Ch. 18 review gov
Approximately how many cases are heard before the Supreme Court each year?
How many district courts are there?
Concurrent jurisdiction?
A case can be heard in either state or federal court
What types of cases to district courts hear?
Both civil and criminal
What is a judiciary?
Court system
How was the dissenting opinion different than the majority opinion?
Dissenting disagrees, majority is major vote
What does it mean that the US has a dual court system?
Divided into the state court and federal court
Where are the majority of cases heard each year?
Federal court what
Why Supreme Court called the "High Court"?
Final say on anything dealing with treaties, Congress, or Constitution
How long is the term of a constitutional court judge?
For life
How many federal judge be removed from office?
Impeached, die, or trial and senate
Who is the current Chief Justice?
John Roberts
Who was the first Supreme Court, Chief Justice?
John jay
Who is the leader of the department of justice?
Loretta lynch
If all of the Supreme Court justices take part in the case that case must be decided by a?
Majority vote
What case established the principle of judicial review?
Marbury vs Madison
What type of jurisdiction in District Court's have?
What types of jurisdiction does the Supreme Court have?
Original & appealate
Who appoints Supreme Court justices?
What is judicial review?
Right to declare acts of Congress the president acts unconstitutional
What are the legislative courts?
Special courts created in article one
What two factors determine whether federal court has jurisdiction to hear a case?
Subject matter and parties involved
What is the only court specifically mentioned in the Constitution?
Supreme Court
What courts of appellate jurisdiction?
Supreme Court and Court of Appeals
What are the differences between constitutional and special courts?
What is the concurring opinion?
That agrees with majority opinion but for different reasons
what is the title of the federal officer who makes the rest, secure jurors, and serves legal papers?
US marshals
What is a court order commanded a public officer to do something required by law?
Writ of mandamus
Most cases to reach the Supreme Court are appealed from?
What is a dissenting opinion?
written by one or more judges expressing disagreement with the majority opinion of the court which gives rise to its judgment.