APUSH -- UNIT 6 -- Chapter 13 FINAL

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What tensions emerged in the Southwest that threatened to lead the United States into war with Mexico?

A dispute developed over the boundary between Texas and mexico was the immediate cause of the war.

By combining the Oregon and the Texas issue in 1844, Democrats hoped to

appeal to both Northern and Southern expansionists.

what was the republican platform in 1860? to what specific political groups were the republicans trying to appeal and how did this platform propose to appeal to them?


What compromises were proposed to settle the issues raised by the Wilmot Proviso?

1) The Missouri Compromise line through the new territories to the Pacific coast, banning slavery north of the line and permitting it south of the line 2) Squatter/popular sovereignty would allow the people of each territory to decide the status of slavery there

When the new republic of Texas requested annexation by the United States,

Americans in the North opposed acquiring a large new slave territory.

How did the political parties react to the compromise of 1850?

Dissent came from individuals, not parties, because the major parties endorsed the Compromise of 1850.

how did president james buchanan respond to the kansas question? what were his reasons and what was the outcome? what does this tell you about the possibility of compromise on the issue of slavery in the territories?

He supported its admission as a slave state into the Union because he was trying to resolve the controversy. The outcome was pro slavery gov. had an election for delegates and free state residents refused to participate, so the pro slavery gov. won control of the convention. They created the Lecompton Constitution legalizing slavery however it was rejected. This shows the possibility of compromise on slavery was not going to happen easily.

What were the goals of President Polk? How did he resolve the Oregon question?

He wanted to annex Texas and get oregon back. Neither Britain nor Polk wanted to fight so the Senate approved a treaty that fixed the boundary at the 49th parallel.

American efforts to buy or seize Cuba failed because

antislavery forces in the North opposed it.

What type of society did northerners wish to create? how did free soil and free labor fit into their plans? why did they feel that the south was holding them back?

In the North, assumptions of the proper structure of society came to center on the belief of free soil and free labor. They came to believe that the existence of slavery was dangerous because it threatened whites. They felt the South was holding them back because they were stagnating, rejecting the powers of individualism and progress.

On what grounds was Polk's call for war criticized?

It gave the president too much power.

how did the free soil ideology manifest itself in the republican party? what diverse views did it unite?

It laid at the heart of the republican party. It strengthened their commitment to union because the idea of continued growth and progress was central to a free-labor vision, and dismemberment of the nation, secession of south, would diminish america's size and power.

How was it that American foreign policy objectives in the 1850s began to reflect the growing sectional divisions in the country?

It started to show the sectional divisions because they had different opinions on the policy objectives, like the South didn't want it because they foreigners were good to use as slaves.

what effect did the depression of 1857 have on political divisions in america? how did it increase the tension between the north and south? what did both sides see as the significance of this economic decline?

It strengthened Republicans because distressed Northern manufacturers, workers, and farmers blamed the depression on the southern controlled Democrat party. This caused tensions to rise between the North and South. The significance of the economic decline showed that Buchanan was an unfit president.

what were the goals of john brown's raids and why did it have such an impact on the south?

John Brown's goal was to discourage pro-slavery citizens, especially those wanting to settle in Kansas by arming slaves in order to revolt against slavery. It had a big impact on the South because they realized they were not safe living in the union and started talking about secession.

what were the elements of the south's proslavery response? who were its major spokespersons?

John C. Calhoun...He thought they needed to stop apologizing for slavery, races living together, good for society and economy, and felt North was greedy.

(CHAPT 13) What was Manifest Destiny? What forces created it?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that Americans were destined by God and by history to extend and expand its boundaries over a vast area. They were driven more by economic factors, such as cheap land or precious metals, than they were by a desire to fulfill a divine plan.

How did the South react to President Taylor's program?

Many Southerns started talking about secession.

How did Van Buren's position on Texas help the candidacy of James K. Polk? How did Polk's campaign catch the spirit of the time? What effect did Clay's position on Texas have on his campaign in the presidential election?

Many southern democrats supported annexation and the party passed over Van Buren to nominate a strong supporter of annexation (POLK). Polk supported the re-occupation of Oregon and the re-annexation of Texas at the earliest practicable period. This helped him appeal to the North and South. Clay had a noncommittal position on annexation.

How did Texas become available for annexation? What prevented its immediate annexation?

Mexico started to encourage American settlers coming to Texas in order to provide a buffer from incursions by native americans. They were attracted by the abundance of land for cotton usage. There were tensions between the US and Mexico...they wanted to legalize slavery in TX and they rebelled against Gen Santa Anna at the Alamo in San Antonio and they gained their independence (Lone Star Republic). President Jackson did not want to admit a large slave state to the union.very and threaten the stability of the Union.

What problems were faced in the attempt to organize a legit government in Kansas? why did these problems arise? how was it that kansas became a battleground for the sectional controversy?

Missouri people fled to kansas in large numbers and their votes got proslavery people into legislature. The free-state people set up their own government, so there were two governments existing at the same time.

How did the sections of the country react to the Compromise of 1850?

Neither of the sections liked it because there was no actual compromise.

What was Polk's plan for the conduct of the war? How was it set in motion, and what was accomplished in the first offensive of the Mexican war?

Polk ordered Taylor to cross the Rio Grande, seize parts of northeastern Mexico and then march on to Mexico city. Taylor captured Monterrey but he let Mexico evacuate without pursuit.

What were the objectives of the next 2 offensives in the war? What did they accomplish? What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

Polk ordered other offensives against California and New Mexico. Kearney captured Santa Fe and completed the conquest of California. In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico agreed to cede California and NM to the US and acknowledged the Rio Grande as the boundary of TX, and in return the US assumed any financial claims its new citizens had against Mexico and he also paid them 15 million.

What were the origins of the Slidell mission? What was its goal, what did it accomplish, and what was Polk's reaction to it?

Polk turned to diplomacy and dispatched this special minister to try and buy off the Mexicans.They rejected his offer so Polk ordered Taylor's army to wait at the Rio Grande.

What was the "empire of liberty" and how was it to be achieved?

The "empire of liberty" was a new amount of territory including Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and Pacific Islands, and later much of the rest of the world. Some believed America should use force to achieve its expansionist goals, while others felt that the nation should expand peacefully or not at all. Many were afraid it would open the controversy of slavery and threaten the stability of the Union.

Who were the "younger" politicians who emerged after 1850? How did they differ from the leaders they replaced?

The "younger" politicians were William Seward, Jefferson Davis, and Stephen A. Douglas. They saw the expansion of American democracy as a way to divert attention from the issues over slavery. They dreamed of expanding american commerce in the pacific and acquiring new territories in the western hemisphere.

What was the Compromise of 1850? How was it passed?

The Compromise of 1850 allowed California to enter the Union as a free state and introduced popular sovereignty for other new territories. Representatives supported sections they liked and opposed those they didn't and after a series of back room deals the president signed all of the components.

How did the Compromise of 1850 differ from the Missouri Compromise?

The Compromise of 1850 differed from the Missouri Compromise because it was not based on widespread agreement. It was a victory of bargaining and self-interest.

why did the lincoln-douglas debates take place, and why did they draw so much attention? how did lincoln and douglas differ on their solution to the question of slavery in the territories?

The Lincoln-Douglas debates took place because there was an open seat in the Illinois senate. They drew a lot of attention because they were both well-known and Lincoln believed slavery was morally wrong, while Douglas satisfied the followers by agreeing with slavery.

what were the immediate, sweeping, and ominous consequences of the kansas-nebraska act?

The Pottawatomie Massacre was a bloody episode, killing 5 pro-slavery advocates.

What was the Wilmot Proviso? What brought about its introduction and what arguments were advanced in its favor?

The Wilmot Proviso prohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico. It passed in the house, but failed in the senate.

What part did the issue of slavery in the territories play in the election of 1848?

The candidates tried to avoid the question. Opponents of slavery found the choices unsatisfied so they created the Free-Soil Party.

What was the "Young America" movement? What national sentiment did it reflect? Who were its spokespersons? What did it accomplish?

The movement of the Democratic Party that thought the expansion of American democracy was a way to avoid the issues of slavery. Its spokespersons were Franklin Pierce and it accomplished the Ostend Manifesto.

what were the origins of the dred scott case? what issues were involved, and what decision was handed down by the court? how did the reaction to this case add to sectional tensions?

The origins of the Dred Scott case was Dred Scott a former slave was in a free state when his owner died so he thought he was free. The issues involved were whether or not he was free and the decision was he was not free and he had no rights. Also the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. Many northerners believed he was free and there was outrage over the Missouri Compromise being unconstitutional.

How did the issue of a transcontinental railroad help to reopen the sectional controversy? Explain.

The problem was where to place it. Northerners favored Chicago and Southerners favored St Louis, Memphis, or New Orleans (slave states).

On what grounds did Polk ask Congress to declare war on Mexico?

The war exists by the act of Mexico herself

explain the maneuvering by proslavery and antislavery forces to gain control of the kansas government. what did both sides come to believe that kansas symbolized for the nation?

They both fought back and forth. They agreed that the events in Kansas became a symbol of the sectional controversy.

How did American interest in California develop?

They developed interest in California because they wanted it to make it American.

Why did Clay and Van Buren wish to avoid taking a stand on the question of the annexation of Texas? What effect did this have on their efforts to be nominated by their party?

They didn't want to jeopardize their chance for being presidential candidate for their party.

What were the South's arguments against the Wilmot Proviso? On what points did they differ from the arguments of the North?

They said that all Americans had equal rights in the new territories, including the right to move their "property"(slaves) there. The North, on the other hand, wanted to use the Missouri Compromise line to divide up the territory.

What were the characteristics of western immigrants? What problems did they face? How were these overcome?

They were all in search for a new life. They went to get rich, get public land, get established as merchants, escape epidemic diseases or they were on religious missions. They faced long and hard trips, conflicts with indians, and diseases.

what caused the split between northern and southern democrats in 1860 and what was the result of this division?

They were split over slavery and popular sovereignty in the territories. The result was Lincoln won the election.

Who of the following did NOT support the Compromise of 1850?

Zachary Taylor

What problems faced President Zachary Taylor when he took office? How did he propose to solve them, and what action did Congress initially take?

Zachary Taylor faced the problems on whether or not there should be slavery in the territories, when he took office.

The Dred Scott decision

affirmed the South's argument that the Constitution guaranteed the existence of slavery.

Abraham Lincoln

believed slavery was morally wrong but was not an abolitionist, and had been a Democrat before he became a Republican.

The war with Mexico was criticized

by Northerners who believed it was part of a slaveholders' plot to bring in more slave states.

Which of the following was NOT part of President Polk's policy regarding New Mexico and California?

ceasing all diplomatic contact with Mexico

How did the North react to the Kansas-Nebraska Act? the south? What effect did it have on the Whigs? the democrats?

divided the northern democrats (because repeal missouri compromise) in north. south supported it. It divided and destroyed the Whig Party. It divided the northern democrats.

Immigrants going west on the great overland trails faced the least danger from

hostile Indians.

The new leaders emerging in Congress after the Compromise of 1850 were

more concerned with narrow interest of self-promotion.

Travelers on the Overland Trail

often migrated as families that practiced traditional gender divisions of labor.

American immigrants into Oregon

outnumbered the British by 1850.

Who were the republicans? what caused their formation? which groups comprised this party, and what was the party's platform?

people in both major parties who opposed douglas's kansas-nebraska bill formed a new organization called the Republican party. In their first year, won enough seats in congress to permit them, in combination with know nohting allies, to organize the house of representatives

Northerners who accepted the concepts of "free soil" and "free labor" believed

slavery was dangerous not because of what it did to blacks but because of what it did to whites.

Southerners who believed in the "positive-good" theory argued

slavery was good for blacks.

The Compromise of 1850 included all of the following EXCEPT

the national government would not pay the Texas debt.

Through personal liberty laws, Northern states attempted to

use state authority to interfere with the deportation of fugitive slaves.

What was the history of American interest in Oregon?

very and threaten the stability of the Union.int occupation.exas in order to provide a buffer from incursions by native americans. They were attracted by the abundance of land for cotton usage. There were tensions between the US and Mexico...they wanted to legalize slavery in TX and they rebelled against Gen Santa

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