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4) Which of the following best describes the context from which the ideas expressed in the excerpt emerged?

Political leaders sought to encourage domestic economic development.

25) The excerpt could best be used by historians studying which of the following in the early 1800s?

The political debates over economic development

38) The fulfillment of the proposal in the excerpt would most immediately affect American Indians by

prompting American Indian resistance to United States expansion and bringing about new federal government efforts focused on control

11) Which of the following claims is supported by the author's main argument in the excerpt?

Andrew Jackson can be blamed for the unintended effects of Indian removal.

31) The construction of canals depicted on the map most directly led to which of the following?

A strengthening of economic ties between the Northeast and the Midwest

1) Which of the following best describes Jefferson's point of view in the excerpt?

As the newly elected president, Jefferson believes government should limit interference in the lives of its citizens.

26) Which of the following was an interpretation of the speech by opponents of the goals Clay expressed in the excerpt?

Clays manufacturing plan would benefit one section of the country more than others.

17) Which of the following is a piece of evidence used by Howe to support his claim in the third paragraph of the excerpt about religious organizations in the early nineteenth century?

Members of the Evangelical United Front employed more people than the Post V Office did.

33) The excerpt best reflects which of the following trends during the early 1800s?

The increased role of the judiciary in establishing a stable economic system

29) The development of the canals depicted on the map most directly resulted from which of the following?

The market revolution

36) The fulfillment of Jefferson's proposal in the excerpt would be used to support which of the following executive acts?

The purchase of the Louisiana territory from France

35) Which of the following broader ideas did Jefferson most directly seek to advance through his administration's policies?

The vision of the United States as an agricultural republic

18) Which of the following describes a piece of evidence used by Howe to support his overall argument about the motivations of religious reformers?

They csired to teach people personal autonomy.

3) Which of the following best describes the political situation in which Jefferson gave the address in the excerpt?

The Democratic-Republican Party had won the presidency for the first time.

9) The excerpt could best be used by historians studying the

resistance against the expansion of United States influence

34) In the 1820s, which of the following would have most strongly supported the decision in the excerpt?

Entrepreneurs in transportation

16) A piece of evidence used by Howe in the second paragraph of the excerpt to support his argument about the goals of prison reform was that prison reformers

intended to use prisons to rehabilitate criminals

24) Which of the following resulted from the mass production of cotton described in the excerpt?

Some southerners relocated their plantations to the west of the Appalachian Mountains.

23) Which of the following most directly contributed to the development described in the excerpt?

A belief by southern businessmen that the southern economy should focus on the export of select agricultural products

15) Which of the following can be concluded about the United States based on the author's descriptions in the excerpt?

A common national culture was developing.

22) In the first half of the 1800s, which of the following resulted from the debates about the cotton economy described in the excerpt?

A distinct Southern economic and cultural identity emerged.

14) Which of the following can be concluded about the relationship between the United States and Europe based on the situation described in the excerpt?

European styles continued to influence American society.

28) Which of the following most directly contributed to the construction of canals depicted on the map?

Funding from state governments and private investors

12) Which of the following pieces of evidence would help modify an argument in the excerpt about President Jackson's intentions toward American Indians?

Jackson had led United States armies that conquered American Indian peoples ~ in the southeast and forced land cessions.

20) Which of the following pieces of evidence could best be used to modify the argument in the excerpt that many enslaved people engaged in oppositional activities?

Large-scale rebellions by enslaved African Americans in the first half of the 1800s were largely unsuccessful.

10) Which of the following describes a context that most influenced the implementation of the government policy discussed in the excerpt?

Many Americans desired the United States to expand its western land claims.

5) The claims in the excerpt were most likely interpreted as opposing which of the following existing federal government policies at the time?

Promoting economic development through foreign trade

8) Which of the following best explains how the purpose of the speech in the excerpt was interpreted by federal officials?

Red Jacket sought to protect Iroquois independence from the United States.

19) Which of the following does the author use as evidence to support her argument that slaveholders were "keen to master their slaves' senses of pleasure"?

Slaveholders held parties to encourage the loyalty of the enslaved.

6) Which of the following best describes a historian's likely interpretation of the situation in which the excerpt was produced in the early 1800s?

Some Americans promoted international strength through a unified national economy.

21) Which of the following best describes a context in the first half of the 1800s that influenced the development of slavery as described in the excerpt?

Southern planters used enslaved people to produce cotton for international markets.

27) Which of the following describes an interpretation of Clay's economic *1/1 principles at the time as expressed in the excerpt?

The United States should increase domestic manufacturing to promote prosperity.

32) Which of the following broader contexts most directly contributed to the conflict described in the excerpt?

The creation of a national market with increased regional interdependence

13)The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments?

The creation of a unique American culture

30) The construction of canals depicted on the map most directly contributed to which of the following changes?

The development of new towns and cities

40) The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical situations in the early 1800s?

The emergence of a new and distinctive American culture

7) The petition could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following?

The ideas that led some Americans to advocate for improved transportation

2) Which of the following was most likely a main purpose of Jefferson's inaugural address?

To summarize his beliefs about the ideal political system

37) The immediate diplomatic goal Jefferson sought through his proposal in the excerpt was most likely

extending United States influence over North America

39) The historical concept of the American identity, as characterized in the excerpt, was most clearly distinguished from the identities of other nations by the

importance of liberal ideas about natural rights and liberties

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