United States economy by the patterns depicted in the maps? A Federal programs were created to reduce levels of unemployment. B Spending on defense industry work increased in order to create more jobs. C Wages for working and middle class people began to stagnate. D New technologies increased access to information and communication.


Which of the following demographic changes occurred in the United States in the three decades after 1965 ? A A shift in population from the South and West to the North and East B A decline in immigration C An increase in the proportion of people over the age of sixty-five D An increase in the birth rate E A decline in the proportion of people who lived in suburbs


Which of the following events most directly led to President Bush believing that a new "world order" was emerging? A United States military forces withdrawing from Vietnam B The spread of computers and global information networks C The end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union D Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon


The purpose of the excerpt could best be used to support which of the following explanations for why policies used to combat terrorism were controversial? A Some Americans sought to use new technologies to combat terrorism. B Some Americans believed that terrorism had no effect on United States domestic policy. C Some Americans saw Cold War policies as providing insight into how to prevent current terrorist actions. D Some Americans worried that the freedoms of United States citizens might be violated by the efforts to stop terrorism.


Throughout the presidential election campaign of 1980, Ronald Reagan's view of the best economic policy to pursue was based on his belief that A businesses were overproducing consumer goods B there was insufficient government spending to stimulate economic growth C international trade was the most important source of growth for the United States economy D excessive taxation left citizens with less money to save and invest E foreign countries were flooding markets with cheap goods and services


Which of the following claims is supported by the arguments made by both Rossinow and Berman? A Evangelical support for liberal social policies expanded during the 1980s. B Supporters of the Democratic Party pushed initiatives to increase taxes. C Conservative supporters wanted Reagan to expand the power of the federal government. D The influence of cultural debates persisted throughout politics in the 1980s.


Which of the following groups in the American work force has experienced the greatest percentage of growth since 1950? A Agricultural workers B Industrial workers C Unionized blue-collar workers D Service workers E Construction workers


The 1970's and the 1980's saw an increase in all of the following EXCEPT A the influence of Christian fundamentalism B the average age of Americans C support for consumer and environmental movements D the number of women holding political office E the percentage of two-parent households


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